tv Svoya igra NTV February 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK
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now i don’t even know, a red car is death, but when i suddenly found out that it was the red codillac that killed it, i was, frankly, shocked, because i didn’t fully understand what kind of mysticism it was, cheerful and incredibly charismatic actress. she then gave it to a french clairvoyant for repairs. on the fateful evening she was driving and bought herself a red car, which she took in a taxi towards the intersection, where a red cadillac was already flying at speed. however, even if marina golub believed in the prediction, what could it change? with you were ivan fedotov, see you in a new investigation based on real events.
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue our tournament, which is called a return to origins, the winner of the last game, roman chikhovich, a merchant from gomel, is playing at the central gaming table. in the last game , roman made his debut, played for the first time and will win; today they will play against roman at the first gaming table. good afternoon, i’m 35
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years old, i’ve lived all my life in yekaterinburg, and graduated from the faculty of law there. university for the humanities, and now i have free time from my many hobbies, i work at my native university as a teacher and write fiction books. i haven’t suffered a single defeat in my game yet, largely because today i’m playing for the first time. thank you! reading, walking, running, and a little singing, i’m playing a debut in my game and this is a fact: this is the first time i’ve been interested in leisure time, i hope not the last, good luck to everyone now, thank you! artyom, roman, anton, now
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300. henry langfelo praised this russian classic for his description of nature, he felt that he must have an equal soul, and there is something in common in the appearance of both writers. prishin, no, look at the portrait, where he looks like turgenev. absolutely right. please, tools for 300. with screwdrivers designed to work exactly there. the rotation speed is several times lower according to safety rules in space, bravo, back and forth for 300, so that correspond to the topic, you need to look for such a car, look for a taxi, absolutely right, look for
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a taxi, polydrome, the court costs 300, the auction -31. your bet is 1.200, well, let's 400, we play all the members of the supreme court of this principality, lawyers and law professors from france, well, if france is a principality, probably andorra, no, the correct answer is monaco. artyom we are playing. please fauna for 300. in the 1970s to study their language abilities. the yerkish language was specially created, where each symbol represents a whole word, and let these be monkeys, great apes, right, a novel, the trial goes for 400, last year a canadian judge
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equated this particular emoji in online correspondence with a signature under a contract, big steam right, or okay. raman, play, the trial goes for 500. in the middle of the 10th century , emperor frederick i for the first time allowed these institutions to judge their members themselves, without extraditing them to the city court; there were many daredevils there. we are talking about universities. please, my moscow for 400. in the 13th century, his son, moscow prince daniil, founded the danilov monastery on the right bank of the moscow river, still in operation today: son of alexander nevsky, tools for 400.
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angle grinders made in the city of lowicz, from here, were widely supplied to the soviet union. and this is a popular name. bulgarian. absolutely right. lovich is a city in bulgaria. please, two writers over 400. truman capote was friends with this classmate almost all his life. both grew up in the small town of monroeville, alabama. harper lee. harper lee, absolutely right. the same thing happens in a small one. alabama town. the trial goes beyond 200. in a masurian fairy tale, an unjust judge decided to take away the property from the poor widow. and at night it was they who held their own meeting, and the verdict was overturned, just before
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midnight they got it done. let's say perfume? no. devils? damn right. roman, the trial is going on in a hundred. this document in the pskov court charter of the 15th century is called pozovnitsa. for writing the nickname. was the eldest daughter of the king or dafin called? madam. right. please, fauna over 400. in
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2023 , a giraffe calf was born at the tennessee zoo, which was naturally deprived of exactly this. employees claim that he is the only one in the world. spotted colors. right. ah , fauna for 200. this hero of the fairy tale by vitaly bianki boasted, in his mink there is a storage room, a hamster, no, a mouse from the fairy tale of the fox and the little mouse, fauna 500, bag code, 1.300, for you, roman, 2.200 for artyom, minus that anton, anton, anton, theme, let's dance , bet 500, attention to the screen, ah, what
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a simple question, you have four types of shoes for dancing, find pointe shoes, and i would venture to guess that the first one is absolutely right, anton, so please , back and forth for... in 2022 in beijing with his with the help of the germans friedrich, marges, bauer and schüller, the olympic gold was won. bean. absolutely right. babsleigh competition. please, two writers over 500. after the coup of louis napoleon, these peers left france for a while, but one, in the words of andre maurois, fled. from the arbitrariness and oppression of the tyrant, the second from the orders
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of bailiffs. the first is victor hugo, the second is alexandre dumas, the father. please, my moscow is over 500. in the gerbeskovsky district, an open book symbolizes its name. printers, tools for 500, this popular modern writer, doctor of philology, employee of the institute of russian literature, a collection of his essays, a language tool, talks about philologists and philology, i think it’s evgeniy vodolaskin, back and forth 500. this leningrad institution is located in a building with a round an extension, at the very top of which there was
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space for a fashion show, a fashion house, that’s right, tools for 200, among its varieties are flat, cruciform, star, hexagonal, square, screwdriver, further, my moscow is over 200, that's it. in the hill there is a moscow victory park, poklonnaya hill , right, two writers for 200, a cat in the bag, who wants anton, anton, theme, portraits, rate 500, in the portrait of patriarch nikon, painted in 1660, the young clerk herman is holding a book, and the clerk seraphim along with the rosary, he hands the patriarch exactly theirs - bread and wine. let's
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see, he hands the patriarch a rosary , glasses, back and forth, 100. favorite places for this. often called the sanctuary of half-forgotten pagan gods. sabbat. right. two writers over 100. vladimir nabukov. had an ambivalent attitude towards this writer and called him lekseich nobelsky behind his back. solzhenitsyon? nabokov and solzhenitsi, compare. nobel laureate. sholokhov. patronymic alekseevich. ashamed. ivan
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alekseevich bunin. my moscow for 100. in 1961, the soviet stamp depicted moscow state university, the moscow planetarium and the monument to the conqueror of space, the stamp was dedicated to the twenty -second congress of the cpsu, just like tools for 100, its beak, according to the principle of operation, is similar to a chisel or chisel, real work tool. woodpecker, that's right. fauna for 100 earthworms are masters of regeneration, but only smallpox with a segment that replaces this part of the worm’s body , the head, can fully recover, quite right, this was the last question of the first round, let’s sum it up: minus 100 for anton, 2.100 for roman, 3200 for artyom ,
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the second round is ahead, at the megamarket. you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sales. for example, jewelry 585 gold with a discount of up to 90%. gold will have its revenge on the prime minister. i want to know who killed your father, so we need the same people? don't do anything stupid, boy. you have your whole life ahead of you. lovely. just look at the prime minister. 35 days for 1 ruble on smart tv. do not miss. central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the general against the president, how zelensky got his more popular political rival out of the way, why it didn’t work out the first time. ukraine has lost its main trump card, military assistance from washington. what will happen on the battlefield when help the west will finally stop and can
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the ukrainian front simply collapse, as western experts predict. the moon is decreasing. in size, where does this come from , why is this very bad news for people, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposits, no matter how look, the ozonbank card is profitable for free, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits, so
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your body is malfunctioning, you can is it possible to stop these harmful changes? you can: our body has a main computer, the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain cells. as the brain ages, it becomes damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azectinida. turns out. azumactinides contain unique components that promote brain recovery, all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names of them. this is how a product was created from
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highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8800-100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, retrieval. intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy; it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan, brain aging can be turn it back and it will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product
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moskrapy central television today at 19:00 on ntv. new season. new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, february 18 at 20:20 on ntv, this is its own game, we are in the studio playing the second round, here are the topics for the second round, brothers! science and cinema, trees in songs, houses in art, evil spirits and coins, i ask you, anton, choose: science and
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movie for 600, the film theory of everything with eddie redmayne in the title role, was renamed in the russian box office, this physicist, stephen hawking, quite rightly, appeared in the title in the russian box office. stephen hawking's universe. this is a biographical film. please, brothers over 600. in an early 15th century miniature, the great khan kubelai gives these brothers a golden paizu, a pass for safe travel through the khan's domain. brothers polo, nicolo and mateo, nicolo was. father marco polo, trees in songs for 600. white friend, spring dawns of transparent rivers,
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birch, white friend, spring dawns, clear rivers, tell me, tell me, what kind of blizzard, let's continue playing, trees in 800 songs, i'm coming to meet you along the polypolis paths, it lights up. we haven’t been at home for a long time, our native tree is blooming , we haven’t been home for a long time, our native spruce is blooming, this is the same song that begins with the words: “the candle stub is burning, rattling.” please, houses in art for 600. this poet indulged in reflection at the entrance to the house of the department of
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criminals in the 19th century. counterfeit coins, no, but pickpockets, pickpockets, that's right, such a coin was called a monitor lizard, it was used to cut through the pockets of bags, science and cinema for 800, the code is in the bag , -700 for anton, 2700 for you, 3,400 for artyom again anton, anton, the theme is under a stone, the bet is a thousand, attention to the screen, the tomb of this...
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that i wanted to create a continuation of the jaws on land, this is jurassic park, exactly, science and cinema for a thousand. nobel prize laureate in physics, kip thorne became not just a scientific consultant, but one of the authors of the idea for this film by christopher nolan. opengamer, as opengamer, no. interstellar right , please brothers, 800, his younger brother gaston, duke of orlan, was involved in a plot to depose and kill cardinal rechelieu. he escaped execution, but was deprived of the rights to regency in the event of the death of the king, whose
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younger brother? louis's younger brother. houses in art 800. mark zakharov made a film based on this play by grigory gorin. the house that swift built. right. evil spirits for 800. to protect babies from evil spirits, night-lights, the slavs placed them under the pillow. child into a twig of this thorny plant, thistle, you are right, evil spirits 400, did i not carry berries, he asks, in the song of vladimir vysotsky, lukomorye is no more, the immortal koshchai, no, the goblin, did i not carry berries,
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the goblin again , coins 800. this museum in moscow houses the largest collection of coins in russia, more than one and a half million copies. historical museum. brothers - a thousand. this swimmer was born in europe, and in order to get the opportunity to compete at the 1924 olympics in paris. i applied for citizenship for my younger brother, who was already born in the usa. johnny weiss miller. exactly. brothers over 400. scout and writer roman kim was their godfather in literature, edited the first story of his older brother, ordered the first joint work, and gave recommendations for joining the writers' union. these are the strugatsky brothers. exactly.
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portugal, spain, latin america serve as something like our babayka. parents scare their children with it. in 1799, this artist depicted the appearance. elkuya. looks like goya. absolutely right. coins - a thousand. very thin coins of the early middle ages, known to the uzmatians as bractiates, had this manufacturing feature. very thin coins. let's get a look. chicanka on one side only. and thickness on the other side , a convex image of what minted. trees in songs 400. why are you standing , swaying, thin rowan. right. houses in
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art 400. among the prototypes of the mansion from this story by chekhov are the manor house in bagimov, tarusa district, and the house on the estate. houses in art, it’s quite obvious that the title of the story should contain the word house, house with a mezzanine, 400 coin, the modern british 1 pound coin has 12 of them, the 20.50 pence coin has seven corners, that’s right, that’s it please, coin, 50 pence, brothers 200, painting with these twins peter paul rubins wrote in
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cezanne. this is the picture: a house in the garden. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. with a profit card, it doesn’t matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you. bank, ural sib. reagan, vush and kohl, everything in advance planned. they are confident that perestroika will destroy the ussr. we work within the rules. the enemy is not playing by the rules, we need to act according to the instructions. stay with him until
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he leads you to the archive. if you attack me, i will kill everyone you know. i will find you and kill you. gdr. the main premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. you might as well not turn it off, mish. i feel good about these guys. mask, new season from february 18, 2020. on ntv. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. this is a happy sale on ozone. get the breed done. the benefit is delight. do not miss! redmond robot vacuum cleaner for 3,999. maina
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libeba washing powder for 309. ztreck drill and screwdriver for 899. i think this is a pain. it seems like it's still a spasm? no, it's definitely pain. why does he then scream spasm? spasm, pain, spasm, what 's the difference, double action spasmalgon fights pain, relieves spasms, spasmalgon for pain and spasm, order medicine with discounts on, hello, did you find out? this is what i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sbpa. download the application sbpay, link to your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign with one touch or an sbp code, thank you for being easy to find, but if you ’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online purchases, and what’s more i'll see you at one of my friends. relationship with the internet, a cool video, how high the speed is, and
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what a wide coverage, where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, two bid hits at a favorable price price, only delicious, and that's why the city decided to mold their first goddess, the premiere of the new season is only wokka, peace be with you, this is sofia, whether you are in the city or in the steppe, remember that you are not alone.
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the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call order an anniversary medal by calling the toll-free number: 8800, 600 688. 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf star mothers of many children, a million-dollar secret today at 21:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are playing the third round. topics: islands, games, toys, auto world. around 13. languages of the world and nuts. questions on the topic of the island
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are presented by the russian geographical society. anton, the choice is yours. please, around 13 for 900. this process was started in the usa in 1787. so far, all 13 of the then states have managed. 3 years have passed. adoption of the constitution. this people's artist of the soviet union was born on friday the thirteenth, but firmly believed that you can be happy in spite of everything. mikhail pugovkin, right, please, the islands are over 900. this is the westernmost of the large islands of indonesia. ah ah ah! sumatra, that's right! anton! around
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13:1200. in this siberian city, the swedish officer philip stralenberg, captured near poltava, spent 13 years, did not waste time, wrote a historical and geographical description of the northern and eastern parts of europe and asia. what siberian city are we talking about? correct answer: tobolsk. so, games are toys 900. participants in the most popular online game among us are blindly divided into good people and traitors. the authors were inspired by this game, originally from russia. mafia, right. autoworld for 900. during the crash test,
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invented in sweden, the driver abruptly throws the car, first to the left and then to the right. the test got a name. in honor of this animal , the moose test, that's right, why the moose test, well, because there are apparently a lot of them in sweden, that's absolutely right, they test the car for stability when going around an obstacle that suddenly appears on the road, please, languages of the world 900, suggest that the place names fuji and tsussima were borrowed from the language of these indigenous inhabitants. indigenous inhabitants of the japanese islands. ainu. nuts 900. for czechs, this is a film fairy tale by vaclav vorlichik. a must-have new year's movie. no. three nuts for
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cinderella. exactly. islands 1200. the cook islands were given by this traveler at the beginning of the 19th century, three decades after james cook himself visited here, the name of the islands was given by ivan kruzenshtern, toys and games - 1200, all kinds of soft toys are not made now, before you - this is a human cell. it has these branches, this is a neuron, and the branches are called dendrites, autoworld 1200, during the 1973 canadian grand prix , such a car drove onto the formula 1 track for the first time after the accident,
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although at that time it only added to the confusion, it seems to be called a seycar. safety car, that's right, yes, safety car, please, languages of the world 1.200, code in the bag, 2.200 for anton, 3.700 for roman, exactly 10 for you, anton, anton, topic, what we're driving, one and a half, attention to the screen, claude monet depicted his eldest son jean riding on horse, in fact, the horse is part of exactly this, what about the carousel, let's see, part of the tricycle, anton, play, games toys for one and a half, the auction
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costs 1500, the question is, roman, you will outbid, yes, vobank, artyom, i concede. playing with roman , the main character of this film faces a problem, her feet suddenly become flat, wearing heels is uncomfortable, 18 again, i don’t know, unfortunately, you don’t know, artyom, barbie, that’s right, romanu, you have zero score, game, toys for 600, residents of the tiny swedish town of bjornstad. from the novel frederick backman bear's corner is literally raving about this sports game. hockey, right. autoworld for one and a half. lev durov recalled that he first sat behind the wheel while filming this film, not yet knowing how to drive a car. and he played the driver and
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bodyguard of politician willie stark. this is the film all the king's men based on the novel by robert pen warren. autoworld for 600. this driver claimed that he was driving lauren dietrich, but he nailed the copper plaque with the factory mark to the radiator himself. adam kozlevich. absolutely right. i zakimira for 600. classic is considered the period of its development. the action of the novel by chukotka writer yuri ridhau, island of hope, takes place on this island. on wrangel island, around
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13, one and a half. this season, the striker of this german club, seru gerasi, set a bundesliga record, scoring 13 goals against opponents in the first seven matches. this is stuttgart, that's right, the record previously belonged to robert lewandowski with eleven goals in seven matches, one and a half languages please. in the eastern part of this island it is common the vedda language, a hybrid of sinhala and an unknown language that has survived to this day. new guinea, no. sri lanka. sri lanka, that’s right, nuts cost 600. in
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siberia, this process is called shishkarit. collecting nuts. collecting pine nuts, that's right. artyom. one and a half nuts. these african nuts are actually seeds. they contain significant amounts of caffeine and theobramine. these nuts are called kola. islands 600. move in the bag. 2,200 for anton, 1,200 for roman. to whom? roman. thank you. the theme is around chess, bet. 300. attention to the screen. for this type of chess competition in the soviet union, special cards were issued. i think it's correspondence chess. exactly. islands over 300. the irish saint brandon and several monks once landed
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on a small island and lit a fire there. but the island suddenly shook, and the people barely escaped. later it turned out exactly this. it was an active volcano. no, let's say it was the back of a whale. exactly, it was a huge fish according to legend, the toy games cost 300, each element of the tetris game contains exactly that many squares, four, that’s right, i’ll make a reservation in a classic version of tetris, autoworld 300, in 1920 the first traffic light using such a signal was created by a policeman: william potts installed in detroit, probably yellow, exactly, around
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13, 300. this emperor ruled russia for a full 13 years, death overtook the monarch in 1894 year, only 49. alexander ii. that's right, the languages of the world are over 300. in arabic. the word al is written together with the following word and is this part of speech. this is an article. and the last question. nuts for 300. it is in the american recipe waldor salad and georgian lobio. this is walnut. the third round is completed.
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people, they look like sobchak, pr for the tragedy in belgorod, and how she tried to gain business in the far east, well, in troubled waters you can catch the biggest fish, why almost its entire former editorial staff ended up behind bars, and she herself is in israel, she didn’t appear at all , the witness never happened, why do top stars refuse interviews with her, i’m not interested, why aren’t you a foreign agent? sovchak on personality today at 16:20 on ntv.
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chief new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. kacell already from the first day of administration begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, therefore kogocel is the highest antiviral measure. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank. drawing up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, there are anomalies in the city, the obvious and the incredible, only in the okko online cinema, hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment using sticker money, do you hear, irina bought potatoes
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acts on a sore throat, treats infection, mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. russia mother is a special symbol for the inhabitants of our homeland. this is the vast expanse and richness of nature. a symbol of fertility and abundance, maternal generosity and love. she is filled with fortitude and faith, pride and greatness. emperor. the mint, inspired by the greatness of our homeland, minted unique medal mother russia. on the medal is a woman personifying russia. around her are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order a free commemorative medal for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost, 349 rubles.
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thank you, anton, insects and their friends, artyom, military affairs, roman, holidays, anton, musicians, from underground, selected. topic: words, words, words. dear players, please do your best. the chosen theme is words, words, words. the bets are in, that's the question. this word, derived from the turkish nishan, appeared in russia back in the 14th century and meant, among other things. a round seal, but later only the familiar meaning remained. time!
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i heard the novel - a hint, i once tried to highlight the word round, round seal. eh, now artyom’s answer. no answer. bet 200. artyom wins today's game. do you want the correct answer? the word is "target". the correct answer is target from the turkish nishan, which originally meant a round seal. well, roman, anton, thank you for your participation. artyom, in our next game you will play at the central gaming table. wish good luck to you in your next game.
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the military-industrial complex is at a new stage, the head of the ministry of defense checked the work of military factories. their weapon is the word, today diplomats are celebrating their professional holiday, and give me the ski track, today a mass winter race has started. about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. the russian defense complex is entering a new stage; now the enterprise will have to solve problems that arose during the special operation, the russian minister of defense stated.
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