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tv   Kodeks chesti-5  NTV  February 8, 2024 3:15am-4:51am MSK

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washed away, the guard was still alive , but he only had a concussion, well done, karl, finally he chose the right guard for himself, big and soft, guys, i received a strange letter, to dmitry for a long memory, from the mitnik, no, nothing situation, quickly on your way out, quickly!
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oh, a rarity, it’s a pity that you’re standing there, call the fireman, but he’s already called, they’re on their way, and where are the carrots, standing up, that margot over there, you haven’t finished your coffee, but why, well, oh, they’re on their way, call again. look right now, what was in this briefcase, some documents, now this matter our management of the petrovka world system will take care of it, my friend gave me your number, i’m a businessman, i lost my job, you’re being called to a seminar, abroad, abroad, when, departure today, comrade general, i think we have a problem, everything is fine, our man met kolokolnikov... in porto, they are coming here,
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this time i like your choice. iri, i think i agree, the department is new, but the people are the same, by the way, they will raise the rank, they will give you a colonel, which means, okay, go my colonel, don’t forget, tomorrow we are going to the anniversary, i remember, i remember, bye, bye, come on.
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no, why, i don’t understand, igor, why, i don’t understand, seriously, what is this, irish, we’ll find out everything, we’ll find him, you hear, but you have to calm down, you know, if you can, please, for igor’s sake, calm down, i understand you, i understand, seryozha, i will calm down. i stood at the window, he always waved at me , somehow he was leaving, i stood, he didn’t come out, i stood, but he didn’t come out, i got scared, went downstairs, saw that he was lying, the police report says that he has nothing...
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tea, when i left, i saw igor i put documents, some documents in my briefcase, but you don’t have a rudeon phone number, yes, i’ll find it now,
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mish, do you? yes, i’m nearby, yes, i’ve walked the twenty -seventh kilometer, you’re fine, everything ’s fine, i’m bringing you some medicine, yes, as agreed, look, don’t kick there, otherwise you’ll miss the turn, i won’t miss it, don’t worry.
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but apparently he lost control, but i braked and immediately ran up to him, he was covered in blood, not breathing, called the emergency services, that’s how it all happened, who is here, please write, here are
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the victim’s things, that’s it, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, answer, of course, answer. i’m listening, tell me who i’m talking to, i need vladimir radionov, lieutenant metroshin is speaking to you, tenth detachment, citizen radionov died as a result of the accident where this happened, 37 kilometer, minsk highway, right at the turn to ozernoye, you are his relative , lieutenant colonel pastukhov is speaking to you.
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are you okay, can you talk? what is your name? michael. was radionov your close friend? he
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was decent, you know, in the present. he was coming to you, give me some medicine. tell mikhail, does the name pavlov mean anything to you? pavlov? yesterday evening, radionov met with him, handed over some very important documents, do you know anything about this? all i know is that i no longer have a friend, no pavlov, i don’t know.
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whether? yes, he is the one. he had a good career , victories, fame, then for some reason he started drinking, stopped contacting everyone, disappeared for a while, then suddenly appeared and asked irina, she is also an athlete, to arrange a meeting for him with her husband. sign in, the expert results have just arrived.
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in the briefcase there were not just documents, possibly very serious incriminating evidence, otherwise why kill two people, maybe this has something to do with the fact that our athlete recently traveled to america, where he married a us citizen, so the married radionov comes from america and after a few days comes to lieutenant colonel pavlov, why and if they remove pavlov openly, well, in the hope that i will think... professional activity, then radionov is disguised as an accident, but they did
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it carelessly, which means they were in a hurry, okay, you help here, but i need to go to petrovka, come in, i’m on a case, your people are conducting an investigation into the death of vladimir. radionov, and radionov is involved in one case, my employee pavlov was killed, shot, and radionov was the last one who communicated with palov before the assassination attempt, so i have a request to you, give all the information on radionov to one table, you tell me, and i tell you, the case of the athlete radionov is very similar to the case of the businessman panin, but it all started earlier, i mean, there was such a surgeon. kirill medvedovsky, my son after the accident he saved me, and six months later i decided
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to thank him again, i visit the clinic, and suddenly they tell me that he died just recently from a heart attack, and all his colleagues repeat the same thing, kiril had a healthy heart, but they whispered behind his back, that he was overtaken by some kind of heavenly punishment for betrayal, i decided to look into this: a matter in memory of my son, well, did i dig up anything? then no, but i was haunted by the so-called betrayal, about which kirill’s wife flatly refused to talk to me, but kirill lived with marina in perfect harmony for almost 15 years, their marriage suffered a terrible blow. his daughter asya was diagnosed with leukemia, for the treatment of which kirill persistently raised money. suddenly he leaves everything , breaks up with his wife, leaves for america
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, enters into a legal marriage there, yes, and very quickly receives a green card, and the strangest thing is that he very quickly returns to his homeland and dies suddenly, something was clearly wrong , demanded all cases similar to this on my desk, and what do you think? the case of businessman panin comes to light, and absolutely the same scheme, yes, america, marriage, return people. sudden death. tell me, why did panin die? he burned down in his private home as a result of an electrical fault. so, pavlov's case was transferred to us. yes, i would take it myself. everything is supposedly clear about medvedovsky and panin. but in reality, you will have to
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start all over again, from scratch. all information about suddenly deceased husbands.
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recommended turning to some company for help regarding work and radeonov returned to life, then went to america, got married there successfully, well, he would have continued to live if it weren’t for this is a terrible, ridiculous accident, but do you remember what the name of the company was? no, listen, i still have a business card somewhere, a business card, yes, just a second. “volodya left it for me in case i suddenly decide to go into business, but do you know anything about his wife, no, he just said that he met a good woman, i was glad, here it is, the world systems company, what is this telephone?
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company agents? did the fire in which panin died remain with you? with me, with me, that sadik had not appeared here for a long time, here i recently showed up, he says, i got married, i’m leaving for america for permanent residence, well, we agreed to meet tomorrow, sit down, have a drink, so to speak, on the road, but apparently it’s not fate. did anyone come here after the fire? khromov has arrived. well , sanka’s business component, he sat at the fire, was silent, still didn’t believe that sanka was gone, he repeated, they killed sanka, well, maybe it really was a deliberate arson, no, the examination was serious, here the firefighters searched every centimeter, you came in vain, i have nothing to tell you, you know, i came to
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to express my condolences, we have not seen kirill since the medical institute, and i would like to know, i have never heard about you from my ex-husband, of course, thank you very much for the fruit for your daughter, for your condolences, i have no time to communicate with you now, marina, i’m sorry, i found out that kirill’s death was the result of a heart attack, but kirill did not have heart problems, he did have them, he hid it from everyone. you forgave kirill, it’s not me, it’s my daughter, she gives him flowers, but how is your daughter’s health now, thank you, she’s better, of course, because treatment requires a lot of money, however, i don’t have time, i need to
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finish with all this, and then i also need to go to the hospital to see my daughter. you know, i 'm in a hurry now, excuse me, please, for god's sake, excuse me, i have very little time, i ask you, go, goodbye. yes, panin and i were business partners. and were you sure that? that he was killed, i am now 100% sure of it, i am sure that his house was set on fire, but where does this confidence come from, do you have any suspicions,
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who do you suspect? i wrote everything in statement to the prosecutor's office, for some reason they considered that one sms with hints of a threat was not enough, who threatened him? i don’t know this, we lost our joint business and fled in different directions, after that each of us started everything... no, the last thing he said was that very significant changes were coming in his life.
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hello, girl, my name is sergey, you are anya, it’s very nice. who are you? anechka, i really need to see dumav. and you know, dumov has not worked here for more than a year. yes you? something happened to him, he quit and moved somewhere to the north, to the north , samba federation, and you know, he’s not there, goodbye, like this all day, yes, what a nightmare, anechka, and you won’t tell me where i can contact him, really necessary, you know, he didn’t even call here, that he never called , no, but it’s a personal matter, you’ll see him only in the personnel department, in the personnel department, but that’s what i thought, okay, thank you, and you too you're doing it yourself, yes, yes, that's right, goodbye,
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goodbye, so what we have is that medvedovsky and radionov definitely contacted the company of the world system, panin went to seminars of a certain foreign company, but i think that these are also world systems, so... you need to make a request to the foreign intelligence service about this company, but you never know, something is not a joke, suddenly something happens, you, by the way, i called on this phone, and it was constantly ringing, complete silence, but calls are coming, the corpse is answered, and what do you think, medvedovsky’s wife clearly knows something, she doesn’t make contact, she’s clearly scared by something, or by someone, so that's all for today. go home, my wife is already calling, no, it’s not him, i don’t understand,
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come on, come on, yes, i’m listening, who is it, good evening, i have identified your number, which one are you on? they called me with a question, my friend radionov gave me your number, i’m a businessman, i lost my job, so radionov said that you can help me, you can really help me with work, i’m ready to meet you, radionov, i’ll call you back tomorrow and we’ll make an appointment, tomorrow, that ’s for sure, okay, okay, i’ll wait for your call, yeah, that’s it, see you. listen, i think it worked, take it off. so, we need to
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decide, seryozha, under what circumstances you met the radion businessman. or maybe cars sale? good man's business, you helped radion choose a car, then during the crisis, sales volumes fell. here we can make a mistake, we don’t know what kind of cars radionov preferred, but the agent, talking with him, could have found out, i agree, well, that’s okay, as an option, maybe, let ’s focus on the real estate business, but rodionov was looking for himself a new apartment, contacted my company, but even during his successful sports career, that’s how we met and maintained a casual relationship. a now i’m bankrupt, now there’s a crisis, many businessmen who were involved in real estate got burned, but it sounds convincing, in
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a suit in this. just solid, just as they say kamelfa, just like kamelfa, yes , well yes, the remains of the luxury of a bankrupt businessman, exactly, that means this suit, i tell you as the main one, yes, only a suitable tie is missing, there will be something at home , well, we still need to pick out a couple of suits, definitely, comrade general, decide to come in, come in, that means the documents are ready, two passports, a foreign one and civilian on...
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well, businessman kolokolnikov sergei sergeevich, let’s go through the legend again from the very beginning, which means remove the base, remove the bachelor, remove the flowers, we are making a bachelor’s lair. formerly rich, formerly, so, where is the computer, you brought the computer, in the office, let’s go, i’ll show you, here’s the office, comrade major, here’s the computer, yeah, well, everything seems fine. take off those glasses
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, you look like a gangster or a beggar, oh, i don’t know, i think it’s great, well, no, you need to do something with your hair, these guys are businessmen, they all walk around so covered in gel, you know, doc, i’m a businessman, not a fashion model, the suit is spy, i agree, but i won’t go for licking, there was money put in about kolokolnikov, and the legend is me?
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where are my boots, and look upstairs in the closet, what would i do without you? olenka, well, there are business trips. different, you know, this, for example, i understand , this is in an elegant style, well, yes, yes, you noticed that i don’t even ask where you’re going, well, i don’t care anyway, and i don’t ask for how long, olenka, well because i'm not going to sit and wait for you by the window or knit in a scarf like penelope, i have something to do without you.
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i didn’t understand, but to my face, it’s cheating, yes, yes, i already love someone else, or someone else, that i didn’t understand anything, you don’t understand anything at all in normal life, why?
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well, these guys, what’s their name, well done, well done, oh , i’ll quickly, you hear , i’ll quickly, quickly leave and come, okay , i’ll just quickly, that’s it, and then i’ll tell everyone, everyone, everyone, okay, and then go to the next since you tell everyone, look after
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mine, what's taking so long, the tie is appropriate were you looking for? you don’t like everything, listen, ivan, i have a request for you, while i play businessman, look after olga.
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he was a good officer, he and his husband were good, strangely, there was some kind of life, but now there is nothing. emptiness, you know, the worst thing in life is loneliness, i’m left completely alone, i don’t even have children, completely alone, irina petrovna, and you were a polovtsy, a master of sports for a long time. shit, uh-huh, let me take you home, don’t, konstantin dmitrievich, i’ll stay with him a little longer, and i’m not in a hurry, i’ll wait for you, uh-huh.
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yes, i’m listening, i’m unemployed and free as a bird, where should i go? got it, got it, i'll be there in a minute. 40, how do i recognize you? i understand, see you later.
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hello, hello, koloknikov, sergei sergeevich, rudnikov, where should we start, i think, with your problems, tell me about my problems, what are the problems, history? trivial, i was involved in real estate, i was a private realtor, yes, then, as you know, the crisis hit, no one was buying anything, in general, i was completely screwed, now i need
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to do something about it, hello, something will you order, yes, please bring me still water and meth separately, that’s all, yes, that’s all, gentlemen? ardionov, is he your close friend? but no, not close, we were friends when he was in big sports, i... i was looking for an apartment for him, well, then we talked after, i read in the newspapers, he had an accident, yes, thank you, a terrible tragedy, sorry, a few days before the accident, we accidentally crossed paths, i told him about my troubles, and he said that you... can help me, well, i’m just an intermediary, and personally i don’t
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i’m recruiting new candidates to participate in business projects, so i can’t guarantee you anything, you’ll have to fill out a form, which i’ll pass on to another agent, and he, in turn, will pass it on to management, who will make a decision, tell me, don’t hire me right away present to the management of the company, who directly accepts it. “i would be glad, but unfortunately, i don’t set the rules, so you agree to fill out the form and provide our company with all the data that i have a choice, yes, of course, so, here you go, tell me, “what are they”? my chances of success,
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radeonov, he reassured me very much , he said that they would not refuse me help, that his recommendations, recommendations, mr. ardeonov are very important for us, but the company recruits a very narrow circle of people for training specialists, and unfortunately, this is not in my competence, but how long will my candidacy be considered, i will contact you, well, that’s probably all, thank you, you can go, thank you, i’ll wait for the call, all the best, so one comes out. ext. looks like he's being followed.
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sign in, there is news, an answer has arrived regarding dumov, he does not live in russia, dumov went abroad a year and 2 months ago, flew to spain, then this guy constantly follows the shepherd. to the bank, everywhere
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, we ran him through the database, but there is no data, a resident of the moscow region, without a prohibited gender , borrow, how long, the second week has passed, they are checking him, maybe he doesn’t believe that he recognized rodionov, well, we’ll wait. we don’t have any other clue, max, yes, i’m listening, dots, it looks like the post has guests, i thought you were bigger than you i won’t see you, good afternoon. i'm sorry that without warning, i thought it would be better,
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are you with good news or with refusal, maybe we'll pass after all, yes, of course, come here, and you have a nice apartment, this is the guy who was in the bar at the posthumous meeting, i'm fine. at the first stage, yes, but everything else will depend on you, when will i be able to meet with the management of your company? well, i don’t know that, you are invited to a seminar abroad, you will find out everything yourself. abroad, when? departure today? today, is there something you're not happy with? you were in such a hurry to get your affairs in order? no, no, so, of course, everything suits me, yes, everything is great, here is your air ticket, yeah,
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accompanying documents, the seminar will be held in a conference room in a hotel, in the same hotel, a room has been booked in your name, what? okay, thank you, get ready, sergei sergeevich, get ready, yes, yes, yes, of course, davarich general, in my opinion, we have a problem, everything is in order, our man met kolokolnikov at the airport. they're coming here a bankrupt businessman, no wife, no children? this time i like your choice, i tried, i’m not interested in your efforts, i need results, kolokolnikov is in a terrible situation, he simply has no other way out but to appear immediately to me.
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sergey sergeevich, hello, good afternoon, how did you arrive? okay, that's good, follow me, they're waiting for you. good afternoon, mr. kolokolnik, guest, mr. ariot, our welcome guest, please, your keys, enjoy your stay, take something from us, thank you, thank you, all the best, now you
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will meet with mr. reut. he will explain everything to you, please come here to us, thank you, thank you, take a seat, thank you, sir, i am in a desperate situation and... i hope, i really hope for your help, we know about your problems, we will do everything possible, lack of money , this phenomenon is temporary and fixable, i would like to believe in it, tell me, how long will your seminar take? seminars as part of network marketing, so popular in the early nineties, the channel is in oblivion, then why am i
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here? you are here because we have developed a unique scheme that allows you to earn money quickly or... “i don’t understand what exactly i should do, we will send you to the usa, where they will arrange a fictitious marriage for you, and you will receive a green card, after which your life will be insured in one of the large american companies in the amount of 2.5 million dollars, so, further, that you will return to russia a little later."
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million dollars, wait, you want to say that volodya radionov is alive, that his death is a falsification, of course, volodya radionov lives somewhere on the ocean, no worries, no hassle, no debts, my god, my head is spinning, my god, how simple it all is, huh? that there is no way to check this, but do you think that the million that we leave for ourselves is spent on what? we offer you the same scheme as radionova, we don’t rush you , and you decide how simple everything is, but i agree,
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that’s good, and now the sweetest part, let’s go, i’ll introduce you to your bride, yeah, yeah, yes, come in! "please, this is my fiancé, i’m very glad, yes, please, please, please, this is your fiancé sergei kolokolnikov, your bride, charming beauty andra, andrew smith , acquaintance, your things are already here, make yourself at home, how to say, i will live in this room with her, yes, yes, you need to get to know each other better." no one in the usa should guess that your marriage is fictitious. a year ago andre was in moscow, according to legend you met, met
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, fell in love with each other. now you met here and decided to get married. but don’t be afraid, you will sleep there. for me this is also a business, just like for you well, as they say. come in, come in, how are our lovebirds? everything is according to plan, they are going to a restaurant. andre must
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deduce from our fiancé as much information as possible, friends, habits, weaknesses, yes, boss, yes, boss, kolokolnikov’s death should occur naturally, or due to an accident, we cannot afford a second puncture until radionov’s case is closed, we we won’t get a penny, and... if your guys screw up again, you will answer me personally for everything, you understand me, yes mos, now i’ll find out your tastes, what you like in more detail, right? after your death me they will question you with passion, well, i’m not a gourmet, no, when i was doing business,
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sometimes i didn’t have time to eat properly, well, what will you order, but i don’t care, choose for yourself, but what will you drink, vodka, gin , whiskey, then americans have strange ideas about russians, i don’t drink andre, at all, just water and juice. in a company with friends, tell me more about them, in business there are no friends, when you worked, there were clients, partners, friends, but you have women, no longer, then money will appear, this one woman, it’s logical, i don’t know what kind of gifts you like to receive, but what do women in russia usually give men? well, most often, cologne or a tie, what brand of perfume do you
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like, i’ve never thought about it, but i don’t care, maybe we’ll go from here, well, if you want. andre, you speak russian very well, my parents are russian, i was brought to america when i was little, oh girls, what about the last name smith? oh, then my mother got married and i became a media person. actually i did.
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doc, not on the third, when you return to russia, will you tell me what? i even had to say goodbye, my parents had already died, i was alone with them, and this... i was already completely alone, you know, i wanted to become an actress, i didn’t really have to pay for college, then i worked in a salon, did hair and makeup, when that’s all will end, i would really like to remain your friend, maybe we will meet somewhere on the other side of the earth, it’s time for us to leave.
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well, i’m sure everything will be fine, that’s it. do you see you'll like the number?
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to the wives, otherwise they are completely scolded, there is, come on, attention, the agent enters the entrance. based their schemes, they won’t shoot him, because they won’t get insurance, they need an accident, a heart attack, a stroke, hit by a car, fire, a brick fell, and so on, but this does not simplify, and unfortunately, complicates our task , pavlov was not killed, because they did not care about his death certificate, that with
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a safe house, every day one of two agents walks... near the house today at 10:7 an agent entered the entrance, looked around tver, at 10:11 left , never returned, but you read the general, they didn’t appear at all once, but i think that they sound the situation, look at the environment, after the failure with rodionov they work with the client very closely, but i think they are afraid, afraid to miss any small detail, serious guys, right?
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who lives how they live, what they drink, and so on, i don’t think they will try to do anything on the first day, it’s too open, but it’s necessary to accompany him to the entrance. text messages through our connection, and naturally, no going anywhere, if necessary, he orders a taxi, our person arrives, takes him away, brings him, and the obligatory accompaniment, clearly, so accurately, our main
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task is to understand how they want to kill him , in what way, then it will be easier, the main thing is to understand, in essence, from the day of his arrival, you and i will be in a state of siege, one pavlov will be enough for us, come in, olenka, we have guests, olya postukhova, come in, sit down, we’ll make a drink now, so, hello, ulenka, hello,
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hello, how are you, okay, we’ll drink tea, yes, now i’m pouring, pouring, what’s wrong with seryozha, everything is fine with him, so that means seryozha was with them and stayed, well, you understand, well, it happens , well, the business trip just dragged on a little, that’s all
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, i’m expecting a child, we congratulate you, what great guys, how wonderful it is, well... listen, so uh, so i have an idea, let’s- well , we’ll send you to a sanatorium, there’s fresh air, massage, baths, it’s better at home , well, i can’t, but it seems to me that konstantin dmitrovich is right, this is a very good idea, this is not just a good idea, but this is the only right one the idea in your situation, you know, that means, now i’ll call a car, you they’ll take me home, and tomorrow we’ll sort everything out...
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and we also got a response from the svr. world systems is a group of financial scammers who operated in the mid-nineties and worked on the principle of a financial pyramid. currently, they no longer pose an economic threat. the top of the world systems is on the wing, 12 defendants were arrested in four countries through interpol. and these, therefore, hid, and then came up with a new scheme. i listen, golubev, for a second, i write,
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thank you, i accepted, the sound of the bells returns to these faces. chiefs of all come to me urgently, you see him, go get him. where did you come from, from america, and it’s a long flight there, 10 hours, and you can’t smoke, you absolutely can’t smoke, but what about the crisis, the americans aren’t starving? yes, they are dying like flies
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, oh well, i’m joking, americans are fat for one thing, but what’s true is that americans are like us, they drink just like us, they just drink, but not really about similarity, they have a lot of blacks. thank you, good luck, yes, yes, thank you, luck just won’t hurt me, there are no bells in my apartment, no one
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met him. these are the neighbors, the woman from the first floor, who is with a stroller, and some kind of botanist guy lives in his apartment, hello, what have we got, the object did not leave the house, not even to the store, yes, not even to the store. okay, continue observing,
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i’ll relieve you earlier today. listen, don't you think they're sticking around here? no, it doesn’t seem that our task is to observe, all lights out. got it, to my dear husband, with love andre. yes, good afternoon, they called, called. we need to carry out an examination of these things, i think we need to start with food and, of course, with alcohol, yeah, okay, that’s it this, as i understand it, is urgent, but you can’t do it instantly, well, you always need it, yesterday, okay, let’s do it, and lyudmila.
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yes, report the results of the examination to me personally at any time of the day, this is an order, i thought, i noticed a new hairstyle, i wish a friend, what news, no, touch-geral, agents are on duty for 12 hours a day. friend, and at night for some reason the surveillance is removed, it turns out that their liquidation is scheduled for the day, okay, besides the agents, did anyone show up? no movement, phone, no calls, anything they are waiting, you know, they are waiting for something, that’s what , so let him...
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strengthen the escort constant communication with me, constant, you understand me, i’m fulfilling.
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attention, the agent is entering the entrance, your order, thank you, sign, today there are very tasty pancakes, see you tomorrow, goodbye. the agent rushed out of the entrance, did not go further than the first floor, and listened to the entire conversation.
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olenka, hello, this is for you, but i’m a
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doctor, vitamins, what’s wrong with seryozha, where is he? he 's okay, he's on a business trip, everything's okay, how, how do you feel when he’ll be back, soon, well, just a business trip, and the sanatorium is good, good, well done, everything’s fine, he’ll arrive soon, that’s it, enough conspirators, go home, everything ’s great, but don’t worry, he ’ll die soon, okay, go , go, hi girl, bye.
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hello, what do you have for real estate? yeah thanks. oh, seryoga, hi, yes, you need to go
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straight down the block, turn right, san, i ’ll call you back later, go where i showed you, yes, yes, straight to the right, thank you, thank you, but you’re welcome.
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everything was clean, no one entered the apartment. guys, what's wrong with the agent? escort, thank you for your service, hang up, end of connection, why are they inactive? maxim leonidovich, coffee, let’s go back there, he ’s bringing us some sandwiches.
4:29 am
we have an emergency, everything is back. you say, no one came into the apartment , then how did it get here, well, explain to me, the devil knows, well, don’t believe me, look at the video, it means the snake was brought before i arrived, someone was here, under the guise of a gas worker, a worker deza, i don't know. there was no one here, we checked the whole apartment, it means they didn’t check well, everything is fine
4:30 am
, hello, kolokolnikov, excuse me, hello, it looks like my snake has come to you, the upstairs neighbor, you know, the comrade is holding a martyr of snakes, they are friends, i’m a hermetologist, where is she, she’s alive, here under a bucket, i hope alive. oh, you naughty girl, she was in a hurry through the ventilation hole, and she often walks with you, well, that was the case, but she is completely safe, excuse me, once again this won’t happen again, but you should explain to her that visiting must be done by invitation , sorry again, goodbye. the snakes were tamed yes, the handlers, they almost
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ruined the operation, yes, the general, well, who knew that he had a zoo at home, they should have known, i agree, they made a mistake with the scientist, but none of ours showed up, the agents remove surveillance at night, and that night the surveillance too it wasn’t, this saved you, come in, comrade general, it’s urgent, free , a toxic substance was found in this sample, uh-huh, a poison of plant origin, so, the plant from the roots of which the substance is made grows in mexico, no color, no odor, no poison, when ingested blood.
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who use this adicalon, well , irreversible processes occur in the body, at some point a person begins to choke and it’s clear, here is the expert data, thank you, lyudmila vasilivna, we are trying, comrade general.
4:33 am
man, what’s wrong with you, can you hear me, help, can you hear me, man, you feel bad, the man feels bad, help.
4:34 am
now son, they will help me, i will help you, let me help you. what kind of bomb is it, hello, could you
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help me, listen? today a man was brought to you by ambulance, i wanted find out about his condition, last name, kolokolnikov sergei sergeevich, i found it, kolokolnikov, you are his relative, yes, i am his brother, he is alive, you know, he passed away. this cannot be, he was only 40 years old, unfortunately, he could not be saved, we got ready, we went, the object died, i just
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came from the hospital.
4:37 am
take your hands away, that is, general, detained and delivered, do you... know this man? no, i’ve never met you, have you seen this person? never, invited, please come in,
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marina selyonovna, calm down, calm down. tell me, tell me, do you know these people? where and under what circumstances? you met them, calm down, these two came to my house, after kirill’s death, and what happened next, here he is, he said that me and my, my daughter will go after kirill, if we open our mouths, this, it was they who came to kirill, they were the ones who touched him, calm down. thank you very much, you helped us a lot, thank you, now they will take you home, calm down, you are accused
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of complicity in the murder of medvedovsky, panin, radionov, kolokolnikov and pavlov, my officer it’s not us, i’ll tell you everything, but no, you won’t tell everything, you’ll write everything in detail, but i’m interested in something else now, you have to tell me when mr. reut arrives, as soon as i call and say that i got rid of the evidence. just calmly, without panic, everything is like in life,
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mr. reut, hello, hello, mr. reut, i threw everything into the river, as you told me, so what? thank you for your work, the money due to you will be invoiced in 2 or 4 days. i hope you hold out. let's hold on. thank you. see you in moscow. i'll be only 2 day, so we have to do everything in time. yes goodbye.
4:41 am
seryozha, well, forgive me, seryozha, well, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, well, anyway, well, it’s impossible, but it’s impossible. i can’t, i’m sorry, forgive me, forgive me, god, i don’t do that, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’m here, i ’m here, forgive me, not forgive me, but forgive me, well, forgive me, i won’t do this again, yeah, how are you? ?
4:42 am
“you need to work, ira, but i need talented people, very unexpectedly, in a word, i think that we have agreed, i’m playing, this is it. the man who organized the murder of your husband, i see them, i see them, so,
4:43 am
attention, general readiness, everyone, let's go, let's go. amazing, what are you talking about, boss? it seems to me that i even miss russia, when i... have my own island, i will definitely plant a couple of birch trees there, well, yes, inspector ivanov, your documents, what’s the matter?
4:44 am
we get out of the car, quickly, hands behind our backs, you will answer for this, on what basis were we detained, will you answer for this? no, you will be responsible for everything, mr. reut, since you are more accustomed to being called mr. reut or comrade doom? yes, i changed my first name, last name and citizenship, so what, really? this is a crime, and i have nothing to do with this whole detective story about which you just spoke so eloquently, uh-huh, that means you deny that you arranged a fictitious marriage and falsified death...
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of your clients, i deny, i’m an insurance agent, and some of my clients made me their confidant, but i have no control over either their life or their death, i am not the lord god, well then repeat once again the purpose of your visit to moscow, i, as mrs. smith’s confidant, came to pick up death certificate of her husband, kolokolnikov.
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you cynically killed them, and now a few words from me personally: you are not a person, you are scum, and you will sit for the rest of your filthy life, you understand me, take him away. olenka , don’t worry, i won’t be late, come on, bye, come on, seryoga, there , for us, for everyone, relax at sea, it will be done, guys, it will be done, go ahead, pack your bags, otherwise the general will come and leave yours will be over, comrade officers, i have an important message for you, just don’t...
4:47 am
say that my vacation is postponed, don’t worry, your vacation remains in effect, for the excellent operation to destroy dumov and his gang, i express my gratitude to you, we serve the fatherland, well , serve, like that, gratitude, then good. the shepherd will return, i’ll also take a vacation, uh-huh, why is it my turn, i have special circumstances, like, i’ll soon become a father, this can’t be, why can’t it be, it’s very possible, this is a coincidence,
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what? are you waiting too? even before we left abroad, valyusha said, too?
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4:50 am
police captain melentiva is listening to who was killed? where? i’m writing down, and that i gave him a cup of tea once, i thought, i immediately wondered where the money lies, he thought, you thought, he ’s lost his mind, where are we going to look for the tower now, okay, gray, we’ll come to the hut and search again once again, we’ve already been scamming, now we’ll tell the boss, right? no, i don’t even know where these batches are, what? no, no, no, no, it doesn’t work that way.


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