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tv   Odnazhdi  NTV  February 4, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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and on weekdays from monday to friday , watch the most important, bright and useful investigations of our consumer supervision on the air of the morning program, the best, don’t miss it, any story in the life of every person begins with the word one day, one day, the star of the series the boy’s word and the film... at the behest of the pike, nikita kologrivy quarreled with his colleagues and ambitiously declared: i want to climb to the top. one day, the great artist leonid yarmolnik answered: masters lived across the river, they did it quickly, they paid for it inexpensively, and the result was complete crap. once legendary basketball player ivan edeshka became a legend after making one shot. we were given a task. that
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we should take second place, the americans did not know this, and this of course played one of the main moments of our victory. one day, shoes from the chest of drawers became relevant again, look at the slippers of pyotr ilvich tchaikovsky. one day , dr. leila adamyan was officially ranked among the great women of russia. i’m proud of this, but i didn’t do it myself, it’s me... the country’s chief obstetrician-gynecologist leila adamyan, full holder of the order of merit for the fatherland, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day a television history magazine about famous people of the country and the world. hello, i’m sergey mayorov, and my colleagues and i are starting the fourth premiere episode of this year.
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hero of the season nikita kologrivy. now spectators are watching en masse hits with kologriv, the word of the kid, blood on the asphalt at the pike’s command. the press actively quotes nikita’s direct speech, speaking to different audiences, kologrivy went through the acting abilities of a dozen of his popular colleagues. doubted them professional skills and achievements, they say , many people can play like them, here is kolagriva himself, a unique artist, omnipotent, almost a genius. the first to answer the young star was master leonid yarmolnik, i quote, if he is engaged in a profession, he does not understand to what extent smaktunovsky is uniquely talented, and to what extent... if i were him
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, i would give up the profession, if only so that he would not be compared with smaktunovsky and abdulov. end of quote. what kind of people, such stories? nikita kologrivy, today the hero of the project one day. i want to climb up. kologrivy he goes to castings with the excitement of a professional boxer, he doesn’t try to please the producers, he tries to knock them out straight away with one blow. i come to the classroom, i look one, two, three, sluggish types, no matter what they go, the last, the first, i understand that i will go in and after i go in, they will approve of me, this is where your experience comes in handy, when you entered the ring, when you are scared, reluctant, but you understand that you have to be
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patient a little bit, be patient a little more, and then get angry, be patient, and you you will do it. kologriv acquired his acting background in the private sector of the siberian capital. entertainment, like all boys born in the nineties, the father, who fought in afghanistan, wanted to raise his son to be a man, or at least protect him from trouble. i grew up, i observed bullying, that it exists, i was in college. it also exists there, and i believe that kind of good should be with fists, this is one and two, i managed to protect people many times, this too. kologrivy ended up in moscow thanks to the fervor of youthful maximalism. entered gitez and i worked a little everywhere. when i started acting, i didn’t even have to act much; my deep knowledge of life in the area helped. i grew up in the private sector. therefore, this
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is the same as the village and dacha, only there seems to be a certain infrastructure in the form of stalls, cinemas, we were all curious guys, all my friends, all my entourage, we were like... like we were involved in sports, and we constantly found some kind of activity, invented and collected metal and climbed somewhere. the texture and temperament of the sibiryak impressed he studied diligently at the gitez admissions committee and studied diligently at the famous moscow kologriv theater institute. first of all, i am an excellent student, my scholarship was normal, well , it was normal, competent, the guys there advised me how to do it, i had it. there was a hostel for 10 thousand, well, plus i started acting after the first year, that is, i had already started to slowly earn money by acting, somewhere in films, somewhere in advertising, i went to teach children stage movement, stage combat,
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so i have money here, thank god, well somehow i learned how to earn them, that’s why santa claus, of course in the winter, it was just 15 orders... a day and you’re on the metro, we also took a bag of sweets to treat the children on the metro, because they’re grandfather right away frost is a snow maiden, you can’t just stand there or talk, run away, it won’t work either, one day a miracle happened, alexander tsikalo cast nikita in his film about ostap bender, partner on the set sergei bezrukov. nikita appreciated and invited him to his provincial theater, where the guy was squeezed, adapted to high art and turned from a hooligan into a real hero, critics and spectators even noticed kologrivov’s resemblance to the young nikolai karachentsev, this was his performance tilin shpigel, then
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he was like a star, it was he who woke up after this performance, in some way we are similar in energy, we are similar. so you have to go to the elders first, if according to etiquette, you know, after all, i’m from novosibirsk, civilization reaches it a little later, so some orders, some morals, for example, are just the boys were preserved, so no,
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it’s more interesting, it’s more interesting how our fathers lived, our parents there, our older brothers there, so it’s more likely. it encourages me to study, so to speak, to make sure that you later recognize this time. slogan of the film: boys don't apologize, when was the last time you apologized? oh, recently, recently i apologized. i believe that a serious reason is needed, but it is not shameful if you are wrong. when was the last time you gave your word as a boy? i very often gave my word as a boy, this is such a code of honor yard, that is. the boy’s word means the highest measure of responsibility, that is, i give my word or they said i give my tooth, that is, accordingly, you are ready to sacrifice your sub for the sake of responsibility, so to speak , to our question, what is the most important thing for nikita in the profession, kologrivy answered, no thinking, of course, fame and money, and
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this is the first thing, and even here they asked me when i was applying, like, why did you come here from novosibirsk? i say, of course, for fame, i say, for fame, i want to be famous, i want to be on the main screens roles, that's what i wanted, i say, and many people say, no, i don't need fame, i'm talking about art, i'm not talking about, i'm not talking about that, honestly, two weeks ago, the hero of the project was once leonid yarmolnik, on the ntv channel we celebrated the seventieth birthday of a great popular artist. then i asked him why artists used to be treated with special respect and reverence, but today modern artists do not inspire awe, here is his full answer. i don't know whether you know this old joke or not, but i hope that you can tell ntv that craftsmen lived across the river,
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they did it quickly, they paid for it inexpensively, and the result was complete crap. this is a little bit about today , the most amazing thing. that the artists are young or middle-aged, they all work fine, that is, i believe them, they are organic, they are accurate, they can do everything, but i cannot distinguish them from each other. that is, they do not have that charisma that distinguishes every person, well, when you want to remember the last name, because he did something like no one else. his smile can tell a lot about a person, his eyes, hairstyle, nails, color of socks, and even shoes. we’ll go to the premiere of the cherevichki performance immediately after this advertisement, and we’ll see who the devil brought to the herikon-opera theater. the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin
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enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, precious gifts from sokolov with a discount of up to 70%, and a 30% discount on babushka nokoshka’s baby food, beyond new season. with timur eremeev tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. attention, notice from the imperial mint. at all times, especially in the most difficult times, faith helps us live, because we so need the support of our patron saints. one of the most revered heavenly patrons is st. nicholas the wonderworker. millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today, especially, each of us. needs a patron saint and patrons. the imperial mint is proud to present the illuminated medal in
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fell, i don’t turn on the light, because when it rains, there are wires, they short out, it’s a nightmare. but she, at all costs, wants to take the children away from her ex-husband, she filed an appeal for the second time to return the children, but will the children want to return to their mother, how can she raise children who do not want to to live with her, we have not communicated with her for two years now, our relationship has not worked out, the children often complained to me that their mother beats them, that their mother humiliates them, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. going to the theater is the same as going to the podium, the question is not even with anyone, there will always be a partner, partners, what is it: surprise everyone, surprise yourself. psychologists have long proven that a person’s beautiful appearance makes it easier to perceive beauty, although psychologists are not a decree for the mass audience. and to the feast, to the world, to
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good people, everything is from the selection. what's washed that will do. opera premiere. tchaikovsky's performance at the moscow musical theater gilikon opera, required luxurious shoes on the poster, as the proposed dress code. let's take a look! almost 6 thousand pairs of shoes stepped on parquet, marble, carpets and gilicon tiles over 8 january evenings. some were getting ready to go out in advance, others popped in to hear the music, straight from work.
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to unload the foot when the big toe and other toes were separated and it was possible to overcome sufficiently large distances. world famous opera singer larisa kostyuk at the premiere promenade was modest in color, and said that the sheen of glitter was enough for her on stage. there was a very interesting story in my life connected with the wonderful great dancer maria mikhailovna plesetskaya, when we were at a festival in italy, after gatherings we went for a walk, at some point she took off her shoes and said what good shoes, dear , but i’m so uncomfortable, she was walking along the street of italy, bologna, it was, in my opinion, barefoot, for me it was surprising, because the great the woman walks barefoot, the shoes were impeccable and may mikhailovna’s talent was also impeccable,
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so a person, if he is talented, he will be talented, even in his lads. the premiere of cherevichek was honored by the presence of the outstanding musician and director of the large symphony orchestra named after pyotr ilyach tchaikovsky, people's artist of the ussr, vladimir fedoseev. let me note that fedoseev is 92 years old, and he is the country's leading expert on tchaikovsky. do you have a lot of concert shoes? not really, because i mostly sat once, if i was sitting in a hole, of course. sometimes i stand so shoes didn’t matter that much to me, now it matters when i have to lean on shoes and the feeling that i’m... standing on the ground, but if you choose between beautiful comfortable shoes, what should you choose? comfortable, of course, beautiful, beauty, it’s
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all inside, it’s all beauty not on the surface, it’s inside. and what kind of shoes does the sleeveless actress choose, beautiful or comfortable? most often convenient, because it is beautiful and of varying degrees of comfort to me. but you have to wear it at premieres or on stage, i’m all for convenience, meanwhile the shoes kept leading and excitement behind the scenes grew, some soloists led their hosts to look at the little pieces, in different spaces of the theater they prayed to tchaikovsky: “pyotr ilvich, help me hit all the notes, sing well and not let you down.” others prayed to the great hoaxer gogol, nikolai vasil. do no harm, help cope with this devilry. the meeting with the duo of geniuses, helikon opera star lidia svetozarova prepared especially responsibly, because the action
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of the play takes place on the night before christmas. i know a lot of such fortune-telling, of course, there are old ones with a comb under the pillow, we’ll tell fortunes on the boots, we’ll throw the felt boots over the fence, the first one is narrowed, there’s a note. put it under the pillow. lydia svyatozarova, a student of the artistic director of the theater dmitry bertman, was born in the vladimir region, graduated from gitez, is young and talented, sings a lot, loved by the public, conductors and partners, official status: girl of marriageable age, mummered to her betrothed. while looking closely, what do you think
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should happen to a modern girl now so that she doesn’t sleep all night with feelings, how many we will live for so many years, nothing will change, first love or some new feeling, you know, flaring up brightly, will also not let her sleep. at night, she will dream about something and come up with some stories in her head, you know, think up some thoughts in herself that, perhaps, situations that don’t even exist, and what should a modern man do in order to vakula, to win the heart of a girl, young girls are waiting, of course, for some kind of heroism, for everything to be done for her sake, for some absolutely serious deed. oksana wanted cherevichki, like the empress's, went
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to drown himself in a shark, but changed his mind in time, vakula we have a world famous tenor, born in ryazan, igor morozov. a modern guy, like your hero in slippers, in our time is capable of suffering so much from love. it seems to me that a man is generally the same in any age, and he can suffer absolutely the same , plus or minus, i think that this is not a matter of time, but the matter is how strong this love is true for him, and when you... have you ever suffered from a great feeling? of course it was youthful maximalism and great love, the first is not the first, of course, all this happened once, it was difficult to experience naturally, then again... it was accepted, in the end everything was fine, married, happy. igor morozov is a little over 30,
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a teenage age for a tenor, but despite his official youth, morozov is already a guest soloist at a dozen world opera stages, as well as opera trumpets of the bolshoi and mariinsky theaters. however, he is not going to leave his native helicon. this is where he grew up and this is where he is loved. nikolai vasilyevich is increasingly called a master of the fantasy genre. for everything fabulous and not very plausible in the play gillikon's little creatures answer the devil and solokha.
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they got involved not like a child, well, because every woman is a little bit of a witch, she is so militant, active, one might even say a businesswoman, a businesswoman, because she has everything grasped, she knows, for her it’s all easy, first, second, third, everyone has their own approach, she flirts with someone, with someone she is a gentle wife, with someone she is a very strict woman. in general, this is a very modern image, yes. nakhisha performance is marked 16 plus, but parents still bring children. how would you explain to them why solokha has so many men? well, because she's such an interesting woman. this doesn’t mean that
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she... well, she kind of needs some kind of, let’s say, love, she just needs attention, she likes to be the center of attention, she likes to be, so to speak, the first hot girl in the village, looking at the fact that she is no longer young, let’s say, and yulia nikanorova, the star of the helikon opera, the leading soloist with a great vocal biography and... and she is a little over 30, she is the mother of two children, and you three children, they are all boys, yes, of course , i even have grandchildren, you will bring everyone to this performance, yes, they, they will come, they will come in the next episode, now they are studying there, they will come in the next episode, yes definitely alexey dedov is the brightest artist
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of our time, he is well known. not only a fan of musical art, but also a lover of big movies and tv series , alexey stays as far away from the devilry in life as possible, but critics have already called his trait an outstanding work. it seems to me that anyone the performance carries a moral lesson, which is what it strives for. in this case , good triumphs over evil, that’s how it should be, the musical director of the production, a thirty-year-old young and single conductor, maestro philip selivanov, is responsible for the fabulous sound in the worms, this is something that is not russian opera, but this is a purely russian plot with all its variety of colors, including little russian colors, there is a lot of folklore, and...
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folk themes, folk dances. to capture the emotional state of what you see cherevich, pyotr ilyevich tchaikovsky, nikolai vasilyevich gogol and the production director of the play sergei novikov, the producers of the project invited the audience to see in detail not just shoes, but masterpieces from christian dzeor and vsan laran and the architect zaha hadit. these pairs of shoes have been around for many years. they have already passed away, now they are contemplated, examined, admired, shoes tell us that times change, but ichaikovsky’s art remains unchanged, fortunately it does not depend on these times.
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heroes are different, some are in time for ballet shoes, and for some, sneakers have become an integral part of their feet, once basketball player ivan edeshka made an accurate pass and became a legend, we’ll visit his family right after this advertisement on ntv. the bright taste of jardin gold and jardin deep dark instant coffee is a pleasure. to feel the sick, earless people that zelensky didn’t have time to kill, how a draft dodger ruins the fates of young guys four times, they stopped them, just threw them into boost, they said, if you run , they’ll shoot you, what bandera’s people are pumping up and how they intimidate their own, ours fired at us from behind, in front of us, shells were exploding, as they are abandoned to death by the billion-dollar ambition of the kiev dictator, someone is dying for
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them according to... the front end has nothing to eat in them, and there in kiev, where the war ended last year, why is he hiding the truth about these prisoners, from their homeland ukraine? we all love you, i hope you are not sick, bloody! zelensky’s boy, whom he wanted to silence forever, today at 6 pm on ntv. serber, premiere, today at 20:20 on ntv. honey, are you ready yet? i’m thinking, there’s so much i need to pay for, and my mom too send money. let's pay for tinkov. apply for a tenkov black card and make payments and transfers without commission. always. the price is right. 999. lift 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lift 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. looking for the stay of your future dreams? and the saga is easy
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now it is yours. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new sticker. the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special in a delicious period, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, believe it or not, a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty period application, download the magnet application if you want more advantages, discounts , promotions, bonuses for purchases with a magnet card, profitable as you like, the choice of a professional, exactly amillate gay acts exactly in the center of pain. take care of those closest to you, the exact solution is free movement, it’s just space, when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms, enjoy
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the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, we take loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in the commercial bank, we take loans. did they get it done quickly? we are at sofcom bank. loans that everyone knows. car thieves are operating under our noses, the police are not blowing beads. the hijacker is clearly one of his own. i'll find him. black lexus 2:00, we stop. spetsbad. we won’t babysit, we’ll go straight to the wall. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. basketball. as a form of leisure appeared on december 21, 1891, when the first ever match was held in the hall of the christian youth association training center in springfield, usa. basketball came to our country as a sport at the beginning of the 20th
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century, but it truly became a mass hobby in 1972. then, at the olympic games in munich, soviet basketball players, unexpectedly for... everyone, snatched victory from the favorites of the american team and inspired hundreds of boys and girls with their feat practicing this amazing game, when they talk about that very historical game , two names are most often remembered: alexandra belova and ivan edeshka. for alexander belov, the match in munich, unfortunately, became the only high-profile event in his career. the athlete passed away at the age of 26. and ivan ideshka still trains the younger generation and shares his knowledge. alexey kozulin and mikhail lomov visited the honored coach of the country, talked with his relatives and learned about it. what makes the famous
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basketball player happy today. well deserved weekend honored master of sports. the famous basketball player ivan edeshka says that in nature he thinks better, breathes easier, and has a lot of time to communicate with loved ones. my wife larisa andreevna looks after the seedlings. an old friend and his daughter natalya, a master of sports in tennis, came to the light. they always took the little one to basketball, but i
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’m running there, well, now i’ll tell you, i understand, the little one, this small hall was still just a basketball room, they were all sitting there cheering, and i ’m, well, three two years old, four years old, well, i need basketball, well i’ll just find my dad there, yes, the rest of the time i was running and running somewhere between the stands and there was a smoking room, but i saw during the break that all the men were standing there smoking, so i took it and played, and... .does ivan ivanovich like to cook? ivan ivanovich likes to cook for himself, he likes to receive guests, but he’s not the kind of man who goes into the kitchen, cook, and i’ll sit here, no, he really likes it when his dish is praised, yes, yes, while the tea is cooling, ivan ivanovich decided to show us his possessions, the carpentry workshop is a real place of power for him, here here i do something, some very small things... there are a lot of different tools here, here i get, so
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to speak, moments of rest in working with certain moments, this is my, so to speak, refuge of life , here is the kingdom, this is my kingdom, and this is the king, here is the proof of the royal greatness, ivan edeshka sacredly keeps all state orders, all medals. cups, diplomas from all his competitions, for example, an award for the main tournament in his life. in 1972, at the olympics in munich, the ussr team pulled out the americans won in the last 3 seconds of the game. well, that counts as a gold medal, yes. heavy. yes. next is the world championship. this is puerto rica, the world cup, we became world champions. then this... champion of the universiade, champion of europe,
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this is the championship of the soviet union, also a flag, in general this is the same thing, that is, almost all the titles that i have, and i believe that this life was not lived in vain . another reminder of the victory in that very match is this sculptural triptych. this is indeed the moment that was characterized has gone through my whole life.
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45 years later, in 2017 , the sports drama by anton megerdichev, moving up, was released, which later became the highest
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-grossing film project of the year, and the role of food in the film was played by actor kuzma saprykin. i had a bad feeling when i was consulting on this film, i rebelled at certain moments, said, guys, this is impossible, they just stopped me and said, ivan ivanovich, this is a feature film, and then, when i watched it, as a result of this the film, of course, is of course, the main judge, the main reviewer of the film is the people, the people accepted it, i’m sure... today ivan ivanovich advises and mentors ivan andreevich. the youngest grandson edeshka does not miss the opportunity to visit his illustrious grandfather’s dacha and throw a couple of swords into the basket. this means you make one blow once, a second blow, then
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a blow here, here, and then you go here with such a revolution. van, don't. we don’t need to grab the ring, we don’t need to pose. ivan ivanovich himself was once known as the legend of all courtyards in the city of grodno, he did such things feints that it became clear to everyone around him, a guy from a simple belarusian family, a future sports star. swimming section, i went to swimming, boxing section, i went to boxing, athletics - yes, football, yes, gantball, yes, there were no suits, there was nothing there, there was only doping, one.
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ivan ivanovich says that the best rest for an athlete is bath procedures, they help improve blood circulation and restore muscles, of course, i can’t imagine myself without brooms, these are the brooms, this is what prolongs life, i love the bathhouse, i love the bathhouse, i love banya, ivan ivanovich is 78 years old, but for edeshka this is not a reason to take stock, to live in memories, he willingly shares his professional experience and advice with future basketball stars, i see their devoted eyes, i see how they listen to me, and this energy transfers to me, i live by this energy , i am put in first place - this is family, in second place is profession, in third
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place are friends, in fourth place are the pleasures that i live, these are fishing, these are meetings, these are benefits for... definitely some kind of country, that’s all, that’s what i live for, oh female doctor leili adamyan, without scientific and practical works, by whom humanity is doomed to extinction, we will tell you immediately after this advertisement, her hands brought more than 3,000 babies into this world. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family.
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adamyan, member of the russian academy of sciences, honored scientist, chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the country, and also this beautiful woman, twice a mother, multiple grandmother-great-grandmother, and still a world-famous practicing specialist. feminine day, we visited the female doctor. minister of health murashka, a dozen and a half
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deputies and even the president of the russian academy of sciences. all these men lined up with flowers, gifts, thanks, to congratulate the great female doctor of the country on the high award and birthday. leila adamyan does not change herself, the heel is traditionally high, the smile is gentle. holidays, but work is most important, she knows well that a woman who is going to become a mother cannot wait, hello, i am
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very glad to see you. i'm very crowded today but i’ll look at absolutely everyone, these women came to the kulakov national medical research center for obstetrics and gynecology from all over the country, these women seek leila adamyan for help with their serious diagnoses with great hopes. my church operating room is, was and will be, it is, it is practically disconnected. “she is under anesthesia, but she trusted me, and god forbid, i make a mistake. silver medal at school for excellent studies, high achievement sports with prizes, with a height of 168 cm, and damyan was captain georgian women's volleyball team. tbilisi is the best city on earth, according to leila
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vladimirovna, dobilisi, her homeland. there she introduced. he was 14 years older, i saw him and fell in love, it happens. leila vladimirovna says that arnold aramovich was not just a brilliant scientific doctor, he was a wonderful father of her daughters, he became her most important teacher. she graduated from the institute in moscow with honors and has already had 51 years of surgical practice.
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set the table, it's a victory. on the day of his seventy-fifth birthday, immediately after taking patients, dr. adamyan held a scientific congress and practical conferences. despite the disrupted air traffic, an attempt to internationally isolate our country, kleyli adamyan flew to moscow and joined 12.00 specialists from 63 countries. during the week
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of the medical forum. received 74 reports from outstanding doctors of our time for the sake of future lives, here i am with these hands with my team, with our country, and everyone looked, everyone took their own, what they need for further development, and what is said on this topic, and what is there they seem to have on the one hand, someone can criticize, but no, in the depths of their souls, and not the price of our science. our medicine, which is not by hearsay , it is not demonstrative, it is not advertising , it is real, believe me, otherwise i would not have worked there, when it was time to rest, leila vladimirovna adamyan, for her colleagues, employees, guests, friends and patients, organized a holiday with all my heart, inviting the stage to karavaina.


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