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tv   DNK  NTV  February 15, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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thank you, i will do everything possible on my part, i am very grateful to you that you agreed to help me, thank you, irin, on my own behalf, i really want to wish you patience, because you will really need it, and not to lose not for a second is the attitude that you have now.
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the limitless possibilities of our body. gastroenterologist ekaterina melnikova helps irina lose weight. she compiled a diet that the young mother must strictly adhere to. she will have to talk about some familiar products forget. you need to forget about sausages and hot dogs, this is the first thing you need to get out of your head. milk, 3.2 is not suitable for us, butter is not suitable, that is, we need a hypocholesterol diet. irina was motivated, she returned home and immediately switched to proper nutrition. thank you to the program beyond the border, for paying attention to my problem, thank you for the consultation with the doctors, i will definitely succeed, i will lose weight, my life will be painted with new colors, thank you for the direction towards losing weight. long 55
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for years she could not decide to search for blood relatives, because she did not know where to start, but today her life will change once and for all. in our studio, lyubov shibanova. hello, lyubov, you didn’t know your relatives because you grew up in an orphanage? no, i grew up with foster parents, the bondarevs, and me. they established a very good family, there was a mother and father, they had no more children, but they could not have children, and how did you find out that you were not related to this family, well, at first i didn’t know, i grew up well, they loved me parents bought everything, mine is the very thing that is not with the command , they took everything, and then my mother, when i died in sixty-eight, i was 13 years old, aunt marusya said that lyuba says, you say step-brother, says bondur, i say, as i say, step-mother, i didn’t believe it,
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i couldn’t believe living in such a family, and the parents treated me better, even, probably, than their own children, i couldn’t believe it, and who is aunt marusya? well, aunt marusya is our neighbor, but in the end it turned out that it was true, but it turned out later, however, at home, when i found birth certificate, rummaged through these papers at home, found this birth certificate there, read the birth certificate , it was written soprikina.
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in abundance, he says, that’s why my mother says she asked me not to tell you that you are saying this very thing, that you are adopted, well, that’s what i’m really convinced of, that i am from the reception. family, then, how did your life turn out? i was only 13 years old, i was studying, and my dad sent me to a boarding school because i lost my mother, my mother died, that’s how you graduated from the boarding school, yes, i graduated with boarding school, then this is the same thing, they sent us to study there on the internet, i learned, studied, i spent 3 years as a plasterer in the city of taganrog, that is, they got a profession , i got a profession, why did your adoptive dad do this and not raise you himself, well dad, he was upset that mom died and he didn’t want me, dad, dad actually wanted a boy, then it turned out to take a girl, and he was strict and paid little attention, well , he loved me, but not so much anymore, you didn’t maintain a relationship , no, no, but over time, when you
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became older, you didn’t want to find your biological relatives, well, at the biological mother, i was offended, how could it be to abandon a child like that, well, really, i lived in a good family, thanks to them. that they raised me at least until i was 13 years old, with my mother, with my biological one, whose own this is with my own, i didn’t even want to not communicate or know each other, they weren’t looking for anything, no, no, not even that, i understand love, then , that she had such a grudge against her own mother, whom for some reason she left somewhere, and then there was this tragedy, the loss of her second she was attached to her mother, whom she loved very much, so of course, i understand that... why couldn’t love immediately decide for so long on eating her relatives? love, if you didn’t want to find your biological parents because there was resentment. did you want to find any of your other relatives? well, according to the words , this is aunt marusya, this is the same thing, she
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told me that i have a sister, a sister has faith, she said there is a brother, i don’t know what his name is, but i won’t say, but maybe you know which of the children was older who under? yes, i’m the eldest , i don’t even know anymore, this is just from the words of aunt marusya , that this is my faith, faith is already like the last ones, that this is the same thing, my brother is the last, but aunt marusya didn’t tell brother and sister , they grew up in their own family with their mother, well, they seemed to grow up first with their mother, and then they arrived, then they were taken to an orphanage, but why? well, someone probably complained that she was bad and that’s it... they are raising children, maybe they were like street children, and you know the name of your biological mother, saprikina, alexandra, this is mom, and dad, if i’m fyodor here, then my name is fyodor, and you were born when you were born on the fifty -fifth, and 7707, july 7, the seventh month,
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they changed your date of birth, no, they changed only this very thing for me, last and patronymic, you knew what city you were born in, i’m in a farmstead. the top talent was born when they told you that you have a sister, a brother, have you tried to look for them? how could i search if i had nothing. do you think your brother and sister even know about you? i think they don’t know because they are younger yes love, have you ever wondered what kind of people they could become, grow up, how their destinies turned out? well, today the adoptive parents fell into the good hands of the adoptive parents then...
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she didn’t know any of her own, and why did your mother grow up in an orphanage, and the relatives it turned out that your mother grew up in an orphanage, it so happened, she was probably abandoned by her mother she just said that she grew up in an orphanage, and how very bad it was for her there,
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how they offended her, she wanted to find someone in her family, she dreamed that at least someone would she came, maybe either her mother, or a brother or sister, it turns out that she didn’t see her mother, she didn’t, she didn’t see her mother, but she wanted to find her? i wanted to find my mother, even once she wanted to write to the program. a letter to find one of the relatives , dad tried to dissuade her, said why it was needed, what if they were some bad people, well , he dissuaded her, mom agreed, gave up, went and cried, well, that is, it all upset her, i was upset, yes, well, our mother, unfortunately, died, she had a stroke, my blood pressure is high, my mother and i spent 2 months in the hospital. somehow fight, but unfortunately, our mother
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passed away in 2016 on april 20, before her death she was in some kind of delirium and so, well, she didn’t understand that she asked for her dream to be fulfilled, to find at least someone with some relatives on my mother’s side, or my grandmother, i don’t know, brothers, maybe her guest and today you want to fulfill her last request? try, yes i would, well, i would like to fulfill my mother’s request. and how did your mother know that her mother was alexandra saprykina? this was known from my mother’s birth certificate, which was given to her at the orphanage. and maybe there was some other information? unfortunately, she was not given any information. orphanage employees are required to provide everything. information, an extra file is opened for each child, it is collected including from zaks,
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from the maternity hospital, metrics, there are all sorts of different documents, each child, upon fulfillment of the document upon discharge, has the right to familiarize himself with his personal file. svetlana, what was your mother’s name at birth? soprykina vera ivanovna, what year was she born? born in 1966. in what city do you know, in kogalnik, your mother was born, she has this written on her birth certificate, it turns out that in all these years none of the relatives, no one looked for you, no, what do you think , svetlana, why, maybe no one i wanted to look for her, or maybe her mother died, or maybe she doesn’t have anyone else, after all , maybe she’s alone, but if your mother does have relatives, you’ll be glad to meet them, i’d really like to, mom wanted more and i would also like, then irina and
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svetlana, i will introduce you to a woman who came to our studio and who is looking for her younger sister, vera, brother, name, which, unfortunately, she does not know. this woman was born in the rostov region, and grew up in a foster family, and her mother was alexandra. saprykina. hello. confirmed. i'm the oldest. well, if these are faithful daughters, then that’s for sure, these are my relatives. well, these are faithful daughters, but it is not known whether they are yours or sisters of faith. i think she looks like her mother. i think these are mine. there are similarities, here is the area i see the eyes, even the nose, and the shape
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of the face, something is just similar, you don’t see any resemblance to yourself, well, maybe with me, yes, it looks like the face, appearance, even some kind of look, something like like an acquaintance, tasha, what do you say, the supposed nieces and aunt look similar to each other, it looks like the nose, that’s what you said, and the eyes. so slightly faded, i don’t see anything closely similar, unfortunately, look at love’s nose, completely different noses, eyebrows, look more closely, from your point of view, you know, i’m the first to say i noticed - it’s just the look, the similarity in the look, maybe the facial features are somehow different, but the look seems to be the same, especially svetlana’s with love somehow seems piercing, there’s something there, alexey, that s... i ’m on your programs many times, and everyone also says: they seem to look alike, they look alike, but the dna test, no,
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no relationship, 0%, so everyone says, yes, the noses are similar, the noses, there’s something... then eyes, but science says no, so that’s all, maybe some kind of coincidence, love, here’s mom svetlana and irina’s name is the same as your sister ’s vera, but her middle name is different, svetlana, but do you think this is possible? yes, i think so. tell lyubov what your mother was like? mom was, well , kind, sympathetic, polite, well, how can i say, a kind-hearted person, she was vulnerable,
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like that too, you touch the quick, she cries to the quick, practically in general, even for... mom didn’t scold us, but if there’s a little scolded us, and we cried, and she even felt sorry for us, and could even sit down next to us and cry, new year's holidays are always with us as a whole family family, our dad and brother and sister, and who did your mom work for? my mother initially worked for us as a molar plasterer, she learned to be a molar plasterer, and then, as it were, when she took over from dad. she got married, she was working with a nurse at the hospital, when we started to appear, dad said, you will be with the children, so she raised us, studied with us, already at home, married, your parents were happy, yes, they lived together for a long time , for a long time, we, our mother had a marriage before our dad,
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she has a daughter from her first marriage, and then with they were our dad until the end and lived well. love if svetlana irina’s mother turns out to be your sister. are you glad her life was like the girls tell us? certainly. would you like to become an aunt to such nieces? of course, well, it seems to me that these are mine. so you think you found your nieces today? we hope. lyubov, in addition to his sister vera, also had a brother. and irina is your sister, it’s hard to realize that she is no longer alive, of course, very much, but what
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do you think is wrong with your brother, i don’t even know what’s wrong brother, i say, in the words i knew that there was still a last brother. a woman from rostov-on-don contacted our program and was looking for her father’s relatives; her grandmother also had the last name saprykina. in our studio, yulia povalyaeva. hello hello. why did you even start searching for your relatives? dad, well, because dad all his life dreamed of finding out where he was from, how who gave birth to him, although he was grateful to his, well, parents who raised him, but they raised him, as it were, but he even really wanted it know when he died
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asked me to do this , you tried to search somehow, after my dad’s death i turned to... information, because we live, one might say, in the same village where they lived, maybe we intersect with these relatives, maybe organs zaksa asked to provide me with one, we know them, the zaksa answered me that this secret of adoption is not disclosed, your father, when he was alive, tried to search, before there was no such thing as the internet, well, through friends and acquaintances i looked , went to the tax office several times. asked grandmother so that she could help him, because without her permission the zaksa didn’t, well , no results came, she was against it and always left, even if something like this arose at home, there was some conversation about it, she walked away from the conversation, that is, he was adopted, yes, he was adopted, at what age was he adopted, you know, yes, he was, from
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a large dysfunctional family, he was adopted. there were also brothers, a sister, here are the brothers, that is, there were several brothers , several yes, they said that the family was large, there were about five children in the family, and what were their names, some names, perhaps , are known, no, when dad went to kindergarten, there for the first time he learned from the teacher that he was not a relative in his family, dad did not directly tell word for word how this happened, but in i probably didn’t understand it at that age, but at the age of nine. during classes at clubs, he was told the same thing, that he was not part of his family, he ran home, found the documents, but when his grandmother found out about it, she burned him. everything, the only thing, she was there, she asked him not to look, but he still, when he became a teenager, he still continued search, that is, it turns out that your father
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didn’t know anything about himself, no, once before , well, he got sick, there was a feast, and his grandfather told him that the family, that his mother’s last name was soprykina, that the family was dysfunctional . that he was born in the rostov region and that his other children once, well , who adopted those children, well, others, someone ended up in an orphanage, it is known that there was an older brother who came to the kindergarten to watch his father, your father is definitely i was sure that my brother came, well, the teacher, he i heard, i remembered this from the words of the teacher, that the teachers said among themselves that... this is yurkin’s brother, and another teacher says, but he is the only one in the family, this is his real brother, biological, there was a sister, the sister
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was also adopted and taken to another place of residence, so that someone on the street wouldn’t tell her that she’s not part of the family, this information is reliable, maybe not, he heard it all from childhood , that’s what he heard in the village they love it, they can turn it around, invent it in their own way, well here... he believed every piece of information, but did your dad have any of his original data changed? my grandmother said that they didn’t change anything for him, neither his date of birth, nor his place of birth, nor his name, the only thing they changed was his surname and patronymic, that is, he bore their surname and patronymic, naturally his grandfather’s. what happened to your father, why was he gone? well, he was the only child in an adopted family, he was spoiled. he studied, he studied well, he graduated from college, got his license, he served in the army, returned,
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went to get a second education, met my mother there, he was a bus driver, she was a tram driver, but in the nineties it was hard for them to live, we lived in rostov, in a one-room apartment, already at that time there were two children, well, me and my... brother dad was sent to prison because he was given money to move some equipment, but he didn’t return the money or move the equipment, and he was sent to prison for 8 years for theft of state property, and how did you live all these 8 years old, well, my grandmother, who raised him, went to see him every month with me, and my mother first... well, how she seemed to be waiting there, well, at the end of his sentence , she got along with a man who helped her, at least provide for us, uh, when dad
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was released from prison, he came, naturally, to the apartment that was given to them for their wedding, they decided, that my brother was left to live with his mother , and they took me with them, and we went to his parents, we came to my grandparents, my dad enrolled me in school, he was already very sick, very sick, my mother suggested selling the apartment in rostov, dividing the money in order to pay for his operation, the doctors convinced him that if he cut out a lung, then he would be able to live normally, he had tuberculosis. at first he refused, but then he agreed, they took him for surgery, then there were no
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clinics everywhere, they took him far away, i know, to the pishchanokopsky district, they operated on him, but he was under anesthesia, he didn’t come out, for the funeral, of course, his mother came with his brother, and i had friends and classmates, but... that’s the only thing he asked me, don’t give up his business, try to find him, maybe something will change, well, the law will change, but for some reason he thought that according to the law he can not know, maybe it’s not his relatives, but his brothers and sisters will somehow find him, so i knew the whole story, he always said that he would like to see them, that if he had grown up with them, it would be different for him if fate had worked out, he would have been more responsible and well, he wouldn’t have been so reckless, he was so
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spoiled, they bought everything for him. what he wanted, they were wealthy, his parents, he didn’t need anything, yulia, let me introduce you to the woman opposite you, this is love, lyubov’s own mother’s name was alexandra saprykina. lyubov managed to find out that her mother had two younger children, a son and a daughter, her daughter vera, her son’s name.
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there’s even a photograph from the hospital and the pen, they made it as a holiday, that is, they brought him , relatives gathered, grandfather had a large family, brothers, sisters, they brought him gifts, they had him all his life until the last, grandfather regretted that they only took him , it was necessary to say to take it. two, so that maybe they could support each other and he wouldn’t go down a bad path, grandpa regretted that they didn’t take it, yes, before they formalized, before it was the same as now, they didn’t come right away, they were given it, the grandmother began to draw up documents, they visited him, brought gifts and gifts, and for all the children
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that were there, the grandmother. she was simply wealthy because she worked, or it was like the manager of warehouses, warehouses of some kind, so she was the boss, grandfather was also a coppersmith in good standing at a factory where radiators were soldered, and well, they got an apartment from this, well that is, she also helped the children, well, she brought gifts, just to take... she liked yura alone, but grandfather, he would probably be the same , he would have taken everyone, whether she met her relatives in our studio, why her son is afraid of the appearance of new relatives, we will find out in a couple of minutes. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. for example, the sber smart tv costs only 15,990 rubles. the bond between a brother and
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sister can be so strong. that time at the bottom has absolutely no power, for almost 30 years alexey has not lost hope of finding his sister, why was he imprisoned, and his mother started sing, and my sister and i were in the apartment together, how old were you then, 13 to 12 years old, as an adult already, you quickly wash the child, feed him, then quickly go to work, our sister took us to the shelter, well, my heart sometimes it’s just torn about her, and also how did it end? probable story of the search for the runaway boy. this story happened back in 2004, trains are his weakness, immediately danis was blown away by the wind, after 2 months he ran away again, how many years have you not seen him 19, 19 years, in in the new year, we decided to return to this story again, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at 20.20 on
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mask: new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. don't miss central television's first information show about the events and people of the week. nato's nightmare is called trump? having become president, he is going to set the allies to help only those who pay for it, why which of the members of the alliance can already pack their bags and ask to join some new military alliance, for example, an alliance with russia, why the unthinkable now will be possible with trump. biden admitted that he, like all americans, is held for a sucker. americans are tired of being treated like losers. who deceived and cheated the president of the united states, why is he tired of it?
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turn out to be your dad's sister, i think maybe there is a similarity with your dad, but if you look at his photograph, which is on his grave, that's just the look, it seems to me, similar, we have the opportunity to look at the photograph of yuri and vera, show us please, the photo is in black and white, but my mother’s eyes are exactly the same color. julia, do you notice any similarities?
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faces, here i see that they are 100% similar, it is faith and love that are similar, when i i saw a photo of faith, i immediately thought: oh, it’s like love in youth. especially the look again, the eyes, the nose, this part, it’s really very similar. svetlana, irina, if love is really your mother’s sister, are you interested in knowing how her life turned out? very. julia, for you? of course, it was like my father’s dream, and mine too, like, we visited lyubov, let’s see. everyday life for love shibanova from chernyshovka farm , rostov region, is filled with chores around the house. well, we have this very thing, we have chickens, this the most, smoke, cockerels, these are especially young animals,
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they will only hatch in the spring, hens, we keep eggs for eggs and that’s it, you can cut it with a cockerel, there are a lot of them, leave only three of them, in this barn love keeps the scythe, the building is old, it's blowing in the cracks, and the woman doesn't want her wet nurses to freeze, so she firmly decided that everything needs to be done by summer... we're thinking of renovating this year to make the barn itself from a cinder block, we have a cinder block, we've already agreed, so this is the best, we will have the warmest one here, the best one, the renovation of the house is not far off, we will re-glue both of them, my daughters have already promised to come help in the spring, maybe in april, we will put up the wallpaper, we will do all this, and in general we wanted to break through the doors here. they wanted to break through the doors, it was my grandfather who wanted
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to break through, break through the doors and make another bedroom, insulate everything there. love is grateful to the family for their support, but she shows by her own example that no difficulties can prevent a normal mother from loving her children. i didn’t know anyone at the boarding school, i knew that it was my responsibility, that since i gave birth to their light, i had to be responsible for them myself, to dress, shoe and feed them, i think so. love, who do you live with? i live with my son, so does your son help you, grandchildren? well, i have 12 grandchildren , i have three, i have three great-grandchildren, and in general i have eight children, eight children, four daughters, four sons, and how often do you get together this big, we get together often, very often, if only one goes , if the son is going, then this is if the daughter has arrived. then he also begins to lay this same thing, well, there is such a mattress
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inflatable, then they will already lay down, if only one family arrives, who will be whom, that is , where to accommodate, and if everyone has already arrived, then somehow we will be accommodated in cramped spaces, no offense, but if more relatives are added, well, that’s okay , there is somewhere to invite, there is, we are also very hospitable and we also love to gather around a big table and i will be lost. also welcome relatives to visit, because there are a lot of them on my husband’s side, but there is no one left on mine. julia, when you watched the story about love, maybe you noticed something similar to your father? i noticed how kindly he was to animals, my grandmother often said that he always dragged cats, dogs, and these chickens and ducks, he also loved to plant a vegetable garden, so that at least he would go... to rostov, and not forget, he would still come to
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village, plant potatoes, so i even know that on my part, i like to take care of it, also plant all sorts of flowers so that they are like someone i saw, which means i need it for myself, well , look, what kind of expected one you have, we’ll share indoor ones, yes, i feel in my heart that these are all three of mine, yes, here is your big one, this is such a family, so many children, grandchildren , i will gladly notice. and even if the dna test confirms this, yes it does, the son of love is wary of the appearance of new relatives in their family. our guest is evgenia shibanov. hello, evgeniy, hello, how did you find out that your mother grew up in foster care? on the family? well, i was
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about 12-13 years old, about 12-13 years old, we were playing at home with the boys there, they just talk about grandma and grandpa, but i don’t have one, i’ve never even seen it, and what i asked my mother, i said, mom, where, he said, i say, this is our grandmother, grandfather, why don’t we see them, and she said this, well, i grew up in a foster family. we were surprised then, well, yes, i was surprised, well, okay, i think, but how? well, she says: and the adoptive parents died, well, more. didn’t ask or interrogate anything, but maybe they still tried to find out something about the biological family, maybe there are brothers and sisters, but i don’t remember how much time passed there - yes, yes we asked, mom asked, we we have an uncle there, for example, an aunt, and she
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said, yes, there is, she says, an aunt and an uncle you, aunt... i don’t remember what you called her, vera, but vera, i remembered, but i don’t know my brother, maybe she doesn’t know herself, they didn’t try to help my mother find her relatives, well, how to look, well, there’s nothing no data, no where, no what, it’s not clear where to start and where to go, where to go, she went to the reception areas, they weren’t there, well, i don’t know where to start anymore. where they didn’t start looking, and why do you think your mother’s biological relatives never showed up on their own, maybe it was a hard time, maybe life is like that, love, tell your son who you met today in our studios? well, today i met veronomi and her daughters and this is it, yurinami, this is the daughter
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of yuri’s alleged brother, yulia, and these are two girls, svetlana irina, daughters of veronomi, the alleged sister of your mother? well , let's see, the dna will show us, we'll see, so if the dna shows us, we'll communicate, how to establish relationships. why are you afraid then? well, there are a lot of scammers, but my mother is trusting, and i fear for that. evgeniy, what should your mother’s relatives be like for you to warmly welcome them into the family? kind, good-natured, respected people, so that, well like my mother’s character, we were eight people, she didn’t send anyone anywhere, to any boarding school, nothing, she raised her with her father, well, looking now at the girls who are sitting opposite you, your
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supposed sisters, you feel that they they may turn out to be related to you by blood, well, dna will show, dna will show that... yes, indeed, something is mine, yes, i would like to talk if they are girls, verinas, sisters, yes, for yura, i somehow no, i don’t know, because i haven’t heard. will julia today be able to fulfill her father’s last wish to find him? siblings. a dna test will give you the answer in just a few minutes. everything you are interested in is now in the vk video application. this is a contender for victory, in the fifth season we have some of the coolest artists, the wildest with amazing voices, mask, anniversary fifth
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same smartphone. top smartphone, top grill. and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. correra electric razor with 50% discount for only 2.999. in mvidio and eldorado. in unlike the usual remedies for digestive problems, i propose something more: the production of your own enzymes. i am fistal and available on the yandex market, it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to apologize to my younger sister. i came to ask for forgiveness from my mother, i always dreamed of a younger sister, i begged her from my parents, and it so happened that i raised her. who should ask for forgiveness from whom? don't know. 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t tell anyone about it.
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died at 37 years old, the man suffered from tuberculosis and did not undergo lung surgery, it was necessary to operate, remove one lung, put him under anesthesia, operated on him, he never came out of anesthesia. yuri grew up in a foster family, but despite the caring attention of his parents, he always dreamed of meeting his blood brothers and sister. according to rumors, they lived with him in the same village, some, like yuri, were in foster families, others were raised by their mother, a woman named soprykina. dad went to
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kindergarten, and the teachers even said that his older brother came and watched him through the fence, without approaching. this is lyubov shibanova from chernyshovka farm, rostov region. as a child, she ended up in the bondarev foster family, and is now looking for her younger sister. and a brother whose name is unknown to her, but the woman knows that her biological mother’s name was alexandra soprykina. i wanted it, all the amenities were there, as i say, this is the most difficult thing to command, my mother bought everything, a bicycle, then almost no one on our street had bicycles, neither boys nor girls, my parents bought me a bicycle when i was 10 years old, and these are sisters irina kobzeva and svetlana malova, from the village of tselina, rostov region. for 8 years now, they have been regularly coming to this cemetery to visit their mother, vera ivanovna kobzeva. the woman died of a stroke.
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mom got sick, her blood pressure was constantly high, over 200, she didn’t want to go to the hospital, she said, i’m fine, but then mom had a stroke, we quickly took her to the hospital, she was admitted, then mom went to ... vera kobzeva was brought up in an orphanage, now she is sisters they want to fulfill her last wish to find blood relatives. in the personal file , the woman’s mother was listed as alexandra soprykina. honestly, i don’t seem to remember at all when i found out, well, i was already older when i realized that we had a mother, well, yes, he didn’t have one, she had no father, no mother, no relatives, no one, that she, like my mother, well , she complained, of course, it happened that she looked there. these same programs and here i am, the same, abandoned, my mother abandoned me, gave birth and abandoned me, refused, i don’t know anyone,
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life was bad in the orphanage, they hurt me. always i dreamed that they would come and take her away, someone would find her relatives, not knowing anything about the fate of the supposed relatives, svetlana invites them to visit her, she has a husband, two children, her own house with household chores, every morning while everyone is still sleeping, mine, i walk around before work, manage, here we have chickens, a farm, i’ll go sprinkle them, vegetables, eggs, milk, they have everything of their own, svetlana boasts about their homemade, no chemicals. the family really loves it when i cook something delicious for them, bake it, pie, or they love my borscht, they love my pilaf, especially my son, my daughter loves it mashed potatoes, fried cutlets. in memory of her mother , svetlana keeps these earrings, she gave them to me for 14 years, i still have them as a keepsake,
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i also want to give them to my daughter later, also on... yulia pavalyaeva also lives in the rostov region, the village of khomutovskaya, she an experienced mother, she and her husband have five children, the youngest daughter is only 3 years old, and the eldest daughter has long been independent, she is 19. it is my custom that with children up to the fifth grade , i monitor and control them in everything, after the fifth class children as if i already think they should already control themselves so that they are not their mother’s children, that is... i have a son, at a young age he already knew how to lay a brick himself, what my husband and i do, he watches and also repeats, he also tiles there i put it in the house myself , and even, mom, can i try, yes, try , it won’t happen anymore, as if, what do you say, love, they seem to live well, not bad, if we assume that you watched the story about your
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nieces, then your brother and sister are no longer there. alive, it turns out that if there were three of you, you were left alone, and it seems to me, probably, maybe my mother also had children, that is, not three, she had many sons, she had many daughters, well, from words, from words, this is the same thing, those who knew from words, this the most important thing is that when they took me into a foster family, they knew and said the same thing that i was not alone, from the words of my grandmother too, so... and even well, the residents who lived, the neighbors, here they were, they even called the supposed ones galina, who was taken to chaltr that it was his supposed sister, then we recently found out that yura too they named him, it was also like he was with his brother , but he died, well, this is from words , it’s somehow not proof, he’ll come and you won’t say, hello, i’m your aunt or uncle there, evgeniy, and would you
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like him to your cousins ​​appeared, of course i wanted to. what svetlana and irina said about their mother, what yulia talks about her dad, and of course i would like my dreams to come true today, everyone wants this family to be a family, so that these are all relatives, because this is an amazing story when alexandra saprykina , i really want it to be like this it was, created so much loneliness, so
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many lost.
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i’m waiting and worried, i invite professor, doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov to the studio. sergey lvovich, the floor is yours. today , sixty-eight-year-old lyubov shibanova from the rostov region came to us for a dna test. at the age of 13, after the death of her adoptive mother, she learned that she grew up in a stepfamily. a neighbor told her that her biological mother alexandra soprykina has younger children, a son whose name is unknown to her... and a daughter, vera. find the blood mother love did not try because of resentment towards her, and she knew too little about her brother and sister to start searching. at the same time, we received
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an application for a dna test from thirty-four-year-old yulia povalyaeva, who wants to find the relatives of her deceased father, yuri makhotenko. the man grew up in a foster family and dreamed of communicating with his family, but his... foster mother was categorically against this. yuri only knew about his biological parents that his mother had the surname saprykina and gave birth to him in the rostov region. love, are you ready to hear the result? yes yes. julia, i can open the envelope? yes. i open the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged aunt lyubov shibanova. on the other, the alleged niece yulia povalyaeva. the probability that you are related by blood is 98%,
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she said. love is your niece. sister, you think the test will confirm yours , irina is a little bit like my family, svetlana, irina, you have no
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doubt either, i hope, i really really hope that the love of relatives whom she could not find all her life will find, will svetlana, irina, yulia and evgeniy are cousins sisters and brother, a dna test will show. right after the ad. look, today at 19:00. a new interview with vladimir putin, this time to a russian journalist. what topics were discussed and what was the impression of the russian leader from the dialogue with tucker carlson. exactly 35 years ago, the last soviet battalion left the territory of afghanistan, ours. watch tonight at 19:00, on the website and app now. mask, new season, sunday at
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2:20 on ntv. hmm, she smiled, so she recognized it. she smiled, which means she was real. in a package with a little man, the gold standard for pain relief in a maximum concentration of 5%, the trust of millions. so it’s ready, hostess, get to work, ours are doing it, come in for dinner,
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i wish you happiness and good luck in love. fear of nadneva. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the crisis of criminal power that has matured in st. petersburg due to the lack of a full-fledged watchdog is about to end. you understand what comes next. yes , now the bandits will be looking for a truth teller, now you are saying where are your accomplices, why is he wanted, he still has 3 years to serve, he escaped, we need to find this word, boss, final episodes, stand, torshin, no move, don’t shoot, i’m unarmed, you killed my wife and daughter, i didn’t do it, you just want to live, i’m not guilty, on the right, today is 20:00 on ntv. today
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, three families from the rostov region met in the dna program studio, hoping to become one big family. please, sergey lvovich, second envelope. sisters svetlana malova and irina kobzeva want to fulfill the last request of their mother, vera soprykina, to find her blood relatives. a woman appeared in the rostov region. and she grew up in an orphanage. from my evidence. and irina met sixty-eight-year-old lyubov shibanova, who is looking for her sister vera and brother, and knows that a woman named alexandra saprykina gave birth to her. love, are you ready to find out if svetlana and irina are your nieces? yes, i'm ready. irina, svetlana, will you
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allow me to announce the result of the genetic examination? yes. i open the envelope. on the one hand, the sisters, irina kobzeva and svetlana malova. on the other, their supposed aunt, lyubov shibanova. the likelihood that you are one family. is 93.6%.
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thank you very much for helping, yes, thank you very much, they are coming, you will go to visit your aunt, of course. of course, love, but will you keep in touch with the children of your brother and sister? yes, of course, yes, we will also exchange addresses and get to know each other. irina, svetlana, what would your mother say now? in fact, i can’t even imagine how happy she would be. i look into your eyes and look straight into your mind. if. you, like love, want to find out the fate of relatives from whom you were separated in childhood, call or write to our editors, new test result dna on monday on mtv.
6:59 pm
okay, ready. hostess, take the job, our people are doing it, come for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pasta cakes with pistils and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, you say, what, um, even, oh ,
7:00 pm
six people were killed, among them a one-year-old girl, about twenty were seriously injured, all, without exception, civilians of belgorod, attacked by ukrainian armed forces, about the consequences of the attack, nikita kozhil. new interview with vladimir putin, this time to a russian journalist, what topics were raised and what was the russian leader’s impression of. in the ugledar direction, acacias have blossomed about how volunteers from the tiger detachment, despite constant attacks by ukrainian drones from self-propelled artillery units , are destroying the ukrainian-backed enemy.


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