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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  March 4, 2024 2:05am-2:41am MSK

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the most interesting thing is that buzov and tretyakov established part of the rules, small women are for love, big ones for work, maybe he planned to get buzol a job, i don’t know, but seriously, he just liked that she was young, juicy, cheerful, easy to be with , that is, and even more so he had there, there was an unsuccessful breakup with berkova there, and after that buzovo appeared there, roughly speaking, in these relations, and why he liked buzovo, he probably liked buzovo.
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he is the only one who wrote a book from which he earned an apartment, here is roman, you’re just handsome, we met him years later, that is, i think he’s a great, great fellow, and of course he’s a workaholic, that’s what romka has to give, you know , they have such a symbiosis, she’s a workaholic, but she’s more distant , that is, due to age. he is a workaholic, but again, due to his age, he is more intelligent, and there was more than one book, because the affair with buzova was only the first part, there they continued to talk about how everything was built for them, what kind of views each other had friend was struck and in general, their whole life and reality, which was of great interest to fans at that moment. olga, all this graphomania of her partner was a big deal, her soul demanded a song. ay-ay-ay, i deceived you, i deceived you. well, it seems
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saturday-sunday, in my opinion, if not every, then every other saturday-sunday we went somewhere, that is, well, we were where, well , the farthest, in my opinion, was vladivostok, the olympic was, and we were there, like, at the olympic performed, hello olympic, plus i also carried these books to our concerts, god, i was just like a shuttle, i had a huge suitcase, it... well, i could easily fit in there and there would still be room left, it was so good, with wheels, naturally, i went to the publishing houses, bought my books from the publishing house at a wholesale price, put them in this suitcase, i took him to concerts, at concerts i found a person who would sell it, it all happened quickly, he told everything, he assigned a percentage of sales to the person, in general...
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we had some very small salary there, that’s all we they earned money, well, it’s like, these are books after all, royalties from books are just that, that i carried all these books to concerts like a shuttle and sold them there and then to us olya ’s mother offers to buy an apartment in a house under construction in kupchino, and i remember this moment, olya and i are traveling together, i have some kind of backpack and we are in a reserved seat at night, with a lot of money in my backpack , we go to st. petersburg of the stars. premiere on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my goals and plans. and a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light thanks to the double power of interferon and special the component prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. spray genferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. where else can dance become a world heritage? spot into an invincible
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and in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively and take out a loan for business development. manage your loan cost, reduce commission by 11% more. and the job is done. once in the body, influenza and arvi viruses begin to multiply. time is working against us. orbido can prevent their reproduction. tretyakov completely controlled the family budget.
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she never had enough attention from one person, she needed the attention of the entire team that is here now, she such a person that she needs all the attention, all the male attention that is there, there will be
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five men in the hall, she needs everyone to look at her, everyone pays attention to her, there will be 700 of them, then 700, she considers it a personal tragedy, if someone didn’t pay attention to her, scandals... that’s all, that is, these are tears in a broken place, this is the pain of a bear, we discuss it, how hard it was for him at that moment when he was falling, what he thought in this at this second, well, i’m escaping, of course, but figuratively speaking, that is, the problems were so minuscule, but for buzova, as she presented them, these were some kind of real supertribes, which it is simply impossible to get rid of, together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and even at gunpoint on the body. cameras, everything that previously impressed them so much now only irritated them, it seems to me that all the processes that we
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did there, everything that happened within the framework of the game that we played together with our colleagues there, she was satisfied with this position, that there is a guy who protects her, protects her, from the girl’s point of view, it was probably ideal relationship, because she could, well, be absolutely sure that roma would sort everything out. she’s like, if anything, like , ask katyosha, well, like, i was her katyosha, for her it was probably some kind of support, well, that is, it completely corresponded to her idea of ​​​​marriage, so for her, probably, well could go on forever, all good things come to an end, this is the tandem of roma and olya, he could not live to the end until the grave, they could not live long. happy to go into the sunset all this everything else, because roma left the project, in principle
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, before that he had already accumulated some kind of strange, not quite loving love for olya, because you know, it seems to me that if he previously thought that she was lovely and some kind of fool, then after then at some point he began to think, god, what a fool, it’s just turned upside down, all her dinners, some things that used to amuse him, they’re on... i’m doing this, i’ve reached this limit . roman and olga had an agreement that if one of them was kicked out
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of the tv show, the other would follow. such an idea it was, yes, well, in general it was. that is, yes, and the producers come up to me and say: you have to leave today, i don’t worry, you’ll be there for a while, then you’ll come back. we will even pay you a salary, that’s how it was. uh, i’m leaving, uh, i’m starting to actively look for an apartment in moscow, i’m finding it, uh, i’m buying it. and when they tell me, well, like, let’s go back, and i ’m like, but i don’t want to, well, somehow i don’t want to, so i say: maybe this is what it’s like to sit there? as they say, look for a fool, that is, a fool, elsewhere, buzovo understands that leaving the show means losing everything, soon everyone will forget about you, she’s like that, but i don’t want to, well , i want to stay there, i say, okay, okay. that’s it, that’s how the whole story ended , my assumptions, a conversation was held and an explanation was given to buzu ol, well, if you’ve been living
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with a man for 4 years, you don’t want to be with a man, you don’t want children from him and further development, well, you either need to break up, or then take up hands, if you love him very much, here is the gate, that’s where we are happy, that is, there is love there too, that is, you do what you want, because you just sit on the project, earn money, because only then they raised the salary, already everyone received 150 grand, well, that’s how it is and you... it turns out, you just sit, eat, but there’s no point in you, so you have to make a choice , in fact, there was nothing left to do but come to terms with this what was happening, although as in principle for the first time, olya wanted to go for love and even leave home two, because there, well, suddenly something else can be saved, somehow thus, she is such a person who very much believes in this feeling in general and that, in principle, if she tries very hard, then... love will definitely happen, but unfortunately this does not happen, as we will see in the example of the rest of her life,
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so she wrote a statement saying that i am everything, i i’m leaving, i’m leaving the construction site, i love everyone , i kiss her, to which her management responded, well, well, on december 25 you are no longer a participant in the show dom2, because on december 26 you are its host, the buzova rate played, she went up, the producers offered the participant a house 2. either you and roma are outside the gate, or you presenter without roma. well, here for buzov was, i think that you are really obvious. she thought, figured it out and really understands that well, if i really don’t want children from him, i don’t want to go beyond the perimeter with him, what i want, i want to be the leader, what i said , i said all my life, that i will be a star, i want to be a star, and here the choice was obvious, well, from such an offer, olya vuzova, who, in principle, all her life dreamed of being a presenter, not a presenter, a singer, not a singer
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actress, well, someone who would shine in rays of glory, how could she refuse? trolls presenter in one of the top projects in general on our tv channels, well, of course she agreed. in december 2008 , olga buzova comfortably settled on two chairs, she became the chief editor of the magazine world of reality show dom2, she saddled the coveted log of the host of the project, the envious person did not forgive her for this. olga had her first real and very insidious enemies. how buzova made an empty place out of dogs. how she stole a famous football player from his family, why marriage with him ended with a cheating scandal, what connects her with kirkorov, why does she even have all this, see immediately after the short advertisement.
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i came here for 18 years and i lived here for 4 years , i had a relationship, i had everything, i loved you all very much, i took the best from the project, but there comes a moment when i psychologically understand that it is right for me to leave, to move on , and this episode of the reality show broke all ratings, millions of fans watched
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olga buzova’s farewell speech with bated breath, were they really the favorite will leave the blue screens and disappear into the crowd, it turned out... not everything is so simple, from now on a third presenter appears on the dom 2 project, this is the presenter olga buzova, socialite sobchak could not hide the sour smile on her distorted face, what was happening became for the blonde in chocolate is a good kick to the inflated ego, and ksyusha borodina and i will try to do everything so that olga buzova, everyone’s favorite participant in the tv project dom-2, grows into a professional.
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studies and previous experience of the same house 2 with roma tretyak and two-year-old olga buzova climbed the career ladder, soon even the chocolate blonde would become her pale shadow. olga did not yet know that it was terribly lonely at the very top, and those who just yesterday were smiling in the face and calling themselves friends were the first to stab a knife in the back.
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ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities. the head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb.
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he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. sirova olga yurievna, an operational officer of the ask, the daughter of major serov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee. ask, hidden camera agency. chief, mikhail ilvich, pasha, please, pasha, turn off that music of yours, pasha, i know it’s you. well, it’s a plague , miracles of insight are simple, but you can give a person a heart attack, oh, who would say that i don’t know what you have there
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hardened heart, why did you rush to work ahead of time, decided to curry favor, where are you? even if you come to work 2 hours earlier, he will still get ahead of you, what is it, and what is he... where are we going? a client arrived from another city. olenka, today is just your day, and you are demonstrating miracles of ingenuity. oksana, please come in. hello. hello. yes, this is my employee. which i told you, olya, oksana, it’s very nice, hello, mutually, take a seat, while we were walking, oksana
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told me her story, but now we’ll quickly bring you up to date, oksana had a daughter alesya here in moscow, 23 years old, sorry, i’ll interrupt right away, what do you mean, something happened, alesya, died in a fire, sorry, my condolences, the investigation was established. lesya and i had a serious conflict more than a year ago, in fact, because of which she ran away from me to moscow, excuse me, what exactly, i
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’m not asking out of curiosity, it’s just that every detail is important for the investigation, i divorced my daughter from her boy, i didn't like him, we they had a fight with her, lisya left, maybe something was bothering her. but she definitely wouldn’t drink, and besides this, the conclusion of the investigation is full of nonsense, for example, allagaana discovered a crack in the skull there and concluded that it was formed as a result of the collapse of the headboard of the bed, and oksana assures that this headboard was made of chipboard very light and could not cause such injury. and do you suspect that lesya was killed? am i sure this is it? well, i found a note, so i took it to the police, it was all to no avail
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it’s already closed, for them this is an ordinary case, a man burned to death because he was drunk, in your opinion it can’t be, make the right decision, uh, uh, who is this or this uh, this is what we have to do. find out gdr premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicolt lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms. so many people? hockey, and there are few good sticks today, so i decided to make my own, the quality is no worse than imported ones, and in order to keep up with demand, i act
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actively used the internet. products, household chemicals and books, all online, it seems that she never left the house, this lifestyle may indicate that that the girl was hiding from someone, but how did she work, oksana said that her daughter was a secretary in some large company? yes, but vorobyovskaya left there 5 months before her death, she didn’t try to find a job again, and around the same time lesya deleted all her accounts on social networks, and i... for her to correspond or communicate with someone, there are more and more mysteries , but i have an answer, it was still an arson, and not an accidental fire, will you intrigue or explain? i untwisted the smoke sensor and i can say for sure that it was spoiled on purpose, because you can clearly see how the wires are cut, oh
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, they didn’t think of that before, yes, only olya is so smart, you’re wasting your time, pash, the firemen are establishing the cause of the fire, they could very well not have gotten into the melted sensor, unfortunately , these sensors... it looks like she suffered a local blow, presumably with a heavy, blunt object. and the girl was unconscious when the apartment caught fire. or it didn’t catch fire, but someone set it on fire. well, how do we find this someone? we have no clues at all, except for the note.
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with the initials eh. pash, by the way, have you found any of lesia’s acquaintances with such call signs? pasha is in progress. i just pulled out the details of lesen calls from the north mobile company. not a lot, conversations with my mother are rare, but often, apparently, with a friend, the number is registered in the name of nadezhda ryabova. so what do we have? leseva rabievskaya quit her job 5 months before her death, deleted all her online accounts, and only communicated with her mother and friend? what happened six months ago? let's try to find out call your friend, make an appointment. sorry, hope? hello, my name is olga serova, i am an intern in the investigative department, i wanted
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to ask you a few questions about lesya vrobyovskaya. listen, what do i have to do with this? i didn't know at all. how did they not know, but we have information that you communicated with her, were even friends. you know, i have never seen lesya in my life. pavlik, this is hack work, what kind of misinformation is this, that they are friends? did not see? well, can we talk on the phone? yes, i called. i came to work immediately after she was fired, and naturally, i had some questions because lesia did not transfer the case to me. i wanted to meet with her once and sort out all the papers, but she kept refusing. why did she refuse, as she explained? did you get sick, or what? honestly. it seems to me that she could simply be hiding her pregnancy, pregnancy , she was expecting a child here, oh, you know, this is gossip, i think it was just the girls who said that because of the personnel matter, i don’t know, olya, pull out everything that perhaps, what else
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did the girls say, and this is important, of course, hope, well, they also said that vorobyovskaya had an affair with eduard’s son, and eduard - this is eduard lenilievich - is our owner, they said that he fired her for this, they also said that lesya got into eduard yamilevich’s personal mail, but to be honest , this is true gossip, i can’t help the pit anymore. thank you very much anatom, please, olya, go to this boss, since we are standing here anyway, pavlik just sent the information, the name of this man is exderz.
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please come in, thank you, hello, i'm sorry for keeping you waiting, thank you, yes, well, you understand, i couldn’t refuse our authorities a conversation, but i didn’t have time for conversation anyway, i’ll try to quickly, of course, the first question is, why did you fire vorobyovsky, she left on her own. in my opinion, yes, i had no complaints about her. alesya was going to study abroad, but she dreamed of career growth. pavlik, let’s check what visas olesya has received recently and whether she has applied for them.


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