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tv   Glavnaya doroga  NTV  February 24, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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in the center there is slight precipitation, but almost everywhere, and if in the west it is rain, then in the east it is a mixture of rain and snow, freezing rains are not excluded, only in the volga region, winter classics , a lot of sun and daytime temperatures stay around -10, you will be reluctant to let go , in the south there is still no precipitation, slight only in the mountainous regions of dagestan, the temperature will remain within today's limits, but on the don, in the stavropol region in the kuban, due to the dense wind it will seem colder, in st. petersburg tomorrow up to +5 with rain, in moscow has precipitation. will go to the stage of rain, tomorrow afternoon +1:3, and the wind is strong, gusty, in general, objectively warm, but uncomfortable.
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this is the main road on ntv, i’m andrey fedortsov, i’m denis yuchenkov, hello, look in the program, it’s coldly creepy, yes, he’s invisible, but deadly, even with the gates open. carbon gas, insidious, fast , merciless, be careful, you are being filmed, efficiently, effectively, where police drones work, why does a qashqai have diapers, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, we drowned and a gazelle cap, music... finished the game if you had
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the standard music was on, it’s not illegal for you, the powerful sound will cancel your registration, about this after the news, news, forced, in perm, a drunk driver in a car without license plates, decided to run away from the traffic police crew, the patrolmen had to shoot, the horn of the service kalashnikov was empty, only then... the motorist pressed the brake, two passengers of the car were injured, they were taken to the hospital, a check is underway, 27 tires, so many very expensive tires were cut with a knife by a hooligan in the moscow region, he was detained, he was already explained at the department, the mind was clouded by the introduction, a pest under a written notice not to leave, keep your distance, the patrol car crashed into a slowed-down cornfield, and it almost threw it into a pedestrian, the man was lucky.
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jumped back, the state traffic safety inspectorate is checking, video recording of the accident will significantly reduce its duration, rushed under the car, in the arkhangelsk region, a teenager ran straight into an intersection 5 meters from a zebra crossing, while still driving his red one, on the slippery road the taxi driver did not have time to react, the young man is recovering at home, music finished the game. pedestrians against music lovers, for asking to turn it down, can be sent to death, beaten and even killed, in rostov-on-don alexander lushin figured out how to deal with night music lovers, who would have to remove the speakers and how to give jazz legally. in
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st. petersburg, a child could not sleep because of loud music in a parked car. the father asked to turn it down and went into knockout. in saransk, a patient from a psychodispensary stabbed two friends who drugged their bosses in the parking lot of a high-rise building. now i'll kill all the creatures. dealing with late-night music lovers is not easy. for noise control.
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10 days to dismantle the acoustics, if you don’t have time, the car’s registration will be canceled, but the studio car audio is already thinking about how to get around this ban, here is the podium. we simply added two additional speakers to the factory door trim without disturbing the inside; from the outside it will look like a regular factory door trim. and this car is unlikely to be able to drive on the roads of rostov for a long time if it suddenly gets there. here the luggage space, the rear row of seats have been completely cut out, additional roof reinforcement has been made, there are additional disassemblies in the box, these are stiffening ribs. many rostov drivers.
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regulations of the customs union, respectively , sound, acoustic systems that are additionally installed, everything is accordingly subject to changes in the design, if you install more powerful speakers, but in standard places, the inspector is unlikely to notice it, and the connected subwoofer is difficult not to notice, choice, fine and dismantling , or the acoustics must be included in the pts. despite the fact that the technical regulations do not contain requirements for car audio components, other requirements are imposed on them, such as, for example, traffic safety internal equipment or visibility of the driver's seat, respectively subject to registration. according to the regulations, any interference with the car’s wiring must be registered. let's say dvrs are installed, connected to the standard system, the electrical system of the car. intervention in
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the design, because it is connected to the standard system, installation of this system by the manufacturer is not provided for in principle. and also parking sensors, rear view camera, heated seats, auto start, then... no longer provided from the factory on many cars, but the streets of rostov will now become quieter. tinkov - these are car loans on the day of application, a referral for repairs in pokatsk in one hour, payment of the loan in one day. telko, he's the only one. genergy fsint motor oil represents the source of my victories in how you prepare for the race, keep yourself and your car at their peak.
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premiere from monday at 20:00. be careful, you're being filmed. where do the police work? drones? why are there diapers in qashqai? oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh. we drowned. and a gazelle piston, the dead are as if they were alive, it is invisible, but deadly, carbon monoxide increases potency, but not for long. absolutely all the smoke ended up not on the street, but in your garage. about this right now. under gas. mashene, do you like to sleep? i love. well, of course you are. you get up early, right, while you warm up the car, you like to hang out, yes, yes, how do you know,
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imagine that you are warming up the car, you fall asleep, you feel good, you have wonderful dreams, yes, ah because we have to go, we have to go, well, well, now let’s warm up the car a little, i’ll go, you’re not going anywhere, why, but because you won’t wake up, no, i’m already awake, look, i ’m starting the car, taxiing out of... you're sleeping, no, you're sleeping, you're sleeping, open the window, why are you heating the car with the window closed, open the window, you're sleeping, you're sleeping, i'm not sleeping, it's nice to sleep under a blanket, firebox, under a blanket of carbon monoxide, you won't wake up again never, you're sleeping, well , if i'm sleeping, then wake me up. do you think i'm nearby? i'm near, no, there you are, you see
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myself, it’s me, and you’re sleeping, he won’t wake up anymore, you won’t wake up anymore , wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, imagined, scary, yes, that’s what it’s all about, started the car, so, go beyond the wilderness, why, drowsiness is not because, in fact, you want to. sleep, because fatal carbon monoxide poisoning is developing, death can occur quite quickly within a few tens of minutes, everyone knows about the danger of exhaust gases in the garage, but people still die, the young man from orsk closed in the box he started the car, they managed to save him , the person is not very aware of the actions, does not immediately understand that he is getting sick, falls asleep and leads to death, am i suicidal, i ’m now going to put everything outside the car with the exhaust pipe. it is very insidious, in calm weather, heavy gases can
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spread for quite a long time near the exit from the garage, in fact, yes, stay there, well, well, move the car, come on, naive guy, i’ll show you how it works using the example of heavy smoke where is yours in the head tube, here here please. well, look, you see, you see, he doesn’t go out of the gate into the street at all, although the gate is open, look, everything is sucked back into the garage, but it’s here, let’s go and look there. and there you have it, a carpet of carbon monoxide. unconvincing, heavy smoke, carbon monoxide. yes yes. fine. using a gas analyzer, we will measure the level of carbon monoxide concentration in the interior of a car driven inside a garage with the gates closed and open. start the car, let's go
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get some fresh air for 7 minutes. carbon monoxide has the ability to bind to hemoglobin in the blood, thereby - red blood cells - lose their ability to carry oxygen. even with a minimum concentration of carbon monoxide of 5 mg meter, after 15 minutes a person exhibits symptoms of poisoning; on the contrary, emotional excitement, euphoria and even a surge in potency occur. near novosibirsk, a young couple decided to retire to a garage in an established ten. didn’t wake up, oh, there’s smoke, i can’t breathe, i’m thinking why my head hurts all the time, that is , electrocytes, they’re with blood, i understand everything, come on take out a gas analyzer, look at the readings , it’s 20 times higher, and this is in a closed salon, let’s get out of here quickly, otherwise, oh, listen, and you’re already turning pink, we see
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pink skin in the dead, including... this due to the fact that carboxymoglobin gives the blood a bright red color, in just 7 minutes, which is how long a car is usually warmed up, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the car exceeded the norm by 20 times, in the box itself the indicators are slightly lower, the gas quickly fills a small volume of the cabin, and remains there , in the garage itself there is at least minimal ventilation, when the gates are open, the concentration in the cabin is three times higher than normal, and... in the garage at five the gas goes out into the street, but immediately creeps back into the garage, everything is clear, if you don’t warm up the car in the garage, there are no harmful gases and nothing happens to me threatens, mm, what will you do in the garage if you don’t warm up the car, well, as always, you’ll go to the cellar, yes, stop, i
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’ll go first, but here... you can breathe normally here, i’ll tell you i said, usually, usually vegetables rot and release carbon dioxide, so you can’t breathe in the cellars there is nothing and a person getting into such an atmosphere essentially dies from suffocation, should i now go down into the cellar with a gas analyzer, no, just sort through the potatoes more often so they don’t rot, thank you. if the car is old, leaks allow carbon monoxide to penetrate inside the cabin, and does its deadly work, get behind the wheel, now i ’ll show you where the carbon monoxide goes, when
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the exhaust pipe is in a snowdrift, the gas will find a hole, but how are you? there is something to breathe, no longer, i don’t either, it’s not necessary to warm up a modern car for a long time, but if still, you warm it up, not in the garage, not in a snowdrift, with the exhaust pipe in the wind, but if you feel sleepy, take a breath of fresh air, take a breath of fresh air, wake up, wake up, wake up. wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, diaper for qashqai, what do we have today, nissan qashqai, first generation, tri-styling, listen, well, boring, maybe you can
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do it without me, well, wait, well, do you want? chiku. qashqai is not boring, but it is inconspicuous. but convenient and practical. hello. the restyled nissan kashkai of the first generation was produced from 2010 to 2013. this is for me, and for me, and this is for you, that they are different, you have a boring glass, a boring porridge, a boring glass. do you know that this is the first japanese car designed in england, especially for europe, and that this will make it drive better over potholes, well
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, there is no dory, but you and i have an updated copy, 1.6 petrol engines i2 l, dmitry nikolaevich, nikolaevich, how do you like the car, an excellent car, and why qashqai, because my father chose it, and they told me that you have a car nickname, barsik. this a leopard, yes, it’s a leopard, andrei albertovich, how much do you think a leopard costs? 800, 800, million. we'll find out the real price at the end of the story. the main updates during restyling are narrower headlights, improved sound insulation, modified steering settings and an improved suspension, which was previously noisier and stiffer. let's check the smoothness of the car with our test glass for suspension stiffness. all the owners complain, even after modifications it has not become much more comfortable, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, we
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drowned, oh, 50 grams, i’ll spill, it was full , the main thing is that the driver’s legs don’t get tested, the driver’s legs have wiring connectors, including the rear lights that go to the fuel pump, in wet weather condensation accumulates there, the wiring oxidizes and rots, stock up car diapers , the history is invisible, it will rot and you won’t notice, a responsible owner will never allow this, it doesn’t rot at all, be careful that this pad, it just breaks very often, the license plate pad can remain in your hands if you open the trunk using it. the fastening is very weak, some owners drill the door and put the trim on the gazelle pistons, the fit is comfortable and the ergonomics are excellent, everything is at hand. look at the screen, i, i, even with glasses, i can’t see anything, you don’t have a magnifying glass, you don’t have a magnifying glass, i can’t give you my glasses,
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how much do you spend on servicing your car, it’s around 8,000 rubles. what was the most expensive repair? replacing the stabilizer link? how much did it cost? it cost me around 10,000 rubles. why is she buzzing? either the muffler fell off or it was on purpose done. dmitry, barsik's owner, installed an exhaust from a real supercar, a nissan gtr. it sounds menacing, but it can be tiring. a two-liter engine with an age more capricious than 1.6, can burn up oil, and can boast of a crack in the cylinder head after improperly replacing spark plugs. how does the car warm up in winter? all you have to do is stand for 20 minutes. kashkai engines warm up extremely slowly. therefore, in cold weather, the interior remains cold for a long time, so that at least somehow. the cardboard in front of the radiator helps speed up warming up, an eternal classic, let's take a swim in mud, oh, mud test, why am i bored, but
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you like it, like it. the uncleanable areas in front of you, judge for yourself, the side window of the driver's door, of course, is covered in dirt, but the passenger side is absolutely clean, the sills are clean, but the handles are dirty, let's see how the rear passengers, again, have the same effect. let's see if the qashqai can cope with our off-road conditions? well, he moved out, for 3 whole seconds. so, well,
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this isn’t an suv, this is a crossover, that’s why 3 seconds is long. the rear-wheel drive is connected here via electric coupling, with two rollers in automatic mode, qashqakai moved out in 3 seconds. not impressive, with one wheel not locked, it wiggles helplessly on our reels. i don’t even have to look, you can park without thinking, any crossover can do that, you have to take care of the porridge, prices for body parts can ruin the owner, using the euroencap method they tested the pre-restyling version of the model, excellent result, five stars, fits four suitcases, as you can see . you can put the fifth one from the top, now let’s load it tires and mother-in-law's request, mother-in-law's request. and what
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is it? empty boxes from washing machines, why? listen, you don’t have to ask me anything, i asked, she said: yes, cruise, but nothing will be visible in my mirror, nothing, nissan qashqai is popular in crime reports, additional protection is a must. so, dmitry nikolaevich, how much is your little leopard worth now in this condition? 100,000, 1,100, and you said 800, well , somewhere nearby. in principle, thank you, good car, good luck, thank you, leopard, hi, well, it’s a bit boring for me, yes, but to be honest about the service, well , maybe a seagull, maybe a posaka, well, magnetka, are you ready, ready to catch some ice, ready to become the best in kql, ready to pick up yours, are you ready for real hockey... bet
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khl championship. the topic of war crimes will be the main one on our broadcast today. we have a unique witness to what happened, the famous musician, violinist, daniel. what's happening? they are handing out weapons to people. remember, a skinned child in ukraine must speak ukrainian it's simply unthinkable. we need to leave kiev. i’m in charge here, i get to decide who needs what. here, where did you bring us? no , i ask you, stop, you are going so far, you remnant, you are all murderers here, a cruel age, cruel hearts, but what about conscience, there is no conscience, a nation, the resistance of a nation depends on the degree of unity of the race,
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based on the purity of blood. depended on how we live: signal lights, carrier pigeons, telegraph, telephone and the heights of evolution of the smartphone, but for maximum quality tele2 goes even further, for the load networks, coverage and fast internet are answered by artificial intelligence, because today the quality of communication is equal to the quality of life of each subscriber, now it. will appear,
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come on, what's there? a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality cashback - 23% on everything. smart speaker yandex station 2 with alisay for only 14.1999 and eldorado. buy ashen red bird products and thousands of other products to holiday. okay, ready. mistress, take the job. ours do. come for dinner.
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i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickles, but with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, you’ll also say that it’s hidden , oh, hundreds of cultural languages, millions of people, sportmaster has collected all the sports in one application. posters for sporting events include lectures, master classes, and competitions. register and receive bonuses for participation. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. specifics of our profession operates unofficially. sasha will not cooperate. at the end of the cold war. we
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had our own super spy, i ask the questions here. gdr, see naving. 60% on everything, more important than words, with love from falcons. to have fresh ideas, there must be fresh products, like in hair refrigerators. use technology and have fun, because this is khair - technology inspired by life. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is accruing, you need a handyman. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently repay them, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage, this. dad plays like this, dad has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, replenish only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, this spring, discounts in the square, choice in the square,
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gifts in the square, take your rif gauche, spring squared, and the fashion driver got away with a fright, thank you, thank you, carefully, the most polite inspector, residents of st. petersburg are nice we were surprised at the manner in which the traffic police crew communicated with the drivers, did not speed up the left lane, but
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delicately made their way with beacons between the rows through traffic jams, it was faster and safer and thanked their fellow travelers for giving way, thank you, thank you. know-how from the middle kingdom: in china they came up with a self-shaking system for cars, this will help a foreign car remove snow from the body autonomously without human intervention. the secret is in the hydraulic suspension: upcoming tests will show whether the car is designed for russian frosts. be careful, you're being filmed. watch the sky inspectors guy, i continue.
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attesting witnesses are not needed in this case; courts willingly accept videos from drone attorneys. of course, we agree that you are doing a good job. during the one-and-a-half-hour check, approximately 10 reckless drivers drove carelessly into the oncoming traffic. i have admitted my guilt, but some, seemingly
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unscrupulous citizens, may not admit it. but a fact is a fact, it will be possible to record it, it is a very convenient technology, well, it must be used. if you see a quadcopter on the highway, you know that after about three kilometers , inspectors are waiting for you to escape punishment. not it turns out that the license plate number of the car has already been transferred to the crews. an unmanned aerial vehicle is not a means of automatically recording administrative offenses, cameras installed on it, but record the road situation and are evidence in a case of offenses. the information is transmitted along with the traffic police, which manually stops the vehicle and compiles administrative material. a brutal man with a sign of a woman's shoe in glass was stopped according to the same principle: they noticed violations, turned on online recording was introduced before the inspectors. we started overtaking, waiting for the overtaking violation sign, i agree. driving into oncoming traffic in a prohibited place will cost the violator
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5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months. for repeat offenders, the punishment is stricter; you will have to become a pedestrian for a year. with the onset of spring, state traffic safety inspectorate quadcopters will take off in many regions of the country. it's better not to break the rules, it will be cheaper. in the following program: real buttons or drawn ones. which ones are faster and safer, we’ll talk about that in the next program.
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good morning, live food is on the air, i’m sergey malozyomov, and my medical education helps me understand a bunch of scientific research about which foods are healthy and which are not, that’s what i’m investigating today: natural chocolate and its doubles, what sweets reveal themselves to be with substitutes? i can taste complex fats. why are prices for cocoa beans breaking records? cooks' secret weapon. what is the maillard reaction and how to use it in the kitchen? won't it explode? during the filming of live food , an amazingly delicious recipe was immediately discovered and stolen. is it true from potatoes produce nasty mucus in the intestines, an answer to a question from our viewers. products for extending life on earth in
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space, the latest news from the world of food science, and, as always, at the end of the program, the recipe of the week, something beautiful and original that you will see very soon. if you buy even quite expensive chocolate or candy, there is a high probability that it will contain a lot of different substitutes. namely bitter, because it is the most aromatic, rich, and marina, as
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a professional, is not at all against the confectionery glaze, instead of cocoa butter , it contains other vegetable fats , it’s much easier to work with glaze as a decoration, melted it, started working, something didn’t work out, melted it, remade it, your process doesn’t stop for a minute, for clarity, marina prepared dessert in two versions, one made from real chocolate, which... needs to be melted, cooled in a special way, this is called tempering and in no case overheat, but the glaze for the second dessert just needs to be softened in the microwave, a little later they must be let's taste it, try to find the difference, what is real chocolate anyway, why are they trying to replace it? the question is the price, how labor intensive? i think i came to the right place, but
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why does it stink so disgustingly here, i wasn’t ready, now we’ll find out, the daughter of the farm owner, a girl with the fabulous name ninfa, explains that initially the indians used only the sweetish-sour pulp of the fruit to produce alcohol, and the seeds you... if bob doesn't absorb this brava.


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