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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the military-industrial complex is at a new stage, the head of the ministry of defense checked the work of military factories, their weapons, today is a professional holiday, diplomats note. and give me the ski track, a mass winter race has started today. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. the russian defense complex is entering a new stage; now enterprises will have to solve problems that arose during the special operation, the russian minister of defense stated. the capacities that have been created allow us to decide.
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checked the implementation of the state defense order for military factories in budmurtia, the minister inspected the production of drones in one of the divisions of the khalashnikov concern. in 2022 , new workshops were opened there, which made it possible to increase the production of drones of various classes by 60%, with a multiple increase in production in the future. the same applies to guided missiles, whirlwind one and strela, and kitolov-2 guided missiles. in the special operation zone itself , troops of the russian center group hit 140 targets in the krasno-liman direction, including. 80 area of ​​concentration of manpower and
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equipment and five strong points. in the southern donetsk direction, our unit of the vostok group was not allowed to carry out a rotation in the control center; two drone control points and a communications center were destroyed. well, the formation of the south group took tactically more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. in the context of the hybrid war unleashed against russia by the west’s attempts to isolate our country, the foreign ministry was faced with very difficult and responsible tasks, vladimir putin said. congratulatory telegram for the day of diplomatic worker. the president emphasized that employees of the foreign policy service have at all times defended the interests of the country in the international arena with honor, despite any difficulties and challenges. according to putin, the constant priority for russia remains the development of cooperation with the cis and european union countries, strengthening ties within the csto and the union state. russia's chairmanship in the expanded briggs association requires special attention. foreign minister sergei lavrov congratulated the diplomat. he celebrated today. in the face of external
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sanctions pressure, it is important to solve large-scale tasks to ensure the sustainability of the national economy and create new partnerships in the field of security. in the context of the hybrid aggression unleashed by the collective west, the foreign policy service contributes to the diplomatic support of a special military operation and to the achievement of its goals. yes, sometimes it’s not easy for us; opponents use methods that have been developed over centuries. demonizing russia and do not even hesitate to make personal attacks on many of you. this has always been the case when russia stood firmly in defense of its interests and the interests of its allies. psychological stability and confidence in the rightness of their cause have invariably distinguished the best representatives of our profession. such prospects are opening up for future generations of diplomats, and how to negotiate and seek compromises in today's world? our correspondent
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alexey prokin talked about this with those who pass on their accumulated experience to young diplomats. from the penetrating glance of mr. no andrei gromyk to a piece of cake from the royal wedding in the buckingen palace, russian diplomacy is more than a thousand years old, but at least the path to the last half century now needs to be comprehended. we always remember that he is an individual, he is a student, but he first... represents the state, showing the students of the mida diplomatic academy milestones, the director of a small museum, irina fursova , tries to convey that diplomacy is the art of the possible, and what is possible , it is russian diplomats who must remind the troubled world of this. and in a conversation with the vice-rector of the academy, mikhail troyansky, we remembered that the first international treaty of our fatherland from vyazantium it was called about peace and love. we try to emphasize that... our
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foreign policy is, first of all, a policy of peace. i'm not talking about love yet. as for western diplomacy, one gets the feeling that they are now trying to build a tower of babel, when well... they don’t want to understand at all what their colleagues, well, probably hundreds of states, are telling them, do you have such a feeling, and how? maybe when classical diplomacy, well, maybe the channel is in oblivion, or it still has the opportunity to be revived, the problem of the united states in america, since we are talking about the collective west, then first of all, of course , washington is much deeper than that chaotic policy or those uncoordinated steps that we now see, this is a systemic crisis, systemic. economic crisis , look, the national debt, the external debt of the united states, is not just huge, it has exceeded 34 trillion and is adding hundreds of millions every day, this is a colossal systemic crisis of domestic foreign policy, will diplomacy return to what it always was?
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was, the art of negotiations and compromises or dictatorship at the negotiation sites will only worsen, the vice-rector of the academy , mikhail troyansky, says: the domestic school of diplomacy today is ready for any development.
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attended an open training session on computer games among komsomol organizations. teams from two dozen regions participate in the tournament. the struggle is not a joke, because the winners will represent komsomol members at all-russian and even world competitions. kharitonov noted the importance of developing e-sports in the country. with pleasure tried on virtual reality glasses, but at the
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same time urged young people not to forget about traditional sports. physical education and sports should occupy a worthy place in everyday life of any citizen. and then. the younger generation, the generation will always keep the situation under control , the socio-economic development of the country is always ready to defend our country from all enemies, career, sports, this saturday turned out to be for the candidate from the new people party vladislav davankov, he visited vladimir, where he watched the competitions by boxing local schoolchildren took part in the open training, together with their confidant, world youth boxing champion, vladimir myshev, the candidate talked with. with young athletes, he himself demonstrated several techniques, after which he shared his views on the development of children’s and youth sports. that sport should be in the first place, especially children's sport should be mass, but now we have sanctions that our athletes are not allowed to participate in international competitions, but
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this is a good moment to increase this is our strength in children's youth sports. according to the candidate, sport helps one to be resilient and not give up. teaches you never to give up in the face of difficulties, which is especially important in politics. that's it, let's go. today the most massive sporting event in our country, the russian ski track, started. this year, about one and a half million people are participating. all you have to do is express your desire, take skis, poles and a good mood. vladimir putin greeted the participants and organizers, noting that the tournament brings together representatives of different ages is rightfully considered one of the most successful projects in the field of mass physical education movement. the corresponding telegram was published on the website.
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future world champion. in nizhny novgorod , the most spectacular was the mass start, but it was also popular with families. one of the young skiers wanted to arrive faster than the rest so much that he climbed onto his dad’s neck right in his skis and... and so he finished, the skiing of russia is super, and as your skier ’s name is maxim, he’s generally great, his first time on skiing, though on dad's shoulders, but not we did well, we did great , we stood the distance, stood the distance, didn’t cry, it’s already good, and the main start of this season is taking place today for the first time in the leningrad region, the race is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad, in the moscow region, skiers ran in the olympic training and sports center in khimki, mass start... is being held for the forty-second time within the framework of the federal project sport standards of life, the total race distance is 10 km. well, fans of not quite
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ordinary winter sports gathered today in the city of mamadysh, in tatarstan, for a festival creative sled sunni fest. in the historical center of the city on vyatka, the organizers built a long ice track 3.5 m high, and the participants made sleds in the shape of an airplane, dragons and even karaoke carriages. what they used to slide down the mountain, what they used to slide down.
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during the descent they promise to remove the monitors, he definitely won’t be able to withstand such rides, next door there’s a hut on chicken legs on runners, our hut will come over, do we know what words? words we know bitter farewell good journey next in line team race
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wings of love bride, groom, accordionist, guests, the traditional tatar treat chak-chak and a sleigh in the form of an airplane, and i asked for a tatar wedding and not just a wedding, a honeymoon, what awaits us? an exciting journey awaits us on a modern super-airplane. we went, however, after a small accident, the guests had to be dropped off, and the bride and groom drove off to a bright future. a team of chickens, not dry chickens, a dragon in the form of a dragon , and even the leader of the revolution also came to the festival. bero comrades, a bright future for our russia. the festival is fun, but the rules are quite strict posture should not be stabbing and...
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there is a big premiere at the capital's art cinema today, they are showing a family comedy with many children. this is the story of the family of architect gerasimov. the parents have five children, they dream of a large ideal apartment in search of space for all household members, the family leaves for the village and then all the fun begins. the project was created with the support of the internet development institute. and with the internet, we realized that we really need to support this, because the subject matter is rare, few people make comedy specifically about families with many children, as a rule. a large family means problems, like difficult living conditions, here, too
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, the plot begins with this, in fact, for a very long time we wanted a series that would be interesting and fun to watch with the whole family, so that no one would be afraid that something like this would appear in the next episode , what i don’t want to show to my youngest child, here it is, i ’m a video producer, the day after tomorrow the first episode of the series will appear in the internet cinema start, i want, that’s all for now, visit our website, see you! i'm always in searching for something new and exciting. interesting , and i don’t need to look for books that interest me, with a tetres subscription i always know what to read next, more than half a million books and podcasts in the catalog, which is updated every day, read, listen for free for the first month, that’s how i read, apply for a free gas connection networks to the border of your
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4:20 pm
in the central regions today there is a peak, cold snap, at night there were twenty-five degree frosts, even in the moscow region, in nizhny novgorod and novgorod areas it was over 30, but powerful southern warmth is already rushing towards us, and look how everything is clearly visible from space, the cloudless sky is arctic frost, and the stormy clouds, the atmospheric front, behind which it is very warm for february, and this front is planning a cold push the weather north to the east, and since... almost african air works against the arctic air and the temperature contrast between them is more than 20°, precipitation is guaranteed - snow, sleet and in some places freezing rain, tomorrow precipitation will again be in the bottom... lower volga, and now in black earth region, in the southwestern and southern regions of the center, and in the evening they will reach the pskov, tver, moscow regions, along with an increase in temperature.


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