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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 28, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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drone fighters protect our infantry in the southern donetsk direction. how does a rocket work?
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should be safe. the situation in the gas sector is close to a humanitarian catastrophe, who is responsible for the continuation of the conflict. and also in russia they passed a law that will support animal shelters. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia beftereva. the ministry of defense showed the first footage of the swallow on. in the avdiivka direction, sergei shaigu announced his complete release the day before. on operational footage shows how the enemy hastily leaves positions, abandons the wounded , and leaves equipment, including western- made ones. nazi symbols are visible on some weapons. before fleeing, the militants tried to inflict maximum damage and fired mortars and hail into the neighborhoods. everything was destroyed because the enemy snapped back harshly.
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exchange. explosive shells are found in and in the liberated avdiivka it continues in the courtyards of high-rise buildings in the private sector. every day russian sappers destroy several hundred dangerous items. thus, aviation struck places. deployment of militants. meanwhile, in the krasno-limansk direction, our k-52 helicopter crews destroyed a strong point with unguided missiles. at kupinsky, the city crews eliminated the enemy’s fortified positions and equipment, including western-style ones. our units are occupying new positions in the southern donetsk direction. they are protected from ukrainian reconnaissance and combat drones by the crew of the tur missile systems. multi-ton machines, fast and passable, they are designed. to destroy
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large targets, but they also successfully hit any types of drones. vladimir bogomolov was convinced. a thirty-two-ton vehicle is hidden in a forest belt in the southern donetsk direction and you won’t notice it until it goes on a combat mission. the anti-aircraft missile system was created to destroy missiles or aircraft, but initially the svo began to protect against other drone threats. to get into a state. when ready for the complex , it only takes a few minutes; now it is already working, monitoring the situation, looking for drones and buddy. an object appears on the radar. the apu often launches decoys to reveal the location of the torus, but operators determine by speed and trajectory whether it is a real threat or a trick. wing type. there is only one goal to destroy the flow, start. thor is called the god of the clear sky. it is capable of
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hitting any drone, regardless of the type or country of manufacture. we primarily engage drones up to 12 km and detect them up to 30 km. and so we can destroy up to four drones at once if they are flying, rudely speaking, in one group it is small. the anti-aircraft missile system is indispensable when advancing infantry, it closes the sky for the enemy and forms a protective dome. one rocket contains 15 kg of gunpowder fragments. when hit , almost nothing remains of the target. year to date. not much time has passed; about twenty unmanned aerial vehicles have already been destroyed in this direction. these are mainly reconnaissance drones, such as furia and leleka, but there are also more serious drones. one of the main trophies of the crew is this scan eagle drone, that’s all that what is left of him is that he was shot down at a speed of 150 km/h, and he is dangerous because he is engaged not only in reconnaissance, but also corrects the fire of the khaymars. the anti-aircraft complex is capable of operating even while moving. february.
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to unravel without stopping a heavy vehicle , the cross-country ability and maneuverability of the torus are very good, now our weather is so good, we can quickly drive 20-30 km through the fields. a convoy with military and humanitarian cargo departed from ingushetia to the zone of a special military operation; these included 20 off-road vehicles and three kamaz trucks with drones, thermal imagers, equipment and...
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then many allies had to respond. the night before, the united states announced that it did not intend to send ground troops to ukraine. such messages came from the leaders of canada, great britain, germany, hungary, poland, austria and other european countries. similar assurances were made by
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the nato leadership. the alliance tried to remain calm publicly, although, as reuters reported, in the military bloc macron's conversations caused confusion, anger and even shock. british financial times came to the conclusion that the statements of the french president were an attempt to legalize the unofficial presence of special forces soldiers from alliance member countries on ukrainian territory. the french minister of defense had to save his patron from international criticism. he made a statement that macron still did not talk about the desire to fight in ukraine, but implied that the ukrainian armed forces militants could be trained on their territory. the result of western hysteria was summed up by the american one. he stated that russia's military potential is greater than that of all nato countries combined. idea of there is no justification for the idea that ukraine will inevitably win this war. this is an insane lie. the problem is that
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the american media has been promoting this idea throughout the conflict. i am not an expert on either russia or ukraine. but just look at wikipedia. russia has 100 million more people than ukraine. by 100 million. russia has more powerful industrial and military potential than all of nato combined. for example, russia produces more artillery shells than all the alliance countries, in a ratio of 7 to one. what, but it's a fact. some american senators have begun to lean toward resolving the conflict in ukraine through negotiations, politiku writes about this. the newspaper interviewed a number of officials who spoke to the armed forces of ukraine. on the battlefield, a deadlock has developed and it is no longer possible not to recognize this, but washington does not realize what is really happening in the conflict zone. republicans do not want to add fuel to the ukrainian fire and refuse to set a voting date to discuss additional support
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for the kiev regime. statement that ukrainians are running out of ammunition, they care much less than the internal problems of the country, and this is the situation at the border and the shutdown. a... to be found, and i think we can do it, and ukraine, i think a rush is needed, i hope we'll talk about this a little, i think the consequences of inaction on ukraine are dire, i've spoken with some of our g7 partners , and you just returned from there, everyone is very
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concerned, but in this room not everyone was worried about ukraine, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, washington was even nicknamed moscow mike for his reluctance to help. johnson replied that he wanted to do something on the border, but we told him that he could not delay, otherwise the war could be lost. but it seems that johnson could not be convinced. even before this meeting , he had repeatedly stated that he was more concerned about the american border, and after that he did not move an inch. first, solving the issue of the influx of illegal immigrants into the country, only then is he ready to discuss funding for ukraine. we must take care of what is necessary first america. and when we talk about what the states need, the first thing we...
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the time will come, but once again, the main priority is funding, and we will return to this, when for our country - these are our own borders, they must be within security. the only positive result of this meeting for biden was an agreement with republicans on their readiness for negotiations to prevent a government shutdown. duration of funding for some ministries. usa. the united states takes responsibility for civilian casualties population while blocking international ceasefire efforts in the gaza strip. our permanent representative vasily nebendya stated this at a meeting of the un security council.
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washington has already blocked all attempts to resolve the conflict four times. at the same time, the american delegation continues to talk about the danger of a ceasefire in the sector. this is despite the fact that the death toll is already approaching 30,000. vasily nebende called the alternative draft resolution proposed by the states a license to kill palestinian civilians, which the united states wants to extradite israel. russia is called upon to reject such an initiative. the deputy us permanent representative to the un responded to vasily nebenze’s remark; he tried to shift the security council’s attention to the topic of ukraine. unlike israel, the russian armed forces and the world population do not attack. are you ashamed to compare the situation in ukraine with gaza? they are incomparable.
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iraq, afghanistan, syria, covered these countries with barbaric bombings, including yugoslavia. also during the meeting , our permanent representative noted that israel directly interferes with the supply of humanitarian aid to the sector, although there are no problems with its volume. according to him, convoys with cargo are ready to leave for the enclave at any moment, however, due to the bureaucracy of direct refusals, aid is delivered in minimal quantities only to the southern regions. meanwhile, the conflict in the middle east does not subside, idf forces storm the palestinian city of jenin on the west bank of the jordan river. alma united tv channel reports this. drones are used for attacks.
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heavy equipment has also been brought into the populated area, destroying streets and infrastructure. the polish prime minister threatened brussels with new bans on ukrainian products. in addition to grain, donald tusk promised to impose an embargo on sugar, berries, poultry and eggs if the eu continues to help ukraine at the expense of polish agriculture. local farmers. he is also determined to get rid of competitors from ukraine and goes out to rallies almost every day against the duty-free import of agricultural products from the eastern border. the last, so-called march to warsaw gathered 50.00 people and ended with the use of tear gas and mass arrests.
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a little more than a day remains until the president’s annual address to the federal assembly, which will take place tomorrow at noon moscow time. the day before, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that vladimir putin was preparing for this. on air, as well as on all internet resources, on the website, in telegram . ntv’s message will be broadcast live on the official accounts of tv channels on social networks. the organizers of the games of the future in kazan
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sought to create competitions in which there is no place for political barriers. one of the main principles - about this in an interview with our igor stelerov, head of the fitgital tournament, told his colleagues in tatarstan, where ntv’s field studio operates. we had the task , on the one hand, to ensure the internationality of the tournament, to show the whole world that we are open, that it is safe in russia, that there is such hospitality here that you will never feel for yourself, and this is really so. i really want to thank you, because this has literally become our meme, ours inside. then you shoot the best and convey the best message, philosophy is very important, ideology very important, thank you very much, the tournament is now in full swing, international participants noted the high level of organization and friendly atmosphere. the closing ceremony will take place on march 3, our colleagues talk about the main events in the diaries of the games of the future, watch them on air
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every day. shelters for... animals that are on the verge of closure may receive additional funding. russia has adopted a law recognizing such non-profit organizations as socially oriented. now nurseries will be able apply for subsidies from the state for the maintenance of dogs and cats. experts say the innovation will help cure thousands of animals across the country. ilya lyadvin will continue. this saratov shelter can accept more than 300 dogs, but now it’s literal. you have to survive, it’s all about the amount that the region pays for catching one stray dog, about 7,000 rubles. from this amount we immediately subtract the costs of the catch itself, large kilometers and the dose of a sedative, this is approximately 4,500, the rest is used for 16 days of the animal’s stay in this shelter, it turns out to be a little more than 200 rubles. half will be spent on food, and one adult dog eats about half a kilogram of it per day.
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they don’t skimp on this; they buy balanced and complete dry food from. volgograd region, krasnodar region. it’s not cheap, but it’s safer than making porridge, where the animals won’t receive enough vitamins, which will consequently affect their appearance and their health. taking care of which takes the remaining money. as a result , it turns out that they are often not enough, because the animal must be sterilized and cured of acquired diseases. and for example, aggressive dogs are not released back at all, they are kept.
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which were approved by the regional government. now all captured dogs must first be brought to a temporary point for a three-day quarantine. not every disease can be detected in 3 days. they cannot explain to us how we should move potentially dangerous animals around the region. in addition, now aggressive dogs will receive three doses of anesthesia at once, during capture, transportation from temporary shelters and veterinary operations. large private shelters consider this animal cruelty. they even wrote an open letter to the regional government, but have not yet received a response. according to the president of the moscow region fund for helping homeless animals, vera mitina , attracting volunteers and philanthropists will help saratov colleagues survive in such conditions. in addition, you should not be afraid to talk more about yourself. this is generally a pledge in today’s realities, without any active social networks cannot exist.
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there are various support centers for non-profit organizations in the regions, you should definitely go and find out. owners, in fact, those who throw their pets out into the street. ilya lyadvin, sergey ratnikov, maria popova, vadim kovalev and jaana fedorishcheva, ntv. in the chechen republic , a high-mountain village was supplied with gas. in record time, a gas pipeline with a length of more than 6 km was built there. because it's complicated. much of the work was carried out manually without special equipment; gazprom specialists have already begun connecting homes to networks local residents. more than 220 buildings will be provided with fuel. program. gosifications are being implemented on behalf of vladimir putin; by the end of the year, 35 russian regions will be fully connected to the networks. and with this we say goodbye to the viewers
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of central russia, see you later. give gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything, and 200 in it without interest. well, debts on credit cards are charged with interest, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or it’s easy to get rid of credit card debts with some help, now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, they recognize her, hmm,
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today. hello. cyclones are beginning to bite the stagnant frosty anticyclone more and more actively. in the far east they promise stormy weather for kamchatka and the kuril islands. they will throw snow into the seaside. -7 sunny, and tomorrow snow and -5, the course towards warming and precipitation is taking southwestern siberia and the urals, on european territory, the anticyclone has penetrated into south, but there its cold heart is drowned by the bright pre-spring sun, in krasnodar today it’s +10, tomorrow it’s +13, in the center it will warm up a couple of degrees, the cyclone will add heat, in the northern regions because of it the precipitation is at its lowest...


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