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tv   Tri tankista  NTV  February 16, 2024 2:05am-2:50am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we will definitely create such a formula or these conditions and we will understand it unambiguously 100%, thank you very much, volodya, with a probability of 55%, science will still derive the formula of love, that is, this is more than half, and i will actually explain even to the audience why we needed it so much, not because we are like that , i don’t know, skeptics, but let’s calculate everything, because of this our demographics will increase, no, love - i add happiness, of course, everything really comes from love, and i want, so that everyone loves, and for those, well, who, someone but it doesn’t work out, it didn’t work out for someone, and if there is a certain formula, we will give everyone this happiness of love, everyone can infect it, and this will be good for the whole world, at least we will give all the girls a chance to try on this wonderful veil , not bad, by the way, i’ve never had a veil, i don’t even know how to put it on, just like that,
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so that i don’t see you anymore. so i’m not scared, yes, so as not to be scared , oh well, i will love you forever, and it seems to me that if we all love each other forever, this will affect the planet, and most importantly, in russia it will become even better, the main thing is that the butterflies in the stomach do not turn into cockroaches in the head, this was a program, we are science, science and we are a program about how science will change, including our lives in the next 10 yo, everything will be fine with us, just love each other, see you in
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a week, bye! straight, keep the speed, move the lever, the levers are smoother, as i understand it, the little tanker is trying his best, we were turning the levers of the truck, my hand was twitching, senior kolesetsky is carefully watching the work of the grandson and son on. in full swing, i remembered the years in afghanistan, the first battle and my first tank regiment and long 2 and a half heavy losses, they hit the tank with a grenade launcher and hit the ammunition rack, this turret flew to where, and this turret flew 40
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m away from the tank. what they could, they wrapped and signed, who was there in this remnant? then there was another unknown war. in the late eighties , anatoly kolisetsky was sent to military advisers in england. at that time, in the south of the country in the kuita ditch area, the angolan army was fighting fierce battles with the south african aggressors and the anti-government group unito. evacuate the wounded. yes, there are about 60 people there, even more. the machine gun also fires, but the biggest wound in the soul of the tamki player was left by the war in which anatoly did not participate, the first chechen war, during the assault on grozny by federal forces on new year's eve from 1994 to 1995, the third tankman of the kolisedsky family, the son of anatoly, the commander
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of a tank platoon, was killed, sergey. and no, he really greeted the boys, they threw sugar at me, they caught me there on the way, two of them surrendered to us, for the first few months no one even thought about attacking soviet soldiers, they settled down, sent reconnaissance in all directions, set up posts, took it peacefully, amicably, khasha lived, no
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military operations, nothing, crush it. my and legendary my beloved native army, which has known the joy of victories, our homeland. land is taken away from large landowners and distributed to peasants, women take off their burqas , and men go to literacy courses. according to the plans of the revolutionaries, the poor, feudal islamic country had to immediately convert to socialism.
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not all afghans liked such drastic changes. resistance to the new government is growing. in rural areas, reforms are seen as a threat to ancient tribal traditions and the power of the mul. prime minister of the democratic republic of afghanistan. president taraki asked moscow several times to send in soviet troops to support the revolution. the kremlin refused until a more energetic revolutionary seized power in kabul. the former reports that afghan president taraki, who recently came to moscow, was strangled with a pillow in his homeland. and the new afghan leader amin is already establishing relations with the americans. moreover,
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information was received through our main intelligence department about what the united states was planning. things were heating up, bandits attacked supply convoys, at first they simply plundered food around the poor, hungry country, then the mujahideen began organizing serious ambushes, major kolesetsky remembered his first battle for the rest of his life, the convoy was attacked in the mountains, not far from the border with iran, we've probably walked about five or six kilometers, all of a sudden it's going to fall on our dy-dy... jk one and these machine guns and multi-guns are firing from all sides when they first illuminated the bullets next to these little pebbles, i say, i
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look, there's such a stone lying healthy, i think now i rolled over this stone from this stone, i shoot when this falba of the silver is over, i looked at this stone and it is smaller than my head, like this, and it seemed to me that i would now lie behind it and remain alive and unharmed. in that battle tanker kolyashetsky captured an enemy caravan from iran, six jeeps with weapons and anti-government leaflets. then there were many more battles, ambushes and losses. not a single operation in afghanistan was complete without tanks. yes, they solved different problems, because the conditions for the introduction of hostilities in afghanistan are specific: the mountainous terrain, and the various passes there, and tanks. either they solved the problem of escorting columns, or providing fire support for the accompanying troops of the columns, or they stood at checkpoints, blocked
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passage of columns of mujahideen with weapons and
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food. on the columns in the pass area, those guys who led these columns, they probably should have erected monuments there. then it was extremely dangerous, on the left side there were hanging rocks, on the right side there was a cliff of the salam river, and there, probably, the remains of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and our tamaz trucks were still lying around, and what was there, it was horror, it was horror, the most terrible horror, the regiment, of which
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kolesetsky was appointed commander, covered 125 km of a mountain road
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that carried water and there was a cook nina, i ran into an ambush , an armored personnel carrier was knocked out here and there, in short, they dragged an armored personnel carrier, i climbed into this armored personnel carrier, there was a woman’s shoe lying bloody, alone, it shocked me and all the officers, it was terrible, i began to think about where to get water for the regiment ? nearby in the mountains above the regiment’s location there was a small village, shutatulat, and there was water there, mountain streams filled a reservoir carved into the rocks, but the local elders refused to give water to the shuravi. i give lyosha such a nut for his soul. i send scouts at night to this village and my scouts from there open. you-you-you, you-you-you-you, after the crack
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there was one mine there already behind the regiment, they were simulating that there was an attack, yes, the next day i called the elders again, i said, okay guys , don’t give me water, god be with you, we will find water, well, why are you shooting at us, we came to you as enemies, we will build socialism here, but they thought about it, the elders didn’t understand the first time. they did not give water, anatoly had to organize shelling of his regiment’s positions from shatatulak three times, the regimental artillery, in response to these false attacks, opened powerful fire, the shells flew over the duvals and exploded in the mountains a little higher near the village. in the end , the local residents left and moved away from the formidable shuravi. all that remains is to supply water to the regiment. this required field
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supply pipes. just cement, you stole pipes, you sell them, you sell them, i think, well, that’s it, now the party will shout, they will decide the stink, they will also condemn how this happens, anatoly knew well, he was born in 1945, the year of the great victory in a peasant family in a bare village in
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the vinnetsk region, and after 5 years of his father, the collective farm foreman was sent to irkuta for 25 years, three of some scoundrels wrote against our father, before us, they say he has a bad attitude towards the party leadership of the region, and what does it mean to be the leader of the people's hurricane, you will never wish this on anyone, you will not envy it, in the classroom, yes, it was hard, the pioneers didn’t accept it, after 5 years my father was rehabilitated, the lieutenant colonel in kabul sorted it out faster, the commander of the fortieth army sent a commission to the salan to check on the spot why the military regiment needed cement pipes, the inspectors did not find evidence of a crime, i set 42 strong points along the entire pass, now people are protected from shrapnel, minus bullets, here is a pipe , here is water running, here is a bathhouse working, here
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is no more, can you imagine, in afghanistan the regiment is full of lice, this is generally a paradox, the commanders are like that... your husband died as a hero, the eye of the desert, a great warrior, please bring back our boy, this is a matter of honor for each of us, i told you, i’m retired, there are tasks that no one can do better than you, i myself will determine when who will i go on a mission with, do
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you have boyfriends, this is suicide, we are here why should we die so that he can return to his native land? at a minimum, sanya gave up his life for you in that battle, debts need to be repaid. desert clay. i'm in position. premiere. february 23, 19:35 on ntv. anatoly kolisetsky’s love for tanks began in childhood. his older brother returned from the army in slemofon. anatoly vtikharyan put on his brother’s smartphone and imagined himself as a tank driver. at the age of 17, anatoly got involved in the construction
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of the dneproges and completed tractor driving courses. they must give a guarantee, there are no mines. after the start special military operation, igor and his subordinates regularly travel on business trips to the donbass. in addition to clearing mines of various
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objects, he also teaches. local sappers, this is a south african saint, trousers of the portuguese special forces, which still had a lot with us, and the beret was taken from a killed unit, one of our translators, a tour of the war museum in vangola for the colonel was given by the chairman of the union of veterans of angola vadim sagachka, anatoly was touched such a meeting. thank you guys, the brigade needs it when after afghanistan the tankers were sent to another war in angola, the mission was considered secret, what our military advisers were doing in southern africa was not written in soviet newspapers, and now there is a whole museum in the center of moscow, opposite the meade. a sign of merit to the soviet state, that we
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have fulfilled our duty in vongolia, you are awarded according to... the place of service will be in africa in the tenth directorate of the general staff of the soviet army, we will send temanta, you will be there, he is not scary, it’s good there, there normal, there is no war there, several tens of thousands of soviet officers, warrant officers and even conscripts went through this war, unknown in our country, the speed of movement was 60-70 km, the distance between vehicles was 50-60. what questions , their mission remained secret for a long time , the soviet leadership did not officially recognize that our military specialists
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fought in distant angola, losses were carefully hidden, single, soviet military advisers worked in headquarters, command posts, schools and combat training centers of the angolan armed forces , in each brigade there were soviet military experts, they did not they only trained local soldiers as officers, but also helped plan combat operations. they restored damaged equipment, patrols , estimates there, right, yes, when the angolan brigade went on a combat operation, our advisers went with it, this meant life in dugouts and armored personnel carriers, bombings, shelling and gunfire, in 1975 the last colonial empire collapsed, the portuguese left angola, the indigenous population received their long-awaited freedom. the capital of the country, luanda , found itself in the hands of the mpla people's party, its leader agastinyuta set a course for building
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socialism, but the opposition group unito, supported by south africa, was rushing to power. the army of the south african republic entered angola from the territory of neighboring namibia. mechanized columns rushed towards luanda. but fidel casto came to the rescue of his friend gostinyuto secretly
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transferred. according to our data, about 150 soviet military specialists directly participated in this operation. not all of them were destined to return to their homeland. in the first few months, the offensive against movinga developed successfully. government the brigades fought forward. but south africa could not allow the defeat of the angolan opposition group unito. the thirty- second south african battalion attacked the angolan troops with reinforced artillery. the reserve sixty-first mechanized brigade and the 101st battalion
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of territorial troops were thrown into battle. general ownership of the south africans. reached 400 people, fierce bloody battles began. for 4 months , the angolan brigades slowly retreated, the heroic defense of this small village began, which later began to be called angolan stalingrad. the seventy-first tactical group of the cuban army defended in the second echelon. south africa never managed to capture quita. on march 23 , 1988, the last one failed. and the south african group in some ditch. the enemy lost several of olive's heavy tanks; they remained at the battle site. one tank was even captured intact. there were no more assaults. a few years ago i was investigating a series and it seemed to me that i had found a real murder, but i was wrong. damn it's the same one handwriting. this is a serial killer who
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leaves his marks everywhere. he has his own mythology, from his point of view he must kill. he has no other choice, there is no coincidence , and this is not a coincidence, such a breed cannot exist, and should not exist, leningrad, the cradle of the revolution, this is the very darkness of the captain, i see right through you, he is here, he is still
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here, andrey fravov. the road along which supply columns passed for the queta group of troops was often bombed and shelled. an experienced commander, afghan anatoly kolisetsky, was appointed advisor to the commander of the northern front. the tanker immediately realized that he was in a completely different war. the northern provinces of the country, rich in diamonds and oil, are complete jungles.
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it was possible to paint the column and throw stones at it. this is the distance. jungle. there was no frontline, no flanks, no rear, an attack could be expected anywhere, when there is - the so-called partisan resistance, the entire territory on which the front is deployed, it is, in principle, dangerous, yes, this is movement driving a car is dangerous, because colleagues were traveling and fell into such ambushes , helicopters were constantly under fire, sometimes guerrilla warfare is much more dangerous than direct combat operations, because it
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can... and a lot depended on the discretion of the advisers, and the cuban comrades there they were also very helpful. advisor to the front commander is a very large and important position in mongolia. kolesetsky managed to quickly establish good relations with his sub-council colonel kianda. pretty soon i realized that in front of me is a person who has combat
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experience, and i did not, as they say, impose myself on... i will teach you, i advised you, i would like to do it like this here, i would do it like this, but i never imposed my say decisively , so i am an angolan adviser. the commander respected and valued his adviser, our colleagues angoltz, they actually trusted our soviet advisers and specialists very much, and his relationship with anatoly yakovvich was very friendly, while he never put pressure on him, it happened that i myself had to serve as a senior translator on the northern front for a year, it was not easy to translate colonel kolisetsky, he did not advise unnecessary things, many years later he became a minister. defense of angola, he always tried to develop military-technical cooperation with russia, supported the purchase of our weapons and military equipment, and also helped the ntv television company produce several unique documentaries about our military advisers in
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angola: disabled, i’m the tenth, i’m the eleventh reception, eleventh. well you you think we’re all going to die, it’s not just like that, we need specific, quick help. i understand, i understand, they are already coming to you, they are coming. the new year 1995 in grozny began with an assault by federal forces on the chechen capital. fierce fighting took place in many city blocks. the battle at the cannery was led by tank platoon commander sergei kolisetsky, anatoly’s youngest son.
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the russian army carried. news: sergei’s mother received a call at home and was told that her son was wounded. on the phone, lieutenant colonel, i forgot my last name now. i say if he's hurt, why isn't he did you bring it? he says: there is no room. that's all. on january 5, the family was informed that sergei had died, where was the body? unknown. colonel elisetsky, together with his eldest son igor, drove a uaz to mozdok to look for his son among the unidentified bodies of those killed in grozny. tents, dirt. there’s a senior deputy sitting there crying , he says, we don’t know, they took everyone from there, they
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had numbers on their hands with the names of the dead written on them, these numbers broke off somewhere in there, my father and brother had to go around all the tents with the dead, we started searching, we went into the tent and there were about 10-15 people lying in a pile. they dug through one, no, the second, third, fourth chambers were so out of place, once the earrings were lying, there were numerous shrapnel wounds, he was no longer alive, they threw a letter in our mailbox, from there they sent one mechanic, i’ve already seen how many five days have passed, i received this letter from kolyasetsky at the cannery in grozny. two
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tanks guarded the command post of the corps. yes. but somewhere in the area of ​​the cannery, there were the remains of some kind of brigade. yes. “i’ll be right there, i’ll be right there, wait, wait, that is, apparently, to help out, he
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wanted not to remember him, well, you can see both of them, there the commander and serozha were in the same tank. in june 1994, sergei graduated from the chelyabinsk tank school. soon the young lieutenant is sent to serve in volgograd. dad turns, here, uh-huh, she takes over that platoon, serves, here in the red barracks, that’s where i served, uh-huh, it’s three minutes from the house here and at home, beauty, mother couldn’t be happier, at sergei’s there was a bride, they were going to get married, but life was peaceful the tanker's career after college turned out to be very short, but unfair. parents and sons
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are buried, rightly so, it so happened that two monuments were erected to sergei kolesetsky in volgograd, one at the grave, the second on zhukov avenue. the tanker became a symbol of all those who died in the vorovograd garrison. sculptor oleg dedov created the soldier’s face on the monument based on sergei’s photograph. this is the first monument in russia to soldiers who did not return from the chechen war. at the foot there are marble slabs with
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lifting the copter into the air, some kind of construction site, car service center, a little further, the support of the broken bridge over the sundzha , practically nothing remains of the cannery , absolutely everything is destroyed, these two or three boulders, this is the old one, what remains of the old cannery, the remains of the wall contain traces of battles, even here, with fragments, he is cut, cut, rusty, rusty. a tree broke through the war-scorched stones. anatoly did not want to leave these stones for a long time. then he asked to be taken to the center of grozny, to the glory memorial complex named after akhmat kadyrov. the colonel laid flowers on the first president of the chechen republic. i didn't
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bow traditionally. dear, what have you been, this is what a destroyed mill in the center of volgograd looks like from a bird's eye view, the building next to the museum of the battle of stalingrad was preserved as a monument , they held stalingrad and did not let the germans near the volga, look, there were only a few meters left to the volga, here they gave their lives our soldiers are officers, on victory day the colonel and his wife walked around the city with their grandchildren, their grandson was taken from the cadet school, he is a tanker
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it will be not ice. yes, like dad, like grandfather, a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture and unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a wide soul. and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your... russia on the unknown russia tv channel. this is how this is, this is how this gun moves
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right, left, left, right, this is the control. in the t-62 simulator, the grandfather forgets about age. in a tank, the colonel knows every screw. several thousand kilometers of military expensive passed on such cars, i have something to tell my grandson tolik, the boy is more attracted to another simulator for driver mechanics, on it you can control a heavy car with levers, the computer does not forgive mistakes. the third gear is given to the son by his father, also a former tanker. on the may holidays, the entire large kolesetsky family gathers at the dacha. this land near volgograd will be freed from the wounds of war for a long time. heavy fighting took place here. the fascists who rushed to the volga. mine shells are still being found. one is running, check the soundboard, found a grenade, this, what to do with it? well, i went up and looked, it didn’t have a fuse. the colonel laughs and says that there are definitely
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no mines around the table, because his eldest son igor is not only a tank driver, but also a professional sapper. he had already checked the entire area for a long time. at the long festive table until late. this time not the whole family was able to get together, the grandfather can only talk to his granddaughter and great-grandson on the internet, god may it all change a little and you will return home to your homeland, and where are your teeth, where are your teeth, oh,
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i have no teeth at all, i don’t have any either, here you are like without teeth, granddaughter nastya and great-grandson lived in kharkovskaya. region, when a special military operation began, with the approach of the front we had to move to the basement, and we immediately put all our things in the cellar, the children and i lived in the cellar for a week, that is, in the morning during the day we went out, we only had nights, only in the basement, we tried to go east, but all the roads to russia were blocked, we had to make our way west to germany, where my grandfather had some old acquaintances, we left on monday at 7
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am and arrived on friday. he tries in vain not to worry his grandfather, we don’t get cold , we don’t freeze in the warmth, but with a full refrigerator, don’t worry, everything is fine with us, later serious changes took place in nastya’s life, so as not to endanger her, we won’t talk about it in our film , and here is the additional armor, damn it, it’s squirming here, yes, and this is just a little pen, and before we were a melancholy


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