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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 10, 2024 3:25am-4:11am MSK

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people gathered, yes, there was an aggressive mood, they blamed the leadership of getz for everything, but that’s how it is. and the guilty, if any , will not escape responsibility, i firmly promise you this, i understand, nothing can be changed, people died, your family, loved ones, money will not bring them back to life, but it can help those who remain, they can help you.
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the management of rosalkor decided to transfer one million rubles each as financial assistance to the families of the dead and wounded workers of the civil service. yes, i'm listening to you. igor petrovich, i would like to thank you from the name of all those present. of course, thank you, but i, you are doing a great job for all of us, can i shake your hand, and your hand, of course, is a sign of gratitude back, for your participation in our grief, huh? citizens, disperse,
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come through. what is it?
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as patronage assistance, and the village’s electrician had someone’s son die during an accident, he was 23 years old, which means that instead of gratitude for the help, the village shot the tycoon in the chest, just like that, and this needs to be sorted out as quickly as possible, before anyone gets there journalists came and came up with all sorts of things horror stories, the fact is that ges itself is mainly staffed by people from... the town of tryugorskaya.
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by the way, the oligarch morozov himself also comes from there. therefore, you need to fly there immediately. pavel ignatievich dnerevka. 45 years old, worked. on gas, and this is his wife, nina ivanovna derevka, pretty, yes, she works as a mathematics teacher in trekhgorskoye, derevka himself, a former military officer, fought in several hot spots, was wounded in the ninety-second, before demobilization he received a medal for courage, an award pistol, by the way, he fired from this pistol businessman morozov, worked in...
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personally handled weapons, further, further, i think that he was paid for the murder of morozov, and then they were simply removed as an unnecessary witness, well, in general this is reasonable, the club was guarded, but relatives of the victims were allowed in without a thorough search, and yes , he didn’t set himself up very well, at the trial he could say that he acted in a state of passion and get a minimum sentence, but what about the man’s death after all, his son died, it seems to be true, they’ve dug in pretty well here, yeah , smile, we
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are being filmed in a movie. well, where next? in the wall and paws up the hill? why do you greet such impolite guests, guys? keep quiet for now. goal, search them, we are without weapons, id in the left pocket, upsm,
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colonel pastukhov, everything is accurate, but now we can turn around, or is it more convenient for you to talk to the backs of our heads, you can turn around. are the trunks registered? well, don't worry about it, besides, they are gas. well, what do you need? talk and preferably not in the corridor. after all, ashkaderevka was a great guy, no matter what they say about him now. then why did this excellent guy shoot his benefactor? morozov promised to give his family a whole million. who knows, maybe a nervous breakdown, or maybe something else? tell me, did the tree need money? and who doesn’t need them? how strong? it's clear. no, you understand, frol, huh? they want to say that pashka derevka
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killed the oligarch for money, how do you like that? so he couldn't. he couldn’t, he couldn’t stand weapons. about 25 years ago, during military service, he accidentally killed a shepherd boy, and after that this boy every day he dreams, he dreams, or rather, not , guys, if pashka wanted to kill this oligarch, he had serious reasons for it, and it’s not about money, but... and where were you yourself when they shot up the car with a tree? i understand, frol, but here i was with my comrades, and frol too, and what were you doing here, if it’s not a secret? we were going to change lyoshka volin, he
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was just 9 days old, and who is lyoshka volin? also our comrade in arms, by the way, pashka derevok’s best friend, he worked as a senior hydraulic engineer. extinguished, wait, that means pavel derevok’s friend, alexey volin, died 9 days before derevok himself died, well, i said so, i said so, frol, yes. ninka had an affair with morozov, but then , when pashka came, thank god, she
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came to her senses and returned to him, it was a long time ago, a quarter of a century, so i forgot, well, that’s it, let’s remember, let’s have glasses, well, whatever you say, yes somehow it’s strange, all this, why kill your wife’s former admirer, but how much time has passed, she’s still a beautiful woman, you’ve seen the photo,
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“hello, hello, i’m sorry that disturbed, you don’t happen to know where nina ivanovna derevka is now, but who are you? sorry, i didn’t introduce myself, colonel pastukhov, upsn. oh, are you from moscow? yes, from moscow. do you know, anina, she disappeared, how did she disappear? well, we haven’t seen her for 2 days, but i don’t know, maybe she left somewhere. you know, if suddenly her..." you see, tell her, please, let her contact me, yes, of course, before , be sure to, just a second, one question, it
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might seem strange, but i have to ask it, tell nina , was there anyone, anyone other than the husband, for a lover you hint, well, not necessarily, maybe it was just a wealthy friend who gave her expensive gifts, but she didn’t have anyone, she loved pasha, goodbye. why do you think the village could hate your boss? listen, why all these questions, and igor petrovich morozov, by the way, is in intensive care and he is a victim, not a criminal, well, asking questions is part of my profession. your boss was wounded by an electric tree, the policemen accompanying him were killed, we don’t
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know what the reason is, if you think that i will tell you these reasons, you are mistaken, morozov and derevka were classmates, you don’t know, they’ve been communicating lately, i can’t imagine it, i’m sure that igor petrovich wouldn’t even recognize this scoundrel who volunteered to shake his hand. huh, i noticed that all your security personnel are armed, i hope with weapons licenses, are they okay? of course, what do you think, i gave the order to my security officers to catch up with the car of this village and shoot it? no, but i think someone really didn’t want derevka to get to the department police and gave a statement, well, yes, perhaps. okay, see you again, see you again? yes, i
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’m going to come to your office to check, after all, an attempt on the life of the owner of the company is a serious matter, you don’t mind at all, do you? do you have such powers? eat? well, of course, if it helps the matter in any way, please do so. we at rosalkor have nothing to hide. what we managed to find out was indeed the oligarch morozov and the electrician.
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you see what’s the matter, derevka is a born leader, an athlete, the most authoritative student in the class, he even had sambo shooting category. apparently , he also asked to fight in hot spots himself , well, i don’t know about pavel, but ivan, as soon as he graduated from technical school, he himself came to the military registration and enlistment office, ended up on the border with mongolia, and as soon as he was discharged after 2 years, he returned to hometown and came to his father in gas and began working as an electrician. wait, wait, wait, what year did pavel derevka and nina get married? in eighty-nine. was your son ever born? well, in about a year. so, maybe it's all about the son, for dna testing was used to identify the remains of those killed in the accident. what if
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derevka found out that ivan is not his son, but morozov’s son? yes, dani ivanovna, hello, i work in the department for planning special events, and from moscow, of course, yes, i can right now, where i think i’ll find it, see you. “pavel derevka’s wife called, she wants to meet, so max, ask for a dna test of ivan derevok and find out whether he was pavel’s son or not, okay, hello, i can do it
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myself.” "nina ivanovna, i know that once upon a time you i had an affair with igor moroz, i don’t know if this has anything to do with the case, it was so long ago, i forgot, no, it has nothing to do with it, i don’t
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know why my husband shot at this man, igor morozov, he did something ". pasha met with his army friend, lyosha volin. lyosha also worked for ges, was a hydraulic engineer. it seems to me that after this meeting, something broke in my husband, he became thoughtful, nervous, when volen died,
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he fell from ... don't know what your husband talked about with pavel volin? no, clearly. call an ambulance, call an ambulance and give it to me look at the wound, everything will be fine, it’s not too early to die. was it possible to establish the identity of the murdered killer? not yet. max ran his prints through the database, there was no match. badly!
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send his photo to local television and have it show it every hour. general, the killer had a bandage on his arm, and under the bandage there was a field wound. a rapid blood test showed that most likely it was his blood that was found at the scene of the execution, the police electrical tree. we are waiting for confirmation from the laboratory. as soon as confirmation arrives, report to me immediately. i made inquiries about the senior hydraulic engineer volin, with whom derevka communicated. so this volen really died 11 days ago, fell from the balcony. sixth floor, but the chain of strange deaths does not end there, about a week before the accident , the senior engineer of ges, oleg fedotov, died , the brakes of his car failed, it flew off
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the nose into the river, sorry, is everything okay? yes, i need to call urgently, sorry. where is he going? he said i needed to call urgently, probably something personal. yes, vadim, are you okay? yes, well, that is, not really, today, when i was crossing the road , some idiot almost hit me, i remembered the car, the number, model, color, well, i didn’t see the number, but the model was mazda cx9, why do you think they could shoot at nina the tree, she ’s the in fact, i didn’t reveal anything important to you. i think our enemy, whoever he is, doesn’t know exactly what information the tree had, so he decided to eliminate it, just in case, in a rough manner,
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i agree, vadim, don’t worry, i ’m fine, where are you at home now, why stay in your apartment and until i i’ll call you back, don’t go anywhere, agreed, agreed, okay, kiss you. yes, did you receive my message? who are you and what do you need? i ’ll tell you this when we meet, go out into the hall and be alone, will you? stay calm, don’t make sudden movements, if
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even a hair falls off her head, it won’t fall , if you behave correctly, which is necessary, you will keep me informed of your investigation, this is the first, and there is the second, the shooting of a cop car. weigh in on veteran internationalists, tell your bosses that they worked for bandits, they took orders for liquidation and all that, derevko could not kill morozov, so they killed him himself, you had such a version, any version requires evidence, you will have evidence, and if i refuse, then trouble will happen to... to your friend anna , perhaps she will get hit by a car again or fall from the balcony,
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it’s clear that someone clearly doesn’t want you to get to the bottom of... “i’ll unharness so that your relatives will be assigned guards, and you will get everything you can out of this bastard survive, let's try, okay, let's start all over again, name, patronymic, last name, we will still find out who you are, if not today, then tomorrow, but tomorrow we’ll talk, do you at least realize that you are under criminal charges, that..." and
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he didn’t send a photo, he came up and asked for a light, and he attacked me with his fists, but you saw it all yourself, asked for a cigarette, i’ll give you a cigarette now, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly , let’s go out, let’s go, let’s go, vadim, just don’t get angry, but this bastard is right, he we have nothing on him, so why should we let him go now? no, we won’t let him go, at least we have 48 hours, but now let's think, we have no nerves, who could threaten us? in the office of the rosalkor company , morozovo’s deputy lukhnitsky tried to find out from me what i intended to do in connection with the death of the tree, well, i hinted that i would stage an audit of her company, were you really going to do this, and why not, we have a very powerful security service , full of people, all of them with weapons. serious
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reason for suspicion, wait, what time were you at the rosolkor office? - at about two, and they tried to shoot anna down, well, about an hour later after this, it means that we need to take a close look at the affairs of rosolkor and their connection with the accident at gas. is max already checking the expert group's report? i know. and we will make another visit to roselkor. show me this vlukhnitsky. we'll discuss the plan in the car. don't you think it's strange? that the chief engineer and the chief hydraulic engineer died, one within a week, the second 2 days after the accident, well, such coincidences don’t happen in life, maybe you were morozov’s deputy, so you were probably aware of all his affairs, well, let’s say we now we are studying the expert opinion on the accident, and what is an accident, an accident, it’s clear there are all
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the wires, the mine, the turbine room, the equipment is outdated , it’s gone, it could have been worse, god forbid, yes, that’s what they wrote about in the newspapers, please , you can have some water, something in your throat is dry, yes, of course. okay, we have to go, thank you for, hello, igor petrovich, it’s me, people from upsm just came to me, well, yes, the same ones, what?
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no, i didn’t tell them anything, neither about fedotov nor about volin, but they clearly suspect something, and they also said that they were studying expert opinion on the accident, that well, yes, okay, okay, yes, yes, i’ll take a vacation and go away for a week, well, in my opinion, he’s already told himself about the article, at least, come in, sorry! it seems to me that i left my phone here somewhere, phone, no , it’s not here, let me, i’ll still look, please, oh, i wonder how it rolled there, i need to check, it suddenly broke, no, i didn’t tell them anything, neither about profidotov, nor about volin, but they clearly suspect something, they also said that they were studying
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expert reports. no, with a phone everything is fine, uh-huh, i can’t say the same about you, maybe some water, listen , there is no guilt on me, i didn’t do anything wrong, yes, i already heard that, that’s what you talked about with your boss... most likely he will laugh everything at you. so , do you want to talk? okay,
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after all, it's my job to find the culprit, but what is it? well, i repeat, i’m not guilty of anything, i’m just, i was a witness, yes, very interesting, well, tell me what you saw, mr. witness, well, tell me, ease your soul, you know that igor petrovich, morozov, considers himself a descendant of the famous family of industrialists, the morozovs, no. it is in fashion among today's moneybags to look for glorious ancestors. yes, perhaps, but this is precisely what explains a lot about his nature. morozov is a very powerful, very ambitious man. he just gets mad when something doesn't go the way he planned or intended. at such
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moments he is capable of anything. well, let me get started. i didn’t have to, one voice recording was enough and what did he say? accident on hydroelectric power station was planned. yes, the head of rosalkor wanted to privatize the hydroelectric power station and power transmission lines.
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officially, this would be the lease of energy capacity. he had everything covered, he spent a lot of money on this project, including on bribes to officials. but they broke the frost by renting out the power of the hydroelectric power station. another company and then morozov decided to bribe the chief engineer and chief hydraulic engineer to cause an accident, well, how much did he offer? $4,000 each, they first agreed and then refused, afraid of responsibility, well then morozov ordered the death of the chief engineer fyudotov, and the hydraulic engineer volin threatened that he would do the same to him, and volin agreed, yes, as a result, the hydraulic engineer volen still committed sabotage.
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that you already have the documents. oh, here comes the personal army of olegarch morozov. by the way, everything is with trunks. oh, i'm already afraid. yes, gentlemen. okay,
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wait, i need to contact my superiors. this will be regarded as an obstacle to the performance of our official duties. but you can't pass until your boss gives it good. your boss will be in jail soon. seriously, it couldn’t be more serious, you want to start a small war, you seriously think that morozov will then smear you all, you can’t get through until the authorities give the go-ahead, well , vadim, we’ll fight, apparently we’ll have to, don’t run, work home, run.
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sergey sergeevich, did you really want to fight with them? i don’t know, but where are you going, commander , i’m going there too, excuse me, who are you going to, listen, well , i somehow managed before, you idiot. why are you frozen? decided to warm up? and
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who are you, exactly? and here we are, and what about you? i, petrovich’s secretary, and who ordered you to burn the documents? well, who? he's lying. apart from morozov, no one knows the cat from the safe. when did he call? half an hour ago. okay, this one's in the car.
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so, that's it, what's there, look, that's where the wind is coming from. and here’s another thing, here are all our phone numbers and addresses. yes, the guys were seriously prepared. okay, we'll deal with that later. come on, come on, maybe you'll find something else interesting. sorry, i don't understand, where are we going? to a new prison. your camera is now ready. what a cell, spacious, with pleasant neighbors,
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thieves, murderers, rapists, in general, good company, we told them a lot of interesting things about you, they are really eager to meet you, listen, i don’t know what you’re up to, but please don’t do this, we can somehow sort everything out , i can pay, bribing the official
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who shot the police car, quickly, these were people from your security service, yes, to the second surgery. a sincere confession makes the punishment easier, i should have done something, i should have
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solved your problems, fool, stupid, damn me pulled to introduce you to the board, you know , i’m even glad that you arrested him, the murderer, even if he’s just a fool, should be in prison, but i don’t understand why you’re interrogating me, do you really think that i’m involved in this, there is no tree in the murder, you are involved. in what else, in what? you personally gave the order to liquidate the chief engineer fedotov and the chief hydraulic engineer volin. i'm afraid i don't quite understand you. i will explain it to you in court. in court, i demand a lawyer and will communicate only in his presence, naturally, a legitimate desire, lieutenant, take this away, i won’t
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leave it like this, i have no doubt, rest igor. rest, get well soon, you and i still have a lot to discuss, damn it! the gas station supplies morozov's aluminum smelter with electricity. electricity costs significantly increase the cost of aluminum production. so, in order to reduce this cost, morozov decided to combine the plant into a single complex.
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maybe you can do it in ten, let’s get in the car.
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thank you, thank you, good morning, we are vadim karasev’s comrades, he was brought to the hospital tonight, we would like to, excuse me for interrupting, but i am his attending physician , hello, what’s wrong with him, the fact is that your friend has two broken ribs
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, a concussion, there are minor bruises, but this is not significant, tell me, eh how soon will he recover, well, he is a young, healthy man, so... everything will be fine, but i have bad news for you, what? the fact is that he has traumatic amnesia, and he does not remember anything. can i talk to him? he can talk, but now he doesn’t recognize anyone. vadim, hello. me you’ll find out, vadim, i’m pastukhov, sergey, you won’t achieve anything like that, vadim, vadim, this is already superfluous, let’s go, let’s go out, let’s go.


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