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tv   Novie russkie sensatsii  NTV  February 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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i start talking about maxim tugachev and alu galkina. the master and his margarita are not just a happy family of tv stars, they have long been political, and the information war has become part of their personal front. ready, the engine is on the fan of the enemy press, director tigran kiosayam is always ready to throw it on, right away without any takes. i'm an imperial, i am.
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we will give up, but this is wrong, death is not the worst thing in life, there are things much worse than death, for example, shame, but i had no alternative and no choice, i knew that this was my homeland, well, where am i , what what are the alternatives , that is, there is always an alternative, but it is so well-acquired, petty, then it will be very difficult to live, you have two mondays left, by and large, you understand, so what, how will you live like scum, with yourself, you know, father said, you can deceive everyone, well, if you are talented at lying to them, everyone you know, you will never deceive the pillow on which you sleep, after that emmanuel, who is also the leader of the parisian regime and a fierce enemy , should have eaten his pillow long ago yellow vests. listen, as much as macron was humiliated, i don’t know if there was any other leader, well, france, at least, i’m directly humiliating, it’s not only brussels firewood that goes under the knife of tigran and kiosayan’s sawmill.
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in a crowd with dad karl near the fireplace in the famous closet of the white house, when a man was walking with a pipe, rats followed him, practically, yes, but now where they are going after whom is unclear, and we have not yet gotten to the fugitive traitors, foreign agents and emigrants, but we’ll get there in a couple of minutes, my position is clear enough for me no alternative, well, about ours , about where we are going, what we are doing , unconditional support, because this is our homeland and...
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the main part will be filmed in june, and today we are filming the winter location for 7 days of pyotr semenovich, oh what's the movie? in a nutshell, the old man and the sea, i would do that , but i don’t care, well, it’s just the history of our time, the history of our time is changing the whole world right before our eyes, we’re having a talk show or we’re having a serious conversation, have you watched, are you talking about interview, exactly, yes, i was on the train and well, there was internet, early in the morning i was already watching for about 50 hours. yes, i watched, together with
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tigran, almost the entire planet watched the interview with the russian president. but we never agreed with nato expansion. moreover , they never agreed that ukraine would be in nato. we did not agree that there would be nato bases there without any conversations with us. we just begged for a decade, don't do this, don't do that. breakthrough of the information blockade, i don’t know how many now, but i think more than 200 will watch, maybe even 300. more in a week billion views on the internet, after a history lesson from vladimir putin , it became clear to everyone not only whose crimea was, but also whose kiev actually was, these lands, the entire left bank of the dnieper, including kiev, went to russia, do you think the americans will understand what what the president said will reach him, those who must understand will understand, those who still do not understand something or pretend to. that he doesn’t understand,
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the president clearly explained who is behind the international terrorist attack on the nord streams? who blew up the nord stream? you?
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what do you call him a useful idiot? so what are you surprised by what hillary clinton says? hillary clinton rejoiced when
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the ambassador was killed in benghazi, practically, you know, she clapped when muammar gaddafi was killed. they came, they saw, they killed. the principle of the most liberal american democracy, which tucker risked speaking out against when he came to moscow. he's like a puppy, he was fired from many american publications. all those working would envy the unemployed cartsen, whose fortune is estimated at 350-380 million dollars, so, by the way, still in catch up about the fact that he received some money for the interview, he doesn’t fucking need it. in the holy fight for free speech, madam clinton attacked not only those who allowed tucker carlson to speak, but those who dared to listen to him. there are people in this country who act as a fifth column for vladimir putin. she, they are all stupid, i must admit that they are degraded,
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degraded elites. the elites are driving bald, from berlin to washington, to the carpet of the statue of the oval office. one, but slipped through the chronicle of incidents. well, of course, it’s funny, it’s just funny, it’s definitely an attempt to interrupt, but it didn’t work. it didn’t work out, well, in the internal ukrainian agenda, maybe it worked, although the whole of ukraine watched the whole night, they’re just talking about this interview in public. by exchanging
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one war criminal for another, the dictator, with a crumpled face, outwitted himself in pursuit of high-profile pr. it doesn't work very well anymore. doesn’t work very well, but pr should be supported at first, yes, especially if mainstream, mainstream helps you world, americans, what’s next, since a counterattack is impossible, they removed zaluzhny, pr is good for promotion, then this promotion should be supported by actions. zelensky has been living on tv for a long time and is so used to promotion that it causes spin in the opposite direction. withdrawals and hallucination, well, i'm a rag. uncoordinated with the office of zelensky's bunker, journalist carlson offered gouleiter a recent interview. in response, the regime put the american on the hit list of extremist peacekeepers. do you think
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it will be in vain? if he's stupid, he'll give it. never you have to come to a wedding where you are not welcome. and there is a saying because...
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there will be confusion and vacillation inside , they will build a new chain of command, well, guys, get out, take guns, go to kiev, you have to go to kiev, zelensky, you made a big, fatal mistake, they will now remove the generals, this , but we don’t stop - attacking, of course, this plays into our hands, on the one hand, everything. so, on the other hand, syrsky is much more dangerous, he has no rating, does not play politics, and
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his officer school and military education are in order better than zaluzhny's. according to tradition, the parade column on foot is closed by the moscow higher combined arms command of the orders of lenin and the october revolution, the red banner school named after the supreme soviet of the rssr. here it is, november 7, 1986. marching along red square. uroshenets of the vladimir province graduated from the moscow higher combined arms school. later, under poroshenko, syrsky ruled the ato headquarters and managed to escape from the cauldron under debaltsev. under zelensky, the path of shame led him to the post of leader of the ground forces of the kiev regime.
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as we approach victory, we should not forget that the summer failure of the counter-offensive of zelensky’s hordes is not only the heroism of our army and the success of the command, but also the result of miscalculations by zaluzhny, together with his nato curators. asyrsky, contrary to everything that is said about him, knows how to take advantage of his opponent’s mistakes. i bought a breakthrough of punitive forces in the fall of 2022 under bolokley.
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memory having decided to become the bedding of the americans, last winter the supreme bedding ordered syrsky to hold the pr of forteza bakhmut, that is, artyomovsk at any cost. are you alive? by at the request of zelensky’s office, the best specialists from the burned-out block 95 composed songs and filmed videos.
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not counting losses, he clung to bakhmut until the last, but was defeated among the armed forces of ukraine and earned a reputation as a butcher. tsirsky will have to prove himself somehow, but for us he manifests himself exclusively in attacking actions, in meaty ones. also a general of victory, not a general, not a mincemeat general , you know, he’s slowly starting to get to the rank-and-file militants, who does the cemetery begin with, you’re a puppet, i’m coming out brigade forces, you sold everything, guys, leave
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the position. throw it on and don’t die for this president, there was a protest on the maidan against the treacherous resignation of zaluzhny, according to operational data, the protesters were given 5.00 hryvnia each, to the question of who paid, there are three answers at once. the first version is that zaluzhny himself is trying to pester zelensky with the diagnosis of maidan 3. the second version is that zelensky’s bunker is trying to shake poroshenko. third version: zelensky himself organized the rally against himself in order to turn the protest into a laughing stock in advance. this is glaunado, for 50 people, but some kind of,
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no, not pain, it won’t, of course, it won’t happen now, later, maybe they’ll be kicked out into the street, that’s it. “the internal agenda is because they are fighting for freedom , for independence, for the bright ideals of democracy, and we are enemies, we are aggressors, we are a hostile neighbor to the north, we are the enemy, in the freest central europe, the borders are closed, all men are strictly prohibited from leaving the country, and "women will soon be banned. you are for what you
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are doing to the people of ukraine." in search of volunteers, the military is combing the public transport, shopping centers, sports clubs , cafes, baths, restaurants, hospitals, they are caught on minibuses and cannot be caught, and 3 million people have disappeared, they cannot find men at all, but here every month from 30 to 45 thousand people are recorded, this does not happen if someone is fighting for freedom, ideals, and others are enemies and scum, the obvious discrepancy between the demagoguery and crimes of the kiev regime just begs for a strong assessment of director kiasayan, he has his own film language and his own special presentation, which even vladimir knows putin, with yours i’m afraid to talk to my husband, he’s like that
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about there - if not an extremist, then a person of extreme convictions, but we’ll discuss it with you later. you know for sure that over the 20-5 years that we have all known vladimir vladimirovich putin in the public sphere, i think that he once again emphasized how masterly, what a masterly sense of humor he has, so it seems to me, it’s nice that he is changing the president sometimes accidentally hears somewhere, well, that’s nice, but that’s not the main thing, the main thing is that in this situation it’s good that we all have humor, the artist is not... undoubtedly has the right to his creative opinion, jokingly or seriously, he can hit impressionable liberals on the head with a statement that will be torn into quotes today: now is the time when, when we definitely don’t need to change anything, in principle i would abolish it altogether these elections, maybe i’m an extremist here, well, i just think that
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during such a situation there is no need at all, i’m an imperial, and i don’t see anything wrong with... on you, you know, i should absolutely put the device to rest, how did they find out about this, here i have sanctions, here invisible orders are all sanctions, because i received sanctions for saying what...
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to everyone else, well, sanctions, sanctions are not the worst thing, any tucker carlson will confirm this to you: 13 packages the sanctions that were intended to strangle us made russia even stronger. the disgraced american tv star, having reached moscow, besieged by sanctions, saw the best city on earth. the head of the russian capital, mr. carlson, realized that if this is how sanctions work, then it is high time to allocate at least one package to new york. thanks to our
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president putin sometimes humorously calls western scum, or whatever their partners are. you know, they did a lot of good for us. moreover, i am sure that someday we will erect a monument to sanctions in the center of moscow. artistically, following the behest of rana.
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necessary, but he failed the mission, he left sulking, after that frequent guests of foreign embassies began to prepare maidan in moscow, they also tried to lure tigran kiasayan to
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bolotnaya, so they also say, why aren’t you going to bolotnaya, i say: with whom? i say, guys, who are you on stage with, artemy troitsky, who blew almost a year's supply of columbia into both nostrils, i know them all. i just know them with vasiutkin, who doesn’t come out of the casino, in response to their refusal to shake the state, the russian liberal intelligentsia organized a collective persecution for the master and his margarita, no, well, we don’t pay attention to this, well, wait a second, but still pay attention on the unfulfilled, untalented people for the most part, who have lost their bearings and are poorly educated. people, it's wasting your time on meaningless things, well, believe me, it's unworthy, i didn’t understand how it could be that i walk on the same land, in the same country
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with scum who work against the country, i couldn’t get away with this, now everything is simpler, they found their way, i didn’t change my path, i i can’t cross paths with them on the street, it’s calmer now. god will decide what and how it will happen, but it’s not for me, that’s not for us, and therefore no,
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a year ago margarita simonyan first spoke about how her mother met the terrible news, she says: well, of course, at first i was terrified , i didn’t sleep there, didn’t eat, it’s terrible i was worried, in general, i walked around white as a sheet, and then i began to cope with it within myself, i thought that now a huge number of sons and daughters are dying for their country, for our country, mothers are losing their children. and why am i better than these mothers, and i thought that if my daughter died for her country, i would be proud of it, can you imagine, it actually brought me to tears, and how did your mother react to these assassination attempts? was worried, but where is this a given, that's what she said, she didn't say anything, she cried quietly, but held on, she is my stand, the kiev regime sends killers after them, and the fugitives and agents and traitors do not see anything like that in this.
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i don’t accept people who interfere with crap or try to interfere with crap in my country, then tiger osayan about foreign agents , emigrants and traitors, what the foreign agent and patriot of israel galkin is selling at a discount, why pugacheva could not resolve the issue of her fugitive husband, and what now will be with their castle.
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berlin is in turmoil right now, it's a good time to fish in the inland waters, these are yours the rulers provoked that all this rubbish came out onto the streets, the first will be last, the last will be first, your hotel is swarming with spies, it looks like they are also hunting for the archive, wait, i think you are playing your game. who did not coordinate it with the leadership in the state, well, like you, you want to have a blast, ddr, congratulations, mikhail sergeevich, the main premiere of the year, soon on ntv. mask, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. on the throat.
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the methane engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations. six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles. to a tasty point. navita - inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? the problem may be veins venarus helps to increase the tone of the veins, and vinoproctalium suppositories have a positive effect. after going to these stores with ozonbank , it’s a pleasure to spend cashback up to 25% in rubles mask - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. hi, great, are you so
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happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today , i don’t remember how i got to the gym, i think... i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget , as it happens, he can also buy what is there, as they say, about staticum, i remember, also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take something, call, everything is simple there, when you order everything is detailed for you. filmed, just a second, wife, yes, dear , i got it, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then
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on ntv. this week the president signed a law on confiscation of property for libel. in the states, the title of agent immediately smells like a prison term, but in our country it’s just a word that looks like a signal, attention, dirty,
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don’t touch, so what did they call foreign agents, well, they’re foreign agents, so we’ve not been in russia for a long time, so we’re foreign agents we don’t teach anyway, we don’t earn money in russia, but our businesses are our apartments. brings us money so that we, with triple, triple the enthusiasm, get mixed up with shit, liquid shit, such shit from my homeland. in rozina, the air has become cleaner since foreign agents rushed to immigrate, and there they began to bashfully call themselves relaxants. we are talking about this elite-elite, you know, yes, which was formed over many, many years, a third of a century, a third of a century.
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rows, no matter how they think to themselves, there is no bunin, no rachmaninov, not even sergei davlatov, everything means, not even a single page, not a single note, not a single bar no, neither these composers, nor these
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writers, which means that we have freed ourselves from the slag from the slag, that’s all, tigran has his own. the truth and their attitude towards the war, which the runaway rats did not notice for almost 8 years, should be collected in a heap, put on a bus and taken there. didn’t understand, yes, well, who didn’t understand, then they just
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ironed it civilly, ironed it, and taught the wrong word, in hail, so i’ll show you photographs, hail lay like this, you know, just in hail, it was outright, they brought people on blankets , using improvised means, someone passenger cars were hitchhiking, picking up people who were wounded along the road, at the market, standing in line for milk. came to buy bread. donbass, 2021. tigran and margarita came to the war, which for the whole world, as if not, tanks were coming there, so that the tanks would not end up in the city, in fact, they would not enter the city, people would not be shot from the tanks, they had to immediately. 7 km from donetsk, a dead village. not a single person, no sign. all the windows are broken, the mountains. some kind of garbage, everyone and the people whom
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we meet in the city, they all say the same thing, after this, after this, how can we live together, and how can we forgive this after all this? i always want these not very smart and not very educated colleagues of mine, but in a peaceful way, without swearing, to restart, although i know many of them personally, as you understand, practically the majority. we don’t take very young animals, so we’ll collect them, say, when there’s no war, no war, no war, guys, let ’s go there with me, well, we’ll go for five days, and guys , let’s go, just not to donbass, to israel, to the most peace-loving country that has not been at war with its neighbors for 70 years in a row, i am proud to be an israeli, this is patriotism.
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i lived in the israeli army and there were at least some grounds for me to go now to defend israel, i would go. i don’t accept people who interfere with crap or try to interfere with my country with crap, well, i don’t even say actions, everything else, and i don’t want to talk to them, you first bear your punishment, the court will decide to give you 26 years there, let’s say or 12 or eight, you left, that's it, you paid the state a debt for your words, for that betrayal. let’s sit down and talk, that
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’s how i feel, i have nothing to do with the prima donna, and not with maximka, for you this is a traitor, well, but for you, and for us, this, this again, and for some it’s not betrayal , if a person donates to the enemies with whom your fellow citizens are fighting, i’m not even talking about words, he just donates, that’s all, it’s an act.
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and dubai respects us more than some of our bodies respect the people who, being here, stir things up a little with shit russia, they really say that... it was precisely at our requests, at our request, that this was done, that is, if it’s ours, it’s generally wonderful, which means we started working and paying attention to exactly this external contour, if such an idea, if this is so, this is generally correct, all previous claims are removed, because it seems to me that this is so, whether it is true or not, the fact remains
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that those who left so wanted to abolish russia throughout the world that in the end they can abolish them themselves. there is no way back to russia, but for abroad they are used propagandists , good russians, dead russians , all this, besides, this significantly demoralizes the entire democratic russian public, which, as it were, from the very beginning in the country of democracy and ukraine, a telephone scam on agent akuinashvili became his appearance.
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before he came from the northern military district, this needs a marker, this needs to be very clearly shown that they are the elite and no matter what their background is, what happened there long before, they will figure it out in peaceful life, we will figure it all out, but since they are heroes, they are the elite, not film experts, not directors, not tv presenters, not theater artists, not them. not businessmen, a special military operation is curing russia of an inferiority complex, instilling sovereignty is a painful, but necessary procedure when there is nowhere to retreat. it’s too late to drink borzhove, you can’t save it with a kidney, we are who we are. we have all been trying to be
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liechtenstein for 20 years, since about 1991, but if you listen to our economists, political scientists, politicians, everyone really wanted us to become luxembourg. one of the foreign agents who were no longer here, it seems, said that everyone who wanted to live like in luxembourg lives in luxembourg, and this is true. lately there has been a growing awareness among moderate fugitives that they need to return, but can we understand and accept them back? i believe that any person, even a darned contraceptive, can, over time, reconsider his views and actively, very actively. to prove that views have been revised, the director is confident that repentance must be active, only real assistance to the front will be counted redemption, why not, i admit, well , you and i believe in humanity, it’s true, but the countries that fled in difficult moments will never become the elite in russia, but the elites
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need to be changed, the meaning of elites, name, doctors, teachers. that’s who is the elite, the influence and power of the old pop mafia, along with all the galkins, have already sunk into the past, it was such a symbol, yes, a symbol of success, a symbol of the pop scene, the main word was, he flew away and will not return, the agent of the colloquial genre now looks like a car dealer on the train, wandering around the cars, trying to give someone a discount waste the products of your, sorry, creative life, but it’s so... and it’s not far from confiscation, guys, you are effectively helping the armed forces of ukraine, you are effectively working against a country with enemies together with cooperation, excuse me, then you suffer.
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served in aviation and what gifts besides socks are waiting for you? stadium 20 wounded, seven people died, including a four-month-old girl. the goal of the terrorists is to divert attention from the avdeevka cauldron, where the complete defeat of selected nazis from zelensky’s group is brewing. the law on total mobilization has not yet passed the second reading in the rada, but there are already results at
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the front. people are increasingly being handed over to ours as prisoners. the gentlemen, driven into militant detachments , dig their own graves with pickles. having come under fire, the ukrainian armed forces request evacuation.
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"if the rings were chained to the ground, to the sky, i would pull the sky to why, who deceived you? finally, having turned into a scarecrow on the globe of ukraine, the leader of the kiev gang completely lost touch with reality, because if you are with a big empire, with russia nearby, you either have to be actively neutral, just actively - ukrainian history shows this, or be everything -with the empire." the clash became inevitable since zelensky was persuaded to spit on the minsk agreements and promised to join nato. they built an army according to the nato model, they are de facto, as i see it it seems that there is no deyura, but de facto it was already part of nato. and we fought and continue to fight against this. but this is the eternal ukrainian nazza,
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what? according to the plan
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, he knew, now few people know him, here he is russian, russian, it was as it should be that he became two. 2 years ago he didn’t know or 4 years ago he didn’t know ukrainian, i ’m answering you, well, he didn’t recognize it in principle, but this is a disease, this is a disease, this disease is called ordinary nazism, you wanted to steal, you wanted to think that you can defeat russia, great, that’s it, well done, but then there is a bill, there is a bill, you can take as many products as you like in the store, but...
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remember, we will hear for the first time, the horror is that he is a drug addict, this is a completely different scheme, they knocked, everything is fine, zelensky left with his family in baden-baden on the water, you twitch, jump in
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place, equate to escape. so it’s ready, hostess, get to work, ours are doing it, come in for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pasta cakes with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh come on, will you say the same? hundreds of languages
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cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, it turns out interesting. has come to the stage when the reasons for big statements are not real events, but complex schemes for convincing people of the correctness of the decisions being made. a reality is being created in which bargaining around power and money forces one to play to increase the degree of public opinion, but public opinion itself has little influence on the decision. that is, big politicians, intelligence chiefs and generals gather in munich for a security conference, convince each other friend in the need to continue the pressure to defend the rules-based order. their quotes circulate in the press, but at the same time they exist.


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