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tv   Meteorit  NTV  February 1, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

1:45 am
andrey, ask the old man about this, such things don’t happen here without his orders, which means he needs it, i’ll definitely ask if necessary, let’s go blacksmith. ntv heroes do not have a profession, they have a calling. brave rescuer. professional intelligence officer. your beloved, photographer, tas. fearless special forces soldier. fire when ready. not a corrupt investigator. in personnel , the main thing is not quantity, but quality. hunter.
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behind the criminals, the same handwriting, the killer always leaves the target, send a connection, a desperate fighter for justice, we need a rifle with night optics, a real hero who calls fire on himself, i want to know what the man who covers my back, who has a big heart, thinks, you saved my life, what’s your name, dubrovsky? a sense of humor, this is a thing , no, this is the fifth term, and true friends, i agree, he can stand up for himself, we are bullies, i will not abandon my guys, protect others. new series in the new year on
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ntv. no, you're still an amazing cook, i'm glad you like it. and i'm glad you decided not to
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to leave, where can i go from here, and i can’t get away from you, you are my caramel, you are my protector, that someone tried to offend, but no, that’s nonsense, who, but there was one moscow cop, i was because of zoika labanova i became a witness, so... you saw him yesterday on the stairs, so he came to you after all, can you imagine, i had to put him out, now i don’t know what will happen, tomorrow i’ll take care of him, he’ll fly me out of town, not only that , that stood in my throat, so he’s still putting a wedge on you, you have only one hope, you can rely on me, you can
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even rely on me, let’s go, there are a lot of muscovites here, they’re groping our women, i can’t live alone in the city. listen, mosnich, what have you done to my alyonka, what do you have, guys, you should get out of here in an amicable way, he is rude, rude, whatever, i suggested in an amicable way. if
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i see you here again, i’ll change my legs, understand? understood! hello, gena, it’s me, in 20 minutes at the mayor’s office urgently, i can’t talk on the phone, uncle andrey, can you imagine if it weren’t for this ride. "we almost found my mother, a little more, we tomorrow we’ll continue, today i can’t take it anymore, i’m nervous, my hands are still giving birth, come in, i’m sorry, citizen, boss, i
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’m done, it’s completely ironic, sasha, let’s go home, mom has been found, why didn’t you tell me right away, where is she ? i was there, right?” “ they celebrated it at a friend’s birthday yesterday, so i went overboard, well, no more, i’ll follow up, and where is she now, but here’s val, he’s embarrassed to come in, val, come in, hello, mom, mom, uncle andrey, thank you, be healthy, mom, well, i already went to the police, i was looking for you with alena. well, it will be, it will be, well, people are watching, alyon , well, i’ll come to you again, it’s great at your place, come, of course , thank
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you, it’s good that you waited for me, you didn’t want to call me, you understand, this is the time, they can bug me too, what are the plans are changing, no, the plans are just speeding up, it was the carp that killed the fioclist, now they are aware of our affairs, so we need to take it, i myself have been wanting to close it for a long time. well, that’s great, but at the same time, get the muscovite out of town, it’s risky, i don’t care , they’ll send someone else, is it really all because of the woman,
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it’s none of your business, but for now they’ll send a new one, we will have time to do our business, they told you to clean up, clean up. no see three. sasha is such an adult, just a little man
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, and you are similar, the situation is similar, tell me, just when... i was about his age, my mother also disappeared, how she went to the store and didn’t come back, maybe they didn’t find it, i found it myself, when she was already working on the wanted list, she still lives in another city, she has a different family, two daughters, a little younger than me, how can this be, it seemed that she wanted to leave my father for another man, she was afraid... she wouldn’t take her with a child, i was afraid explanations with her father, then she decided to cut it all off in one fell swoop and just ran away, did she really never remember, she says she remembered, repented,
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cried, by the way, she’s young, oh, she’s the spitting image of a kiroviller, really. it looks like you, my poor creature, i’ll show you, i’ll show you both.
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alena, alena, alena, andrey arkadyevich, but it’s useless to talk to them, we’ve already tried it, let’s move on, let’s go, this is some kind of mass insanity, yes, they’re all like... they’re drawn to the meteorite crater, they go up to the edge and jump down , and if that was the case, and not
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everyone came up and everyone fell there. that you called me in a dream, can you imagine, all my life i slept like the dead, no dreams, let alone nightmares, when i arrived in belorechesk, it started, every night there’s some kind of confusion in my head, it’s just a dream? yeah, stupid, in
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it i was worried about you, but you don’t need to worry about me, i won’t, i should be jealous, i will, because i’m the happiest. olya, hello, professor, hello, how is karakamsk, what to do with it, it’s worth it, listen, i have a free room, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but what if i pay? tonight, you are our regular customer , i believe you, thank you, otherwise you understand, i
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brought you to television in the evening, they owe me for the last two programs, then i’ll pay, now i have to measure the funnel while it’s light, this is more important, you know , yes, well, it didn’t seem to be raining there, yes, then i said, professor, keys, glasses, right? without them, i’m like without hands, thank you, yes, thank you, the return of the zombies, we saw it, we all love nightmares, when are you coming in the evening? in the evening, well, the main thing is i’ll be there, in the evening, i can’t
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say for sure, but i’ll cook something, how are you? you see, i can’t promise exactly what will happen, i’m an omnivore, my god, the man in the house, well, in the evening. some admixture of quartz is definitely present, sir, i told you, yes, yes,
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yes, you need to determine the percentage of content, what would you like, samples? scientists decided to appropriate my research and decided to take advantage of me, i don’t have to profit from my laurels , who the hell are you, i know who i am, who you are , show me these documents, ask them for documents, documents, nothing, sudre, i don’t
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intend to show you, you can leave immediately protected area , get out of here grandma, choose, i’m behind you, no, but i’m still wondering who’s spoiling the food here, and it’s you, well, well, you got here, and grandma, don’t talk nonsense, food has an expiration date, that’s all, well, well, otherwise i don’t know,
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witch, lord, forgive me, hello, hello, alen, well, how about dumplings as always? no, i actually have guests today, if you feed a man, then you need meat, you know what, take the chops, you won’t regret it, here you go, but you need to prepare them in a special way, but what? there’s something special here, i salted it, peppered it, fried it, you can handle it, now, two ice creams, let’s hurry, yeah. how big he has become, he’s learned to take ice cream without waiting in line , hold on, do you really think i want ice cream, but you give it, these are proteins for muscle mass, boy, be more careful, i ’m somehow not calm, don’t croak, but alen , don’t
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pay attention to him, are you going to take the chops or not? not yet, don’t worry, i’ll take the application to the office right now, well, we’ll do everything we can, everything is fine, mashul, don’t worry, who this was? “the golovanovs, these are bezon’s parents, and what’s amazing is that they are wonderful people, he worked all his life at the mine as a marksheder , a respected person, you know how soulful she is, her son’s mouth is a freak, well, what’s wrong with the bison, guess three times, it disappeared along with with his
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boys, grishin is looking, grishin is looking, well, let him look, this is his pro.” what are we going to do? and we will look for the rest. is bison special? well, if the bison disappeared with his boys, then this is the result of gang warfare, and therefore not ours happening. logical. i'm listening, i'm going down. it’s a disgrace, well, that’s why they detained me, that’s why they stayed to work, why , excuse me, because they caused a row, please, you need it, take it, i made the sky, right? were silent , please, forgive me, please take off my belt, belt, yes, why do you need my belt, maybe we can take off our shoes, let's take off our shoes, please, oh
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, i need a shoe, take it, please, shoes, maybe you we still need trousers, let's take off our trousers then, what's that, that's right, yes, of course, let's take off our trousers at the same time, since it's already like that, since you need all this, please take your trousers, why do you need my belt , that's how it's supposed to be, you know, and you just, you think that i, but this won't happen, honey, no will happen, don’t worry, well, what can i take with me, of course i can, yes, thank you , thank you very much, thank you, yes, they found it, listen, listen, they arrested me, practically forcibly brought me here and removed me from my research, i didn’t do that i’ll leave it, andrey, i ask you, do something, this is a specially planned action, they want deprive me of my discoveries, calm
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down, i will try to figure it all out, i ask you, this is my life’s work, professor, let’s go, i ’ll ask, professor, let’s go, fun, yes , fun, yes, a man of science was taken, arrested, what? come on, i beg you, i really beg you, i’m counting on you, this is an important professor, come on, professor, and what, everything is really so serious there, yes, i have an order from the old man, to close it for a while, so that he just calms down, i i thought it was really police brutality. who's there, yours, what's going on, let's talk, i
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did something, but for now i hope, no, i don’t need beson, where did he go, and how do i know, kolyan, don’t make me angry, i need to know what sazan ordered. bezon, well, ask sazan about this great idea, now i’ll call him, ask him and just tell him what you whispered to me, sazan loves informers, why so right away, well then i repeat the question, what did sazan instruct bison? the bison had to force aman to give the carp to the cafe, he seemed to do it, but disappeared along with his boys. yeah, what are my thoughts, well yeah, sorry, thanks
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for the information, yeah, andrey, i’m coming to you, hello, what’s stressful, i know who’s next, i mean? who should disappear? listen, don’t worry, come on, calm down, sit down and tell me everything in order, just tell me first, who? kolya kredchitov, i just met him, is he from sazanov’s? i know him, this is our unfinished schwarzenegger, a bodybuilder in the sense. can you imagine, he has a black aura around him, like all the missing people, i worked with their photographs, the only difference is that over the rut the aura is just beginning to thicken, and he doesn't want anything. hear , andrey, well, you understand me, i understand you, i understand, so what, when it, in the sense of that, maybe today,
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maybe tomorrow, and the cheers are gathering right before our eyes, roofing felt, go to the operative, let them establish surveillance of krechitov , in the evening we will change them, there is, well, wow, we are now working for paul. “people disappear because of her, i myself saw how she cursed all of us, lord, so why
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were you silent before, but to me?” i need her to spoil me too, okay, so goodbye, go with god, darling, go, baba, what a disaster, why, here ’s a psychic for you, and why is she a witch, lekseevna, a witch, and what are you, petrovna, it’s not by chance that people disappear here, and vitka brought damage to him, here he is, come on , lieutenant, move, okay, but i don’t know what to do? just stop, i’ll do the rest myself, i’ll go.
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did i break something? good afternoon, lieutenant khalyuzov, please get out of the car and open the trunk. on what basis? search activities are being carried out in the city and we are inspecting all cars, do you nothing. please have a look. this is your car, mine, the criminal investigation department. please, please explain, what kind of white powder is in the bag in the seat of your car, it’s not mine, someone gave it to me, i don’t know, we’ll figure it out, i need to call, i have the right to call, my dad is
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a lawyer , of course, of course, call. dad, and we’ll start processing, and then we’ll go to us for an examination, so tell dad, find two raised ones, fill out the full program, there is, let’s go to the car,
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24 hours, we’ll go home, yes, we know everything about her, so listen to me carefully, everyone who doesn’t want to get 15 , oh, i scared, and what will happen, you’re the instigator, but the boss, it’s not me, it’s over there,
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he... we’re leaving, i’m scared , please, what are you accusing my son of, oleg
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vasilyevich, we seized him. your son has 5 grams of heroin, this is a serious problem, i want to see the seizure documents, of course, of course, let's talk about this without your son. duty! do not be afraid of anything! do not be afraid of anything! take the detainee away! have a seat! thank you! oleg vasilievich, this is the protocol seizures. as you understand, all documents are drawn up strictly in... in accordance with the law, and all i have to do is prove sales and distribution, do you think i will succeed, i have no doubt in your methods, oleg vasilyevich, you understand that fate i’m of little interest to your son, i’m investigating
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the murder of deputy mayor feaklistov, and i want to know who killed on whose orders, i know you know, are you crazy, now is the time for you... to make the right choice, do i have any options, or do you give me full breakdown of the murder, your son is about to be released, or he is going to prison for 6 years, i need guarantees, oleg vasilyevich, dear, of course, you will have guarantees, we’ll come to an agreement.
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so you block the back entrance, let's go right away , it's closed, well, there's no use knocking, i don't think they'll open it for us, so we'll have to break it, but how... glosifa of the ball, well, varey arkadyevich, you're in vain? you think, well, maybe in vain, the bag, and the director of the museum with meteorites, my dear, come here and stand.
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i think i saw this car in the hotel room soon, yeah, i don’t remember, go away
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, put the gun down, go away, quietly, quietly, quietly, put it down for the ball, they’ve put everything down, and you put the gun down, it’s maryukov. i won’t give it to anyone, even if they kill me, you won’t be able to take the coffee , aman, why didn’t you recognize me, that i’m not crazy, don’t do that to me stas , well, here you go, wait, aman, are you putting on a performance here, artist, stas, let’s go to the basement, there’s something like that, stay with him. hurry up, says junior lieutenant semyonov, krasnogvardeiskaya street 35, we have a fatal accident, yes, we are waiting for the car, andrey
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arkadyevich, what to do with the meteorite, the museum director has died, there is no one else there, there is no one to hand it over to. share it or drag it, we won’t end up with writings there, then we’ll decide what to do with it, and you go around the yards, ask people, maybe who knows whose field is? there in the refrigerator, it’s the bald one, he’s the one , aman, well, he gives it to me. doctor, look here,
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it seems to me that a rib is broken, i ’ve already examined you, all your ribs are intact, just bruises, but you don’t know , after all, this is harm to health of moderate severity, or more serious it will be, i think it’s a little harder than easy, just write a longer list, just a royal gift, i think, from belorechsk, they don’t do this anymore, the plant was closed. oh, look, there are people in black again, come
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on, slow down, and yesterday i sent out an orientation for this car, why no one saw it, i don’t understand, turn it back. congratulations, correct decision. hello, police, major zharov. criminal investigation. can you show me your document? on what basis? for the simple reason that i want to know who you are and that you are here are you doing? i am an employee of the administration, assistant mayor, this is aleftina notary
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, what are you encrypting, why did you register the car in the name of the old man , the car is registered in the name of my father-in-law , whoever i want he registers for, more questions, but i don’t understand, the shares are mine, mine, i received them even during the privatization of the plant, the plant was closed, no one asked for 100 years. why do i need them? changes in the register: 26 shares of the belorechsky mining and processing plant. andrey arkaevich, they re-registered the shares of the plant belonging to nikolaev, emmanuel, in the name of trifonov. at the rally trifonov, this is our mayor, for bucket water. but is it illegal, so to speak, barter? profitable, let's go, good luck,
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uh, there's only half of it, that's enough for you, that's enough. sazan’s people took away magomedov’s store, they kept him on a chain, i knew all this, even when bezon came for the first time, what he needed, he wanted to take my cafe, but what should i do, what should i do, i’m coming to you no matter how many times i went, i had to tell everything right away, then i was strong and didn’t want to die. and now i want, oh well, that’s enough for me
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put pressure on pity, they themselves are to blame for everything , jackals, so okay, i understood about the buffalo, but what did you do to offend the bald one, he was looking for a bison , he came to me, as if he was coming home, i couldn’t let him go, where are the beson’s bodies and shnyra, buried in the forest. where they wanted to bury me, i won’t have time to show you. andrei arkadievich, we are very grateful to you for your help in the search, and i am ready to sign your travel document even today, well, the case has been solved, the serial killer has been detained, reshin is working with him, he has already been created in four
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episodes, touch colonel, this driven vugal dzhigit could not destroy 23 people, the face of a criminal showdown nothing more, well, we can handle it on our own, it’s high time for you to go to moscow, you’ve already bullied us enough in belorechesk, what do you mean? well, first of all, the story with the money in your office safe, i’m keeping this matter on the brakes, solely so that the precedent will resolve itself, it’s clear, but what else? but today you beat up citizen boris venediktov. here, here is his statement, here is a certificate of the injuries inflicted on him, downright injuries, one thing is absolutely clear, beating citizens is incompatible with the title of an internal affairs worker, after all, i would like to see the matter through to
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the end, the next train to moscow is 20:35, decide to go, go. andrey erkhach, don’t make any more snide remarks, good evening, excuse me, bon appetit, where were you all day, were you at the cops, and what were you doing there, actually, i’m a lawyer. this is my job and i do it very well, unlike some people, don’t get angry , sit down and answer the calls, by the way, i could answer we’re getting nervous here, sat down, okay, the cops found the bald man’s zone, threw everyone else in
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in his cafe he is interested in the graters between the aman and the bison, they are all digging for you. shitty, okay, go ahead, order yourself, eat something, relax, and you and me, let's go upstairs, i'll give you instructions. so, well, we have gas in our apartment, the krechitov didn’t come out anywhere, but what about you? what about me? the old man called and said that you were leaving tomorrow, how can this be, andrei arkaevich,
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to leave everything halfway, but it’s not me who’s leaving, it’s he who’s leaving me, what else did he tell you? boss, said that i am no longer your partner and that i should not provide assistance, i understand, i don’t understand anything , how can it be, andrei arkadyevich, we haven’t found the killer , that means people will disappear, and why are we throwing up our hands like this, well, you can call moscow, well, call me, i can, just so, to call moscow i need irrefutable evidence and facts, but for now you and i only have assumptions, fears, doubts. while your bosses are making up lies about me for moscow, you need to find out what exactly the starovoyts and the mayor are stirring up, and until then, in short, you need to deal with the mayor.


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