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tv   DNK  NTV  January 29, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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suffered a well-deserved punishment for what he did and your rights, as victims, of course, cannot be restored with some money, but you also have the right, so i wanted to ask about this, financial compensation is possible for bogdan, for his family, all relatives are already the deceased have the right to file a civil claim in a criminal trial, each of you can safely claim 3 million, let him sit for now, pay everything, then he can have apartments and a business. did you hear some kind of car urgently needed to be served to mother and son and the sisters can apply for compensation immediately. alina bogdan’s studies for the culpable death of his mother are obliged to pay the mortgage, what to do with this? regarding the mortgage , relatives have the right to contact the bank to ask for debt restructuring while the issue of inheritance is being considered. ask the bank for a deferment on
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repaying loan obligations, but as for studying, well, it turns out that either relatives will have to help, or the state is already bogdan now and the state should provide help, he can, as it were apply for a survivor's pension, and this also needs to be processed correctly and on time, can you help, yes, of course, we will accept yours with great gratitude. once again, please accept our most sincere condolences from all of us, thank you, thank you, take care of yourself and remember that you can always turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow right now with a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. the woman is embarrassed to leave the house because she is already 30 years old.
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i wouldn’t marry him, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the woman intends to prove to her husband’s family that it was her six-month-old son who was buried a year ago, and not someone else’s boy. elena korpusina turned to us for help and a dna test. “hello,
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first of all, please accept our condolences , this is very difficult, why did you need our help? my husband’s family is sure that we buried someone else’s child, but you don’t think so, well, even the neighbors, that’s who was present at the funeral, they said that the child looks very much like her husband, but what does the husband think? the husband follows the lead of his mother, his mother, that is, his mother-in-law and aunt. believes that this is someone else's child. tell us what happened to your son, well, on september 13 , 2022, my son, maxim, had a fever, i called an ambulance, they said that all the cars were leaving, there are no free ones now, only 8:00 in the morning they can, as it were make an appointment and send a car, so i said that i can’t wait that long, then we will look somewhere else to
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see a pediatrician, we went to a neighboring city, this is the city of maisky, and there was a pediatrician on duty, we arrived, they forced us to surrender blood test to do an x-ray of the lungs , we took a test for covid, at that time they showed that they were absolutely clean, lungs, the test for covid showed negative, that is, there was no covid at that time, we also took a blood test, but we were told to go yourself back to the city of prokhladny in kabordino balkaria and then by ambulance you will go to the city of nalchik, because they have instructions that children under one year of age should be treated only in the capital of kabordino balkaria, nalchik, we returned back from mayskoye, arrived in cool, there was no car, the car was on the way out, she was picking up the mother and baby , they decided to unite us in one car. to take two mothers with two children,
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so we stood there for, well, 5 hours, waited for this car, we only got to nalchik at one in the morning. all this time you have a child with a fever in your arms, and i held him like this all this time, were you breastfeeding him at that moment? well, at that moment he was already lethargic, he didn’t eat, refused to breastfeed, didn’t even drink water, well, he was so sleepy, he slept, constantly slept, slept, slept, he was already in a sleepy state, very lethargic, and why did you decide to wait for another mother with a child, they said, if i go in my car, we will not be accepted in this hospital in covid-19 nalchik, and uh, what if suddenly an attack happens, suddenly something happens to the child, i won’t be able to provide him with qualified medical care, they said that the ambulance is more reliable and they won’t accept you, they said if you go in your car, you’ll simply not be
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they’ll take you there, well, in what condition did i get there, woke up once, ate a little again fell asleep, he had some kind of oblivion, he was already asleep, he was practically sleeping all the time, his condition was serious. did the hospital immediately begin to provide the necessary assistance? we were admitted to the hospital, at that time there were no doctors , there was just a duty officer as an intern, so they gave us an appointment and gave us an iv, they said that they have one such scheme, the general treatment for all those admitted is an iv, sodium chloride, glucose , an aqueous solution to thin the blood, so to speak, everything else, says the next appointment, tomorrow the manager is here in the morning will come to you. will do a round, will listen to the child , will make an appointment, more than that, they just gave us one iv, when we were admitted, the manager came, it was 10:00 in the morning, the round was, she listened to her son, they brought us an oxygen cylinder - a portable one
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, she said: keep the mask on the child’s face, breathe so that oxygen is present, that means you are breathing, here i am holding. the child still had the strength to wear the mask, maksimka begins to struggle there, trying to pull this mask off her face with her hands, she says: hold it tighter so that you can concentrate i was walking straight and purposefully , they even sealed the holes on the mask so that there would be no spraying of oxygen, everything was sealed in the mask, i’m holding it, that means i see his face turned white, his lips turned very white, he was never pale, and these are white face, lips just like... well, like paper, i ran to the nurse, said, i say , something is bad for him, he somehow looks at me at the same time doesn’t see me, that’s how he somehow failed , i passed out for 5 minutes, as if i wasn’t dreaming, but i just lost it like this consciousness, i say, he feels bad, he’s all white
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, she came, looked, says, no , keep the mask anyway, hold it so that he doesn’t tear it off, uh, not this one, i’m holding it, says, put it in front of you on the pillow , and here you hold the mask, so i put it in front of me on the pillow, i hold this mask, he looks at me, his gaze stops, his blood comes out, the heart stops, there is a doctor who was standing behind, it turned out she was the head of the intensive care unit , she ran up, said, no, no, no, screamed, did it’s not right for him... a heart massage , i threw it over my arm, i ran, i ran, i don’t remember, i was already screaming there, i was hysterical, well , my roommates say, probably only athletes run like that, she says, she flew up to the floor , we were on the fifth floor, and the intensive care unit
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was located above us on the sixth floor, they took him to the intensive care unit, the doctors explained what could have caused such a reaction, no, they did not explain. my only guess is that maybe the dosage of oxygen was burned, that it happened, caused cardiac arrest, i later found out the local pediatrician, they say , they asked me what number was on the bolt, i say, honestly, i was in such a state, i didn’t look, i looked at the child, they told me to keep this mask, they kept asking why with what impact on the blood...
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in the brain, in the liver, in the heart, there in the lungs, they said that cardiac arrest did not affect anything. maxim, tell me, could such a child’s reaction happen? again, here it is necessary to clarify whether the oxygen cylinder was connected directly to the child, or through the tube that was in the water gurgled, gurgled, gurgled something, gurgled, which means that the oxygen was still moistened, yes, that is, there is a reaction when to pure oxygen, as if not to moistened oxygen, in this case oxygen was hydrated, this, well, this proves it, but the fact that this reaction, as if plus the child was already in this state of drowsiness and... this is a postotic state, so to speak, indicated that he was already some kind of pathological process, there is
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inflammation, there is, well, something, as if it should be here let's look further, in this case, connect an oxygen mask with a cylinder to the child, is this a necessary requirement? yes, in this case yes. elena, when your son was taken to intensive care, what was there? well, for the first two days they didn’t let me into the intensive care unit, they said that since... everyone, so that i wouldn’t bring any infection to him there, since he had a negative test for covid, he wasn’t infected, and i i was already in the risk group, they didn’t let me in, they connected my son to the device there, but they immediately connected me to the device evl, they said, yes, they started the heart, but they connected it to the ev machine, that ’s what they told me, how did you find out that your son started having problems? with the lungs, well, they connected it to the machine, yes, but as they said, what
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they tried for him was oxygen, since there was a shortage of vital organs, they didn’t receive enough oxygen, and after some time they decided to try to increase the dosage, stretch it out like - the lungs, the pressure was high , they said pneumoratax had occurred, that is , a lung rupture, at that moment i... was at lunchtime, they let me look at my son’s condition, he was blue , he was just blue, some kind of wheezing, well, his whole body, his arms, his legs were all blue, they urgently asked me to leave, they said a doctor should come, well, i saw in the corridor that it was a surgeon, as they later said that this surgeon, he installed some kind of drainage tube to release air bubbles from the lung, they said that this film was hard. as a consequence of the coronavirus, it settles on the lungs and does not allow them to expand, and because of this
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, all other vital systems of the body suffer from lack of oxygen, shortfalls. how much time has passed since the moment when you were able to see your son again? they didn’t let me in for 2 days, i already started threatening that my relatives would go to the ministry of health, then in kabordinobalkariya they would turn to nalchiki, i said, why? doesn’t allow it, here i am a mother, i can’t see my child, my mother-in -law also gathered, my husband says that’s it, we’ll go complain then, and after this conversation they let me in for literally 2 minutes to see the child, after all, they let me in , but we were in a covid hospital, it was a tall eight-story building, and they were planning to move to another building, they transferred my child to another intensive care unit, as... they reasonably said that there was better equipment and better
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conditions for caring for him , they transferred him to a neighboring four-story building, and it turns out they didn’t let me out of this building for a week, that is, i didn’t see the child at all for a week, but how did he eat, he was on your breast milk, well, at that time, when they connected him to the evl machine, they said that i was expressing breast milk, but they said it couldn’t be given because - firstly, i’m stressed, and secondly, i don’t get a varied diet so that it was possible to provide the child with all the necessary microelements, vitamins, and so on, and that he needed specialized nutrition , so they fed him through an umbrella, they said some kind of nutrition through a vein, where proteins, fats, carbohydrates were clearly calculated in proportion, because a person , in intensive care, turns very quickly into a skeleton.
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how long was he in intensive care for almost a month, 27 days, during this month the baby became healthy? well, the chief doctor in an informal conversation said that on the 12th he should have been discharged to the intensive care ward, with intensive care they should have transferred him to the intensive care ward, but i was always told that his condition was bad , there was always no improvement, they personally told me how you found out that your son was no more,
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a nurse came in, it was four somewhere, the beginning fifth, she told me, dress like... dress like that, go down to the intensive care unit, i have a cap, suits, there are, well, boots, i keep saying that it’s bad news, she says, well, come down, they’ll tell you everything there, here i went down, there the doctor on duty told me that at 4 o’clock my son’s heart stopped, they performed resuscitation, even longer than necessary, than usual, but the heart could not be started. i’m still worried, i remember all this, i have an eldest daughter, it’s for her that i kind of live, i need to raise it, and what date it happened, october 10, 2022, and they reported that it became the official cause
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of death, three reasons were written on the death certificate, they indicated sepsis, bilateral pneumonia and coronavirus infection, of course, sepsis in this case was a complication of pneumonia, and of course in a child, he has a slightly different body reactivity, so the likelihood of developing sepsis is much higher than in an adult, plus, since he was on artificial ventilation for more than 10 or 12 days, this is already from...
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time the body should be transferred to the mork , v within 2 hours we took away any body, well, anyone who died, yes , whether he is hiding or not, he is admitted to the pathological department, to the mortuary, as you say, yes, pre-funeral preparation of the body is carried out there, that is, washing, dressing him there and so on and so forth, yes, give him to his relatives and say, here you go, wash him, dress him, well, it’s like in our case they called us and used it. they gave it to us, it was completely sealed and the head, like a piece of candy, was made with tape on top, i must say that it was in a plastic bag the body is transported from the intensive care unit or from the medical institution where he
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died, it is transported to the thogonomy department, but then the body is removed and the necessary procedures are performed. autopsy, if necessary, pre -funeral treatment, embalming, and so on and so on, then it’s like nothing in the packages , well, they gave us just like that in a package, everything was just done like candy, not a face was taped on top, nothing was visible , everything is just wrapped up here. elena, you buried the child, and now i understand the truth can be find out only by exhumation, yes, only by exhumation, yes. well, i was against exhumation, my mother-in-law and husband insisted on this, because they are sure that they buried someone else’s child, they don’t want to remember, they don’t want to go to the graves, your husband, elena, is sure that it was not his son who was buried , and doesn’t understand why you don’t want to accept
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obvious facts, in olegin’s studio. “hello, oleg, please accept our condolences, thank you, your son was a long-awaited child for you, a long-awaited one, i was expecting a son first, but a daughter was born, well, i was very happy who chose the name for the boy, i chose, the child was healthy, healthy, weight was 4,400, height 54 cm, according to the scale. he was 9 points when your son got sick, you immediately called an ambulance, at first we thought that his lower teeth were coming through, his upper teeth were coming through, so the temperature rose. we were referring to the fact that we were teething when we realized that maybe this wasn’t quite the case, well , we went to the doctor, what do you think, if you had gotten to the hospital earlier, hadn’t waited
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for anyone, everything could have turned out differently, it could have it would be otherwise, well, i think that he is alive, that i will not bury my son, but what makes you think so, he didn’t look like when they gave me the body, he didn’t look like my son, when he got home, he unwrapped him... i was given it in some kind of ordinary cellophane film and wrapped in tape, it didn’t match my son, he was taller and had a larger build, and you told someone about it, everyone was in a state of shock, there was no time for that , after i took the body, i ordered a coffin, i’ll try it on, it was 85 cm. but before putting it in we went to the hospital to see a pediatrician for 6 months he was 70 cm, he was 15 cm in a month
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, he couldn’t grow, i know, let’s say that after death people stretch out, i buried my mother when i went to the undertaker, he said that an adult stretches out about 10- 15 cm about babies, i don’t really know if it’s right, it’s a life situation so to speak, it’s like after death all the muscles relax, so it’s like an increase in height is possible, yes, that is, again, not so much there, a few centimeters there, well an adult grows there, well, by 10 cm , yes, because well, he pulls the muscles out of the limb, relaxes, everything seems to be holding nothing and he lies in a groaning state, yes , well, a child, in principle, can also be by, well , roughly speaking, let’s take 5 cm, yes. well, maximum, yes, yes, yes, well , as you say, this is quite a lot, why do you, oleg, think that the child’s mother could
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be mistaken, they didn’t let her in enough, when he was in intensive care, she told me that he had a blindfold over his eyes, the sun was shining there, the sunny side looked out, the windows they came out and they said, there’s just an ordinary gauze bandage, a small one over the eyes, so that the child... doesn’t wake up, but they gave anesthesia so that it wouldn’t interfere with this, they put it on, so they told me that a gauze bandage, the fact is that he was on mechanical ventilation, and accordingly the act of blinking during mechanical ventilation, it contracts, yes, that is, the child blinks - much less often, as it were, yes, and so that the sclera does not dry out, yes, that is, in the eyes , well, on the eyes, as it were, so as not to prevent these dryings, plus, accordingly, hits, of course , of light, yes, overlap.
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if i were sure, i wouldn’t seek exhumation later, you understand, oleg, here is a child lying in a coffin, here you are looking at him, you, the whole family, neighbors, relatives, and you don’t see that this is not your son , they saw it, they buried him anyway as if they were their own, what could they do with him, they buried him, well, elena said that, on the contrary, everyone around saw that the child looked like you, oleg, the neighbors.
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elena was against exhumation, why didn’t you listen to her? i wanted to prove that this is not my son. before they gave you the child's body, were you shown the body? no, they didn’t show me, they didn’t let me into the room, the thing is that if they then demanded an examination after the autopsy, after the autopsy, a piece. organs for subsequent examination , that is, research, they remain, but in this case an autopsy was not performed and biological material in the form of paraffin blocks, glasses, liquid smears, and so on and so forth, was not left in the archive, that is, if if they had performed an autopsy anyway, it would be necessary to do an exhumation, clearly, why is a child with a healthy temperature taken to a covid hospital? because, as they said, there was a suspicion, he had a cough, a suspicion of covid, even if a negative test, even a clean test, is light, there is still a suspicion of covid, and children under one year old
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are ordered to be taken to nalchik. exactly, well, as the manager later explained, she said, here’s pneumonia, it can develop in a day, at that time they took photographs, did x-rays, everything was clear for you, after 2 hours you have another the picture would have been if you had done it, 4 hours later it would have been completely different, this is true . from my own experience, i can say that when i was in the covid hospital and initially... the result was negative, but for some reason, apparently , according to the form, due to the condition of the cough, an ambulance arrived and simply took me away as an ultimatum, later i felt much worse, i lay there for a month, the diagnosis was confirmed, yes, it was confirmed, and i took some incredible amount of everything, in general, in general , i recovered for 2 years after this, my heart failed in five clinics
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kidneys and... the doctors played it safe and, despite the negative result, they suggested hospitalizing the child. the following incident happened in my life: i was 8 months pregnant, i fell, we were expecting, also a boy, we wanted and i didn’t fall very hard, but i just waved my hands, something happened there, the next day i ended up in the maternity hospital, i was born the boy who screamed
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loudly and... informed my husband, everyone was very happy, the next day, when they began to bring children, they didn’t carry my boy, no, but i got nervous, i said, where, and where, now the doctor will come, he will say everything, he comes, yes, a doctor, a pediatrician, a very kind woman, in some voice, i even remember her voice, she left, my husband was already under the window, i burst into tears, he took me home, but i i didn’t find out what happened then, they didn’t bury me, they didn’t offer us anything, nothing, and can you imagine, i’ve been suffering all my life, so do everything you can, everything that confuses you ? your own or someone else’s son, a grandson, whose words
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will be confirmed by the result of a dna test, for the sake of which the family insisted on exhuming the child’s body. we'll continue in a few minutes. a big premiere at kinopoisk, for others, it’s something inexplicable. this is a new society, this is a new world. how many of you are there? there are a lot, and soon they will all be here. others are already subscribed. kinopoisk, premiere today, tomorrow, always. who are you mask? new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chef, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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this is a dna program, the wife intends to prove to her husband and his family that a year ago they buried their natural six-month-old son. elena, your mother-in-law insists that it was not her grandson’s body that was brought from the hospital. olga karpukhina in the studio. hello, hello, why do you think this is not your grandson? i'll start from when they brought him, oh, excuse me, i’m so worried, at first he was not visible, he
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was wrapped in film, i held him, he was very heavy and long, well, when they had already dressed him, i looked and said, he doesn’t look like... leg, first of all, he was kind of fair, although oleg, he’s dark. ours had black eyelashes, but here, he looked older than ours. i assured him that this is not ours, he doesn’t look like oleg, he doesn’t look like him at all, medications, they are also in a certain way, if not directly, but kosino can affect the color, consistency, and structure of the hair. and the skin, and well , about the organs inside, as if i am silent. olga, do you think that it was not your grandson who was buried? yes, but where is yours then? perhaps there was a substitution , not only he was there, for example, lena
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saw him not so often a day , she visited there for how long, how much time she was given, as she told us, he was constantly lying on one barrel, then on another, covered up , for some reason he has eyes... that's what she said, she didn't see him at all for several days, that is do you think the children could have been mixed up in the intensive care unit then? maybe not then , maybe a little later, later when, if after 2 days the mother was allowed in, elena didn’t have any suspicions, she came in, saw her, well, how would you really see if the child is lying on his side, his eyes are closed with a napkin itself, how can you distinguish it, i spent every day with it, naturally i was my child, the body of my child. i studied completely, i knew what shape the nails were,
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what shape the ears were, let’s say he had short legs, like my husband short legs and more of an elongated body, all that was there, no new moles there, not as they say, when they took the body from the middle, they looked, no new moles there, no scars, no hair color, everything was like that this is how it was with maxim during his life, no, i think not, my grandson... well, let’s say, my sister, she also doubts, i also have an older son, he is also sure that no, that this is not ours , elena, how can you explain that the whole family is against you, oleg, so he listens very much, he really believes in his mother, aunt he trusts them, but it turns out he doesn’t trust you. doesn’t trust me, it turns out, as a mother, that i’m
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the mother of my child, let’s say, i don’t recognize him, he believes more from his mother-in-law, aunt. olga, your sister personally took the body, she is sure that it was the body of someone else’s child. in the studio of vera fedetsova. hello hello. why don't you believe her? because the body parameters of the baby that was given to us, i believe that they were much greater than maxim, when he was admitted to the hospital, he did not have those thick eyebrows, like our maxim had, like oleg, because the child, if you look, visually, for the first time, he looked very much like oleg, here... these same thick eyebrows, these long thick eyelashes, these
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forehead bald patches, dark hair, dark complexion , well, he was just a small copy of oleg, here was a light-skinned child, there were just these thin stripes of a light light brown color, i didn’t see the similarity in him, for them it turned out to be a bolt from the blue, and accordingly the first stage of living grief is denial and... thanks to your transmission they will be able to make sure whether this is true or not, yes, this will in any case help you get through this very first stage, the stage of denial, yes, then there will be anger, bargaining, depression, everything before acceptance, all this takes time, unfortunately, faith, elena said that at the funeral the people present, on the contrary, said that the boy looked like oleg, not everyone said, there were those who said, yes, he doesn’t look like him at all. and you know, not everyone present at
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the funeral saw maxim alive, they just came to sympathize for the first time, you had to take the baby with me along with oleg, and you carried him home, why more than once, we didn’t carry him home, we got in the ambulance and went to mork, where we were stamped and given permission that we were allowed for... documents, i asked, i said, can i
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look at it? she said, of course, she led me into the room of this intensive care unit, opened the door, there was a medical couch, on the medical couch lay this cocoon, that is, this body was wrapped in some kind of, you know, gray rag, then cellophane on top, and this cellophane was wrapped with tape, well, for me, of course... that was it, well, she cut the scissors so calmly, so she unwrapped it all, well , there was this little body, it was your maxim, i didn’t understand then whether it was ours... or not , it was a shock for me, i didn’t understand it yet, this is due to the way the temporary period is going, i already realize, i ask myself questions, i have a lot of questions, but i can’t find answers to them, you know , as if i couldn’t put the puzzle together, there lay the body of a child, and what is characteristic is that right away i
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what caught my eye was in the area of ​​the chest on the left side, there was such a little green spot from the green stuff, that’s it - that’s all, nothing more, the child was not, to say, exhausted by an illness or something like that. thin , he was like this, you know, well, he looked more like a sleeping child, he had chubby cheeks , he had such plump arms, besides, he was so, you know, well, fair-skinned, a light-skinned child, i just saw something that i didn’t expect .
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effort time so i didn’t bother, so on sunday i called the doctor, the doctor told me: “yes, yes, yes, we are planning to turn off the evl medications, your baby is showing positive dynamics, everything, on monday lena called me, at 16:02 my phone rang, i picked up the phone , i said, yes, she did, i just heard that she was screaming into the phone that maxim had died, to which i started shouting after him, in response: len, lena, ask, ask that they do cardiac stimulation, ask that they do intensive care unit, to which she answered me, we were late, he was already cold, it’s already cold, and i turned off the phone,
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it was 16:02 when we were collecting. with the body, we were told that you would arrive, which means the next day is october 11, after 5:00 pm - at the same hospital you will be given a death certificate, we went with oleg, we were given a death certificate when i took this certificate, of course i looked at the diagnosis, i see the time there is 15:59, so, and lenata called me at 16:02, but let... i ’ll allow a minute, well, let’s say 16:03, 16:04, let’s say, for now here she is she screamed into the phone when she said, he’s already cold, well, i’m not then i don’t understand why the child couldn’t cool down to a cold state, well
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, let’s say even in 5 minutes, completely cold, he can’t be cold, that is, yes, he’s made of leather... it was the beginning of five, so at 16:02 screaming into the phone that he was already cold, i couldn’t, whether the family buried their six-month-old maxim a year ago, or whether there really is the body of someone else’s child in the grave, answer: in an envelope with the result of a dna test, the envelope will be hidden very soon, be be careful,
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it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important to learn. i came to ask for forgiveness from my daughter, i did a very ugly thing, i insulted him very much , i wanted to make her jealous, she considered it a betrayal, people come to this studio ready to ask for forgiveness from a loved one, i just want her to hear and understand, and the people who have to make the most important decision, whether to forgive or not, i want her to look me in the eyes, behind... this door is sitting a man who is waiting for your forgiveness, the decision to open the door behind you, and this decision must be made right now. ask! premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina on fridays at 16:50 on ntv. mask - new season
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february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovita for delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. play is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card. their penetration spray gemperon light - the power of green light with mint aroma, feature desherak in fermentation technology, so my
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of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. and in abazol, anxiety can and should be treated. the company is family-owned, unity is our strength. the family used to have to negotiate with me, but now late. we have vulnerable points in our company where kudryavtsev can attack us. and it’s not even a question of money and the family is damned from the constipation of amazing creatures, everyone will lose from this war, well, give up, igor gordin, there is a family, there are more of them, but i’m smarter, yulia snegir, you know how your family humiliated me, alexey guskov, some kind of santa barbara, a bonanza, today the assholes, these are my assholes, the premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, the husband and mother-in-law
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assure the grief-stricken mother that a year ago they buried someone else’s boy, not her own. son. vera, you don’t admit that it’s possible that under the influence of drugs, the child could really change. maybe that's why you didn't recognize yours. in him in this child , no, i don’t allow it, i believe that you know what moment, the child was on medical nutrition, through ivs, there was wine inside, when i called the doctor, so i called him almost every day, he came with me contact, he explained everything to me, told me something, when i asked him, maxim’s condition, he told me that some indicators, let’s say we are improving, some of us are extremely difficult, some of us, let’s say,
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are falling below that, but... he doesn’t walk, he thinks it’s someone else’s child, i don’t go to the grave, i think that this is not mine , the family is trying to move on, but elena goes to her son’s grave alone, because no one except her believes that their maxim is buried there, we have a plot, the last shots of the once-cheeked and smiling maxim were taken on his mobile phone mom, tell me, maxima, what are
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your plans for life and what? the woman dreamed that the son will live a long happy life, but at 7 months and 7 days maxim passed away, now every week elena cries at his grave near a simple wooden cross, flowers and soft toys, when they were buried, they brought these toys, as if he himself only had rattles there were, we put them on his grave, and people at the funeral already put soft toys in the coffin. and we left them like that on top, so we’ll erect a monument, as if even then, the excess will be removed, of course, the wreaths, that’s all there, a year has already passed, elena’s husband can’t accept that his beloved and only son left so early, oleg tries to find solace in his daughter, with whom he spends as much time as possible, let me count to ten with you, you know how to count,
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count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 maxim was born on march 3, 202, height 54 cm, weight - 4 kg 400 g. looking at the boy, everyone said he was growing up to be a real hero, and indeed, the baby was not sick with anything, and trips to the clinic were exclusively planned. in this video , elena and her son are just heading to the next examination by the pediatrician. maxim, come on show me your leg. so show the leg like this, we’ll do the lips, like this, maxim, we’ll go pack the bag now, maxim, we’re going to the doctor, ksenia is so beautiful, she doesn’t want to be filmed, the worst test for parents is to bury their own child, her pain doesn’t subsides, says elena, but the mother’s heart still tells me that in this grave lies hers, and not someone else’s son
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, i’m getting used to it, as they say, i’m getting used to it, well, they say , a man, time passes, and a man gets used to it, the pain, it doesn’t go away, it’s just that you were with your child every day for six months, without your hands climbed, as they say, here you are alone , without a child, without a little one, gradually, as they say, it reaches the brain, to awareness, at first, as they say, the first months after the paharun did not know.
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i think not, if paternal felt it, i think that he is alive, i feel it, vera, what will you do if the result of the genetic examination turns out to be zero, as you expect, i will only ask those people who have our baby , let them give it back to us, and we forget everything, everything, everything, everything, let it be... a terrible dream, but let the baby lives in that family, with that mother and father who gave birth to him, and we will forget everything, no hard feelings, no, how to say, there will be no showdown, we will just forget it all, like a bad dream, we will just
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take him for granted. let's start a new life. olga, you also hope for this, i would like him to be raised in his own family, with his relatives. elena, what do you think? i think no, you just have to accept it, realize it, with this meaning it’s kind of hard to get used to death, but you have to accept it, i ’ve already buried everyone, with my family, my mother died, my father, my brother, so what are you doing, oleg, no matter what the result of the dna test turns out to be, you will support your wife, i will support you, you are ready to find out whether you buried your child, i am ready. i invite yulia sivertseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio.
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is elena going to her son’s grave, or is her husband’s family right, and a year ago they buried someone else’s boy. we will find out the result of the dna test already... watch today at 19:00 belated reaction: western allies have sharply intensified work in the field of peaceful atom, why did they suddenly decide to remember about nuclear energy? who exactly is going to compete in this market with the absolute leader of the industry, russia? a total blockade of paris for the next 5 days, french farmers brought several thousand to the capital.
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grandma matri should also be warm in the house, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, ismigen, i will quickly treat a cold,
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it tastes better on fire, burger king, results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. does a woman intuitively feel if you have what she needs? one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium. a natural remedy for men, it gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance. the strength of a man
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series today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. in the studio, the korpukhin family is eagerly awaiting the result of a genetic examination to find out whether they buried their child a year ago. julia, you have the floor. the korpukhin family is awaiting the result of the dna test with painful hope. a year ago, six months. elena is sure that she buried her child, but her husband’s family believes that maxim is alive; in the hospital they were given the body of someone else’s boy. the baby’s grandmother assures that right away. realized that
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the body in front of her was not her grandson, but she allowed him bury, because she was not herself due to grief, despite the mother’s protests, the family insisted on exhumation in order to provide biological material for genetic examination, the result of the examination is in this envelope, are you ready to find out if you buried your son a year ago? ready. elena, do you agree to open the envelope? yes, i agree. i open the envelope. it is probable that elena and oleg korpukhin are the biological parents of the deceased. a year
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ago the child is 99.9%, it can’t be, no,
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“a mother’s heart cannot be deceived, oleg , please accept our condolences again, that’s all, and now you will find the strength to come to your son’s grave, i will, and support your wife, yes. vera, unfortunately, there was no mistake.” this it’s very painful to realize
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when you know the truth, here it might even be worth it, no matter how hard it was, to apologize to elena for the fact that there was such a disagreement and now , of course, you will become stronger, you will become more friendly. a dna test cannot be fooled if you require genetic testing, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, new test, dmk. let's go,
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grandma matri's house should also be warm, like ours. we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello!
7:00 pm
russia and belarus are good neighbors not only in europe, but in antarctica. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia-belarus was held at the konstantinovsky palace. ilya fedosov with details. the new wintering complex vostok has been launched, in what conditions will polar explorers live and work, and also about why the most expensive ice in the world is mined there the world and what russia is for. antarctic stations are needed. exclusive footage in a special report by alexey kuvashenkin. paris is under siege , all key routes are blocked by farmers sergei kholoshevsky about the naked french, dung heaps and burnt hay.


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