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tv   Odnazhdi  NTV  February 25, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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nina dvorzhetskaya is a great domestic actress in terms of the size of her talent, i would say outstanding, but she will not forgive this, dvorzhetskaya hates compliments and excellent epithets, she is generally a timid person, afraid of publicity and increased attention to herself, but we made our way into her house and...
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.more for meditation, and maybe therapy. nina she sews them not so much for comfort and joy, gorelik was born into the family of an engineer and a translator, her parents divorced when she was only 6 years old, and the girl was sent to a boarding school, they had a difficult conflict, only 2 years later, nina’s father took her to a new family; she basically did not communicate with her mother for 30 years. yes, this is a childhood trauma, i tried to figure it out.
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why does this barrier exist, why does my body say, i don’t want it, i don’t need it, mm, yes, visually everything is fine for everyone, but nothing happens to me, well , yes, this is a huge childhood trauma, and it is so deep and so understood so late that it was already insurmountable, and there was no need to treat it, i had already become just the person i became, who is essentially your mother replaced? grandmother berta, my father’s mother with all the passion of a jewish mother and a jewish grandmother , and my father’s second wife, who also apparently invested a lot in me, i think, first of all, out of great love for my father, and since childhood you dreamed of becoming an actress , at first i really wanted to be a ballerina, because i had idols, ulanova, plesetskaya, i was capricious and whining, and they bought me pointe shoes very early and... the nanny played a dog
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waltz on the piano, i danced to the dog waltz, she said, performs, people's artist of the world, i performed, but they didn’t accept me into the bolshoi theater school, because the teacher who watched me said: the girl is wonderful, stretching, wonderful, flexible, everything, but she will grow very big, and the bone is heavy, folk dancing, please, i’ll what folk dances, i am a dying swan. where should i go, they turned on the lights and it smells different, that’s why i’m scared of them, i’m offended by everyone, i didn’t turn out to be a ballerina, but this is it, i got into the taganka theater very early, it happened due to because that's how it is my parents were somehow friends with this tagankov crowd at that time , i saw a lot of performances there, but that’s not even the point, there was a smell of powder, dust, a hanging -
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it’s terribly dusty, as i later found out that it was terribly dusty, then the women there had perfume, the tagankov women had some other perfume than red moscow, this... this air, it probably poisoned me, well, it lured me, that’s it, it works. nina igorevna says that she will never confuse the smell of her native stage with anything else, and this is not guile. the actress has been serving the russian academic youth theater for 40 years, where she ended up almost immediately after graduating from the shchukin higher theater school. one day michal came to the school there.
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yes, manyu’s play based on the best-selling book by narine abgoryan has been a hit at the russian academic youth theater for the fifth year. dvorzhetskaya was treated kindly by the audience and respected by her colleagues on stage, although anything could happen. for 40 years. i have a bad character, probably
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because at some point i allowed myself to be myself and abandoned the uninteresting hopeless in a sense. one day, the artistic director of ramta , alexey vladimirovich borodin, invited nina igoryevna to teach at his course in
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gitis. she agreed to release about 60 promising artists. but after a while she left gites for her native pike. now dvorzhetskaya is a professor at her alma mater. do you monitor the success of your students? yes, i’m very happy when they don’t abandon me, they call me back about some of their successes or problems or ask questions. not all, naturally, but many often wanted say, students of the hunchbacked swearer, artist gorbatov, but he, too, is like a star, no matter what. where is gorbatov, and regularly calls twice a month, reports, tells everything, asks my point of view, this is wonderful, this is where you can live, amen? watching what is happening to young artists now, the question arises: are they all healthy? i talk about this all the time, that
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there are a lot of unhealthy children, unhealthy ones, these nineties, as we call them, children of alcohol and piano, we need them doctor. we need, it seems to me, at the reception we need a psychologist or even a psychotherapist who is not a specialist, with some children he will simply stop him and say: this is just a mobile psyche, or this is just psychopathy, don’t, then you will completely ruin the child and he belongs will be in a madhouse, just the other day i watched the ozerovo battle for moscow, liberation, the battle for berlin for the 258th time, i look at michal sanovich ulyanov and shed bitter tears. where is michal sanychi, where, well, we accept a huge amount like if there were talented children, boys and girls, but where are they, mikhail sanovich, and why do they all go into a profession in which there is simply an overabundance, that’s why, that’s what you were talking about about this illusory
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fame, glory, recognition, i don’t know, for money, i don’t know, i don’t have an answer, i try everything... to explain to my students that this is wrong, but who gets it, gets it, doesn’t get it, someone needs so that people recognize him on the street, point and fraternize, i don’t know, they took pictures there, then...
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the heir to the famous acting dynasty could have played hundreds more roles, but on december 1 , 1999, evgeny dvorzhetsky died in a car accident in moscow. he was only 39 years old. for me, this jewish happiness is called dad. died on november 29 , 1987, and on december 1 , 1999, zhenya died, i have these two terrible memorial days, they are side by side, wow, i don’t want it to be like this, but i can’t do anything about it. we need to take a break, we will return to the conversation with nina dvorzhetskaya right away after this ad. everything you are interested in is now in the vk video application. the execution
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is chic, very, very atmospheric mask - fifth anniversary season today 2020. ready to act immediately and can be used together with antibiotics. order medicine with discounts on well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off.
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gel caress, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new in three times longer, new, no, i erase with affection, now it will appear, come on, what is it, a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%, an antibiotic.
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feet, one of the most revered heavenly patrons, saint nicholas the wonderworker.
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millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today especially, each of us needs holy intercessors and patrons. the imperial mint is proud to present the consecrated medal in honor of nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you. subject to payment for postage packaging - 299 rubles. call the phone number provided or order on the website svyatoychutvorets.rf. the medal is covered with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage, call right now, free call gdr, premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. message from russian president vladimir putin to the federal assembly on february 29 at exactly 12:00
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moscow time. live broadcast on ntv. today the heroine of the project is once an actress and teacher nina dvorzhetskaya. at the age of 38, she became a widow with virtually no means of support, with two children in her arms, raised them as best she could, fed them, dressed them, put them in circles, groomed and nurtured them, put them to bed, and then smoked, one after another, two packs at a time. day, realizing that he is harming himself. how did you find raising children ? they were kind, sweet, oh, dear, kind, where are they, as one of my friends in sbelisi says, she says she has two sons, she says: children do their direct function, they drink blood, my children are completely normal, they drank blood, now they also get drunk sometimes, but when misha appeared and grew up a little, they fought like tom and
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jerry, he would run past her all the time , grab her, pinch her. she is an arsonist for him after shkkermann, take your boy , they are 9 years apart, the mother is very vulnerable in reality, but if this is true, she, of course, will never show this in her life, she will not tell anyone, she is a small vulnerable child, closing herself off armor anna dvorzhetskaya 34 years, she followed in the footsteps of her parents, serves in the russian academic youth theater, acts in films and tv series, is married, raising her daughter sophia, in the theater in which i work, since i spent my entire childhood there, i watched all the performances with my parents and people still work there now, with whom i am very familiar, and in general, in principle, it is difficult to be an artist directly and work there, although now i think i have already come to the
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conclusion that i am me, and i am nothing to anyone should not, so i can work completely... calmly and not look back at the fact that i am from a dynasty or not from a dynasty, my mother played in the play tom sawyer, at the ramt theater, and i remember, i could not sit in the hall, they took my place, she took me with her when i came back after school, so we went to the theater, and i remember that someone took my place, i come there, completely lost, small, i don’t understand anything at all, where does someone find me? then an artist, and i see my mother, the stage brings me, there is a backstage, i look, and... because of this space, i look at mom, this is probably the most vivid impression. mikhail dvorzhetsky is almost 25 years old, he graduated from the camera department at ghika, and is trying his hand at directing. what is your favorite mom's job? i love the thaw, there’s this regina markovna, they also did a duet with efremov, and it was
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just fantastic. what is the most expressive thing about your mother’s face from a camera perspective? i think it's the eyes. because she really likes to wear glasses, she wears glasses all the time, but this is probably my observation over many years, because my mother has everything there, don’t worry, yes, i have more, you ’re awesome, my grandmother is probably a kind and smart person, you can have different conversations with him on different topics, it will be very interesting, i i really like it when the whole family sits at the table and grandma tells me something. again, here’s the topic about dialogues, so we all talk, communicate at the dacha, we sit in the evening after some dinner on the veranda, i’m a teacher with many years of experience, don’t worry, baby, i, unfortunately, am a bad grandmother, because all the time i teach other people’s children, then i act in the theater myself, then i act in films, but it just happened to be a lie, but if you have absolutely no one to be with,
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it’s good to be a grandmother, it’s cool, especially. .. as bad as me, what is it like to be the head of such an acting, creative dynasty? firstly, i don’t consider myself the head, we have the head alexey, the head of the family, let alexey be the head of our creative dynasty too, they met in the central house of the actor at professional gatherings, two artists, two destinies, two worlds, nina dvorzhetskaya and alexey kolgan, the pain of loss still lived in her heart, a deep and strong feeling arose in it, word by word, look by look. it was hard, scary, very hard, and the fact was that i was only 42 years old. and i was so surprised that this was the end of my life, or perhaps my own personal, human and feminine life, or whatever, how
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to deal with this, how to overcome this, how did your life with nina igorevna begin, with an anecdote, us introduced each other, i told nina a joke, she was so effervescent i laughed, i even remember how we sat, i remember, can we? you’re drunk, tomorrow, don’t come out, i said, and one head, that means , sticks out into the dressing room, then once with a sword and the second head turns to the third,
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please tell me, well, he’s not an asshole, but alexey kolgan has a bright comedic talent, what’s it worth his madame caroline in the play princess of the circus at the moscow musical theatre. colgan was born in lviv, graduated from the academy of theater arts in... his voice is spoken by jack nicholson, tom hanks, john reilly, and of course, shrek. kolgan and dvorzhetskaya, together for 20 years years. nina chose the ring, she said, i really like this ring. well, we both said, and this ring was small, we gave it away so that it could be enlarged somehow, they told me there. we were told, come back in 2 days, i say, i’ll go now for this ring, pick it up, and i take this ring, and think, well, why am i walking around for so long, in
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the end, well, i bought this ring, it’s not i really liked it, i’m going home like this, i tell myself, i really want this woman to be my wife, otherwise i’ll probably single for the rest of his life, he came here, he asked me, are you okay, expand?
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during the active years of his career in film series production, he kissed more than 300 partners, his son is a witness to this. see you in 2-3 minutes right after this commercial. they say gorbachev and the shvarnadians are a traitor. this is not to believe in nonsense. there's nothing worse when they sit down to play chess. two who don’t really know how to play, the main premiere of the year, that is, we put a check on berlin, what’s good for a russian is death for a german, it’s no coincidence, misha, someone helped them, you just confirmed our guess that at the headquarters the cia apartment was entrenched by a kgb mole, but regarding moles, this is not for me, oleg pamin, because of him we lost my friend and then... our informer alexander
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gorbatovitsa knew the location of the security and had the proper clearance, for this we need connections, at the very top of the gdr, we need to go forward, sometimes a step forward can be a step into the abyss , tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so. and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. arbidor is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code. download the sbp.
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we need to save everyone, goats and fools. new horizons. 5 minutes of silence, new horizons. republic, communist orientation, formed after world war ii and the surrender of nazi germany. then the country was divided into two states, germany and the gdr. the gdr is a country that no longer exists.
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this is where the action of the new serial film from ntv, gdr will take place. what are you saying, but are we going to film? about spies, you russians are such romantics. i just want to know what you're doing.
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dad, it seems to me that dad has no responsibilities, dad has no responsibilities, dad does everything according to inspiration, his duty to love us, all 365 days, for example, in a year, 60 days of which we can somehow communicate, i miss you, of course, but if, for example, you want to go somewhere, well, go, relax, you need to choose in advance there are 3 days, put them on the schedule, discuss them with agents and say that i can’t do these days, why? because ntv viewers remembered sergei zharkov as the hero of murderous detective stories. the series plague, first department and dolphin, where the actor played the main roles, beat all ratings. it looks like the same fate awaits the new one
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gdr series. the question of the unification of germany is up to us, not the losers of the war, but we lived so well, why this restructuring? autumn of 1980. the ninth year in the gdr , the secret archive of the ministry of state security found itself without strict security, and these are tens of thousands of dossiers on world businessmen, politicians and military personnel. to protect data, soviet intelligence resists the onslaught of intelligence services from unfriendly countries. according to ntv general producer timur weinstein, this story is based on real events, according to with this, the filming locations were not chosen by chance: belarus, turkey and germany. my legend, your beloved, photographer tas, kgb comrade , photo, perestroika, you had to speak german, and this is unrealistic when you don’t know the language, well, that is, you, for example,
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say this in all seriousness on stage, playing somewhere- somewhere in the morgue, you are looking for a person, the entire film crew, about 300 people, are just lying around by their stomachs and judging by the interiors of the spouse’s apartment. believes that the best decoration for a home is film portraits of a loved one, but there might not have been any at all. after school, sergei graduated from technical school and planned to work in his specialty as an installer of radio-electronic equipment and instruments, but one day he spoke with a georgian accent: on his diploma he defended the microcircuit of a rubin t-304 tube tv, if you remember that one, but in defending it i did it in a funny way, which means the department. the current flows actively , passing through an intuitive coil of some kind there through transistors, then the current flows actively turns on the ignition lamp, in general , i made him laugh a little, the department got
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good grades and they told me you’re young a person still needs to go somewhere, so i went to the theater after entering the gita from the first entry as an assembler-radio electronics engineer after 4 years. he easily received an acting education, but his career in the theater did not work out. zharkov turned his attention to the film series industry and began to disappear at castings. a successful episode, then another, a third. and there the big roles began, the artist had a memorable texture, obvious talent, more than enough ability to work, and one day, when the spotlights had already been turned off on the set, sergei met ellie. i starred in in the city of klin, we finished filming this picture, i came to my friend’s club, and there were a lot of people there, at one big wooden table there was a girl sitting. in black with a glass of wine, it was my friend’s birthday, i
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’m usually always late, here i think, somehow the birthday should have been scheduled for 11:00 pm, well, as if you’ll arrive later on a different day altogether, i’m thinking , i’ll arrive on time, i arrived on time, it turned out that, on the contrary, everyone was late, at that moment seryozha was walking there, squeezing among the people friend and says to me: girl, let 's have a drink, while he kind of went there to the bar , at that moment the table was set right away, it all happened very quickly in one second, guests came, and the guests were all so tall, well, here i am because i worked as a model in my youth, i worked a lot since then , we are all friends together, we have a lot of girlfriends, so we are all tall and it was impossible for me to pull her out of there in any way, well, how can i take her all with me, i’m telling you.. i steal, she says: you won’t succeed, i prescribed it for her date, i say, let’s meet after
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the club, she says once, i can’t talk, i quit, i can’t do two, i quit, i can’t do three, well, you can’t, okay then, and then at some point she sits at home and says: damn, but someone - he made an appointment for me, calls me, and i don’t even remember who it is, but it turned out that we live on perpendicular streets, never mind, let’s meet, come on, we went to the park . it all started, we had some kind of life, although we were no longer students, we had one, one might say, there was a student marriage, so, we are at work all the time, then we meet in the evening and we talked to him almost every night all night, but how did you propose to ellie? we went with her to the states in california, rented a car and drove around wherever we looked, in vegas...
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and milalika, milalika sergeevna, appeared on likusha. why did you name your daughter that name? dear face, milasha, lusha, lukerya, saint lucia. this year, first-grader lika became seriously interested in dancing, leaving figure skating behind. she threw her skates on the mezzanine, where the older brother’s stick and fins are already gathering dust. ivan today is passionate about cinema and wants to become a director. even on our sets. he willingly helped the cameramen choose angles and strictly followed the filming
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process, and i want him even now , when the moment comes, i’ll take him with me to the set so that he can understand it all from the inside, how to wind a cable, how to connect the actors’ cars, how it’s hard for girls when they wear makeup, how difficult it is to learn the text, what pyrotechnics are, and you discuss your characters with your children when you play bandits or special agents?
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“okay, ok, okay, recently they offered me to play a comedian - in a feature film, i played a military commissar at school, he falls in love with the headmistress, and it’s very funny, now sergei zharkov will take the children home, leave them under the supervision of their grandmother and that evening will become a socialite and glossy. the artist zharkov is waiting on the red carpet for the premiere of the series. gdr. smiling for photos and tv reporters is an important part of his profession, but far from his favorite. i hate it, let's do an interview. because of this, you want to leave with red carpet? it’s just that there are children at home, they will come, kiss you, hug you, say: dad, well, what are you doing, only you need to strive for them, for children, only in them, as i believe, there is infinity,
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it’s almost spring for our channel, well , judging by the number of premieres, the fifth season of the legendary musk project has already started with triumph, the gdr series. blood on the asphalt and a new entertainment project by the star azamat from sagaliev. he has philip kirkorov and marina fedunkev, denis dorokhov and olga kartunkova and even anastasia volochkova in his wings, and here i shuddered. a in two or three minutes on our broadcast we will learn about some details of the intimate life of regina todorenko, valery and philip. advertising will not last long, the challenge is thrown, the fight begins, we choose the
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funniest star in russia, stars, a new humorous show with azamet musagaliev. gdr premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. it doesn’t bite in the old farmstead without luck. we only had one blacksmith, his horseshoes brought good luck, and now they make a bow there, also for good luck. dugushka arc is a deliciously rich meat dish. from there anvimax gains momentum against symptoms and viruses, from dreams to home, one home click, for all cases of creative mood, fix price, low price for everything, i’m irena, i don’t want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me, and haer knows how to do it, let technology
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glue. he is my assignment. gdr. see noving. she will appear now. let's. so what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. this is the same smartphone. top smartphone. top grill. and also a top choice, top quality cashback 23% on everything. smart speaker with berbo mini as a gift when purchasing a smartphone. infidio and eldorado. well, what's new in the old courtyard? from myasorovsky, right? sausages , we chop the meat coarsely , coarsely with a meat grinder for meatiness, and for the meat mincer servilat, we chop the meat finer so that the taste is
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more tender, finely mince, delicious in the old farm, meat grinder, meat mincer, tasty , meat grinder, spasm, pain, spasm, what's the difference, double-action spasmogon fights with pain, relieves spasms, order medicine with discounts on, association question germany just needs to decide. the fifth season of the mask show continues to gain momentum. in the first episode, which took place last sunday, the jury members got acquainted with the new masks and were completely confused. one producer knows who is hiding behind the cute faces, because all participants signed documents about... non-disclosure and fines for random chatter await millions. my colleagues ksenia izmailova and denis morozov
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went behind the scenes of the show to find out, well, at least some details. the new fifth season of the mask show started with a presentation that the live broadcast was watched by millions of viewers across the country. they were reminded how it all began and given the opportunity to ask questions online. the project is 5 years old, do you remember yourself at 5 years old? yes, i was so fearful , very, i was afraid of everything, at the age of 5 my first performance took place in kindergarten, i was dressed up in a fox costume, it was a new year's party, and i was instructed to sing a song, but i was so scared that in the middle of the verse, when i saw my mother sitting in the crowd of parents, i saw her “mom, i want to come to you, but i didn’t finish the song, judging by the color suit, today it’s already a fox, but
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well, you can say that, or you can say that it’s some kind of gladiolus, but definitely not a deer, the deer is brown, i rarely wear clothes of this color, a valley with antlers is already a classic of the genre , a new season - new masks, at the beginning there are 14 of them. only a quartet of mysterious and enduring ones will reach the finals, but there is only one winner, only one winner. bolshoi theater soloist ilchin azizov, last season's finalist, also known as mondril, began placing bets. which mask do you think would suit the opera repertoire? it may turn out to be watery why not? well, yes, he may well be that low, maybe, and there may well be such a falsetto. but what if zmey garynovich has three voices at once? there can be three tenors, yes. there may be sapran, metso sapran and bas, for example, unexpectedly. today
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we invite everyone to play a game: believe it or not, using a mask is the only way to find out the truth. do you believe that regina todorenko was bitten by a panda? a panda is a stomper, which means, probably, yes, he bites, yes, he bites. sometimes you believe that you have are valeria allergens from pineapples? no, i don’t believe it, they love each other, but do you believe that philip kirkorov makes himself a mask out of crushed diamonds before going to bed? you know that with this person everything is possible, you believe that corn, before going on stage, sprinkles itself with salt, inside or outside, well, corn, but no, i don’t believe it, because it is very dangerous, then any person .
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he moved little, but he joked well, but the mask of the serpent gorynych baffled everyone. you will be convinced that there are actually three heroes in zmeynych, namely ivanushki internation. i have other artists appear in this womb, other heroes. do you believe in what dima bilan bequeathed after his death?
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a mask made of diamond grit , an abrasive, a scriber, why not, well, it looks great, yes, i think that it’s all in the crumbs, but do you believe that the nesting doll is in the finale, and will give birth to four nesting dolls, and has many children, or what? but she must have at least four nesting dolls inside, well, so small then, like homemade dolls, and we no longer know what to expect, heroes, listen, these three three-headed mountain snakes are giving birth nesting dolls, well, quite. but here is the beautiful matryoshka, for some reason they called her matryoshka on social networks. in the first episode , she surprised everyone by performing in pure german the aria queen of the night from mozart's opera the magic flute. baritone elchin azizov was pleased. do you believe that
2:58 pm
valeria is allergic to pineapples? i think she has a pineapple addiction, do you think she prefers canned ones in slices or not, no, no, no, whole, whole with a straw, do you believe that regina todarenko was bitten by a panda, no, mandrill, mandrill, yes, yes, she in i saw him at the zoo, she said that he smelled bad, he bit her for this, it was a long time ago last season, but do you believe that philip kirkorov puts on a mask of crushed diamonds before going to bed, but no, i don’t know , and you believe that regina todorenko was bitten by a panda, it seems to me that regina can bite a panda, and not vice versa, so i believe in this girl, yes, and you believe that dima bilan bequeathed to freeze himself in a baby mammoth costume, hasn’t he frozen it yet? do you believe that nikit will sing today?
2:59 pm
sergeevich mikhalkovya, he is already singing, you and i, he is at the horse, there, there, look. and i ’m walking, walking around moscow, yes, let’s go then, let’s go, and i ’m walking, walking around moscow, in this fifth anniversary season there are several food products, for example, corn, pepper, here you are in the past , pineapple, this is what you would like more be a vegetable, maybe a fruit, well, i liked the image i was in, pineapple and a little avocado, yes, i was in avocado.
3:00 pm
did not reveal a single mask, but the cat received immunity from the audience, however, the chances of winning - this does not guarantee him who, what do you think seems to win, who is your favorite? it’s very difficult to say, in fact it’s always very unpredictable, because the audience in the hall in front of the screens suddenly falls in love with some kind of completely incomprehensible chemistry on...


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