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tv   Versiya-2  NTV  January 30, 2024 3:20am-4:51am MSK

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igor nikolaevich, good afternoon, what do you need, what did you call, table three. good evening, what's the problem? you can continue the game.
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i hope you are not mistaken, no, small, but quite clean rubies, and rare ones , perhaps i’ll take them, especially since i have one lover, do my duty and save me from the excess. hemorrhoids, the owner of these stones
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is very violent, well, the money will come to your account tomorrow, everything is as usual, you know me, we know, we know, well, well, well, hello? "valery ilch, i think i have what you are looking for, viktor ivanovich, viktor ivanovich, hello, viktor ivanovich, murzina, samoilov and ostakhov, we are waiting for you in the conference room. okay, and just yesterday, again
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, a summons came from the prosecutor’s office for today, the investigator is zhelovis, throw it out, you’ve completely gone crazy, zhelovis, that’s the last name, hello, viktor ivanich, viktor ivanovich, well, you slackers, they offered me a position, boss. with prospects for viktor ivanovich, this is great news, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you, viktor ivanovich, i’m very happy for you, i sincerely wish you, sorry, viktor ivanovich, it’s not my fault, no one is accusing you, bye, come in, understand, close the door and don’t let anyone in, murat.
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contact the lawyer from my office , don’t remove the second pen, please, i see you are enjoying this farce, i’m just doing my job, and your administration, sorry, didn’t buy any other cars for the police, let’s at least go in my car , if you are afraid, you can sit by the hand yourself, your car should have come when they called you, at least take off the handcuffs, it’s inconvenient, i mean, i’m still here work, you are so sure, zhelpets, i am suspending you, department with what motivation? viktor
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ivanovich, on behalf of the investigative committee i offer you my sincere apologies, you can’t get away with mere apologies , this is outrageous, this is not 1937, i... a respected person, like some kind of trigger, come on, i lost my keys, they probably fell out somewhere... then, ibrahim agomedovich, please interrogate mr. murashka in his office, and i will send someone with the keys, yes, i ’ll still work here, here you are, i’m complaining, goodbye, forgive me, it’s okay. i'll serve report, so what? do you think you will be rewarded? i sent him four summonses, the law is the same for everyone. don't be ridiculous, you couldn't interrogate him in the office? i could, but i needed him not to feel like he was the master of the situation and to tell me why on may 20 nikiy babitsky paid 180,000
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rubles from the account of his enterprise. for a banquet in honor of mr. murashka’s birthday, and this is the same bobitsky whose company entered into a contract for the supply of equipment for children’s playgrounds in our area at fabulous prices. so, what is next? in terms of? yes us all? i am offered the position of head of the interdistrict department in the regional investigative committee, will you come with me, there is no one to investigate the case at all, since
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you are offering it, but no one except me will tolerate you for a long time, after all, you have already earned your pension, they will kick you out like a dear, and what will you do? without this work, agree. you have 3 days to think, look, will you regret that these black rubies are really large, or are these all fairy tales, well, there’s even a lot here, who, who brought this? mr. shakhovsky, let's say, let's talk about what, you'll find out,
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well, come in, come in, don't be afraid, peace be upon this house.
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an idiot who came here to work, it seems to me. “if you opened this safe, it means you’re worth something, it means you’re definitely not one of the dollar scouts of our office, i think you were pushed here from the city for being too fast , i guessed right, but what’s there to guess, i’m from the same place,
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you know, i worked in consequence of 34 years, not my last day, quite the last, that’s why i probably want to say something, maybe this will help you? although what’s the point here? damn help? i’ve always really wanted to be an investigator since childhood, you know, how there are books, films, romance, in general, if you ’re the same, it will be easier for you, it will be more difficult to work , and easier to endure, there’s so much i want to say, there are no words, no words, so come on let's just drink to you, to the prosecutor 's office, and... standing and not clinking glasses, may you be luckier than me, colleague, lucky is the one
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who is lucky, and for clarity, i have a gift for you, in the safe, get it , i got scared, here we are, old as grenades, we can blow everyone up, or we can, hello, what are you you do there, i sleep, yes, well, yes, with my own furniture. you’re not doing well, oh, welcome to our sleepy swamp, brilin is just
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stepanich to friends and colleagues, but i’ve heard about you, zhelovis, listen, how did you manage to deal with the safe, no one could open it for 100 years, by god’s word and kindness, kindness - this is of course good, though not very profitable, zhelvis, alexander fedorovich, for friends just alexander fedorovich zhelvis. but i didn’t hear you, but thank god, we need to come up with something with the furniture, yeah, otherwise it’s not very cozy, oh, where did you get it? in the corridor, and it was he who came running from the bailiffs, they call him poor guy, why poor guy? but he doesn’t have any money, okay, settle down, who was sitting here before me? here, jugs, old. he was sent into retirement a year ago, he died on the first day, and why did he die, from
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harm, oh, i recommend, the rising star of jurisprudence and the accomplished star of our office, yana eduard stepanovich, they asked you to remind you that in an hour the hearing on the case will begin bankruptcy of the chemical plant, i’m running, alexander fedorovich, let’s go, you’re the boss calls, i will accompany you. receive it and sign, oh, it’s not in vain that i went with you , chemical plant, i love such things, oh, employees of the prosecutor’s office, the minister of internal affairs, wow, deputies, thank you, thank you, you ’re making jokes, i’m really scared that i got it wrong, lost girl aroused. last week, one businessman disappeared, the director of a large travel agency, queen tamara, exclusive
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tours and, in short, you read, something quickly aroused, a big shot, look at the root, they called from there, asked to take control, the missing was a well-connected director, director , it’s understandable, i’ve never investigated the case of a well-connected plumber, and you yourself said that everyone is equal before the law, both the director and the plumber, yeah. just don’t bet on the heat, maybe nothing happened to this businessman, he’ll have some fun and come crawling to his wife to apologize, in general, apparently he’s a binge drinker, the main thing for us is that from the formal side it’s not to undermine, that all the papers are in order, i mean, go to work, you understand everything yourself, but...
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excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, can you tell me where it is, thank you, in general, recuse yourself, what a recusal, why can’t you investigate, what nonsense? this is not nonsense, tamara tsareva, wife of the missing shakhovsky, my former classmate, accordingly, i cannot be. impartial towards her, and ask that the case be transferred to a disinterested employee. shelvest, you fell from the moon, you never know who you studied with? i go to football on weekends, what should i do now? should i quit? because half the city is gathering at the stadium, who am i entrusting this shit to, in the isotska, it was painted brylino, let her is investigating, he is investigating, everything needs to be worked out scrupulously right away so that a mosquito doesn’t sharpen your nose, this is your job, zhelvis, you love such things, well, how long have you not seen this queen tamara, for a long time, since graduating from school,
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she doesn’t even like you ...justify the trust placed in you with hard work, it is not good in a new place to start with a refusal, if circumstances arise that impede the impartial introduction of the investigation, i reserve the right to recuse myself from higher management. okay, you'll have to contact me. just now, please, work. come on, hit, let's go, come on, come on, let's go, oh, ours to you with a brush, my respects, where is luyasha, well, yes, no way yet, the lout, he's already gone, according to the well-known points too, he got cold feet, which means he's a creature, he calmed down, listen, maybe he
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was just nervous, but he seems to be a host, i’ll hang out with some lady with the third number, don’t show it to you. but that’s also true, the main thing is that she knows where he is, okay, we’ll find him, then take him to a quiet place, tell me, i ’ll come and talk, and then, and then hang him up him, for what, for what, for eggs, bad omen
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, for eggs, so for eggs, the client is always right, can you tell me where the thirty-second office is, oh, i beg you, this is a crazy morozova, i can no longer communicate with her , she will turn me into a schizophrenic, completely crazy, can you tell me, i reviewed the material on her complaint about the police refusal to accept an application, what kind of application? about the neighbors stealing the sound of her tv there, this won’t do, we need to counterattack, let’s hide, i was already on the second floor, come here, here, you confidently, hide, hide, quickly, what’s her name, nina evgenievna, yeah, where, what, where?
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“i want to see investigator vysotskaya, until i see her, i won’t budge, i’m an investigator, no, you didn’t understand me, i want to talk to investigator vysotskaya, nina evgenievna, it ’s me, i just had a sex change operation, now i'm alexander fedorovich, yeah, nina evgenievna, yeah, hmm. i understand, thank you, the danger has passed, i think she won't be back soon, that's it, she's gone, open up,
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there's nothing to breathe here, listen, you're not there did, yes, what could i do here , forgive me, let's... when i worked as an opera, personalities like morozev made up the lion's share of my contingent, you worked in the police, yeah, in the ugro, then they called it the blue blood of the police, this is a stain on my biography, no, what are you, i’m just trying to keep the conversation going, maybe we’ll call the slattery after all, there’s no need anymore, olga vladimirovna, how are you, i already know, hey, young man, what are you doing, are you deaf or something? auxiliary boarding school? yes, you got your complaints, the prosecutor’s appointment is on thursdays, office boy will be number five
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, you can count to five, 1 2 3 4 5 five, you understand me, be quiet, don’t shout, i’m not deaf , i can count, i need petrakov oi, and i’m your new investigator, here’s the direction please, lera, i remember everything, only i... sergeevich, our new investigator, that’s your last name, no, no, tyurin, yeah, let me introduce you to our new investigator nikita sergeevich, yeah, nikita is just from the university. will do an internship with you, well, at the same time he will help, yeah, you know that god forbid me, oleg ivanovich from assistants, please let me leave work early today for personal
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reasons, and i will interrogate tsareva at her place of residence, and you know, i need to meet my mother-in-law today, can i have some kind of transport, i have a car, i’m in a car, and you see , elvis, yeah, what useful assistants i single out, just work. nikita, sergeevich, our new investigator, i already heard this, where do you live? i'm on pushkinskaya. do you have any other things in your apartment? eat. the cops came close, the wife was setting herself up, like she made a statement that hubby is missing. yeah, smart. nothing, they’ll rub it, have some coffee, drink it and leave. and for us in general at the university. they said that an official appearance worsens psychological contact, well, they say, you need to dress simpler, people will be drawn to you, but then you didn’t come in shorts and slippers, it’s cold, but people would have reached out in
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caps, in white coats, but so what? there’s no way to catch criminals wearing this kind of clothing, the investigator doesn’t catch anyone, what’s he doing , he writes, come in, zhelvest, by the way, you ’ll do this now, i haven’t seen the guy, over there, on the second floor, there’s someone walking behind the curtains, yeah, ok, ok, then ok, but you have to go into the house, it’s risky, it’s not risky to eat gruel in magadan, then we’ll wait, yes, sasha, he’s soared high. i mean, wife, children, wife, children, back in school i thought that you would achieve a lot, i mean, well, let’s say you achieved more,
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stop it, firstly, it’s not me, and secondly, all this it doesn’t cost anything, i mean, i don’t have anything i love, i don’t have children, now my husband is gone , well, that’s what i came for, thank you , make yourself comfortable, i’ll make coffee now, and when i found out that you were in business, i was very happy. it’s inconvenient, it would be nice to have a beer, fuck it, i pulled two beers for the last time before the jump and they gave me 2 years in court for this, think about the weather for the bottle, it’s good that it’s not a box, that ’s okay, i should have drunk vodka, it wouldn’t be like that it was a shame, but... what, yes, he always drank , only at first the world found out, and then, when things went well, it started, all the time on
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business trips and to resorts, of course, and there were women, i turned a blind eye to how no , and the husband, so he let himself go, and one day he disappeared, no at night, no in the morning, no phone he answers, i’m going to the police, they didn’t want to accept a statement, like he’ll take a walk , come, well, i... raised such a scandal, accepted, and by lunchtime he crawled, and even covered in lipstick, it was so embarrassing, so you waited 3 days, well, yes, we had a fight the day before, almost didn’t talk, then someone called him, he got ready to leave, since then his phone hasn’t been answered, and you don’t know, he had a constant mistress or a casual relationship, i would do that with. .. she said he had constant casual relationships, but i suggest not to talk about mr. shakhovsky in the past tense, yes i
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not in this sense. it’s just that lately he’s been drinking so much that he’s no longer a man, there were aunts, there was only vodka or whiskey left, he loved to mix it, well, you’re a famous gourmet among us, and vitya, he’s been snacking on processed cheese for twenty years, processed cheese is good only for cooking meat in french, for nothing else, he had enemies, if only the husbands of his girls, the company’s business was stable, sphere. divided, relations with competitors, civilized. this was in the nineties, when he pushed currency at the exchanger. there were problems then, now. this has the currency gone up that much? don't know. he once said that he had done a couple of big deals. he brought money, a lot. but i suggested creating a travel agency. you remember, i graduated from eastern studies, went to practice, speak several languages, raised connections, went to
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thailand and vietnam. well, then everything somehow went on, when there was nothing to eat, it seemed that there would be money and there would be happiness, the money came, the happiness went, chalk and chalk all over the earth, to all limits, the candle burned on the table, the candle burned, they lay on the illuminated ceiling shadows, crossing hands, crossing legs, destinies, crossing, wash your hands toilet. poly on the left, don’t be afraid, this star, it’s only scary in appearance.
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and you don’t know, maybe there were some places where your husband liked to sing, i know, they are in my application, list them, or look there, yeah, i’ll look there, do me a favor.
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well, tamara, that’s all for now, thank you, but how did you find out that it was me? give me your daddy, please, yes, in your office, i keep asking for the matter to move forward, i call every day, it will move, everything will move, where are you going, nikita sergeevich, i’m going to the local department, and in the meantime, you write down tamara gennadievna’s testimony in detail, after which you will come there for me, you understand, just do it, sasha. sash, find him, please, i’ll try , so, one league guy came out, the second one is inside, this strange one is sniffing something, with such a nose they can only sniff, their job is to sniff, let’s wait until dark, they won’t they're spending the night here. what's up there?
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there he is, my dear, there, extinguishing himself on the palm tree, let’s put him down. oh, here's the second one out. along the way , the cops are being dumped. bunny, come here, they gone. don’t call me bunny, i hate this last name, i’m so affectionate, well, it’s not my fault that you have such an affectionate last name, oh, you’re my little goat. what's there at the local branch? in
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the local branch, lenin's sloppiness is renting out. did you go to find out about this? no. make them list houses with security cameras. the diagram of their location, tsareva is pretty , she was probably a beauty at school, and that she is an alcoholic, in the sense, well, in the sense of this husband, she could have found someone better, but the truth is that you, that you and her, nikita sergeevich, there are a lot of questions, i understand, i’m silent, and also, you couldn’t call me, otherwise i feel like a fool, and already... polite treatment makes a person feel acting like a fool. nikita sergeevich, you are our new investigator, get used to it, in front of strangers you are only referred to by your patronymic name. and without strangers, and without strangers, i can give you a slap on the head. do you understand
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where we are going? to the local department of uzbekistan for solving murders. yeah, what, what? where? wait, right? i understand you, i understand, i understand that i’m leaving, i’m leaving, no, zhelvis, do you understand the russian language, no, i’m not asking for much, my implementation is starting, 11 people, 22 addresses, followed by them all over the area, oh, and you’re asking me to rush look for some mischievous lost thing, you need to check the records of unidentified corpses and get printouts of conversations from a cell phone, yeah, have a conscience, jelvis, you yourself are a former operative, that’s why i ask, it’s not enough, don’t ask, i don’t have any free people, no , and if the minister approached you, you would find him man, of course, so give him to me, the minister won’t ask you today, uh-huh, uh-huh, you
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remember lyoshka vduvin, but he hasn’t been fired yet, a golden man when he’s sober, and he can be like that, they say, it happens. then the other day he opened a double wet bag and went into a stopper, the drunkard has already lost his drink three times, i told him, if you lose it again, i’ll kick you out to hell, so, so he’s screwed her for the fourth time, you’ll find him, he’s yours, we agreed, minister, so, well, let's see what you were taught, come on, quickly, where the criminal is going, to the crime scene, so, where does the criminal investigation department go when he’s drunk, let’s move. home, probably yes, they don’t teach this at universities, to work in his own office, there is no one,
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after all, it seems he was drawn home. the best commander of a patrol ship in the black sea fleet? so he was from the military service, the fleet was cut short, he left, the best district police officer in the central district, the police began beating, he was caught as a maniac and became an operative , the best criminal police officer in 1999, the best criminal police officer in 2003, hanged on the honor roll of the gvd in .. neither nevermind, what was it that flattened him so much, the surrounding reality, oh well, this reality didn’t flatten you, it never surrounded me, senior commissioner
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vdan, with whom can they have honor? “i don’t put my hand to an empty head, i brought beer, i have beer, there’s beer, no, palundra, this is a separate order, this is a certificate with the characteristics of the missing person and photographs. this is a petition to the court to receive billing from his mobile phone. lyosha, he will fire you, yes, they
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’ve been promising to fire him for 3 years, it’s a slip, it’s real in the safe, it’s reliable, what kind of operator, it was there it’s written, mobi, okay, we’ll get around it without trial. my buddy is safe there, will he arrange it for lunch tomorrow? will suit, yeah. vdovin, alexey, from the wanted list, tyurin, nikita, from the trainees, you've been puffing for a long time, the first week, i sympathize, there is beer, there is no beer, fedorych. something is stormy today, i’m
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really tired, professional, let’s go, let’s not interfere with the professional’s relaxation, yes. maybe you didn’t recognize her, but perhaps why? if you have a mother-in-law, you will understand that you have never seen her? somehow it didn’t work out, lera,
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but you can call your mom somehow, because we’ve been here for 20 minutes and i don’t see anyone, but i ’ve been here for an hour, everything’s fine, sorry, hello, gavrilovna, welcome, the bus arrived earlier, but no, it’s numb. he showed up an hour late, he should have stopped at a gas station, the gas was low, god forbid.
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damn, the fourth barrack, getting up, the woman left , they gave me a waffle, no shit, she left alone, man, as things are going in the house, you see, the light on the second floor is on, yeah, you have to think about it, an alarm system, there is no such alarm that i wouldn’t have cut out, you know, the stroke, if... it wasn’t, you haven’t been cooing in strict school for 4 years, don’t teach the father of the children should do what, it’s okay, let’s go, yes, let’s get stronger faster.
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former doctor, and
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left practice a long time ago, i’m a military man, son, mom, and there are no former military men, mom, well, i beg you, please, mom, that’s what you ’re doing, tell me what you’re doing, you that you don’t understand that i can’t cope, not only am i sitting with a child, i’m also in an apartment, the devil knows what, well, what’s my fault? that our house is undergoing major renovations, i also can’t unpack my soldiers, this is terrible, lyara, are we going to have dinner or not? let's go, i i prepared these pig ears, let’s go, let’s go, this is a little thing for the big guy, and where are my ears, hmm, it
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’s like they’re in the right place, it’s funny. you misunderstood me, where are my pig ears , the ones i cooked, in a garbage can, in a house where there is a child, they don’t eat waste, that ’s me, you know, i know how the doctor speaks, exactly. i've lived dinner, i'm already full, mom, why the hell did you go down this road, in short,
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in short, in short, when you know where to go, ah, ah, now not only are we late for the divorce, but another hour of personal time is down the drain, come on. you, i know for sure, this is the road leading to the highway, oh, someone is standing, now let’s ask, is it a good mercedes, yes, not bad, that there are mushrooms on it, or what? well, did you say what mushrooms are in may? well, damn it, what do they think, there are no vars in the forest, it’s strange, yeah, a traffic jam in the base for theft, oh well, they don’t steal such cars for you and then abandon them in the forest, go pee, spontaneous, answer
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to the fifth, how can you hear me, fountain, we need to search the car, val, he is there, who, the owner, is lying under a tree, with a noose around his neck, i don’t understand where should i go, are you really so stupid, or are you pretending, i told you, well, there, there they are worth a fight, go quickly. once i saw a man in the forest, he was lying on his side, his pants were down, there was a bottle in his hands, he was drinking, snacking, writing and defecating at the same time, sometimes it seems to me
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that this is the consciousness of a modern person. it doesn’t matter what to eat, what to drink and where to shit, vs viktor shakhovsky, yes, a noticeable little button, quietly, sash, quietly, don’t move, damn, are you filming him, or me, the guy, damn , it’s a pity that he flew away, i want photos for the competition send, the forest and its inhabitants call: first prize, a new camera, otherwise the authorities don’t allocate money, so take it off, no one else will have such an inhabitant, the claps from kirovsk are also participating, and they have such gifts, i think no less , i’ve become completely bad, i made a joke, but i’m no longer sasha
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, i’ve been joking around forests and basements for 22 years, and now i’ll laugh in retirement in a nursing home , who i was planning to kill, what weapon would i choose, which one is more reliable, here after all even if you decide, even if you shoot, no one will hear the devil, here i am about the same thing, why did he put it in such a... in the trash, he brought it at night, and at night nothing is visible, wait, i understand, comrade
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investigator, they said that the expert has legs, he will arrive now, great, well, at least here lucky, look. took it off, took it off, then go, call the witnesses, they are somewhere with the sergeant looking for berries, san, what kind of berries are you, my month, and you think that it’s easy to find two innocent people who will agree to spend half a day in forest, watching me describe a stale corpse? i think not, so i have to promise berries in may, mushrooms in december, go, i hope they haven’t lynched the sergeant yet. what's so white about us turning black? master of health.
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yes, it seems that this master clearly did not improve someone’s health. he was hiding on the second floor. we just got up here with pineapple and paper. well, rutabaga rolled an olive into his forehead. tightly. are you idiots? what were we supposed to do? wait until he finishes us off? that's a hefty one. yes, he’s not hefty, he’s not hefty. hefty, can't you see that this is a bitch, what difference does it make, what if she i was mad, then what, what, what, oh, idiots, did you make a noise there? yes, it seems like no , the woman hasn’t returned home yet, she’s grazing rutabaga there, but the guy was definitely there, i don’t know where he’s going, maybe she took him to the trunks, well , she won’t carry him around in the trunk for eternity, as soon as she realizes that the dog is missing, if he gets nervous , he’ll take him out to see his man, so don’t take your eyes off him, it’s clear, what’s so complicated about that? and what
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is shakhovsky? why are you attracted to him? did he throw a serious prank? i’m not mean to this, this is my broken life, and now i am. i am now i’ll be in touch, i need him alive, alive, you understand, alive, sleep well, bitch, i didn’t have much of a drying session, well, listen, well, i told you, i’m sorry that nikita sergeevich called from the camera and just asked remind you that you owe them
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a copy of your diploma. jaana viktorovna, let me bring this diploma later, i have an important interrogation right now, i’m going to rip it off anyway. it’s kind of hot, yeah, yeah, so that means before... tamara, you worked at the atlas company, so yeah, why did you leave? well, because he had a wife,
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no skin, no face, you know, no, she i imagined that there was something between us and began to create scandals. and, i mean, well, did something happen? sorry! so, what responsibilities did you have? oh, well, everything is complicated there, it’s so difficult for you to talk, excuse me , since childhood i dreamed of paris, milan, brussels, acapulco, here is victor and the company, yeah, a royal holiday for ordinary people, in general victor sergeevich is a very charming person, he is literate, a reasonable leader, he knows the market well, he knew, but i didn’t understand. what the market knew, they killed him, so this goat needs it. v
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i mean, because you’re an asshole , you don’t have anything to drink, water, or stronger, water, what a pity, what a pity, he’s a stupid, mediocre brute, with his sticky palms, he constantly crawled under my skirt, you know how unpleasant it is when that's all, well, that's probably all. what does it mean that you haven’t expressed your opinion regarding the time of death? i think about three days, maybe a little more, more precisely, the autopsy will show. well, a pathologist is generally the best diagnostician, and you have a sense of humor, but i heard that you are a cracker. i'm not kidding, really really no sense of humor. do you know that polymers are
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never absorbed by the natural environment. you just threw your gloves into eternity. eternity, eternity , not eternity, what's the difference, here i am without a vacation for an entire eternity, that's a fact, then the last normal day off when i had, never, i sleep like a horse, and let the young people deal with nature, who have nothing else to do, you have i have questions, one person was told that he was a tree, he got scared and looked at himself in the mirror and saw a toad there, that there was bleeding on his left cheekbone, an abrasion on his hands, well, in general, this is not my question either, but i would say this, if not at the moment of death, then immediately before it, and what am i not sending to you, eh?
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you know, it’s just that many people, they don’t like to encrypt their trips, advertise them, well, yes, many do not travel with their families, but of course, confidentiality is first of all, it is very expensive, and viktor sergeevich, excuse me, drink some water. he was a very
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cheerful person, but what kind of relationship did you have with shakhovsky? like what kind of workers, of course, where can you complain? on a call? this is true? of course it’s true, why would i deceive you? it's true that my husband is dead! you know, it’s probably better for you to wait for alexander fedorovich. this is true? unfortunately, it's true. hello, tamara. what is this? where? oh, these are mushrooms, arboreal ones. i soak them and fry them according to the chinese recipe. for what? yes, it's delicious.
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what mushrooms? “i need it, you and i, in general , it was i who killed him, nikita sergeevich, not for service, for friendship, put it somewhere in a dark place, just don’t confuse it with eternal evidence, otherwise they’ll take it for drugs, and we’ll go for a walk , yes, tamara, where can we go for a walk? i heard, zhelvis, it was i who killed him, do you hear ?” “i heard, i killed him, we’ll put you in prison, if you didn’t kill him , we’ll let you go, but for now let’s go get some air, let nikita sergeevich finish the interrogation, nikita sergeevich, that’s right, and your handbag is wonderful , a gift, probably a handbag, a handbag as a gift, no, i bought it myself, it doesn’t matter, it’s good, dear, i guess, well, let’s continue, right? or
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maybe you want to drink some water, but you don’t have any? excuse me, thank you, but you are still just as goolent, attentive, upbringing, sorry for not appreciating this earlier, but maybe it’s good, i obviously wasn’t the hero of your novel, nothing would have worked out, who knows. i know, so are you going to write a confession? in terms of? what do you mean? 2 days of communicating with you i’ve already picked it up. in terms of? i'm contagious like yellow fever.
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tell me. let's take a walk. i’m compromising you, but no , rather the opposite, i thought i’d come to my senses, but i hoped in vain, and i’m a woman, by the way , not yet old, in general, it turns out i can fall in love, and like at 20, to the point of dizziness, to the point of fainting, believe me , i believe, only i, like him, can’t, for rented houses, but for hotel ones numbers, i want it like in the movies, so that every day is a holiday, so that there are flowers in the morning, and to live like on
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wings, sorry, stupid, but only if about the wings, sorry, work makes the price tag, oh well, i don’t remember or something , who read parsnips to me at dawn, there will be no one in the house except... one winter day in the through opening of the uncovered gardens. well, did it help? yes, you have become different, carefully, completely different. in general, i fell in love and decided to set the record straight. but i didn’t like it, the house is registered in my name, in business, half is mine. but he himself did it so that , if anything happens, well, you understand, but he was used to living on a grand scale, drinking sweetly, sleeping softly with his bitches, that is, he didn’t like the idea of ​​​​divorce, that’s not the word, the sober begged,
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the drunk threatened, and just before he disappeared , he went completely crazy and hit me like that , i couldn’t breathe for 3 minutes, he said that he would rather order me than let me leave, and i’m a fool, i took everything to my own and told him, and he... “man , i didn’t take this into account, and you think, no, i don’t think so, zhelvis, i know, zhelvis, you’re everything i would have gotten to the bottom of it anyway, let’s come to an agreement, i beg you, i killed vitya, you tell me how it all happened, but i remember, well, what difference does it make to you, because essentially i’m to blame, only i, well, imagine, someone is in charge of me i would have offended him in the tenth grade, but you would have killed him yourself, i beg you, zhelvis, don’t kill the guy, i’m done.
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criminal liability for failure to appear and an undertaking not to leave, everything is clear, a win-win method, calm down, maybe he’s not in business yet, your not obvious, who is he anyway, a diplomat, an oligarch, he’s a bunny. zhelvis's office, zhelvis, he left, i hope, not in circulation, in dovin alexey, from the wanted list,
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tyurin, nikita, from the interns, we will know each other, yeah, for a long time, the first week. i sympathize, but there is no beer, do we know each other? only apparently unilaterally, it means you came correctly, you won’t drink away the experience, why are you rowdy, sasha, smoking under the stairs, listen, it was you who came to me yesterday, i came, and you asked me to ring the phone, i asked, it means i didn’t dream, but i think who it was i could not only not send, but also take a resolution, so you’re here, right? well, one
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more good investigator, don't touch mine soldiers, i brought it, so, here’s your lost one, well, there are phone numbers, there was a little lost one in wet form, that there is a version, there is, you need to install this phone, it’s already registered to the bunny ruslan anatolyevich for the number. called once, stop , wait, how, how did you do this, you didn’t know the matter, but what is there to know, what is there to know, it’s a lost cause, that means we need the last number, well, we’re looking for a bunny, no it is necessary, he works as a trainer in a fitness club on the koltazhskoe highway, he must be carefully ventilated, what he lives with, what he breathes, how spent the last 3 days, good, oh, the woman came back, it seems like she’s alone, do you hear, you didn’t fall asleep there by chance, the killer didn’t fall asleep in there , i’m still shaking... i’m getting jitters, oh well, now you
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’re cooler than an egg with us, such killed the beast, you'll be in the kumkoro zone, but dry up, i won't go to the zone anymore, i understand, i'll kill myself, i won't go to the zone, i understand, and don't bother me , i understand, i'm already ugly, what are you, a trouser? i was just joking, joker, let’s go, otherwise we can’t compete with the engine of our kalomaga, i didn’t play enough of it in childhood, here’s a certificate about you can figure out the circumstances of the disappearance yourself, but as for the corpse, it was found in a forest with obvious... signs of asphyxia and traces
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of beatings, a gymnastic rope was tied around the neck, the time of death approximately coincides with the time of disappearance, and the barbell does not stick out anywhere, at all the makrushniks have blossomed, they don’t consider us people, soon they will leave business cards on corpses, don’t yell, there’s just a business card, here it is, bright, colorful, with big letters, and what is it that you don’t see? icon, master of health, so what? and the fact that this is the name of the fitness club, where the bunny works, and by the way, was found next to shakhovsky’s corpse, of course, that means, we grab the bunny, close our ears to the door, and it splits, lyosha, don’t tell me such things, i don’t even like them as a joke, sasha , i remember, it's a joke, yeah, well, i 'll go, go, yeah. well, boss, wait, wait,
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lyosha, what’s wrong with tsareva, and what’s wrong with tsareva? well, where is she, i don’t know, she probably went home , i don’t understand how she went home, but the confession, what a confession, well, what a confession, she just said that she killed her husband, so what, well that she needs to be interrogated in the presence of the prosecutor or in person, go to the prosecutor and tell him about it. i myself heard everything
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, as a result, it’s not enough to hear, you need to be able to hear correctly, right, it’s like you, like me, so are you going or not, then where are the interrogations of girls , they are empty, only beer bottles and the heads of university graduates are empty, and interrogations are always the way you conduct them, and i’m not talking about... i’m talking about girls and in general this travel agency is somehow strange, it feels like only shakhovsky worked there, and these girls are more streetezers are more similar than managers and in general one of them believes that bali is in africa, and the other is completely sure that acapulka is the name: this is a resort in mexico, i never liked geography, yeah, interesting, interesting, now i’ll draw up a resolution about the seizure, tomorrow, tomorrow you will confiscate a copy of the travel cards of the people who were issued on the instructions
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of shakhovsky, repeat, now you will draw up a decree on the seizure, and tomorrow i will confiscate the copies of the travel cards of the people who were issued on the instructions of shakhovsky, okay. alexander fedorovich, what did tsareva tell you? tsareva told me a sad story about her gloomy life and a joyful story of meeting a sunny bunny. what are you? same for me. relax, everything will be fine. i doubt. “i know for sure, believe me, sleep , i’ll close it myself, what a good idea, reported
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my hubby missing, rented the house for him, life goes on all my life being wanted, hiding all my life, but what? hide, oh, oppa, here are our steals , let’s see her off so that the hooligans don’t get attached.
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hi, yegorushka and i are doing water gymnastics, it’s half past 10 pm, and this the most functional smooth muscle of the time. yes, and babies are the most active during this period of the day, len, well, you abandoned the child, come back, now now now, come on, come on, come on, come on, you’re my little golden fish, daddy he came to us, dad, what is it , i mean, and these are tree mushrooms, i soak them and fry them according to the chinese recipe, no, no, a breeding ground for bacteria, no mushrooms until the mushroom grows, i’m telling you this as a doctor, hand manes are licenogenic, here's zinaina gavrilovna, hello, and don't you to get sick, well done, little thing, he’s just like his grandmother, and one, two, oh, what a troublemaker, you
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have to listen to me, understand, go to the office, and olga vladimirovna, olga vladimirovna.
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what a black eye you have, even simple losses turn into slaughter, if only once a refusenik would bring him, well, wizards from the slaughterhouses can rivet refused materials from you without... i’m enough, someone has to fire the pots, you’re our potter, there
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is no suicide here at all, well, if only there are a dozen eyewitnesses that shakhovsky, having beaten himself with his arms and legs, out of remorse he escaped with a gymnastic rope, clearly, and what are the prospects, well, there is a version, he has a version, okay, what did he want, who asked? or shakhovsky, what was his request? whoever asked will not give you anything. did you ask to give it to a good investigator, a good investigator, or specifically to me? well, what about you? do you have a reputation? who asked? well, i told you that this is nothing to you, who? or i won't make a single move on the matter. here.
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fitness, go, go, go, it’s time for you to get in shape, come on, come on, i’m there, call right away, just be careful, that’s it, that’s it, i don’t teach, so i’ll cauterize out of habit. and here’s another interesting fact, pay attention to case 138, regarding the discovery of a hand on the shoulder of the leningrad vybok highway, smernov and varnovsky, convicted in this case , did not commit a crime. good day, i won’t interfere, no, no, come in, in training, the most pleasant thing is to find a reason to finish it, then why train. to get pleasure from this moment, tea, how cleverly you
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do everything, alexander fedorovich, and tea, and dumbbells, with this morozova, i already heard about the morning, i came to tell you, thank you, you’re welcome, you know, in our work the most difficult thing is to resist madness. not everyone succeeds, yeah, and then those who don’t succeed, and you don’t know, get promoted, i envy you, alexander fedorovich, you are brave, you make outrageous speeches, you are not afraid of anyone, but you are in vain. “i’m afraid, very afraid, of everything that others are afraid of, and even more i’m afraid of one
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person, who is it, myself, only 20 years younger, i don’t understand, i’m afraid to betray he won’t forgive this guy, but god bless him, olga vladimirovna, you drink tea, it’s with rose hips, it’s good for the heart, i also dreamed of being like that. in my childhood i caught bandits, uncovered conspiracies, now i don’t even watch movies about it, by the way, did you watch the last meth wars, they came out yesterday, no, i didn’t watch it, for technical reasons, the tv broke, not really, but something was clearly broken, it exactly. well, i’ll go, alexander fedorovich, i
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still have to write an indictment, thank you for the tea, you come in, you, alexander fedorovich, are correct, you are just right, just... not everyone here loves it, well , i’m not delighted with all of them either, thank you olga vladimirovna, i understand, goodbye, i’m not sex with you and i don’t want to discuss anything with you, i’ve already discussed it once, then 6 months in crosses by... well, they let you out , crosses are a filter of society, someone
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passes through a sieve, someone remains there forever, i don’t feed your legs in these crosses, but the language of the opera, ruslan zaichik, would you recommend, only in one case, if you are a woman, listen, i have time, money, if you want to talk, buy training, and at the same time let’s see if my peaceful sleep is in good hands, buy,
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buy, what do you mean, why go around the houses on the other side of the village? like i said, all the houses have cameras. listen, did you go to school? yes, not in an ordinary police school . that's two times two. if people know that there are cameras hanging near the house, they will not shine in front of it; they can relax in the distance. probability theory.
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people didn’t want to peep their eyes, you never know the reasons, whatever the reasons, these people knew shakhovsky personally and trusted him, which means they can know about something important is going on, go ahead, our new young investigator. well, let's get acquainted, messrs. tirenti, firsov and gabbulov, more to do, 84, work, work, work, 85, work, let's do it, super, well done, beautiful, thank you, yeah. and
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you’re wiry, it’s so easy for a policeman to be a rambo, look at your colleagues on the street, what’s in your soul, i drink a lot of vitamins and work in the fresh air, but i’m still far from you, and i’m all about sports, karate acrobatics, now here’s the bench press , in general, fingers are my thing, i’m still talking about a bunny, the shady guy, this one bunny, slippery and deceitful. ready to please wealthy ladies and in the gym at home, like a dummy athlete, but god did not offend his figure , he has pumped himself up and is now cutting coupons, cowardly, but arrogant , he gets along with the strong, the toblo will immediately hit the weak, he starts with half a turn, the girls squeal from him, there are many fans , otherwise the whole hall is not a club, but some kind of mess, and besides, there is a dishonest hand, which is
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a precedent, well, they weren’t caught in the act, but there were suspicions, things began to disappear from the lockers, well... money and jewelry, the administration apologized , compensated for everything clients, i wanted to install a video system in the locker rooms, so he knocked on a rich lady , she threw a scandal, how come they will spy on me in the locker room, and now things have started disappearing again, and you are sure that it is him, i am sure that living like him you can’t afford a fitness instructor on a modest salary, i heard, leonid sergeevich, but in general how was his mood lately, he hasn’t shown up at all lately. he kind of pulled his leg, he was dragged into the bunk by another rich maxel, whose man is on a business trip drove off, okay, thank you, please , yes, by the way, leoned sergeevich, master of health,
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such badges are given to everyone who deserves it, bunny, otherwise, to serve as many clients as you have health for... master, don’t you envy, many women , there are many sorrows, for sure, come, i’ll train, i’ll bring you up to the level, you can’t. schwarzenegger promised not to work on his territory, oh, we ’re late, run , well, there’s an address, she was there the whole evening yesterday, god willing, god willing, i’ll go there. like, well , i want to rent a house, some guy has been living there for the last 2 months man, well man, what do they say, young, but when there are grandmothers, all young, do what
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we will, you can open the hut, no, just kidding, hello, hello, hello, the girl came to firsov, oleg klich, yeah. well, give me his mobile phone, this is from the investigative committee , it’s worrying that there’s no mobile phone, the girl, wait, she hung up, that means firsova doesn’t have a mobile phone, it’s strange, once they didn’t exist at all, and that didn’t surprise anyone, well, yes, life does not stand still, it would be better if it sometimes turned back as it ran, you are embarrassed, embarrassed by what refuses to come.
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sherry, sherry, what a naughty girl you are, this is not our apartment, sherry, sherry, naughty girl, let's go, nightmare, completely crazy. street punks, sheri! ruslan, you know, your guests, in total,
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the bunny is the lover of shakhovsky’s wife tsareva, tsareva is going to divorce shakhovsky and tells him about it, he beats her, she tells her beloved about it, the next day shakhovsky disappears, having left for an unknown meeting, in his phone last call from the bunny, our jump rope. gym and under bush icon "health master". he has not appeared in the hall since shakhovsky’s disappearance; according to witnesses, he is not restrained. the perfect suspect, so perfect it's embarrassing. what, simple everyday life based on jealousy no longer suits you? satisfied, but, well, what? let's go, let's go. well, we made a reservation, the icebreakers don’t catch anyone. this is an exception to the rule. okay, stop, you're not catching anyone. i will catch it, and this is serious,
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gentlemen, but someone took the pistol, my superiors forbade it to be given to me, i have traumatic, stop! show me what i’ll leave for myself, otherwise you’ll kick me right in the ass, out of fear, i actually went to courses , but what do i care, this won’t make my ass any easier, listen, fedorych, but you’re not drawn back to us, in you mean, to be nostalgic? but it’s true, alexander fedorovich, why did you switch to investigation because of the pen, it rarely happens, as a result you paid more, zip up your fly, the punchline.
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i woke up, you are my joy, well, hey, you are from the post office, there is no letter in the seventy-second, oh, well, well, well, smile, well, smile, grandma, okay, thank you for the ride, luda, i don’t want
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you and i to break up like this, but what do you want? so that i can dance with joy, why are you telling me all this, luda, if you want to leave, go away, i won’t forgive you for one thing, that otter from the accounting department, you think i don’t know about your plans, i know everything, i understand, wait, you what, i’m warning you, i won’t remain silent, and especially now, darling, you little bastard, how can this happen? i'll tell you everything, how it happened,
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that's it, hello, police, i want to make a statement. van, i forgot this morning i took a letter from the mailbox, uh-huh, potapava, from my aunt, nope, it’s you and your mom.


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