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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the ssu attacked belgorod, and a missile threat was declared in the city. what will happen if the us leaves nato? europe's risks and prospects are discussed at the summit in brussels. to be left alone with the ukrainian problem. the kremlin commented on the american media report about russia's plans to place nuclear weapons in space. winter is breaking records, literally from st. petersburg to altai and khabarovsk, with heavy snowfalls and blizzards. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio. and let's start the release with breaking news, which is literally. minutes
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coming from belgorod, another missile strike was carried out on the city in so. according to preliminary information, at least six people were killed and 10 injured. local media reported this. the affected area included a shopping center, a grocery store, a school stadium and the private sector. in bilgorod and. a missile danger has been declared in the belgorod region, governor vyacheslav glodkov wrote in the telegram channel, residents were urged to take shelter in rooms without windows, with solid walls, in the corridor in bathrooms and bomb shelters, this is already the sixth missile attack danger announced a week in advance. western countries, with the help of the minsk agreements , were simply playing for time to pump up arms to kiev and moscow can only regret that it did not start a special operation earlier, about this and... in other
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topics that arose, as a postscript, after a recent conversation with the american journalist tucker carlson, vladimir putin said in an interview with vgtrk the day before. edmund zhelbunov. read more about the president's statements. vladimir putin's interview with an american journalist is intended mainly for western audience. the president’s answers to questions from a russian journalist are already a dialogue with a russian-speaking audience, that is, with those who do not need to explain why the head of state decided to launch a special operation, even in the west.
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from kiev the question arises, mr. blinkin believes that this is the original russian territory, kiev and adjacent territories. first, second, if he says that he fled from russia from jewish pogroms, then at a minimum, at a minimum, i want to emphasize this , he believes that there was no ukraine in 1905, in 1904, it was in 1904 that mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather left kiev for the united states, which means there was no ukraine there if he says that he fled from russia. apparently, mr. blinky, our man, it’s just in vain that he makes such public statements, it can lead to failure. in addition, while discussing the american policy of american politicians, putin directly answered perhaps the most intriguing question on the eve of the us presidential election. for us, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is
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a more experienced person, he is predictable, he politician of the old formation, but we will work with anyone. a leader of the united states who will be trusted by the american people. and according to putin, news about the health problems of the current us president should not be given close attention, especially against the backdrop of the election race in the states. listen, when i met with baijan swiss, it was true several years ago, 3 years there, well, then they were already talking about the fact that he was incompetent. i didn’t see anything like that, well, that he hit his head somewhere while getting out of the helicopter. a this helicopter, but whoever in our country hasn’t hit his head somewhere, that is, let him be the first to throw a stone at it, but , as the russian president believes, you need to look closely at the political position of the us leadership, and in putin’s opinion it is wrongly harmful,
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which also applies to many, including former leaders of european countries, especially germany and england, which is worth only the installation of british ex-prime minister boris johnson, who literally ordered kiev. we didn’t pull his tongue, he said what he thought, but he also said that if we had fulfilled those the agreements, therefore, went towards the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have stopped a year and a half ago, now, when the entire anglo-saxon world already understands that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it’s time to make adjustments, because politics is the art of compromise , reminded. vladimir putin concluding the conversation. perhaps now, after the number of views of his interview with tucker carlson in all languages ​​has already exceeded 1 billion, the russian president will finally be listened to in the west. edmund zhalbynov, sava morozov, alina sumina and marina gusarova, ntv television company. in brussels today, a meeting of
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nato defense ministers is discussing increasing military production, both for ukraine and for its own needs. pentagon chief lloyd osten, despite his illness, also accepts. participation, but panic is growing in european alliance countries due to the fact that the united states is slowly stepping aside, leaving europe alone to deal with the conflict in ukraine at the expense of its own security, like the europeans from the nato bloc are coping with the main threat of being left without washington, sergei kholashevsky examined. the nineteenth meeting of the ramstein group on the eve of the nato defense ministers' summit began with an address from recent intensive care unit patient lloyd austin. the us secretary of defense was moved home from the hospital ward and changed into a suit. the patient showed determination. the kremlin continues to bet that we will all lose interest in ukraine and that our support will fade. but i'm more determined than ever, and i i know you too. however, the secretary general of this
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purely defensive organization had much less determination, especially against the backdrop of the latest events in ukraine , the statement of trump, who promised to deal with nato as soon as he arrived. stoltenberg actually begged the americans: don’t abandon us. the united states has never fought a war alone; it has always fought alongside its allies, from the korean war to afghanistan. ponata's allies fought shoulder to shoulder with american soldiers. for europeans, the prospect of losing the support of a solid shoulder american soldier loomed immediately after donald trump said at a rally in south carolina that he did not care about the safety of those allies.
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how are we without a boss? what the europeans don’t like to hear is that trump is right, they have always been freeloaders, it would be naive to expect the us to foot the bill for european security indefinitely. stoltenberg swore in brussels that nato has money, this year the defense budget is $380 billion, but will europe be able to defend itself, asks bloomberg and it itself is answered with reference to an unnamed european diplomat, senior officials know that they cannot count on the united states to defend europe, at least another 10 years are needed before the continent can defend itself without outside help, so olaf scholz again. dig dig. the day before, he and his alliance colleagues were digging a hole for the foundation of a new rhine metal plant for
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the production of armored vehicle shells. in general, the news from ukraine is not encouraging, there are not enough shells, and the states are slowly merging with leading positions, plunging deeper into the election race. at the summit in brussels, according to the german newspaper handels blade, one of the main issues was the transition to coordination functions for arms supplies to kiev from the ramstein contact group, where the united states played the main role. to nato's european partners. in other words, the americans seem to be hinting: you will somehow continue without us. sergei khaloshevsky, natalya markevich, vladimir vypritsky, boris filchikov. european bureau, ntv. meanwhile , panic is growing in the united states over the prospect of staying without reconnaissance. the first to report a serious threat to national security from russia was the chairman of the special committee of congress, mike turner. the day before, he even called on biden to declassify this certain data. local media began to fan the news further, citing their sources, they reported that
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we are talking about nuclear weapons, which moscow allegedly plans to place in space in order to blind the american satellite network, and the united states has no way not to detect such weapons, not to resist them. it was reported also that america has already informed about the threat to its allies in europe, just in brussels. press secretary of the russian president dmitry. called the information that appeared in the american media a ploy by the white house to, by hook or by crook , push congress to vote on a bill to allocate money to ukraine. the german company daimer sold its stake in kamaz and became the last major western investor to leave the domestic auto industry. business news denis talalaev. denis, how much was it sold for and to whom? egor, well traditions. for the last couple of years this information has not been reported. the mercedes-benz group,
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formerly called daimler, has ceased to be a shareholder of kamaz. the general director of the russian company, sergei kogogin, said this in an interview with the vedomosti newspaper. according to him, the germans sold their share this year, but to whom for how much sergei kogogin did not specify and advised them to ask the german company about it. he also said that the mercedes-benz group is not involved in the life of kamaz. since february '22, but added, yes, that relationships with european partners ceased, which certainly changed kamaz’s products, but according to sergei kogogin, it did not affect kamaz’s ability to produce commercial vehicles and develop its model range. daimler became a shareholder of kamaz back in 2008, first purchasing a 10% stake, and later increasing it to 15%. the russian and german company had a joint venture with two factories in... russian exporters are increasingly complaining that requirements for
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the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings are costing them too much, writes about this newspaper news. vladimir gamzak, chairman of the chamber of commerce and industry council for financial industrial and investment policy, says that more and more companies are dissatisfied with the high commissions they have to pay. this is confirmed by the business association opora of russia, where they clarify that the commission can reach 6%. founder anderid. "banks charge large commissions for incoming transfers in dollars and euros, because such operations are a risk of sanctions. as a result, companies lose a significant part of their profits on transferring currency in russia, and this affects prices for consumers. the authorities introduced the requirement that exporters must sell foreign currency earnings within the country in october last year, immediately after the dollar exceeded 100 rubles and tried to settle there. for now, the requirements are valid until april 30 of this year, but the government wants to extend it, but the central bank is against it. the japanese
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nike stock index, as a result of trading , was at its highest in 34 years. investors returned from the long weekend in a good mood and not even the news spoiled it o that the japanese economy slipped into recession in the fourth quarter of last year. and as reuters clarifies, it has fallen to fourth place in the list of the world's largest economies, behind germany. all because of the overclocking. inflation in japan, although for the last 30 years the local economy has lived in conditions of deflation, which also does not mean anything good. the russian stock market is now trading in the red because it is looking at cheaper oil. the ruble continues to retreat, the dollar is now 91.76, the euro is 98.46. thousand porsche and audi cars, as well as hundreds of bentleys were blocked in us ports. they found parts believed to have been made in the chinese province of senzen. the united states claims that chinese authorities use forced labor of the uyghurs living in this region and have legally
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banned imports from there. china calls it there is no way around it. unquote: a century-old lie concocted by anti-chinese forces to smear the prc, as the financial times writes, volkswagen did not know where the parts were made, since one of the suppliers in a long chain was responsible for them, when the automaker learned about the problem, then it notified the us authorities and postponed the delivery of these cars until the end of march. volkswagen will replace any questionable parts. in general, this issue is very delicate for a german company, because in the capital of sinjan, the city of urumqi.
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this was the first launch of the transporter since the beginning of the year. the flight from baikonur to the international space station will take about two days. in progress are 2.5 tons of cargo for the iss and chocolates for the commander of the cosmonaut corps oleg kanonenko, who recently broke the world record for being in space. several russian regions immediately introduced restrictions on transport due to heavy snowstorms; in moscow, the height of the snow cover increased to 54 cm, which is one and a half times more than the norm. due to snowfalls and poor visibility , heavy buses are not allowed on the road of the altai territory to the siberia highway in tomsk and in the kemerovo region, which is not the best in kemerovo itself, it is simply impossible for pedestrians to stay on their feet. in the omsk region, bad weather scattered bus stops along the streets; strong winds with gusts of up to 25 m/s overturned structures and threw them onto
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a few meters, there were no casualties. in the central regions, freezing rains gave way to snowfall. in moscow in the morning traffic jams reached eight points, and taxi prices tripled. in the state duma today, in the first reading, they are discussing new measures to combat trash streams, the name from the english word trash, that is, garbage. we are talking about photos and videos demonstrating cruelty. this has long been a separate genre. in this way, streamers collect not only likes from their sick audience, but sometimes monetary rewards. deputies. with confiscation of property for distribution cruel and moral content, and we have also
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introduced enhanced criminal liability, aggravating circumstances qualifying features under article ten. enhanced criminal liability, for example, causing serious harm to health is already a serious article, but earlier the state duma in the first reading also adopted a bill stating that if a crime is committed on camera, this should become an aggravating circumstance that toughens the punishment. by the way, just yesterday our colleagues from the emergency program told us that the police detained him.
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kilometer of the way, we won’t turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy an apartment for you. but we’ll give you the opportunity to choose the one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we won't achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything to do it yourself. on ntv the program is an emergency incident in the studio marat seddikov, we are live,
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there are now three participants in the shootout on ivy in the hospital, the cause of the conflict was a minor accident, the cars, as they say, got used to it, but this was enough for a conflict to break out, each from the parties began to call their support group to the place, what came of it. ivan gubin will say. is it really 2024? a question that suddenly arose among everyone who witnessed this shootout in the center capital cities. the zeal with which the conflicting people poured water on each other, without even hiding from the bullets, clearly indicated that the clash was not staged, and they were clearly not making a film about the dashing nineties here, which finally confirmed the appearance of the police. the men meekly surrendered, all three were wounded, so there could be no talk of resistance, although just a minute ago they were ready to kill each other.


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