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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 7, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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alena is a designer, gavrilov has a move, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything will work out. overseas , a woman put her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter in chest, and to prevent the girl from getting out, she placed a washing machine on it. the neighbors had to call the police. anastasia kuzurgasheva and alexander semykin are in the studio. anastasia alexander, as i understand it, you are the very neighbors who called the police. yes, sure. anastasia, do you live on the same staircase with this woman? yes, we used to live in the same house. together, since she came
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for a visit for a week, but stayed for 4 months, did she come to visit you ? yes, we met her back in in the village where i used to live, she also lived there, then she went to novosibirs and lived there for some time, then it turns out she told me that we didn’t communicate with her, she called me and said: i can come to visit you, but i gave her permission, she came, how long did she initially plan to come to you? she said for a week? but she kept saying that she had nowhere to go, when she first came to you, what condition was her child in? the child was unkempt, unwashed, it seems to me that she simply did not want to look after as a child. alexander, until she came to you, did you know this girl? yes, i know, it turns out, she lived with my father for some time, rented an apartment there, it turns out, but she rented a room for money, yes, for money, it turns out, she went.
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she wandered around with her husband, collected metal , she didn’t have a child at that con, then she worked for a while and then disappeared, went to novosibirs, sort of, and disappeared, and who she worked for, a corn maker, how did you know this girl, well at that time she is not aggressive like that, she was normal, but when i arrived, as if with a child, she had already shown herself that she was abusing the child, beating her constantly, before your eyes, yes, before my eyes, all this. it was, but tell us in more detail, what’s the wild story with the chest? it turns out that i was at work, i approach my house, i hear screams , it turns out that the child is crying, i go home, i see a picture of what happens, the child’s mother is sitting near the stove, it turns out on a high chair, and the child is locked in a chest, the washing machine is placed on top, the girl screamed probably loudly, yes, of course, she screamed very loudly... the girl at the moment when
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you found her there, she might have been trying to get out somehow, she was knocking when the machine was not standing, she was trying to get out, she opened the lid with her head , it turns out that the child, and the mother herself, it turns out, took it on the head with this lid, hit it so that the child would climb back in , and then put it in the washing machine. it’s scary to look at this photo, a one-year-old child, probably, well, you can push him in there, but you need to try to make him shove and well, my heart breaks , what the baby was experiencing, i just can’t imagine , here i think that everyone is probably in shock from the fact that in a black, small space a child is screaming, she is sitting next to her, for me it’s, well this is some kind of atrocity, anastasia, do you
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agree, how can you even put a child here, a baby, a baby, how i can’t imagine how you are your closest person, flesh and blood, who depends on you. who cannot help himself, whom no one can help, as consciously as possible to do this to a child, to look at his suffering, it is incomprehensible to me , it is simply monstrous, such a person cannot be called a mother, why the attention of the guardianship authorities was not drawn to earlier, i don’t know, but this is probably not the first case where - she lived before, in any case , something happened, why did it come to the point that the child was on the verge of life and death, but it’s visible? that the chest is heavy, yes, with a heavy lid, it seems to me that the child in there could simply suffocate, not to mention fear, which he experienced, but there is no air there, there are no cracks, cruel treatment on the face, yes, this is psychological violence and physical violence against the child, even if he
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sat there for 5-10 minutes, this has already caused enormous psychological trauma to the child, in which this psychological trauma, unfortunately, this child, who... will grow up , will suffer all his life, he will suffer all his life, but this is really a very wild story, it can really be called beyond the bounds, and what happened, i believe that she was sane, that she understood what she was doing, not only did she somehow put the child in, and she also protected herself from the child in such a way, you know, i get goosebumps, i say, i get goosebumps, that she even blocked it with a washing machine, what could a child do to this mother? that she simply hid him to such an extent, barricaded him, and with a washing machine on top, this is inhumane, this is beyond the border, i think that my colleague said correctly, and where are the guardianship authorities, where are the neighbors, where were everyone, that why only after 4 months we
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this they learned the story, and not immediately from the very first days it was necessary to sound the signal, this is clearly not the first time, because this is already some kind of sophisticated method of punishment, that is , probably more merciful... options have already happened, and i’m looking at all this, listening and thinking, why reason, it’s interesting that we have women who register for pregnancy, yes, they do not undergo a mandatory psychiatric examination, i now think that this should be mandatory, alexander, when you saw the locked girl, heard her scream, you immediately threw off the washing machine, freed it baby, yes, of course, i immediately took the baby’s mother and dragged her outside, what did she say? in general, well, like, this is her child, she uh, whatever she wants, what she does with him, seriously, she considered it normal, yes, it was always so normal for her, but the girl was very scared, she cried, the girl was very she was scared, i calmed her down for several days , my wife and i calmed her down, yes, she didn’t sleep
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for several days, wait, and you calmed her down with your wife, and what did the mother do during those few days, after she left, how did she leave? my wife and i they called her, she had music playing, she said: do what you want with the child, that is, she was resting at that time, and what did you do after that? we were waiting for her, well, she never came, we were kind of tired of the mother of the child herself, that bullying was like this every day. did you call the police? yes, i called the police, the guardianship arrived, they looked at the child, i had previously fed the child, changed her clothes, they all arrived, we packed up her things and took her away. anastasia, does the mother know that her daughter was taken away? yes, when we called the police, pdn arrived, and she stood at the bus stop and saw it all. nikit, well, this is some kind of inexplicable indifference, standing at a bus stop,
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watching as the guardianship authorities take your child away, perhaps forever, doing nothing. you know, you raise a very important topic with this question, because if we are talking about the mother. she will probably still be deprived, not suspended, deprived of her rights, yes, parental rights, we need to look, still at the level of the law, so that if they deprive animals like this, even i can’t mother her i can’t even call her a woman, but she’s being deprived of parental rights, then if she continues to give birth to children, then the state should already at the stage of the maternity hospital, so to speak , take them for itself, because here, well , it’s clear to everyone that this is absolutely not an isolated case these punishments and so on, so that such a person will correct himself. with permission to call her a person, i don’t believe it, well, that’s why here we still need to think about those children that she may still have. alexander, haven’t you seen the girl’s mother again? well here she is it turns out that she came when the police took her into custody literally 10 minutes later, when she saw that they had all left, she
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returned as if nothing had happened, minded her own business, didn’t even ask where the child was, didn’t ask anything, just went in as if there was nothing... evidence to go to court with this to arrest a person, just if at that
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initial stage the court had not arrested, and we would have again come to a zero result, now we already have a result, she is in pre-trial detention center alexander, has she been charged? yes, brutal treatment of a child. causing moderate harm to health. what is the deadline ? up to 5 years in relation to a young child. anastasia, where is the girl now? she was taken away, she is now in a shelter, doesn’t your heart ache for this little girl? it hurts, i worry about her. alexander, what about you? yes, of course, i miss the child, even when you come home, she used to at least run around, i have two cats, well, at least she played with them , the mother didn’t actually buy toys from the child, she played with the cats, but you didn’t there were thoughts but suddenly take this girl into your family, take a vow on her? yes, of course, i have it... it’s like i inherited the house from my grandmother, the renovation is unfinished, now if we
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finish the house, then, of course, we will resolve this issue, you will try to arrange guardianship, yes, of course, olga, really it is quite possible for anastasia and alexandra to receive custody of this girl, under the circumstances that the mother will still be deprived of parental rights, and i believe that the guardianship authorities are obliged to make such an application to the court, they have all the powers, so accordingly they will have the opportunity, but only really have to be appropriate. living conditions, that is , they must be normal and suitable for a child to live there, there must be an appropriate income, regular, there must be good characteristics, that is , a complete set of documents is needed for this , that is, under the conditions that all this is there, the family is prosperous , everywhere there will be a good characteristic, then this is quite likely, yes alexander, anastasia, and you have children, we have a 7-month-old daughter, well, i have there are three children from another marriage. alexander, you have many children, an experienced father, the children are already adults. now i have to go to school for 7 years, another 4 years, another three years. olga, the fact that
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alexander is the father of many children, will this speak in their favor? of course, if he is a father of many children with all good characteristics, he has no alimony debt, he has never been brought to administrative responsibility anywhere, this is only a plus, considering that they have a child together and he also has children from a previous marriage , alexander, before this terrible incident with the chest, your friend often raised her hand against the girl for two weeks. she seemed like everything was fine with her, and then she started to mock the child, nastya and i seemed to be at work, we leave, we come, the child is beaten, new bruises, new abrasions, she said that she fell from the chair, that’s her the cat scratched or something else, and the baby’s whole body was wounded, yes, of course, right from the legs to the head, the first case was with her with a broom, she beat the child with a broom, when the broom broke... so badly that the broom broken? yes, then, like a broom broke,
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in this chest, there was a wire, an electric one, this one on that wire, god, what a nightmare, like i don’t know, i don’t even know how to find the words, i don’t know, i don’t know, this against nature, against common sense, against the whole world, from what you say, there is a real lump in my throat, how can a woman, a mother, do this to her child? what else did the mother do with her poor daughter? threw her out into the street at -35 in shorts and a t-shirt, how long was the girl on the street? how is she she told us about 10 minutes. evgenia, how long can a little girl’s body resist siberian frosts? after an hour and a half, complete frostbite can occur, but even within 10-15 minutes a sharp constriction of blood vessels occurs , blood circulation is disrupted, accordingly, blood does not flow to the brain, but... to the heart, important organs, and complete depression of the entire organism, the brain, occurs. the will,
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thinking, memory, everything can suffer, that is, yes, this is a psychologically strong trauma, yes, at the level of cognitive functions, at the level of physics in general, yes, that is, this is inflammation, and this is some kind of disorder there and the kidneys, well, in general, god grant that everything will be fine with this girl, but in reality this is, of course, a terrible story, this is really... and some unconscious or conscious desire to really kill, kill this child in every possible way, that is , it doesn’t really look like some kind of impulsive effect olga, you can somehow do it simply. what else could i think of coming up with, no, just like that, i just imagine that this girl is a year old, she’s just a child starts walking around to break money on him,
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i can’t imagine, but you ’ll probably just slap him once, he’s just a child. will get hit, because he is still unsteady on his legs, it’s just wild hatred and dislike of his that she has degenerated, here the only thing you need to say is thank you that she just hasn’t killed her yet. vladimir, what do you say? well, here, already from the first precedent , it should be clear that the mother of this child is an asocial type, who is devoid of any maternal qualities, devoid of maternal needs, that is. show affection, therefore, the first precedent was to immediately contact the police directly and forcefully lead it to close it there, why was there a broom, a wire, a chest, how did it even come to this, i don’t understand whether it was impossible to immediately solve this problem in the bud, how could you be inactive when like why i did everything for the child, like you did everything, when first the broom broke, then there was a wire,
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then the chest, you went through all this, you didn’t draw any conclusions, of course, right away... you weren’t obliged to bear responsibility for the child, so they will not be held accountable criminal liability for leaving in danger, but nevertheless, allow them to be guardians at a time when, well, let’s say, he did not protect the child, did not call the police, because he was afraid that he would be accused of some actions, well, excuse me, there is an investigation, it will figure out whether you really struck a blow or not, you have
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a witness, your wife, the testimony of this woman who abused the child, they will have to be proven somehow, if not ... evidence, well, what kind of accusation can they bring against you, not everything is so obvious and it’s just, you know, we’re talking about why you didn’t take any tough actions, in order to take some tough actions, you need a certain level of your own aggressiveness, but we see such rather soft people in front of us, very patient people, and this is a certain character structure, it is really difficult for such people to put forward such a boundary, yes... to become such defenders, intercessors, they can really be scared themselves and be confused, helpless in this situation, and i believe that alexander and anastasia were exactly as much as they could, they really protected, they really tried to help somehow, yes, somewhere in the depths of their souls they hoped that this woman would be formed, yes, that she will hear them somewhere,
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yes, this conflict can be resolved peacefully, until the situation reaches such a critical point where it is simply impossible. and in general, why is such a story suddenly being kept silent? and what will happen next to the girl herself? it will also be located either in in the baby's home there or in some special children's institution, so they can take guardianship over her, and accordingly, they can adopt her. evgenia, will a child at that age remember all this bullying for the rest of his life? children do not remember up to 3 years of age, but it was the injury that was inflicted up to one and a half
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years old, this is the age of basic safety, yes, when a child under one and a half years old understands that i... and who does he blame for what happened, we will continue immediately after the advertisement, new season, new
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it became clear that... i need to protect myself from this, how she took away other people’s husbands, where were you, walking, a jar of spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how she later took revenge to her rivals, she threw me off the stairs and the appearance that sucks all the blood out of you, and to whose oak she is dancing now, crimea is ours, i can’t say that, sobchak will answer everyone for everything, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. beyond the limits, this is beyond the limits, the neighbors accused the twenty-two-year-old a single mother called the police for bullying her little daughter. the older brother, who was detained, cannot believe that his sister abused her daughter. in the studio, sergei sanzhenakov. hello, sergei, do you already know why your sister was detained? yes,
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i know, for bullying. and how do you feel about this? of course, this is very strange for me , because i knew my sister, she couldn’t mock the child, she looked after my children, her brothers also had nieces, they left her like it wouldn’t have happened that she would have hit there , well, that is, you think that she is not guilty, that she could not have done such a thing, i think yes, she could not have done such a thing, alexander, please tell me what you witnessed , i’m coming before... home i see the situation , the mother of the child is sitting on a high chair, and her child is closed in a chest, crying very much and there is a washing machine, i knew her from that side, that she could not take the child like that, put it in chest, i don't believe in it, you know i want you we looked at this chest, and in this wooden box with no cracks was stuffed a girl, your sister’s daughter, a little one-year-old, your own niece. goes
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, well, i don’t know, i won’t comment on this, because i haven’t known my sister in recent years, like after the divorce, what happened here, maybe something after the divorce, well, that is, you will continue to insist that she could not do this , of course, i can’t believe it, well, i couldn’t, she could, she lived when in novosibirsk, her husband beat her there, she told us everything. everything said that the child so he threw it outside at -30 at our house while we were not at home, beat him with a broom and an electric cord the size of a finger, well, i think maybe because she might get divorced and because of this maybe she, eh what does it mean because of this, well, she divorced her husband, but the child is a one-year-old girl, which
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you put in a chest... in -30 frost, they beat you with a wire as thick as a finger, well, it’s as if i didn’t see it, what did we when she arrived at the autostago, we invited her to live with us with her brothers, because that’s it, she categorically refused to live with us live, we didn’t even know where she was lately, she wrote to us on social networks, asked us for money, and we asked her where you live, she categorically refused to tell us where she lives, but your position? i didn’t see it, that means it wasn’t there, i didn’t see it, that means i don’t believe it, i can’t allow it, i want to understand what you’re thinking, i don’t know how to say it, you’re just smiling, i think this is your defensive reaction, or shock or something, i don’t know, leonid, what do you think, well, you know, some strange situation, this women, yes, the mother of the child has a family , an older brother, some other relatives there , yes, for some reason she does not turn to
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them for help, to complete strangers, strangers, this is very strange, sergei, why doesn’t she i was looking for shelter with you, your sister lived with strangers, when she arrived, she was born with her husband, she lived with her brother, with her elder, her brother controlled her very much, what i’m saying is, i’ll get a job now, you’ll work, there you we need to do this, do this, she... lived there for about two months, probably with him, then he sent her to the village, he said: you will live in the village , you will help there, you will be helped here, she didn’t like it, so she left again somewhere, we gave her, she didn’t like the control, she left, yes it’s precisely because of the control that she didn’t like it, when did you see your sister for the last time, i saw my sister for the last time six months ago, she came to visit her brother, well , you knew that you had become an uncle, yes, i knew that i had become an uncle, because i have
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an older brother... went to her to pick up the child from the maternity hospital in novosibirs to discharge to discharge, from there my brother called me and said, so we became uncles, your sister was happy to become a mother, right? she was happy there , because when she arrived home, she called via video link, showed me the child, what kind of niece i have, while she was in novosibirsk, we communicated via video link on social networks, but did you see the niece or only via video link, i saw her, i saw, of course, the diaper maid, she came to her brother before she developed, she came to to visit my brother, i also found out purely by chance that she was in the city, i have a brother, do you want to meet my niece, i say, of course i want to, he says, everything is there... he says he came younger, of course i ran there to his house hugged her sister, she says that's where look brother and how the sister treated her daughter in front of you, in front of me she treated her just like a mother , that's clean, she protected everything
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next to her, she was a little crying, she runs there right away with her there, calms her down there, feed her , she treated me well, the baby is clean was well-groomed yes yes she's still clean and well-groomed. she had everything, but it’s like a portrait of two different women, tell us about your family, how your sister was brought up, we grew up in a loving family, we had a long-awaited child, rain is like a father’s, we have many brothers here one younger sister was born, but she was very long-awaited, because the father wanted a daughter, she was born, and she was 2 years old, when her father died, as if she didn’t see her father’s love... it turns out, but her mother probably compensated for this love given all the attention , she compensated very much, she softened her , so to speak, the fact that everything is with her, everything is for her, then her mother died, when she turned 18 years old, they were
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very close to her mother, she is with her mother everywhere, constantly with she was a mother, her mother loved her very much, your sister had a hard time with her mother leaving, yes, she was very... very worried, but we supported her. olga, don’t you think it’s strange that a girl who grew up in a loving family suddenly becomes like this. i’m sitting here listening, only one thing comes to mind: there are such people, they are called parasites, she takes everything from the family , goes here, where she feels free, here, of course, she didn’t get along with her brothers, her brothers would have forced her to work, they wouldn’t have let her go anywhere, and the child would have been in prison... under supervision and sister, and i think it’s a big mistake of yours, how come you really didn’t call and find out where she was, what was happening, that your family doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t mean anything, you look after your children, you can imagine that your
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wife allows herself to do this in relation to your children, no, of course, that’s exactly it, and this not normal, but don’t you think, sergei, that you and your brothers didn’t notice? years old, she lived with her older brother, she went on vacation with him , everywhere, rode with him, as it were, and he took care of her, yes, when she met a guy, they started living, she went to another city, and after that how if only we had contact by phone, like this, then look where your sister lived for the last 4 months, in this small old house, in the city of teshtagol, alexander semykin and his beloved anastasia kuzurgasheva, 4 months ago greeted our friend from one year old. daughter, the couple didn’t have any extra sleeping places , they had to make room, the child slept here, my wife slept here, i slept here, and the child’s mother slept here, she slept on
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this mattress and laid it out for herself, like this i did all the housework, my wife did the cooking, carried coal, carried water, she sat here near the stove, did nothing. all day long, the wife looked after the child, what the child was doing, amanna porridge was our favorite, we always had it they cooked it for her in the morning, but her own mother did not feel warm feelings for her daughter , the man says, he recalls with horror how she kicked the baby out into the street in thirty-degree frost, without shoes, just like that, the snow was right there, for about 20 to 15 minutes the snow was thrown here , how come the child didn’t freeze, like his... her legs didn’t freeze, but that wasn’t enough for her, says alexander, shows that same old wooden chest, closed it, took the washing machine, put it on top, the child screamed, tried to get out, opened it like this in
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chest, the child got up and abruptly covered her head again, put on the washing machine again, what could turn your sister into a monster? for the few months that she was absent, well, i don’t know, really, by the way, she’s pregnant, with a child, a child, wait, pregnant, yes, i’m due in february. oh, this is beyond the bounds. sergey, did you know that your sister is pregnant? yes, she wrote literally before the arrest, it’s possible , she says, i’m with you, with you, she says, i’m old, i say, of course you can, i say, send me your phone number, tell me where you live, she said again categorically, no, i won’t do anything, why do you need this, i say, you want to come to me, no, i’ll think about it, maybe to my brother, to the eldest, who is the father of the child, she said, no, maria , and shouldn’t the guardianship authorities seize it immediately? after the birth of this child, you know, unfortunately, now
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the fact of deprivation of rylsk rights is checked in relation to an individual child, even if for brutal reasons the mother was deprived of parental rights in relation to the first child, then the deprivation of parental rights in in relation to the second, you again need to prove it specifically based on the composition of the actions and those committed , you know, i personally think that this is still a fact of pregnancy, this will be a mitigating circumstance in this case, because most likely, well, if she is already giving birth in february, and a crime against... a child was committed, well, in these 8 months, yes, the previous ones, the court will most likely recognize this as mitigating circumstances, because hormones are still raging, i think the court can still partially assign responsibility for what happened right here such a biological factor. sergey, do you consider your sister a criminal? no, i don’t seem to consider myself a criminal, because even if all this is proven, well, if all this is proven, then yes, then i might consider it. but i don’t consider her a criminal, maybe
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she really had some problems, most likely that she lived when she was in novosibirsk with her husband, he beat her, she already said that when she already arrived in tashtagov, and the fate of your niece worries you, but of course it worries me, i myself five children, i would like to take, but my housing does not allow me, there is no opportunity, opportunity, yes, but how do you feel about... sergey, don’t you feel your guilt as a brother, as a man, for overlooking your younger sister, i do this guilt, because maybe i needed more attention when my mother didn’t pay more attention to her, well, we seem to have our own problems, again i may be making excuses, maybe not, well, i also had to feed my family, work, really? accused by neighbors of abusing her
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child, a single mother was slandered that her friend will tell you, we’ll find out in a few minutes. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to apologize to my aunt. kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis's. is it your friend? yes. 4 years ago , and... my mother died from a very serious illness, i crashed someone else’s car, denis took a photo of it all and sent it to my family, she did not understand that my mother would leave and would not be there, i decided to teach this person a lesson too, it seems to me that you you want to ask for forgiveness not from your aunt , but actually from your mother, he arrived as if nothing had happened, you want to return the friendship again, it would be advisable to start communicating, forgive or not forgive,
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because, as you turned to alexander and anastasia, you know them well, well, our city is very small, and it’s like we all know each other practically, and you know sergei’s sister well, sergei’s sister, i know she’s with me she worked as a cleaner in a store, so we know her from there, when she came to work for me, she was still quite young, a good girl, i won’t say anything bad about her, responsible for work, she walked constantly, didn’t play truant, have you ever seen her aggressive, never seen her aggressive . never contradicted, never said anything, why did she stop working for you? she met the father of her child and came to novosibirs, after that you maintained some kind of connection on social networks yes... always, and about the father, by the way, of the child, you saw something known him in the store several times, i can’t say anything good about him, when they left for
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novosibirs, i know that they had some problems, he couldn’t find a job in novosibirsk, and she turned to you for some help, financial assistance, that she is pregnant with her second child, you know , well now, yes, when you last talked , remember, probably, when the baby was three months old, we ran into her on the bus, she was traveling with a child. ..
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well, 4 months, that is, you saw that the child was being beaten for 4 months and did nothing, alexander, tell me about the chest, otherwise alesya just has a lot of complaints against you, tell me what you saw with your own eyes, i come home, i see a picture of her dragging a child into the chest, beaters. do you think that a person in a normal sane mind sees this, i for there are some photos of a child, even beaten, all my neighbors
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saw how she treats her child, as if - the mother saw that at the namira stop that a half-year-old child stands with his mother, unkempt, all dirty, she didn’t wash her things, in general she walked around all dirty, the mother herself, it turns out, my neighbors carried things to the child in bags. sweets, if the mother had been slandered, then that evening when her daughter was taken away, she would not have stood at the bus stop and watched this happen, she would have run after her, well, i just can’t believe that a person could do such a thing, especially more to such an extent, she is very calm , you think that the guardianship authority just takes the children, so they came, took them away, like , oh, we’ll probably go into this house, well , what do you think, no, let’s start with, that there was a situation when she herself gave the child to childhood.
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i was in an orphanage for 2 months, yes, she called, she told us that she wanted to send her to an orphanage, well, we kind of called and asked where you were, she answered, i won’t tell you, and you hung up the phone calmly and moved on. we called her, she doesn’t care to us , i won’t say where i am, she never told us that, nikit, what is this, this is negligence on the part of the brothers, yes, they don’t care what to call it, they chose it themselves this is the way, i’m still talking about the baby’s house, when she rented out for 2 months child, the first thing the child receives there is medical care, they look at him, there were no bruises, there were no problems at that moment. if it were just there, everyone would immediately come running there. oles, do you know under what article she was charged? i don't know.
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then let's look at the investigative committee's comment. investigative bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the kimrovsky region of kusbass, a twenty-two-year-old resident of teshtago , are accused of committing a crime under paragraph d of part two article 117 of the criminal code of the russian federation. according to investigators, from october to december 2023. the accused systematically struck her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter with an electric cord and other objects, and also placed the child in a chest in which she held the girl for several tens of minutes. a woman acquaintance, having learned about what was happening, reported this to a law enforcement officer. the victim was placed in a social institution. the accused cooperates with the investigation at the request of the investigator the russian committee took preventive measures against her in the form of detention. sergey, what? believe in your sister's guilt. in
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the studio alexey. hello, hello, alexey, why don’t you believe that your sister could abuse your own niece? well, because she always seemed to grow up in care , in love, they loved her very much, played together, everything was fine, when you had already matured, you continued communicating with your sister, well, you had already moved to the city and you began to get lost. how she had developed a secretive lifestyle, even just like that, we only communicated via correspondence on social networks, but you saw your niece, well, twice you also went for a walk with your family , but they seemed neatly groomed, everything was dressed and seemed to have shoes, at least at that time , when you saw, yes, but i wouldn't say so, but you saw how your sister communicates with her little daughter, well, yes,
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she seems fine, i wouldn't say that... that she will how to swear at her, i wouldn’t even say that. alexey, but don’t you think that you somehow, well, know very little? she didn’t want to talk about her sister’s life, well, no matter how she hid, she didn’t talk about her address, where she lived. as it turned out, today, your sister was constantly in need, she had nowhere to live, if one day she had to give her daughter to an orphanage herself, you and... i didn’t know about this, but about help, how would she write to her older brothers , but she didn’t write to me at all, as if about help. from whom did you even learn that your sister was detained? from a friend, i sent this news, this is what it says, that the girl seemed to be abusing
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her daughter, as if she was beating her with a cord or something she kept in a chest somewhere. of course, i had such feelings, i was generally in shock , i couldn’t even believe that it was her, this is the same chest in which your little niece was sitting against her will, you will continue to justify her, i don’t know, well, i don’t even know , proven, not proven, that’s the whole point, and if it is proven what kind of punishment your sister deserves, it seems to me that she doesn’t need to go to prison, that’s... she needs help, you can even to say that it’s vicious, maybe from the side of the family, as if from her brothers, of course, we’ll help her , you know that your sister is expecting a second child right now, no, i didn’t even know, they didn’t know, you’re not afraid, alexey, that this child will also repeat the fate of your niece, well, if this is true , of course it’s scary, of course you’ll forgive me, brothers
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, but some of your positions are not at all... brotherly , you know that she needs help, that she’s wandering somewhere, you’re okay you can’t do it, i don’t even blame you, i just don’t understand, even when we show you this creepy photo, you sit and say, i don’t believe it, and i don’t believe it, well, let them prove it, let’s treat her, it doesn’t seem to you that you should think, not even about your sister, about your niece, who suffered such horrors from her own. .. this is the mother, the child trusts the mother, the child expects protection and support from the mother, affection, but not what her own mother will stuff into a chest, beat with a lid and a broom, a cord, expose to the cold, you are not indifferent to the fate of your niece, no, of course, i’m not indifferent, we’ll get together with everyone brothers, we will now decide this issue
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about the child, i think,
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do you think they stole it themselves and found it themselves? vitalik, don’t sleep, give me the tools. special tank, today at 22:15 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the mother is accused of torturing her little daughter, beating her, exposing her to the cold and keeping her in a chest, placing a washing machine on its lid so that the girl could not choose. ilona, ​​regarding the punishment for
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the biological mother, what could she face? according to the article that the investigative committee is commenting on, torture is from 3 to 7 years, imprisonment, then at the discretion of the court, depending on mitigating, aggravating circumstances. marie, relatives have a chance to become guardians of this girls, or better yet, let the girl be under the protection of the state. relatives, of course, have the right; the court will proceed from the one who is in the greatest degree. will ensure the interests of the child, but based on what we have learned , yes, in which family all the children were raised, yes, the brothers and the biological mother herself, there is a possibility that the child will still be unsafe in these families, as for alexander and his wife, i noticed that, you know, even there are non-white ceilings, some kind of rickety fence, a porch some kind of, with all this, you know, how long will it take to repair? lasts, how can
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one live in such a state, and even if the question is that they gave their own child to their grandmother while they live and do not make repairs, you know, i saw that the living conditions were bad, but that there are renovations going on there , i didn’t see it, so in these situations i think that the child will be safer in the care of the state, you know, as for where the child will be fine, this is a very controversial point, everything is laid down, yes this is the base that is laid up to 7 years. if this child under 7 years old is in an orphanage, no family will take him in, then he will not feel good there, because objects of affection are important to the child, but if there are none at all, it will be some kind of nannies changing, some changing... then employees, then this will be an even greater trauma than this child ending up in the family of these parents, so here you really need to understand the issue very carefully and you cannot say unequivocally that this is what...


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