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tv   UGRO-3  NTV  February 19, 2024 4:50am-6:30am MSK

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vanya, i love you very much, everything will be fine, yes, manyushka, bye.
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go, don’t wait for us, there are still planes left, we ’ll deal with one sucker here now, what tea, eat, what’s coming here, i have children, a family, guys, i’m scared , i’ll pay for everything, guys, you’ll pay, you’ll pay, by car, man, guys, quickly, quickly, here are the plant guys, in the car, come on, come on, come on, we’re leaving,
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we hit them, yeah, there’s no load, eh, we’ll find them. great! oh great, max!
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he came back, oh well, you called from st. petersburg and said that you were doing great, almost got married, yes, yes, well, she got a mother there, well , she looked extremely like a crocodile, i need it, so what now, well, what, i’ll go and ask mikhalic to be my brother , well, well, ban the adventures, you know, without apartments with an opera salary in st. petersburg, there’s nothing to do, listen, great, we’ll work together again, you’ll take mikhailovich. yes, he’ll take it, i think, but you left staff, yurka , well, yes, why, but you also felt like an adventure, women are evil, women are generally evil, you know him, but in moscow now, well, well, it’s decreasing somewhere, arrives somewhere, and listen, max, are you going empty-handed or something to mikhaich , vovka, well done, right, listen, lie down, i ’ll quickly, and max, everdog, okay, everdog, i ’ll give it to you, and max, you don't have to give it away.
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i know you, that’s it, you give me this very thing, you organize an orchestra for me there and everything else, hello, wow, who gave you this, well, if you gave it, a citizen found it and came to us to donate it, but sometimes there are drop-ins goodies, there are little cowards, there should be more such honest people,
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instead of spreading nonsense, well there the police are in transport, this is their area of ​​responsibility, the station and the square are ours, in general, you can look at the protocols of the application. they were plowing forward from the song, normally , and why did mihalich piss you off, theft at the station, there was a pickpocket there, honest citizens have been pinching their wallets for a week now, my condolences, but what kind of nonsense are you spreading there? haven’t you heard about nikolaevich mikhailovich? what are you doing?
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come in! senior lieutenant makarov from st. petersburg with a package. operational investigation work is urgently required. hello, ivan mikhailovich, take a seat. we’ll put this aside for now, i’m listening, ivan mikhailovich, well, so what, write a statement, oh, the work
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is not perfect, so what, today? get started, there is a comrade lieutenant colonel, if you do such a trick again, i won’t take it back, but no, ivan mikhailovich, this time i’m like this, but what happened, eh? i wrote everything as it was, let me check the passport data, and you
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just please make a copy and mark it , i’ll do it, i’ll do it, but you still don’t trust us. no, i trust, yeah uh-huh, yes, yes, i trust, i, i trust, i just want the owner to return the toy, she probably bought it for a child, yes, here’s your copy, uh-huh, thank you. “all the best , all the best, that’s what i warn the students, after 11 there’s silence, no, we’re quiet, we’re quiet, but then we’ll bring the things tomorrow, we’ll deposit the money
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at 10 a.m., it’ll be convenient, that’ll do, goodbye, bye. oh, petrovich, i’m just coming to you, you ’re fine, fine, great, lesh, what happened , come on petrovich, christmas trees, well, you’re flooding me, well, there’s something in the bathroom for you that i’m pouring, i'm still dry, darling, we just watched. he let him in, well, let's go have a look, well, let's go, let's be careful, it's normal , but they just did a major renovation, what the hell, renovation, it's just a hack job, they wasted all the money, say, repairs, yes, by the way, how are you feeling, it’s bad, lesh, what’s wrong with my heart, all
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the money is spent on medicine, but hey, guys, closer to each other, well, it’s good for us to suffer with bullshit, well, come on, let’s come here, what are you doing? we came here, right? well, come on, who will get it? we will get it, well, yes , that’s it, come down, take off your shoes, get it, how long can you stand, and not, guys, if you don’t want to. you can bring in the prosecutor's office, look at us in heels, even our feet won't get wet, great, great, now i'll issue an order, in person, on video, no problem, olya, where, hello, makarov, hello, i'm so glad to see you, makarov, well, i ’m like, where did you come from, makar, well, talk, talk, i’ve been waiting for you, dear, so , well, are we going to stand for a long time or what , come on, come on, come on, send the boxes, have you inspected the place, have you inspected it?
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strange, how much does it cost? 100 rub. 100 rub. yes, lech, that’s great, oh, what, per side, or what? no, i see, what did you do? yes, mikhaloch, he hung a plague on me, why is this? can you imagine, you think that i’m spreading rumors about him, what kind of rumors? okay, what rumors, no, what rumors, what, tell me, what are you doing here? i didn’t like it, somehow my soul became so anxious, that’s right, it’s alarming,
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where are you, nuke? how do i know, well, let's go for a walk, where, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, come on, come on, stomp, no, nothing was loose, what are you, you're easy, great, great, we need it, let's go, talk, talk. united, talk to your people, okay, come on, thank you in advance for what you are doing,
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let me go, let me go, don’t touch me, give me my purse , i won’t give it away, let me go, just stand, help, stand, i said , i won’t give it up, stand, i said, who are you , man, get out of here, whatever you need, help, stop, stop, stop, i’ll shoot, move him away, quickly, stop, shoot, to kill, stop! are you okay? how are you, calm down, here
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you go. oh, you're bleeding. let's not do that hurt? can you go? let's, let's mo, let's, ah! hold on, let's do it one more time, who it was, i don't know, some strangers just attacked me, a
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familiar face, i saw him somewhere, where is ivan mikhailovich? otherwise he had no documents with him, i don’t remember, maybe he misspoke , but no one reported the person missing, no, in recent days, neither here nor in neighboring regions, nothing like that, uh, when he was killed, at most, day, well, what thoughts, no thoughts, what can we be? a useful prosecutor's office, whatever one may say, will have to interview people in in the vicinity, there are a couple of villages nearby, the village of a tourist center is a hunting ground, no , well, the tourist center would immediately inform you if someone disappeared there, in a word, we will have to try, and if, if we don’t find anything,
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then we will expand the circle of searches, i think that upstream, they could have thrown it from the bridge? i’ll send you an investigation plan, goodbye, i suggest sending out information sheets to all departments in the city and region, and let them trample the earth themselves, while we wait for the results of the opening of the missing person’s report, well, i can tell you without opening it that first they strangled him, and then into the water, one thing is surprising, there are no signs of a struggle, no beatings, that...
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what a head, yes a joke, let's see, look, if anything is suspicious, if i hit me, uh-huh, palinochka, you can your profile, okay, so you ’re stopping me from filling out the protocol, give me a neighbor for you, and please tell me, why didn’t you take the weapon again, and why do i need a volyn? there is a good saying in the caucasus, a weapon that is useful to you once, you should carry for the rest of your life, yes, i don’t see something with you holsters under the arm, ivan mikhailovich , besides, volodya dealt with them very well, it’s you, the victims, but she doesn’t want
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to be a victim, she doesn’t file a statement, why is that, you were attacked. yes, now you still can’t change anything, but besides, i want to quickly forget all this horror, well, in vain, of course, and where can i put myself in order with you, i’ll take you, i’ll show you off, and i’ll take you, polina, right through corridors, and i show them off, of course. it’s still unknown what they could do with her, but what about you, but anything can happen, but now they are accused of being attacked by a police officer while on duty, and then the article will be worse, ivan mikhalovich, but can i take polina the victim home, polina, well
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, take her home. why are you going, where are you going, why are you scared? oh, well, i forgot that there is a real man next to me, i’ll take my purse, and again i’ll wait for 3 hours, but sit in the car, i won’t wait, just wait, i’ll be back soon. hello, who is this? poron. he held the whole city, now he got into business, i wonder what he wants here? everything, everything, well, no
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capricious, come on, come on, great, pronin , great, sour, long time no see, pah-pah-pah, what a beautiful girl you have, no pun intended, hat, you better tell me what yours is doing here, they don’t report to us, come on come on, honestly, i was hoping that you wouldn’t stay here for so long, but would offer to accompany me, i, i, i ’m no longer here, so where am i, here’s andrey, yes, bye, goodbye. olya, well, why are you
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doing this, how? oh, well, well, we are now developing a platform with which we will go to the elections and travel around the electorate to find out his preferences, needs, desires, aspirations, and so on and so on and so on, here. finally, our feet have reached you, and we would just like to know how i can be useful, legislative and executive bodies, i don’t smoke, sasha, who is this, i said, i’m slowing down the writer, go for a walk while i do, and we for now, i don’t know, with ivan mikhailovich. the two of us will talk in a friendly manner, what kind of circus is this, who is this? well, he said, speechwriter, in
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general, i’ll think of vanida, but he doesn’t organize everything so that it’s like people, like normal politicians, are you? no one will free me because you’re laughing
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, van, you and i have known each other for a long time , we were friends before, yes, sasha, only then our paths diverged, have you forgotten who arranged your last move, and i’m angry with you i can’t stand it, that’s how life works. you're a cop, i'm a thief. thank you for everything, for the bread, salt, and for covering your back, there are no former military men, you won’t change your mind, because service is a matter of honor for them, i won’t give up, i’m asking for air, your husband died like a hero, my eyes are empty. great warrior, please return our boy, this is a matter of honor for each of us , i told you, i’m retired, there are tasks that no one can do better than you, i myself
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will decide when with whom i will go on a mission, act guys, this is suicide, why are we dying here, so that he can return to his native land, at a minimum, that in that battle sanya gave up his life for you, debts need to be repaid, the eye of the desert, i’m in position, premiere, february 23 at 19:35 on ntv. well, in fact, our town is small, everyone knows each other, some went to school, some went to college, and kisly and i are in the same section. were engaged. well, this is how it turns out, so you are now in the authorities, and he? and he also works in the authorities. how so? yes, by the way, it’s very good to move along the brown leaf, i went further than me, but then i really got burned. on something, either a bribe, or something else, it was a shady matter, but then this company about shoulder straps, in general, sold him to the maximum,
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reality. from sitting, and you’re honest, i’m honest, that’s why i’m not a millionaire, well , it’s better this way, well, that’s actually what we came, i’m renting an apartment here, and we can meet again, well, if you want, i want, tomorrow. i’ll think, well , well, okay, tomorrow, of course, if it doesn’t bother you that i’m honest, but poor me, you ’re honest, strong, noble, wait, how
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can we get in touch, well, with me? your phone , you see, vanya, was coming to you, i was afraid that you were right with me...
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i have money, i have a house, i have a villa in monte carlo, and to whom will i leave all this , what will be left after me, oh well, you what a distinguished man over there, get married and have children, it ’s like thieves are now allowed to have a family, it’s late in... late, you should have done it earlier, but i used to talk about tulmas and pazons, for some reason i don’t sympathize with you at all, and there’s no need, vanya, i just want people to remember, there was such an alexander barantsev, he did good for people , i wanted fame, i have fame ,
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the whole country knows baron trigorsky, i want it differently, but if so, god forbid, sasha, well, you’re unlikely to want to help us, but if you wanted to, then tomorrow it’s all a crime. i was behind bars in the region, because so, then i will quickly be gone, and others will come, then this will begin, it’s quiet in the city, as long as there is you, and there is me.
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neighbor, he’s kind of gloomy, he says it’s not the holidays, but maybe he’ll have tea with us, now i ’m laughing at you, yeah, who is this, hello, yes this is, wait, oops, handsome, where are you going?
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oh, hello, nikolaevich, great, this fortuna, yeah, organize an outfit for me. they left, didn’t get enough sleep, probably, but nothing, it’s not something to get used to, it’s quiet at night
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, nothing happened, well, everything is quiet, yes, until fortune brought these students, what kind of students, to... there they were smoking weed and breaking discipline, and they're all asleep , the isolation ward is full, so max, figure it out, so, let's start with the drowned man. or rather subitov, what is there according to the information from ignatov’s place? and i say, what’s new according to the orientations that we sent out throughout the region? but no, no
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, nothing at all has passed, i don’t think they’ll be digging up the ground there, and no one reported the person missing, but i know it myself, so the puliks have something new, huh? evidence , oh, evidence, yes, opened today, i’ll go to mork after the planning meeting, i sent my fingers to the central one, the answer is also after the planning meeting, let’s go with ignat, here yesterday until late at night, we analyzed, well, we considered one option, but in general it turned out to be incorrect, yes, it makes no sense to even report, okay, what? on the attack on our employee, bronin, bronin, what is this, and we have a threat or a sleepy kingdom, i compiled an identikit,
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today i will send it to the departments for transfer to the teaching staff. okay, let's move on to the plan of the prosecutor's office, with permission, yes, of course, let's just move on to your plan, remember the devil, the little spots will appear. well, how, yes, not yet, yes, yes, but you thought, you’ll send out the ram, everything will form on its own, but no, you’ll have to trample the ground, but no, i don’t there are enough people to cover the entire region, you don’t need to go through all the regions, just go through the departments, talk about the importance of investigative actions, but he may not be local at all , but come, a newcomer, maybe we’ll just waste time, yes, yeah, eh in my opinion, this version also needs to be checked. ask for hotels, the private sector, from those who rent out housing, ask around, makarov, that’s what you’ll do,
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yeah, okay. this is a disgrace, this is not a renovation , this is a complete scam, the money was stolen and nothing was done, you live here, who is responsible for this will pay, of course, they need to be planted, the house is in condition according to the contract, we fulfilled our conditions, correctly, and why are you silent and speak, calmly, calmly, calmly, calmly, calmly. listen, this means we won’t leave this like this, alexander petrovich and i will seek to resolve justice in court, in court, and if you, listen to me, if you vote for alexander petrovich in the upcoming elections, then you have people like that,
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they are all support , they stole everything, where is he, show him, everything, now, everything, everything, everything, all.
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the train station and bus station in this city are in one
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place, and they are under our control, they can only leave by car, i would do that, hello! hello, excuse me, for god's sake, clients, hold on, nothing, nothing, i've practically moved in with you. hello, again, what is your name? margarita. margarita, i'm max. very nice, so what did you want? margarita, you see, we are looking for one person, right. well, since i have a very developed intuition. and i realized that i need to contact you. a simple person, such a man, yeah, 35-40
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years old, so tall , strong built, you couldn’t help but notice this , you really intrigued me, but actually i’m married, yeah, you know what i liked most was that you are now, that this word, well, in general - actually... actually , i, well, if you showed him a photograph, i have it, so why don’t you show it, i’m afraid you won’t like it, why, if you say, he such a handsome guy, yes, but unfortunately, he didn’t turn out very well in the photo, you’re afraid of competition, i ’m confident myself, well, whatever you want, let’s do it look. let's see,
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margarite, margarite! hey! well, did you find your offenders? not yet. but i’m their people, i got them to death, tea
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, oh, how, ah, come on, quickly, oh, come on, i’ll spill it all now, pies, pies, listen, i was just about to tell you, i was thinking , and the guys were not easy for you, i think so too, you liked them professionally, listen, maybe he also worked in the section himself, oh well, i would have found out then, i still go to my coach sometimes, check, visit, " this is one of them, the train
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number 480, sitting in a cafe, together with the one whom the major knocked out, it seems to me that he is also a henchman." i almost choked on a pie, oh well, listen, by the way, of course i sent out an identikit of yours, but don’t be offended by looking at it , i want , well, at least to arrest the coffee machine, so it means that i did it as best i could.
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well, listen, this is actually, wait, i saw him somewhere, that’s right, this is the movie, remember, but it looks like an actor, what kind of actor, if it’s an actor, you know, it’s with a white machine gun, contraband, but what about his bandera or what? i know, did you succeed, listen, cool? i’ve already announced a wanted list, i want more
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, but i thought you wouldn’t call, i wanted to say thank you once again, we’ll meet today, i suggest we go to dinner in the spring, what time? at seven, that means at seven, okay, i ’ll be waiting for you, max, come here, well, it ’s necessary, why, listen, max, give me the money. i got this, it’s a pity, give me a jacket , please, so i can fill it with gas, well, here
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we come, like, we need to find a house. we'll find it, in such cities, it's not a problem, san, go buy, eat, drink something, now, listen , how they got here in general, but fear, well, the town wouldn’t have been shown on the map, i wouldn’t have found it, yes, it’s the perfect place to lay low, you’ll never get to the bottom of it, the lead is right , a? then the factory boys stopped by, you know how everything is set up for them, the cops are on guard, others are sitting on the suction, if they are here, then our junk is also nearby, lads, let’s go, no
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need, the fathers didn’t tell me, if it’s just an emergency, listen, my advice to you is to get acquainted. first with your mother-in-law, otherwise you’ll end up like me in st. petersburg, just screws, i’m telling you, that’s it, come on, something’s stuck, it’s him, afon, fork. damn, i fell through the ground, maybe i should trust myself again? why are you so pouty? but no, nothing, that’s
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interesting, he’s expanding himself, he won’t even let us smoke. listen, pepil, you know the tick, right? don’t be fussy, but i have a bad feeling, yes, and i’m clearly having stupid dreams, better give me a cigarette, here. gone.
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good evening, great, great, give me a table for two, please, any table is yours, find a quiet place, okay, please, this one please, thank you, as usual, beer, beer today is cancelled, lady, i don’t know exactly what your lady will drink today. bring minerals, and then we’ll see , okay, how am i, i mean, well, i’ll see how everything is fine, look, i’ll just twist it with a screwdriver, what kind of thing is this, but i do n’t know, it’s for bmw, what is it? and look again.
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good evening, i'll see you off, hello, my hero, hello, this is for you, thank you, i'll take it off, yeah, yeah.
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hmm, you're so beautiful, thank you again, i'm sorry, what will the lady drink, or perhaps chablis, or just a glass of dry white yana, okay, or a bottle, it’s good that you’ll drink it, but that’s great. and coca-cola , what kind of confusion, she, not her, but because she brought it on me with this tick, joke, i had to go after her, the key needs to be called, yeah, call, you’ll run into it, it’s okay, on a cell phone it’s fine , maybe. hello,
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they should have been on their tail, but now what? in short, so, stay there, what, wasted people, but that’s not the right word, but where did they see her? yes, here, here, on the next street.
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hello, hello, you, hello, i'm the district police officer, yeah, i'm inspecting apartments that are rented in this house , you check at night, well, our service is like this, both day and night, i checked, no, you can come in, but what... through the threshold, like us, well, come in, yeah, i don’t even like that , he, well, how many of you are there, two , where is the second one, there, hello, hello
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, you know, i also grew up in a small town, in the east, so i understand well what you are talking about, those with whom i grew up in one yard, they also became, some a policeman, some a businessman, some a bandit, and i thought you were a muscovite, no, although now, probably, yes. i lived in moscow for almost 10 years, i’ve been to trigorsk before, no, there were so many events on the very first day, an attack, i met you,
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our guests were local police officers. i don’t suggest joining, we don’t have anything to drink, what’s wrong? yes , we are not drinkers, intelligent, i told you, i see that we are not drinkers, i see, boss, there’s something i don’t understand, you want to show something, you show it, i’ll explain, i don’t want to show anything, then if it shmon, it would be good to look at the xiva, but i don’t have a xiva. here is your passport, i looked, hmm, well, at, oh, from afar, that i wasn’t sitting at home, yes it’s cold here, boss, to us for what
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purpose, to you with a purpose, “we are builders, we will build a new district, of course, but from the conversation it seems like thieves, but builders, we are not thieves, we were men in the zone, you are the boss too, no swear, anything can happen in life , prison, crazy, today is a cop, tomorrow is a client, i understand. well , sorry for bothering you, it’s lesh, excuse me, um, did you bring the cop, uh, so, he’s honest, he’s uh, he came himself, yes,
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he goes to everyone, but no. well, he lives below you, last time i settled students here, they they've made such a fuss, so he's walking around, so excuse me, okay, come on, it's itching, yeah. i thought we were going to kill the cop. just
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like that, leave moscow and go look for work in another city, but in moscow, because of the crisis , there are no good jobs left. and the province doesn’t scare me at all, but why then not my native yakutsk? well, it’s still warmer here, although i’m from the north, i really don’t like the cold, maybe we’ll dance, let’s go. i found an advertisement on the internet, they promised
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a good salary and a job in my specialty, yeah, what kind of company is this, i’m still decent i know the companies in the city, let's not talk about it. the main thing is that i met you, wait, so you went to the station, you wanted to leave, you wanted to, but now i don’t want to. nikolaevich, hello, tamara
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, you look great today, thank you, ulenka, otherwise you’ll never get compliments from men, that’s for sure, tamara, hello, oh, ivan mikhailovich, what, wait, yes, here i am yesterday. i baked pies, this is for you, otherwise you work and work, and sometimes without lunch, well , thank you, thank you, of course, oh, i also have no breakfast today, i have one pie, for you it’s harmful, you’ll get fat, the kids won’t love you, no, i really didn’t eat it, but ivan mikhailovich, and he will always be there, why are you disgracing me? well, why am i disgracing you? well, these pie? well, why
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are you babbling? come on in! and ronin, where are you? he called me this morning, uh-huh, he said that he couldn’t come to the planning meeting, there was some new information at the station , i’ll give you a pinch, yes, yes, i let him go for operational purposes, well, have a seat, thank you, let’s go over some recent matters, and then we will return to the long-term construction. well, what do we have about the drowned man who is not drowned? in the shelter
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a high content of sedatives was detected . so, the picture of the murder looks like this: they pumped him full of these drugs, obviously mixing him with alcohol. yes, a small amount of alcohol was found in the blood. well, yes, when he passed out. they tightened the collar around his neck and threw water. and what does this give us? nothing. well, with air in his lungs, he could swim a very long distance. by the way, up the river the current is completely different. well, if he had come such a long way, then fishermen or ships must have noticed him. we need to check the rivermen, no were there any signals, we’ll do it, and we also need to walk along the riverside, you never know, small-sized people,
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fishermen, there are those on duty at the piers, here’s makarov, i’m in charge of hotels, and as yesterday i went around all the hotels in the city, including private ones, nothing, i’m going today carry out a raid in the area. give the car where it’s been cleared, yes , mikhailovich, and maybe they’ll involve the interrogators, but no, no, no, they... have their work cut out for them, oh, come on, help yourself, but no, thank you , thank you, no, no, thank you.
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at 21:50, ah, ah!
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hello dear, hello, this is is it leaking, didn’t fill half the apartment with hot water? yes, that means, in a week we will renovate your bathroom, re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway and in the room, and re-lay the parquet, yes, i have linoleum, yes, it says parquet here, so we will lay parquet, is this a joke or what? no, give it to me, be careful, be careful, give it here, and it’s free, completely. at least
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tell me where it is? this means that yesterday he borrowed money from me and went on a date with his victim polina. wow, we’re hunched over here in the sweatshirt, and here he is, here, andrey, oh, thank you, well, andrey, it’s me. covered on the flank, hi, ah, yes, thanks, max, helped out, but no problem, yeah. how it went, you don’t see it yourself, mazurov asked you to come to him, he wants you to connect, connect, we said that you
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were at the station, so you didn’t have time for the planning meeting, thank you guys and sign, that’s all for mazuruto. come in, now, now, i’ll come in, i’ll come in, i want to take a day off, that’s it, i’m flying, this is love, i understand, why are you looking at me , i love you too,
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volodya, what’s wrong with you, i’m talking about time off ivan mikhailovich, you’ll go to opus in winter. so that means you're in favor of him just kicking him out? yes, you know how many things are hanging on it, and i think that rivermen and fishermen will hang on it, okay, here it is, and i ’m looking for it, volodya, volodya, where are you going, where are you going,
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mikhailych gave me 2 days of imprisonment, so guys until monday, hey, what? let's do it, let's go and split the beer in half, it's coming, volodenka, you, is this for you? most of all i was afraid that you would disappear, i’m so afraid of waking up, well, wait, i can’t, well, i
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prepared dinner, you know how to cook, what’s up mr. because it doesn’t happen that beauty and intelligence and cooking, at least not in my life. petrovich, have you ever seen this? i’m 30 years old, i’m lucky, i don’t have anything like this , i haven’t seen it, well, it’s necessary, well, okay, maybe in the winter it will become warmer in our apartments, yeah , it will become warmer when they put in, what, plastic windows are installed, it will be warmer, and the windows will also be changed, skepticism . dalan, how do you know, lord, but i got a job, i pay a salary, almost officially, yeah, you can’t live on guest workers’ wages, but i earn more, as a gastriker pays a trilnik a month, and i’m three and a half
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, well, you’re a rich man, hey, klemma, come on, to “yes, i’m afraid that, of course, i’ll soon be unnecessary, don’t worry, you and i are tied, you won’t mess up, you’ll be with me forever, forever glad, alexander petrovich,
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okay, don’t tell me that, no, why, well, understanding, moreover, that’s good, if i were under some other politician, and what, what, what’s wrong with him say, he didn’t sniff the camp lamb, i agree, listen, baron, listen, sour , why did you overlay all the raspberries, well, why, what am i, well, not me, listen to... i’m only a politician i felt myself in life, there’s a writer calling me by my first name and patronymic, and you, baron, yes, who are you, okay, it’s good to drive empty, what i wanted to say, i wanted to say that there would be morozkins at the station, the neighboring gang says , that no one came to us from them, but... the russians, you say , appeared in the city, they laid a hold on me, but no, dudes,
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you see, they have no idea, the scales are driven, without antlers, you answer, no, just no one smokes , to clarify without any confusion, are you speaking without any confusion? listen, ashes, imagine that i dreamed, i’m a woman, in short, i failed, and then she cooked me something to eat, what she cooked was hodgepodge with mushrooms, remember, we also served it in diamond, i remember it, well, there’s a plate in front of me, and i’m sitting like a glass, why is that, just think, my hands, in short, went numb, like this , yes, like this, there is a plate, a spoon, a fork in front of me, but i can’t move, at the bottom there is a huge... fat olives floating, my saliva is flowing, i thought i might bend down like a dog
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to eat , then i think that i ’m going to hamster like a sucker, olives, yeah, that sucks, but no, that’s fine, they’re pitted, i while i was sitting, i looked at them, and what next , well, i’m sitting in front of the plate, i heard about this plate, and then i kept telling, and well, yes, yes, and this fifa tells me, in short, why don’t you eat, so what, well looks like you let me go here? and then think about it, i stick these olives into my mouth with branches, i stick them in, i eat, i eat, i eat, but they don’t end, then i woke up, a bad dream, sanka, a very bad dream, love is not good, uh-huh, uh-huh, that's it, i'm tired, i don't want to play anymore, okay, i'll go and look at the station cafeteria, maybe some salt, no, no, san. you won't go anywhere the train is in 15 minutes, sit calm , ashes, calm down, everything is fine, i’ll just take a look, i
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won’t be long, the bus will be there in an hour anyway , i’ll go to some market , buy some fruit, hmm, how do you like it, okay, then take it, yeah , i wanted to say something, hmm? polinka , i took time off, i’m free until the weekend, but what about the weekend, the devil himself didn’t drag me to work on the weekend, i’ll sleep and have a dream in which you, on the other hand, sitting in the city in this weather is a crime of the sort especially serious, so what do you suggest, i i agreed with... a holiday in the suburbs , they are waiting for us there, in the suburbs, uh-huh, well, i’m not dressed for
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the suburbs, but we’ll come to you, you ’ll get ready quickly and we’ll leave, no one will find us there, not even my people from work, they don't even accept telephones, let's go, let's go, mm, the spachi is delicious, but the bread isn't very good, a few years ago i was investigating one episode, and it seemed to me that i had found the real killer, but i was wrong, damn, it's the same handwriting, this is a serial killer who leaves his marks everywhere, he has his own mythology, from his point of view he must kill, he has there is no other way out, there is no coincidence, and this is not a coincidence, something like this... there simply cannot and should not be a cradle of the revolution in leningrad, this is darkness itself, captain,
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i see right through you. he is here, he is still here, andrei frolov, what was it, major, anton khabarov, all these killed, these are not victims , but bait to bring me here. fear over the neva. fear of the dark is the oldest and most natural human fear. premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. you never know what's around the corner, some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel; it even fights greasy stains at low temperatures and short washing cycles. everything will be losk without
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is recommended by the russian diabetic association, can't you? good morning, the weather for today in the far east, a new cyclone is spinning up on the chinese border, heading to the primorye region with a reserve of heavy precipitation, followed by rapidly getting colder, in khabarovsk -7, in the straight air it is already 15 below zero, in transbaikalia. 20 and below. siberia is all in uniform frosty weather, from norilsk to krasnoyarsk the same -20. the same indicators are in the south of western siberia. and only along the urals is a narrow band of heat that reaches the subpolar selikhard. european territory after the thaw returns to normal winter weather. the cyclones have retreated for a while, in the middle zone the temperature is normal, the atmospheric pressure
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is rising and the sun will appear. and in the south, sleet and rain are not hot at all. the weather is warm in sochi, but it’s only +10, with humidity and fog. in st. petersburg today there is no precipitation and -2, in moscow -3 -5, the sun will come out, excellent winter weather. take a turnip, and how much is a turnip, inexpensive, uh-huh, i understand or something, but no, we take an onion, we take a selenushka, yes, okay, okay, great, and you, don’t cough, give me a rake,
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slowly, let's show you, you're first, no, let 's go together, count three, one, two, and i'll go there, no, you can't buy me with such bullshit, there's your foreman with his assistant, and behind your back... there's your friend sneaking around, ok, let's leave, quietly, oh, sanya, get out, let's get out of here, now there will be garbage,
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great, hello ivan mikhailovich, hello, hello! okay, okay, that’s it, let me now organize a car so that polina can be taken there, okay, thank you, thank you, i need to take the girl wherever he says, i understand, let’s go,
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come here. what is it with transport? are you familiar with it? let me know, it’s great how young he was, he just graduated from police school , he wasn’t married, he didn’t have time to do well, at least he didn’t leave anyone orphans, but what does it feel like for his parents, what does he say, he died in the line of duty, yours were them. with whom you fought then, for sure, i remember them well , i think i even wounded one, maybe they’ll die, so, okay, okay, calm down, calm down, everything will be
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fine, let’s hold on, everything’s fine, everything ’s fine, calm down, boy. kishlyy, what kind of horse is that, i don’t know, but what do you know, i’ve completely lost my sense of smell, everything is around the city it was quiet, there shouldn’t be any chaos, alexandrovich, i ask you very much, be careful, in every sense, there’s no need for unnecessary problems right now, okay, okay, but what should i do? sit in the car with her, they were swarming with me
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, you can’t come here, cool down, van, what a lawmaker here, the polish was sour, go, look, demons, go, see her off. you said that everything is quiet in the city, mikhalych, i myself am at a loss, some kind of left-wing analysis. analysis, only from these analysis innocent people die, don’t hang these analysis on me, i don’t care about our stray cormorants, you see, okay, that's it, don't interfere with work, go, come on, yeah.
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that's it, he stopped breathing, he was a non-elec, he covered the whole car in blood, he was a frostbitten freak, it was too late to drink borjomi when his kidneys fell off. they will answer for this, there is blood on your pants, what are you offering me, kick your ass, yes, i wouldn’t want such a funeral, stop it,
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better say something. you were a good guy, you worked well with the boys, in short, may you rest in peace, amen, maybe you would have broken through in vain, no, this car is wanted, and breaking through is a problem.
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hello boys, hello girls, yes any news? while all the cartridges were collected, while all the bullets were picked out from the walls, in general, there was such a war there that it was simply terrible. you can come in, of course. i called the duty officer, she said that you had already arrived, and you probably didn’t have time to eat. lord , i thank you for creating this beautiful woman, sit down, sit down , let’s not disturb them, well, open up something, it’s not something, it’s pizza, you came as if to death, what are you doing? tick, i wouldn’t leave him, litter my half horn in the stomach, i it seems that he fell already dead. in short, so
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, go outside, now you too are not allowed to go, at home you will cook grub for everyone, what you said , thought, i said, then you will, but i said i won’t, what are you, ashes,
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neighbor, great, i wish you health, but what's so official? was the car that was parked in the yard all day yesterday yours, or did someone drive it to you? hey, neighbor, what are you getting at us? no one came to us, there are two of us here, me and my little boy, he’s not here right now,
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he’s walking, and i’m with dad, do you want to check? no, sorry to bother you. well, i thought that by that time i would already be in moscow, it was my friend’s son ’s birthday, i had already bought her a gift for such a plush hare, and then somehow everything... went wrong, i didn’t like the hare she left me at the bus stop and at the station i was attacked , wait, it’s a toy hare with those ears, yes , how do you know, they brought it to us, i
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registered it as a victim of a lost person, it’s kept in our forensic evidence room, really, yes , well, well, let's go and see if this is my hare or not? wait, what about you? do you still have the receipt for the hare? mm, check? well, maybe, yes, yes, it’s preserved, well, bring it, we ’ll return it to you tomorrow, yeah, okay, and your max is cute, does he have a fiancée in st. petersburg anyway? you're better, max, it seems to me that you're a womanizer and a dummy, but you're real, let me get the car, no need, let's go for a walk, listen, major, you still need to explain how you
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guessed, otherwise you don't want to die a fool, it's simple , remember, i assumed that he was a cop, well, yes, a cop, he was caring for the woman, since he...
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well, i liked this joke, oh, what a one, well, the one here, well, the first one,
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got a bird. the main thing is done , we don’t need to rush, firstly, we don’t need to make noise, yeah, secondly, we don’t want to kill the cop , yeah, yeah, now there’s all the trash on our ears, tomorrow the cop will leave the service, she ’ll be left alone, got it, let's get on with it then. today i’m tired, you’re the first on duty, our guys are going to barbecue for the weekend. where is this out of
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town, will they go by train? mikhailych, our boss, promised to provide a bus, you use transport for personal purposes, and we are on a mission, at some point, after detention, fry me a shish kebab, well, you promised me a place. beautiful indicator, do you want to join us? i want it, especially if we don’t like it, we’ll leave, there’s a station nearby, not really, there’s a hawker station, boats go around the region, someday you and i will definitely go on a boat ride.
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, will we arrange it? in ramenskoye, near moscow, they saved the sphinx, someone put the cat in a box, wrapped it with tape and took it to the trash bin, if cats really have nine lives, then this was definitely his last chance after the series of troubles that befell him canadian sphynx in...


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