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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 28, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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sorry, no offense, drone fighters are protecting our infantry in the southern donetsk direction, pozg, how does it work? the thor missile system and its trophies were seen by vladimir bogomolo. russia has more powerful industrial and military potential than all of nato combined. the world is discussing the statement of the french president about the deployment of nato troops to ukraine, and joe biden again tried to ask congress for financial assistance for kiev. what did you get in response? the main priority for our country is our own borders. they should be
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in safety. the situation in the gas sector is close to a humanitarian catastrophe, who is responsible for the continuation of the conflict. and also in russia they passed a law that will support animal shelters. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. the ministry of defense showed the first footage of the swallow. in the avdiivka direction, sergei shaigu announced his complete release the day before. the operational footage shows how the enemy hastily leaves positions, abandons the wounded, leaves equipment, including western production. nazi symbols are noticeable on some weapons. before fleeing, the militants tried to inflict maximum damage and fired mortars and hail into the neighborhoods. everything was destroyed because the enemy snapped back harshly, but they understood that they would hold their positions. and want to
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inflict at least some minor damage to our troops, mosar ammunition, but they very often and actively use vanan, although this ammunition is prohibited by the shenev convention. and in the liberated avdeevka, mine clearance continues. explosive shells are found in courtyards of high-rise buildings in the private sector. russian sappers destroy several hundred dangerous objects every day. meanwhile, in the krasno-liman direction, our aircraft hit deployment sites. the crews of the k-52 helicopters destroyed the stronghold with unguided missiles. in the kupinsky direction, grad crews eliminated fortified enemy positions and equipment, including western-style ones. our unit is occupying new positions in the southern donetsk direction. from ukrainian reconnaissance and combat drones, their cover the crews of the tour missile systems. multi-ton vehicles are fast and passable, they are designed to destroy large targets. but
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they also successfully hit any type of drone. vladimir bogomolov was convinced of this. a thirty-two-ton vehicle is hidden in a forest belt in the southern donetsk direction and you won’t notice it until it goes on a combat mission. the anti-aircraft missile system was created to destroy missiles or aircraft, but with the beginning of the svo it began to protect against other drone threats. in order to come to a state of complete readiness, complex. and decoys to reveal the location of the torus, but operators determine by speed and trajectory whether it is a real threat or a trick, type wing, target to destroy the flow rate is one, launch, the torus is called the god of clear sky, it is capable of hitting anyone. drones, regardless
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of type or country of manufacture. we mainly engage drones up to 12 km and detect them up to 30 km. and so we can destroy up to four drones at once if they are flying, roughly speaking, in one group, a small one. anti-aircraft missile system indispensable when advancing infantry, closes the sky for the enemy and forms a protective dome. one rocket contains 15 kg of gunpowder fragments. when hit, almost nothing remains of the target. not much time has passed since the beginning of the year... about twenty unmanned aerial vehicles have already been destroyed in this direction. these are mainly reconnaissance drones, such as furia, leleka, but there are more serious drones. one of the main trophies of the crew is this scan eagle drone, that’s all that’s left of it, it was shot down at a speed of 150 km/h, and it’s dangerous the fact that he is engaged not only in reconnaissance, but also corrects the fire of the khaymars. the anti-aircraft complex is capable of operating even while moving. the february thaw does not stop. a heavy vehicle
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has very good cross-country ability and maneuverability, now our weather is just like that, we can drive through the fields well, 20-30 km/h quickly, after a defeat. goal, the crew returns to the shelter, here they will wait for the next task, from the moment they receive the command to entering the combat position it takes about 10 minutes. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, ntv television company, south donetsk direction of the northern military district. the un calls on world politicians to avoid rhetoric that could provoke a worsening of the situation around ukraine. this is how the secretary general’s office responded to the french president’s statement about the possible dispatch of western troops to the conflict zone. macron's words provoked a negative reaction around the world, to such a level that many allies had to respond. the night before, the united states announced that it did not intend to send ground troops to ukraine. similar messages came from leaders canada, great britain, germany, hungary,
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poland, austria and other european countries. similar assurances were made by the nato leadership. the alliance tried to remain calm publicly, although , as reuters reported, in the military bloc macron’s conversations caused confusion, anger and even shock; the british financial times came to the conclusion that the french president’s statements were an attempt to legalize the unofficial presence of special forces soldiers from the alliance member countries on ukrainian territory. save your patron from the french minister of defense faced international criticism. he made a statement that macron still did not talk about his desire to fight in ukraine.
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washington does not realize what is really happening and it is no longer possible not to recognize it, but
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in a conflict zone. republicans do not want to add fuel to the ukrainian fire and refuse to set a voting date to discuss additional support for the kiev regime. statement that ukraine.
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we must first take care of what america needs when we talk about what the states need, the first thing we need to talk about is open borders, i told
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the president everyone in the room, the house is actively exploring funding opportunities, and we'll get back to that when the time is right, but again, top priority... for our country, these are our own borders, they must be safe. the only positive result of this meeting for biden was an agreement with the republicans on their readiness for negotiations to prevent a shutdown. for the government, financing period some ministries and departments expire at midnight, from friday to saturday, and although no specific agreements were reached as a result of the conversation in the white house, the republican promise to meet the president in itself is not bad news for biden. alexey vasilovsky, vladimir vepritsky, alexander dekin, ntv, usa. today , texas is perplexed not only by the problem of migrants, but due to powerful forest fires, work has stopped. one of the pentagon's key nuclear plants. this enterprise supplies ammunition to the arsenals of the united states and
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great britain. the flame is approaching the buildings and it is impossible to stop it. the employees have already been evacuated. in total , 60 districts were declared a disaster zone in the state, a state of emergency was introduced in them, and more than 800 km of territory burned. safe areas evacuated residents of several communities, including the city of glaser. this is what he looks like. at this moment, hundreds of farms had to be saved from the fire, the situation could become even worse in the near future, due to the dry, windy weather, the flames continue to spread. united states take responsibility for civilian casualties when they block international ceasefire efforts in the gaza strip. our permanent representative vasily nebendze stated this at a meeting of the un security council. all attempts to resolve the conflict.
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this is, firstly , it is absolutely impossible to compare this on a scale, and secondly, whoever lectures us about this, the country that
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destroyed iraq, afghanistan, syria, covered these countries, including yugoslavia, with barbaric carpet bombing. so before you try next to see sarinka in someone else's eye, look into your own jealously. also during the meeting , our permanent representative noted that israel directly interferes with supplies. assistance to the sector, although there are no problems with its volume. according to him, convoys with cargo are ready to leave for the enclave at any moment, however, due to bureaucracy and outright refusals, assistance is delivered in minimal quantities only to the southern regions. a little more than a day remains until the president’s annual address to the federal assembly. it will take place tomorrow at noon moscow time. the day before, the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov reported. that vladimir putin is preparing for this important event and is personally working on the text. he actively holds
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meetings with members of the government, heads of departments and his assistants. the president's address is a program document about the situation in the country, domestic and foreign policy, priorities in socio-economic development, as well as national security. ntv's message will be broadcast live, as well as on all internet resources, on the telegram website. on the channel's official social accounts networks. the organizers of the games of the future in kazania sought to create competitions in which there is no place for political barriers; one of the main principles is the integrity of the judging. the head of the fitital tournament, igor stolerov, spoke about this in an interview with our colleagues in tatarstan, where ntv’s field studio operates. we had the task, on the one hand, to ensure the internationality of the tournament, to show the whole world that we are... open, that russia is safe, that there is such hospitality here
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that you will not feel for yourself never, and this is really so , the whole world is watching, well, the difficult international situation, and the economic situation, and in general we are in such, we live in another world now with you, yes, well, just in another world, so this is a new and b - quite a risky event, 107 countries came to us, by the way , they continue to come. now the tournament is in full swing, international participants noted the high level of organization and friendly atmosphere. the closing ceremony will take place on march 3. our colleagues talk about the main events in the game diaries of the future, watch them on air every day. two banks from the cis have tightened conditions for russian clients at once; these are financial organizations from kazakhstan and uzbekistan. further business news with us marina pimenova. marina, how do they explain this? well, banks refer to american sanctions. the kazakh bank freedom finance
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has stopped operations with russian payment cards. systems mir. in an official statement, he refers to new us sanctions and says he is considering how to minimize the risks of secondary sanctions. on february 23, the us treasury introduced to the sanctions list of the russian national payment card system. it provides processing of transactions on mir cards. the nspk , in turn, reported that the sanctions will not affect the operation of payment services within the country, and foreign banks themselves decide whether to accept world cards. now kazakhstani finance advises clients. make transfers, for example, by phone number through digital bank; until last year it belonged to the kazakh freedom holding, but it sold its russian assets. and the uzbek ipak yuli, as rbc writes, has tightened the rules servicing accounts of russians, and now asks them to provide a personal identification number, without which, reportedly, clients will not be able to fully use their cards. at the end of the twenty -third year, us president joe biden
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signed a decree according to which foreign banks could be subject to restrictions if they help under sanctions. persons or the russian military industry. after this, for example, one of the largest banks in turkey, denisbank, began checking the residence permits of its russian clients. the russian one starts trading with a neat increase. sber announced that last year it received a record net profit according to ifrs, 15 trillion rubles, five times more than in the twenty-second year. the ruble has not yet come up with anything new, dollar 92.07, euro 99.70. finnish. energy company fortom announced that it had begun arbitration proceedings against russia. she claims that russia has violated its obligations under the bilateral investment treaty that it concluded with the netherlands and sweden. we are talking about the events of april last year, when by his decree, vladimir putin transferred the russian assets of the finnish fortum under the management of the federal property management agency, and these are seven thermal power plants, as well as a wind and three solar power plants. fortum was the largest investor
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in the russian electric power industry. now the company is going to demand compensation for its russian one. point for its investments in russia, it estimates the amount at several billion euros. last may , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that russia was not going to pay any compensation to fort because its russian assets have not been nationalized, but simply transferred under external management. russia, dmitry peskov continues, is faced with the expropriation of its assets abroad and will not leave this without a reaction. that's all i have. thank you, that was it. economic review. the polish prime minister threatened brussels with new bans on ukrainian products. in addition to grain, donald tusk promised to impose an embargo on sugar, berries, poultry and eggs if the eu continues to help ukraine at the expense of polish agriculture. local farmers they are also determined to get rid of
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their competitors. they hold rallies almost every day against the duty-free import of agricultural products from the east. the last, so -called march to warsaw gathered over 50 thousand people and ended with the use of tear gas and mass arrests. protesters burned smoke bombs, set off firecrackers and threw eggs at government buildings. traffic in the center of warsaw was paralyzed, if this action does not bring results, then... they may receive additional funding. in russia adopted a law recognizing such non-profit organizations as socially oriented. now nurseries will be able to apply for subsidies from the state for the maintenance of dogs and cats. experts say
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the innovation will help cure thousands of animals across the country. ilya lyadvin will continue. this saratov shelter can take in more than 300 dogs, but now it literally has to survive, the whole point is the amount that the region pays for catching one stray dog, about 7.0 rubles. from this amount we immediately subtract the costs of the catch itself, large kilometers and the dose a sedative, this is approximately 4,500, the rest is used for 16 days of the animal’s stay in this shelter, it turns out to be a little more than 200 rubles. half will be spent on food, and his one adult dog per day with... what to do with cooking each, where the animals will not receive enough vitamins, which will accordingly affect their appearance,
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their health, the care of which takes the remaining money, in as a result, it turns out that they are often not enough, because the animal needs to be sterilized and cured of acquired diseases, for example, aggressive dogs are not released back at all, their maintenance is also on the balance sheet of the shelter, we add the salaries of employees, we receive the costs of electricity and water from... we do not receive any subsidies, we exist only at the expense of the funds that we earn for the performance contracts, and if we stop our activities, i think that most of the saratov region and the city will be left without catching, from this year the main private shelters in the region may be left without contracts for catching, entrepreneurs will not agree with the new system of working with stray animals, which was approved by the regional government, now all caught dogs must first be brought to a temporary point, to take into account the three-day quarantine, not every disease can be detected in 3 days, how should we move potentially dangerous animals throughout the region , they can’t
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explain it to us. in addition, now aggressive dogs will receive three doses of anesthesia at once during capture, transportation from a temporary point to a shelter and veterinary surgery. large private shelters believe this cruel treatment of animals, they even wrote an open letter to the regional government, but have not yet received a response. according to the president. of the moscow region fund for helping homeless animals survive in such conditions , saratov colleagues will be helped by attracting volunteers and philanthropists. in addition, you should not be afraid to talk more about yourself. this is generally a guarantee in today’s realities without some kind of active social networks it is impossible to exist. there are various support centers for non-profit organizations in the regions, you should definitely go and find out about those sites where they raise funds for charitable organizations. a promising form of support to guide.
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do it yourself in st. petersburg, power engineers began to print parts for heating network units on a 3d printer, about a useful innovation, nikolay bulkin. what a blessing that navito is on sale and discounts up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology, an inspiring sale of electronics on avita. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards. you transfer debts to the back of your hand and divide them into 24 months conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts, easily with ease. who
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benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with ozonbank - a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you have given shopping worth a million and even 101 poodles, every second ticket wins, buy on the website in branded stores in stoloto, now it will appear, come on, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. and my friend asks me to give her snowdrops, now the prices for flowers are such that it is more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8 b with a profit of 7,000 rubles. only in a megaphone. exonal in a big red
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package rushes to your aid at the moment when pain forces you to climb the wall. texsonal is charged against pain, the leader in the category, the mofurs decided with gifts, and you? son wants a car with radio control, and maxim smartwatch hints. and you give me a hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner, i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card, a whole 200 days without interest, 20% cashback on everything, i buy, you guessed it, vtb, together everything will work out, what a broth , besherak, the secret of taste is in the broth, divide in half, prices on yandex market, discounts up to... 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. any business starts with a person.
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at first i cooked it myself, then the team began expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, development doesn’t stop with support , we expand further, national project for small and medium-sized businesses by decision of the president, our business, support for yours, mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, the prices are just a holiday, we always have a holiday, and it’s been like that for 25 years, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, pasta. five helps out when a cold gets worse, anvimax against symptoms and viruses, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, behind the gate in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, with food and food i can please my beloved every day , please
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your loved ones any march with a discount. only until april 26, you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles. choose asaga or any other insurance and take part in the drawing. compare on your side. gdr. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. this program today, we continue the release. russian power engineers have found an unusual way to replace imported parts in the heat supply system with domestic ones. in st. petersburg, they began printing components for boiler houses on 3d printers. it takes an average of 30 minutes to produce one element. new technology eliminated downtime due to
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parts shortages. their quality was checked by nikolai bulkin. two 3d printers in a small room is quite a serious production. 20 minutes and the next one is ready, small, but how it turns out that this is a very important detail in the system of the fuel and energy complex of the entire st. petersburg. the tolerance for parts is three hundredths, we manufacture with an accuracy of one hundredths. such parts are consumables in pumping systems that pump hot water through pipes, supplying heat. now many originals have to be ordered through parallel import. after all , foreign companies whose units are installed in boiler rooms have left the russian market. printing your own parts turned out to be a way out of the situation. the elastic coupling rate is a pump part, essentially a consumable, such it takes hundreds a year, but you don’t have to think about supplies and logistics when you can print it yourself. together with the head of the repair department , we go to the nearest boiler room. this interweaving of pipes and units is full of parts that can also be printed on a printer, and it doesn’t even matter if
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the units are imported. or domestic, from all this variety you can print gaskets on the printer, any that are used in our country, from valves to flow meters, but the main thing is couplings, pumps, self-printing of spare parts turns out to be both more economical and even more reliable; in fact , st. petersburg has shown its example of import substitution and innovation, while domestic ones are already represented in the city. the latter is capable of working with metal. the president set us the task of achieving technological sovereignty. this means that completely domestic parts, components and devices are needed. to develop them , together with leading russian companies, we are creating our own engineering centers in st. petersburg. in this case here they don't reinvent wheels. specialists are engaged in reverse engineering. sketches of spare parts
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are built on the basis. the old ones that have served their purpose or are out of order, a 3d model is being developed based on them. the program sets up to 600 parameters, printing temperature, degree of rigidity or elasticity of the part, number, height of layers and much more. experts select all parameters, as well as the type of plastic, for each detail. depending on the complexity, printing takes from 20 minutes to several hours. we have one goal: continuous heat supply to the city. acceleration equipment repair. and preventing it is simple, and after all, the costs of introducing new technologies have already paid off, each printer cost 150 thousand rubles, they have already printed hundreds of necessary parts, thanks to which the heat supply system in st. petersburg should continue to work properly. nikolay bulkin, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelenkov and natalya vlasova, ntv, st. petersburg. in the krasnodar territory, preparations for the world youth festival are being completed; it starts
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on march 1. the event welcomes 20,000 participants from 180 countries. some of the activists are still studying at school, some have already proven themselves in sports, science and even business. a discussion table has been prepared for the guests. where everyone can speak out, offer their solutions to social problems and help others. svetoslav gordin found out what else awaits the participants. sirius university in the image of the international airport of the world youth festival, installation work is still underway, there is a continuous working voice. the airport is a clear symbol on the board, a plan for each day of the festival, boarding passes for participants and marks in special passports. here they are citizens of the city, youth of the world. in the international flights area. guests can expect exhibits on the themes of sports, travel, art and self-realization. in the domestic flights zone, everything is about russia, its capital and regions. the exhibition area is 25,000 m2. 112 expositions from the largest state corporations to non-profit organizations.
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the central art object of the duty-free trade zone is the portal to the russia exhibition in moscow. there will also be a zone of russian beauty, souvenirs, paintings by artists, and an esports hall. at mission control, russia is a land of opportunity. airport the festival is divided into four terminals: knowledge, education, technology and family, some. festival participants, by the way, come with families. capital of the world. 5,000 volunteers and 28,000 technical staff and festival organizers are involved in its work. they are the first to go through the registration procedure.
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the queue is electronic, like in the mfc. without the help of volunteers, it is difficult to imagine holding such a large-scale event; they are already needed at airports and train stations where festival participants arrive. volunteers will accompany and help both them and the organizers literally. at every step, there are volunteers from the regions of new russia. all volunteers who take part directly in the event were specially selected, and knowledge of foreign languages ​​was also a prerequisite. the medal square of the olympic park these days is called the soul of russia; the very city of the youth of the world is being built around it. already on march 1, 20 thousand festival participants from 1080 countries will gather here. our pavilion is dedicated to street art, because nizhny novgorod is called the capital. on area of ​​five pavilions of large russian cities, educational projects will be presented here, and this is russia in miniature, three dozen art objects, they were made by students of technical colleges from the regions of the country. young art fair,
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concert, theatrical performances, ice show, extensive program. the logo of the festival is people representing different cultures, religions and continents. having gathered together, they think about how to make the world their own. these symbols will be read even in sports. these festivals. russians and representatives of other countries are fleeing meet each other, meet, hug and then run together, run into this future, into this just world. where the athletes of the sochi olympics lived, participants of the world youth festival will now live. thousands of rooms have been booked. you can see the sea, you can see the pools that are located in the palm tree yard and the weather is excellent. among the participants of the festival, for the first time, teenagers from 14 to 17 years old, those who are older. and most of them have already proven themselves in various fields, in science, education, culture, sports. the festival for them is the ability to speak and understand each other. cheburashka is a symbol of the festival; he gives such soft toys to participants and guests; they will then travel all over the world and remind them of
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the largest youth event in the world, which took place in russia. svyatoslav gordin, ali arebzhanov, ekaterina belousova and sergey tashchiev tv component. krasnodar region. and that's all by this time. about the weather for tomorrow, hello, in this issue the european territory of russia, we can say that on thursday everywhere is already warmer than expected according to the calendar, the longest in winter temperatures the middle volga held out, but tomorrow in samara, in saratov in the afternoon -1 -2, in ulyanovsk +2. well , the most impressive warm anomalies are still in the north, the highest absolute values, of course, in the south, maybe at the height of the day. be up to +15, but the record has only happened in anapa, the day before it was more than +17, then it’s still calmer there, these indicators are only 2-3 degrees ahead of the calendar, but they’re ahead, and i’ll also tell you about the precipitation, they tomorrow not only for...


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