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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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tens of millions of views, what vladimir putin talked about in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson, and how western media and political elites reacted to this conversation. “i have to thank tucker carlson for flying to moscow and wanting to talk with vladimir putin. the crisis in the red sea, is there an effect of british airstrikes on yemen, and how does the kingdom itself feel about it? expanded the list of goods for parallel imports, what is included in the new list about this in business news. about the main thing." for the first time first
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during a special military operation, an american journalist came to talk with the russian president, for the first time a western viewer had the opportunity to hear putin’s words not in a retelling of biased media. the russian leader spoke in detail about why the special military operation has not yet ended, who blew up the nord streams, whether russia will suffer from rapprochement with china, and touched upon many other topics. mikhail chubanenko collected the most. a highlight of the conversation. the reception hall for foreign delegations in the kremlin is the first vladimir putin's interview with a western journalist, first svo. former fox news host tucker carlson, one of the few columnists whose position is not one-sided, unlike other representatives of the western media, and more than once because of his opinion of trying to understand moscow's strategy, carlson was criticized, so the russian president agreed to a dialogue with him . with you and me.
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just a show or are we having a serious conversation? so yes, this is a serious conversation, but since your basic education is historical, as far as i understand, right? yes, yeah, then i’ll allow myself, well, just, well , 30 seconds or one minute, a little historical background, after a two-hour interview, carlson admitted. at first i thought that putin turned to the history of russia to avoid answering the question about the reasons for the svo, but it was after this information that it became clear to the american interlocutor about the history of relations with ukraine and about russia’s long attempts to avoid this conflict. putin spoke about growing anti-russian sentiments and once asked zelensky why he supported nazism. u my father already fought against the nazis during the second world war. i once
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talked to him about this, i told volodin, what are you doing, why are you supporting neo-nazis in ukraine today, when your father fought against fascism, he is a front-line soldier, i won’t say what he answered, this, this is a separate topic, i think this is incorrect. in a conversation with carlson, vladimir putin agreed that the united states has a powerful information weapon, because they control all the world media, and western journalists do not want to analyze and draw conclusions, they have the same goal,
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chinese thought is always looking for a compromise, and it is china that helps realize the idea of ​​a multipolar world, while the same america is increasingly withdrawing into its own exclusivity, trying to establish its own rules. we said that the world is divided into two hemispheres: the head is divided into two hemispheres, one is responsible for one area of ​​activity, the other is more creative there, and so on, but it is still one head, it is necessary for the world to be one.
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there are different nationalities, religions, languages, imagine, they have more natural resources than they need, they are swimming in natural resources, the idea that they want to take over poland, why do they need this, they want to secure the borders, maybe they are very paranoid, perhaps, but the idea that they will come to vienna or somewhere else, you have to be an idiot to think so, it’s not true, there are none. journalist and shares his impressions of communication in moscow. so carlson called putin’s answer about ukraine extremely detailed. he
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began to describe history in great detail, starting from the 9th century, starting with the transformation of russia from tribes to nations and the role of ukraine in this process. and at first i was irritated, i said: “i am an american, i asked a specific question, and i want a specific answer, quickly.” he didn’t, i pressed, he became irritated, i became irritated, i thought he was avoiding answering, maybe this was true to some extent, but having reconsidered, no, this was his answer, it was a prelude to the answer: the history of the region, the formation of the nation, the connection with ukraine - this is the basis for his ukrainian policy. it was interesting and became even more interesting when i realized what it was. like a window through which the region is visible. mikhail chibanenko. ntv television company. by this moment , the most resonant interview has almost 80 million views, not counting several hundred thousand reposts when users share information. alexey vasilovsky will tell you how officials from the largest media in the united states reacted to the interview with the russian leader. the attitude towards tucker carlson in
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america has always been polar. conservatives love him, left-wing democrats hate him, so as soon as it became known that the journalist was going to interview putin, potential viewers were again divided. into two camps, i have to thank tucker carlson for flying to moscow and wanting to talk to vladimir putin, just to find out the truth and his side to let the americans decide for themselves. this doesn't mean we have to believe everything he says, but we have to hear him. however, calls to wait for the interview to come out and figure it out were literally drowned in the campaign to denigrate carlson; liberal media and commentators tried in every possible way. we call these useful idiots. if you they read the translation of what the russian media are saying about him, they laugh at him, he’s putin’s little dog. after he was fired from everywhere, i would not be surprised if it turns out that he has a contract with some russian channels. the gossip that russia
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paid carlson for this interview is one of the main ones among liberals, and there are also calls, although there are not many of them, not to let the journalist back into the states and to check whether his interview with putin falls under the law.
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and i think that anyone who watches this interview, whatever is said, should understand that this is vladimir putin, you can’t take it at face value, everything he says in the first half hour after that... by the way, cartoons about this immediately appeared on social networks, here’s one: on the left - viewers of carlson’s conversation with putin, on the right are those who decided to watch american television channels at this time ; by the way, they completely ignored this interview, except that cnn showed a few frames, but without any sound at all, but with sound they showed a press conference of president biden, who said. journalists that he has a good memory, with her everything is in order, he immediately confused egypt with
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mexico, sending the latter to be adjacent to the gas sector. as you know, mexican president sisi did not want to open the gates to allow humanitarian aid through. i talked to him, it was me, i convinced him to open the gate. all this went unnoticed on social networks. many wrote that putin spent about 40 minutes telling carlson the history of russia. without any cheat sheets, and biden rarely goes 5 minutes without making mistakes. alexey vasilovsky, alexander gusev, ntv. usa. minutor has expanded the list of products that can be imported through parallel import. next on air. business news with us denis tovalaev, denis. what did they add? well, let's just say that good news has come for domestic has expanded the list of goods for parallel imports. it included, for example,
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parallel imports began in russia in june of twenty-two. the list of groups of branded goods that were allowed for parallel imports then occupied 23 pages in the order of the ministry of industry and trade. at the end of last year, the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis matorov said that the authorities will gradually reduce the list of goods for parallel import as russian companies begin to produce goods in the required volume and quality. first deputy prime minister andrei belousov said that in 2 years parallel imports to russia. imported goods worth more than $70 billion.
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shares of coal miners are falling in price again on the moscow stock exchange. mechil in these minutes drops by a percentage, raspadskaya by 15%. the newspaper kommersant writes that coal miners can increase the mineral extraction tax as early as april 1. in general, the russian stock market continues yesterday's correction, investors still do not pay too much attention to rising oil prices. the dollar and euro are entertaining themselves today by periodically overshooting. for the mark of 91, the other for the mark of 98 rubles. in less than a month, the united states will begin to ban the import of industrial diamonds and diamond jewelry from russia. as the us ministry of finance reported, from march 1 , diamonds larger than one carat will be banned, and from september 1, more than half a carat. the measures apply to diamonds that were mined in russia, regardless of which country they have been processed. previously , the european union also announced a gradual ban on the import of russian diamonds. all this. implementation of the agreements that the g7 countries announced back in early december. they said that they would not
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just ban the import of russian diamonds, but by september 1 of this year they would create a system that would allow them to track the origin of the stones. according to reuters, the g7 countries account for 70% of global diamond demand. according to the camberley process, russia produced almost 42 million carat, making it by far the largest diamond producer on the planet. most russian diamonds are sent for processing in india. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. the united states and great britain launched new strikes on yemen, and the houthi positions were again under fire. western countries are trying to protect merchant ships sailing through the red sea, but the houthis are not going to stop and are firing at anyone they think is associated with israel. uk is currently studying intermediate results of yours.
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solidarity with palestine , ships connected with israel from their point of view are not allowed to pass through the red sea, occur without prior approval from parliament in london, like the british strikes on syria in... the government can condemn these actions , it is clearly not time, judging by the absence of any debate, legally the british government, when it once again decides to bomb someone there for a campaign with the americans, is not obliged to discuss this with parliament and dissolve democracy here. so the deputies there is no concern about the bombing of yemen, but
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the parliamentary committee on international affairs listened to experts in a narrow circle. the chairman asked. whether airstrikes have an effect, although all experts were unanimous, it did not stop the bombing. no, we all probably agree, airstrikes are counterproductive from every angle imaginable. according to experts, due to the actions of the united states and britain, the houthis, who support palestine, have become more popular in their region. the number of men wanting to join their armed formations. strengthen the work of the british intelligence services, because the east is a delicate matter, and hitting you over the head with a sledgehammer is not subtle. they've already beaten it and it hasn't worked once, it just hardened it. in seven of the last 9 years , the pahusites have been hit with 25,000 airstrikes by the saudi-led coalition without much damage to their capabilities. and
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we shouldn't assume that our airstrikes will make much of a difference. europeans don't seem to want to be associated with. the usa, as the british do, does not want to completely drown your reputation in the red sea. apparently, they understood this from the lesson in ukraine. therefore , josep borel is trying to straighten trade routes through the red sea with the help of the european union, in a different way, without striking yemen. a coalition fleet will be assembled to escort its merchant ships. we have to decide which country will take command, where will the headquarters be located? and where will the naval forces that will be represented by the participants in the operation be based? it's a serious problem when there are no americans, europeans find it difficult to decide who will command them. here germany, its frigate heson and 250 military personnel on board, was the first eu country to send to
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the red sea, remembering its former power, which has been greatly eroded recently. for now, barel approved the name of aspida’s mission and translated it. the word is like defenders, but in russian, aspit is a snake , a bad person, a radish, whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will float. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and maxim zaichenko, tv component. london. in st. petersburg , he remembers the outstanding russian lawyer and statesman anatoly kone. today marks the 180th anniversary of his birth. commemorative events began with a panekhida in the church at the volkskoye memorial cemetery, where the funeral took place. horse dozens of people came to the service, then they laid flowers at his grave. the central event was the opening of the foundation stone for the future monument to the lawyer. it was installed in front of the main building of the russian national library in st. petersburg. minister of justice konstantin chuychenko took part in the ceremony. it is with the name kone that the development is associated legal system in the country. it was he who introduced into practice such an important concept as judicial
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ethics. koni is the author of many monumental legal works that have become classics in the field of legal science. in the second and 1903 he was nominated for the nobel prize in literature. now let’s speak to my colleague valeria gavrilovskaya, host of the emergency program. lera, what will happen today? ilya, today the most powerful fire in recent years in moscow was the house of writers. this is the name given to the buildings on chernyakhovsky street. at various times he lived there and konstantin simonov, and bella akhmadulina and many others. following him, the roofs of neighboring buildings burst into flames. the flames spread quickly, exactly. due to the peculiarities of the structure , wooden floors complicated the already difficult work of the ministry of emergency situations employees. fortunately, no one was hurt; all residents were urgently evacuated. many still cannot return to their apartments to assess the extent of the damage. our correspondent worked all night and morning at the scene of the incident, his report on the causes of the fire and how people survived that night. see the issue. ilya. thank you, oh
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emergency program in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live, hello, a powerful fire has already been called the largest in recent years in the capital, the fire area is 400 km, the damage is invaluable for
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residents, and for muscovites, house number 4 on chernyakhovsky street, since soviet times, has been called the writer's house, vasily lived in it aksyonov, konstantin simonov and many others, a flame broke out on the roof, closer to night, everyone who was in the apartments was urgently evacuated. the preliminary cause is a short circuit in the roof anti-icing heating system. what else is known at this moment and how people who lost their homes survived this night. report from the scene by alexey labachev. the firefighters, who came to the scene of the giant fire from all over moscow and worked here all night into the morning, are gradually being replaced by investigators. specialists also arrived in an expanded number. their task is to inspect ashes to determine the cause of the fire, its total area is 4. m. dozens of experts are examining the already heavily icy roofs of houses covered with soot, or rather, what is left of them. admittedly, moscow is like that.


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