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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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the salt, when i heard this announcement, this phrase, i immediately remembered one joke, it seems off-topic, but it’s so sweet and kind, i’ll tell it, it’s short, you know why the blonde throws bread crumbs into the toilet, she wants to feed the toilet duckling, this was the meeting place, which cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. the ukrainian armed forces attacked belgorod, there were killed and wounded. what will happen if the united states leaves nato, the summit in brussels discusses the risks and prospects europe will be left alone one with the ukrainian problem. the kremlin commented on the american media report about russia's plans to place nuclear weapons in space. today is exactly 35 years since the last soviet battalion left afghanistan.
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through the eye, but for now, to get from the shore to break this wall, finally build bridges along the shore, residents of several oryol villages have to do it at their own peril and risk, why? hello, you are looking. egor kolyvanov. this afternoon belgorod was subjected to another massive missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces. as reported regional governor vyacheslav glodkov: six people were killed, including a child, 17 were injured, four of whom were children. the victims were taken to a local hospital; according to doctors, everything necessary for their treatment is available. a team of doctors from federal centers has also been sent to belgorod. the affected area included a shopping center, a pharmacy, a grocery store, a school stadium and a private one. sector in five multi-storey buildings,
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windows were broken in several apartments, several cars were damaged. previously in the ministry of defense reported that at about 12:30 air defense destroyed 14 czech-made vampire multiple rocket launchers fired by ukraine in the belgorod region. it was very funny. about an hour ago, the missile threat in the region was canceled, it became the sixth in a week, in our video it was already stated that the russian side would submit ukrainian terrorist attacks on belgorod for consideration by the security council. the
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ministry of defense reported that this morning the armed forces carried out a group strike with long-range precision weapons air and sea-based enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, which produced aircraft engines, radio-electronic equipment , communications equipment, plants producing fuel for military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine and ammunition for mortars were also targeted, all objects were hit, as for the north military district zone, there day. russian troops repelled 13 enemy attacks in the krasno-limansky and donetsk directions. the total losses in the ssu per day amounted to almost a thousand military personnel. several artillery mounts were also destroyed british, french, polish american production. western countries , with the help of the minsk agreements, were simply playing for time to pump kiev with weapons, and moscow can only regret that it did not start a special operation earlier. about this and other topics that have arisen as a postscript.
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vladimir putin spoke about his conversation with american journalist tucker carlson the day before in an interview with vgtrk. edmund zhelbunov learn more about the president's statements. vladimir putin's interview with an american journalist is intended mainly for a western audience, answers president to questions from a russian journalist - this is already a dialogue with a russian-speaking audience, that is, with those who do not need to explain why the head of state decided to launch a special operation in the west, even after a detailed, almost finger-tip explanation with all the historical... references, this, it seems they didn’t understand, or rather didn’t want to understand, so vladimir putin also began his second big interview in a week with the main thing, that what they watch and listen to is good, but the fact that they distort what i said is bad, and they distort map, i didn’t say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where is it in my interview and... there is the same
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recording, let them show where exactly i said this. i was talking about something else, i was talking about the fact that we were constantly deceived from the point of view of nato not expanding to the east, but not. the mediocre trigger was the complete refusal of the current ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements, the ongoing attacks with numerous casualties on unrecognized us during the 8 years of the republic of donbass , as i said, we didn’t start a war, we’re just trying to stop it, the only thing we can regret is that we didn’t start ours...
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all this is mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather really left the russian empire , i think he was born somewhere in the poltava province, and lived then left kiev, the question arises, mr. blinkin believes
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that this is the original russian territory, kiev and adjacent territories, first, second, if he says that he fled . from russia from jewish pogroms, then at least as at a minimum, i want to emphasize this, he believes that there was no ukraine in 1905, in 1904, precisely in 1904, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather left kiev for the united states, which means there was no ukraine there, if he says that he fled from russia, apparently, mr. blinky is our man.
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well, whoever hasn’t hit his head somewhere, let him be the first to throw a cani at him. but , as the russian president believes, it is necessary to carefully look at the political position of the us leadership, and, according to putin, it is wrongly harmful. the same applies to many including former leaders of european countries,
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especially germany and england, which is worth only the installation of british ex-prime minister boris johnson, who literally ordered kiev to disrupt the negotiations in istanbul. yes, mr. rahamia. he said, we didn’t pull his tongue, he said what he thought, but he also said that if we had fulfilled those agreements, that means we had gone to the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have been a year and a half ago stopped now, when the entire anglo-saxon world already understands that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, it’s time to make adjustments, because politics is the art of compromise , vladimir putin recalled, concluding the conversation, perhaps now after that...
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fears are growing in the alliance countries due to the fact that the united states is slowly stepping aside, leaving europe alone will have to deal with the conflict in ukraine and security costs. like european. the nato bloc is coping with the main threat of being left without washington, sergei khaloshevsky examined. nineteenth meeting of the group runstein, on the eve of the nato defense ministers' summit, began with an appeal from recent intensive care unit patient lloyd austin. the us secretary of defense was moved home from the hospital ward and changed into a suit. the patient showed determination. the kremlin continues to bet that we will all lose interest in ukraine and that our support.
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for europeans, the prospect of losing the support of the solid shoulder of an american soldier loomed immediately after donald trump said at a rally in south carolina that he don't care about the safety of those fonat allies who don't pay their bills. at first , washington thought that he had gotten carried away, but trump’s former national security advisor john bolton assured that everything was very serious. in general, panic began in the european garden of eden. nato cannot be a military alliance, like the alyakart restaurant. nato cannot be
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a military alliance that operates depending on the mood of the us president on a given day. let's be serious already. the western press is now seriously discussing the topic: how are we without a master? what europeans don't like to hear is that trump is right, they have always been freeloaders, it would be naive to expect the us to foot the bill for european security indefinitely. in brussels he swore that nato had money. this year the defense budget is $380 billion, but will europe be able to defend itself? bloomberg itself asks the question and answers it with reference to an unnamed european diplomat. senior officials know they can't count on the us to defend europe before the continent will be able to defend itself without outside help, it will take at least another 10 years. so olav scholz still has to dig and dig. the day before, he and his alliance colleagues were digging a hole for the foundation of a new rheinmetal plant for the production of
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armored vehicle shells. in general, the news from ukraine is not encouraging, there are not enough shells, and the states are slowly losing their leading positions, plunging deeper and deeper into the election race. at the summit in brussels, according to the german newspaper handels blade, one of the main issues is the transfer of coordination functions for arms supplies to kiev from the ramstein contact group, where the main violin was played by the united states to the european ones.
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egor, well, no one is reporting this, we’ll
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wait until someone admits. the mercedes-benz group, formerly called daimler, has ceased to be a shareholder of kamaz. the general director of the russian company , sergei kogogin, said this in an interview with the vedomosti newspaper. according to him, the germans sold their share this year, but to whom for how much, sergei kogogin did not specify and advised asking. in this german company, he also said that in the life of kamaz mercedes-benz group has not been involved since february twenty-two and added, yes, the fact that relationships with european partners ceased certainly caused... changed kamaz's products, but according to sergei kogogin, did not affect kamaz's ability to produce commercial vehicles and develop the lineup. daimler became a shareholder of kamaz back in 2008, first purchasing a 10% stake, and later increasing it to 15%. the russian german company had a joint venture with two factories in naberezhnye chelny.
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according to the trading results, the japanese nike stock index reached its highest level in 34 years. investors. we returned from the long weekend in a good mood. since the beginning of the year, the japanese market has risen by almost 15%, thanks to the weak yen and good company reports. they didn’t spoil this picture from yesterday. even the news that the japanese economy unexpectedly slipped into recession in the fourth quarter and, as reuters clarifies, dropped to fourth place in the list of the world's largest economies, passing germany to third. all this happened due to the same fall of ena and accelerated. inflation, although for the last 30 years the japanese economy has lived in conditions of deflation, and this may be even worse than rising prices, because constantly falling prices freeze demand; the company does not have money to develop, but to convince the population to buy goods when they are constantly becoming cheaper, a very difficult task, the russian stock market is now trying to turn
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positive after lunch, because the ruble has accelerated the rate of its fall, and a cheap ruble is a positive thing. for shares of exporters. as a result, the dollar is now above 92, the euro costs 98.88. thousands of cars porsche and audi, as well as hundreds of bentleys , were blocked in us ports. they found parts believed to have been made in the chinese province of xinjiang. the united states claims that chinese authorities use forced labor of the uyghurs living in this region and have legally banned imports from there. china calls it - here without quotation - a lie of the century, concocted by anti-chinese forces to denigrate the prc, as the financial times writes, volkswagen did not know where the parts were made, since one of the suppliers was responsible for them in a long chain, when the automaker learned about the problem, it notified the us authorities and delayed the delivery of these cars until the end of march. in general, volkswagen
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will replace questionable parts. and this issue of forced labor is very delicate for a german company, because in the capital of sinjan, the city of urumqi, volkswagen has a joint venture with the chinese saik. egor is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with business news. ntv viewers in the capital, next is the release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. to record. the social optimism recorded in the questions of russians at the end of last year did not turn into a big disappointment; it needs support with real changes for the better. this opinion was expressed in an exclusive interview with ntv by the head of the all-russian center for the study of public opinion valery fedorov.
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valery fedorov told my colleague kirill about the results of recent sociological research on the attitude of russians towards confrontation with the west on censorship agents and plans for elections paznyakov. so far i can say that 61% of respondents clearly, accurately, firmly intend to come and take part in the voting, yeah, about 15% more say that they would rather come and take part, well, we know that some won’t even have to go, you can actually speaking of voting remotely, of course, of course, by the way, we also ask about this, the majority already knows that such an opportunity has appeared, by the way, for the first time it appeared immediately in the presidential elections. in a large number of regions, recently in ciom i became interested in the attitude our citizens to the work of the foreign agent akunin, every year, when we ask whose books you have read, who you can call the writer of the year, okunin is always in the top five, then it turns out that he is a foreign agent, a difficult question, and as our
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data show, the majority, even of those who read, akunin, or watched films based on his books and... still, he was condemned for his political position, so his value as a writer, as a creator, fades into the background, compared to people’s rejection of that position which he took up regarding a special military operation and the conflict between russia and the west, judging by the answer to the question about the need to introduce censorship, there are gradually more supporters, for what reasons is this happening? well, is censorship prohibited here? this is all clear, everything is clear, but it seems to me personally that this is the desire to be.
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watch the full version of the interview in the late night program on our channel today after midnight or right now on the website
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the state duma today in the first reading adopted a new bill banning trash streams, title from the english word trash, that is, garbage. we are talking about photos and videos of demonstrations of cruelty. this has long been a separate genre. streamers collect money from their sick audience in this way. not only likes, but sometimes monetary rewards. deputies intend to ban this practice and propose blocking users and sites for such content. today we prohibit a new type, category of information, these are photos and videos depicting cruelty, illegal acts or calls for them. thus, the very fact of creation, the distribution of such photos or videos or live broadcasts will be prohibited, and... supervision will be able to quickly block the relevant sites, live broadcasts, and pages on social networks. earlier , the state duma adopted in the first reading another bill on fines for publishing
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such materials on the internet up to 700,000 rubles. in addition, deputies plan to amend a number of criminal articles on murder, bodily harm, kidnapping; filming and broadcasting in these cases is proposed to be considered an aggravating circumstance. by the way, just the day before yaroslavl police reported. the detention of another such trash streamer, aslan durdiev. on air, he offered his guests a drink and then beat them. law enforcement agencies began an investigation after the broadcast, during which durdiev brutally beat the girl. to other topics. residents of three villages in the oryol region are forced to ford the river in winter. shops, school, post office, public transport - everything is on the other side. the only bridge -
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you see here too, we are completely repulsed, no ambulance, no fire department, nothing can reach us, it happens that when i return to training, the bridge is flooded, the stones are flooded, and
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i have to take off my shoes and go without shoes and take off my socks too, the residents of the village of zarichnaya are forced to repair the emergency bridge themselves, as they can, filling the flooded area with rubble and crushed bricks, they say, before, it always helped suspension bridge, which is 100 m downstream, but 2 years ago the authorities...
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the children were studying, according to parents with many children, local officials have always found reasons in recent years: either there is no money to build a road, or the bridge is not built balance sheet, the village is dying out and it is unprofitable to restore order here. the investigative committee began an investigation based on complaints from residents, officials are suspected of negligence, and while investigations are underway, the bridge is going under water. chernova, oleg zoltarev, andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company, oryol region. today , the progress ms-26 cargo ship was launched into orbit, it was the first. launch of the transporter from the beginning of the year. the flight from baikanur to the international space station will take about two days. 2.5 tons of cargo for the iss and chocolates are in progress for the commander of the cosmonaut corps oleg kanonenko, who recently broke the world record for being in space. by the way, roscosmos is actively participating in the creation of the online knowledge portal wikia, which should become an alternative to wikipedia. this is one of the projects of the all-russian
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knowledge society, today it is among them. today there have been calls to involve as many specialists from different fields as possible in working on the portal. such portals must cover a very large amount of information, and of course, the speed of creating such a portal will depend on the scale of its authors. we have already started working with this portal, we have prepared 400 articles, but this is it. st. petersburg and up to altai and khabarovsk, heavy snowfalls and no mudslides, today is exactly 35 years
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since the last soviet... battalion left the territory of afghanistan. alexander kanevich met with internationalist soldiers and found out why they fought. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult to you, naapept may help with memory problems. he promotes.
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there is enough cashback for everyone, special agents against supervillains, it doesn’t light up during the operation, you don’t attract attention, no attention, red five, look only at the prime minister, 35 days for 1 ruble on smart tv. where else can dance become a world heritage? an invincible machine , let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology, live communication, a
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dream job, traditions into innovations, only here , in a country where the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. fly away.
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sportmaster, digital sports platform. pay less. sticks kuzya lakomkin 449. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app. we arrange it every day. happy monday for your loved one, make your loved ones happy every february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. we're back on the air, let's continue. today , rallies are being held throughout the country in honor of soldiers and internationalists.
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therefore, today is such a memorable event, and naturally, all this remains in our memory, it is important that this remains in the memory of our children, our grandchildren; in fact, this is what we live for, this is what the guys are fighting for now. internationalist soldiers are traditionally remembered on this day in belarus; a large rally was held in minsk near the memorial island of courage of sorrow. over the course of 9 years , more than...
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ivan grigorievich rlitsen still has no right to disclose the details of the operations in which he participated. he came to afghanistan in 1984 after working as a military adviser in angola and other african countries. we were working operational work to obtain data for fighting units in afghanistan. we had special ids that... they allowed us any plane, any helicopter, reconnaissance points were located in almost all provincial capitals of the provinces. ivan grigorievich served in afghanistan for 2 years, then helped
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the colleagues who replaced him, collect data and interact with the intelligence services. they fought against caravans that supplied weapons and ammunition from pakistan and iran.
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that we, being in afghanistan, are protecting the south their homeland of the soviet union, socialist. republics, that it was necessary in order to ensure security, the next anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, of course, is an occasion to remember those events, to discuss the necessity and significance, for politicians, historians, military experts, for those who visited there in the first turn is the day of remembrance of those who did not return from the battle, there was no such thing as i don’t want to, i can’t, we weren’t hiding, guys... frankly speaking, we lost a lot, in general, but
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we remember these days with pride, we remember our guys who died, soldiers, officers, many people died, but it was not in vain, field calendars, field field commanders, they are presented in something like this, that a soldier, the skull of a soviet soldier is the sacred banner of islam , immediately after school, igor erin worked at the moscow automobile plant, when he was drafted into the army, this group of 100 people was gathered from all areas of moscow , in order to later join the automobile battalion, they drove a truck.
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no, the fortieth army left, i had a feeling of unfinished business, that is , you know, that is, we neither won nor lost, and what we did was necessary at that moment, but such obvious self-satisfaction, that we finished with a great victory, it was somehow not present yet; today, after 35 years of war, the internationalists are not allowed in.
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this diagram shows how many american aircraft were shot down by our units during the korean war. however, the archive contains not only combat reports, documents, for example, they preserve the story of the feat of pilots boris kapustin and yuri yanov, who served in the soviet air regiment in germany. in 1966, they led a falling faulty bomber away from densely populated areas of west berlin, sacrificing themselves. saving others. several russian
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regions immediately introduced restrictions on transport due to heavy snowstorms, and moscow, in moscow, the height of the snow cover increased to 54 cm, which is one and a half times more than the norm. due to snowfalls and poor visibility, heavy buses are not released on the road of the altai territory to the siberia highway in the tomsk and kemerovo regions. it’s no better in kemerovo itself; it’s simply impossible for pedestrians to stay on their feet on the roads. in the omsk region, bad weather scattered bus stops along the streets; strong winds with gusts of up to 25 m/s threw structures literally a few meters, but there were no casualties. in the central regions, freezing rains have given way to snowfall; in moscow , traffic jams now reach eight points, and taxi prices have tripled. but now it's fresh weather forecast, on it, ergeronskaya. the snow will begin to subside only in the evening. are we expecting more snowfalls in the coming days? i'll tell you
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after a break. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. so, the cyclones do not give up trying to bring european spring mood. and the first test of the pen, according to tradition, in the baltic in kaliningrad tomorrow until +12, but with rain, then this warmth will gradually begin to seep into the center again, it will not do without snow, but... we need to prepare for freezing rain, while the volga region remains under control frosty anticyclone. in izhevsk , nights are over 30 and daytime frosts have not yet given up. it’s good that there won’t be any more snow yet; the snowdrifts this year are already very high. and in the south, with colder temperatures and stormy winds, the lower reaches of the don will freeze, on the roads fog and ice. be careful, on
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the black sea coast there is a blowing snow, with winds up to 30 m/s. stay away from the sea. about the weather in the capitals in a few seconds. if you can't give up sweets, take olya gzhim. the natural complex ollya gzhim helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. oli jim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels? take aliijim. natural complex aligzhim helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. alidjim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light snow and -3-5. in moscow there is also snow, -6 in the daytime, on weekends it is warmer to zero. thank you, that's all for me, see you later. four components against the main
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