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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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under reliable protection, as air defense forces cover our positions, baba yaga shoots down ukrainian drones. on the way to a new life, today a renovated zaks building was opened in mariupol. active participation in all spheres of the country's life. the all-russian women's revolted. in russia
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, the average working day has increased; we'll tell you who works the most in business news. about the main thing, for this minute, in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. the russian army is pushing back the enemy in the western direction of the special operation. sergey shaigu reported this today, speaking at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces. according to the head of the ministry of defense, military personnel are building on the success achieved after.
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to emerging threats, sergei shaigu said this when speaking about building up nato capabilities near russian borders. the minister emphasized that in response to joining the alliance with finland and sweden, groups in the northwestern and western directions have been strengthened. a military-administrative division of the country has been established, where the corresponding territories are assigned to military districts. all this, by according to shaigu, it will significantly increase the efficiency of troop control. russian helicopter pilots attacked the nationalist fortifications in the north donetsk direction. an air group, which included the legendary k-52 alligator and mi-28 night hunter, attacked the enemy with unguided missiles. all targets were successfully destroyed. the air defense unit in the artyomovsk area helps russian pilots dominate the air; they reliably protect the sky from any threats, including reconnaissance strike drones. behind alexey chabataryov observed the actions of anti-aircraft gunners in a combat situation. the air defense crews and the suriya airborne forces have a lot of work to do, day and night.
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baba, that’s it, this is death, this is death, this is death on the wings of the night, as they say, she even flies, roughly speaking, about 50 meters, the sound is such that it’s as if she’s above you, and the fear is that she’ll drop, drops specific projectiles and later began to understand that we are more dangerous to her than she is to us. one demonic ability is to be invisible, at least for the thermal imager of an unmanned aircraft baba yaga, it must be admitted, there is a large drone that can carry
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several artillery mines on the suspension, while practically leaving no thermal trace, because like small ethereals, it has electric motors, so it can be shot down, in general, only with anti-aircraft guns , or small arms, here it is on fire. here are the blades, everything is clear, we are working, the air defense unit of the suriya paratroopers is working clearly, thanks to the coordinated actions of different groups, some soldiers are sitting in ambush, having noticed the drone, they pass it on to others information about what kind of drone it was, where it flew , thanks to their data, the babo ig is met by several crews at once , even a charmed drone will not escape the crossfire, they fly along the same route , watch the same targets, look for artillery, all routes known. can you
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catch him in your direction? passed by a reconnaissance-type hit, how did he receive me, yes? and this is the work of a fighter armed with a verbo portable anti-aircraft missile system, modern russian weapons do not leave a chance for multimillion-dollar aircraft-type reconnaissance attack drones. verba's shots are also an expensive pleasure, but the usuri paratroopers do not have to save them. air defense crews work around the clock to ensure that all the promises of the far eastern paratroopers to return home with victory are fulfilled. hello to my beloved wife alena and little daughter maryana, parents and relatives, wait, we'll be back soon. with victory, greetings to my beloved wife christina, my beloved son arseny, and of course, my beloved city of usurisk, he will return soon, we will return. alexey tepatorev, valeryan kushnir, ntv, donetsk people's republic. the head of the singapore ministry of defense, ngen, said that
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washington is using f-35 fighters to search for russian air defense systems in ukraine. so he praised these planes in front of parliament, trying to justify their purchase, but without knowing it, he gave yet another... confirmation that the west is directly involved in the conflict on the side of kiev. according to the minister, washington shares the information received with nato allies. however, the pentagon has already rushed to refute this. from the very beginning, ukraine demands from the western patrons of modern fighters, but they were in no hurry to deliver them, fearing for the fate of expensive aircraft. now ukrainian pilots are being taught to fly the f-16, and the netherlands, denmark and norway have agreed to transfer their aircraft. a few days ago , high-ranking talks were published. german officers who discussed a possible attack on the crimean bridge. today, the head of the german ministry of defense, boris pistorius, said that the leak occurred due to, quote, “a personal error in the use of technical means.” one of participants in the conversation connected to it via an unsecured connection. well, by the way, according to pistorius, this most likely happened
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in singapore. today in the usa, super tuesday primary voting will take place in 15 american states at once . both republicans and democrats will choose their candidate for the presidency. the us supreme court rejected the decision of a lower court in the state of colorado not to allow trump to participate in the primaries. it was accepted unanimously by all nine judges. earlier in colorado, they tried to remove the ex-president from voting rolls, as well as in the states of illinois and maine. in the latter, by the way, they have already changed their minds and withdrawn their decision. opponents of the former american leader appealed to the fact that he was allegedly involved in the storming of the capitol. the candidate himself welcomed the supreme court decision and immediately turned to his main rival. president biden, stop using
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politics as a weapon, fight your own fight, don't use prosecutors and judges to prosecute your opponent so you can win the election. our country is higher this. one more thing. for 19 years, then on the air business news, denis tolalayev is with us. denis, is there an explanation for how this happened? there is an explanation: companies don’t have enough employees, it’s difficult to find new ones, so we have to get out. if you suddenly think you're
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working harder, you might not. the average working day in russia at the end of last year increased by 4 minutes to 7:10 minutes - this is the maximum in the entire history of such statistics, that is, from 200. last year the unemployment rate in russia has become minimal in the entire history of observation - companies simply cannot lack personnel. at 3.2%. the head of the ministry of labor, anton katyakov
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, suggested last summer that russians work more because, in the face of a shortage of employees, companies are offering, for additional pay, to switch to a longer working day or even a six-day week. in the russian car market, the chinese brand “gzhili” became the leader among foreign cars for the first time. statistics are published by autostat. in total , sales of new cars in the country increased by 85% in february. the best selling brand is naturally, lada is closely acquainted with the products of the domestic automobile industry by approximately 28% of all those who bought a car in february. the next eight places in the ranking of the most popular brands are occupied by chinese brands, in tenth place in sales in february - a reminder of the past life of the russian car market in the form of toyota. in the list of best-selling models, the lada granta is the undisputed leader, but it sells. and now they are not just being assembled again, since last week
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they also have an automatic transmission, instead of the top three they are fighting hovel juleon and geely manjara, and the end of this convoy is the unseeing field. the russian stock market has been growing for 4 days in a row and is set for the fifth day. mos exchange index today. has crossed the 3,300 point mark, where it has not been since february of 2022, investors are waiting for dividend news from domestic companies: the ruble has accelerated its growth, the dollar is again less than 91, the euro is now cheaper than 99 rubles. qiwi bank decided to sue all its owners, both russian and international, and current and possibly even former ones. in january of this year, the qiwi company announced restructuring. she collected all russian assets in qiwi jsc and sold them to the hong kong company fusion factor fintech andrei partopopov, but at the end of february the central bank revoked
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the license of qiwi bank, since then it has been under the control of a temporary administration represented by the deposit insurance agency, now with these new managers, kiwibank sued aoovi, hong kong fusion factor fintech, and even kivi plc registered in cyprus, which seems to have nothing to do with russian business. no longer has. the dia reported that the lawsuit was filed in the interests of the bank’s creditors. on kivi wallets, the bank's clients stored 4.400 million rubles. and this money, unlike deposits, is not insured. but the dia added that, according to preliminary information , kivibank still has enough assets to pay off all owners of electronic wallets. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis tovalayev with his economic review. in mariupol today, after reconstruction , another zaks opened; it is located on ardzhinikidze street, in the same building as the largest
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mfc offices in the city. the restoration of the complex was carried out by the builders of st. petersburg. the northern capital is the twin city of mariupol; it took patronage over the restoration of the infrastructure destroyed during the battles. the craftsmen updated the roof, utility networks, strengthened the walls, and restored the panels on the facade of the building. on june 1, 2022, you and i signed an agreement on cities. reversible, this is where our work began, it was not easy, it continues to be difficult, but nevertheless st. petersburg came to the aid of the mariupol residents in the most difficult time, it was necessary to restore first of all social facilities, these are schools, kindergartens, residential buildings, the results of restoration work and plans for the near future were discussed today at a meeting of the leaders of the sister cities, it was held via video link last year. with the participation of st. petersburg builders , 28 objects were restored in the city and put into operation. russian women are actively working
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to introduce new technologies in medicine, industry, economics and other vital sectors of the country. opened today at the russia exhibition, the all-russian women's forum became a meeting place for representatives of the fair sex of a wide variety of professions from all regions of the country. the guests shared their experiences , successes, and discussed current problems. ways to solve them, and also accepted congratulations on the upcoming holiday. nikita karabenkov found out what the women were talking about. back in 2003 , yulia krasnova from the trans-baikal territory came to work as a cleaner at a mining and processing plant, a little more than 20 years have passed, she is already a site foreman and leads a team of sixteen men, a dizzying career, taking into account the five children they raised with their husband, the eldest daughter is 25 years old, the youngest son is 9 years old, and the daughter...
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the head of a project to support cancer patients, there was chemistry, but we broke up. a nomination in the fight for life, it is awarded for the successful organization of work to support people with cancer. she also built a career and took care of her family, but when oncology came to her family’s home, she decided to devote herself to helping those who were also faced with a terrible diagnosis. photoshoot, which she organizes for cancer patients have a healing effect. from the very beginning, we drew attention to the fact that almost 4 million people in russia live with a cancer diagnosis and 80% of them need psychological support. i am very grateful
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for such a high rating and of course for the trust that has been shown to us. this is very inspiring. it was not by chance that the organizers decided to gather outstanding women of modern russia in one hall on these dates; soon march 8th, on the eve of the main women's holiday, it was not without congratulations from men, including the president. women make a huge contribution to achieving national development goals. without you, it is impossible to imagine such important areas as healthcare, education, science, culture, entrepreneurship, state and municipal administration. and everywhere. in any team they value your qualities such as responsibility, careful consideration of any issue, wisdom, balanced decisions, i will add that 40% of russian leaders are women, they achieve impressive results. and with stage, vladimir mashkov addressed the women.
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everything that is done by the best men on earth is done for you and for your sake. you, therefore it is you who make our world more harmonious, more beautiful, more beautiful, thanks to your sensitivity, tenderness, responsiveness, mercy, which you so sincerely and sensually combine with enormous inner strength. the all-russian women's forum could not do without one of the most successful russian women. valentina matvienko herself knows first-hand how to preserve it?
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intelligence and genuine fortitude, which in everything times the women of russia were famous. the all-russian women's forum is organized on a grand scale; in addition to the award winners, there are about 2.0 participants from all regions of the country. it is logical that the exhibition russia at vdnkh was chosen as the venue. therefore, the organizers hope that the first women's forum in the country will be continued, in particular, it will become an annual event. nikita korabenkov, slana karatanova, stepan. happy march 8th , today all women were congratulated by the ministry of emergency situations employees at vnukovo airport, the ministry’s orchestra performed popular songs in the check-in and departure hall russian pop songs. fire rescuers presented flowers. such non-standard actions from the ministry of emergency situations on the eve of the spring holiday have already become a good tradition. girls, beauties, happy
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holiday. thank you very much, congratulations on your holiday from the bottom of my heart. thank you, ntv viewers in the capital, the program will be broadcast today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue. forward, step by step, assault groups are advancing in the southern donetsk direction, support is under the question is why the united states is so slow in providing assistance to ukraine for another war, at the south pole, how scientists in antarctica are monitoring climate change, how ice behaves, why you shouldn’t approach penguins, this is moscow,
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the compare website or in the app, it's free! see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit score under control, your credit score may be better than you think. compare, on your side. this is the program today, we continue our release. in the special operation zone , assault troops are pushing back the enemy along the entire line of contact. some of them are already legendary. so one thing of the units received the nickname iron stormtroopers, thanks to their courage and professionalism, the fighters more than once emerged victorious from the most difficult situations, putting to flight an enemy who... outnumbered them tens of times. vladimir bogomolov met with the vanguard of russian forces. the assault group is still
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approaching the landing site. the fighters are armed with machine guns and grenade launchers, but there are more powerful guns ahead, preparing to clear the way for them. provide fire support to assault groups with heavy equipment, this tank is waiting teams to go further to help advance the fighters. each shot, as they say, presses against. like on the ground , as soon as the tanks have worked, they begin to roll up, as the military call it, taking the trenches, a shot, come on, the assault groups are firing heavily, but the enemy snaps back, not wanting to give up positions, they had two machine guns in their crew, they had their guns on the left, on the right , as usual, as always, but it didn’t stop us, we still did it. our task unit of the 394th regiment was nicknamed iron, even in the minority they take strongholds in which the enemy significantly outnumbers them,
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a fighter with the call sign lizard from lugansk, he just... turned 20, he celebrated his anniversary at the positions, according to him, the surprise of the attack works for the result. in the case when the number of the enemy exceeds our group, very often from 4 to 30, or 12 to 200, we usually begin to exert moral pressure ourselves, well , naturally, they don’t even think about surrendering, they simply throw down their weapons and try to run away, knock out enemy from the trenches it’s not enough, you need to hold your position, immediately after the assault they start attacking from the air. assault groups are in the vanguard, according to the fighters, fear does not disappear anywhere, but you can’t give in to it, we just show courage, we go in, we clear it, everything is according to the situation, battle tactics, training is long, after taking a strong point, reconnaissance obtains information about the next target , so that
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the assault groups advance further. step by step. vladimir bogomolo, vladislav rybakov, ntv television company. yuzhnodonetsk direction svo. the fate of the much-needed billions of dollars that the white house and democrats want to allocate to ukraine is still being decided in congress. republicans are against it; in their opinion, money is needed to solve domestic problems. there is no compromise in sight yet. theoretically, washington could send $4 billion worth of weapons from pentagon reserves to kiev right now. why is biden hesitant to do this?
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what worries the us president most is that more than 2 months have passed since the arsenal of democracy, as they like to call america, in the white house, sent the last ammunition to ukraine. we support ukraine, which is why i am calling on the house of representatives to pass legislation that will continue to help ukraine. a package with $60 billion in aid to kiev passed a vote in the us senate, but was tightly stuck in the lower house of congress, where republicans rule. and they always have more important things to do. the house of representatives is actively considering how to move forward, but our primary responsibility is to finance the government, and another the task that has been facing us for 3 years is to secure our border. we have taken up government funding and will continue to take care of other priorities; we can go and live at the same time. johnson, a congressman from louisiana who took the post of speaker of the house of representatives just 4 months ago, found himself
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between two fires. the american people, however, are also divided in their desire to support or not support ukraine further; if 37% believe that the united states has already spent too much money on kiev, then 27% are confident that assistance on the contrary, there are few, and another 33 believe that washington is doing enough, but since support for ukraine in congress is also linked to assistance to taiwan and israel, even many on the left are against it, because agreeing with the sending of new weapons to kiev at the same time
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means. to keep tel aviv in confrontation with the palestinians, suddenly the positions of the american ultra-left and ultra-right converged. this also means giving more money to the war so that it continues. we must not forget that this bill involves not only the allocation 60 billion dollars to ukraine, this is also 14 billion to israel and billions of dollars to taiwan to fight china. leftists across the country should vehemently oppose this bill because it only. will continue the war in ukraine and will fuel other wars on other continents. the world doesn't need this, americans don't need this. this is a terrible bill. with dim prospects for making progress on the capitalist hill, the white house is considering the possibility of helping kiev with its own funds. the pentagon has about $4 billion left in aid ukraine, but using them without congressional approval of new tranches means emptying
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their warehouses without immediate opportunity. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dzekin, ntv. usa. scientists at the antarctic progress station are studying the consequences of an anomalous winter. this year there was little snow at the pole. all this can affect the weather throughout the planet. therefore, for more accurate forecasts , constant research is carried out here. alexey kvashenkin saw what other tasks are currently being performed at the station. adelie penguins are real masters of coastal antarctica. we ran as fast as we could to look at the miracle, a strange beast on caterpillars brought two creatures in bright skins, they make noise, they rattle, it’s interesting, they themselves come close, they look, there are round dances around us, they go further on their business, and people came here on scientific business , they monitor
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the formation and movement of ice, in the morning they receive information from satellites, and then they go to the site, drill holes under the supervision of inquisitive neighbors, the thickness of the ice is about 65 meters, the water is on top of the ice, the heavy ice has sagged. this creates the so-called profile, summary data on the condition of the ice. in addition to ice work, we have hydrological work, we have equipment, we install a mariograph, measure the height of the tides in our area, also oceanographic work, lower the umbrella, measure salinity, water temperature, oxygen at different horizons. this season the weather in antarctica is unusual and the ice behaves abnormally. yes. this year there was very little snow, so the sea ice grew to such maximum levels that our drill was no longer enough, we put on the nozzle. these research also has a purely practical meaning, this is how they lay out safe routes and
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mark out channels so that a ship can enter the bay. what is the danger? and the fact is that he simply won’t be able to break through to damage himself, or if all this is good, let’s say, there is a moment when some wave will pass. or the wind, and accordingly, behind it, the ice will collapse, that is, the ship could, well, just stay here, spend the winter with us, which we don’t need, we want to go home, progress station is a kind of capital of antarctica, not official, of course, it has a very advantageous location on the shore of the bay, it is the largest transport hub, including an ice airfield capable of receiving heavy transport aircraft and an ice one...
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please, these are priceless, priceless observations. most research in antarctica is somehow related to nature; each station has its own weather service and meteorologists. yes, i actually only felt the importance of meteorology here, because, well, in some countries, including ours, for some reason meteorology for some reason, although it is used everywhere, in antarctica the meteorologist directly extols it. area. even though everything in the snow is not very different from the same one somewhere in the subtropics, however, solar activity here is not measured for six months, the nights are polar, the sun here is evil, yes, at the pole you can freeze and get burned at the same time, ozone is formed in the summer hole,
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additional amount of ultraviolet radiation has been increased, not like in our latitudes, somewhere on the equator, so here without glasses or cream it’s better not to be there, you may ask, who besides polar explorers needs local weather reports, but it is at the poles that the climate is born, that’s all... researchers go there to better understand how the weather is formed on the planet, the longer we observe, the forecasts will be more accurate, so we carry them out regularly, so we make our own small contribution to science. already on the way to the ice continent , research work is underway on scientific ships, collecting data on the composition of water, plankton, microorganisms, looking for traces of pollution, although protects antarctica from garbage. a strong current, human influence is already affecting it. if we are talking about antarctica, then indeed we find, for example, on the shores in the sub-antarctic, where we have the belingshausen station, for example, there is quite a lot of garbage on the shores,
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fishing nets and buoys, bottles are washed up there, you name it. the continent is protected not only by natural factors, but also by human laws. one of these prohibitions concerns the local fauna; it is absolutely forbidden to feed or even come close to... wine, true, the birds themselves know nothing about this rule. both adélie and imperial penguins came to us, compared to sadelie - these are very stern, impressive penguins. they make very low hartan sounds when they come close to you, the main thing is interesting, he comes up to you and immediately begins to threaten you, that’s why this is so while antarctica is under the supervision of scientists, there really isn’t much threat to the penguin, except maybe skuas, killer whales and leopard seals, but they themselves are part of this strange and unsociable world and no less depends on how a person protects them. vashenkin, evgeny chekhachev, olga stefanova, mikhail gorabchuk, ilya
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mesyuchenko and vladimir sharykin. ntv television company. in sirius they gave a sports start to the new day of the world youth festival. famous athletes conducted a morning warm-up for the participants. dozens of events, master classes, scientific lectures, and dance lessons are planned for today. we are ready to surprise and impress at every site. the exhibition space at the festival alone covers 25,000 km. i tried to see everything. unity, diversity, mutual assistance, mercy, equality, justice, the whole
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world - this is us. iran and astrakhan in one street dance, different speech, clothes, flags, where the olympics took place 10 years ago, like a return to your hot, winter, and more. i started participating in the festival in 1957, when i was 18 years old, there were young people, now i’m also young, my heart is young, because we... thousands of people are discovering russia, some anew, some first. we were greeted very it’s welcoming, there are a lot of young people here, we feel the spirit of unity and the desire to build a better world, a better future. each of the 2,000 participants, before getting here, went through a serious selection of six rounds; there were 16 times more applicants. this is where you can get lost, lost, confused, the exhibition space of the festival is 2500 km. there’s something going on everywhere, if you want
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to see everything, you’ll spend the whole day on your feet. tavrida art exhibitions are interactive and classic, it looks like a painting, but in reality it’s a screen with a movie in it. presentation the upcoming russian premiere of the film the flying ship, the costume designers are young people. we have displayed not only the video part, but also photographs for detailed study, because they are amazing. discussions and excursions, scientific conferences, lectures and sports competitions in the challenge pavilion are played in chess. it ’s certainly quieter here, there are people everywhere, standing, sitting, drawing, dancing. red earflap hats, by the way, are a fashionable trend at the festival; people sing in them. further along the kamchatka gallery with volcanoes, a robot arrived from the perm region, there are also russians birch trees on the territory of the kursk region there are special nightingales, the kursk nightingale. russia is very diverse, it has existed in this diversity for centuries, here it shares its cultural traditions, scientifically.
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replace them with ovisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovisol - evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with the herbs turmeric. oaty valar is number one for cleansing the liver. so, in the middle zone after spring end of winter, winter beginning of march. such a creative exchange or just a whim
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, the weather, from it heavy rains, strong winds in the crimea, in the krasnodar territory, the temperature will begin to drop, and the rains are torrential to the third normal for a whole month in two days, this is a threat of flooding and landslides. about the capital after a pause. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov.
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tinkov: 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be around zero again, no precipitation, in moscow it will be -10 at night, -1:30 during the day, the day after tomorrow it will be even colder, in general, a little february, march. thank you, this was the weather forecast from otrina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you. entrepreneurs. we drive one at a time, we don’t detain people, what’s going on here? and you didn’t know, you transfer money from your business account, cash, pay a fee, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account, open an account
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