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tv   Odin protiv vsekh  NTV  March 7, 2024 1:45am-2:41am MSK

1:45 am
that is, you were looking for me to find out about the one who was burned, and what happened to him? and the burnt one is no longer there, that a few hours ago he killed mokhov, do you remember that one, one of your lovers, killed another, i was thinking, maybe because of you, what are you talking about, and he also wounded him today...
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it suits you, you are a monster, i know everything about you, that’s all.
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so what happened? there is very little time, but where are the suitcases? suitcases? yes, what suitcases? what about suitcases? i'll explain everything now. egor, egor, explain what happened. egor, that means, let’s take the most
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necessary, get ready very quickly, then the bus station, bus to moscow, right now, right now, that means the first train is coming, phone number, address, contact me, people will help, i ’m not going anywhere now, quietly, mom, do as he says, when father did as grandfather yegor said, everything was in order. egor , take warm things, it’s colder there than here , take things for school, your favorite toys, come on, that’s it, time has passed, go ahead, dad, lord, come on, you need to go with them , dad, what are you doing, well i'm in some trouble, dad, but i'm telling you i warned you not to touch him, everything is fine, that’s how it should be, everything is fine, but what will happen now? you will be imprisoned again, who
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will imprison me, who is dad, i don’t want to leave , they will kill you, you are everyone who will kill me, what are you saying nonsense, what are you talking about, well then why are you saying goodbye to me, but don’t say goodbye, now i’ll accompany you, but everything’s fine. larisa, i’ll call you when everything works out.
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pavlik, look after them there, don’t worry, come on, there’s no other way, i think it’s possible, but i don’t know how.
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i need something, nothing. hey, stop!
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i’m driving, i see a flash, come closer, the car is on fire, i jump out, well, i think, let me help , maybe with something, and then someone jumps into my car, i don’t know, i didn’t see it, drives away in
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it, maybe he saw it, it was dark, i can’t see, will you return the car to me?
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quiet, quiet, guys, quiet, i came to talk, what do you want here, mentor, and call arsen, well, everyone stand, everyone stand, stand, i’ll blow everyone up, i’ll blow everyone up, stand, why did you come? we need to talk, let’s go,
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“are you afraid of me, arsen? but you should, considering what i know you, you should, and what you know about me, that’s it, you took revenge on the firze, you ordered zhenya’s throat, i understand, the firze was like a brother to you, but zhenya was to me. “did you really think, when you ordered with your throat, that i wouldn’t come for
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you, when i was arrested for murder, you realized that in primorsk you can do whatever you want, with anyone, even with me, but that didn’t seem enough to you, you’re my daughter, i ’ll never forgive you for this!” do you want to knock me down? come on, come on, get out, well, keep in mind, today’s killer of yours is already dead, what kind of killer, i know the rules, i know the rules well, why children? to get involved in our affairs, i would never do something like that with a child, i have two daughters, i didn’t
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get involved with drugs, not me, don’t worry, never, you and i live in the same city and have known each other for a long time, why would i change the color, even if i wanted to get into this topic, how the market is divided. do you remember how it all started? well, with the embarrassment of a military warehouse, neither ferst nor ramir did this , they told you, but you didn’t believe them, they bought guns for protection, because it became scary in primorsk, and why? have you asked yourself this question? you found those who broke military unit, you found a weapons seller, you are
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the best cop in the city, don’t you understand who it is? for a long time i couldn’t understand why he didn’t remove you, you can negotiate with everyone. but not with you, you have principles and wives, he took advantage of them when he kidnapped your daughter, drugged her and raped her. not himself , of course, he wanted you to go to war against the dealers, and you went, you fell for the cop, you removed all the dealers like a woman, tough, what do you think, you fought against drugs, no,
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he did it with your hands. cleared the ground for a big player who will eat both you and me, and you know what he will do tomorrow in primorsk, he will sell drugs with impunity, the correct answer, and why did you come to talk, we talked. tomorrow a large shipment of synthetics arrives at the port, 3:00 am, the second berth, and i have to meet, i will meet, i need a wheelbarrow and a barrel.
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left to sit? 4 years, 4 years, how long do you have left? 7 years old, how old are you? you are all in my major, your house, zone, how much freedom do you have, because i decided so, not only you, colonel, what? no need to shout so much, mr. colonel, you know that the decision on the creation of our unit was not taken
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in your office, wait, when overin, general overin pulled out our former employees.
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why are we standing there, guys, loading up? yes, les, well, i promised, i’ll call, so i’m calling, what are you doing, tomorrow, okay, what pies with what, great, come on, say hi to everyone there, and i’ll call you, come on, maksimych, bint yot is there, no, what’s there, vodka, come on.
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i’ll go and sleep for another hour, it was a hard night, but it won’t be easier, i’m hungry, so maybe a hundred so that i can sleep better? no, it’s normal, maksimich, look here,
2:06 am
they're looking for me, if anything happens, wake me up. this is the stars show, it features 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen for themselves. humorous team dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, a stranger, philip kirkorov, salam aleikum, wa aaleikum salam, my little bunny, i’m your bunny, denis dorokov,
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preparations for the elections are going well, a percentage of wear is expected, alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes. oh pranksters! azamat musagaliev! i wanted to be your star! stars, a new comedy show on saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
2:08 am
nothing is known yet, captain, but we will try to find out if he is free! well, i ’m telling you, they wrote to the department, when? yes, good morning! margarita leonidovna, we need to talk, but it won’t work here, i’d love to have some coffee, let’s go, you ’re looking kind of gloomy today, something happened, give me a ride, i’m on mine. how do you imagine our cooperation, captain? first, let's clarify something. 70%. you
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said 50, but 50 didn’t suit you. shut your mouth and listen. you now have three saunas. and you do 10. look into the future, the holiday season is just around the corner , the season will end, what am i going to do with this farm, the season will end, but the desire remains, you work the summer so that in the winter they come to you from rostov and krasnodar, sex offshore, what am i teaching you, you have us businesswoman?
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killed another person at night, who? did you know that he would pick up his daughter from the hospital? no, no, he drove to the hospital in your car. where is olesya? where is zhonov? lidya nikolaevna, you are now turning into an accomplice. an attempt was made on zhonov's life. this is the result of his investigation gorlov's murder case. here from this place in more detail. came to arsen, last night he went to him, then this explosion, this is arsen,
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my car and the special forces group are leaving... leaving, i ’ll go too, but no, you won’t go, you ’ll go to the css now, i should have said what a pity, but you know, i can’t help but actually promise to get married. agreed, are you following me? no, i saw it, we just talked, and then the two of us left, i agreed, where will it go, it seems, at home? no, nikolaich, didn’t you know, prison osb you're doing it, your wife was blown up in her car.
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come here, oleg. haven't you taken jaune yet? no, no one knows where he is. beautiful. didn't understand. this is a chance , you know, your chance, oleg, and we, of course, zhenov is now the number one criminal, he slammed him, she slapped him for it, she doesn’t support him anymore, his wife is a target, you know, we
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’ll take him. how do you like this plot? well, he’s your friend, and seleznev is yours? where is he? don't you understand, oleg? friendship is not at all what i knew, not before. i don't understand. friendship is there, but service is here, or you shoot, or into you? not necessarily bandits. moss, he also believed in friendship, are you going where, are you going with me or not?
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yes, lieutenant colonel zhonov, he wasn’t here at night, the record is being kept, but there is a warrant, why do you trust this woman more than me, because he knows about you, because you are the last thing he should do before will be arrested, do it in the sense of kill, colonel, i know you!
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you despise me, you cooperate, but you despise me, but you respect your wife, but if your respected zhonov were here tonight, you and i would they didn’t talk, right, it was you who told him about me, there is no witness from the motel, arsen, but you removed him, well, say you removed him, right? okay, you don’t have to say anything, just kill me, i didn’t kill my wife, colonel, i really wanted to, but i’ll leave it to you, comrade colonel, if we want to inspect the house, we need a warrant. no, no, no need, let's get out of here.
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warn everyone that you were moving from primorsko to gerenzhik, but today there is a meeting in the partuh, the rootstock, but where could it be, listen, i said that i don’t know, but what in general is happening, what did he do to his wives, why are we under investigation, get ready, you need to come with me, where to go to the cognition, was he killed? no, they just found the body of a man, his face
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was badly burned, and you were very close to your wives, you’ll be able to identify him in a minute. i ask where is zhonov, tell me where is zhonov , i don’t know anything, what do you say where is zhonov, i don’t know, i know that i don’t know anything, don’t turn around, my wife is here.
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she doesn't know anything, what now? there is one more place, let's go and try it. what's wrong with me? will she rat me out? to whom? gonetsky? gonetsky her he'll shut it up himself. why does he need incriminating evidence on himself? a unique country with a unique destiny,
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a unique culture, unique people, original and complete. with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, this travosek really is in my throat, the old man will not like my proposal, it’s real. it’s weird, but it can work, but the situation is clearly out of control, what do you suggest, storm? we are talking about the security of the state, the northern star, so he is not, they
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they will tear him to pieces, final episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. as you can see, i fulfilled my part of the deal. brought an advance payment, a guarantee of our future relationship, but i’m not sure that we have a future, we fulfill all the conditions, spontaneous trade in synthetics in primorsk has been stopped, individual scumbags don’t count, over time they will be destroyed, we need time to understand each other a friend is better, the volume that we are counting on can go then... there will be no other income, we don’t need competitors, you and we don’t have them either the officer will say, well said,
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take the goods, we have everything ready.
2:22 am
which wife are you where? who is wife where? he was here today because he was wounded after the explosion, i told you, we’ll find you, you want to live, you old fool, he’s wanted, moss killed him, do you remember moss? or i drank all my brains away, i remember you, i remember how egor
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taught you, to be smart, you’re a shitty student, and you ’re an old partisan, where is he, where is nikolaich, nikolai vasilyevich, that’s enough, you’ll kill him, why?
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what's there? we need to take a look. for what? we'll call the police and let them watch.
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listen, it’s dzhonov, i’m following him.
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well, let me go to moscow and explain everything to whom? that we have been building this communication system for several years, now everything is a waste of money, i ’m not even talking about money, now no one will deal with us, comrade colonel, you
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understand me, some lousy operative has destroyed the entire system, do you hear me? this is wrong, that’s what they’ll charge you for, and me too, there’s still some cognac left. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different
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languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard on the world... com, you are so brave, only the little king who was shot, that’s it, stand up, the trial is coming, lesha, where, where, to accuse you of treason , pull out me from here, i want to live, if you... are so smart, why are you here, vyacheslav manucharov, you have no options levitsky, either in a sack, or with my mongrel, sergei puskiypales, you set up stalin, you bastardized, do you understand? svetlana ivanova i will kill my ears for my loves, decembrist 8 march on ntv.
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lidia nikolaevna, well, that means there was no order now either. just rumors, uh-huh, well, good luck, kolya, nikolai, what’s wrong with you, ledia nikolaevna, i’m
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under investigation, yes, but what will happen next, i’ll get off easy if the man i burned is declared dead, if you think he’s dead? do you think so?
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am i leaving for moscow tomorrow because of my wife? and i thought you’d ask when i get back, why , don’t leave me
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, but he’s gone, you know, he’s gone, i’ll do for myself and whatever you want, i want to go out to sea on her, like in venice, remember?
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maybe i won’t return to primorsk? maybe maybe i'll leave the police? anything is possible,
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my girl. but this is not the end, we can go to any city, that everything will work out for us, but this is unlikely, bitch.
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look, right now the corpse of a man has been discovered , a passport in the name of peter skidan, we have a state of emergency, guys,
2:41 am
the head of our it department -


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