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tv   DNK  NTV  February 8, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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15 years, that is, the same 10 years that were talked about here, in principle, quite realistically, quite realistically, kirill, you can take this matter under your control, i will definitely try - within the framework of the current criminal process, to help the victim, althea, i i’m sure that the mother of the deceased is watching us, you have some words for her, can you imagine how hard it is for her, how painful it is for her, this is the worst thing for any parent, losing their child. bury my child, i offer my deepest apologies, but nothing else you can’t make up for it, my son committed such a crime, i’m also to blame for something , i’m probably so, he’s the only one i have, i cherished him, constantly pampered him, but not to kill someone, i ask, i ask you to forgive me for raising such a son, if... and in some way i can help
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this family, if necessary, financially, morally, i don’t know, i’ll do whatever they tell me, if i’m able , well , nothing can make up for this, our most sincere condolences to the parents of this girl, we hope that you have the strength to survive this, although i don't know how to do it, remember that with any problem you can ask our help for help. a resident of the perm region has been trying for 20 years to reunite the family that her mother kukushka destroyed by distributing her daughters to orphanages and neighbors. nina rezhanova contacted us for a dna test. hello hello! how many children were there in your family?
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we have five girls in our family, five sisters, we only know how i and three other sisters, galya, lyuba, anya, and the last sister, tanya, we don’t, i, personally, i haven’t seen her and neither has lyuba i didn’t see her, we didn’t grow up together, we grew up in different families, someone who was in an orphanage, i grew up in a family. teachers, lyuba also grew up in a family of teachers, and galya is the eldest, she was raised entirely with her mother, with her biological one, only her mother left her, why did this happen? galya, yes, apparently, or there were good conditions, she was with her, when she began to give birth, as they say, to us, it was very difficult, she lived poorly, well, and led a riotous lifestyle, it turns out. it turns out that she was
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apparently unable to support us, educate us, and this she gave us to different families herself, they took me very little, i was only a year and 8 months old, she gave me to a teacher, yes, she gave me to a teacher, my mother worked as a teacher, at school they had a drama club, they, my dad accordion player, he walked with them , accompanied them, brother is coming in the evening , they knew who lives where, it’s still a village, they hear that a child is crying, they light is on, they looked into this house, they know that mine lived here biological mother, maria grigorievna, and it looks like the girl is sitting alone on the floor, there is no one at home, crying, so mom and dad came home,
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they consulted, let’s go to maria scriabin, we’ll ask if she can give this girl to us, they came to her and asked, maria, you won’t give it to us to raise, he says, take it, i was in a terrible state, i had scabs on my head, there were lice in these scabs, i was cold, thin, well, that’s all, well , then they came, took a blanket, took everything, there were gingerbread cookies, and you he says, you’re sitting under some sweatshirt, all dirty, thin, you’ll grab a gingerbread and hide under the sweatshirt, it means they wrapped me in a blanket , brought me to this house, it was clean, beautiful, i was very happy in this family, mother, they already took me in at an old age, this is because his eldest daughter already lived in perm, studied they no longer had children, and - that's why
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they decided to take me, dad adored me very much, mom, of course, as a teacher, she is a little strict, but still she loved me very much, after you were taken into a foster family, how are you... and then for the first time i remember, i snuggled up, cried, and my mother and i left with store, then i got a little older, i just started to snap at these shouts, well, answer that why are you saying that, i have one mother, that’s all, i don’t need any other mother, about
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the fact that you have sisters, how did you find out when i was already going to kindergarten, and my mother worked at school , and she also worked there, well, there were a lot of teachers, she also worked, another... the teacher, she took this little sister into the family, and then my mother she came to me and said: no, you have another sister, lyuba, and we lived two houses away with them, so we came to them with lyuba , we met, and lyuba and i began to communicate, and how old lyuba was when you met, lyuba was probably in the third grade, probably somewhere like that, i remember ... how she went with a briefcase, with boots, with a little purse, to live with this teacher kanya filippovna, and then we moved to another house and it turned out that we bought this house, not far from the house
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of the biological mother, it turned out that she was there i already lived with some roommate, this older sister galya came to this house, then apparently my mother told me that nina, your older sister galya has arrived, if you want, go, i went, i was probably in the fifth grade, she arrived with a little girl, and i came to them, they greeted me well, and i remember we played with this girl with these christmas tree toys, somehow they didn’t have any toys, and i also remember we made dumplings, but i only came there twice, i didn’t go again, then she left and everything, that is, you lost with galina. yes, galileo and i were lost, we didn’t communicate. a how did you find out about another sister? i found out about anya, this is us, when i was already working in cheykovsky at the silk fabric factory, my adoptive mother died, i was 19 years old, and my father lived with a woman, then, when my father
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died, this woman told me, that nina, your own mother and sister lives here in klinovka. i then came to visit them, saw how they lived and got acquainted with this, but i didn’t even flinch, not even a single vein of anything, well, we got to know each other, we all got to know each other, when did all four sisters met, galya found lyuba, a website had already appeared, wrote to her, and then wrote to me that lyuba lives there, and i’m here, let’s meet, so they all came to me, to our place, well, to our klinovka. came to me, here we are in 2000, we all met together, have you been communicating for 24 years? yes, yes, did you manage to become sisters? yes, we managed to become sisters, and is your biological mother alive? no, she died at galya’s,
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she lived in nizhnevartovsk, she left, then she was already old, she took her to her place, she already died there, i don’t remember what year, but... she was 78 years old, so galya said, and from whom did you learn about the youngest, about the fifth sister, and about this one , another teacher first told me, she told me, nina, she says, you know what else you have there is one sister, i say who she says tanya, i say how and where - she says, well, i say , i know that she was taken to another family, but she doesn’t know which one, and her biological mother never talked about hers i told you the fifth one, but we asked? she kept making excuses, kept making excuses, and then how did we find out that anya , she didn’t tell us anything either, she hid it, she’s like some kind of partisan, we just when we were together, we pressed her, well, anya, you supposedly know that there’s also a sister tanya, she says, yes, i know, i say, why were you silent and
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didn’t say anything, we scolded her so much, that’s how anya herself knew that there was tatyana’s sister, she knew her, she said that when her mother once. .. apparently taken from the orphanage, at that time she apparently gave birth to this girl tanya, and anya knew her, she was with her she said that she was 2 years old when... this other family took her, she can’t forget how she cried when tanya was taken away by a strange woman, in the studio anna skrebina, hello, anna, hello, i understand, that you, too, have been looking for your sister for 20 years, yes, i’m looking for how you found out that you even have this youngest sister tatyana, i remembered her.
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well, as they say, like an unnecessary thing, no need, i threw it away,
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i wanted it, i gave it away, i wanted one, i gave it away, i wanted another, i gave it away and a third, and so on, she didn’t care, ana, well, maybe people later told me what happened to sister tatyana, people people told me that this was the same thing, she had... she had a different surname, this was the same thing they adopted, and then they began to talk, supposedly, she ended up in orphanage, i decided to find her, i found a certificate through the mountains, they gave me such a certificate, yes, there is such a thing, well, anna, how could tatyana end up in an orphanage if another family took her, if a woman took her away, they said that supposedly this is the same thing, there was a rumor in our village here, and supposedly - mother
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stabbed her father and her mother was sent to foster care, that’s why tanya ended up in an orphanage, and you decided to go there? yes , she was in the fifth grade, she was 11 years old, when i saw her, i had no doubt that this was my sister, but... oh, yes, i’m somehow embarrassed, i don’t know, i don’t remember anyone , she remembers something in her memory, she doesn’t remember in person, what her future fate was like, well, i’ll see you in another year. she also came on vacation, she came, but she was no longer there, they said that her
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adoptive mother took her, more about tatyana’s fate for you nothing is known, more yes, no more , well, we wanted to find her anyway, because since we haven’t seen her, we still want to find out if she is there, or not, on the one hand i ’m thinking, who knows, maybe she’s in she’s not alive, but she still has, probably some children, maybe she got married, but there’s still something there , maybe she needs some help, maybe something else, that’s all for me... so spread rot, we still tried to look for it, but already this year already one day galishi asks why they were there, how was tanya found, no, i i say, listen, galya, no answer, no greetings, nothing, ana, where did you grow up? i grew up in an orphanage, my mother was deprived of maternity, she was deprived of parental rights, she was lucky, with her own hands she gave the child to the orphanage, yes, i was three years old, and she came to you? yes, when she came to me, i remember, she had such a bag, and
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bags, and she had this black cowari, i asked her, she asked for this, she said, take me. oh homemade bread, black, rye, and about your sisters you that moment that they knew, and then i came for the holidays, lyuba, then i saw a big one, she was about sixth in school or i don’t know, well, well, she was already a big one, that’s when i found out that
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i, it turns out, have a lyuba, are you friends with your sister galia? yes, galya forgot about 16 years old, thanks to her, she did a lot for me, we are very friendly, she helps me a lot. shortly before your mother's death, your older sister asked her about tatyana's fate. in the studio, galina ivanova. hello, galina, hello, you are the eldest. yes, i'm the oldest. do you remember conversation with mom before she left? of course i remember. mom was very sick; she had lung cancer. and i wanted to find out from her where tanya was. she didn’t tell me anything, she just cried and that’s it. after that, she
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died about a week later. do you remember how they took your younger sister? i don’t remember exactly how they took her from the house, but i remember very well how i ran down the street, anya says that she was with me, but i don’t remember her, but i remember how i don’t even remember her face, no matter how black, white or what, i just remembered the hands, because the woman was holding her like this, and the hands were behind her, she was crying and shouting: “galya, galya, galya”, i... i was running, i remember down the street behind her, then the woman turned that’s it, i didn’t see her anymore, but did you also see the other sisters being taken away? no, somehow it turned out that well, i only knew about nina, that the teacher took her, i
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didn’t know about anushka with anyone, they didn’t know anything, no one told me, well, they took them to an orphanage, you never asked mom's question is, why? not raised my children, i didn’t talk about this topic with her, i just understood that there was no point in asking anything, but now you are glad that there are four of you sisters, you are reunited, yes, i’m very glad, and you remember how you all met together, well, in 2000 , it seems, yes, yes, you met, tell me what you remember about this meeting, well , it was somehow awkward at first, we didn’t immediately somehow ... it’s all kind of, well the conversation didn’t go on, the conversation didn’t go on slowly, slowly, and they scolded her sister for not telling you about meeting with tatyana, oh, you scolded, of course , you scolded, yes, and over time you tried to look for your younger sister tatyana, you know, yes, i tried to look for her, in the eighties i
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applied, well... nothing came, and then somehow everything got so confused, here their children grow up, get married, study, flounder , in general, i don’t blame my mother for the fact that you and your sisters were separated, yes, she, of course, that’s what the girls grew up where well, it’s all very to blame, but she helped me a lot, i have four children, two sons and two daughters, i she helped a lot, then it was very difficult with kindergartens, she sat, then she cooked very tasty, baked pies, my children ate, not only did she sit with our children, they also left the neighbors to look after her, that is, she really changed, she changed , she even changed in appearance, began
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to look better, could not become a good grandmother, and the children loved her, but you forgave her? for your childhood, yes, i forgave, but your sisters, i am not responsible for anyone, only for myself, another of your sisters cannot forgive her mother for what she had to go through in childhood, in the studio lyubov denisova, hello, lyubov, hello, do childhood grievances really haunt you to this day? childhood resentment does not let me go in the case that when a child has not known his mother’s love, this trail of loneliness remains for the rest of his life. on my subconscious, because i didn’t know any affection, i didn’t know a mother’s love, i didn’t know that mother’s warmth, so this
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loneliness, it still remains in me, but where did you grow up, with whom were you raised? i was brought up - almost from my birth, uh, first in malyutka's house, then in a preschool orphanage, then in a children 's school-orphanage, then i, at the age of 10... when an unfamiliar woman came for me, whom i did not know at all, whom i did not want to go, because she was a stranger to me , and we usually imagine our mothers as beautiful, young, and then a woman came for me , all in black, thin and emaciated, i could not approach her, they then explained to me that this is your mother and that you i should go with her, but that’s not what makes me happy. there was none, when my biological mother brought me home to this house, to this little house, everything was foreign to me there, it
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was uncomfortable, there was no warmth, no comfort, there was no love that i wanted would have received from my own mother, there was no affection, no attention, in general, i felt very bad in this house, there were no... no curtains, there was nothing like that - well, there wasn’t even bedding linen, that is , there was nothing like that, that is, it turns out that you were better off in the orphanage than with biological, because in the orphanage you knew that you would be fed there, that you would sleep in a clean bed, when they brought you, there wasn’t even a blanket or a normal pillow, er, not a sheet, well, that is, in general , this is for me everything was very alien, i had a desire to go back. return to this orphanage, and do you remember how the teacher took you into her family, yes, i remember this wonderful incident when they wanted to send annushka and me to the orphanage, my
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class teacher, she took pity on me from consulting with her husband, he says: let us take this girl in, because she has already known everything very bad, we will give her love, we will raise her with affection.
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what to give to loved ones, especially during a holiday sale, for example, merci candies for only 279 rubles. probably the scariest and most
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difficult... our stories begin with the words, my child was stolen. after a difficult birth , khadijat ended up in intensive care, and the newborn girl was taken to a baby home. 4 months passed, we went to pick up the girl, she was not there it turned out that she completely disappeared without a trace, she was taken away, he says, and the military, he says, is a sailor, so you don’t have enough strength, he says, to bring her back. and also the incredible story of larisa, who was deprived of her child by her relatives. and this was done with some special cynicism. you don’t need him, because he didn’t register me, they took the girl to the station, i can’t even imagine now how this could have happened, i ’ve lived with this all my life, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. make coughing a thing of the past.
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days and nights, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. a medal for you. absolutely free, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call and order an anniversary medal toll-free number 800 600 68 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf. mask new season from 18 february at 20:20 on ntv. they have a career. and
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children are born one after another, i can already sleep in any position, a million-dollar secret, famous mothers with many children will share how they manage everything, where to run, to the salon, to the gym or to... work, i thought that i would some great star, for what offenses does actress maria kozhevnikova punish her four sons? if i just kiss my ass, you know, what will grow next? older brothers don't offend, of course they offend. how much is the stardiman, natalya medvedeva was treated for postpartum depression. and i don’t know how my husband even put up with me, how daria mikhalkova told father andrei konchilovsky that he would become a grandfather again. he said succinctly: “it’s your business.” but it seems to me that it is difficult to realize it with three children. mothers of many children have million-dollar secrets. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is
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the dna program. the children of one mother, cuckoo , cannot all get together, although they are all over 60. after all, their own mother scattered them in early childhood to different orphanages and other people's families.
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with virmi’s parents, in general, it turned out like this: that one day i came home from school and was not allowed into the room, it turns out that such a very sad event happened when, as a result of a quarrel, my mother inflicted a very serious injury on my father and... as a result, she was sentenced to 5 years, he was in the hospital for a long time, and i was sent to an orphanage, but what happened between them? mom hit him on the head with an ax, serious injury, but father survived? yes
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, he survived, when you were taken to the orphanage, your father left the hospital, he didn’t take you, no, he wanted to take me from the orphanage, he had such plans, me they even invited me. they asked if i would go to live with my father, but at that time i did not go to live with him, because somehow i had more connections with my mother, and my mother was not there, so i did not go to live with him alone, it seemed to me that that he couldn’t, and i stayed in the orphanage, and while you lived there, you yourself never guessed that mom and dad weren’t your relatives? no, it wasn’t even in my thoughts, they treated you well, not bad, like that... someone offended me there or something else didn’t happen, i think it was normal, family first good, then we didn’t start drinking, well, this led to this situation, we started quarreling, during quarrels we
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used to go to the neighbors, hide, well, we were afraid, that is, yes, with that woman whom you considered your mother at some point in your life, when she was released, did you meet? yes , we met, we talked for a long time, she promised me that she would take me from the orphanage, so, but it didn’t work out, i had already graduated, finished eighth grade, but didn’t return, no, but they asked her a question, she is your real mother, oh, what are you talking about, i couldn’t even ask her this question, because firstly, i was afraid of offending her, i was waiting for her, she wrote me letters,
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so we talked all day, then she left, well somehow we didn’t see each other again , remember this girl well, no, now... i wouldn’t recognize her at all, i even forgot her name, you know, so much time has passed, well, maybe some image has been preserved , preserved, of course, this is the most important thing, that she had freckles, and these freckles, which gave me no peace myself, i remember her too, and you immediately believed that girl when she told you about your real family, what can i say, i think that i really wanted... to believe in it, because already at that moment i had...
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well, there wouldn’t be anyone, so maybe there are children ’s hopes, the belief that this is really my sister, and how old were you then, that’s when this same sister came, i think it was already 12 years old, later we’ll find this girl ourselves they didn’t try, well, there was such a thing when i was already old enough, i was in... here at that time there were still such information desks, but i asked for my first and last name, so i had to write it down, i wrote it and they told me that there was not enough data, the year of birth , the dates were required. that’s where
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i was born, that’s why, and what information did you provide there, you say, you don’t even remember your name, no, i don’t remember now, you see, at that time i remembered, i have a surname, i knew it very clearly, it’s like nothing else i didn’t have the data, but you would really like to become a younger sister, yes, of course, what do you think? you must be similar, but how could it be different, come to us for help... four sisters, they are looking for their fifth, the youngest named tatyana, these sisters are in our studio, try to recognize them, there is something, here it is for me it seems, after all, yes. yes, maybe, well, there is something
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, yes, nina, what did you feel, i didn’t expect that i imagined him completely different, dark-haired, plump, but i ’m dark, i’m dyed, yes, well, it’s clear, here, well i don't think she's that pretty, that's it, why? it’s all the same, the most important thing is the eyes, eyes, and the nose, the eyebrows are our nose , the shape of the eyes, that is, you see love similarities, common with you, anna, what do you say, my heart tells me that this is my sister, the same girl i went to the orphanage, maybe she will remember me, no, now of course i... i don’t recognize, so many years have passed, maybe you want to ask some questions
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to your supposed sisters, and to your mother, yes, my mother lived with me, and i am one of the sisters, as it were, which, i grew up with her, and i kind of remained grateful to her, even if for a difficult childhood, i won’t say that it was easy, and they didn’t finish it, they started drinking, but i grew up with her, so i didn’t leave her, i buried her with dignity, as it should be, if god willing, you come to us, i will be very glad, i will show you where my mother is buried, and why she gave it away me, i can’t say this, i was little myself then, tell me, well, are you like the eldest, your mother, how was she in general, well
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, she grew up, i mean, she, she had a mom, a dad, or she was with orphanage? no, she wasn’t from an orphanage, there were nine of them children, yeah, their father was the chairman of a collective farm, but she was quite a decent family, their mother was also a literate woman, i know that my father died in the war, about my mother, i know that when there was a war, and... she worked near izhevsk, they built airfields, she gave birth to her first child, mother, she gave birth at the age of 30, you know, she. not at 18, not at 20, only at 30 . love, why do you think your mother did this to her children? she was a very harmless person, they simply used her, there was simply no help from anyone, that is, as they say, they used her for their own purposes more
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nothing. we have a photo of my mother and sisters, please show us. yes, this is how she was when she lived in the village, yes, yes, tatyana, you feel that the woman who may be your biological mother is okay so far , it seems, despite the fact that everyone is different, but still this is what -there is a single elusive similarity between tatyana and the woman who is most similar, you also think so about tatyana.
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i also lived, as it were, looked after him, buried him, i have my own family, husband, two children, a son and a daughter, they have three each, wonderful children, wonderful grandchildren , amazing, an honorary teacher of russia, even after retirement she continues to work and lead a very active life, we have a plot, let's see: tatyana devoted 42 years to the teaching profession from one, although in her youth she saw herself completely in in another matter and not in one. the first thing i wanted to become was a pilot, no more, no less, then i wanted to become a cutter, that is, a seamstress,
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to do sewing, then suddenly i was given the opportunity to go to art school and earn the title of honorary teacher. to this three-room apartment. tatyana has a modern kitchen in her apartment, but it is rarely near the stove. so, well, this is our kitchen, it’s for beauty. i do not like cooking. i don’t know which of the sisters likes to cook, i’m very interested. but i don't like to cook. in summer
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, a woman prefers to relax at the dacha. she especially enjoys caring for flowers. and i'm more interested in landscape design, things like that. for the next job, such a merchant lady with a saucer will sit here. tatyana is sure that the craving for creativity passed on to her inheritance from biological relatives, but from whom it is unknown. it must be somewhere, because it’s not just like that anyway . it seems to me, yes, some of them
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are still creative and i think that some are probably good cooks, because somewhere nature has to. be careful, new season, new
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costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, february 18, 2:20 on ntv. sorry, the premiere is tomorrow. 1650 on ntv. this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look. mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman. the gabrielovs honor traditions. and their new neighbors are modern people. yura is an it developer. alena is a designer. gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that is theirs. unites. vtb. everything will work out. kagacel already from the first day of administration begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv.
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regardless of the type of virus. therefore, kagacel is the highest antiviral measure. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. so ready, mistress, take it work, our people are doing it, come over for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, but with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, you’ll say the same thing...
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vtb. everything will work out together. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved. everything is being decided with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. in dna program studio four sisters who have been looking for their younger, fifth sister for 20 years. she remembers all five
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of her neighbor's daughters well. in the studio lyudmila verkhokamna. hello hello. tell us what you remember about your neighbor with many children. she was kind, helped people, but she worked a lot , she worked on a farm, ambassador of calves, she would go away for the whole day, and the children were left to their own devices, she paid little attention to the children, but she loved men, she did not have a permanent man, she had children, all from different men, some were taken by family. some lived in the orphanage, she had four, then she gave birth to another fifth girl, named tanya, well, in
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the village, of course. that there are already so many children , she is raising them poorly, they are not unkempt, not fed, but she still gave birth, well , she raised her for another 2 years, and then she also gave her to the family, they came and took her away from her , these are the fathers girls, they lived in the same village, well, probably no one knew from whom. that is, no one knew who the father of each of her daughters was, well, maybe someone guessed, but here there was no such thing, that it was because of this, it was because of that, and you know that after many years the sisters managed to meet, yes, well , somehow we also thought, is it possible to find her or not , so sometimes they thought to themselves about the fifth
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sister, of course, here you go, a beautiful woman, this... all four sisters, look, we have a plot, sisters nina ryazanova and anna skryabina live in the village of klinovka, perm territory, they like rural life , nina has her own big house, bathhouse, garden and farm, she is an active person, she doesn’t like to sit idle, here in my house we have stove heating, i have two stoves, this little stove, i put half of it together myself, only my son helped me,
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the rest i put it all together myself, we... i had a russian oven, we baked in it bread, but now it’s no longer needed, it just took up a lot of space, and so we removed it and made a holanka, in the other half of the house i have exactly the same oven. as a hobby, nina is engaged in cooking; cooking for her is not a chore at all, but relaxation, one of the main pleasures in life. in the refrigerator, me too i’m here, please, i’ll always mess up my pawns, my home ones always. i always have preparations, peeled peppers , everything, in general, everything is there, mushrooms, please , we freeze them, they are very tasty, then when you fry them, another hobby of a woman is fishing, i can show you my fishing rods, here i have them my fishing rods are here, so i go fishing, catch all sorts of things, we
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have big fruit, we have crucian carp, we have carp, we have sloth, if that’s what. i go fishing all summer, morning, evening, anna scriabina’s house the smaller one is noticeably more modest, this is my house , this is my shed, and this is the entrance to the house, i have three cats in my house, i don’t have any housekeeping, i don’t run a house, my water comes from a well, there is no running water, in the summer anna works in the garden, now there are big snowdrifts here, i’m planting potatoes. little things, mokoska , there, beets, this is the very thing in the greenhouse i plant tomatoes, bell peppers, there i plant cucumbers, lyubov denisova also enjoys life in nature, she lives in the perm region, in the village of permyakovo, here everything is decorative , here we have apple trees, pears, cherries, plums,
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even... in her free time, the woman reads books or does handicrafts in this room, now, for example, she is making an outfit for this doll. my husband gave me this doll when i was in my first year in engineering, that is, she was 17 years old. the elder sister galina ivanova, a typical city dweller, prefers to relax not in the garden, but in her apartment in nizhnevartovsk, in which she lives with... and her eldest son, almost all holidays, all children come to us, starting from easter, ending with the new year, all the holidays, this table extends, we put it there, we assemble the sofa, we all sit , we always gather here, galina’s special pride is the bathroom, everything here is done according to her ideas, the bathtub is old, i decided
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to refine it, so i did it, here i did it . like this, this is all, this is all, this is all i did, well, i kind of updated it a little. and i made the legs of the bathtub from eggshells and painted it, in memory of my mother galina carefully keeps this icon, when my mother died, this icon remained, st. nicholas the wonderworker, you see, it was made, it probably a very old one, i think so, this is the icon, and i keep it, it’s like our guardian angel. kalina saw off her mother on her last journey with dignity, and now... she takes care of her grave, she visits the cemetery at least twice a year, the monuments have been arranged, this son-in-law and her husband welded a fence, brought it here, installed it, did everything themselves, so that
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it was humanly, like everyone else’s, home, we don’t forget her, tatyana, if you are that fifth sister... you will definitely go to visit the grave of the woman who gave birth to you, sisters, good ones, we assume , i don’t even doubt it now, because i really feel all this, let’s go, you won’t regret it, i’ll feed you to your heart’s content, and love, galina, anna, nina, do you think your fifth sister is now sitting opposite you? for some reason i think that ours - i want it to be, ours, ours, i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio.
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did the sisters meet their tatiana today? we will find out the long-awaited result of the dna test immediately after the advertisement. we. everyone held their breath. watch at 19:00 on ntv. in belarus they are on trial a person who is already dead. vladimir katryuk was called the executioner of khatyn. he is accused of genocide during the great patriotic war. for many years, who covered up the bloody murderer responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people? in mariupol , a branch of the nakhimov school, located on the shore of the azov sea, is being completed ahead of schedule. it will accept the first cadets in september; the modern building has everything necessary for study and recreation. the main news of the day: at 19:00 on ntv on the website in the application now.
6:50 pm
mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new sticker. the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special at a tasty spot, scanned the code in the application and won the car from blueprints. if you want victa, you want a car and 36.5 million other prizes under the stickers in the app are delicious, period. okay, ready, mistress, get to work. ours are doing it, come for dinner, i ’ll make my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickles, and with your abilities,
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it’s time for you to become a food blogger, oh well you, you will say too, mm, even, oh, munestie, touch the rock star burger king, votter,
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exactly 30 27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love, stand hands, we'll figure it out ourselves, after all, it's ours.
6:55 pm
this is the dna program. four siblings are eagerly awaiting the answer to the question. have they really found their youngest, fifth sister? daria, you have the floor. a result of 99 and 9 will mean that four sisters, galina ivanova, anna skryabina, nina ryazanova, lyubov denisova, have finally found their fifth. the youngest sister, whom they had been looking for for 20 years, tatyana. when the girl was 2 years old, her own mother gave her to someone else's family. today the women met tatyana sadnova, as a girl madyarova. she said that a girl came to her orphanage, introduced herself as her sister and said that tatyana had more.
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four sisters by blood. all women underwent genetic testing. tatyana, are you ready to find out if you met your sisters today? attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, my sisters, nina ryazanova, anna skryabina, galina ivanova, lyubov. denisova, on the other hand, is their supposed younger sister, tatyana sadnova, the probability that tatyana was born by the same woman who gave birth to galina, anna, lyubov and nina is 99.9, oh, listen, how good.
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“i congratulate you, thank you very, very much , bow to you for letting us get our sister, i’m just... very glad that she was found, i thought this would never happen, i’m very glad, i assured you until the very end, that after all, we’ll try to find it, i’m very glad, i really wanted to see it, because i didn’t know at all, there are no words, just emotions, it’s overwhelming, he’s coming to us in
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siberia, it’s just that we’re also very good, everything gathered together, although in this area, you are closer, you are far away, nothing, we let's get together, of ​​course , let's move, tatyana, do you think that after so many years you will be able to become real sisters, yes, i think so, if we have already found, especially since we have so much in common, so much in common, and even more so once you meet, then of course, you can find your relatives even after 60 years, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, but... dna test on monday on ntv, and tomorrow at 16:50 watch the new talk -show, please excuse me, with nadezhda babkin,
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okay, it’s ready. mistress, take the job, ours they’re doing it, come over for dinner, i ’ll make my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickles, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a food blogger, oh, come on , you’ll say the same now.
7:00 pm
a terrible dream in ssu. russian tank crews support infantry advancing in one of the most important directions in the lugansk people's republic. alexey chebotarev visited the front lines of tank crews. the bill on protecting the border of aid to ukraine was killed in the us senate; now they want to consider aid separately, but not yet it turns out. and political squabbles. the list of candidates for the post of president of russia has been approved, whose names will be on the ballot , roman sobol found out. for the sake of historical justice , an unusual process is taking place in the minsk supreme court.


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