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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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this year the russian academy of sciences turns 300 years old, what vladimir putin spoke about with the president of the russian academy of sciences, what research is now a priority, roman’s report. russian volunteers delivered humanitarian aid to one of the most heavily shelled areas of donetsk. read more omar magomedov. republicans are preparing to impeach homeland security secretary majorkus over the migrant crisis and how the standoff at the border in texas will spill over into europe. alexey veselovsky talks about this. strictly on schedule, mikhail mishustin spoke about the implementation of national ones.
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projects and priority areas of government work for the current year, figures and facts in the material by alexey prokin. in the subcortex of consciousness, elon musk announced that for the first time in history it was possible to implant a neuroteach into the human brain, which alsubi barcelo will talk about. kamilla valieva was disqualified for 4 years, why the international court of arbitration for sport made such a decision, and what will happen to the figure skater’s medals. anton talpa understood the details. more than a district library , an innovation center has opened in st. petersburg; note where to look for books augmented reality helps, where there is an animation and recording studio , a printing workshop, and in the reading room you can play a drum set. nikolay bulkin is trained in an unusual cultural center for children and adults.
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, hosted by elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. a promising scientific project was discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. it was about about fundamental research on which breakthrough developments are based. and domestic scientists have a lot of information about their implementation, discovery, and life-changing results, in particular in medicine, and there are successes in the treatment of, for example, alzheimer’s and parkinson’s diseases , experiments are underway to increase the working memory of the brain, roman sobol found out what achievements the academy of sciences achieved in a few days will celebrate its three hundredth anniversary. the celebration of the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences will not be limited to one day, in addition to the events scheduled for the anniversary date...
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parents want their children, which for us is, as it were, in the field of science, in the field of science, yes, russia is again going through times when it is necessary to rely on its own strengths, its own technologies, they used to talk about russian scientists, and now sometimes they say, they are ahead of the planet all in the matter of fundamental research, but practical implementation lags behind the more agile west and some asian industrial giants, should be directly related to relevance.
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i wanted to talk about this too, perhaps the fact is that our scientists are not they love self-promotion, they don’t trumpet the demand for everything, we are now talking, i then tell the world about discoveries that have not yet been tested by practice, by many years of experiments, after all, the fundamental is fundamental, maybe the horizon may not be visible, but we still have to work and we are talking about the fact that it is very difficult, as if sometimes fundamental research is immediately implemented, sometimes it passes. russian scientists have enough breakthrough technologies and competencies in their arsenal, such as in the moscow center of neurology, for example, our research conducted on the most severe and socially significant diseases of the nervous system, such as stroke, epilepsy, parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis and a number of others, has already managed to significantly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from diseases. sona and
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alzheimer, however, in this center they can not only restore damaged neural connections, repair peripheral sensors, so to speak, here they are immersed in the secrets of the human brain. russian developments are also advancing rapidly scientists in the field of iron high technologies , especially for...
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does not yet risk getting far away from mother earth, until experiments on animals determine all the risks associated with interplanetary flights, here is another detachment of tailed cosmonauts returned from orbit, lizards, mice, quiet, but alive, after weightlessness and overload, of course they are uncomfortable, there was a time when almost everyone dreamed of becoming astronauts, who among the dreamers did not pass through health, went to become engineers and scientists, now according to the president of the academy sciences even... fewer and fewer schoolchildren choose the unified state examination in physics from year to year. we need to popularize science. the academy pays special attention to personnel training. in 32 regions, 108 wound schools have been created, where 25 thousand children study. in the new territories there is an association of southern regions, uniting
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institutions of crimea, kherson, zaporozhye, and donbass. investments in basic research pay off slowly, but countries that want to save on them are unlikely to. building a great future. roman sobol, sergei dedukh, oleg damer, ntv television company. minister defense sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex in yekaterinburg. at one of the plants of the almas antey concern, he inspected the production of sea-based cruise missiles caliber and missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. the head of the military department inspected the kalinin machine-building plant. organization of production in the workshop where the s-300v and buk air defense systems are assembled. sergei shaigu noted that the production of pvu missiles was doubled and expressed we are confident that thanks to, among other things , the modernization of defense enterprises, the state order program will be
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fully implemented this year. the number of people injured as a result of yesterday's shelling of the dpr territory by ukrainian nationalists increased to 16 people. this was announced by the head of the republic denis pushili. all the victims are civilians, but despite shelling from militants, volunteers risk their lives to deliver food and basic necessities to everyone in need. omar magomedov went on one of these trips. together with volunteers we are going to the petrovsky district of donetsk, this is the so-called red zone, less than a kilometer to the front line. the closer you get, the stronger the roar of explosions. despite the potholes we drive very fast, speed is a matter of survival. receives on the phone.
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notifies through closed chats , help is passed from hand to hand, exceptions are pensioners, the disabled and the wounded, rations will need to be taken to them, there’s an arrival there, too, here the toilet was all collapsed and the kitchen is all mine, so lyubov nikolaevna, despite the high temperature, found in strength, come humanitarian worker, she says food is running out , if shelling starts, you can be stuck in the basement for the whole day, the water supply in the house is broken, the military is helping a pensioner , while she was ill she did not have time to stock up on drinking water, komvoy winds for a long time through deserted streets,
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the routes are specially complicated in this case, if they are being watched by an enemy drone operator, a crowd of people , even civilians, a potential target of ukrainian artillery , about three weeks, like we... the light is already a little pleasing, well, the weather has improved a little, although it’s still freezing, but when here you know, it was all slushy, it was hard to just leave the village. andrei lysenko’s team is also called front-line volunteer special forces. shell, of course, if they can’t withstand a direct hit, but at least we are sure that an attack by dropping some kind of drone can save our lives, to receive humanitarian aid elena came with...
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quietly a hint to sit next to you, holding the hand hold, by the leg, well, what to do, there is no choice, the house of local activist oksana kiyashko has already been shelled, destroyed and the garage where volunteers were storing food, building materials and hygiene products was burned down, houses were collapsing like that, here it was broken, it was broken even more, a blast wave, everything is cowardly, all the houses are collapsing, that was the arrival. considering that we have gathered here like this, it’s probably also unsafe, unsafe, of course, drones are flying,
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dropping, the relative silence is broken by a whole series of arrivals, shells are falling somewhere nearby, while volunteers were distributing humanitarian aid on a nearby street there was an arrival , fortunately, there was no one inside this house, apparently it was abandoned, but these are the consequences of this very thing. upon arrival, the situation is heating up, the volunteers' phone is ringing off the hook with calls and reports of shelling, activists are asking people to find shelter, the humanitarian convoy must leave urgently, the distribution of food packages will be resumed when the ssu gives local residents at least a short respite between shelling. omar magomedov, rabadan bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk. today the international skating union revised the results. olympics in beijing. russian figure skaters who won the team competition they want to deprive me of the gold medal in the standings.
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20 points won by kamilla valieva were taken away from russia, and now, after a recount, our country found itself only in third place in the team competition. the country's olympic committee said it would challenge this decision, since sanctions against one athlete cannot be a basis for pushing the rest of the team into first place. lawyers are already preparing documents to file an appeal. the kremlin called the verdicts of international sports officials unfair and emphasized that they will do everything to protect our athletes. anton talpa will continue. the international court of arbitration for sport seemed to be walking on thin ice; it was immediately clear how russia would react to this decision, because a four-year disqualification of one of the world’s strongest figure skaters is not only a scandal on a global scale, but also an opportunity for those who previously was in the shadow of kamilla valieva to get to the podium, which... is unfair in the opinion of russian trainers of athletes, she is a unique athlete,
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such people are born once every 100 years, i am very i hope that she will be able to withstand it if she charges herself for a long time, you know, now we need to sort of come to our senses, get into shape, and if we are allowed to participate in the next olympics in 2026, she has the technical ability to participate there, i really want .
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any opportunities to challenge and continue to protect the rights of our athletes, they need to be mobilized to the end. the doping investigation began in 2022 just after she won the gold medal in the team competition, positive the result was given by a test taken in december 2021, then valeva was temporarily suspended, after which the ban was lifted and allowed to compete, without finding sufficient evidence. in addition , valieva’s doping tests, carried out in 2022 at the beijing olympics, did not raise any questions,
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it seemed that they could put an end to this, but it was continued after the decimal point. this is the solution. the international court has already made a final decision. however, even after the decision , such decisions can only be appealed there, but questions remain for the international doping agency, one of the main ones is why in laboratories processed tests for so long , published old results, as if on purpose to create a scandal precisely... during the olympics, they may also have wanted to throw kamilla valieva off balance in beijing, after gold in the team concept in the free program, valieva falls , takes a modest fourth place, all this against the backdrop of discussion of the doping scandal. according to the published decision of the international arbitration court, kamilla valieva has been deprived of awards received at
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official competitions from december 25, 2021 of the year, and this is gold in the team championship in... russia and other achievements at the national level. that’s just how they will act in our figure skating federation, because they don’t agree with the decision of the functionaries. and it is already clear that a continuation will follow after the conclusion of the international sports arbitration court on the disqualification of kamilla valieva, the international skating union decided. distribute olympic medals in team figure skating competitions, they want to take gold from russia and give it away the americans, they were second, the japanese will rise higher and take silver, and russia will get bronze. the russian olympic committee stated that our representatives will appeal this decision, based on the fact that the disqualification of one team member cannot be grounds for
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reviewing the results of the entire team tournament. anton talpa, irina lemkina, valeria. the united states is preparing a response to the shelling of its base on the border of jordan and syria, which killed three and wounded more than thirty americans. military personnel. the political publication writes that among the options the pentagon is considering attacks on pro-iranian forces in syria and iraq, as well as on iranian warships in the persian gulf. washington believes that tehran is behind the attack on the americans. base, but the authorities of the islamic republic deny this and warn the united states against escalation. the americans do not believe iran, they promise a tough reaction, adding that they do not want to fight with the islamic republic. we will respond decisively to any aggression and we will attract to the responsibility of the people who attacked
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our troops. we will do this at a time and place of our choosing. we do not seek conflict with iran. we are not seeking war with iran, but we are and will continue to protect our people. an action of retaliation is expected literally from day to day. the first signs of preparation for the operation were recorded that night. the americans urgently deployed tanker aircraft to the middle east. they are usually used during large-scale airstrikes to refuel bombers in air. in general, a possible clash with iran is now not at all, by the way, for joe biden, he has enough headaches from texas. the authorities of the southern state, suffering from an influx of illegal immigrants, refused to obey orders from washington, the governor tightly sealed the border with mexico, and pulled the national guard there.
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27 american states, that is, more than half the country, sided with texas in its confrontation with biden. such a split. even in the year of the us presidential election, everyone is very nervous. experts even talk about the risk of civil war, since neither side to the conflict is ready for compromise. alexey veselovsky with details of the usa. impeachment is again the main topic on capital hill. the republicans have not yet been able to reach president biden, but trouble threatens secretary of homeland security alejandra majorkus. he is accused of artificially creating a migration order.
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about migration in one of them it is written, for example, for the systematic refusal to obey the laws that every illegal immigrant must be detained, and at the same time they cross the border in millions, and he is also accused of lying, while testifying before congress, mayorkas stated that the border was securely closed, although it was obvious. that this is not the case, this is what i have been working on for a long time and this is what the american people want, given that our federal government is opposed to texas, and the 25 republican governors of texas are supporting, they are against this unprecedented invasion across our border, orchestrated by secretary mayorkos and his desire to actually violate the law on emigration, i believe that now it's time for impeachment.
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however, democrats and the white house accuse the authorities in texas of extremism, where an armed confrontation almost broke out between the state’s national guard and the feds. the state, contrary to the demands of the white house , decided on its own. to close the border began to install barbed wire where illegal immigrants had recently passed through. texas even disobeyed the decision of the us supreme court, which demanded that
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the wire be removed. in response, only more barriers appeared on the border. we install barbed wire wherever we can and will continue to do this. we won't stop, if they cut it, we will replace it. i was at the border on friday to thank our soldiers, to support them in case the biden administration sends. army of god. we express our support for texas and oppose lawlessness in our country. we are already tired of the biden administration and are defending our country as patriots who. and they love her. the convoy of several dozen vehicles expects to reach texas by the end of the week. there the participants plan to hold several rallies, they said, to draw attention to the problem of border security,
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as if there was not enough of it. to give us back america and give back our border, freedom. this is why we are here, we celebrate american freedom. the white house seems to have abandoned a tough confrontation with stichass, but there was still an opportunity to inflict violence on the intractable staff. biden announced the other day. when stopping the issuance of licenses for new liquefied gas production projects, it was texas, the largest gas exporter in america. the administration assures that the decision has been made purely to protect the environment, but in texas they think it's all about the border. this reckless move is nothing more than revenge on texas for opposing the administration in the border crisis, dawn buckingham, head of the state land commission, wrote on social media. he spoke in the same vein. threatens texas and america, it is a blow to the hardworking men and women in
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the energy industry. biden is now accused of helping moscow, saying that if american gas does not go to europe, then it will be forced to buy again russian. we saw what the president did this week, he stopped the export of american natural gas, he literally chose putin over america. neither germany nor europe can rely on the fact that natural gas will be consistently available in the future, and despite the new geopolitical situation, despite the risks, despite the experience of the energy crisis.
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and it is also interesting that the united states has already studied the influence of the gas industry more than once on the environment, but still pending the standoff at the border in texas, issuing new permits for projects have never been suspended. usa. now a short advertisement.
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nikolai bulkin about a very unusual cultural center for children and adults, it seems that something has changed, but not everything is as we like, kfc now.
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looking at our citizens with whom i i met in the regions, so to speak, on the ground, and looking at you, i understand perfectly well that our country has a great bright future, because such
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wonderful people are patriotic, they are ready to work, to work for the development of our country, for security our country and for all our descendants. hello, and today is artem zhogor. met with the representative of the democratic party of russia irina sviridova, as a presidential candidate, she was unable to collect the required number of voter signatures in her support and dropped out of the race, and the democratic party decided to support vladimir putin in the elections, so today sveridova handed over the collected orders of voters to the burn, thus acting honestly towards her supporters. unfortunately, we were unable to collect the required number of signatures, but we collected a large number of wishes. voters, and i would like to transfer them here to the headquarters of vladimir vladimirovich putin and further support the campaign of our current president, presidential candidate, yes irina vladimirovna, thank you very much, you have done
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a huge amount of work, collecting signatures of your support, we also collected the wishes of our voters, this is a huge job, it’s a huge job to process it all, we will soon... meet with the proxies of our candidate vladimir vladimirovich and we will process all the wishes of the people’s voters, already processed option, adding to the wishes that we have collected, we will present it to vladimir vladimirovich for consideration for review. but the leader of the russian national union party, sergei boburin, today brought to the central election commission required 100,000 signatures, but did not register and withdrew his candidacy.
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japan, germany, the united states of america, believe me, what order, what technology
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and what is the average age of the workers of this enterprise, you just have to look and find it right away. in st. petersburg these days , the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, is also meeting with his supporters. he told them that
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the local performers in the federal center are generally coping well. everything that was planned is being accomplished, the average level of achievement. tasks is close to 100%. there are significant results
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in all areas that these projects cover, and if we talk about national goals, then the plans for last year were fully implemented. the three pillars of social well-being are healthcare, education and housing construction. speaking about significant results, the prime minister focused the attention of the participants in the strategic session on these areas. why don’t you need to explain to anyone? millions of russians go to clinics and schools every day. noting how the face of those same hospitals is changing. mishustin said that thanks to hundreds of hospitals, clinics and medical assistant stations have been built and reconstructed under the national project. the educational environment is also becoming fundamentally different, allowing children to feel confident in the digital world. quantoriums, growth points, it-cubes, all these are forges of future personnel for engineering professions that are extremely in demand today. we are modernizing and equipping centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and...
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about zero level, according to the prime minister, the government now needs to make every effort, firstly, so that the planned indicators in national projects are achieved, and secondly, so that the priority areas that the president has outlined, and there are six of them , determine the decisions that ministers will make this year, this includes trade with friendly countries and the strengthening of technological and financial sovereignty. development of infrastructure, but most importantly - support for families...
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something exciting and exciting will now be collected in st. petersburg. avtovaz subsidiary, st. petersburg automobile plant announced the launch of a new automotive brand, xss. the company itself explains that the name comes from the english word excite, which translates to excite, excite. two weeks ago it became known that the st. petersburg automobile plant had registered a new logo with rospatent, in the form of the letter x inscribed in an oval. obviously, it will be on xsa brand cars. it is reported that the plant has already assembled
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the first batch of several thousand new cars, but has not yet shown what they look like, limiting itself to phrases about close cooperation with international partners. last summer , the lada xc5 was produced at this avtovaz plant in st. petersburg. externally, it was almost a complete copy of the chinese car faw best tune t77. but according to the telegram channel, russian car is a partnership with fav. things didn't work out for avtovaz. elon musk's neurolink company announced that for the first time it has implanted a chip in a person that allows him to control a phone or computer with the power of thought. and while the company itself is very careful about how the lives of the paralyzed may change, some will obviously again see this as a conspiracy and a new attempt at mass chipping, small at first they wanted to take us with a vaccine against covid, and now, for sure, with the invention of a mask. alsubi barsova
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tried to understand the issue with a cool head. this time, elon musk moved from cars and launch vehicles to brainstorming. the businessman reported that for the first time in history , it was possible to implant a chip in a person’s brain, which allows him to control a telephone, computer and other gadgets, all of this simply with the power of thought, the chip was made by neurolink. according to musk, the patient is recovering well, and early results show promising detection of neuronal spikes, that is, their activity. the purpose of all this is to connect the human brain with a computer. as elon musk says, neurolink's product will help paralyzed people, as well as people.
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than competitors, in fact, this is a collection of contacts, we currently do not know how many contacts, here he lived for this patient, but it could be tens of thousands, which is the main advantage and the main novelty of what elon musk is doing, the number of contacts, because before that in the old days it was 300-400 contacts,
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2 years ago neurolin conducted a test on a nine-year-old, for this in her... two the chip was taught to play using a joystick and was given encouragement in the form of a banana smoothie, then the joystick was removed and the monkey, as the company explained, was already playing tennis, only with the power of thought. smoothies for animals seem like a good reward, however, the rewards are different, including for those who introduces innovations. therefore, many are wary of whether scientists want to gain some other benefit, or, for example, establish control over people. therefore, elon musk has already been accused of playing.
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have the forecasts for the american economy and the chinese economy gotten better? it’s just that things have gotten worse in the eurozone. the imf says that overall, the global economy is managing to avoid a hard landing thanks to strong domestic demand in some countries, private consumption and government spending. the russian stock market was able to grow today, due to the fact that the ruble has depreciated. according to the results of the auction, the dollar costs 89.72, the euro 97. dollar millionaires in russia have decreased by 24% over 10 years, this is stated in the report on prosperity in the brix countries, prepared by experts from the company handly & partners. a millionaire is a person who has at least a million dollars worth of assets available for investment. in 2023
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there were 68,400 such people in russia. in terms of the number of millionaires in brix, russia is in fifth place, behind china, india, the emirates and brazil. china, by the way, turned out to be the leader not only in terms of the number of dollar millionaires, but in terms of the increase in wealth, because in 10 years the number of millionaires in china has almost doubled. there are numbers of them in india. but in terms of the number of dollar billionaires, russia is in third place among the brics countries after china and india. and everything about the economy. thank you, denis. denis talalaev with economic reviews. this is the program today. and we will continue after a short advertisement. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses.
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house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and more. but also 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. this program today. we continue our release. the star trek started in minsk today. this is a traditional international event in places of military glory of belarus, in which young people take part. belarusian and russian students were accompanied by peers from uzbekistan, kazakhstan, armenia, more than 250 people in total. this year ’s star trek is timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the country’s liberation from the nazi invaders. participants will meet with veterans who defended the homeland of the great patriotic war, and will also visit memorable memorials, including those installed on the mass graves of soviet soldiers,
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planned as part of patriotic education lessons.
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reality already shows the first visitors of the updated library the path to knowledge, it is very convenient, and this is just one of the services of the innovative cultural center nota, the head of the center victoria shows how many spaces of opportunity there are now, a recording studio with a dj console, you can record your composition completely free of charge, animation studio based on fairy tales and short stories writers, you can create a cartoon or a poetry hall where a connected neural network paints the walls. depending on whose poems are being read. the most unusual, the most complex in terms of color combinations are pasternak and vysotsky. the brightest is pushkin, he is always better than the light blue one. in general, it is not surprising that such a regional library has already become a place of attraction for adults and children. this is a very moody space here, and people feel good here, this is the first, second, there is
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quite a lot of technology here that people may be seen for the first time in russia, yes. at home, tell me, in what other reading room can birds, animals, even gnomes, all the residents of the big one play drums, here you can, because there is a special music installation in which the sound only gets into your headphones, in headphones, you hear yourself, here
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well, knock as you want, you ’re not disturbing anyone, we can’t hear you, it’s quiet here, a combination of two incompatible things: the silence of the library and the loudness of the drum. olga and alexander are the ones who designed the new cultural center, making it comfortable and interesting. need to was to turn to a theater artist, and , as we think, probably for the first time in russia, to apply scenography and theater technology to solving library design. as a result , a book room, a book labyrinth, its own chapel appeared here, to read books, to study.
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the books are chipped, we bring the book to the reader and can determine the full location of the book, in this case we see that the book is located in the enfilade sector. the modernization of libraries is underway throughout st. petersburg; the authorities have allocated over a billion rubles for this purpose. in such libraries now children willingly come after school to do their homework, they conduct master classes here, work remotely and, of course, read. using the example of this project, we can say that by modernizing the standard library, the authors have already achieved this.
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for us, the atlantic air , it has enormous potential, the temperature could jump even higher, but the lion's share of the heat is wasted on melting the snow, the snowdrifts settle slowly, and if at the end of last week in the capital the snow cover reached the psychological level of half a meter, and these are honestly snowdrifts, at the weather site, they marked and not poured, then now almost 10 cm has already been lost, and what is the current specific situation with the temperature distribution, in murmansk it is warmer than in krasnodar, which lies 2.0 km south, because it is through the kola peninsula that the warm plume of the next atlantic cyclone stretches and is now there 10 degrees warmer than expected. the weather is warm and calmer than in the north throughout the middle zone. precipitation will mainly fall in the northwest. in the morning
7:59 pm
there was snow, wet, snow, rain, everything was moderate. during the day it will also affect the north of central region, well, in the south the air flow is not western, but eastern, and it brings cold air from the steppes of kazakhstan, so the temperature is close to or slightly below normal. there is a strong wind on the coast, in the mountains. in st. petersburg tomorrow again +2 and sleet with rain, in moscow on wednesday about 0, +2 on thursday friday is warm, in general, a winter snowdrift, the temperature, streams and spring drops are ahead of events, much, excellent, maybe spring will really come earlier , thank you, irina polikova with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour, and we are elmira effendiev and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
8:00 pm
he said something, my family needs money, we’ve been sitting here without work for a week, the owner said tomorrow, we’ll go to work tomorrow, the owner said a car is coming for us in the morning.


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