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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 1, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

4:05 am
hello, shepherd, how glad i am to hear from you? note my coordinates, i'm returning to their base, come on, i'm waiting for you there, hurry up, all lights out. exchange of pleasantries, how are you? it’s fine, but it’s not childish, it’s okay, i think i’m coping, if it weren’t for the chemicals in my body, i would have frozen a long time ago, why are you... for a long time, yes, you
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understand, i wanted to come to you with flowers, and there are still flower shops are closed, so in a simple way, i know from them who needs to give lead flowers, let's go, oh, this one they have here, the senior one for security, comrade general, let me shoot him when he tries to escape, what? what’s scary, leave the crucian carp aside, you’ll see them, and the doctor, they took this unfinished goebbels, yes they took him, the guard is interrogating, tell me, you don’t know this face, our volodya just drew it from memory, i saw it in the jar. the doctor
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pumped up the cattle, it’s fedin, definitely fedin, this owner of the rosinvestitsiya bank, well, that means this fedin is their goal, they need to warn him so that they take him under guard, they have already sent a killer. yes, i'm listening, why the hell is this, it’s just a joke, no, i’m going, well, let
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’s say they found out my phone number right away, well , i’ll do as you say, let’s go home anyway, i changed my mind about lunch, contact the bank, let my son-in-law peek. we're going down, but there's no need to panic.
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hands, the order came from a relative , the banker stole and thus, under the general noise, decided to hide his affairs, family affairs, and what about volodya, rehabilitation, and where is the hero, where is our sick crucian carp, and i gave him a week's leave. deserve it, one, when i say three, you will wake up, three, what am i fell asleep, uh-huh, without any hypnosis, oh well, don’t be your tricks again, no, apparently in the last few days. slept so little that my skills
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were not needed. by the way, doctor, in light of recent events, i will need several of your hypnosis sessions. don't be afraid that i will find out all yours. state secrets, then i'll have to kill you, not encouraging , okay, let's look at your behavior, patient , i hope you like dinner, honey, very much, you're the best, oh, but i didn't cook it, i just paid for it, by the way, this not everything yet, on that i am capable, i hope that is so, come on, whatever you can’t do, come on, get out of here, alictor, leave him alone, i’m in a great mood today.
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and comrade officers, this is an extraordinary case: the former fsb general, now a major businessman, sergei konstantinovich volokhov, was killed. the killer opened his carotid artery with a knife, and also killed two guards, one with a knife blow to the solar plexus. he broke the neck of the second, and all this alone, yes, that means the surviving girl could not describe the killer, because it was evening, the killer was in a hood,
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the guards were armed, yes, the first didn’t have time to pull out his gun at all, the second did, but didn’t get a chance to shoot, this mysterious... killed two trained guards with almost his bare hands , we’ve only talked to two such killers, so we need to find the killer and the customer, task if, so exactly, so exactly, why are you sitting? both guards served in the special forces, both were in hot spots, one even has a medal for bravery, but it’s difficult to beat such people, noler did it and
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didn’t even try too hard, didn’t leave any traces, so, then, you are involved in volykhov’s entourage, looking for those who benefit from his death, and i will consult with someone, our kidler, a high-class specialist in his field, in criminal circles they should know about him, or at least hear about him, so is that enough? keep up, actually it’s coffee, hello, we took it upon ourselves, yes, how can i introduce you, i
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’ll introduce myself, there, well... hello, bragin, hello, what fate? are you on business or playing billiards? actually, you’re still busy, do you ever relax? yes it happens, only less often than we would like. well, it was a great party for the conversation! “i can afford it, i’m now a businessman, i’ve done my time from call to call , so free or moscow, free , which means i’ve become an honest person, i approve
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with your prayers, 7 years ago you straightened me out so much that i later s’. , i don’t argue, so what’s your... you once killed people for money, it somehow sounds terrible, yes, i don’t like it either, but the fact is a fact, you were a killer, you knew your job very well, i he did it without any pleasure, i hope so, and so , a virtuoso killer showed up in moscow, he not only wounded... the client, but killed his two bodyguards, they were armed with a pistol, and he with a knife, you’re not
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kidding, yes what kind of joke is this , don’t think of me, i’ve been in the department for more than 8 years , i haven’t taken orders, this isn’t about you, i want to know who could have done this, i don’t know such specialists, and in principle they don’t exist, except perhaps in ... he exists, and this is not a movie, you know for sure, or rather it doesn’t happen, there were no such cool people among the experienced ones, among the current ones , among the current ones, i don’t know such pros, unless of course, i can judge, and you can judge, just don’t get caught up in... “i’ve completely left the department,
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well, i’m hearing some rumors, which means i can’t get any help from you.” wait, i don’t know, i have one crazy thought, come on, come on, share your crazy thought, otherwise i’m burning with curiosity, well , when i was still in business, between us..." these killers were used to capture criminal business, and do you believe in this fairy tale? i don’t know, i didn’t believe it before,
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now, when you came to me, i’m starting to think, hurry up, yes, it’s time to go, and we’ll finish the game another time, let’s do it like this: one shot at a time , whoever pockets the most difficult ball, then the win, hit the first, of all moscow gateways, i turned into one by chance, there the ball was rolling werewolves, about 35 years ago, strongly, your turn. i see
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that you have learned to play, i’m just lucky , you can’t argue with that, look, vadim, dmitry ivanovich kolesnikov, volukhov’s business partner, former work colleague in the event of death. all the business goes to him, in my opinion, the ideal suspect, write me the address, i ’ll go to him, new hat, like a gift, non-dark color, very funny.
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dmitry ivanovich, are you at home? hello, what are you doing here,
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your door was open, but i understand, i understand. who are you? captain karasov, upsim. serious organization. the hat is beautiful, sleep in it. sorry, sit down. what's your name, korasev? vadim. vadim.
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that means you won’t understand me, that’s why you came, yes, i sympathize with you, get straight to the point, okay, volokhov was your partner in business, and now, as far as i know, its share goes to you, damn this share, and tomorrow this company will die. i wake up, get up, but she’s not there. why? because the whole business was tied to sergei konstantinovich. on his connections, on his experience. and me, what am i? yes, administrator. man in a suit. cover without
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book. 25 years together. so what am i doing without him now? listen, captain, don't go away, have a drink? no, no, thanks, i'll go, but i understand you're at work, okay, i'll do it myself, good luck, captain, goodbye. damn it!
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dmitry ivanovich, dmitry ivanovich, i'm in i forgot my hat, so they closed the door, dmitry ivanovich.
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a good employee, whoever you tell, they won’t believe him, he’s guilty, comrade general, of course
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, he’s guilty, but you really didn’t see his face, you didn’t have time, general, he acted very quickly, i don’t know who he is, but he’s got good training , do you think special forces look like that? was this guy being prepared to be killed? okay, i’ll ask for general volokhov’s dossier, but this is me through my channel, and you continue to work, eat. he's really so cool, we had a hand-to-hand combat instructor in the gru, san sanich,
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a legendary personality, an excellent fighter , i once sparred with him in full contact , he beat me like that, i then lay down for a week, so this bastard is much faster than sans, yes, a serious opponent, the main thing is i can’t understand how he got out of entrance. but he had everything about everything in less than a minute and he acted completely silently, he held the gun to your head, which prevented him from shooting, but i don’t know, by leaving me alive, he was taking a risk, and this is not professional, or maybe he didn’t see it potential enemy to you, but no offense, captain, i don’t know, maybe, “if this is so , then everything is in order with his conceit, or he coldly and sensibly assesses his strength, no, he is not just an excellent fighter, he did not leave
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a single imprint, did not allow you to see his face, he did the job and quietly disappeared like a shadow, yes, you can’t argue with that, max, he did something, right?”
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well, little red riding hood, here we are, very funny, good afternoon, we would like to see viktor zverev, and who are you? i'm colonel pastukhov, special events planning directorate. captain kharasov,
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where is zverev? i don’t know where he is, i haven’t seen him since yesterday evening, and in general i’m here by chance, we barely know each other, so we sometimes have fun together. maybe we can continue the conversation in the apartment? you don’t have it, because you’d need warrants and all that, but don’t be afraid, we’re not on protocol, we’ll just talk, we won’t use anything you say against you, well, come in, what happened, what’s causing the cirvor, man they killed, vitek killed a man, which means he did it after all, what a fool, i told him, spit on this old fool, you’re talking about his father, yes? yeah, the dude said that if he sees vitka with grass again, he’ll put him on the bunk himself. listen, maybe i
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’m telling you all this in vain? they won’t put him in prison because of me, but if they do, it won’t be because of you. by the way, i can take a look at your documents. for what? for the sake of broadening your horizons. oh, valya.
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where is zverev now? left for goods, for grass? yes, who? well, to some pepper named sizy, he’s the one who runs everything here, do you know sizy’s address? yes, sizy, we agreed on half a kilo, you sell it first. who do you take me for, yes for the one who you are, you got burned twice , after all, they let you go, or maybe they are herding you, or maybe you work for the cops, how do i know, you keep an eye on the market, otherwise i’m quiet, quiet, or i might get angry, what do you mean to me? you threaten, i warn you, okay.
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you blurted out about the cops in vain, put it down, but add a couple of bags, but don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, the boy’s word, okay, well, look, if you lose the goods again, you’ll have to pay out of your own pocket, i won’t lose it. listen, beast, i'm tired of you going to dealers, the guy is already rowing, maybe he can find a more interesting job for himself, and i like my job, sit down, hands, have you confused the beast, who are you rolling the barrel on, put the bag back, close the bag, come on, well, you're a dead beast, here, come on,
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calm down, you think your dad is you will help out again, but you know who is behind us, but i don’t care, colonel pastukhov, upsm. i won’t wish you a good day, because nothing good will shine for you today. well, beast, you will answer for the cops, understand? fuck you, i didn't bring them. these little doves lie in the cook's chamber.
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absolutely true, absolutely true. well the results of laboratory studies did not confirm our theory, well, so to speak, they did not refute it, yes, yes, but no, no, no, i will make a report myself, you know what we will do, let’s do this, you will ring the duck for me, yes, we'll arrange a meeting and discuss everything, okay, that's it, okay, okay , uh-huh, oh, hello, gennady alekseevich, glad to see you, thank you, me too, you look great, as usual, black coffee, vanilla croissant, exactly, you know, i don’t change my preferences, especially at my age, but what are you, what are you, you still go-go, oh, complimenter, and with your buzzes and honey i could drink, ah, but, unfortunately, you cannot deceive nature, ah, it’s cold today, but they say it will clear up by lunchtime, of course.
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yes, that's it, i'm off. we checked zverev and his friends;
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they have nothing to do with the murder of olakhov. the version was not very good, but it was necessary to check it. well, now we have one less version, but this is our only achievement. i’m listening, golubev, so, where did this happen? thank you for calling, pavel ignatovich, now my people will come to you. well, we have one less version, one more corpse. our superkiller showed up again, killed with a teaspoon, cool, he only needed one
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precise blow, and no one heard or saw anything, why, the waitress remembered that he was wearing a hoodie, yes, and also ordinary. neither fat, nor thin , not ugly, not handsome, you know a lot of men with such signs, well, about three billion, yeah, that means, look, the murdered gennady alekseevich startsev, a scientist physiologist, professor, head of a laboratory, and so on, volokhov , former fsb general, kolesnikov, his deputy, then a business partner, tell me. what connection could there be between the scientist and former intelligence officers? are you hinting at bragin's story? sergei sergeevich, this is some kind of fantasy, and not even scientific. yes, he's a general. got it, we'll be there now. we're going to
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the office. the general has new information. well, these are my eagles, employees. and this is my old comrade, general katsur ivan pavlovich, he will tell you something and even show you, i think you will be interested, sit down, i’ll get straight to the point, comrade officers, i will try to briefly state the essence of the problem: in the eighties , the state security committee carried out...
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remained unclaimed, two of them died, but one survived. 6 days ago, he escaped from the body morgue, killing a doctor and two guards, from the morgue, yes, i don’t know how, but he got to the switchboard, tore off the protection and received an electric shock, the prison doctor declared death and sent the body to the morgue . the doctor was mistaken, yes, voronin killed
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him and two other guards, here is his dossier and photographs, his name is alexey voronev, this his photo, he is 24 here, now 46, this is a universal killing machine, what is his goal, i think... “all three are dead, now it’s clear why he
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did you, but he just caught me off guard, he actually acted he’s really dashing, even in our gro we didn’t have such fighters, comrade general, tell me, voronin could have killed me, but he didn’t, why, you know, i think that voronin..." is not a maniac, if you can get by without killing, he gets by, it’s something like an energy saving mode when an experienced predator chooses a specific victim for himself, then he no longer exchanges for others, now it’s clear, but i already thought that he pitied me, i don’t think he knows the feelings of pity, i don’t think so, voronin? satisfied his thirst for revenge, what
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will he do now? this, i think, is the main danger. you know, he was trained in everything, but most importantly, he was also trained in sabotage work. voronin can process people and create sabotage groups. just imagine for a moment if he creates a criminal organization consisting entirely of military personnel. can you imagine what will happen? by the way, there is nothing fantastic here, we have retired military men in russia, they are not old men, but what can they do except fight, voronin does not have a family, he does not have one, but there is someone who can he go to, no, voronin was an orphan, but 22 years ago he had a bride and...
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that means it’s possible that he will pay her a visit, if he hasn’t already? no, she changed her last name, she has a different address, it won’t be so easy to find her, which means we have a chance to get ahead of him, how are you doing in school, it’s normal, today there was a test in mathematics, so what, you did it, without any problems, well, you see, and you said why? tutor, oh, mash
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, where did we run out of bread, after school svetka and i made sandwiches, that’s again sandwiches, uh-huh, there’s soup in the refrigerator, cutlets, everything’s ready, why don’t you say sandwiches again, why couldn’t we eat properly, so we hot with a candle and cheese, listen, i ’ll go get some bread, it’s so late, mom, okay, it’s fine, there’s two steps, i ’ll turn on the cutlets last, you hear, stand, stand, that’s his department, what’s up is happening, who are you? captain karasov, tell me,
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do you know this man? no, are you sure? yes, i'm sure not. if we need you, we will call you. citizen-boss, i confess, i misled you. just a minute.
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and if he decided to make contact with ekaterina tkachenko, he probably established surveillance on her. if he decides to go to the bottom now, we won't find him. that is, general, the guys and i discussed this. there is one idea. we would like to apologize to businessman dmitry kolesnikov and his relatives for the incorrect information that was voiced in our broadcast. we are pleased to report that dmitry ivanovich remained alive after yesterday’s assassination attempt. he is currently in hospital number 17, and now for crime news from the regions.
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so when would you say? tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning, good evening, good evening, i need dmitry kolesnikov, what ward is he in, a relative, i’m from the police, the first ward at
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the end of the corridor, thank you, to a friend, sorry, you said you’re from the police, i’m i want to complain about the local staff, the fact is that they kicked me out of the vip chamber yesterday, i from another department, sorry, but i still want to tell you, sorry, next time.


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