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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  February 26, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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there is absolutely video and lighting and it was necessary, well, they have more security , well, the dogs are regularly walked three or four times a day, fed, an animal police officer examined the dogs, their appearance, habits did not cause any concern, the dogs are in excellent shape, that as for their barking throughout the whole yard, then the excessive curiosity of the neighbors is to blame , belova says, most of our luntik barks , often only because when... they start teasing, knocking, asking, they start to break in, the only thing is that here yes, i didn’t leave a phone number, information that the dogs were all right, they didn’t need help, information appeared that the owner of the animals was trying to create a home shelter, so she temporarily resettled the allabaevs, who take up too much space in the apartment, whether this is true or not, the prosecutor’s office will find out; she didn’t let anyone inside the trailer, where, according to natalia, there is heating, but she assured that today she would take the dogs out of town.
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the neighbors promised to check whether the trailer would be empty. daria mosalova, alina ilyukhina, nadezhda zypkina and anna samburova, ntv. that's all for now, goodbye and good luck to you. today in... i'm here in kiev, despite everything, everything is inclusive, western politicians went on a ukrainian tour in support of zelensky, but why does their own press no longer believe in the success of the armed forces of ukraine? not everything goes according to plan and not everything depends on us. spy, get out. the cia created 12 secret bases in ukraine. is this why the head of american intelligence has become the main link between kiev and washington? we will do everything to provide
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intelligence support for ukraine. and the forbidden fruit. attendees at adult parties are facing public floggings across the country. should the authorities monitor the moral character of citizens? we don't have sex, and we are categorically against it. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. today we can say that the months-long operation to liberate avdeevka has come to an end, it has finally come to an end, the head of the donetsk people’s republic announced this denis pushilin. according to him, the city has been completely cleared of all representatives of the ukrainian armed forces. our troops continue their offensive. this is being closely monitored. the western press, they
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record absolutely all the changes in this line of combat contact lbs, this is the abbreviation you probably come across. well, for example, one of these quotes is that we took bilt, well, bilt is following all this very closely, juliana röbki, we periodically remember on air here, with kind and not kind words, and so, according to their calculations, according to according to beld’s calculations over the past weekend, over the long weekend we had, ukraine lost four settlements. in different sectors of the front, the mass retreat of the ukrainian armed forces is also confirmed by local military publics, well, here let’s give more quotes in more detail, which means they have such a telegram channel, it’s called depestate, russian units, according to its data, continue a successful offensive, have advanced almost 50 km from liberated avdeevka, reaching the outskirts of the village of orlovka. previously, the same public distributed footage exit of ukrainian troops from the populated area.
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well, the main curator of ukraine in europe , germany, as spiegel magazine writes , is looking for new and new weapons for ukraine around the clock, in particular, according to the publication, secret negotiations are underway with india. india's arsenal, as shpigil writes, is... several hundred thousand artillery
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shells, it is reported that berlin is negotiating their purchase behind the scenes through intermediaries, so as not to provoke problems in relations between new delhi and moscow. similar transactions. in the interests of the armed forces of ukraine, as they said sources of the publication, possibly with arab countries, however, so far, writes spiegel, the germans have not been able to persuade anyone to deliver. well, the terrorist zelensky, against such a sad background for him, changed the record a little for the first time and described how he sees hypothetical negotiations with russia. according to him, within the next few months a certain plan will be prepared for the end of hostilities, it will be born and transferred through intermediaries to moscow. in 2000.
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they write that this data is very different from the data that is also new american sources tell the york times last summer. then the data was as follows: at least 70 thousand
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ukrainian armed forces soldiers died, almost twice as many were wounded, that is, it is obvious that now these numbers are clearly higher. the new york times revealed another secret of kiev, namely, the presence in ukraine of a very... strong cia spy network, it was built on the territory of the country over the past 8 years, according to the new york times, precisely to keep this network in working order , and cia director william flew secretly to kiev last thursday bs. according to the new york times, since 2016, the united states has created 12 secret bases in ukraine, they are located along the border with russia. from these bases, which are often located in underground bunkers, russian broadcasts have been monitored all these years. now it is from there that the kamikaze drones that ukraine uses against russia are controlled. new york times sources assess the results of the work of these bases as follows: ukrainian bases gave the united states much more information about russia than cia agents working directly on the territory of our country. however, i myself
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terrorist zelensky admits that russian intelligence still outplayed him; he said that moscow received the plan for the failed counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine long before the start of this very thing. and here i can’t help but ask andrei vladimirovich, fedorov, andrei vladimirovich, as dostoevsky wrote, you killed yourself, your merit, you counter them without comments, without comments at all, can i disagree with you twice. firstly, no, two, that’s enough, firstly, i think zelensky didn’t change any records, that’s what you said, yes, because that’s when i’m now i listened, you were talking about how they would prepare some kind of plan, which they would hand over to us, they had
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explanations there, that this plan provided for the surrender of russia and, therefore, they were saying that it would not be vladimir putin is already in russia, someone else who agrees to this, and there this... that is, here the record is absolutely the same as it was before , idiotic, then, well, andrei vladimorovich, of course, i think, here it’s not quite his merit is that the counter-offensive was thwarted by the ukrainians, and well, this is in addition to the fact that as far as our armed forces showed themselves, i’m talking about plans that are leaking, andreyvich is a great fellow, we love and respect him, but it seems to me that the reason is that the ukrainian comrades themselves, including mr. zelensky. he likes to do it publicly, which means, well, fine, let them lie, absolutely everyone knew about the plans for the ukrainian counter-offensive, including us here in the studio, and we periodically
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discussed this last year and asked the same rogov there, i don’t know at bessonov's, who came from there, like you bogdan anatolyevich also told us about this, well , he says they have such and such. they themselves tell all this, so there’s no need for some la-la here that fedorov stole, or maybe he stole some documents from a bank account, our programmer norkin justifies. i’m just an absolutely objective and impartial person, that’s why they love our program, i think that this story that took place last weekend, when a whole bunch of different ukrainian friends came to kiev, it’s exactly about the same thing, this one there told them something, just now there was a statement by the minister of defense umerov, which means that we have a plan for the twenty -fourth year, but we won’t tell you now, but it is so powerful, so i think that they there they shared some peculiarities with these overseas european friends, and
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they in turn said that you guys are great, we will continue to help you now, but in general all this looks a little strange, of course, because at first glance there are no changes , that is one and the other says the same thing, does approximately the same thing, these foreigners are taken to the same, well, almost the same places, they definitely need to put someone in a bomb shelter, i... i want to understand , does this still bring any benefit or not? let's look at the story, because there really were a lot of people who came to kiev, they had such a busy program. on sunday, western curators came to kiev in droves as a sign of solidarity with ukraine. take turns from the train italian jorja meloni, canadian justin trudeau, belgian alexandre de croagh unloaded, well , the gynecologist of all europe headed this whole gang, she is also the head.
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the airfield is not only a symbol of your resistance, it is also a symbol of your hard work and your ingenuity. here
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was the largest plane in the world, maria, a dream. 2 years ago, the russians destroyed it, but did not destroy the dream, the dream of a free and prosperous ukraine. the fact that he 225 mriya was invented back in the eighties in the soviet union, fransula and... even if she knew, then i was embarrassed to say, but already in march i promised ukraine the first part of aid from the eu, 4.5 billion euros out of 50 promised, and an online summit of the g7 was held from kiev, although without the participation of french president emmanuel macron, who was being chased by angry farmers at that time agricultural exhibition in paris. but western state performers in kiev agreed to force moscow to compensate ukraine for losses at the expense.
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this will give russia several years to remobilize, rearmament, and complete the work; this will not happen. but perhaps the most the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lena berbeck, experienced exciting adventures in ukraine. she went to odessa and nikolaev. first, berbak hid from an air raid raid in an odessa bomb shelter, and then an annoying russian drone allegedly closely followed berbak’s motorcade in nikolaev. he scared the german woman as she approached the line.
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the dear old fascist did not come to kiev this time, but he said something, joseph barel said the following, that according to his estimates, the military conflict will end within the next 3 months, here’s more i won’t say anything, as he said, so and so, alexey sergeevich, well, come on, like the honorable smart girl on duty of our program,
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you can explain to me what the real meaning, besides the media one, is in these visits, in such... the progress of meetings, well, further down the list, there is a shelter bomb, some kind of communication, hugging on camera, you know, in european societies, in the societies of the eec countries in western countries, there is a certain split, and between ordinary people, as they say, and elites, their agenda is different, while macron goes to kiev, he this means that the letter from the agricultural exhibition is written by farmers, and the european leaders go there, well , relatively speaking, they go to kiev, but in essence, in essence, he is in soul.
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here’s another thing i wanted to ask, if , well, probably, in general, there is certainly some sense in this, if the ukrainian side, especially the authorities, needs some kind of support, there is a strengthening of the spirit, why then does zelensky publicly allow himself such absurdities as about 31
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ukrainian military personnel killed during the conflict, because after that the entire western press, in first of all, you are americans...
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when, instead of solving european affairs, she goes to kiev , questions arise to her, we, we have a lot of problems, why don’t you solve the situation with farmers, why does she say, we need to support ukraine, then it doesn’t work, the goal, the goal of ms. vonderlein’s visit is not the influence on the european audience, the influence on the ukrainian, because really, against the background of the lack of real help, she is trying to demonstrate her participation, the most important thing is to show the ukrainian population to the ukrainian elite. that, that she will continue to support the kiev regime, so why is the ukrainian elite disavowing all this second momentsky really said nonsense. that he said nonsense, but he couldn’t say another number, he couldn’t say either 100,000 or 2000, so don’t say any numbers, that’s it, i don’t want
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to give the filthy russians at least one reason to walk, walk along the cemetery there with what - there are the next ones, he says, he says we have 31 losses, they ask him, only in one cemetery, well, look, the problem is, it seems to me, i am zelensky’s logic, as i see, yes, a lot lately... it is being exaggerated not only in the russian media, but in the western media, the figures about the losses of ukraine, we are talking about hundreds of thousands, even the west writes about it , in this situation zelensky must react somehow, he just named a number, i tell you right now, he named a number at which everyone will change, believe me, just believe me, as was the case there with a number of other mistakes from the outside ukraine, now the western media will be a little indignant, and then it will come...
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nightmare the entire population of ukraine, grab them on the streets of odessa, push them into buses and so on, if you have a loss of the ukrainian army, which they declared at 1 million people,
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you have a loss 3100, that’s 3.1%, then explain why you are mobilizing, it means at least someone is lying, who is lying is understandable, and one more thing, how will it work there on the front line, can you imagine a soldier, yes, who sits there in the trenches on the front line for 2 years without rotation and every every day he sees the losses of his relatively speaking fellow soldiers, then the supreme commander-in-chief comes forward and says: we lost only 3100, the ukrainian soldier must understand, they don’t exist at all, they mean absolutely nothing to them, no one will mourn for them, they will say, oh well our losses there are small, 3,100 people. i don’t know how this motivates the ukrainians, but the fact that this press conference was directed primarily there outside the country, outside the country, i would
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push further here, because here you can see, and what do the actual reporters who are outside of ukraine hear and write about it all, it’s more and more like obituaries, we ’ll quote it to you now, these are again western publications, we don’t invent anything, we practically only translate, ukraine cannot win the war, sadly informs his. as the west withholds further aid to ukraine, hindering its defensive capabilities, russia advances in eastern ukraine. zelensky's troops
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are running out of ammunition. weapon. this is obvious for the german press as well. bilt notes, that the ukrainian armed forces are losing all the few territories that they were able to acquire during the counter-offensive in the zaporozhye region. the german channel ntfa devoted an entire report to the decadent mood among the ukrainian armed forces fighters. the soldiers complain to the germans that they cannot dig new trenches under the attacks of russian drones. not everything is going smoothly, and this applies not only to this bradley, which must be repaired by an army workshop in the donetsk region. 2 years of war with a superior enemy have exhausted ukraine militarily. europe will not comply by march their obligations on ammunition are even half. there is a big problem with people. or rather, there are not enough people, the enthusiasm has disappeared. the american military magazine military watch believes that ukraine will never be able to replace the destroyed patriot air defense systems. they write that russia not long ago destroyed an entire missile launcher and a
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delivery vehicle. and a few more elements. the americans themselves now urgently need air defense systems in the middle east, which is why new ones are not in the cards for kiev. meanwhile, the pentagon began to actively investigate corruption around military supplies to ukraine. bloomberg writes about this citing the department's inspector general, robert storch. about 50 criminal cases have already been opened, and there will be new ones. ukrainian officials complain every day about problems with western partners. i respect the domestic politics of the united states, we do not interfere in it, but i want everyone to remember.
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this means, and the most important thing is that this visit showed that the west will play the long game, that there is no chance that the west will put pressure on ukraine. will not happen, accordingly, we must be prepared for the fact that there will be war will continue for a very long time, at least the whole of this year, it will go into the twenty-fifth year, maybe further, the west is ready for this, we didn’t put forward any hat-throwing slogans here, so bogdan anatolyevich, well , first of all, of course, i wanted i would like to say that i don’t believe vladimir zelensky at all when he says that the plan was stolen, they took it, they stole the plan for a counteroffensive, then probably the plan for this counteroffensive was also stolen, now they will talk about... well, yes, it’s more like justification not even of ukrainian troops, but of those nato officers the higher ones, who, together with zaluzhny, with the others there, planned this very counter-offensive and which failed by and large. secondly, it is quite obvious that it is not western politicians,
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european, well, conditionally european, there was also a canadian labor, not zelensky, they have no other choice, they are forced to continue playing in this theater, and what else can they do , for it is important for zelensky to demonstrate any support, whatever, if there is financial support, fine. no financial, let's show theaters with the decomposition of flowers, but there is another factor, now, almost at the official level, gradually the entire burden of the ukrainian conflict and, in general, even so delicately speaking, all possible wars in europe are being placed on europe itself, the europeans are preparing to solve all this on their own, well , here’s another thing for the canadians - then they will plant drones there for 70 million dollars there and so on, so the delegation arrived, everyone filmed well together - a wonderful picture, but you are solving these issues without us, that is, in fact, this is real it looks like, if not a drain, then a careful distancing from this conflict, well, you mean only the americans, but these may really be gearing up for a long
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process, well, how long can it last, if the publications themselves say that ukraine cannot win , but germany is looking for shells, but this may drag on until the twenty-fifth year, so i always said that the decisive year would most likely be the twenty-fifth year, and not the twenty- fourth, yes, but it’s still this... why then does barel say about 3 months, he for the second time, he is already pronouncing this figure for the second time, because in 3 months new weapons will arrive from the usa and from europe, and the same shells that are now being urgently purchased from pakistan, korea, india, they will all arrive in march, this has happened many times already; during the great patriotic war, turkey and japan also watched very closely how the fighting was going; they refused to enter the war as a result of the stalingrad kursk.
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video, the phrase “everything is not going very smoothly” was said in german; they showed a tank in the snow, i immediately remembered a german chronicle from about 1944, here is sfolkisha biabacher with all these things, but they hardly said that everything is not going very smoothly, the folkies said, yes, that everything is not going very smoothly, but we, with from my point of view, the situation has absolutely no way out.
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that’s all, they will travel , they will support, yes, ukraine will receive some kind of weapons there, well, in 3 months in the spring, summer, but this will not change anything, well , let’s say, okay, in principle,
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the position is clear, then let's go now let's discuss after the commercial break, one really new factor, the appendix from this is all, yes, because this is something that is really new last year, imagine that. this was absolutely impossible, simply impossible. short front. message from the president of russia. february exactly at 12:00 moscow time. vladimir putin to the federal assembly 29 live broadcast on ntv. gdr. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to jar. or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16%. cents per annum rosbank are real opportunities, one of my friends can
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue this part, let's start with the reports of publications that are stunning in their cynicism. so, following sweden, they announced a stop investigation of explosions on the nord stream 1 and nord stream 2 gas pipelines. as reported by the danish police together with the copenhagen police, the investigation into the nord stream explosions was complex and comprehensive. however, danish law enforcement officers did not find any grounds to initiate criminal proceedings against anyone to continue this investigation. at the same time, the final verdict is given that there was a fire on the gas pipeline.
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call the fierce protests of farmers that unfolded as dung battles, which can be not far from the european council building, where a meeting of european agriculture ministers is taking place, the police even had to use water cannons. the city center has turned into a dung battlefield; the street is covered with thick smoke from heaps of burning tires, hay, and, well, manure itself. hundreds of roads are blocked. “okay, we will discuss this issue, but they don’t do anything, we would like the authorities to be
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reasonable towards us, to come with us for one day to work in the field or with animals so that...” to see that it is not easy for us because of the rules they impose on us. in their polish comrades are acting in unison with the belgians on the agrarian issue; the day before they blocked a key highway in germany. this is exactly what the highway near the town of slubice looks like now, hundreds of tractors are lined up along the road, only cars can pass through the rows of agricultural machinery, and entry is closed to trucks. on the border with ukraine, farmers turned to real sabotage at one place. due to the risk of puncturing the wheels, trucks from ukraine cannot pass; the police and public utilities had to intervene. so, well, let's go on this ukrainian-polish agrarian issue, andrey vladimi, we
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will continue the agricultural topic, i will now quickly hand over the agricultural result of activity from orenburg to you, pull it out. orenburg chak-chak, that’s right, honey chak-chak, but i thought downy plateau, excuse me, yes, because you, damn it, van, teaching you to teach, means, look, i’ll go into more detail later, georgi valeevich, we have 20 more minutes with your participation, wait for now, then look, ah, on this rural, as you said, agrarian issue, those who are still in last year we all turned out to be the closest like-minded people, the poles and ukrainians , that is now... and the relations between these two countries, i don’t even know what to call them, what epithet to choose, let’s look at the plot, first the terrorist zelensky recorded an appeal last week to the poles and proposed to meet at the border on february 24 to talk directly about problems with polish farmers. prime minister donald tusk replied that he was ready
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to discuss the interests of his citizens only in warsaw and proposed another date - march 28. the deputy minister of agriculture of poland advised zelensky to study. is gaining momentum, the ukrainians tried to put pressure on polish pity by transporting burnt agricultural equipment to the border, but the poles did not feel pity, judging by the footage, they cynically poured out ukrainian grain from another railway station. ukrainian officials were outraged and said that they had lost 160 tons of corn. then the poles started a rumor that
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ukrainian grain was poisoned and birds were dying from it, and already on tuesday polish farmers they scheduled a new, grandiose anti-ukrainian demonstration. 27 ledziemy na warszawę. panie premierze, czekaliśmy, a teraz. polish farmers in general turned out to be extremely intractable. after the chief gynecologist ursula fondelien promised to give them compensation of 15 billion euros, as well as to unblock 137 billion that the eu froze. due to the anti-emigrant policies of the previous authorities, farmers seem to have made a compromise and even opened one point. passes on the border with ukraine, but a day later they began the blockade again. now, according to ukrainian reports the border service again assembled 2,500 trucks at the ustiluk-zosin point.
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there is one such small organization, which is a european conservative, it’s a big coincidence that it is headed by an adviser to mr. orban and the government of vergia finances this organization, many things, so this is also not enough money to finance such actions throughout europe , the whole of europe has been showered with manure for this no need, you know, sparks will ignite.
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in the month of april there are local elections, there he has a complex coalition with tusk, in his coalition villagers and so on, but the problem is not only with polish farmers, all of europe is on strike, why? tusk, by the way, announced that ukraine is an existential threat to the villagers. polish, other countries are not talking about this yet, but what is the problem here, the problem is that everyone understands that there will be no more money in europe, and in fact there is a struggle to prevent ukraine, firstly, from full membership in the european union, and secondly, even under the pretext of some agreements and opening of borders, do not include them in the lists of those subsidies and financial support that are allocated to ukraine, but they... are actually fighting to ensure that these subsidies go to the french farmer, the polish farmer or someone else.
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ukraine is a huge, powerful, agricultural country. it poses a threat to the agriculture of the european union, and they will try to remove this threat by all means. ukraine does not receive subsidies. ukraine received preferences, subsidies and preferences. whatever you want, i am surprised by the expressed point of view that everything this is done for money, it’s quite cannibalistic , it seems to me that the position when people go out into the street to express dissatisfaction or condolences, this is generally done quite sincerely, there is an interesting story with ukraine, in general two peoples living nearby accumulate vast experience of interaction when you need to get enmity off the shelf, when you need friendship, we remember the brotherly ukrainian people we had 15 years ago, something has changed now during this time, the story here is that when all this... all this problem with by the poles, that what the european leaders did as soon as the svo began, they zeroed out duties, they simply
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sent their entire finely tuned economic system to hell in order to support the ukrainians, because they thought that it would not be long, that they could endure it for a couple of months , that’s exactly how people , in principle, supported it, if you ask these polish farmers, they, in principle , would like ukraine to win, to defeat russia, not so that putin rules in kiev, but for ukraine to win, but their own shirt is closer to the body, they want, it's like asking a question , if you ask whether you want putin to rule in warsaw, i'm sure the vast majority, yes poles. of course, this is how to pose a question, i went to warsaw before all this, but what does that have to do with what happened before, we need to look at what is happening now and what is happening in the future, yes, in 4 minutes we will have sex as a topic, okay , they say
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gorbachev... warn, traitor, don’t believe in nonsense, it’s worse when two people who don’t know how to play sit down at chess, the main premiere of the year, that is, we stage it’s a step for berlin, what’s good for a russian is death for a german, it’s no coincidence, misha, someone helped them, you just confirm our guess that the cia headquarters is entrenched by a mole, the kgb, what about moles? this is not for me, oleg fomin, because of him we lost my friend and then his father, sergei zharkov, maybe from the embassy who leaked sasha, daria ursulyak, what did he do, linda lapinge, i have no other choice, alexander golubev , we have an informer, alexander gorbatov, the killer knew the location of the guards, had proper clearance, for this we need connections at the very top, the gdr, we need to move forward, yes.
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becomes clear. we continue now, sorry, just a few words about orenburg, that’s where i brought georg valevich a gift from, thank you very much for the warm welcome, despite the fact that it was wildly frosty in the city. on the night of friday saturday at 30°, it’s warm in the hall, van, well, first of all, greetings to you, i just wrote it down so as not to forget anyone, which means greetings to yusin, maxim taitvich , big greetings from orenburg to nikolayevich starikov, sidorchik, kazakov , leonkova, serukanova, kharchenko, we love them all, we wish our program prosperity, naturally congratulate you on your upcoming birthday, here’s a separate thread discussions, alexander nikolaevich sytin, that’s who. that means they scold, pour on, including over-injury, because he is a very interesting man, including greetings from kazakhstan, they also convey to alexander nikolaevich, thank you, dear friends, dear viewers of our program in
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orenburg, viewers in moscow, i remind you , march 1, the first day of spring, i am waiting in the large hall of the cinema house, march 8 per we meet at the gagarin palace of culture, march 16 yekaterinburg, zheleznodorozhnikov palace of culture, april 6 tambov, folk development center.
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the poet is an absolute livelier and after winning the primary in south carolina he demonstrates this famous dance of his, so i always tried to do this on air, introduced myself, introduced myself, an opportunity presented itself, there in south carolina, why is trump dancing, he has 60% of the votes, this is the fifth victory in a row in the primary on the way to being appointed as the candidate of the republican party. in south carolina , trump was not hindered by either these numerous criminal charges or the fact that his competitor nicky haley is more mature.
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on biden and post all sorts of offensive videos about him on his account, where he has 6 million subscribers. actually, the other day trump published a satirical video, let’s take a look at it, where joe biden is being taken to a nursing home. a very recognizable promotional song for the largest elderly care service in the united states plays behind the scenes. let's look at another publication: biden is sitting in a veterinarian's collar in the company of his famous shepherd named commander, she is famous primarily for biting disorganized.
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that there was a fight with him, well, no , well, it’s not like they forbid it, as young people say, spiers were forced to do, here’s someone who taught you these words, listen, van , i have a lot of children, grandchildren, well done, yes, they, wow, well done, they’re young, i overhear something from them and take it from them, i can tell you about it later, now we don’t want to show you, but now we’ll just show you some examples, which are all very short . ... the last period of time, so these
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are examples of this, well, deliberately sexual public behavior, i would call it that, which cause a very sharp negative reaction among some of our social activists, they accordingly turn to law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies are obliged to react to this disgrace, they react, in general it turns out that if you look at it this way.
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in yekaterinburg, two scandals broke out over parties for adults, one in the bdsm style took place in the district officers' house, the second in a nightclub. the first party after the public outcry led to dismissal of the deputy. director, the security forces came to an erotic party in the factory club called blue velvet with an inspection; among the thrill-seekers, local residents were surprised to recognize the dean of the journalism department of the ural university. they asked if i would come? well, i said that, yes, i, i would like to come, i replied that i would like to come, and they added me to the group, well, in the telegram, to the group for this event. in tula
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, a week ago, police broke up a party at the typography cultural center. the event was dedicated quote of love, openness of sexuality. several people were detained after checking their documents; in one of the clubs in the city of pytyakh, khantemansi autonomous okrug, in honor of defender of the fatherland day , they held a bdsm party at which a stripper spanked the guests. local fighters for morality wrote a statement to the police against the owner of the club, and demanded it from the authorities altogether. in belogorsk, amur region , the only nightclub in the city was closed after a stripping competition took place there. the participants did this for a cocktail. on a local social activist complained to the mayor about the party. after an educational conversation with the club’s management, some of the establishment’s employees.
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invited to georgia, where frank shows will continue, so andrei borisovich, there are many examples here, but...
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not only courage, but also the right to interpret this law in your own way, while you yourself admit that there are no stories that violate the criminal code there no, and you don’t see it, so you do it because you just don’t like what they do, well, you heard, yes, that is, the person closed there or the managers , the leaders of the clubs, they closed based on the appeal of the public, i understand that you say, you say there are no laws, but...
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a very important argument, in fact, you, as a social activist, consider it possible to tell the state how to collect taxes and what kind of money, in what direction should he use it, tomorrow we will get there, we just have a certain liberal part of people who speak. i don’t want to fund this police, i don’t like it, now you’re doing the same thing, you’re becoming one with them
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bench, i don’t want to, once again, it means that you were given conceptual documents on how the conceptual document should be implemented, implemented, you are empowered to interpret this document, no one has been imprisoned yet, by the way, don’t apply yet, the most important thing was said by you literally in the first sentence you first voice here.
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children, this is my position, it would be better for my child to be out of wedlock, but in love, everything is very simple, but i would just like to return to the presidential decree, so i opened it specifically, so as not to be unfounded , it is written here that traditional values ​​apply, and then there is a listing of life , dignity, human rights and freedoms, and only then patriotism, civil service to the fatherland and responsibility for its fate, so at some point i why - ours asked the board.
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which now serves as a spiritual and moral guide for us, they all lived in the late
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eighties, nineties, two thousand and visited exactly the same places, only they have now matured to them, well, so to speak, maybe be due to videology, biology, some others, but this is not necessary, let the youth do what they were doing, i actually have an important question about understanding morality and immorality, because this is what we just showed, but i think , which is significant. a girl may not be wearing such a discreet neckline as yours, in a neckline, neckline,
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neckline, you remember how it begins, how the film moscow doesn’t believe in tears begins, the title is moscow 1958, and there after 2 minutes, when alentova’s heroine passes they are together i think there’s an ant there, the vigilantes make a remark, stop hugging, have you forgotten that you’re on the street there, it’s really surprising that history repeats itself cyclically, just very young, andrey and i probably remember how it was in soviet time.
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the most, one of the closest people in life, he is the commander of a platoon who is on the front line, he was recently wounded, i asked him specifically, including about the attitude of his guys towards all this naked party and so, listen, if we we'll be there frankly, no, no one cares, guys, battalion commanders, when we
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were there and what they said about it, let's come to an agreement. so let’s take a short pause and let’s take a breath, now we’re probably taking a short historical excursion, ukrainians, europe, ukraine, we’re now on opposite sides.
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let him be a murderer, even if he is a terrorist, tudi, motherfucker, this is the second maidan, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia, who are you going to fight with, with me, my brothers, the russians have come, 10 days until spring, premiere,
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profitable for free, spend and save with ozonbank, drawing up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposit. this is a meeting place on ntv , a place where everything becomes clear, we continue, let’s say a few more words about the control of society and the state over morality, monitoring the moral appearance of a citizen, our society, i mean in its soviet times, had a wealth of experience in this , someone remembers those seemingly chaste times with nostalgia, someone says that it was some kind of hypocrisy, when in fact everything was, but as if there was nothing in public there was no space, let us now recall a little on this topic, but...
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teenagers, such as peers, youth or change, the main topics were sports, technology and soviet art, but not a word about sexual education. in magazines for adults, sexual issues were also not addressed; in school textbooks on anatomy, chapters on the reproductive system and reproduction were simply absent until the mid-eighties. in the article sex life in the large soviet encyclopedia of the forties, it was reported about the need for reasonable switching of sexual attraction to the field of labor cultural
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interests. and... it was possible to find foreigners next to hotels for reduced social responsibility, expensive restaurants and foreign exchange stores, sometimes they simply do not allow foreigners to pass, but looking at them it sometimes comes to mind, they were brought up in the same school, read the same books, the same magazines, watched
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the same films. in general, they were brought up on the best examples, but where did women’s honor, the dignity of a soviet person go, is completely unclear. there was no sex in the ussr, but there were sexual maniacs, and quite a few. according to declassified data from the supreme court of the soviet union, from 60 to 90 years , from 10 to 20 thousand rapes were committed annually. there were no less maniacs, murderers and rapists than in the decaying west. by the way, february 14 marked exactly 30 years since the execution of the soviet...
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even the former iron people's commissar nikolai yezhov fell under the new article of sodomy . during interrogation, he admitted to his long-standing vice of pederasty and listed numerous connections; he was shot, though not for this. deadline for the soviet writer gennady trifanov also served sodomy, as did the soviet director sergei parajanov, who spent 5 years in prison under this article. the fact is that parajanov was also charged with serious crimes.
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you know, why with the topic of morality , what is morality in general, it is still public self-awareness, the question is that the state here should only help this self-awareness, and this is not the first time i have said that we have been fooled for about 20-30 years, fools from the outside, accordingly introducing various hidden tools, and , accordingly, promotion of the intimate sphere, here are the previous videos that we looked at, look at the reaction, right? are you closing clubs? no, we are not talking about closing clubs, you asked about the hooligan article, there is a hooligan article of the administrative code, and here the question is not about the entire event, but the direct promotion of intimacy at this event, this intimacy is developing everywhere, what is our opposite side afraid of, she afraid of restrictions on freedoms, this has already been said here, but freedoms should not be begged for and the freedoms of another
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person. my example, why should i not be free, opening social networks in which all this is spilled, why should i not be free at the airport, where i am greeted by a huge half-naked woman, respectively, in an advertisement, why should i in obnukova advertising cannot be removed in order 7 years, i’ve been writing everything, i’m writing everything pointlessly, accordingly, this is the smallest thing, this very small thing leads to something, what you said, about love, a cool thesis, love, but because of this love in marriage, we see an increasing level of such sex parties, brothels, in every house we have either a massage parlor or a brothel, unfortunately, who goes there? tell me those who think that this is personal and normal, massage parlors, they are all brothels, 99% of massage parlors are brothels , unfortunately, accordingly,
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the question here is what, dear friends, on march 16 i will be in yerge, carry out the ideology of a small yes, in small splashes, the active reverse position shows only one thing. what is the intimate sphere - this is gender and, accordingly, hormonal addiction, because of which a person tries to defend those positions that are normal for him. you said correctly , you can undress for your wife, you can at home, in the marital bed, but you can’t tolerate it and promote it, and to summarize, so that social activists don’t come in, hiding behind some vague resolution or something else. there must be a clear legislative framework, the abolition of propaganda, we have promoted lgbt propaganda, accordingly we have introduced propaganda of what you call it, propaganda of the intimate sphere, here there are key points, and it takes a long time to describe , but they can be described
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, additional classifications can be introduced, think about it, if a person goes out, everything can only be done at home, after 11 pm during the day it is impossible, and the most interesting thing is that all these parties , which, by the way, have foreign names for some strange reason , carry dangerous theses, bdsm is aggression, accordingly, anime is pedophilia, anime is not pedophilia, you and i can have a long discussion about, there there are a lot of strange things, but this is not the most important thing, i
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i apologize finally, the girl opposite me is laughing, during the break we touched on the topic of rape, respectively, and you know that rapists first come to brothels to try out...
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you can’t walk, but you can walk down the street, well, that means then we can too, then this too can be understood, it turns out that we go out
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into the street, but we dress for something, for what, why are you so beautiful, and for yourself, and also for what, for, so that you can be seen, and i am the same, and we are all the same, and i he's generally handsome, that much is known. this is normal, because it is there, it is embedded in us, but this does not mean that we need to stick it out, yes, and we are saying here that yes, the officers’ house is not the place, but sex is the highest manifestation love between a man and a woman, these are the restrictions that they talk about, not between a crowd of men and a crowd of women who are watching this, not a social crowd. that means, let's oblige these nightclubs where it is possible to carry out
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such garbage, that means, under pain, i don't i know there’s a closure there , they came for this kind of repair, took away everyone’s mobile phones so that no one saw this, neither yuri alexandrovich nor i saw it, and we will live in peace and not interfere with this garbage in any way, it affects children,
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on the younger generation, why are they involving them in this story , advertising it on social networks, why all the others, we’re talking about this, if you have perverts there who want this, well, make yourself a closed card index there , send them closed invitations there, and there this actually happened in the soviet union, listen, we have swinger parties, even officials participate in these swinger parties, you see, everyone knows this very well, so.
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erupted at the opening ceremony of sports games for children of primorye. public activist of the communist party of the russian federation maxim chikhunov complained to the prosecutor's office about the backup dancer nyusha. he decided that the dancers' outfits were
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too revealing for a children's party. residents of zeal mp not appreciated. they thought that the costumes were normal and reminded that chikhunov himself had problems. by law, last year he was given a suspended sentence for a video in which he jokingly fired a grenade launcher at a monarchist memorial. last week, fighters for morality attacked a young teacher from novosibirsk, marina lvova, who posted wedding photos on her page in which she hugs her husband against the backdrop of a temple. it would seem like an ideal advertisement for family values, but a resident of kuibushev saw a sin and complained to the ministry education on quote intimate photos at a religious site. at the district education department, the teacher was summoned for a conversation, forced to delete the photo and write an explanatory note, and they stood up for the teacher in the state duma. what is the intimate nature
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of a family photo against the backdrop of an orthodox church? who might it offend? i send rays of support to marina lvova. and her family, i believe that she has nothing to be ashamed of, unlike her colleagues who became silent accomplices in this outrageous persecution. and the story with the image received an unexpected continuation american porn actress sasha gray in the image of the snow maiden near the building of the education department of the village of agapovka in the urals. after complaints from residents, the snow maiden’s face was redrawn, but, as they say, it didn’t work out. this time in snegurochka they recognized ukrainian fashion model valeria gaidakevich. after further complaints, the authorities simply demolished the entire fence with graffiti out of harm’s way, well, it’s much more beautiful, let it stand like that, let it be, excuse me, for god’s sake , we had a small joint there, i made a reservation, guys, i’m not a resident of kuibyshev, of course, a resident kuibyshevsky district
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novosibirs, so lesya, well, every person sees in their own way, somehow, this is also normal, yes.
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ok, so you explain what the problem is, i don’t see what they are doing yet, well, it saved someone, yes, it saved someone, they explained to someone, that means at the age of 14-15 he saved so to speak, honor your share, than you still have to stoop to the level of, you know, there’s this dad, and what is a party, a party, dear, it’s like a matinee, yes, only you’re not a bunny, a pig, everything is in my opinion, that means, look for an explanation.
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sin immediately occurred, people are sinners , this must be admitted, and people themselves, the meaning of a person is to independently renounce sinfulness, and not because andrey, lina, elena says, diversity has limits, short pause, we will now have the final question ask, yes. a man cannot live a full life because of a giant tumor on his buttocks, how much does it weigh now according to your feelings? not less than 6 kg. why do you think that your son’s illness is your fault? well, i got sick at the very beginning of pregnancy, to i didn’t go to the doctors, he dreams of having children and marrying his beloved, but is afraid to leave her as a widow, if this continues... he will simply go to bed or become simply disabled, who is against the family happiness of the young? there are other guys, there are healthy ones, but she doesn’t have her own life,
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she’s with him all the time, and is it possible to save a man from a 6 kg tumor that destroys his health and life? evgenin survived four operations and the tumor returned each time. do you think your son can be helped at all? i believe that there will be someone who will say: no big deal, let's get it out of here, let's get it out of here. unfortunately, at this stage. spend free save with ozonbank, draw up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposits, one of my friends can do everything, but
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work , respect for your feelings and, again, your story, when a social activist, despite everything , perhaps, takes on the function of the state and reflects on who is authorized to do what, with all due respect to all social activists in our country, i am sure that most of them mean well. when they take away the function of the state, the power function, the control function, this is a wrong story, and now sex, and now a joke, just about the power function. hello, police, yes, the officer on duty at the third department, captain petrov, please tell me, yesterday you sent a squad to zelennaya street, building 3, apartment 47, now i’ll check, yes, we, you
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had a violation of public order there, loud music, noise, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, please tell the guys to come to us today we came again, otherwise they forgot the furashka here, the pistol, well, at the same time they’ll look at the photos, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. having washed their hands of it, denmark announced the termination of the investigation into sabotage on the nord streams. a device worth tens of thousands of rubles destroys equipment worth hundreds of millions. fpv drone crews in the southern donetsk direction are hunting for combat vehicles.


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