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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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under reliable protection as plomb forces cover positions and shoot down ukrainian drones babaega support questions why it is so slow in the usa. with the provision of further military assistance to ukraine. cast your vote, soldiers in the special operation zone vote early in the presidential election. in russia , the average working day has increased. we'll tell you who works the hardest in business news. new friends and getting to know our culture, what surprises foreigners at the world tour? i really like russia,
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it’s cool here, very, very cool. about the main thing this minute in the studio of ilya khadorovtsev. hello. russian helicopter pilots attacked the nationalist fortifications in the north donetsk direction; an air group, which included the legendary k-52 alligator and mi-28 night hunter, attacked the enemy with unguided missiles. all targets were successfully destroyed. the air defense unit in the artyomovsk area helps russian pilots dominate the air; they reliably protect the sky from any threats, including reconnaissance strike drones. behind the actions of anti-aircraft gunners in a combat situation alekseevich bataryov observed. the air defense crews at the suriya airborne forces unit have a lot of work to do, and day and night they cover all units of the brigade south of artyomovsk, either in the rear or on the front line, from threats from the air. they are engaged in the extermination of evil spirits, in a broad sense , armed. in a trophy story on ukrainian
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tv , they are very proud of this equipment mobilized by the armed forces of ukraine for spraying fields , that is, it is morally very difficult, when it rushes, you don’t understand where it is here there, that’s why they called it baba ego, death is death, this is death on the wings of the night , as they say, it even flies, roughly speaking about 50 meters, and the sound is such that it’s as if it’s above you, and the fear is that... it will drop, drop specific shells in the future we have already begun to understand that we are more dangerous to her than she is to us. one demonic ability to be invisible, at least for the thermal imager of the unmanned baba yaga, i must admit, there is a large drone that can carry several artillery mines on a suspension, while practically leaving no thermal trace, because it's like small drones have electric motors. therefore, it can be shot
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down, in general, only with anti-aircraft guns, or small arms, here it is, it’s burning , here are the blades, everything is clear, we are working , the air defense units of the suriya paratroopers are working clearly, thanks to the coordinated actions of different groups, they are only fighters. they sit in ambush, having noticed a drone, they transmit information to others about what kind of drone it is, where it flew, thanks to their data, the babo ig is met by several crews at once, even a charmed drone will not escape from the crossfire, one at a time and they fly along the same route, they observe the same targets, they look for artillery, all the routes are known, you can catch him, he passed in your direction, a reconnaissance type, how did i get the reception, right? and this is the work of a fighter
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armed with a verbo man-portable anti-aircraft missile system; modern russian weapons leave no chance for multimillion-dollar aircraft -type reconnaissance strike drones. verba's shots are also an expensive pleasure, but the usuri paratroopers do not have to skimp on them. air defense crews work around the clock to ensure that all the promises of the far eastern paratroopers to return home with victory are fulfilled. hello to my beloved wife alena and little daughter maryana, parents and loved ones.
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despite the special conditions, the process is organized in full compliance with the law. representatives of election commissions visit military personnel not only on the front line, but in the rear. in total, more than 200 thousand russians will vote in advance, i don’t live all of them. in remote areas that are not so easy to reach. early stage of presidential elections the state will end on march 14, the main one will take place from the 15th to the seventeenth. today , an online voting system is being tested in twenty-eight regions of the country. according to the latest data , more than 3.5 million people have applied for this method of participating in the presidential elections. today in the united states, super tuesday , preliminary voting will take place in 15 states and... in american samoa, both republicans and democrats will choose their candidate for the presidency. the us supreme court overruled a lower state court's decision colorado, keep trump out of the primary. in colorado, ex-presidents tried to remove him from the electoral rolls for allegedly being involved in the storming of the capitol on january 6
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, 2021, which democrats call an insurrection. ilinois and maine made the same decisions, but the supreme court clarified that such issues are the prerogative of congress, not state courts. myself. the candidate called the supreme court decision a great victory for america and immediately turned to his main rival. president biden, stop using politics as a weapon, lead your fight yourself, don't use prosecutors and judges to persecute your opponent so you can win the election. our country is above this. another thing i tell president biden is close the borders now. this is unacceptable for our country, this is unacceptable for our cities. super tuesday could be the finale of the race for nicky haley. now she is trump's only competitor within the party. if the former president wins, he has no doubt about it, and it seems that not a single expert either, then the candidates there will only be two left for president. trump and biden. meanwhile
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, the fate of billions of dollars that the white house and democrats would like to send to ukraine, but republicans are against, is being decided in congress. in their opinion, money is needed to solve internal problems. compromise. it is not yet visible, theoretically washington could send $4 billion worth of weapons from pentagon reserves to kiev right now. alexey vasilovsky found out why biden does not dare to do this. what's on biden's mind is on biden's tongue. in the days ahead we together with our friends in jordan and others, we will provide airdrops of additional food and supplies to ukraine and continue to look for new options to help ukraine. where is jordan and where is ukraine? of course, at a meeting with italian prime minister giorgia miloni, biden spoke about helping the palestinians at all times, but this clause very eloquently makes it clear what really worries the us president most of all, since more than two months have passed since the arsenal of democracy, as they love call america in the white house, sent
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last ammunition for ukraine. we support ukraine, which is why i am calling on the house of representatives to pass legislation that will continue to help ukraine. and chew at the same time. johnson, a congressman from louisiana who was just 4 months into his post as speaker of the house of representatives, found himself caught between two fires. on the one hand, he is under pressure from the white house and supporters of immediate aid to kiev, among democrats, among republicans, on the other hand, he is threatened by
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the right wing of the republican party, trump’s allies. if you decide to help kyiv, we will remove you from speakers, as for the agreements with the democrats , his predecessor kevin mccarthy was removed, while johnson. i manage to balance, if in washington they say that you are alone on an island, it most likely means that you are together with the american people, and that is exactly what i do. the american people, however, are also divided in their desire to support or not support ukraine further. if 37% believe that the united states has already spent too much money on kiev, then 27% are sure that, on the contrary, there is not enough help, and another 33 believe that washington is doing enough, but so is the support.
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other wars on other continents. the world doesn't need this, americans don't need this. this is a terrible bill. with dim prospects for making progress on the capitalist hill, the white house is considering the possibility of helping kiev from its own funds. the pentagon has about $4 billion left to help ukraine, but using it without congressional approval of new tranches means emptying its warehouses without the ability to immediately replenish supplies. therefore, the us department of defense. biden hesitates, because if he decides taking such a step, the same republicans will immediately
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accuse the american president of undermining the country’s national security. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dzekin, ntv, usa. the head of the singapore ministry of defense said that washington is using f-35 fighters to search for russian air defense systems in ukraine. so he praised these planes in front of parliament, trying to justify their purchase, but without knowing it, he provided confirmation. from the very beginning, ukraine has been demanding modern fighters from its western patrons, but they were in no hurry to agree supplies, fearing for the fate of expensive aircraft. now ukrainian pilots are being taught to fly the f-16 and hand over their aircraft, the netherlands, denmark and norway agreed. this was the second statement by a singaporean minister. in a week, confirmation of the words of the russian authorities: the united states and europe are directly involved in the conflict in ukraine. a few
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days ago, negotiations between high-ranking german officers were published, discussing a possible attack on the crimean bridge. today, the head of the german ministry of defense, boris pistorius, said that the cause of the leak was quote: personal error in the use of technical means. one of the generals connected to an unsecured connection. and by the way, according to pistorius, this most likely happened in singapore. the length of the working day in russia set a record for 19 years, then on the air business news, denis talolaev is with us, denis, is there an explanation for how this happened? yes, there is, companies don’t have enough employees, it’s difficult to find new ones, and you have to, as we say, turn around. if you think you're working harder, you probably don't. the average working day in russia at the end of last year increased by 4 minutes to 7:10. this. this is the maximum in the entire history of such statistics, that is, since 2005 . rosstat data is provided by rabka.
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the previous maximum was recorded in the nineteenth year. but then, including due to lockdowns, the working hours of russians were slightly shortened. the longest working day in the twenty-third year was 8:13 for fishermen. next in the ranking are administrators, metal ore miners and doctors. professor at the financial university government, alexander sofonov says that the increase in working hours is a consequence of an acute shortage of personnel and low labor productivity. according to him, many employees of large enterprises work part-time, because companies simply cannot provide full-time work in the face of a shortage of personnel in any other way. last year, the unemployment rate was the lowest on record: 3.2%. the head of the ministry of labor anton kotyakov suggested last summer that russians work more because in conditions shortage of employees, companies offer additional payment. switch to a longer working day or even a six-day week. shares of american
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chip manufacturer nvidia rose 3.5% the day before. and this was enough for nvidia to become one of the three most valuable companies in the world. bypassing saudi arabia, which is essentially the entire oil industry of saudi arabia. over the past year , nvidi shares have already risen in price by 3.5 times. the company has become one of the main beneficiaries of the ai ​​boom because provides approximately... 80% of the market for high-performance chips for its creation, the russian stock market has been growing for 4 days in a row and is apparently set for the fifth. the moscow exchange index has exceeded 3,300 points, for the first time since february 2022, investors are waiting for dividend news from domestic companies. the ruble in these minutes moved to such a symbolic, but still growth. the dollar costs 91.21, the euro is exactly 99. qiwi bank decided to sue all its owners, both russian and international, and current,
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possibly former. information about this claim appeared in the file of arbitration cases. in january this year, the qiwi company announced a restructuring. she collected all russian assets in jsc qiwi and sold them to the hong kong company fusion factor fintech, andrei protopopov. but at the end of february, the central bank revoked the license of the kiev bank, and since then it has been under the control of the provisional administration. represented by the deposit insurance agency, now under new managers, the qiwi bank has sued qiwi jsc , the hong kong-based fusion factor fintech, and even the one registered in cyprus. kiwi plc, which seems to have nothing to do with russian business anymore. the deposit insurance agency told rbc that the claim was filed, quote: in the interests of the bank's creditors. before this, the dia said that the bank’s clients kept 4 billion 400 million rubles in qiwi wallets. and this money, unlike deposits , is not insured. but vsv added that according to preliminary information, qiwi bank
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has enough assets to pay off all owners of electronic wallets. or i'm talking about the economy, thanks denis valolaev with his economic review. sirus gave sports the start of the new day of the world youth festival, famous athletes conducted a morning warm-up for the participants. dozens of events, master classes, scientific lectures, dance lessons are planned for today; at each site they are ready to surprise and impress. the festival's exhibition space alone occupies 25 thousand square meters. svyatoslav gordin tried to see everything.
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iran and astrakhan in the same street dance, different speech, clothes, flags, where the olympics took place 10 years ago, like a return to your hot winter days, and more. i started to participate in the festival in 57, when i was 18 years old, there were young people, now i am also young, my heart is young, because we are old. it doesn’t matter, thousands of people are discovering russia, some for the first time, some for the first time. we were greeted very hospitably, there are many young people here, we feel the spirit of unity and the desire to build a better world, a better future. each of the 20 thousand participants, before getting here, went through a serious selection of six rounds; there were 16 times more applicants. this is where you can get lost, lost, confused,
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exhibition space of the festival 25. m, something is happening everywhere. if you want to see everything, you'll spend the whole day on your feet. tavrida art, interactive and classical exhibitions, it looks like a painting, but in reality it’s a screen with a movie in it. presentation of the imminent russian premiere of the film the flying ship, costume designers, young people. we have displayed not only the video part, but also photographs for detailed study, because they are amazing. discussions and excursions, scientific conferences, lectures, sports competitions in the challenge pavilion, playing chess, here of course quiet. there are people standing, sitting, drawing, dancing. red earflap hats, by the way, are a fashionable trend at the festival; people sing in them. further along the gallery is kamchatka with volcanoes, a robot arrived from the perm region, and there are russian birches. on the territory of the kursk region there are special nightingales, the kursk nightingale. russia is very
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diverse; it has existed in this diversity for centuries. here she shares her cultural traditions, scientific and sports achievements. svyatoslav gordin, maxim smagin, pavel velkovsky, alexander novikov, ntv television company, city of the youth of the world. now words of my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. ler, what will we talk about on air today? ilya, today we’ll tell you about a man who, instead of a court hearing where the verdict was announced, went to the bathhouse. this is the simple choice made by the accused of brutally beating a man. the events took place in nizhny novgorod, and the punishment took place there, but... the main character found out about this in the sauna, moreover, in the steam room he caused a scandal and got into a fight, he was detained and taken to the duty unit, and then they were released, why , we’ll tell you in our episode ilya, yes, thank you, this is not only in the program , an emergency after a short pause, that ’s all for now, go to, see you.
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go through. about a hundred visitors are friends, former colleagues and relatives of those involved in the criminal case regarding the theft of natural gas amounting to almost 4.5 billion rubles. there were also 14 people cramped in the dock, some of whom bear the well-known surname arashukov. behind the glass are relatives and part-time accomplices. former senator of the federation council rauf arashukov and his father raul, who are serving sentences behind bars for the same theft, also for embezzlement and organizing contract killings, with the murders they tried to stop checking the facts of financial fraud, they could not hide it when the main defendants ended up in prison , the turn came to the ordinary performers, here is beslan arashukov in green, the second cousin of the former senator headed one of the departments of the company in stavropol, and this is the cousin in a suit, ruslan, in charge. an entire branch, the third shurin of roshukov jr., and others close to the family clan, so it was obviously easier for the influential father and son to control the influx of billions.


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