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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 15, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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we're live. three participants in the shootout on plyushchikha are now in the hospital. the cause of the conflict was a frivolous ddp. the cars, as they say, have gotten used to it. however, this was enough for a conflict to break out; each side began to call its support group to the scene. ivan gubin will tell you what came of it. is it really 2024? a question that suddenly arose among everyone who witnessed this shootout in the center of the capital. the zeal with which they poured water on each other, the conflicting ones, without even hiding from the bullets, they said that the collision was not staged, and they were clearly not making a film about the dashing nineties here, which was finally confirmed by the appearance of the police. the men meekly surrendered, all three were wounded, so there could be no talk of resistance, although just a minute ago they were ready to kill each other. preliminary information, the conflict
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began with a typical road accident at this place. lexus hit a black gylentvagen. all this happens 15 meters from the traffic police department, from where the police came running, and it would seem that the conditions are ideal to resolve everything peacefully. apparently, the driver of the lexus , vitaly chabatar, and his passenger, master of sports in brazilian jujutsu rasul ochaev, were initially annoyed by the accident. the men decided to express their complaints to the daughter of the well-known businessman armen sarkisyan in boxing circles, emilia, to endure, as they say. she didn’t attack her, she called her father, family friends came to help, and that’s when the dialogue reached a dead end. a twenty-nine-year-old man, while on plyushchikha street, fired shots from a traumatic weapon in the direction men previously unknown to him. three participants in the conflict were taken to the capital’s hospital, where they are receiving all the necessary medical care. the defendant was detained in accordance with article ninety-one of the criminal procedure code. rasul ochaev was the first to grab the traumatic pistol. and as it turned out, he shoots
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no worse than he fights in the ring, he hit both of emilia’s defenders, among whom was victor alifir, who had completely different plans for the evening, he seemed to be finishing work at that time, so we and they called him up and he should have already gone home, it just took me by surprise now, so i can’t even say, this has never happened, so he’s not a conflicted person, only if he and he are at work, so to speak, now... ochaev is in the hospital, a criminal case has been opened in connection with the shooting under the article hooliganism, so immediately after the participants in the collision are discharged , investigators will be waiting; it is possible that the instigators will be arrested. ivan gubin, natalya popova, alina ilyukhina, nadezhda zypkina and anton kuzmin, ntv television company. later a quarter of a century after the murder of her daughter, a capital pensioner, valentina inozemtseva, found out the name of the criminal and was even able to look. in his eyes, then in the fall
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of ninety-nine, no serious evidence was found on the spot, there were no witnesses, but now the detectives have new opportunities, this allows them to solve even such complex and confusing cases. he says that he himself was going to confess, but the inconsolable mother does not believe in it, he lived for 25 years without grieving, and then he took it upon you and repented, okay, his apologies, forgiveness. bad, how do i got along, you can imagine, and you won’t be able to return your daughter to me, but you know how much life i lost during this time, straightening my gray hair, valentina ivanovna does not take her gaze off the box, the one who was cruelly abused is sitting on the bench, then strangled her daughter, from the look of it you can’t tell that alexander bukanov is a malicious criminal, well done.
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food disappeared, leaving the torn body of a twenty-year-old masha in the thickets of the izmailovo park, and there the truck in which he brought his victim was discovered by dog ​​walkers at the next morning, bruised with a broken arm and leg, without personal belongings, which made identification difficult, license, passport, nothing left, the bag was empty, and why was it empty, there weren’t even keys to the apartment, well, you tell me then, oh well, i’ll do my job, but why? you killed her, why? she
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was much smaller than you. the criminal case of capercaillie lay like a dead weight in the archives until chance led to the trace of the villain, or what does the mother of the deceased think? carrying out bukanov witnessed a different crime, fingerprints got into the database and did their job, further, there was a genetic examination, in general, it became useless for bukanov to deny it, but even after so many years he was still unable to answer the question, why? vladimir, maria’s twin brother , replays that evening for the thousandth time, his sister called him 15 minutes before her death, told him that she was walking home, i regret that i didn’t go and take her, didn’t take her, maybe...
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very much, forgive me, please , hello everyone, dasha alyonka, kiss, apparently, he won’t be able to hug his loved ones anytime soon, according to the criminal article he faces up to 20 years in prison freedom. the accused, while intoxicated, committed violent acts against the girl, after which, fearing that she would report to law enforcement, he strangled the victim and fled the scene of the crime.
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cases, one of which is the wife of a famous hockey player, is reconciled. for years, former friends have been tormenting each other and their neighbors with conflicts, and the dispute is resolved not with words, but with fists. even bringing him to administrative responsibility did not cool the ardor. now this liability may develop into criminal liability. elena and nadezhda have a lot in common; they both live in an elite residential complex. both ladies are wealthy and both can’t stand each other. if you come out here into the yard again, i will kill you. elena makarova stepped on thin ice, she turned out to be the wife of hockey player konstantin makarov, who once played for the salavat yulaev club,
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it didn’t come to a stabbing, however, with such hatred and bare hands you can kill, so nadezhda filed a lawsuit. why don’t you want to somehow reconcile the parties? rub, just leave me alone, or what? i'm in the money do not need. the prestige of the house where these two irreconcilable furies live is evidenced at least by the decoration of the entrance, but as you know, this is not the place to paint a person, as soon as their paths intersect, intelligent ladies turn into street punks, she pushed me with her hand, i immediately turned around sharply, what do you need? her favorite catchphrase: to you. one can sympathize with lawyers; in court they also have to act as lightning rods. sworn friends wrote counter statements. elena is now a defendant in a criminal case of beatings, hoping for intentional causing minor harm to health in order
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to avoid a criminal record is still a stain on one’s reputation; it would be possible to close the case through reconciliation of the parties, but a bad world is definitely not for them. what would you like, like for her to suffer some kind of punishment? brain? maybe she’ll feel a little dizzy in the other direction, photosynthesis will work better, but once upon a time they and their children were friends, in fact , with the conflict of the sons, who played hockey together, the confrontation between the mothers began, as this story showed, they are both forwards, at my confidant makarov's elena vladimirovna suffered two traumatic brain injuries that were inflicted on her during this conflict, we have repeatedly proposed that this issue really be resolved peacefully, it’s not that we want to reconcile with them, but people live in the same building, this constant nervousness the situation , it doesn’t seem to benefit anyone, first of all , each of them has two children, it’s the children who are forced to separate the opposing sides, and the mothers fight tooth and nail, both of them, it must be said, are in excellent physical shape, between them, judging by
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numerous video recordings showed everything: threats, hand-to-hand combat, hair pulling, choking techniques, police officers are frequent guests in this area while trials are going on, former clashes... friends are not allowed, they have introduced a truce regime and generally try not to meet either in the yard or in entrance, even with a glance. daria mosalova, oksana gonchurenko and nikita zabrodin. current issues of protecting children's rights were discussed today at a conference of the federal bailiff service, which was held in the public chamber of moscow, the director of the service, dmitry aristov, spoke first of all, about working with the so-called child support providers, so over the past 7 years, the amount of collected payments amounted to more than 217 billion rubles; now over 90% of obligated parents pay child support.
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property. and then, where did it come from, the northern military district soldiers, who came on vacation to stay in the nizhny novgorod region, saw a drone in the sky and decided to figure out whose drone was circling over the village and who it was watching. we will find out the answers to these questions in a few minutes. everyone, be good to yourself. good news, uncle grisha will give you life. dad, take it me! igor lifanov: is the show starting? pavel trubenyak, we quietly get up and go out towards the kitchen. capture, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult to you, if you have problems. apepept can help with memory, it helps improve cerebral circulation,
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restore memory and attention, the choice should be balanced, time-tested, apepet will help your head work, what-what-what, it’s the holidays again and everyone needs gifts, presents, a toy for my daughter , mom a bag, husband jacket, gifts, buy them all at once split 0.06, now 0 rubles, everything else later, without overpayments, even more gifts on the yandex market, for example, macco coffee beans for 685 rubles. or a set of knives homsli for 1,273 rubles. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sport is an invincible machine. let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world. turn the department into an application,
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harmful changes? possible, in our body there is a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep, and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university found that the japanese eat a unique shellfish called:
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the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed... it will serve you faithfully again, prolong the youth of your brain, 8800, 100 exactly, 1985, 8.800, 100 exactly 1985, learn more about the japanese product moskrapy.
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a high-profile case of the murder of a popular wedding host in biysk came to court: the showman stood up for a girl near a nightclub, he was beaten to death by a certain pavel malikov, and it turned out that this same malikov, at 21 years old, is already a criminal with experience, however, what would he did not commit, the court for some reason left him
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free, assigning suspended sentences. daria vezovaya will tell you how it all ended this time. into the meeting room, where he was read the verdict in the murder of leading man vadim kutuzov, pavel malikov entered the bar as if for another get-together. the mother of the deceased has no doubts, he still does not realize how serious a crime he committed, he took the life of a person just because he dared to object to him, she also says that everything happened by accident, even despite the obvious evidence, surveillance camera footage, which clearly shows as malikov strikes his opponent. seeing that he fell unconscious on the asphalt, he hurried to run away. i didn't want to kill him. two blows cannot be serious, how come it was an accident, nothing more, please come out , malik , it seems, was not going to apologize to the relatives of the deceased, so he said there was nothing to ask their forgiveness for, it is difficult to adequately describe the reaction of the relatives of the accused, the questions of vadim kutuzov’s mother and journalists obviously seemed funny to them, nothing more
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marina kutuzova never heard any caustic comments from them, so say that the defendant’s relatives refused to comment. the point is that we will comment, well, they have already accused my son, that is, vadim, that he allegedly provoked a fight and so on, but the fact is, everyone who knows him, this simply can never happen, well, supposedly he was fighting there, rushed at him, swung at him, the video already shows where my child’s hands were? they were in his pockets, in his shorts, he only managed to shake his head, for which he received death. on that evening, which became fatal for vadim kutuzov, the showman decided to meet with friends near one of the cafes, or rather even an eatery, it has a dubious reputation. most often , lovers of alcohol gather here in unlimited quantities. quantities, people with a criminal past, such as pavel malikov. it is still unclear why the meeting was scheduled
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here. usually vadim preferred more decent establishments, often those in which he had to work. his original show programs. this quarrel was not an ordinary drunken fight, as it became known, during the investigation vadim decided to stand up for the girl who had been insulted by a drunken malik, the dialogue between the opponents did not work out, the accused immediately attacked his opponent with his fists, obviously this was the only way he knew how to solve problems, because shortly before the incident, in the same place, pavel malikov beat up a teenager, for which he actually received a suspended sentence; without having had time to serve it, he went back to jail, the attacker struck two blows to the head of the victim, who died from a traumatic brain injury at the scene of the incident. during the preliminary investigation, the accused partially admitted his guilt. conviction for beatings, as
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a result, the accused received 10 years in a maximum security colony. malikov obviously did not intend to go to jail for a long time, he said, that he would appeal against a punishment that was so severe in his opinion. daria vesovay, natalya popova and dmitry salnikov. ntv television company. for those who launched it. sky drones in the nizhny novgorod region wrote a statement to the police, several soldiers from the northern military district zone, who came to stay with a friend, first heard, and then saw a drone above them, the company went to find out who launched it, it turned out that this device was either being tested , or the hunting supervision workers were preparing for work, they refused to tell why they launched the drone, because this is now prohibited in the nizhny novgorod region, pavel kuznetsov carefully studied the video filmed at the scene of the events.
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how do we know, how do we know, maybe they’ve already dropped, but i don’t know, ammunition, in one of the strangers, the villagers recognized dmitry ivanov, the head of the local state hunting inspection, it would seem that a representative of the authorities could calmly explain everything, show documents and even thank the population for vigilance, but the dialogue did not go well at all. came here, what does it mean, i live, i live here, go to the house, and why, in what way are you showing me where i should be, this is this, and these are the grounds on which you are here, this is how i can say, i am like this, i live here in this village, live, live, go
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to the house and live, one of the village residents, who wished to remain anonymous, explains , friends from the northern military district came to see him, they just heard the familiar sound of an engine in the sky, and decided to check to make sure that they were not some kind of saboteurs, considering that quite recently they had already neutralized it in the nizhny novgorod region.
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in this village, this drone, you know, i can’t say, i can’t answer, it’s this is my personal guess, but it is 100% certain that this is the law. however, vigilant villagers are now going to contact different departments so that the actions of dmitry ivanov and pavel semyonov are checked, because it is still unclear why they launched the drone, where they later sent the bird's eye view footage, pavel kuznetsov, valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov. here's a snowmobile, here you go, but that's not all, look further, flights to eva, it must have opened, what a surprise, our correspondent
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experienced for himself what landing in difficult weather conditions, and you will see these images in a few minutes, a month ago in the kirov region... a murder was committed, the eyes were gouged out and the tongue was cut off, a burial was dug up nearby, five women, this volodya happened tonight, the episode when it descends on the city night, he kills, when the sky is full of oxen, the sticky one rises, let the darkness into you, it seemed like it was devouring from the inside, why are you? came, and what was it, mayir? fear, have you ever seen this? this is a symbol, the seal of chernobog, that if a new dangerous dawns under our noses
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an emergency, we continue our release, the special forces soldiers of the russian guard waited, conducted an exercise in difficult weather conditions, they parachuted and descended along ropes. in the icy rain and snowstorm, our correspondent, stanislav kostikov, decided to join the special forces and, under their control, also committed bounce. let's watch the plot: from any heights to any heat, for them the words of general margelov, the legendary commander of the airborne forces, are not only a motto, a way of life. special forces of the russian guard are practicing winter landings on rough terrain, soldiers are rapidly falling from the sky out of the blue. severe february weather is no obstacle to such maneuvers. i will say. that the weather today, it was our weather, we could see everything below and what it was like above, that is, the weather is excellent for you, today yes, immediately after landing, a rapid change of location, national guardsmen leaving the open field
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on snowmobiles in snowshoes to take advantageous firing positions, the majority of special forces, participants in a special military operation, a fighter with the call sign parus, just recently returned from the front line, says that such training strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit. in real combat conditions it helps - strength of spirit, character, which allows all this training, jumping with a parachute, jumping without a parachute, not jumping, they develop certain character traits, not, accordingly, skill too, but more important everything is always character, the special forces soldier’s character is fine, the next unit is preparing to jump with full ammunition, its weight in some cases can exceed 80 kg. the roskvardia fighters are in full readiness; the situation is complicated not only by the severe frost, but by the gusty one. the wind is overboard, it would seem that the weather is not icy, but not for them. this is the elite of the russian guard, each has hundreds of jumps behind them. the purpose of the training is to prepare not only special forces, but also pilots who, in a strong crosswind, also practice parachuteless landing from different heights. one of the tasks
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of the russian guard is to ensure security on the northern sea route. we can land a group 600 km from the base point, where it will complete its task, then evacuate it from there. maybe. i was given the gift of a parachute jump in tandem with an experienced instructor to at least remotely feel like a special forces soldier, it’s our turn, it’s time to take a step into the abyss, 20 seconds of free fall, a stream of cold wind hits my face, along with it's icy rain, special forces jokingly call it a skin scrub that smooths out wrinkles and cleanses pores, harsh cosmetic procedures end with the opening of the parachute, it must have opened, what a surprise, at altitude... why is such news especially pleasant during the flight, at least for me this was not the first jump, but i had no experience of winter landing in practice yet. the altitude is 2 km, the flight is normal, if the temperature below is -15, then here it feels like -30°, in such conditions
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the adrenaline in the blood helps to warm up. new wave of adrenaline covers already on approach to the ground, the squares of the fields are rapidly increasing, a little more and we land at a strictly designated point, everything is clear, everything is clear, everything is clear, everything, thank you! the long-awaited sensations of a hard surface underfoot are helped by the fighters who are belaying below, well, as they say, hello, earth, ntv, forward! for the special forces of the russian guard , such training is an integral part of training; the skills developed here will also be useful when performing tasks in the special operation zone, where many soldiers will soon go again. stanislav kostikov, anton kuzmin and alexander tutarinov, ntv television company, moscow region. that's all for today, more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. let me remind you that feedback also works there, if you have witnessed something unusual, if you have seen that someone’s rights are being violated or you yourself have encountered injustice, write to us,
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leave your contacts, and we will try to help you, and i marat seddikov, thank you for your attention and see you on ntv. today in our program. ukraine is becoming weaker every day. crucial moment. the western press predicts the surrender of avdiivka and shouts about the plight of the ukrainian armed forces. how does this relate to the grandiose nato exercises near russia?


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