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tv   ChP  NTV  March 2, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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winter gave way to spring, but the distribution of synoptic forces on european territory remained the same. most of it is occupied by an anticyclone. it forces cyclones to move to the north, where there is the highest probability of precipitation, but the air is very warm. even beyond the arctic circle in murmansk, on ryanmar +2 +3 and sleet. in the north-west it is stable up to five degrees, sunny. snowdrifts in the leningrad region are rapidly melting under the heat of the sun. there is no snow on the baltic coast in pomin, in kaliningrad. it's almost like being on the banks black sea, but a cyclone broke into the southern regions, covering the sky with dense clouds, in yalta it is also +12, in sochi 15, in priozovye about 8° and cloudy, rain is not excluded in the mountains. no precipitation is expected in the center tomorrow; there will be gaps in the clouds. the weather is two weeks ahead of the calendar. now everything is as it should be in mid-march. temperatures remain above zero during the day, but night frosts are gradually returning. in vladimir...
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on the middle volga there is a slight minus during the day, here near the center of the anticyclone it is the coldest weather, in saratov it’s down to five degrees below zero, but there’s no precipitation, there won’t be any in st. petersburg, tomorrow in the northern capital it’s about 5 degrees sunny, in moscow there’s also no precipitation and +24, but in the morning there’s thick fog on the roads. musician andrei makarevich is one of the most controversial figures on the domestic rock scene. over the years, makar, as his fellow fans call him, has remained a true legend. makarevich has always been famous in our country, loved by the people, rich, respected. and he could quite calmly
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spend his old age surrounded by his relatives, he was adored by a multimillion-dollar army of fans, and like no other performer in russia, he was treated kindly by the state, but it’s somehow awkward for me to meet her, the permanent leader of the group, the time machine, sang for years, there’s no point in bending over , being suspicious. the world, but he himself was the first to cave in and was the first to show how not to love your homeland, my country has gone crazy and i can’t help, here he betrayed everyone, he has a creative family, he has a good son, he has a good niece , he himself simply left the country like the devil and makarevich began to spoil her after makarevich started.
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turned his back on russia and fled the country, now the musician-foreign agent openly supports the kiev regime, and no longer wants to sing for russian fans and even forbade them to listen to his new album. i have no desire to sound for people who support the war in ukraine, i don’t want to sing to them. he forgot, apparently, that he owes everything he has to his fans who remained in his homeland, he did the right thing by banning it, uh.
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it’s in the air in russia now, that’s all. makarevich over the decades, he had been earning fabulous fees in russia, but, strangely, he had never felt the stench before, but as soon as the prospect of losing everything he had pressed loomed, the air around the foreign agent for some reason suddenly deteriorated. many of them expected to retire and live abroad, and of course, many of them were afraid for the safety of their savings abroad and for their real estate. according to. he doesn’t miss russia at all, but more and more often in his numerous interviews, the leader of the drivers began to say that it would be nice to return to moscow, he is looking forward to a new turn, but there are places that i love very much, let’s just say, i do not exclude the possibility that someday i will walk through them again, in general moscow is a wonderful, very beautiful city, and also many have noticed that... the new house in israel, with its interior
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decoration, is very reminiscent of the mansion in the moscow region, where makarevich lived before his flight. apparently, he can’t erase the memories of a happy past from his memory, let alone... that the musician, a foreign agent , was happy in russia for many years, there is no doubt it can not be. however, andrei makarevich fled the country, chose israel to live, and now calls it his homeland, but no matter how hard the musician and agent peddithyramba of the promised land tried, he was forced to admit that not everything suits him in his new place. for example, the level of service and digitalization that the rock performer is so accustomed to in russia, but as andrey vadimovich says. he chose a new reality for himself, where he no longer has a way back. the seventieth birthday of the foreign agent musician andrei makarevich turned out to be the most grandiose a recent event in the community of departed artists. the fact is that from the very
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beginning i wanted to reduce the pathos of the proposed event, so that it would not resemble a wake with doxologies. here. let's all fool around a little. did andrei vadimovich ever think that his anniversary concert would be so intimate, and even in a circle of people with whom he did not even communicate in russia? and makarevich saw agent semyon slepakov, for example, for the third time in his life. i'm actually very grateful and very happy to be at this agent convention. meeting on agents, a parade of people, but most of all the festive party resembled a gathering of russophobes.
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actor anatoly beloy also made his mark on the stage ; by the way, he was not particularly familiar with the hero of the day, however, now they have become much closer to each other, so to speak, brothers according to the status of a foreign agent, you can congratulate me, i was just informed.
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the star spouses flew in only to congratulate the hero of the day. under the guise of endless tours, pugacheva and galkin fled from the promised land as soon as they smelled something fried. now they live in cyprus, where we bought a penthouse in an elite residential complex on the first coastline. galkin was having fun from the bottom of his heart, not letting go of the glass. by the middle of the evening, the parodist had managed to get pretty good at it, and russophobic jokes began immediately. her bosom friend, the nurse of the soviet union, laima vaikul. if behind the fire
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, humorously, agent mikhail shats turned out to be one of the few who did not speak that evening. scene , he listed how much makarevich managed to do in his new homeland after fleeing russia. well look, it's only passed nothing, a year and a half, a house was built, a son was born, yes, andrey makes wine. schatz just forgot to mention that the purchase of real estate and the opening of a business became possible with the funds earned by makarevich, now he hates russia. thanks to the singer’s fans, who respected the artist for many years, they went to his concerts.
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a person lives in some place , everything is fine, he has everything, it just smells like shit, and he , because you can get used to it, well , think about it, it smells, but our prices are good, the stores have everything, yes, a kindergarten is nearby, well, it smells like shit, what, but i don’t want to smell the smell of shit, yeah, that’s the whole difference, so now the veteran of domestic rock lives in israel, he doesn’t earn money by frequently touring europe, where he gives...
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so, i i don’t completely rule out the possibility that someday i’ll walk through them again, in general moscow is a wonderful, very beautiful city, in general it’s clear from makarevich, even with the naked eye, that nostalgia has stuck, for example, what is a post of dissatisfaction with the work of the israeli postal service worth? after the parcel ended up at the israeli post office, i endured a two-month correspondence with this office, unique in content, and paid the fee. euros for a minute, after which the parcel was safely sent back to russia, it got lost on the way
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, you think at least the duty was returned, now everyone is throwing up their hands, well, yes, we have such bad service, so it suits you, and if not, why are you against why don't you go out into the streets? it’s interesting that makarevich left in search of freedom and a better life, however, he hardly thought that he would turn into wine in a foreign land business, things are going well, thank god, this year, the seventh year, the vine is resting, this year the wine is not working. the highest category, and makarevich’s wine is not cheap, but the price tag has risen not so much because of the quality of the drink, but because of its name, which, thanks to a russian fan, has become famous even in israel ; for a bottle of red wine, a foreign agent asks more than 3.00 rubles. well, this is well deserved, i think we have a total of 4,000 bottles there this year, last year there were three. who until
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recently only tasted wine at dinners, on the other hand, andrei vadimorovich is a great guy, he found a way to feed his family, because , as time has shown, you can’t earn money at concerts for russian-speaking migrants. mr. makarevich is trying to earn money by any means, all that remains is to go to the panel. by the way, the permanent leader of the group uses the time machine to exploit his name. only when making wine, not so long ago he also became an artist, i draw, we organize exhibitions here, somehow it’s not enough to live on. here are the original works of the artist makarevich, creativity, to put it mildly, controversial, however, each painting has its own price, on average 30,000 rubles. recently, a fugitive artist even organized an exhibition. when you don’t want to think about anything, you need to use this state, because in this state the hand works perfectly. a hand devoid of thought, you know, this, this is pleasure. it is necessary to understand that people are accustomed to a certain
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lifestyle, to a certain income, and if now they cannot earn money through their creativity, they are looking for new sources of income. but creativity is creativity, and the russophobic agenda must be worked out, with andrey makarevich copes with this with a bang. for example, last year he supported the west in its decision to impose sanctions on medicines . why do you think they sanctioned drugs, huh? just like that, we woke up in the morning, let’s impose sanctions on medicines so that russia’s life will be worse, yes, now they are sitting without medicines, i say, how can that be, like this, it’s clear, i explain, no, well, engent makarevich loves to swagger , insults the country in which i was born, nothing has changed, absolutely, i just don’t feel the stench that is widespread it’s in the air in russia now, that’s all. by the way, the musician has humiliated me more than once. insulted his compatriot, causing a public outcry with loud statements, makarevich does not hesitate to insult his former
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colleagues, artists, patriots, with whom he now finds himself on opposite sides of the barricades. or maybe a real artist whose own point of view coincides by chance, for example, with the point of view of the authorities, or this does not happen, well then he is, and this will greatly affect the quality of his works. for his songs, among which there are already openly anti-russian ones, the musician is not worried, as in general, about his performances at events of ardent russophobes, like the fugitive oligarch-criminal khodorkovsky, those who give concerts in support of russia, the northern military district, they seem to be.
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i’m glad that all this has moved away and let it take root there, they will have some degrees there, they will calmly live out their lives there, stinking from there and earning their piece of bread. in general, many frankly strange things do not seem so to makarevich, for example, he lived in russia his entire adult life, here he became a famous musician, but not once did he think about supporting the russian soldiers who defend the country and , risking their lives, ensure the peace of the russians, but in his new homeland in israel he is an ardent patriot and fully justifies all the actions of the army. after what happened on october 7, israel has every right to respond to it the way it will now respond. and he will answer: don’t doubt it, but to those who today around
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the world are shouting about the bloodthirsty zionist aggressors, i would, of course. really didn’t want their children to be killed tomorrow, their wives to be killed, their parents were taken hostage, everything that makarevich is talking about happened in the donbass for several years, but for some reason the musician was in no hurry to condemn all this, and especially, of course, he did not think of protecting anyone, for the sake of his new homeland, where he also i didn’t live two years, i was ready to take up arms. unfortunately, they won’t give me a rifle, i found out, although i shoot very well,
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they are simply ready to do anything to please their personal selfish interests, including even denigrating their own people, or to get these preferences. really lucky a man, at 70 years old, has finally found his homeland, but better late than never. the main thing i see is the unprecedented unity of all citizens; israel is small, so everyone feels like one family. all the israelis returned. well, they didn’t run away from the country , they returned, however, here makarevich is disingenuous, for example, his bosom friends pugacheva and galkin fled from israel without a twinge of conscience, although to be honest, even the comedian’s loyal fans of the agent have noticed that he doesn’t have that very conscience , listen, from makarevich, from galkin, from pogacheva was always everywhere, they came
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to where they paid, they paid not in rubles, but in dollars and euros. therefore, it’s probably good where they pay, and it doesn’t matter, let it be cyprus, israel, america, although at the very beginning of the palestinian-israeli conflict, galkin and pukacheva assured that in these sad days for israel they would remain with its people , but when the air raid signal began to sound more and more often, the star spouses immediately left this homeland, now their home is here in cyprus, in this elite residential complex, this is the most expensive. apartments in lemassol, one tower, 37 floors, right next to the sea, the view from the window is mesmerizing. realtors don’t even hide the fact that pukacheva herself settled here; on the contrary, like many escaped artists, they use the singer’s name as advertising. well, it’s popular , pokacheva lives in it now, you understand the level, yes, that is, it’s one of the most prestigious, it
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’s on the first line, but apparently, in order to keep a good face on a bad game, at makarevich’s anniversary, the star spouses how not... while he was telling me what he was going to do do, we have already cut out four , the most important thing in this success is not to leave, for 2 years now galkin’s performances have been based on russophobic jokes, which... everyone is already quite tired of, some countries have even begun to cancel the concerts of the comedian, who has turned from a good comedian into an anti-russian buffoon. maxim galkin is tired of him with
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his jokes, jokes, with his own, it’s unclear what kind of hypocritical influence on russia, and he is no longer as interesting as a fool, he is no longer interesting at all, there in the west they consider him. past tours in thailand turned out to be very successful for maxim galkin, and he apparently expected to repeat the success, but less than two weeks before the show, everyone who bought tickets received an electronic notification about its cancellation. hooket also disappeared from the artist’s official tour schedule. the united arab emirates went even further; they not only canceled the artist’s performance, but also accused maxim galkin of inciting an interethnic conflict. the local tourism department doesn't care about ridiculous anti-russian jokes either. it
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is possible that the same fate awaits his friend makarevich, if he doesn’t start watching his language. by the way, some countries, in particular almost all the central asian republics, where the musician always made good money, no longer want to see him. that is why recent tours in kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan had to be cancelled. and unsalted ones. they performed with the car in uzbekistan and in kazakhstan and in kyrgyzstan and in my opinion it was always very good, they gathered to see you once again, some strange people here, they bombarded the concert organizers with threats. apparently due to the fact that i supported israel in its war, immediately after the advertisement, a new album
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in my new homeland, why makarevich forbade residents of russia to listen to his songs and how musicians continue to make money on the agent from the russians, they took away their homeland, i never left, i didn’t break any law, she was born and lived all her life in lithuania, she has a russian surname. if they dismantle, for example, a railroad, they will do it. russophobia of the brain in the author’s project of andrey kunitsin, a man in the right. tomorrow at
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16:20 on ntv. mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's going on here? didn't you know? transferring money from your business account? cash payment shabrock, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not charge a commission on transfers to your personal account, open an account for business on vtb is a bank for your business. or maybe you and i should also open an account at vtb? order and izbermarket will deliver packages for prevention and treatment flu and orv with a 30% discount. sbermarket for any occasion. well , credit card debts have interest, they're piling up, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to a loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, shopping
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monday at 20:00 on ntv. does a woman intuitively feel if you have what she needs? one glance is enough.
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success and maximum sexual energy, get tankali premium right now for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456 all conversations are confidential. results of the week, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. however, the leader of the drivers does not despair in a foreign land and continues to create. recently i released a new album, by and large it is a collection of such protest songs. anyone can listen to them. with the exception of those who live in russia and belarus, about their in his decision, makarevich did not hesitate to openly declare: i have no desire to sound for people who support the war in ukraine, for example, i don’t want to be imperious. however, many experts suggested that the musician deliberately set the restriction to remind himself and draw attention to new songs. probably, like many other escaped artists, andrei vach is very afraid
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of oblivion.
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and also on agents, upon close study of their biography it becomes clear at whose expense the banquet, for example, the general director of the company has more than once been carried away in relations with western funds that allocated money to the scientist in the form of grants for scientific and educational activities, and those citizens who stand behind her, both legally and are next to her, they, in fact, have more than once been noticed in receiving western funding, and there are big names there, like us...
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associated exclusively with anti-russian activities, undermining russia, to excuse me, to cheat, i live here, here, how much does he have? in russia, makarevich still has one more business-jazz club in the center of moscow. according to media reports, in the twenty-second year, this asset brought the owner revenue of almost 40 million rubles. and only very recently makarevich left the founders. that is, while pouring slop on his homeland, the fugitive musician all this time did not disdain to live on russian money. does makarevich continue to make money from the club now? his business partner refused to answer.
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has already recorded himself as the breadwinner of the soviet union. without false modesty, i will say that the rosconcert was maintained at our gatherings, because we brought in income, like a medieval factory soviet. interestingly, karmelets bought
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himself a house in his new historical homeland. the area of ​​the plot is 12 acres. this is a lot for israel, because the land here is very expensive, moreover, the mansion is located next to a nature reserve, on one side there is a forest, on the other there are hills. alone. the house was built by an american, that is, a jew, who went to america, lived in america for a long time, then his homeland finally pulled him in, he came here and built himself such a piece of the middle states. in the final part of the program, it was not music that connected them, what is known about the fourth makarevich’s wife, who is 30 years younger than him, why an israeli journalist. their ukrainian roots. 1985 karelia. the word outback is more suitable for the village of pindushi. smoky forests, low houses. a woman in red wandered around the village all night. she
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wandered around like a ghost, standing under the windows. and in the morning she was found murdered. there were a lot of unjustified red hopes in this story. clothes colors. and colors in the blood. why did innocent people confess to murder? in 5 minutes will panteleev write spavinna’s appearance? and what role did the tape recorder play in this tragedy? it was very fashionable then, a cassette player on your shoulder, a walking disco of the eighties. the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky. what to do if you suddenly notice a killer? today at 17:00 on ntv. gdr, premiere from monday. at 20:00 on ntv. genferon light spray is a green light to my goals and plans. and red light for influenza viruses. spray genpheon light - the power of green light. give gifts with
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how and by whom the first american tank captured in the video of the destroyed steppes of ukraine was shot down. this will be your central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. makarevich settled in the house with his fourth wife, with whom he is separated by a thirty-year age difference. israeli journalist einat klein turned out to have ukrainian roots. and at birth she had a different name - inna kalinina. it’s not hard to guess where the legs of the word-ukrainian slogans coming
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from makarevich’s house come from. actually, against the backdrop of hatred for russia, makarevich sklein found each other, purchased this mansion in advance, immediately after the start of the northern military district they finally moved to israel, when i saw this terrace, and i love this kind of architecture very much, i realized that the first thing i had to do was find where - on the brachola there is this very old rocking chair, here i have the biblical hills. it’s laid down, i’m putting on a large straw hat, in this hand i have a glass of whiskey, i have a cigar here, i’m sitting like this and not thinking about anything, an interesting point, internet users have already noticed that the interior decoration of the house in israel is very reminiscent of makarevich’s mansion near moscow. by the way, makarevich has already transferred this mansion to his sister, now officially in russia he is as naked as a falcon. apparently, musicians. the agent simply played it safe, given that


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