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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 19, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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secretaries, so that they could also have me only for pennies, it’s better to see me once, our correspondent, evgeniy golovanov, accompanied by russian fighters, visited avdeevka and how the nationalists lost the city. protests, strikes and dim prospects, what is happening to the british economy and how prime minister sunak's rating has dropped to the worst in history, as well as the sport of tomorrow, the games of the future at a low start, participants come to kazan from all over the globe, well, who... then he is already competing. this is the program today in
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studio dmitry zaboysty. hello. we start with the main news from the liberated avdeevka, the fighters of the center group of troops took full control of the chemical plant on the outskirts of the city. there was once the largest production facility in europe, but after 2014 the nationalists turned it into a real fortress. and finally, russian flags were hoisted on administrative buildings. in the city itself, the cleanup of certain areas continues. the fleeing militants left behind a lot. golovanov, together with russian sappers , walked through the streets of the liberated city. in liberated avdeevka, accompanied by a soldier with the call sign, we enter voronezh from the direction of yasenovataya, the city, which, along with donetsk , was daily shelled by the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces, precisely from this direction. the road is littered with burnt ukrainian tanks and nato armored vehicles. complete ruins, all that
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remains of the once powerful fortified area of ​​the nationalists in the industrial zone, but how did they manage to tear them out of here? only through systematic fire training and artillery work. the ukrainian military called avdiivka a fortification, that is, a fortress with in 1914, they systematically built defensive concrete structures here , set up firing points in houses, brought in weapons, equipment and ammunition, but under the onslaught of the russian army, which was considered impregnable, the fortress...
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barriers, a lot of bombs, all sorts of traps, radio-controlled for self-destruction, that is complexity adds and also the work time becomes longer because of this. in the first 24 hours alone, sappers discovered more than 200 explosive objects. along with the usual staff ones, they are found. imported exotic, mines with motion sensors and magnetic ones, designed to detonate vehicles passing even a few meters away, i had to borrow all the equipment, leave the machine gun, remove all the hardware and approach naked. many mines are set to be non-removable; these have to be destroyed on the spot. sappers entered avdeevka in the front ranks, among the assault units, cleared the way for them, and removed the mine barriers against them. infantry
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mines and anti-tank mines so that armored vehicles could pass, and despite the fact that the city is already completely under our control , the work of the engineering troops has not become less, they will have to examine a huge territory, first of all the roads so that the main forces can enter and go further to the west, and then they will begin to clear the mines from residential areas, only after this means that civilians will be able to return here with the help of sappers and metal detectors and probes, but more often they use the latter, it’s more reliable, this is desirable... it’s just a combination of metal detectors now that work very well for everything, because there are a lot of fragments, there is a lot of metal, almost at every step here you can find unexploded ammunition , abandoned entire arsenals, this is an anti-tank anti-tank guided missile nalav m of british production, well, you find a lot of exactly this kind of nato iron here, yes, a lot, that is, the west really supplies weapons . but it
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really doesn't always work for them. the weapons generously supplied by the west did not save the ukrainian army from defeat in avdiivka, according to military analysts, but now it can the entire ukrainian defense line in donbass will crumble after the city is captured. the road to konstantinovka, druzhkovka, kramatorsk and slavyansk is opened for russian troops. victory is ours, glory to russia. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv. avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. the capture of avdievka by russian troops was on the front pages of many western publications, even in the traditionally anti-russian press. observers are forced to admit. the surrender of avdiivka is a significant defeat for kiev and is now being sought excuses. the main supplier of these very weapons blamed the republicans for not focusing on biden’s comments. they are passing the next tranche to ukraine. some
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are discussing where russian troops will head next, fueling fears. the most emotional moment was described by foreign policy magazine. for, according to the publication, in response to a journalist’s question. they make rockets with chips from washing machines and refrigerators, the army is terrible, the command is terrible, my god, it all consists of conscripts who were sent there at gunpoint, who don’t want to be there to fight, or, oh my god, the russians are coming, they are cooler than the star warriors , they will overpower all of europe, decide on
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the story already, they are all three-meter giants or they are all powerless gnomes, please choose one of the stories and stick to it, but no, the west is behaving like a schizophrenic. the ex-editor-in-chief of the influential chinese newspaper global times called the release of avdievka the biggest change in the course of the special operation since may 23 and noted another important point: western support has become unreliable, this weakens trust between kiev and his patrons and increases the morale of russia. avdeevka, liberated by russian troops, despite large-scale disarmament, seemingly completely uninhabitable, hundreds of civilians still remain. as our soldiers said, these are mostly pensioners who were unable to leave. for months, people survived in basements and ruined houses without water, heat or electricity. now many people need medical care, which russian soldiers are trying to provide fully . residents of other countries also need support settlements in the village of toshkovka, in
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the lpr, volunteers delivered almost a ton of essential items. the settlement was liberated back in 2022, but the radicals, leaving their positions, do not... residents wait and believe that their life will soon improve. alexey chabataryov met and talked with locals. toshkovka is a terrible place; during the fighting, entire entrances of apartment buildings instantly turned into mountains of concrete rubble. in the summer of 2022, ukrainian troops, according to their bad habit.
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century, electricity, plumbing, central heating, concepts from a past life, in toshkovka there are no shops, pharmacies and not a single working institution at all, they simply have nowhere to stay in a destroyed village, food, medicines, household goods, hygiene products, volunteers try to regularly supply residents with them, people themselves keep track of these kits, they try to fairly distribute them among themselves, and there is mutual assistance for 120.
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moving among the territories specified in the resolution of the federal government there is no this region of the lpr, so toshkovites cannot receive housing certificates or lifting certificates, such as, for example, people who were forced to leave kherson and the kharkov region. but from the city council, you know, i was elected, pervomaisky, well, for the village, i don’t know where to write to us anymore, who to ask, whether something will happen or not, for a long time they didn’t dare to clear out the rubble, emergency buildings, restore the village to proceed due to the proximity to the combat zone, especially since they destroyed toshkovka, the armed kiva formation purposefully to deal a fatal blow to the economy and civilian infrastructure, the city-forming enterprise , the mine and the power line were destroyed by the ukrainian military long before the russian troops approached, they said to flood the shuttle, all this was done so that
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it wouldn’t get to anyone, well, so that no one would get it, but how and how they drowned you and they fired at you when they tried to pull you out blind, and they even fired at two wounded there, the electricians went there, they didn’t try to get you out somehow, say let’s leave now it will be here, yes they said they said, leave , i was sleeping alone and i told them we won’t leave, there’s nowhere to go. the typical tactics of scorched earth, prohibited by the geneva convention, still did not bring the desired result. toshkovka is alive in kiev because people live in it, among them, by the way, two children who are not even a year old; their parents, like the rest of the population of the village, do not leave , because they believe that after the volunteers, builders will come, they will again make the mining town prosperous and comfortable. alexey chebotarev, valeriyan kushnir, ntv, lugansk people's republic. these days in russia, especially in crimea, they remember the euromaidan, exactly 10 years ago... back in kiev, radicals began to attack law enforcement officers, the situation got out of control, this was the beginning of a military
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coup in the country under the auspices of western curators and a whole series of dramatic consequences. residents of crimea and donbass watched with alarm what was happening. the nationalists frightened them with so-called friendship trains with thousands of armed thugs. but in novorosiya they were not afraid and began to enroll en masse in the people’s militia. our correspondent rastislav skidan talked with the participants in fate. defended ordinary people, which means i had to be there. in those days, self-defense participants
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, together with security forces, defended government buildings, strategic objects, and later the administrative borders of the peninsula. more than 30,000 people signed up for the militia units in february-march 1914, including retired military personnel, combat veterans and, as they say, ordinary hard workers. crimeans are for themselves, not russians. in anticipation of guests from kiev, crimea flourished with the russian tricolor. the main square of sevastopol, its historical center, once called. with ekaterinskaya, about 100 years ago it was renamed in honor of the russian admiral pavel stepanovich nakhimov. the city's first monument to the hero of the russian-turkish war , kazarsky, was erected here. and here is the memorial and eternal flame in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war. in 2014 , another historical event took place here - a rally of the people's will. then tens of thousands of sevastopol residents gathered in this square. russia. russia! the next day , 7.00 people gathered in the square near the crimean parliament, the initially peaceful protest turned into clashes, as
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the republican authorities later announced that the clashes were provoked by supporters of the right-wing sector banned in russia, two people were killed and 40 were injured. it is february 26 that is considered the last day of kiev power on the peninsula. the events of that day are called turning points on the memorial plaque. even today he is forced to hide his face from cameras as a precaution. he served in berkut for more than 20 years, and even saw the nineties, but they were truly dashing. it turned out that the last 3 months of service on the maidan. then the ukrainian authorities disbanded berkut. and after 10 years the officer does not undertake to discuss the orders of the former command, but still does not understand why, at the height of the protests, the special forces were ordered to leave their positions. to be honest, we were all stunned, back on february 18, that is , all day then until late at night. in general , the berkut unit was able to clear the entire government quarter. there were protesters.
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in kiev, berkut officers shot at buses and threw molotov cocktails from supporters of the new government: russia was greeted as heroes in crimea. the attitude towards everything seemed to reach us rather sparingly, well, in general, there was no time to take a more in-depth interest in something. at home, well, when we arrived at lenin square, we unloaded into the number of crimean residents who greeted us, how they greeted us, i remember now, it captures my heart. we said yes, we are in the city to the duty officer, i say: here we are, these are the call signs for the contact of our duty officer, we participate in all events and in order to restore order in the city, maintain it, so that our personal ours, the guys dressed up as uazs with berkut chevrons, patrolled every
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night until morning, on the night of february 23 , curators of the sbu and the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine flew from kiev to simferopol. but valentin nalevaichenko and arsen avakov did not dare to go beyond the airport. petro poroshenko walked along the streets of simferopol, not far and not for long. a monument to polite people, one of the iconic monuments in crimea. over the course of 8 years , characteristic imprints appeared on the figure of the bronze fighter; every day dozens of tourists, and locals too, take photographs with him. the russian military then helped ensure a peaceful transition of the peninsula into russia, and...
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what to expect from the rest, whether they can overcome the discord in the family and in the country, we will find out soon on ntv. next, a short advertisement , after which we will tell you how the recession in the british economy pulled the rating of the british prime minister to the bottom, which forced russian diplomats in sri lanka
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to reassure our tourists, as well as sports, science and technology, games of the future at a low level. start in kazan, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, and the pains, fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate. consequences of prostatitis langitasis against prostatitis, well, debts on credit cards carry interest, what kind of interest do you need, you need help, take out credit cards, transfer debts to help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of debts on credit cards, it’s easy with help, you’re my basket , favorite chicken for 199 rubles in rostix restaurants, new game,
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the belgrade-dusseldor flight recover after an emergency landing in the serbian capital. during takeoff, the hambyer touched the light signal struts and pierced the fisyulyash wing. the pilots made a decision to land as soon as possible, but the liner had to circle over the city for an hour to run out of fuel. at this time, the airport was completely... closed for takeoff and landing, the emergency board was met by several cars, firefighters and doctors, due to breakdowns , the plane’s speed during landing was 74 km higher than normal, everything ended well , the passengers were not injured, but the flight will be remembered for a long time, but at the same time, representatives of the airline stated, i will quote here, the safety of passengers has never been threatened, end quote: prime minister rishi sunok, who at the beginning of his term promised stability for all residents of the kingdom , is now forced to make excuses for his failures; at the end of last year, gdp growth turned out to be so weak that the british
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economy entered a technical recession, while the government is even trying to find a way out of the crisis by cutting spending there , where there is almost no money left, ordinary citizens go out to protest the strike. elizaveta gertsson, more details. the uk economy has surprised. even pessimistic experts. pessimists predicted a fall in the last quarter of 23, as in the penultimate quarter, 10%, it turned out three times worse, when there is a decline for two quarters in a row, this is called a technical recession, and when the ratings of the ruling party also have a decline not for two quarters in a row, but for several years, this is called a political recession, like a hurricane that has been battering britain all winter, this economic recession too... has been given the name of its own human recession by rishis, recession, like boris johnson with his lies, listra with gaps in education, ri shunok, it seems,
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will be remembered precisely for this economic downturn, especially since from him, as the former chancellor of the exchequer, that is, minister of finance, there was special demand in this area, a promise to invigorate the island economy after brexit, covid and rising energy prices...
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entire cities are crumbling , nottingham, birmingham, that is, spending on social projects in these cities, nursing homes, kindergartens, clinics cannot be covered from the local
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budget, however, some schedules. are going up in britain, prices are rising, mortgages are growing the popularity of labor competitors , the strike schedule is quite smooth, they are regular, the political recession is confirmed, the conservatives lost two more seats in parliament during the extra-curricular elections before the elections, this looks like a rehearsal for the general elections that will be held at the end of this year. the conservative sunok only managed to preserve the problems with which he came to power. most likely these problems. in excellent condition, very soon he will pass it on to his rivals. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, anastasia konorovskaya, alexander dekin, ntv television company, london. the russian embassy in sri lanka decided to reassure russian tourists and informed them that they can relax in this country safely. business news marina pimenova. marina, what could scare tourists, where do such comments come from? and another message, also from the russian embassy, ​​could have frightened the tourists.
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the russian embassy in sri lanka announced that the situation in this country is stable and does not pose a threat to the life and health of tourists. in the telegram channel, the embassy reports that russian citizens can quote: calmly continue your holiday on the island. all these comments were required after another message from the russian embassy in sri lanka, published by sudki rane. it said that in one of the hotels there was a fight involving, as the embassy calls it, a russian citizen located in sri lanka. on a permanent resident visa, and the cause of the fight was reportedly harassment and indecent behavior of hotel staff towards russian women. and according to the embassy, ​​this case is lucky grounds for russians permanently residing in sri lanka to think about returning to their homeland. does all this mean that sri lanka is safe for russian tourists, but poses a threat to russians permanently residing there, the russian embassy does not specify. shares of polymetal's
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largest manufacturer. russia and the second country in gold production are falling by almost a percent. the company announced that it is selling russian assets to the group of mangie, sergei yanchukov. the value of these assets is reportedly valued at $3,700 million. russian renoctions are starting the day slightly higher, but analysts warn that the threat of new sanctions against russia could turn the market in the other direction. the ruble is becoming cheaper: the dollar is 92.27, the euro is 99.50. russian sites have started. delete information about vpn services, the kommersant newspaper writes about this, for example, the fopda technical forum and the corporate media skillfactory deleted information from the vpn along with instructions for setting up the network. this is happening against the backdrop of the fact that from march 1 in russia there will be a ban on the popularization of vpn services and publications about how to bypass the blocking. the editor-in-chief of the security lab portal, alexander antipov, also says that some
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materials about vpn have already been edited or deleted on their service and that it is being moderated. content on the portal from march 1 will be subject to a strict editorial policy; on other sites, for example, cyber forum, vc and swag, data about vpn or network settings remains. tas reported in october 23, citing the public communications network management monitoring center , that since 21 , 167 vpn services and 84 such applications. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina pimenova with business news. the annual event took place in moscow.
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parents, unfortunately, do not have such funds, and this is not yet supported by the state, so today everyone who came here bought tickets is actually participating in the rescue of this beautiful child, helping is right, it’s just pleasant, useful, no need to feel sorry, we need to give energy to these children who most need our support and energy, winter holiday: the lifeline foundation is holding this year already in thirteenth time. in kazan, everything is ready for the start of the games of the future, and although there are still 2 days before the official opening, group stages are already starting today in some disciplines. russia is the first in the world to host a tournament that blurs the lines between classical and e-sports. athletes from all over the world and even countries that are far from friendly to us come to the capital of tatarstan. greets guests and observes training. alexandra tankikh.
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the first guests are greeted with songs, dances, bread, salt and chak-chak. kazan airport accepts every day. doesn't matter. i met a lot of players here, basketball players, guys from spain, europe, the usa, south america. i think in the future, maybe in 5-6 years, these games could be a new type of olympics. the games of the future integrate digital classic sports.
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figital hockey consists of two parts. first, the players are in sports uniform, fighting at the computer, and then they pick up clubs and go out to fly. the team that scores more points in total over the two stages wins. we already had time to rest after the journey, try the ice, try it national tatar dishes , pies, these triangular ones, yes, we tried it , it’s delicious, it’s very tasty, and your cuisine is generally superb, the baltic select team from latvia and estonia united strong e-sportsmen and hockey players to score the maximum number of points in the digital part show beautiful game on the ice, the mood to win , we didn’t think about the invitation for a long time, we are playing about... our favorite game, everyone went, why should anyone ban it, so we are for the sport of non-politics, their rivals from the usa, canada and mexico, during the break between
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training sessions, had already seen the sights of kazan; for all participants in the city, the tournament organizers prepared a cultural program. yesterday we went on an excursion, saw the kremlin, the mosque, the building, i really liked it. the games of the future in kazan expo is preparing to welcome spectators of the participants; a bright show is expected at every match. the final preparations for the games are now setting up the equipment here. this is a basketball court, instead of the usual covering there is an interactive floor, which tracks the movement of each player in real time. when everything is running at full capacity, it will look like this. the organizers have planned many activities for the spectators, everyone here can try their hand at physical sports, there will be computer games and physical disciplines, volunteers will help guests and participants, 2.0
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people, they are now completing their training at the competition venues, the games of the future begin on february 21, for the first time in history, that's all for now, thanks for being there with us, see you, how to maintain normal sugar levels, take it, the natural aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels, reduce appetite cravings for sweets. the alied evalar workout is recommended by the russian diabetes association. you can't refuse sweets. helps reduce appetite, cravings for sweets, and maintain normal sugar levels. olajim evalar, recommended by the russian diabetes association. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow. anticyclones from the central
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regions of european territory continue move east. in povolozhsk the sky is clearing up, the temperature is not changing, but in the central regions of the middle zone in the black soil there are already more clouds. the wind is getting stronger, the fact is that it is to the west. a new scandinavian cyclone is approaching the area, which means a new heat wave of snow, by the middle of the week we are expecting plus again in pskov. another frontal section can be traced from crimea to the caucasus ridge. the forecast is for rain in places with sleet, in the lower reaches of the volga and don in the kuban and in the stavropol region without precipitation. on the black sea coast in sochi perfect southern winter, sun up to 12 degrees. but in simferopol it’s not higher than six and there’s wet snow. on the shores of the baltic it is also warm and rainy, in kaliningrad it reaches +5 during the day, and from karelia to the bryansk region there is a lot of precipitation. somewhere there is snow, somewhere there is sleet, in st. petersburg there is light snow and in the daytime it is 0. -2, in moscow there is no precipitation, in the daytime there is severe sleet up to -5. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country.


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