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tv   Shef  NTV  February 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] i’ve been wanting something like this for a long time, so wishes should be fulfilled , if you want, we’ll take all your goods, don’t, it’s money on the table, that’s all there is, that’s so little, you’re upsetting me, yeah, we’ve got some villains, well, let’s go? take out the goods, guys, what are you doing, and i still have to cover the rent, stand, own security department, colonel khrulev, captain kuznetsov, senior lieutenant lapin, you are detained, on what grounds, we are working with an agent, you are interfering with us, smarter
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couldn't you think of anything? "resist it’s useless, we ’ve been collecting material on you for a long time, so it’s in your interests to cooperate, stand, well, wait, wait, i
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said, stand, lying down, hands behind your back!” they carried out an operation to suppress the drug trafficking channel in the region, detained three couriers, they during interrogation, we handed over several more accomplices, now everything is in development, we plan to contact the customer to close the gang by the end of the month. thank you, igor andrevich, good work. i serve russia. unfortunately, not all employees of our unit perform
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their duties properly. management. go, we don’t accept coffee from correspondents , excuse me, you like to joke, but in a hole it’s unlikely to help you, what are you talking about, in what hole, yours, yes, my correspondent wrote, but you didn’t confuse anything with your correspondent, i didn’t i understand, you don’t want people writing about you, do your job properly. your stove falls on the tenants, what is it called? yes, this is called slander, i have the best construction company in the city, only experienced specialists work, there was a commission, it gave the go-ahead, listen, i know how the commission accepts your houses, the commission accepted only one of your houses, it is exemplary, really, all the others are not, if you think that the information is unreliable, take it to court, what the hell is a court, write a refutation, otherwise
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we will... burn your car, your apartment , that ’s all, you have a lot of papers, you see how many, it can catch fire, listen to me, girl, either you do as i said, or... go and
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be afraid, i’ve caught it! in general, the book is nonsense. no, but when the description is two pages long, it’s boring, it breaks without a phone, yes, with a phone too, i understand, i’m katya, ignat, what, ignat, when the medicine is distributed, they call you ivan, yes, this is my dad, he registered it under his left name, he’s ashamed to be afraid for me that someone will find out, hmm, i understand, i have the same bullshit. he ’s a businessman or something, so you have money with us, so, well, you can say so,
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gavrilin ivan, you have a visitor, see you. well, it’s okay, you can live, even comfortably , just live here yourself, watch your language, or you want to go for free, it’s really like being in prison, okay, how do you feel, did you have seizures, no, no, but who is this girl you were talking to? what a girl, now katya, are there any other options? i don’t know, some girl is lying here, wait, did you order them to spy on me, what do you think, you’re a drug addict, the last thing you should trust is you
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’ll sell your own mother for a dose, don’t touch your mother, yes go away , you're leaving. ignat , i don’t understand, i had nothing in my orphanage, no nannies, no elite schools, no tutors, but you have everything for you, you can get everything you want, and you keep thinking about one thing, ignat, what’s wrong? you are wrong, where am i you missed it. i’ll come by next week, i hope you’ll spend this time usefully, dad, i’m here
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for a long time, it’s only up to you. hello, maxim, i’m also very glad to see you, how you found me, you offend me, i’m
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a journalist after all. yes, after all , your dacha is interesting, just no frills, you know, it even has some kind of charm, quiet, calm, nothing superfluous, sorry, i’m not suggesting it to you, i should have warned you, nothing, nothing. i managed to have lunch, what do you need? guess what, i really need your help. oh, did you happen to miss the address? listen, people came to the office, attacked us, and they saw that they didn’t like our article. is there no point in writing garbage about people? i didn’t write any bullshit about them, it’s about falling apart apartments in new buildings, where, miraculously, a person wasn’t killed, on one side the faucet is leaking, on the other side the wiring is sparking. listen
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, if they burn down the editorial office, you will lose all your money, of course, the income is small, but we are trying, expanding, and maybe you will go on the brakes because you don’t want to get involved with the lads, yes, i understand, i understand, don’t push, yes, sing calmly, of course, of course, especially since today i’m... i’m not in a hurry, andryush, it’s slowing down there, yes, okay, go, have a smoke, i obey. yes, sergei sergeevich, well
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, see, how is the service in the new place? new, well forgotten, old, i’m working as before , there’s no information on the graph yet, there will be, i’ll let you know, i know, i’m on a different issue, i won’t go around for too long, information has reached me about your conflict with pefanov, there’s no conflict, well, you it’s better to know, well, i’ll tell you for the future, be careful with this pifanov,
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it is not as simple as it may seem. good afternoon, what do you want? i want to buy an apartment from you? yes, please go to the shorum, there you can see how the rooms in the apartment are located, yes, i see, i see, also please, our booklets, here you can see others. layout options, girl, you apparently
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didn’t understand me, i want to buy an apartment from you, please sit down, i’ll need to call, call, call, well, of course, so stop, i won’t introduce you to him, no, not even ask, so, wait, i have some there's a turkey standing on the road here, i'll call you back. a thousand apologies, i need it, please drive the car away, you blocked the road , i can’t get through, you’re blind or something , you can’t see the emergency lights, well, the car won’t start, where can i take you to, well, it won’t start, call
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a tow truck, decide how- then this question is, are you a greyhound or what? what are you doing? oh-oh-oh, oh, it hurts , oh! yes, you're crazy, you broke my leg, and forgive me, please, but i ran into you, of course, god, you were probably in a blind spot, it hurts, yes, you think i i’m lying, and because of you i’m going to become disabled, man
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, that’s it, everything’s fine with you, what happened , think about it, she ran into me like a chicken, she played too hard, you can’t just get off with a fine here, these are serious bodily and you can say goodbye to your rights, but what’s the reason you won’t get your leg back anyway , i feel sorry for the guy, he means business, so give me 100 grand and we’ve paid off, no, boys, we wanted to formalize everything, but you really are a chicken, agree... listen, he’s offering you the best option, i’d like it generally closed completely. firstly, i don’t have that kind of money with you, but if you go to the atm, i will withdraw 100,000 from the card. why are you torturing the boy? let's go, let's go, let's go to the atm and withdraw. you're here for now, right? you won’t go anywhere, you won’t give any money. move away from her. man, what are you
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talking about? i'm wounded, my leg is broken. yeah, well, then let's go to the injury, let's see what you have. i won’t go anywhere with you so that you can disappear along the way. all. i'm calling the cops, so what, it hurts, come here, so, quickly take your friend and get out of here, otherwise, i’m about to kick his ears and hand him over to the police, i quickly said, auto fixers, the usual scheme, he has a protective plate in his boot, yes, so you’re not guilty of anything, seriously? yes, are you okay? yes, excuse me, would you like some tea? i still have tselonsky, a good one. i love tea very much, but let's not have it today. okay, okay. good
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evening. ivan egnadievich, you don’t want to go for a walk, of course i want to, i’m crawling out of the block, your cerberus
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are already asleep, just a minute. quiet, listen, maybe you shouldn’t be scared, but no, just imagine what will happen if we they’ll spot you, whatever you want, yes, but we ’ll wander around the area in the air. we breathe, we could get out into the city, but there’s no point, there’s still no money, but that’s not a problem, i
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can get it, then let’s go, right. come on, at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale, for example, a kitforрд planetary mixer for only 7,990 rubles. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you? mask? mask february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. bonanza. the final. today at
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22:15 on ntv. choose your favorite brand. all commissions for transfers are paid. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. if you have hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombing relieve pain for one time, burning sensation for two times, and itching for three times. capable of action immediately after use. gepotrombin g. treatment of hemorrhoids one, two, three. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then. confirm payment. big chicken burger with large tender chicken fillet breast, crispy breading and signature
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sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping. and those who like to earn money after visiting these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. no matter how you look at it, the azonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits at the megamarket; you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. buy smartphones, smartwatches with cashback up to 50%. bonanza. the final. today at 22:15 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy
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, yes, i spent the whole night again today , i don’t remember how i got to the gym, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it is it happens, well, what should i buy , what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what are you , i think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i am now your wife, you know how, and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, with when ordering, they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i ’ll go, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, probably too... what’s there to think? call, be sure to order. and remember, it’s better
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to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. you feel the smell of victory, it will all be over soon, you are crazy, how can i persuade him
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to vote for you, anton will be devoured and thrown out. another share they will take it away, i have one hundred percent information that dima will dilute my shares after his election, where does the information come from, it doesn’t matter, it’s just important, i feel that you will be the most important here, you are a rat, you understand me, but in our family rat, bonanza, final episodes, satisfied, join in, today at 22:15. head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg , leningrad region fefanov egor matveevich. let's begin. comrade general, my car was stolen a month ago, your employees are not moving at all. you also understand me,
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i have children, so long as you take everyone on the subway. your appeal has been recorded, i will sort it out, report it, i obey, thank you, i ask you, i really need your help, i was in trouble, my apartment was robbed, jewelry, money, everything was missing, but that’s not the main thing, my father’s military orders were stolen, and he reached berlin , i still wanted to pass on the memory to my grandchildren, but now there’s nothing left? thank you, comrade general, come in. thank you very much, please send it to my
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office, quickly, i obey, they called, statement, theft, work, victor sergeevich, prove yourself, get down to business, finally, who was robbed, you read, read, everything is there, i obey, comrade general, you have a day to solve, there is. in half an hour, prepare the cars, we’ll go to the office, yes , i’ll do it, the clinic called that he’s bad, no, he ran away tonight with that girl katya,
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idiot, i’ve already charged all the guys, they’re looking for him all over the city. you’re the one who found the clinic, where they don’t look after them, how did he escape from there, bitches, you can’t trust anyone, you’re responsible for him with your head, put the whole city under control, but so that my son is home in the evening, he understands, he understands, bring the car. max, come on, how old, great, pain, great, great, great, listen,
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a smart girl works in my office, she recognized you, she told me right away, and here i am. instantly, are you seriously thinking about this? well, quite, so what? your area seems to be quite good, quiet, a clinic, again a metro station, which is important, so i decided to buy an apartment in your residential complex, yeah, okay, okay, let's go, well, let's go , so what is this? yes, yes, the apartment is just sweet, now you’ll see everything for yourself, where two apartments? let me show you my mansions , a moment of patience, now, please, the view here is, of course, awesome, not riudairo, but the bay, max, the water, is very calming, yeah, that ’s probably the only good thing about
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this apartment, i don’t understand. you could at least wash the windows so that your bay can be seen, but what’s that? the sockets are broken, oh my, what color is the water, brown, well, this hasn’t happened before , it hasn’t happened, the plaster is falling off , are you going to let it fall on my head, or something, you ’re going to follow me with an umbrella, yes max, me i really didn’t know, i forgot to give you the money, i’ll fix everything, my mistake, i understand, yours, yours, you’ll fix it. don’t touch the journalist, good girl, okay, let’s pass, i knew that you
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were here for a reason, what are you talking about, i ’m telling you, the area is good, again, the clinic is nearby. i’ll kill the bitches, this department is at the intersection of vavilov and solomenskoye, viktor sergeevich, but i don’t understand why we are going there, this is an ordinary theft in a residential area, not even robbery, not just theft, but a crime, solving a crime is our job, yes you can’t argue with this, but there are nuances and politics. where would we be without her, the case needs to be solved as soon as possible, as if it happened differently with us, it happened, but now we have 24 hours,
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it’s accepted.
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where is the main one? well, leave him. who are they, what do they need, what is the question, guys, do you know? and excuse me, i have a problem, you can only deal with one, five more arrive, it’s a common thing, most often this is what happens, and then another
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misfortune happened, your osb detained our apers, they took over the store, now we’re in the search department, consider one and a half people are left, there is no strength left, they said the bosses, in order to send you at least someone, answer that there is no one to work with, they have to cope themselves. well, it turns out that , first of all, it’s serious, it’s theft, you didn’t kill anyone, you’re a captain, you chose your job, which means you have to grit your teeth and endure, like in a war, well, we’re not at war here, so what ? yes, this is just a statement, the testimony of a neighbor, expert opinions, there are no leads yet, okay, let’s go to the address, that ’s right, you don’t need it, your job. a lot of. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family.
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tea princess nuri - the magic of heat. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. there was an attempt at a palace coup in kiev; who tried to dismiss commander-in-chief zaluzhny? what came of it? if the general wanted to resign. good, then how will they clean it up now in a bad way? the blockade ring is tightening around paris, why did french farmers rebel, and will parisians really have to forget the crunch of french bread? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. cerberus premiere at sunday at 20:20 on ntv. who benefits from ozonbank cards: those who like to go shopping
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and those who like to earn money after going on trips. for those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit, no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. change your looks to suit any occasion, mood, winter sale of clothes and goods. hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment in a sticker, you hear, irina bought a delicious dot potato, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the airplane group, believe it or not, you want an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under
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stickers in the tasty dot app. working in an office can be painful. artrtsikam cream is a three-component composition with a modern painkiller in maximum concentration. triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. who benefits from an ozonbank card? for lovers of shopping and lovers earn money after visiting these stores. lovers. just save and receive interest on the deposit, with azonbank there is a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, when we congratulate dad and wife on the holiday, they turn from favorites into unnecessary ones, no need, but i need it, well, or not i need it, but i still need it, thank you, mozber, thank you, what is needed, so we and... become
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always tinkov, what are men silent about, that life is out of control, and pain, fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, langidase against prostatitis, who benefits from an azonbank card, those who like to shop and those who like to earn money afterwards. for those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. any business begins with a desire, i wanted a comfortable chair, and to do what you need, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, with support it doesn’t stop, we expand further,
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the national project is small-medium. i heard that you have problems with income here, what is this for you? money for advertising, for a year
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in advance, well, you’ll be in every issue. here are the keys to the apartment, these are for you, well we'll fix the rest , you'll come and have a look, if everything's okay, then you'll advertise my residential complex, well, i 'll sort it out with the manager, okay, yes, by the way, if you'd just said right away that you're from max, we'd have gotten
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on each other's nerves didn’t spoil it, but hello, hello, come in, please, don’t, no need to take off your shoes , come in, okay, thank you, maybe some tea, no, thank you, thank you, do you think your employees missed something, i did i knew that they worked carelessly, but no, why, they worked normally, it’s just fresh a look will never hurt, tell me, but the villains put duct tape on the doors of the neighboring apartments over the eyes, that’s right, i didn’t even notice anything, the neighbor told me, you don’t have an alarm, no, i don’t need it, i think the criminals knew about this, he lives in moscow, i hardly see him at all,
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but he helps me, constantly sends me money, tell me, but you yourself don’t work, right? no, thank god, i don’t need it, i don’t even have half the money that petya sends... you know, your apartment is very cozy, and the renovation is good, and a lot expensive technicians, i'm sure the villains knew what they could profit from here, and if we get to the gunner, we can get to the gang. what does it mean, what does it mean that someone said that something could be stolen from me, and they also told me about the orders, but no, calm down, they were n’t coming for the orders, you know, they were taken to the heap, as it were, the bandits were after the money, lord, is this one of their own, but not... it’s unlikely that experienced burglars wouldn’t take such risks, it’s too easy to trace the connection. yes. have you made any major purchases before? theft, or maybe one of the strangers was at home? yes, no, it seems. well, if you remember anything, please let us know,
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here are our contacts. yes. fine. yes, and don't worry. we will find your orders. yes , try your best, please. all the best. goodbye. all the best. accepted, contacts, the guys called back , checked a couple of points in the center, but so far there is silence, i understand the decision is yours, but still, until he crawls out of his hole on his own, we won’t find him, i don’t remember asking you for advice , sorry, well then you will have to check all the apartments in the city, all the apartments in the region, so you will check , here i am... telling you what and how we will do, we need to meet, but why, guys, i don’t
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need to, go, you bastard, it’s the workers who are stealing everything , it’s really all of them, come on, why should i blame them? “i’ll fix everything, i myself , on my knees, i’ll pay for everything myself, please , i took the money, i needed it, i ’ll compensate for everything, so what are you waiting for, fighting, i don’t recognize you, how long have you been in this forest buried the people, and it’s not even about the money, it’s about that..." people will tell you, and because of this freak they will now think that they can’t trust you, i warned you! it’s your own fault, you
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’re fired, i didn’t think that i’d have to do this again, but what did you want, business without blood. it happens, max, hmm, if you don’t want to come back, we’ll work together again, oh, what are you talking about, sir, i’m done, let’s go and crack a glass, but come on, viktor sergeevich, you’re right, this episode, i think i found the spotter, tell me,
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the victim called back now, she said that shortly before the theft she installed the road air conditioner, and i’m just sitting, reading inventories of property on similar cases, this air conditioner, it’s kind of fancy, japanese, for st. petersburg, a rarity. in short, i dug and noticed that each of the victims had such an air conditioner installed in the same company shortly before the theft. it’s good that we ’re holding out, we’re working, there’s sales, general, there ’s vanka, you’re here, the rest are with me, yeah, i ’ll back you up, if my guys find him, i ’ll give him to you, thank you. you and i are in such a business that we cannot have weak points.
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what do you mean? quiet, hands up, down to the floor quickly! guy, hold him, lie down, lie down, i said, don’t move, i was running, fuck you, you were detained on suspicion of committing a series of crashes, where are the orders? what the hell are the orders that you stole from your apartment on solomenskaya, fuck you, i’m an honest person, it’s clear that you’re wearing theft, and now up to... this is the infliction of grievous bodily harm on an employee while on duty, i don’t have to write about it in the report, if you
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tell me where the orders are, the offer is valid 3, 2, 1, i agree, at my house, smart girl, in in st. petersburg, a gang of apartment thieves was detained , terrorizing the townspeople for more than a year , at least 20 families became victims of the criminals, for a long time the trail of the attackers could not be traced, but the day before they took
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over the case... for a kind word, however, you can do without it, i understand, victor sergeevich , i understand, but sometimes it’s somehow insulting, are you serious now, no, i’m just saying, let me introduce myself, tower, alexander korolovich,
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remember, they read the legion to me, in the midst of the fog over the neva, an eel lion is looking out the window at me, why do you need poetry? a certain captain ushakov rewrote this religion and kills people according to it. well, what lines did he prepare for me? it all depends on what kind of execution your majesty has chosen for you. evgeny tsyganov. demon, my idea is correct, you and i should be more careful. kirill kyaro, how does he know that this guy will be released? timofey tribuntse. i'm in trouble, alexey gorbanov. i ’ll cut out your eyes, dmitry ulyanov, here are some poems for you, i’m sergey marin, this genre is epistolary, so the more we read, the more we’ll know, cerberus, big premiere, sunday at
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20:20 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11
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at 20:20 on ntv. choose ekgaz, refuel at gazprom stations, hello, we found out, this is what i told you a thousand times about sbp, and now i’ll get out and tell you about sbpay, download the sbpa application, link your bank account and you can pay for anything via an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, and if you ’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping. well, see you later. 25 years ago you came to us for the first time and asked, is there enough for a chocolate bar? even for two. and how much more was there enough for, everything for
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cooking, everything ready for preparation. the first riot every day is a feast of warm care, for 25 years we have been making available what is valuable to you, five, low prices for priceless moments, five, help out, it’s just space when you feel the real taste. smoked meat from cherkizov's own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchechon. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo. sergey and marina understood that it was better to try durian before buying. it’s good that in teen investments you can first try to invest
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and only then invest your money. open an account with tenko in investments and receive a starting 50,000 from the bank. tinkov: i turn on bright color while taking care of my hair! permanent cream paint palette gives a rich color. and the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. a smart choice is when you compare the offer for a product directly yandex search. who benefits from an ozonbank card? for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. for those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit, no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with
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ozonbank. raffle up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposit. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have cars, houses, apartments, studios and cash prizes in the drawing. there are more of them than snowflakes in winter. let it be cold outside. and it’s warm in the soul, because we have
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win, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. hey man, where's hana? throw the bidu, you attacked the wrong ones, oh! hold on, duty officer, says general maiguev, accept the challenge, this will continue for a long time, yes dad, honestly, this is the last time, i understand everything, tell you how many times i’ve heard this, no, really, this time everything is fine to another, you... don’t believe it, yes, ignat, i believe it, stop it, i’m sick with something, let’s go
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for a walk, okay. dad, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, there’s like
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a lake there, let’s go, yeah. stay here and clean up. viktor sergeevich, how good it is that i have you i met you, i wanted to thank you again for your help, thank you, oh well, it’s not worth it, everything is fine, you’re bleeding, but it’s nonsense, the scratch
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will go away. is your offer of tea still accepted? well, yes, of course, i’ll park and run to you. nomad, you were right, now i have
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nothing to lose, so that means... yes, they will terminate the deal, that yes, i understand, leave,
9:05 pm
dictate the address, something happened, are you leaving? yes, sorry, service. yeah, i understand. maybe another time, if you don't mind, of course. yes, yes, another time. good evening. and you. hello, good evening, are you still here? yes, at home. where's the guard? nothing changes. hello. the carriage has arrived. hello. how are you how do you feel? fine. as you all agreed today, you are asking me the same question. who


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