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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  February 11, 2024 12:10am-12:51am MSK

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was born in ternopil and moved to japan at the age of 5, but received citizenship only in 2022 . if the beauty pageant continues to focus not on appearance, but on the political agenda, the title of miss israel may well fall to alli borisna. caroline's victory did not cause delight among the japanese, who filled social networks with questions: whether the title of miss japan should have been given to the japanese woman and accusations from the competition jury. "new multiculturalism is when patriots in ukraine are the american air defense system, and the first japanese beauty is a girl with ukraine, although even by ukrainian standards there is beer here. poor japanese women, and now, in order to win a beauty contest, they need to either change their gender or nationality, but later carolina refused the title after information about her possibility appeared in the media. affair with a married man, now
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not only in europe women have learned how dangerous ukrainian women are, as ancient japanese wisdom says, there are no unbeautiful japanese women, there are affordable ukrainian women. the organizers of the competition said that they accepted the girl’s request to renounce the title and are seriously thinking about their responsibility for the fact that they could upset someone. who did you upset there? only 124 million japanese and one married man whose chick is no longer miss japan, and a couple of tens of millions of ukrainians for whom victory has traditionally turned into disaster. international sawmill. fuji is hidden in the fog, the sun does not rise, it’s a shame, it was an international sawmill.
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see you in a week, but for now, take care of the country, fellow citizens. according to estimates of modern demographers, about 70% of mobilized men in 1923-1924 birth died in battles at the front. and at the same time, another no less amazing paradox: the phenomenon of so-called lieutenant prose and front-line poetry also occurs in this generation.
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2023 and 2024 are special years, these years mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of those who were drafted into the great patriotic war as the very first, who bore it on their essentially teenage shoulders, who won? this is the draft of 1941, 42, 43. it is these generations. if the most devastating losses are in percentage terms. during the brezhnen era a terrifying figure, of those born in 1923, only 3% of men survived, they said then. this is not entirely correct information, although the real numbers, of course, are also terrible. according to the calculations of modern demographers, about 70% of mobilized men born in 1923-1924 died in battles at the front. the heaviest
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blow fell on those born in 1922 on men born in 1925, but there were slightly fewer losses, at the same time another no less amazing paradox: the phenomenon of so-called lieutenant prose and front-line poetry also occurred in this generation, in these years birth. look, writer yuri vasilyevich bondarev, born on march 15, 1924 , the centenary of his birth is coming soon, writer, front-line soldier boris lvoevich vasiliev, born on may 21, 1924, the same one who wrote azori, here are the poems, 100 years since his birthday birth awaits us soon, writer and front-line soldier vasil vladimirovich byikov, author of such stories as sotnikov, obelisk, live until dawn, born june 19, 1924, writer vladimir osipovich bogomolov, author of the story ivan, filmed by andrei torkovsky under title. ivan's childhood cult novel
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in august forty-four, the moment of truth. he was born on july 3, 1924. and this is not all literary. the call of 1924, we will name many more, if you look at 1923, there is the same powerful picture. smershevets, writer, poet, bart, vysotsky’s teacher, mikhail leonidovich ancharov, born march 28, 1923 . grigory yakovlevich baklanov, author of the excellent filmed story five earths and the roman of july 1941, was born on september 11, 1923. tankman. in war as in war, viktor aleksandrovich kurochkin was born on november 23, 1923. we are celebrating centenary after century of such golden men, there should be holidays and huge memorial concerts on the central channels
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incessantly, something i didn’t remember in 2023, i hope i missed something . and i really hope that i will see these concerts in 2024. these memorable days, but for now about the upcoming anniversaries of our front-line soldiers, about the people who preserved and sang not only russian valor, but also russian conscience, and what came to our office? 3 rubles, but you won’t bring it, it will be like this every day, but i’m tired of being a dude, i want to go with the boys, you brought him, you get up with him, screw you,
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mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. the ozonbank card is beneficial for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money. after going to these stores
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delicious. cherkizovo! every morning i start by taking aquadrim. with him i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquaaderim is absorbed better than others. sometimes we it seems that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. “we will not make your child the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential, there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient for its expansion, we will not cover your main distance for you, we will keep you on every kilometer way, we will not turn you into an internet star,
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but we will help you recharge yourself with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy for you apartment, but we will give you the opportunity to choose the one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we won't achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything to do it yourself. the day has gone wrong, everything is annoying, there is no strength to start the day. i am a prospect, i am a fairy of a wonderful day, i give you a wonderful day. my strength is returning, it’s a wonderful day again. a new drug for your activity. prospect, have the strength to live and enjoy every day. mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. all about the elections
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russia, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. why are there cameras in elections? today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote and choose a candidate. we walked in and i immediately froze. dad, why are there so many cameras here? monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people? guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record a moment, this case, observation, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, yuri vasilyevich bonddarev, who grew up in zamoskvorechie, who repeatedly described the area of ​​his youth, was born in orsk. his paternal roots are ural, peasant, his maternal grandfather is from poltava, a railway worker.
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the peasant's father was drafted into the first world war, in 1919 he joined the bolshevik party and fought in the urals. by profession , my father was a people's investigator, then a lawyer. until 1931, the family moved endlessly around the southern urals and central asia, and only in 1931 settled in moscow. in the summer of 1942 , after graduating from tenth grade. bondarev high school class was sent to study at the second berdichev infantry school, evacuated to oktyubensk. here it is necessary to say one thing that we sometimes forget: bondarev has long been firmly classified as a lieutenant’s prose, despite the fact that bondarev did not spend the war in the rank of officer, he received a lieutenant after the war. however, another amendment would not hurt here. the school was supposed to graduate him as a lieutenant, but the war dictated its conditions. training on the go. changed and reduced. after 2 and a half months of training, the front received a crew commander
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82-mm mortars, sergeant bondarev. in october of the same year he was near stalingrad. the task of the 308th regiment of the 98th infantry division, where bondarev serves, is to prevent manstein’s tanks and motorized infantry from breaking through the encircled paulus. myshkovo river, northern bank. during the battle near kotelnikov, bondarev was wounded in the left leg. he will lie for several hours in thirty-degree frost, waiting for the orderlies for the frostbitten man, who will be contacted by the medsambat. he would be discharged from the hospital in early april 1943. first ukrainian front. sergeant bonderev, commander of a 76mm anti-tank gun. he himself chose who to continue serving as, although in his first battles he had already seen what it was like, a duel of a seventy-six-millimeter gun and a german tank. and further. listen, where he fought, the amount he fought there, the crossing of the dnieper -
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he was there, kiev was there, zhitomir was there, for the destruction of three firing points, vehicles, anti-tank guns of about twenty enemy soldiers and officers in the area of ​​​​the village of boromle in the sumy region, bondarev was awarded medal for courage. under zhetomir there was a second he was injured and was treated in a hospital in the village of zagaltse, kiev region. in january 1944, senior sergeant bondriev was released from the hospital, then he was in western ukraine for a destroyed tank and repelling an attack by german infantry in the area of ​​the city of kamenets-podolsky, this is in western ukraine. awarded a second medal for courage, then he went to the carpathians, poland, czechoslovakia. however, award lists do not fully convey what we probably need to understand. the future great russian writer, for me the main writer of the great patriotic war dozens he took part in battles hundreds of times, hit tanks with a cannon, and hit infantry at firing points. this
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was his job. if you can imagine it all. however, to imagine that war, you need to fully read bondrev’s prose. everything he wrote about the war was done at an incomparable literary level. he is truly a battle painter from god. the descriptions of battles that bonderev gives can only be compared with the battle scenes in the prose of lev nikolayevich tolstoy. i mean not only bondrev’s most famous works - the novel hot snow and the tale of battalions ask for fire. these are magnificent stories, the youth of the commanders' last salvos, this. that generation, but it was not only the enormous honest military experience that gave us this writer. having graduated from the chkalov artillery school , as they would say today, as a literary star in december 1945, he was declared partially fit for service, demobilized by injury
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with the rank of junior lieutenant, bonderev immediately entered the literary institute named after. bonderev seems to know in advance that military experience alone does not write books, that literature must be studied, that war cannot to make a writer out of you to exactly the same extent as, for example, she cannot make a stapler out of you, or a painter, she cannot make out of you, or an architect, she cannot make out of you either, as well as a film director, you have to learn any craft , literary craft too. when today they try to convince us over and over again that the war going on today will give a new generation of writers, i always say in response: if our returning soldiers do not go to study, and it would be desirable that they be called to study, so that the state explains to them that they need to study, as explained then under stalin. so, if they don’t wean themselves, we won’t have either front-line poets or front-line writers,
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don’t deceive yourself, i repeat, experience itself doesn’t write books. “having incredible experience, you can tell all sorts of stories at the table, but to write hot snow, you need to master the skill, these are different things, telling at the table and writing hot snow, or rather, things that complement each other. in 1951, bondarev graduated from the literary institute, and in the second half of the fifties, as they say, exploded russian literature with our first war stories, written fearlessly, honestly, fiercely, now when we look back on the path." bondrev, and we know him as a venerable soviet writer, who, in fact, after sholokhov’s departure, took the place in the hierarchy of the main soviet writer, awarded with all conceivable awards, we don’t really understand the situation in the fifties, when bonderev was the first, simultaneously with solzhenitsin , to raise the topic of stalin’s repressions, in that same novel we have already mentioned two. two
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bondarevs and one day of ivan denisovich solzhenitsyn were written at the same time. the late critic viktor leonidovich toporov once asked the question: what if in 1964 solzhenitsyn had been given the lenin prize as planned, and yuri bondarev had been criticized to smithereens for his things about repression and had been made actually an author opposed to the soviet system. and toporov, the critic, made an amazing conclusion. naturally, history does not have a subjunctive mood and so on, but for today. and purely speculatively, solzhenitsyn can be imagined as a soviet literary general on the podium, in orders, in lariat stars, however, solzhenitsyn essentially became such a literary general under yeltsin, but it is absolutely impossible to imagine bonderev in solzhenitsyn’s clothes as a frantic detractor of the soviet system. the honor of a russian
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artilleryman, a soviet officer after all, would not have allowed bondrev to do this. it is never possible to believe in such a version of his fate. look around again and think about it, in 1964 solzhenitsyn and bondrev were, essentially, on equal terms, two young strong writers, both front-line soldiers, both writing about war and stalinist repressions. today it is impossible to imagine, but at that time the ruling elite seriously wanted to slander official soviet writers; they looked at bondarev as if he were a dissident. once upon a time, hertzon wrote, the inakiev comet will touch the earth, turn everything upside down, has arisen. evaporation gas, this is almost verbatim, for half an hour it will be impossible to breathe, here is the ending of the story, as herzon wrote, but
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it is not the comet that is now terrible for our earth, but the weapon that is made by hand is terrible man, in order to destroy man and, together with man, the earth , in the soviet union, he was one of the most translated soviet authors abroad, all his novels were published immediately in the main world languages, and by the way, he had every chance to act as an exposer
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of a critic stalinism in the late eighties, too, to strengthen his global reputation, but this time he did exactly the opposite, he wrote about the excesses of stalinism, when it seemed wild and impossible, in the fifties, sixties, he wrote about it again... again i repeat, 25 years before, for example, the children of arbat anatoly robakov came out. he wrote about this 30 years before vasily aksenov with these anecdotes inflated in his novel by anti-stalinist fables. but during perestroika, when it became possible, bondarev’s honor did not allow him to do this. alexander andrevich prokhanov wrote beautifully about that troubled, sometimes nauseating time. i quote: being among the dazzling flashes of glory, among the incessant ones. applause, still with the same sharp, watchful gaze of the artilleryman he saw subtle changes smoldering in society, barely noticeable cracks that appeared
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in the monolith of the state. perestroika dissected what seemed to be a unified soviet literature, how great was the number of yesterday's daring patriots, unshakable statists, vindicating soviet prophets, who in the blink of an eye turned into the destroyers of the country, and... in these terrible days for the homeland , bondrev did not hide in the trench, did not go into the second echelon, again, as in the war years, stood at the forefront, fought for the soviet homeland, it was he, surrounded by flatterers , who hurled a terrible reproach at gorbachev, accusing him of thoughtless destruction, it was he who told gorbachev that he had lit a lantern over the abyss, that he had lifted the state plane from the airfield. not knowing where he could land, he said this to the head of the country, to his face, to this day many
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should learn from this good audacity. prokhanov recalls when disaster struck in august of 1991, when famous generals and marshals and noble party leaders fled from the battlefield, when monuments were toppled in moscow, and the security officers huddled in quiet closets, russian writers, led by bondrev, gave a spiritual battle to victory. perestroika that night in the union of russian writers on komsomolsky prospekt, when the troops had already fled from moscow, and red-hot crowds were marching through the streets and squares, monstrous whirlwinds were already blowing glorifying yeltsin, then in the headquarters of the writers' union we barricaded the entrances, locked ourselves in, as we locked ourselves in our old believers in the monastery, and were ready to burn in the fire, but not go out with a noose around their necks to the victorious democrats, we sang songs, played guitars, drank vodka, prayed, read. poems and our otoman, our army commander, our spiritual leader, bonddarev was with us and was ready to share this evil fate with us. in ninety-three, when the barricades
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were drenched in blood and the tanks were clanging on the bridge, and elson was once again celebrating his bloody victory, roman bondreva appeared about the shooting of the soviet house. the bermuda triangle was called roman. this was the first novel about that disaster. yes, bondarev was again the first, as 40 years before, wanting to... writes prokhanov, bribe, lure into his camp, yeltsin awarded him a high order, but bondorev did not touch the bloody award, sent it back , disgrace, oblivion, evil mockery began, bondrevo, like many of us, was called a russian fascist, red-brown, they tried to cut him out of history, but you cannot erase the battle of stalingrad from history, you cannot erase the red banners flying over the reichstag from history. victories cannot be cut out of history, so be it, amen, yuri vasilyevich lived 96 years until march 29
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, 2020. his centenary should be celebrated as public holiday.
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stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market, boss, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. yulia vladimirovna drunina was born on may 10, 1924 . born in moscow. father is a teacher, mother is a library. at the age of 11 she began to write poetry, attended a literary studio at the central house of artistic education for children, located in the building of the young spectator theater. at the end of the thirties he took part in a competition for the best poem. as a result , the poem we sat at school desks together was published in the teachers' newspaper and broadcast on the radio. and then there was radio. it’s not like today’s radio, today these radio stations are not honored, then the country immediately heard you. the national war began, the beautiful yulia gained a year, joined the voluntary sanitary squad of the russian red cross society, worked
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as a nurse in the main hospital, graduated nursing courses. at the end of the summer of forty-one , as the germans approached moscow, it was aimed at building defensive structures near mozhaisk. there, during one of the air raids, she got lost and fell behind. from her detachment and was picked up by a group of infantrymen, together with them dronina was surrounded and made her way to her enemy rear for 13 days. already at the very end of the most difficult path, while crossing the front line, when only nine soldiers remained in the group, the battalion commander was blown up by an anti-personnel mine. they died with him two more fighters, and dronina was severely stunned. finding herself again in moscow in the fall of forty-one, yulia dronina , together with the school in which... her father was the director, was evacuated to siberia, to the ukovsk plant, tyumen region. she did not want to go to evacuation, but agreed to leave only because of her seriously ill father, who suffered a stroke at the beginning of the war. the father died at the beginning of forty
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-two in the arms of his daughter after the second blow. after burying her father, yulia left for khabarovsk, where she became a cadet at a junior school aviation specialists. after some time, the girls were told that instead of being sent to combat units, they would be transferred to women's units. reserve regiment drunina did not like the prospect of being far from the front. having learned that, as an exception, female doctors would still be sent to the active army, she hastily found her certificate of completion of nursing courses, and within a few days she was sent to the sanitary department of the second belarusian front. upon arrival at the front, drunino was assigned to 667 rifle regiment of the 218th rifle division. in 1943, dronina was seriously wounded during another shelling. shell fragment. stuck in the left neck just a couple of millimeters from the carotid artery, not suspecting the seriousness of the injury, she simply wrapped her neck in bandages and continued to work, save others, hid the wounds until it got really bad, woke up in the hospital and there she found out that she was on
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the verge of from death. after her recovery, drunina was declared disabled and discharged, returned to moscow, she could forget everything what was happening at the front forever, she visited such a thing there when, forgetting the oath, two automatic weapons turned in battle. hundreds of times the letter was read to people in a remote village by a crying mother, who will condemn the battalion commander for this lie, no one dares to condemn him, and they also kissed, cried and sang,
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walked with hostility, right as they ran, the girl in the mended shawl scattered her hands in the snow, mother, mom, i reached my goal, but in the steppe on the volga bank, a girl in a mended shawl scattered her hands in the snow, and nevertheless, dronina decided to return to the front then. this time i hit 1038 self-propelled artillery regiment of the third baltic front, fought in the poskov region, then in the baltic states. in one of the battles she was shell-shocked and on november 21, 1944 she was declared unfit for military service. she finished the war with the rank of sergeant major in the medical service. for military distinctions she was awarded the order of the red star and a medal for courage. they've already filmed a feature film. i forgot to ask about the film, oh, for some reason, no, they didn’t make it, if there was a trashy american, they would have made three films already, but she’s a soviet girl, so no one else was repressed around her, but she needed everything to go to the front, well, what kind of films about such girls and god to make, the winds
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are dancing above us and weeping, the rains are muttering in the dark , our loved ones are sleeping, our warriors are sleeping, and they are hugging us not those, some are younger, others are older , but there are no peers, our peers, our boys, are sleeping, they are all 17 years old, but she still found such a boy, this is the machine gunner poet nikolai starshinov, one of the few survivors who went to war at 17 years old. their meeting happened in december 1944. starshinov has such beautiful poems. we celebrated the first day of victory, so our solemn parade was commanded by a retired sergeant with a purple scar across his entire cheek. he is laconic in a military way, raised his glass, said: guys at attention, everyone froze, long live victory. everyone freaked out and it thundered. hurray, the sergeant looked at us with an eagle's gaze and for a moment
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he only stopped on your face and on your hands, which were a white tablecloth, and you stood on guard, in the october rain, in the february snowfall, you walked under the bullets, saving the wounded, ordinary soldiers, just like me, you listened to the absent-minded sergeant, exchanging glances with me, and it seemed to me, it seemed to me that... then i got up and asked you, just two or three words, to go out together with me corridor, and it’s dark here,” you said quietly. “yes, it’s dark here,” i answered you, yes, it’s dark here, and there, i didn’t say enough , my head slowly began to spin, i kissed you for the first time , and there from the little room, every now and then, the sergeant’s exclamations flew, for the girls, and well, glasses ?" "
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they gave birth to lena, but two poets in one family - this is too much, pushkin wrote about this to his wife that he was tired of his poems, and then there are her poems. in general, they broke up. drunina , like many in the ussr then, was initially inspired by perestroika, but the revelations that came in a torrent shocked her, she was horrified by many things, but... unlike the majority, she was faithful to her fallen comrades and could not accept the rabid,
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anomalous, frenzied criticism of the soviet army, this was sacred for her, for her the revolution of 1917 remained a sacred concept, after all, they were born in 1924 children of that revolution, those ideals of that era. the foreman recalls, knowing well her dislike for all kinds of meetings and meetings, i was surprised that she agreed to have her candidacy nominated. deputies of the supreme soviet of the ussr. i even asked her why? the only thing that prompted me to do was the desire to protect our army, the interests and rights of participants in the great patriotic war and the war in afghanistan. the chief also remembered. at the congress of people's deputies of the ussr, after announcing a break, mikhail gorbachev went to yulya, who stood next to journalist genrikh borovik. brovik was extremely popular back then. drunin, then told the chief. i thought gorbachev was going to borovik, i stepped aside, and he came up to me and said
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that he knew and loved my poems, well, the entire politburo immediately lined up to me, that’s what drunina said. well, by the way, the minister of the armed forces yazov really knew drunina’s poems and even read them from memory to her, after all , these ministers had a soviet touch, then it was in the order of things to know poetry, especially front-line poetry poetry. alas, gorbachev used all these great, and let’s say, at times, naive front-line soldiers in order... to destroy everything that they served. the further, the more terrible drunina's disappointments became. she perceived the collapse of the soviet union as a personal catastrophe. before leaving this life , she wrote: “why am i leaving? to remain in this terrible, war-torn world, created for businessmen with iron elbows, for such an imperfect creature like me? she wrote this, having survived hundreds of bombings and shelling, wounded, beaten,


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