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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 12, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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to the editor-in-chief of tatler magazine arian romanovsky and journalist tamerlan begaev. they were accused of extortion; the journalists demanded 11 million rubles for deleting negative information in the telegram channel. sobchak herself was also among the suspects at the beginning of the investigation of the case. there were even searches in her house. our film crew works in court and dyaana kavandovykh goes on direct communication. what sentences did the defendants receive, did ksenia sobchak come today to... keep her comrades, high security, ex-commercial the director of the media company sobchak, kirill sukhanov , will be sent to 7.5 years, the ex-chief director of the popular tatler magazine arian romanovsky and the journalist of the telegram channel tamerlan bigaev will be sent to 7 years; after the sentences enter into legal force, they will be transferred directly from the pre-trial detention center. at the place of serving
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the sentence, of course, today everyone was most interested in the question of whether the bloody lady, as sobchak calls herself, would come to the meeting, and there were a lot of colleagues, defendants, but no , everyone was waiting for her, but she did not come, nevertheless, interesting fact, she followed the process remotely, she monitored the process remotely, so, please, i ask the operators not to move the equipment, yes, she monitored the process remotely, they worked in court. her colleagues promptly informed her of all the information about the meeting, she immediately published it on her telegram channel, i’ll quote: soon the announcement of the verdict on kirill sukhanov is about to begin, i have never hoped so much and asked for something pathetic as i do now. the company's ex-commercial director sobchak sukhanov and his colleagues were detained in october 22 on suspicion of extorting 11 million rubles from the head of rosseh. sergei chemizov
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, it was said in the investigation materials that this money was supposed to become the so-called guarantor of the negative block, that is , it was intended to prevent any compromising information from being published in ksenia anatolyevna’s telegram channels, well, considering that after all we are talking about sobchak’s telegram channels, she was at least aware of all these manipulations and transactions, if she herself did not give such instructions, but nevertheless...
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then, however, after making sure that her reputation nothing threatens, ksenia anatolyevna, after all, having celebrated her birthday abroad, returned to russia, and now, after sentencing her colleagues, the defense intends to appeal these terms. let me remind you that kirill sukhanov, the ex-commercial director of the sobchak company, was sentenced to 7.5 years in a maximum security colony, and journalist begaev and romanovsky were sentenced to 7 years each. also strict regime. marat: thank you, diana. let me remind you that ntv correspondent diana kavando was on the air. after a terrible accident in the stavropol territory, a criminal case was initiated case, a tragedy happened at a railway crossing, a train at full speed crushed a passenger car, the driver of which either decided to jump through, or did not notice the approaching train. there was a family of parents with three children in the cabin. only the adults survived. they are in
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the hospital, where doctors are currently treating them. despite the emergency braking applied by the train driver, the collision was inevitable, the foreign car was crushed by a powerful blow and... thrown, pieces of metal scattered in all directions, the crossover was almost torn in half, most of all the rear of the car, where there were three children in the passenger seats, was damaged. these shots are painful to look at, the interior was crushed like a tin can, twisted upholstery mixed with children's things, a bottle of kefir for the road, a woman's bag, a winter purple hat with a pompom, boys of 11 and eight years old and a girl of 3 years old were sitting here, then they arrived in time... the rescuers covered the baby's head with a blanket, all the children died almost instantly, their parents andrei and elena survived, they were taken to the hospital, and at the moment they are receiving everything they need. medical assistance, a family of five were heading from svetlograd to a neighboring village to visit, the driver did not stop in front of
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the railway crossing when a freight train was rushing towards him. the posada woman is in critical condition in intensive care, a serious condition, extremely serious, he ate that woman. yes, he has it, but he also doesn’t remember anything, yes, well , the foster people told us, they don’t remember anything, the head of the family, thirty-five-year-old andrei krivkin, says that he doesn’t remember anything, demands to look at the cctv cameras on area and claims that the accident was not his fault at all, there were supposedly no warning lights on at the crossing, and in general he was in a sober mind, he was not in a particular hurry, he was actually taking the children to their grandmother, but who were they for? and that the train was moving so quickly that even so it was moving quickly, i didn’t notice it was not red, it wasn’t lit, that is, there were no signs , no seals, nothing like that, there was nothing there, nothing as usual, you go, i had everything
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tested, no drugs or alcohol in me the details of the terrible accident are now being sorted out investigators opened a criminal case under the article of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of the railway... examination, a set of investigative actions was organized, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. therefore, the railway crossing rarely has trains, locals say, but this does not mean that you need to lower your vigilance, especially since the road is large and open, there are no obstacles to the view. as i understand it, the driver should be tried for the death of three people, and it doesn’t matter whether they are his children or not, on him. guilt in death if you you don’t see the train, throw away your license, you’ll injure yourself and others, what actually happened , i’ve driven along this road many times, there ’s sufficient visibility, the weather today was clear, even if you don’t take into account the semaphore signal in front of the car, how stupid and absurd, for life
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elena, the mother of the children, the doctors are now struggling, they are not yet giving a prognosis, the woman has fallen into a coma, and her wife andrei is apparently waiting in the investigator’s office, the man feels satisfactory. i was lucky, the driver's airbags worked properly, although the word lucky is hardly appropriate here; the father learned about the death of all the children after a conversation with journalists. aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. nizhny novgorod police officers took up an unusual case; several people wrote a statement accusing one local businessman of ruining their lives and saying that they were being subjected to crimes.
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mine is free today, contact only on this number, that is, my phone number, since i’m married, it can burn, but the extreme is fascinating, now anatoly is forced hide his face, speaks to such a bewitching extreme, is obliged to the furniture manufacturer oleg shibalov, believes that it was he who posted the man’s phone number on an intimate dating site, after 500 rubles were missing in payment for renovations in the kitchen, i started receiving calls from i don’t even know how ... to call from people of non-traditional sexual orientation, i tell him, oleg, i say, stop, please, you say, calm down, that is, you, if you want, you have now given the money from you, i’ll give it to you anyway i won’t give it up, and you won’t intimidate me with this, yes, this is low for a man, however , as they say, shabalov
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was not going to give back, in a similar way, the furniture maker took revenge on his neighbor in the garage cooperative, in this case, the sticking point was the undivided exhaust pipe, i received such calls from these... sites, obscene, on over the course of a month, i received calls from different cities, they offered to meet, they asked what orientation or something else, so i immediately blocked these, well... i’m not interested, it was described by men alone, men, and some adults, constant calls with obscene offers from unknown fans, the conflict was not limited to, according to andrey, the furniture maker set up a real shooting gallery in the garages, where he began to methodically shoot at that very pipe of discord, the gates of other neighbors were hit by a bullet of rage, you see, they were broken right through the deep ones dents, everything is shelled here, how far are you ready to go in this confrontation with a vengeance.
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now law enforcement officers understand the intricacies of complex male relationships. all participants conflict have already filed a police report against each other. while the investigation is ongoing, victims of telephone attacks are asking the main question: where and how long ago did shibalov himself register on such dubious sites. stanislav kostikov, valentin lyubimov and alexander tutarinov, ntv television company. next,
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we will tell a member of a terrorist organization network who... how many years he will spend behind bars after the advertisement. everyone on the floor, we are honest gravers, we are in a difficult situation, if you behave well, uncle grisha will give life for you. vyazimsky, we know it's you. capture premiere on friday at 20:00 on ntv.
1:38 pm
alain, let me help. thank you. yes, you have a whole package of cashback here. i am not sure. banks have so many conditions. yur, alen, with a free vtb debit card? 10% cashback on everything , it’s better for me, there’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, every morning i start by taking aquadetrim, with it i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. we will repeat aquadetrim tomorrow, this is a great sale on ozone, hurry up, the benefit is a delight, don't miss it. hello neighbors,
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how much do you rent for? i won an apartment in stickerman, hear, irina bought potatoes, delicious period, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the group airplane, believe it or not, you want an apartment and 36. cosmetics and household chemicals, enhanced probiotic for intestinal microflora, meet the new acipol forte, it contains 10 billion bacteria of two types, it contains zinc, it is stored without refrigeration, only one capsule per day. acipol forte, a new level of probiotics, so nice.
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with age, we all feel a deterioration in memory and intelligence, why does the body malfunction, is it possible to stop these harmful changes, can we... our body has a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep also regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain cells as the brain ages, it becomes damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azectinide
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contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated vosphalipids from the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, taking out, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however. with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy; it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed ; it will serve you faithfully again.
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extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1980.
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now he will definitely have time to read historical novels, the state prosecutor asked for 25 years for him in a maximum security colony, without the possibility of leniency, according to the investigation... yakaterina levchenko, after they refused to participate in the activities of the terrorist organization network, banned in russia, ivankin himself was a member of it, together with another friend, they went into the forest for the night, and in the morning they put
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the plan into action. ivankin, in accordance with a previously reached agreement with another person, struck at least two blows, unidentified on... maxim ivankin never admitted it, looking up from reading the book at the last word, he said that the state prosecutor was exaggerating, saying that they essentially killed children. artyom was my age at that time, katya was the youngest, that is , regarding children, regarding all this pompousness, i think that this is too much and i don’t think it is necessary to accept these words
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of information. the parents of the murdered katya and artyom were horrified by such words. after the children went missing, they were the first to contact the police throughout the city and posted in local public pages. photos. shortly before the incident , ekaterina levchenko corresponded with her mother, saying that she needed to leave so that everything would be fine and be sure to go to the police and confess. they were all friendly until the last moment, when they had an idea about it. they were going to give up, others didn’t want to admit anything, that’s all, but katya, she’s such a person, she says what she thinks, that’s probably what happened, she said everything she thought straight away. but it was almost impossible to leave the banned organization, knowing all the secrets. according to investigators, the community's cells were located in moscow, st. petersburg and penzi, and its members were engaged in combat training, were involved
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in the manufacture and distribution of drugs and illegal storage of weapons, and even planned terrorist attacks on russian territory. since 2017, when the arrests began, it has been possible to prove guilt and convict the organizers of the banned organization and its other participants. they got from five to eight. energetic dancing at the concert of sergei lazarev. it turns out that music is the only soul for an elderly woman, in the rest is extremely difficult for her. daria mosalova will continue. as soon as
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the music starts, she forgets about everything. lights up in the front rows at a disco of the nineties and asks to sing in biz, hands up. grandma's holiday is equally good. i’ve been dreaming about this since childhood, she’s 65 years old, now she’s learned what popularity is, fans, selfies in her hometown will recognize her, but not
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everything in her life is as joyful as in the videos that get millions of views, she herself has been disabled since childhood , lives alone, has no relatives, but fell in love with concerts out of loneliness, me removers to remove themselves, but my mother told me, if i die, how will you live, i am left alone and no one needs me, no one loves me, but now this is not so, they love her... thousands of words of admiration and support come from all over country, and the singer whose concert she came to as a fan, and became an internet star, promised to look after her, we are working to find her a normal apartment, we will rent this apartment for her, there will be no problems, you are asking me where to transfer money to lidiya vitalievna, and i'm telling you, friends, around there are many grandmothers who can be helped, help them, let this lydia, this wonderful grandmother of ours, lydia vitalna, be a catalyst for such kind help. and grandparents around, her life is far from a song, huddling in a dorm in a small room where there is not even a chance to wash, every weekend she goes to the bathhouse, specially
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saves money, getting a job due to health problems and age is almost impossible , lives on a disability pension, volunteers help, they feed, give water, they say a kind word, lidiya vitalievna every sunday comes to us, but my life goes like a whirlwind, like a whirlwind, like a whirlwind, well... the pensioner always dreamed of living in the city, a few years ago, she packed her few belongings and went to conquer the capital of komi, syktyvkar, she had been noticed in the past in the first rows at concerts of russian pop stars, but truly popular fame has come only now, he doesn’t buy tickets, the guards say, they recognize him out of the kindness of their hearts and let him into the hall, this is generally a reminder, someday i’ll die, then they’ll do me this will remember me. what kind of grandmother was she like? when asked who your favorite performer is, he answers: don’t create an idol for yourself, what are you dreaming of, buy a refrigerator and a tv to sing and dance at home,
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disco grandmothers have already advised you to become a blogger and run your own channel, such publicity, it seems, is still she’s not ready, she wants to go to moscow to go to a new concert, only there on the dance floor, surrounded by people, does she feel truly happy. daria mosalova, valentin lyubimov and anton lukya. ntv. but that is not all. see below. only one owner of a private house designed for two families will remain, one by one she will outlive her neighbors. the woman is not shy when choosing methods of pressure, but the last neighbors were delayed; what they know about the intractable lady, you will find out after the advertisement.
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new stars. who are you, mask? mask. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. spray genferon light is a green light to my goals and plans , a red light to influenza viruses in rvi. spray genferon light - the power of green light. it's so nice when they do something for you. for example, when... a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. if you sign up for tenkov platinum before the end of february, you will always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. tinkov. special agents against supervillains. there is no light during operation. you're not attracting attention, are you? no attention. red five. just look at the prime minister. 35 days for 1 ruble on smart tv. len
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cosmonaut, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, goal, well, where are you, missed a goal again, frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramping in the groin can be symptoms of prostatitis, familiar, it's time to solve the problem, and not avoid it, vitoprost helps relieve inflammation, the cause of symptoms in... mask new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of private prices brings you the battery chain saw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of.
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minisaw eyelids. an irreplaceable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs, the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. electric motor with copper winding has a fairly high power for such a small thing. the chain of this saw was designed to cut wood quickly. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. live on ntv, there is another emergency and we continue our broadcast. the mistress of the house can.
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there should be only one, and even if the building, according to documents and property rights, is designed for two families, this does not change the rule; for 15 years now the owner of one half of the house does not get along with those who occupy the second. tenants change frequently, and so do the neighbors in the village they don’t remember, and the new guests don’t plan to move out, they conducted an investigation, found out what the woman was hiding, why it was so important for her to take possession of the entire cottage. ivan gubin with details: being at a well and not getting drunk is a familiar situation for vitaly sukhanov, the health risk is too great. the neighbors from the first floor poured all sorts of things into this well. mm incomprehensible - impurities that, well - in the form of diesel fuel, uh, gasoline, toxic relations with neighbors began immediately after moving, the man says, the apartment is on the second floor of a small house, divided into two owners, was given to the family
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by vitaly’s sister, she herself could not live here, did not find a common language with the owner of the first floor, vitaly thought that he would succeed, but quickly realized that no one was welcome here at all, there is simply no water, we cannot use water. although the meter is standing, everything is standing, but water flows only through the pipes of the first floor and the basement, which larisa zelenaya, the name of the neighbor below, has long considered exclusively her property, which means who decides when to turn off the taps only she. goodbye, i said , we got in the car and let's go, you're talking normally to me, delegations from the police and the water utility came here several times, but it's impossible to cut an entrance to the basement in the literal sense...
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children, whoever had them, means it's impossible , dog, you can’t sing, let’s say , walk up the stairs, in general, nothing was allowed, she took a mop, knocked on the ceiling with this mop, swore at everyone, but i’m
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a fascist with her, she survives to finally take over the whole house, that’s how they explain the new residents behaved like their neighbor, they even ready to meet halfway, they offered her to buy their share, but larisa green has common affairs... green has her own opinion about the water supply, she allegedly did not cut off anything, they turned off the neighbors' water for non-payment, look for a solution to the conflict, both families intend to go to court again , in the meantime, they are watching each other using surveillance cameras. ivan gubin, daniila baklanova, ntv television company.
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more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today our program is making this area impassable, king belt a thirty-kilometer freight train in the donbass frightened western military analysts, why is the best brigade of the ukrainian armed forces going to vavdeevka? i'll stay, and you go, where? no guarantees. macron did not deliver his security guarantees to kiev, and terrorist president zelensky dispersed the entire military leadership of ukraine. start with yourself, and unhook from the poor.


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