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tv   Falshivii flag  NTV  February 15, 2024 1:40am-2:31am MSK

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rest, let's go, i'll show you the room , you need to lie down, the devil is not catching me at all, i hope at least there is electricity here, i look good, you're getting your bearings here, i have work to do here why didn't you tell me about it, and you didn't ask ?
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made, zero point chemical, this tells you something, in my opinion, this is a swedish company that is engaged in clinical trials in our country, wait, aberger, this chemist, he works there, yes exactly, and what is the connection, not yet i know, i’m returning to moscow, i’ll call you upon arrival, wait, wait, wait, i have to tell you something, it’s not certain yet, but... in my opinion, our people are preparing to transport these five to turkey, and that the decision has been made? i know that the decision was made , seemingly imprecisely, at the ministerial level, and also , in my opinion, these five disappeared somewhere, how did they disappear? but i don’t know how they disappeared , in general, listen, i feed, i’ll tell you honestly, on gossip and what i hear, i don’t even know why i’m doing all this business, apparently out of habit, thank you, not for that,
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good luck to all of us, janis, we should clean up, i mean, there are fingerprints on the doors and the remote control are yours and mine, i understand. do it. i did everything i promised. can you confirm the time? yes. tomorrow evening the plane will land in ankara. will there be any delays? no. mr. president is waiting for you. thank you. i have to go. you heard what
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i just said, you heard, i hope you understand what this means for us, you have 24 hours, i don’t know how, but you have to find them. everyone on the floor, we are honest gravers, we are in a difficult situation, you will behave well, uncle grisha will give you life, vyazimsky, we we know it’s you, we’ve run out of dogs, there’s a retired cathedral major on the territory of the boarding house, we need you here more, it won’t work, major, i have a daughter here, yulia galkina, there are more of them. they'll be back soon. let's get up quietly
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and go out towards the kitchen. andrey noskov. this is not filming, this is cruel reality. i was taken hostage. ivan vasiliev. we must storm to end this new year's booth. igor lifanov. let everything go back to normal, pavel trubiner, get out of here, get out quickly, take over the prime minister on friday at 20:00 on ntv. nikolay, or mark, can i ask a question? little one, ask. grigory told me that you are not officially here under your own flag , so to speak, and that why do you need this, but why do you, you said a pastry chef, you should bake your own
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cakes, it’s because of my girlfriend, because she was killed, nicosia incident , remember? 2007, that’s when she was very young, she just came across it, i’m sorry, open the glove compartment, there’s a photo of her, open it, it’s in a box. beautiful, i answered your question, now you, i just
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love my homeland. thank you, anton korneev, yes, who are you? federal service without? there is a resolution i have an order to bring you in for questioning, i asked another question, you have a decree, i understand, i understand.
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i made a bed for you upstairs, go get some sleep, i ’ll stay here, the water has boiled, pour some for you, yes, thank you, nastya, how are you feeling? “i lit a fire there, they didn’t find coffee, have some tea, will you, zhenya, i want to sleep,
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it’s the sound of a motorcycle, it’s not the police, you said that no one lives here, doesn’t live, maybe someone from somewhere else.” ? wait, stay in the house, wow, they were waiting for me here, nice, great, guys, andrey, hello! hi, are you missing me? we found out, sokolovsky, andrey, well , you look somehow different in the photographs, and you’re talking about
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this, i just flew from bali, there ’s a temple there, bakhmar, bakhmar. haharma vihara arama this will be yes exactly thank you bro you will break your tongue yes well you know there with long hair you can’t i shaved off the drada like ours? they found anton, he said to come here, he gave the address, anton, anton korneev, yes, don’t you believe me, here you go, look. a form from his company, yes, of course, you can,
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he said to come here, wait all together, otherwise they will send turkey, or something, but how do you know, anton, are you in charge here, or what? listen, guys, i don’t even know what ’s going on here, i just flew in, chatted with friends, this anton, let me write on social networks, that’s the way it’s needed. this person just wrote something there, and you went to him, listen, guys, if you
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don’t believe me, let’s dial him and get settled, no, you can’t call, faceb is listening, quiet, quiet, quiet, what are you doing, i’m him he told me, if any misunderstandings arise, then call him immediately, it seems to me that now it is this misunderstanding, there is no need to dial anywhere, you it’s better to leave, well, that means they weren’t waiting after all. okay, thanks, semyon, what? we can’t let him go, he’s taking us straight to the fsb, he has nowhere to go now, you know
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, nowhere to hide, he’ll tell you everything, no, no, he ’s kind of suspicious, he’s behaving strangely, bro, bro, he’s just confused, not everyone is here as calm as you, do as you want, chief, andrey, so what, guest, come in, settle down, thank you, bro, thank you. hello, hello,
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are you ema or a year, idiot, welcome! she came out, anton, what happened, problems, dina, problems, your fiancé helped the other suspects escape, why? did it, they were going to hand you over to turkey, maybe you can still tell where they went?
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please stop treating him like that , they didn’t tell me, but now look carefully at your fiancee, you understand that when she recovers, she will go to prison for a very long time, you don’t feel sorry for her, take your hands off him, okay, anton, just tell me where they went, i promise you, when i catch them, i will send them... "she will stay here, write it on paper with a signature and seal, you you really get it, who are you talking to now, the whole country, the whole department is looking for them, and we will find them, i promise you, we will find them, not today.” do you think they won’t tell you who helped them? please, please, anton, this is mine wine , i did it all, anton, i did it all , it’s up to me to decide, it’s my responsibility, i beg you, tell this person, everything you
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know, for god’s sake, listen to your fiancée, she’s telling the truth, i’m asking you , please, i have no idea where they went and where they are hiding, i can’t help, who did they call you, threaten you? just death row, tell me, we will solve any issue, no one threatened me, they came, took the keys
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to the car and left, that’s all, you just signed your own death sentence. take it, yes, i’m listening, pasha, report the situation, act according to the plan, they interrogated sir jones, there is information from the cameras from the hotel, well, as i understand it, one krivitskaya will board the plane tomorrow, okay, how much time do you still need, you understand , i’m already doing everything possible, task forces are combing area after area. that her fiancé is detained now we interrogate, apply all measures of influence, well, i hope everything is the same as what the management just used on me. pasha, you understand that if all five of us don’t get on the plane tomorrow, not only will they leave me, we will all leave, and you, farther than the rest.
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you're into motocross, yeah, i love extreme sports, so do i. do you want to go for a ride , yes, do you want to go for a ride , i'll give you that's not too much, i thought i thought it smelled like coffee, you found coffee and coffee and buckwheat, stew and cognac, you'll have it in the morning, no , what do you want? well, guys, what are your plans? what are your plans? we sit on the cross straight, don’t twitch, wait for anton to contact us. when did you arrive from bali? listen, about a week ago. oh, this is when we were all arrested. why weren't you detained? the trip was lucky. yes, just think, a monk
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gave me a talisman in bali. here, he says, happy. it’s helping, well, yes for now, yeah, what’s wrong with him, he’s nervous, i would be nervous too, well, he’s clear, he’s red.
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well, whatever, just by the smell it’s already ready, nastya, breakfast is ready, we’re just waiting for you. i'm not hungry, what do you mean i'm not hungry? no one knows how long we will stay here , you need to eat, go eat, this is not discussed , we are now, how long did the nanny get divorced, how did you sleep, super, and good morning to you, with our emma, ​​what’s wrong, first of all, my name is nastya for starters, well, for some reason it’s too prickly, they killed my brother in it. guys, go to the table,
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they asked me about you during the interrogation, and they asked if i knew you somewhere, they said that i was for you. made a nerve gas that was used in a kidnapping, oh well, do you know about gases or nerves, i'm a chemist, then maybe you really gave me some gas? i'm wondering why they only asked me about you? wait, what kind of hints are these anyway, the investigator focused only on you, as if you were really connected to this. you really think that i have something to do with this , you’re a chemist, you’re being funny, maybe you’re connected, what am i doing anyway, well, they must want to intimidate
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you, just like they convinced me to say that you stole my passport, here you go , the lady says business, and you are a chemist, you are a telephone salesman, dina is a financier, and excuse me, who english teacher, huh? to the fact that, apparently, there is some person with whom each of you is directly connected, who has complete access to all of your information. yep, full access. i’m wondering, they
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showed us on tv, copies of our passports are shown on all channels. we are the ones who are wanted, and who are you? nobody, just neighbor anya. and all i know about you is that you are anya’s neighbor. that is, you somehow easily found access to my private page on the internet. then he came to my house to warn me that the fsb turns out to be watching me, put everyone in charge to bring us here, correction , it wasn’t me who brought us all here, i just made sure that you all weren’t arrested yesterday, well, yes, you have nothing to do with it, you’re so good , so smart, so brilliant , what do you need, where do you have access to our data, so let’s calm down and wait, you think that i planned it all, i actually ended up here by accident. and you are cunning, well , last time you said that there is no such thing as an accident, here you suddenly turned up by chance, something your debit and credit don’t match
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, we all helped you, but instead of saying thank you, you’re making a scandal now, we’re sorry about what happened to your brother, shut up, it’s already sickening without you, he’d better go and drink some tea, with me... and who are you showing off for here, she left, and you are sitting here, and she is there poor, unhappy, scared, maybe you should go to her to console her? what are you staring at?
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that everyone is full, i’ll go and console the pioneer, i don’t want to, she’s just a little girl from... who killed her brother, she’s very scared,
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no need, semyon. do you understand what this looks like? i don't give a damn now, it looks like something. are you so nervous, i’m not nervous,
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life is stressing you out, no one is bothering me... listen, calm down, am i on your side, or do you want to hang around here alone? i understand that he’s trying to help , he seems like a normal guy, but damn, he’s somehow out of place now, aneta schneider, it seems to me that he just likes you, but why are you smart,
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smart, i mean, cool. if you want, i'll take you for a ride in a mosquito, but it won't be fast, come on, let's go, well, let's go, now i'll take the guitar i'll take it, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, come on, come on! come on, come on, come on, come on, where are you going, to go for a drive, why are you crazy, don’t fuss, we’ll be nearby, if anything happens, you know how, we’ll hide here, if you haven’t forgotten, nikolai stepon, hello , hello, lesha, like a son 4:2. they took out 102, you have to remember
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the loss, well, that’s the job we have with you, you remember everything, yes, that’s right, they didn’t warn you about the pass. so you're back in business, back in business, then why call, even if it's like her, it doesn't matter, after talking to her, here for a cannon shot at this square, okay, come out, hello, how are you feeling, i need your help, i won’t help you anymore. i understand you, dina , you are angry, you understand, well, fine , they shot at me for you, almost killed me through your fault,
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then they beat my fiancé, in front of my eyes, if you want to talk about this, then free me, anton, i can’t, then the conversation is over. i was removed from the case, you are right, it was my fault that you were shot, i underestimated the degree of sokolovsky’s danger, i lost control of the situation, are you even allowed to be here, no, then why are you here, dina, i’ll now call you by their proper names, and you just try to hear me. this is classified information, i will commit an official crime, now in turkey our citizens are hostages of the situation, innocent people, and so, the special services have them on one side of their balance,
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on the other you, having committed serious crimes, the special services have made their choice if you will be handed over to the turkish authorities, you are unlikely to survive. why us, and what would you do in their place? in baghdad, i really had a fiancee, she and i we met there, she worked at the embassy, ​​and i worked in the special forces, planned complex negotiations, i had to ensure their security, we really wanted to get married, i won’t deceive you, and that
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someone leaked the coordinates of the place of negotiations to terrorists? she was killed, she was killed, i couldn’t save her, please, dina, help me, if we find those people who really killed the turkish minister of defense, this will give us the opportunity to free you and anton, you understand that you are now.. do you promise something that you again cannot fulfill? i don't promise anything. i'm just telling you my goal. it's unlikely that anything will come of it, but i have to. and today this is your only
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chance. damn, okay, what should i do there? zero point chemical is the company where semyon bergen worked. so, does it tell you something? no , i didn’t work with her, i managed to find something on the internet, the main office is in switzerland, developments are carried out in russia, the company is swiss, but belongs to a holding in holland, i need to understand the chain of relationships, i need the internet, i’m okay i can’t do it, really, please be quiet, don’t interfere, i know what to do, i ’ll leave you for a while.
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it's a bitsy spider climbed up towards the spot, down came the rain and washed the spideround, how to came the sunshine and dried up the rain, spider.
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you won’t leave her, you think i can’t, no, that’s it, we’ve been together since we were 19, you know? life they were afraid to hurt each other, to offend each other, then asya was born, and we stayed together only because of her, because it was convenient for us, a habit in the end, she said all her life, marriage is the art of compromise. “when you and i met, i was very afraid that yulia would find
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out about everything, when she found out, i was afraid what would happen to me next, what would happen to the children, what would my parents say, what would my friends say, and now that everything this is what i'm most afraid of." that i will miss this opportunity, that everything will end, that i will miss you, i no longer want compromises, you and i will not be together, what happened between us does not matter. forgive me, anya,
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semyon, forgive me for barging in like this, but this it’s really an urgent matter, you won’t believe what i found in nastya’s bag, this concerns your safety, i’m waiting for you downstairs. you, you actually have a house, you have an apartment, can you call it a home, i don’t know, i doubt it, sit down, i looked at the board of directors. it is open that the company is publicly accessible, one of
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the directors is a citizen of bulgaria, boris zultak, but he is also a member of the board of directors of a russian company, which one? mosatek, an offshore company, is owned by a russian citizen, chinggis. musafina. chingis musafin? do you know him? not personally, he was in our development, one of his companies supplies raw materials for the defense industry. we usually check such people, i know that he has great connections, which means that the same person heads musag and zeroit chemicals, yes, but that’s not all. this is one of those companies, money that i embezzled. we are 100% sure. no, of course, maybe it's just a coincidence. yes, stas,
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turbin, look at the operational reports and interrogations on the topic of chingist musafin, tach colonel, you you know that i can’t, the access key to the urudenka database, stas, look, i ask you, look, just a minute. yes, chinkiz musafer, there are no coincidences, look at
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musatek, anton korneev’s car was checked. what's on the cameras, why is the traffic police silent , work, work, i need this data urgently, stash stupidly krivetsky, we monitor, they write on satellite that the kidnapping in cyprus was staged by the svr, that they are blocked , they are broadcasting in a telegram, then call the administration. here is a request from the press service, can’t you see i’m talking, what do you have? the svr press service asks if there is any news? news? do we have any news? maybe you have news, or do you have news?
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we have no news. yes, comrade general, yes, that’s it. control, yes, we are working, yeah , we are working out the possible route of korneev’s car, we are waiting for the results from the surveillance cameras, yes, and the interrogation base in the interrogation base, just look at musafin, there is a coincidence, the first interrogation of jones, what she said, jones, served in english . a certain karini musafina, who according to our database is the daughter of chingiz and madina musafina. thank you, stas, i need all the latest movements of musafin. we'll meet you in two hours. let's go to the metro.
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stas, listen, where is the information on krivitskaya’s financial transactions? uh-huh, thanks, berger worked for musafina, you stole money. chetov musafina, jones also worked for musafina, three out of five, so what does that mean, and that means that i need to meet with musafin.
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dean, thank you, you're welcome, what happened? look, i found these documents in turkish on a flash drive in nastya’s purse, and also a german passport addressed to annetta schneider. these are money transfers to turkish banks , the dates are counted, there is something more interesting, look, sokolovsky, and this is the turkish minister of defense, and apparently, they are at the same time,
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wow, it turned out to be so harmless, i would never have thought of it in my life. so, this needs to be urgently handed over to the fsb. let's go, quickly. i don’t have much time, here are the interrogation reports of jones, where she mentioned musafin’s last name, as well as a file with musafin’s flights, and there is also
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a folder in the package, this is musafin’s file, the result of an investigation that was carried out in the late nineties, when he received defense order, found it in the archives, i am grateful to you until the end of my days, maybe now you can explain why all this is needed. i'll explain everything after a while. chingist garifovich, can i help you with lighting? no, i'm on my own. i'll register while i'm on my flight.
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were you close to your brother? yes, a foreign country, a foreign language, we didn’t understand anyone, no one understood us, but what about mom and dad? yes, they worked 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. i was babysat, in general, closer than he was, i didn’t have anyone, well, it’s cool that he was nearby, i was 19 when my ancestors didn’t exist it turned out that both of them were killed in an accident, after that i lost my temper, went to america, squandered all their money... naturally, i came back when you lose
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loved ones, in general , this is not for them. i understand, you’re really at a monastery ball, you think you’re crazy, well, yes, it’s true, are you freaking out on something on the guitar?
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damn, listen, this is nastya’s brother, sokolovsky. san, where are you? at my sister's. so, are you in moscow? yes, he returned with musafin. did she tell you anything? yes, i'm just off the plane. didn't recognize me? listen, she has no idea what and how. and you to me do you want to tell me anything? listen, bro, you have no business at all, give me your phone number. so you're out of business. what kind of whore did you write me in? your cabbage soup is played around the clock along with a photo of my sister on tv. we didn't agree with you like that. fsb hotline, i’m listening to you.


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