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tv   UGRO-4  NTV  February 2, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

4:50 am
well, why are you taking so long, comrades, policemen, come on, show me where, let’s go, comrades , he brought it, belov asks to come to you... talk, everything has its time, we’ll talk, but for now let him go to the basement and let him your boys will have a good talk with him. ramzys, he says that he has no money, so let your fellows ask about this, but maybe after all, go, don’t stop, go. fine.
4:51 am
i'm sorry. and a full bag of men's and women's shoes, where it was, and there under the tree, tell me, comrade police major, and if the bag belonged to the deceased, then it is now whose, no one's, comrade major, what, well, i say, what if, who gets the bag, if this is the owner of that one, you have a conscience. no, but
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you want to take things away from the dead man, but no, i mean that, well , what if he has relatives, you need to hand over the bag, we’ll sort it out, yur, get busy, let’s go through, we’ll record the testimony, what do you have here, judging due to his injury, he was killed from the same weapon as olga nikolaevna, yes, how can anything be done... without a preliminary examination, well, of course i can’t say for sure , but there’s no need to say anything, mind your own business, and somehow we ’ll be here on our own, andrei, andrei, what happened, nothing, everything is in order, but i’m glad that your missing passenger was found.
4:53 am
i’m not sure, the descriptions don’t match, the victims could have mixed up the descriptions, there was confusion on the bus, besides, this one has been lying here for two days now, it’s also changed slightly, i don’t know, i don’t know, what’s going on, the criminals saw him and ran after him him into the forest, caught up with him, killed him, took away his bag, when they opened it, saw that it was cheap junk, threw it away, they ran away, we should have a photo of him... show karpovy, we’ll show him, andryukh, i don’t understand what ’s going on, let’s talk normally, let’s talk, take it away, about what? wanted to talk? annas and osycheva, and
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there is already a reason. listen, don’t pretend, someone started some stupid gossip and you believed it. about the fact that you have sychevoy something? and i don't listen to gossip. dim, i have my own eyes. and i don't care at all. yeah, i see how you don't care. you look at me like a wolf, you lose your temper at olga. listen, okay, stop it, and get away from her, understand? you're not a greyhound, not can you hold the woman, your problems have nothing to do with it, understand? i warned you, ramzis, i did everything as we agreed , i left by bus so as not to be exposed again, i bought a ticket just before departure, i sat down, i went, you calm down,
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vanya, drink some water, and then, and then, when the bus was attacked, i grabbed my bag in the woods... i ran, what else could i do, you did everything right, vanya, well, he calmed down, now, vanya, the main question is, where is my bag, ramses, don’t apologize if i wanted pull with your money, i would pull, there, there with me in there was a woman on the bus, she had a bag. it was the same as mine, but everyone there had such bags, and that in the confusion i grabbed this woman’s bag, and my bag, i talked to her, she doesn’t know anything, she didn’t even open the bag, i answer, she
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told me quite calmly that she gave the bag to her daughter, if she knew what was in it, she would not have told me, so why is this daughter spending my money? i don’t know, i’m sorry, but i couldn’t give you the address, but you understand that you shouldn’t ask unnecessary questions, there in the photo there is a girl in a dressing gown standing at the entrance to the children's studio, okay, so i rustled, there is such a studio in the garden, you can find it, yeah, okay, vanya, okay , calm down, sit down, i called the sculptor for.. . for what? well, why? maybe you have a broken rib there or something? vanya, they will treat you, you rest, and we will find her ourselves. relax.
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another person, of course, rais petrovna, and maybe you recognize this person, oh, so this is him, who, well, this is the guy from the bus, are you sure, absolutely, right, yeah, well so that's something. thank you, oh , wait a minute, we didn’t even try the pie , no-no-no, thank you, i’m full, oh, we didn’t drink tea, oh, lord, well, thank god, it’s better,
4:59 am
so, there was an unknown person found in the forest killed with the same weapon as podkopaev, that is, we can conclude that this is the escaped... passenger who tried to hide in the forest, well, what am i saying, no, this is not a passenger, why? because black synthetic fibers were found on the face and lips of the deceased. similar material is used to make winter knitted hats so what? andrey, wait, in the orsinka they were also found in the oral cavity. what is he? did you eat hats? this is not funny, vova. this means that most likely the hat was pulled over the face, so the lint got into the mouth on the lips. are you saying that this is the corpse of one of the raiders? but ivan mikhailovich’s rank is not right for me to draw conclusions. i told you everything i found out, everything else was not my own, but andrey. okay, let's assume
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that the corpse in the forest belongs to one of the raiders, then the following emerges: painting. the raiders rushed into the forest after the escaped passenger, and we don’t yet know what happened there. what about this? this is the most interesting thing, i’m also interested, and after which one of the bandits kills his counterfeit, right? yes, but two questions remain: first, as you correctly noted, why is the ambassador? the passenger who everyone here is so tired of is alive and
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well, and there is a suspicion that it was he who attacked karpova, this is interesting , hello, can you come in and sit down. look, i like this charming girl, she lives on garden street, opposite the park, you need to find out her apartment, just quietly, we’ll do it, and what a house, i said, opposite the park, there are actually several houses there, well, go around and look, i understand, why do you need her? that’s it, i don’t have any questions, if you find out the address,
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call me back, just don’t go into the apartment, and what did i forget there, i won’t go in of course, let’s go, then... that means this guy got into the apartment and something i looked there, well, yes, and not finding anything, i grabbed earrings to simulate a robbery, then i met karpova in the park and quietly found out from her where she stores the goods that she brought from moscow, damn it, what was so valuable that our rais petrovna was carrying, what karpova sells, shoes, they found a bag with shoes in the forest, so maybe it was karpov? the bag, she has all the goods in place, she thinks so, listen, wait,
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wait, wait, the passenger who ran away, he mixed up the bag, and now he is looking not for karpov’s things, but for his own, what idiots we are all , volodya, don’t generalize, i agree, mikhailovich, you are a completely different matter, and by the way, senior lieutenant alekseev is not coming either, he immediately latched on to this passenger, thank you, olechka, and i mean, well... so, let's get back to business. call karpova, present her bag for identification. i obey. well, it seems like everything is clear to everyone, right? yes. work. yes. hello girls. hello. help yourself, please. no, i can't have sweets. i have dozens of worthless teeth. not good looking, not a single tooth. well, since there are no teeth , why feel sorry for them, help yourself, thank you, but
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you don’t seem to be from our yard, that’s for sure, but did you come to visit someone, yes, you can say so, look, you met at a friend’s birthday , well, why, like what, i didn’t myself you know, i fell in love, come on, and the main thing is neither the name nor the address, i don’t know anything, so you... ask, but he doesn’t know either, she accidentally came to see him there, he knows that she’s somewhere lives in your yards, and where is unknown , a prominent girl, come on, come on, let me, uh, things are bad for you, guy, why, it’s karpov’s slut, she’s married, it can’t be, yes, i tell you i say, i’ve been married for almost a year now, this is some kind of scarpova, well, what kind, are they on the fifth floor? we lived with our mother, from paradise. raya bought a new apartment back then, and this
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she left her young, i remember, i remember , oh, how can it be, she’s unlucky, she’s so unlucky, listen, don’t be upset, life is like that, it can still be, i’ll tell you a secret, her husband is so-so, a former criminal , yes, why did she... marry him ? what house, apartment 29, huh? and thank you very much, well , i’ll go, i guess, go, you’re a livelier guy there, more persistent, a good guy, good, can’t be compared with this criminal, help yourself, help yourself, heaven told me such things about him about this criminal, horror, horror, but this one is polite, handsome, good,
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maybe something will work out, come on, can we? yes , rais petrovna, come in, hello, hello, hello, citizen karpova, you were called to identify the bag and its contents, yes, yes, they already told me, look carefully, you recognize this bag, where from, they are all the same, volodya, open these bags, maybe you recognize the contents? oh look, that's mine i personally bought the goods , you are absolutely sure, i personally bought all this, that means, three pairs of these white ones, that means five pairs of black ones, and here i also have slippers, but i can list them all,
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listen , where did you get this from, well, this is me... well, what are your thoughts? it seems to me that everything is clear. your passenger took her bag. and he ran into the forest. at the same time, he killed the raider with his own weapon, and she returned to the city with his bag. this has not yet been proven. okay, let's think further. he understands that this is not his bag, he throws his bag in the forest
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, returns for his own, stuns karpova, searches the whole apartment, but... doesn’t find it, yes, because his bag is with karpova’s daughter, that’s right, everything works out, dim, i congratulate you, because that from the very beginning you were right, because everything revolves around this passenger, and the bus was opened for him, he ran away into the forest, why? i was saving my bag, yes, yes, it looks like that, but you, dimka, were so rotten, and he? no one spread rot on anyone, and stop singing defamation here, our question is not found out, what is it?
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so heavy, oh, mommy, stop, god, how much money, and mommy, mommy? the subscriber’s device is turned off or is outside the zone , yes, lyubash, where are you, vital, i’m going to see your mother, otherwise she’s already eaten my entire beach with her tap, okay, please, go and wait for me there, don’t go anywhere, well, it happened- then, vital, that’s all it is, then, just don’t
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go anywhere, listen. so we weave everything everything. i correctly understood that other people’s things are worth it to the hooter, that’s exactly how it is. chika turned out to be quick, which is necessary, he took my bag with his own, oh, i can’t, well, uncle, uncle
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turned out to be difficult, rais petrovna, we must go to your daughter to inspect the bags that she has, why, let’s ring the bathhouse now, she will bring everything herself, no, no, this is unnecessary, we have to do it ourselves come and have a look on the spot, no, you know, i’ll still call and let you know, but you never know, maybe she’s in the bathroom or somewhere else, well... the battery is dead, i’m picking up my things, no, the bag will stay with us for now , yes, okay, please, let’s go, are you stunned or something, can’t you see, i’m coming, why don’t you leave me? and the bag, yes to hell with this bag,
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oh, here comes vitasik, meet mozitek. yes, we already know each other, vitasik, where have you been, your mother came to you to fix the faucet, well, he fixed it, no, who would doubt it, and don’t call me mom, what kind of mother are you, what kind of misfortune happened here, vitasik, what do i know all your misfortunes, that you don’t have enough for beer, but not your love was kidnapped, how they were kidnapped, i don’t know, they stole everything, the first aid kit.
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nikita panfilov has big problems, how ugly it is to attack from behind, and upa to “i think this dog is mad, it needs to be put to sleep, but the entire homicide department is having a hard time, murder of us, capercaillie, it looks like the truth,
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i’ll shoot myself, the right decision, the dog comes to me, the dog, by popular demand from tv viewers, the dog, today at 8:25 on ntv. oh, my love, my daughter, lord, oh, oh, how bad i feel, just terrible, oh, oh, my love, there, look, oh, oh, it’s impossible, oh, it’s not good , like, oh, oh, lord, here, rais petrovna, take it, drink it, come on! oh, drink, drink, hey, where are you, na, pick up the phone,
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call your mother, subscriber. is answering or is temporarily unavailable, try to call later, she’s disconnected, well then, husband, move, come on, oh, oh, on the phone, answer, oh, oh, i can , hello, lyuba, yes, yes, yes, i’m listening, you’re the main thing, don’t worry, yes, yes, yes, lyuba, you’re the main thing, don’t worry, mom, mom nearby, yes, now i’m giving you a pipe, lyubonka, lyuva, it’s me, mommy,
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i’m scared. and mom, please pay what they want, yeah, i understand, put the bucket, that’s it, rest. “she didn’t say where they were hiding her? no, she didn’t, but she told me that the kidnappers were wearing masks, that’s very good, that’s why, but because they hide their faces so that she doesn’t identify them, that means they’re not going to kill her, nurs , well, calm down, everything will be fine”? “everything
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will be fine, you’ll save her, that’s right, we’ll try, we’ll save her, we’ll definitely save her, lord, my god, the correct thing to do will be to figure out when they they will come for the money , and then find out where they are hiding your daughter , you have the required amount, almost, let’s get it, maybe a doll, what are you, it’s fake or something, well, yes, no, no, in no case, what if you let them go, but then what if they..." will understand that they were deceived, what will happen to the love ones, and well, vitalik, well, at least tell me, well, i i think the woman is absolutely right, we can’t take such risks, the money has to be real, but i’ll take out a loan, a loan for a car, then maybe i’ll sell something else, we’ll call, okay, when they call, but hovered like when they
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call? tomorrow, okay, volodya, yes , what, just bring your bag, nothing else , okay, okay, you, vitali, will need to drive up to the department, write an application so that we can join officially, lord, goodbye, goodbye, we’ll try to do everything possible, i spend, oh, oh, oh, uh, friend, yes, you want, you’re alive there , alive, why are you silent, let me go, please , hear, bro, we ask you to let me go, what a fool , do you hear, we didn’t take you in just to let you go right away, you hear, i understand this everything for money, take the money, take everything, please, of course we’ll take it, you
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’ll eat it. no, well then, don’t be bored, rais petrovna, maybe some tea, thank you, vital , uh-huh, oh, maybe you can lie down and rest, but what the hell, vitalik, lie down , what’s wrong with your face, and yes, i had a fight yesterday , well with who, yes, the hooligans there... the girls pestered me, well, i got in, son, why are you doing this, why are you always somewhere there, but everything is fine, maybe you will stay with us, no , vitalik, i ’ll go, i’ll collect money, yeah, well, i’ll accompany you then,
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this is good and decides to run away with it and, to divert attention, stages his own kidnapping, or perhaps, i don’t know, i don’t know, well, whatever, belov, it’s better , although the guys beat him up pretty good, it’s great, you’d better teach those bullies of yours to think a little, it would be easier for everyone.
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“listen, ramses, don’t start, belov immediately asked to talk to you, and what did you say , let them teach you first, and then we’ll talk about what you wanted, belov is not a boy. they’ve already sold him a couple of times, he’s a sketch, okay, but i’m to blame now, okay, don’t fuss , well, eat the risks, don’t fuss, thank you, i don’t want to, oh, mosquito, how are you, everything is fine, well done, sadovaya street, building 3, apartment 29, you see how you need to work, purely carefully and no serious bodily harm, let's go, there's no point in sitting here,
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yes, yes, mash, of course, of course, well, now we’ll discuss something with the guys right away when we go home, yes, but masha, i, i have something to do with it, but another matter has arisen, yes, well, a girl? they kidnapped a young woman, oh, don’t worry, just don’t, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, i really like the version that karpova’s daughter staged the attack herself, but most of all i’m worried about the missing passenger ours, yes, the guy is clearly no slouch, always one step ahead of us, yes, it’s true, we can’t catch up with him, it’s okay, we’ll catch up with him, so, were there any calls from the kidnappers? no, those that were could not be tracked, but they should be tomorrow call, they’ll set a place and time , okay, there’s no point in taking them with money, anyway , one person will come for the ransom, and the rest will guard the hostage, so, you think,
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he has accomplices, who, from the passenger , found, apparently, he ’s acting alone, and you think it’s him, well , there wasn’t a bag in the apartment, so he got to it, of course, and then took karpov’s daughter along with the bag, it’s unlikely that he took the bag, and then someone... he also kidnapped a girl, and in general commits all crimes in trigorsk one single person, why is it all , well, not all, of course, but this story with the bus with bags is clearly directly connected with him, just what was he carrying, that’s... we’ll find him, we’ll find out what he carried, who kidnapped the girl, who raided the bus for the sake of this bag. so, free, tomorrow morning at karpova’s apartment. oh, this is simply impossible.
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since petrovna, yeah, maybe you can eat, huh? oh, vitalik, i have no time for food. petrovna, well , maybe i can have a little soup, otherwise lyuba will come back, and you have withered away from me, she knows what will suit me, maybe so a little while it’s hot, come on, come on, uh, be careful, resya petrovna, i wanted to ask, what? you don’t have enough money, well, for the ransom, 1.100, yeah, but i’ll find this money, no, i don’t want it, oh, vitalik, where can you
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find it, vitalik, i’ll borrow it, i have friends, oh, you have it too debts are through the roof, well, where else, does petrov know? in general, i want to help , lyuba, by the way, not only you are a dear person, okay, okay, vitalka, okay, don’t sulk, i called a guy here, he ’ll give me, well, a car locker, of course, so we’ll get out, okay, nura petrovna , come on, we’ll get out, yes, of course, we’ll get out of the market... we’ll get out, of course, we’ll get out , well, maybe it’s for the soup after all, but no, no, vital, thank you, no, okay, norys petrovna.
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owners, welcome guests, no one, well done , mosquito, and i thought you had lost your qualifications, well, yes, you can’t waste your skill, it’s clean , well, let’s get down to business, if it’s clean, check it thoroughly,
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yes, hello, and it’s you, i’ll let you in on the report i gave it away, everything about the weapon is based on fingerprints, but what about our fingerprints, it’s all written in the report, can you say it in your own words? we have the fingerprints of the deceased in our file cabinet, nikolai petrov, nicknamed shnyr, was charged with petty hooliganism, that’s all. so. well, that means they hired this slicker to raid the bus, and then removed him as an unnecessary witness, right? well done! well, that's it, i have to go, andryusha, bye. olya, we need to talk. it's too late. goodbye. ol, ol!
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there’s nothing, your accountant joked, you don’t bother a white brat, he’s not the kind of person to bully ramses and me, oh well, okay, i’m right, if you want drying, you go, but what do you have here, it’s empty, no, nothing, empty, but i ’ll assure you. so we have two options: either
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you, mosquito, got the wrong address , what are you talking about, but i, okay, okay, i was joking, shoes for sale, belov said that this woman sells slippers, well, yes, here’s the second option , someone found our money before us, who, who, yes, it’s clear who, the girl, oh, ramses, and i found something here, oh, this is a meeting, it’s necessary, and this, this is what happens , we came to visit vitasik, who is this vitasik, and the slaps alone, i sometimes take him to work, by the way, he brought me to belovo, it’s a small world, well, then let’s wait for this handsome guy and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. and i’ll go, i’m tired, i’ll rest, yes
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, we have to wait for a long time, we’ll wait as long as we need, sit down, oh, let me accompany you, no need, what do you mean no need, ol, what ’s going on, you you’re asking me about this, i’m asking you, you’re the one making eyes at alexey. and then you don’t want to talk to me, so maybe i’m tormenting you with my stupid jealousy? what remains for me do? so that’s enough, andrey, not only are you acting like an absolute idiot, not only are you insulting me with your suspicions, but on top of everything else , you’re preventing absolutely everyone, absolutely everyone andrey from working, why the hell did you get to the bottom of alekseev, you with all your appearance made it clear that he was a fool and his version was stupid, but what turned out to be true? alekseev turned out to be right, that’s what
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worries you, no matter how much you offend alekseev , it’s clear, yes, i turned out to be wrong, i admitted it, and we continue to work further, and you know why, but because i have to alekseev has no complaints, you are beautiful and smart, and it’s in the order of things that he likes you, it’s not his fault, he didn’t betray me, and that means i betrayed him, but what is it called? so i didn’t understand whether the bag was in the apartment or not? “maybe she was, rambling, i told you the whole truth, lie down, don’t move, you believe me, i believed you, vanya, from the very beginning, i knew that you wouldn’t cheat me, because you know that you were carrying fake money, but
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no one knew this except me, but why, i have production in moscow"? those who they make money, they don’t know who buys it, and those who buy it don’t know who makes it, so calm down, van, i agree, well, let’s say you decide to grab my money, well, where are you going, you know, that your money is fake, you need to find a good buyer so that he gives a good price, risk, all this is not for you, that’s for sure, those who know that you are bringing money, but, but thought that it was real, yes, yes, they took risks, vanya, wait, then why did you interrogate me if you knew that i couldn’t, well
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this is just in case, but i decided to test you, vanya, suddenly you came to an agreement with my... buyer behind my back and decided to sell my money, you bastard, ramzis, yes, you bastard, what to do, vanya, what to do, however, now this is not the time to accumulate insults, we need to get together to find the one who coveted my money, vanya, come on, get well!
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oh, vitasik, what are you doing here? you've been walking for a long time, vitalik, hello, and you're not getting sick, but come in, sit down, you're at home. well, oh, what do you have? and this is me. well, sorry, i ran into it myself. well, tell me. and what tell something? i heard that she can’t
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go to the bucket, the aristocrat. i'm mad, and there's nothing else to thump? take it in the car, so what did you find there? listen, we definitely took it, i can’t understand, i found it. by the way, there’s also this bag, well, the one that the girl and i intercepted, and what’s there, it’s some kind of junk, well, throw it away for the hell of it, we’ll be the police because of the junk, yeah. what did you throw away? listen,
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yes, in short, i decided, let’s leave it, we’ll show it to the boss, otherwise i’m still broke, pour it, oh, oh, well , so that it doesn’t swerve, let’s have a drink! "hold on, come on, come on, come on, thank you, well, blehtelo, listen
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, well, tell me, where is your woman, he’ll kill you with a little speed, well, vitalik, did i leave, honestly?” “ and he’s not there, and rush and look for him, we need this, we don’t need it i must, i’m sitting, i told the truth
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, relax, vitalik, you’ll sleep at home today, thank you, they’ll let you go, if they let you go, yes, the mosquito, of course , will let go, come here, on... and you’ll be pleased for what? we wanted to talk to her, yeah, she ’s like a witness for us, but we’re not full, vitalya, we won’t hurt your girl, thank you, goodbye, that you’re so rotten, vitalik, but i hit you in the face, and you say goodbye to me, and say thank you. that they came, oh,
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that means so. “i went, and you stay here , i understand, i understand, and graze tasik, uh-huh, yes, if he rushes to his woman, call me right away, we’ll do it, if this girl or her husband has the money, we’ll get it quickly we’ll split, the gray-haired one said that vitalik is a flimsy guy, why if?” "there are options. mosquito. mosquito? mosquito. he was the first to know the address of this girl. and there is no
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guarantee that he did not immediately come to me. do you think he first visited this apartment and took the goods? why not? well, actually, maybe. that and it that can be. eh, it’s good to take a nap, eat it up.
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well, should i call? no , damn it, do a manicure first, listen, you’ve become a pain in the ass, and why are you being so stupid, you want to wait until the cops come to her and bug her, oh, my god, oh, oh, “hello, aunt, so what?” , did you collect the money? yes, i collected everything , i collected everything, and a pretty penny, as you asked, that’s it, well done, now listen, in the evening from 9 to 10 you will go to the wild beach, you know where it is, i know, i, i know , there will lie near the fungus container, what kind of container, plastic for groceries, if you put the money in there, immediately leave, and lyuba, lyuba, where is lyuba, what’s wrong with lyuba? wrap the money in a bag, what a cellophane bag, you fool, but wrap it better, understand? yes, yes, yes
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, i understood everything, i will do everything as... you ask, hello, hello, lord, who else is there, who is there, who is interfering there, and now i’ll start screaming, and rice petrov! and why are you yelling, it’s me, ah, well, retron, don’t you recognize me, yes, it’s me, vitaly, oh, well, well, vitalik, you’re the same as always, fuck you, fool, the criminals will call this afternoon, olya,
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will you come with us, you will need to put your bag with... okay, but there are no bugs yet. why not? well, ivan mikhailovich, you yourself know that first you need to sign such a stack of papers, and then wait. olya, what are you waiting for? well, when the techies bring me this bug, so you go, and i’ll wait for the bugs. okay, volodya, you stay in the department, the criminals will call and name the place where the ransom will need to be transported. you will go there and prepare an observation site for us. ivan mikhailovich. do you mind if i stay instead of pronin, why? and because major ignatov doesn’t want to communicate with his colleagues, it’s somehow easier for him alone, right? yes, you can say that, i’m just giving some colleagues the opportunity to be together , let them talk while they install bugs, it’s very interesting to listen to you, but unfortunately, it’s time to work, let’s go, stay in the department,
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eat. volodya, they’ll call, tell me right away, vitalik, what kind of person are you, why does something happen to you every single day, well , that’s enough already, but it doesn’t hurt me at all, well your kids will go, but why do they need such a father? res petrovna, are they going to leave tomorrow or something, by then everything will have healed, then are they asking you something like that, they, they, who are they? well, these ones that i love? no, some drunk men were yelling in the yard, but i went out to calm them down, got a fire, okay, that’s enough, now the police are coming, and they already called, who called? well, these people who told us where to bring the money, oh makarek, but they shouldn’t have called us, then the police would have caught them, otherwise
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wiretapping, no one needs it, vital, sit down. vital , who needs it, vitalik, i need lyuba to return home, alive and well, the police, what they need, they definitely need to put someone in jail, suddenly they start storming, and what then, what will happen to lyuba, res petrovna. this is not a hostage-taking, who to storm, they are careful they'll track the person who takes the money, we'll find out where to hide lyuba , we'll return lyuba, you'll get your money back, yeah, well, to hell with it, okay, with this money, yes, that's how it is, you you give them every penny, or this money fell from the sky, well, okay, you think, i don’t see how you
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work so hard. then, i think that these bastards need to be caught, and if they get away with it, they will then kidnap someone again, you think, yes, we shouldn’t allow this, oh, vitalik, oh, i don’t know, i don’t know , oh, we’re approaching karp’s house.
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and mosquito, what news do you have? along the way, because the tasik told the truth. did something happen to his grandmother? more details please. at night he did not go out anywhere, the sutrit rushed off somewhere. i thought, to my girl, no, to my mother-in-law. well, maybe she's there with her mother. no, i checked, now all the trash came to them, listen, maybe they found my money, called the trash, have you thought about this? no, what should i do? let's just be quiet in the yard and wait, if they came to register the find, they will leave quickly, and if they are looking for the missing girl, then for a long time, they are there, they will wait for calls from the kidnappers, so they can cook, understand? “i understand everything , come on, don’t fall asleep, i can’t hold on, if in an hour there is no news from you, then i will send you a shift, come on, well, and also
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nothing, what to do, are you going to, well, eat, what else, van, do you like bread and butter, i can’t, why, i have a liver, “listen, you seem young, so dead, and i love, van, bread with butter, and even on top, svarenitsa, oh how , i collected everything to the last penny, so it’s on the beach under a fungus there will be a container, yes , yes, yes, she said, just don’t worry, don’t worry, well, why not worry, this happens here , they ask me the same thing a hundred times, as if i’m already completely, that’s why, well, they asked as closely as possible wrap it in cellophane, yes
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, but you didn’t tell me anything about it, why is it so important, lord, petrovna, of course it’s important, and don’t yell at me, i’m not yelling, i’m just worried, i’m worried too, okay, sorry , i just thought that if we do something wrong, the thieves might get angry and who knows what? oh, vitalik, you're right, please wrap it properly, i'll bring it now, wait , we still have to install a bug, put it in, put the bug in, now a specialist will come and we'll install it, i'll go and have a look, maybe they've already arrived, vitalik, sit down, don't wash. contract military personnel receive regional support measures: combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to
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a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here! serve under contract! stand up, ruling on termination of the criminal case, we will work through to the result, i want the whole city to be put on notice, this is a seizure, boss, a new season. we have no way out, do what you must and come what may, today at 20:00 on ntv.
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it’s me again, in short, the garbage is not going to go anywhere, apparently some kind of toadstool has happened to them, well done, mosquito, let ’s get out of there, otherwise you’ll die there, every resident has already copied, understood, removed the surveillance, uh-huh, why , well, the cops have their own operation there, there’s no need for us to go there, and if they find the girl first, and the money too, i don’t give a damn for money. i’m interested in identifying the rat, but if they spot my man there, why can they pin kidnapping on me, i need it, but how do you identify the rat? and
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i will watch, van, for the gray one, and for the mosquito, the money is from the missing girl, one of them will start looking for her, but won’t tell me, i understand, you’re losing, here it is, your free horse. yes, ivan mikhailovich. andrey, i have some bad feelings. visitors asked that the money be wrapped in cellophane. and the ransom will take place near the river. do you think they are money? will they ask you to throw it into the water? i don’t know, in general, go and look around, if there’s a bridge nearby, you’ll end up there. yes, you are right, they can wait until the money is placed in the container, and then call and tell them to throw the container from the bridge into the boat, for example. okay, let's go there. well, later we will be
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, what torment, oh, it’s just terrible, oh, it’s simply impossible, well, just don’t worry, i’m worried, i’m worried, what if i... do something wrong, what if i do something i’ll forget, in case i don’t find the container, what then, flight petrovna, i was thinking, in general, i’ll go instead of you, vitalik, i’ll do everything myself, nuras petrovna, i said no, rais petrovna, but your son-in-law is right, he’ll handle everything perfectly well, but we’ll be calmer, otherwise you
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you get excited, you get confused, you ruin everything, i think you should stay at home, but think about it, they let your daughter go, where will she go here, well, so stay home and wait for your daughter, well, we can handle the criminals ourselves, come on is it possible to come here as quickly as possible, yeah. yeah, in the middle, that's it, i just want it warn that the radius of the bug's signal is not very large, no more than 100 m, so you can't let it go far , but why so little, well, because we live in the stone age, that's why olya, don't get angry, let me scotch tape is better, but why is he asking stupid questions, as if i ’m making these bugs myself, that’s... what kind of
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fig bugs we have, so what’s the noise, there won’t be a fight, there will be, now olga nikolaevna has marked me right here , okay, i'm sorry, so guys, come on, come on, stop with these bugs, just a second, well, as quickly as possible, come on talk to me under my arm, then uh-huh, nuts, great, just a little more. yeah, that's it, hold it!
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a neat guy, ignatov, like you, everything is quiet.
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they’re in no hurry, ivan mikhailovich, the money that was sitting on the other side, ivan mikhailovich, it’s okay, we’ll spot a bug there, they bullied us, guys, but why did they bully us? we need to get to the other side, ivan mikhailovich, the bridge is a kilometer away, but the bug only catches it at 100 m, we’ll run to the bridge, we ’ll just move away from them, damn it, damn it, i’m playing, do you hear me? that's right, quickly blow in the opposite direction shore, to us, why on the opposite side? why , why, yes, i’ll swing it, as soon as possible, be in front of us, watch the bug, let’s refill, andrey, quickly, there is,
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maybe he’ll have time, but it’s unlikely , he’ll run a kilometer, and with that he pulled up the container, everything ’s free, but they see us now, pull the string and chuckle. damn, oh, little king, ah, you promised , you, you gave me your word of honor, and you, your boss, everything will be fine, so what
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next, no need for tea, first they’ll screw everything up, then partly they offer, i understand in what you are in good condition, but... my mother -in-law told me correctly, the main thing for you is not to save a person, the main thing for you is to imprison someone , when you organized your stupid operation, you weren’t thinking about anyone, you were thinking about how to catch criminals, on you didn’t care, why didn’t you notice that there was a rope tied to the container, just like that, i didn’t take it in my hands, i put the money in, closed the lid, well, i sprinkled sand on the rope, lord, what am i going to tell my mother-in-law, lord, she won't he survive? vitaly, please calm down, i’m just sure the kidnappers will return her, and how do you know, well, life experience , they have no time for her now, they are dividing the money, and why is it so difficult, of course, because your wife was kidnapped
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not by seasoned bandits, but by petty riffraff, why is this a riffraff, your mother-in-law is not an oligarch, well, an ordinary woman with an average income, but... when ordinary women, hikers demand ransom, well, that means they themselves are not rich people, so what follows from this, but from this it follows that the money they received will seem like enormous wealth to them, well then as always , they will quarrel, they will start to find out who is more worked, who took more risks, word for word, swearing, fighting, one will grab the money and run, the other will follow him, so don’t bother them now, do you think?
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are you sure? well, it turns out that i was scared like a little kid, well, yes, i brought you, no, i myself, yes, you just know that tell her that the most important thing is that nothing is lost yet, okay, i’ll try, and also, yes , i was scolding you, your work, forgive me , for god’s sake, what are you doing, goodbye, goodbye, andrei, well, i guess i’m not my mother-in-law, he ran to console him, yeah, sit on him
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tail. go.
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here they are, grannies, little grannies, and you were fussing , everything turned out well, but it turned out well, you saw what a fuss rose up, and the garbage began to twitch, listen, when we’ll divide it, well, let’s wait for vitalik, yeah, who’s there, look, here and he... vital, great, why are you so early, hello, so you said you won’t have a few days, oh, why are you so handsome, it’s none of your business, the money, where, oh, that means it’s so, guys, i’m i’ll save it for the time being, we’ll share it when everything settles down, it’s clear that you don’t trust us, or maybe i do, it’ll just be better this way.
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i don’t know them, this is the first time i’ve seen them, well, yes, of course, where is lyuba, fuck you, she’s in the basement, dima! “come on, get up, let’s go, go out, quickly, go, stand, stand up, bitches , i knew it, eating, what, you gave yourself up, pletnyov, remember how desperately you fussed with this cellophane?” it means you knew in advance that they could get wet, and you tell him about the snag, ivan mikhailovich, what other
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snag that you removed on the beach, because it would have prevented you from carrying the container that you ate, you burdock, vitasik, and then i played on your greed and you rushed to your friends, come in, calm down, it’s all over, everything is fine, vital, vital, vital, finally, so scared. where's mom? why are you silent? what is this? it’s sad, but the organizer of your kidnapping is your husband. this is not true, vital, this is not true. honey, i 'll explain everything. how dare you, how dare you, how could you, do you even understand what i went through there, how bad i felt, why? well why? he needs money, but what about a job? you don’t want to, so pletnyov, vitalya, lyuba, listen,
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i just didn’t want to scare you, i even with from the very beginning i wanted to tell you everything, but then i thought that what are you, what are you, that you won’t agree, yes, of course, i won’t agree to rob my own mother, ugh, you bastard, you’re a bastard, you understand, who? yes, i wanted to spend all the money on my family, i even wanted to buy fur coats, yeah, but i don’t need anything myself, the circus, of course, let’s go, take it, come on! well, calm down, lyuba
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, lyuba, calm down, lyuba, i can’t, excuse me , no, what are you talking about, eat, eat, i need to talk to you, lyuba, tell me, these are the bags with the goods that mom brought, she gave it to you, no, she was collected, who? who kidnapped me, uh-huh, okay, you eat, eat, andrey, yes, check the trunk, what’s there, money, money, money.
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here you go. everything came together, the mysterious passenger was carrying a suitcase of money to the crime boss, yeah, when the bus was attacked, he decided to save the cargo and ran away, but by mistake grabbed karpova’s bag, then he tried to return his bag, at that very time ramses, through his man, was also looking for sidovo found the mysterious passenger, by the way, earlier than we did and... if not for this kidnapping because of which not only lyuba was missing, but his bag, he would have gotten to his money long ago, counterfeit money, especially since you know who buys this money? i know, well, and then they can be used to pay off all sorts of freaks who blow up trains, okay, ivan
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mikhailovich, but it all worked out by pure chance, if this vitalik had not kidnapped his own wife, it’s unlikely... we when -we found this money with you, yes , okay, but now we have some trump cards, and we can take ramses with his own money, he doesn’t know that we have the bag, but i'm listening, hello, gray-haired, great, it's me, how... are you feeling, vitalik, everything is fine, here it is , in short, lyuba was found, alive, healthy, yes, drug addicts, some locals kidnapped her, they wanted money from her mother-in-law cut down, but they were tied up quickly. well, i see, now the question is: where is that bag that your mother-in-law gave to your wife?
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it turns out that right before the kidnapping, she took them to her mother-in-law’s store. to which store? in mother-in-law? she has her own store, who unpacked it? no one, my mother-in-law sells there herself, well, now the store is closed, you know, such things are happening to us, i understand, vitalik, i understand, so in an hour you meet a mosquito at the market, you hand him a bag, understand? i understand, and you and... aren’t you coming yourself? no, i’ll send a mosquito, i’ve got everything to do, well done, damn it, he’ll kill me, he won’t have time, kamar, listen, here, let’s go, shopping center, don’t
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be afraid, i’ll do everything, yes. find out whether this vitalik was hiding the bag or not, yeah, that’s what he told me, of course he won’t tell me, but you take a closer look, maybe he will twitch, fuss, he ’s stupid with us if you know what’s in the bag, it will definitely reveal itself, the fruits, and if i understand that he knows what to do, and you don’t do anything, i’ll talk to him myself, that’s it, go ahead. hello, i am with you, nadezhda babkina, and i apologize for this program. nadezhda babkina. let's talk frankly about who i came to ask for forgiveness. always ready to have a heart-to -heart talk. did he propose to you? no, he didn’t propose to me. give
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wise advice. you need to wait for the moment and not put pressure, and not interfere, just control it a little. comfort. oh, i’m so afraid a little, don’t be afraid, i’m here to support, you have something to say to your father, i ’m deeply upset about him, let’s call him now , let’s dial, hello, hello, dad, please forgive me, the premiere of a new emotional show with nadezhda babkina, today at 16:50 on ntv, boss, new season, today at 20:00 on... ntv. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. let's do without pain. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we're in a soviet bank. we take loans. we approved it quickly, we are at sofcom bank. loans that everyone knows. hair lacks vitality. gliskur -
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always tinkov, hair lacks vitality, gliskur exceptional hydration , fills hair with the power of hyalurn, hydration without weight, elastic , shiny hair every day, gliskur is an expert solution for your hair, a component against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headaches, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya, about the weather for today. in the far east there is a calm in the weather, even coastal cyclones have taken a break. on kamchatka island it is cold and cloudy, in the southern regions of the mainland the sea is sunny, in vladivostok -9,
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khabarovsk is almost 20 degrees below zero. however, at the cold pole you will see the temperature does not go far from 20 degrees, but the cold will return. in siberia there will be snow in the north, but temperatures everywhere are well above normal. in the polar narilskei it is only -14. however, it’s not at all cold in the south. mild winters await siberians. weekend in krasnoyarsk -9, in omsk -13. in the urals in yekaterinburg it’s just below 10 and cloudy. and european territory was favored by atlantic cyclones. another atmospheric front will hit today northern regions, there will be heavy snow here, but following the front it will get a little colder, in the center the temperature will remain around zero. the weather is cloudy, windy, snow alternates with wet snow. and all this happens against the background of very low atmospheric pressure. only the volga region stays away, but even there there will be a short distance. snow in kazan will be -1. in the south today there is dense wind and light rains, in sochi it is +9, in sevastopol it is still +5 without precipitation. and about the weather in the capitals: in st. petersburg there is a strong
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wind, sleet and -2, in moscow -1, too it’s windy, there’s precipitation, today is groundhog day, but the moscow marmots are still fast asleep, and what’s the hurry, there’s a whole month of winter ahead. great, well, we need to get to the leak, she has a store there, let’s go, it’ll all be over soon. sure? yes. and you had only two options: gray and mosquito. the gray-haired man did not go for the money, he sent a mosquito. what does it mean? this means that the gray-haired man does not need my money. and he trusts the mosquito. yes, well, actually, just wait a minute, van. not yet evening.
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what a moron.
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what a meeting, gray-haired guy, why are you sunbathing here, but you were on your way to ramses for a report and the tire went flat, so what was on the market? that it was in order, in complete order, the bag was in the car, although there was something stirring around, no, well, he swore to me that he had seen the bag for the first time in his life, but he made a face, nothing, vitasik was quiet. no big deal, you know, so, listen, help , come on, what do you have here, but here i let you down, yeah, okay, jack it up, let’s jack it up, come on
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, i’m far away, well, thank god, ramses, well, this is the case here , in short, the money was found, only this freak wanted to take it for himself, okay, and then i found out that they called you and reported to you, that the girl was found and my purse with her, that’s right, i sent the mosquito to her, well, to you,
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he disappeared, everything is clear, the mosquito ran away with my money, i’m looking for him like a fool all over the country, and he’s rotting somewhere in the swamp, and you are not in the aisles at all, well thought out, gray-haired, ramses, hmm, what are you talking about, we’ve been together for so many years, this is upsetting. that we’ve been together for so many years, but it’s okay, i’ll upset you too, the money is fake, how come, i ordered them in moscow, quietly, here i have a good buyer for them, if only they were real, i would carry them in a bag, i would transfer them by bank transfer.
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this one is ready, but what’s in the bag? well, volodya, what? he’s alive with him, we need to call him soon , well, that’s good, i think sido won’t shield you, and will tell you that it was on your orders that counterfeit money was brought to the city, well, he’ll tell you, so let him tell you, let’s go, otherwise , for some reason my legs are numb,
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sit over me for a while, yes, the guy has strong nerves, but why is he 30 years old in the zone? he goes there like he goes home, ambulance, senior lieutenant alekseev, criminal investigation department, eh, guys, guys, let's sit down, volodya, deal with him, above. i embroidered from the car, reson on the hood, hands behind my back, andryukha, andrey, you're alive, you're
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fine. andrey, olenka, oh my god, how are you, olenka, hello, if you knew how scared i was, you know, the doctor said that you should have regained consciousness by now, i come in and look, and you ’re lying there and not even moving. , my
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god, dear, you know, when all this happened, i just thought that this was the end, why, why do we quarrel all the time, why, i love you so much, really, really... to get better, here's some crispy chicken just the way you like it, okay. dim , you also eat, juice, of course, here’s an orange one, different fruits, dim, you need to peel an orange, no, no, thank you, and for you andryush , give me an orange, but no, well, come on, later, later, later, later, you
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the main thing is get well, ok, oh, andryushka , how i love you, you’re my dear, oh, sorry, i forgot, forgive me, for god’s sake, forgive me, my dear, you know, i’ll go soon, because the doctor let me in completely, completely a little, it seemed that it couldn’t last for long, yes, besides, i still need to go to the department, but in the evening i’ll definitely come by, okay, get well, my dear, i’ll wait, bye, bye, bye, let’s go, bye, olya! hello, olika, oh, come in, thank you, hello, thief, great, great, how are you feeling?
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yes, okay, everything is fine, you have the right to go to work, no, no, no, take your time, get treatment, a head injury is no joke, yes, guys, we don’t need concussions in the department. what news, ivan mikhailovich? what news? belov and sidoi are giving evidence with all their might, and ramses? well, ramses doesn’t particularly open up, but he doesn’t refuse the accusations, so calmly, he signs everything, and maybe at will, that in the zone there is such a feeling, so it turns out that the gray -haired man was dumped in the forest, and he hired some scumbag to hide the bus, about the bag with the money, of course, he didn’t say anything to anyone, and then, when they let onebelova go, the gray-haired guy sorted it out with his accomplice, why, well, with... like men, ivan mikhailovich, we lie, we lie, bedsores have already appeared, nothing,
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be patient, treat, excuse me, your visit is over, yes, yes, yes, yes, order, there , order, goodbye, we're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving, andryukha, yes, in short, i've long wanted to tell you, you're kind of... .saved me, thank you, why are you smiling, and did you notice or something, you immediately came up to me, didn’t even look at you, damn, you’re an unfinished othello again, and hit all over your head, how tired of you are i?
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, study the time signs in the first program. on ntv, program emergency. a law has come into force that limits the powers of collectors; now representatives of this profession can meet with debtors no more than once a week, they cannot be called at night, but communication in general, both by telephone, on social networks and in person, must be recorded. the collectors intimidated valentina so much that almost all the equipment had to be given away to neighbors and friends, otherwise they threatened to take everything valuable from the house.


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