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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  March 10, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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and the temperature difference between night and day is as much as 20°. southern siberia, after a heat wave, will again be cold, the eastern regions of the clouds are covering precipitation from the arctic cold for now, in omsk, in tyumen it is already beginning to snow at times , here is tyumen, quite like winter, there are again twenty-degree night frosts ahead, with the center cold in the northeast of siberia in the northern urals, and in the southern half of the ural region tomorrow it will become five degrees colder, but... on european territory , the pressure of cold air weakens near the sun it will be possible to slightly increase the temperature in the middle range while baking. in the center by tuesday it will even overtake the calendar, a little just a couple of degrees, but nicely. there will be more clouds in the northwestern regions, but it will also get a little warmer, and for the north there will be a portion of warmer air. the south is still waiting, the solar contribution will decrease slightly due to thickening clouds. the leaders are still crimea and kuban, where the capital is up to +10-12. in both tomorrow there will be no precipitation
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in st. petersburg +3, in moscow +2, and on tuesday up to +5, but there will still be snow, most likely on wednesday thursday. and the introductory logo of the first program played again. good morning, i’m alexey klyuchkov, i’m glad to welcome you on the air of the ntv channel. today in our program. pregnancy
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saved her life in an accident, my stomach acted like an airbag, but , oddly enough, there were no culprits, the accident occurred because of this pothole, why can’t surviving drivers prove the guilt of road workers, how to achieve justice if the police refuse to initiate criminal case, german suv, fir-trees, i mean... from parquet, this molding, they took it from pine, not listinsky, if the body is wooden , there is resin in the tank, or what? there is no gas tank, so yes, we fill in about 5 liters per hour, ecogelik is a luxury or a source of poverty, a reasonable person tries to follow the logic in everything. and if the understandable sequence
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of events, actions or phenomena is disrupted somewhere, sensible people ask the question, what was that? this is exactly the question that plagues anna’s mind 4 months after the accident in which the woman almost died. i’m 26 years old, i walk with a plate in my legs, i’ve been mutilated all over, i’ll tell you what it is, on emotions, anna golovko, what a... a mockery of common sense, are you kidding me , now we’ll figure it out, this is my son, timur, my guardian angel, if it weren’t for the pregnancy, anna is sure, this interview wouldn’t be happening now , an old car, they don’t have airbags, in general my stomach acted like an airbag, roughly speaking, my son saved me in his stomach, eyewitnesses filmed this video immediately after the accident. anna's car hits
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a hole with its wheel, and the car throws the oncoming car into the head of another car. anna hospitalize immediately, cesarean section is urgent, otherwise the fetus cannot be saved. the operation was successful, the boy was born strong, at least a month ahead of schedule, but the doctors determined that his mother suffered serious harm to his health. there was a fracture of the right ankle; titanium plates were installed on one of them. on the second side inside me there are now 14 of these oppositional screws that hold the plate, and this will last for almost another year, the culprit of the accident is commenting behind the scenes from the mother of the victim anna, this is the hole, i’m filming, that mine went into daughter, a hole on one of the streets of prokopyevsk, now carefully covered with gravel, it was right there... it was gouged out, the steering
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rack fell off, my steering wheel stopped, and i couldn’t do anything else, i was carried out towards the oncoming traffic, well, as a result, a woman drove in into me, anna woke up. already in the hospital, she survived, with newborn timur nearby, apparently the investigator of the babies decided, what happiness, live and enjoy, why dig in a hole, look for the guilty? based on this fact, you made a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case. decision on refusal, how so? anna almost lost her child, she almost died, her leg was stuffed with iron, she was seriously injured, isn’t this a reason to find the guilty ones to be punished? then there is no need to understand and forgive, or something, but an accident due to a pothole is an accident, apparently, who should answer for the fact that a person has serious harm to health, no one, lord, why are you asking me all these questions , so it’s not clear what’s going on,
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why there are no complaints against the road workers, sacrifices are definitely needed, or something, only then will those responsible be appointed, there’s no body, no business or what? sergei fell into the same hole and survived. it’s dark, there’s absolutely no lighting here, we fell into a hole , we were dragged here, thrown out towards us, we crashed into a kamaz, we were turned around, everyone is alive, only the car is scrapped, the car, the market price is 530, its repairs are more expensive than itself twice, everything here is in the living trash, in principle there is nothing left of the word at all, and anna and sergei assure you that the hole has thrown more than one and... and two cars out of the traffic lane, from the bridge, when you are driving, this hole is not apparently, we know this pit, we ourselves they dug it out, the deputy head of the city administration was already tired of complaining, there was a leak under the road surface, to eliminate the leak , the asphalt surface was disturbed, the road
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surface does not last forever, the deputy head korobkin argues, the hole is there for how long , not a month, not six months and not even a year, this hole was formed about 3 years ago. you put some gravel there, some, i don’t know, parts of some kind of brick, are you kidding me, are you the administration or who, how long will this mountain range be a threat to drivers and passengers, the administration has nothing to do with it, we are now, you are now trying to somehow turn the situation around, i will ask you a specific direct question, is the administration answering here or not, i am specifically answering this situation, that the competent authority is responsible for the maintenance of roads. what competent authority is comrade korobkin sending to? the comrades who sent you to us made a slight mistake, they sent you to the tram depot regarding the hole, let’s do this, you ask the administration this question, well,
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from the papers, that you are responsible for this, the administration says, the official an official paper with a signature, which means that boelektrotrans, as you call the tram depot, has a contract with the city. with the city administration for road maintenance in terms of sweeping and washing the road surface , removing dirt on the side of the road, yeah, you are responsible for cleanliness, but you are not responsible for the pothole, and another organization, oo etalon , is responsible for the potholes that are being repaired , what kind of motrezhka, city administration, depot, now some kind of standard, is it they who are borrowing?
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according to this fact, the management of housing and communal services of the administration the city of prokopyevsk issued a warning about the inadmissibility of violating mandatory requirements. information about the shortcomings was sent to the head of the city of prokopyevsk. but for some reason, investigator malyshev does not see a connection between the hole and causing serious harm to the driver’s health. based on this fact , a decision will be made to refuse to initiate a criminal case. apparently, there is still someone. will not end up in this grave, now even cars go around this hole, because it is impossible to drive on it, you can also puncture a tire, this is the quality of the road for our they do taxes, it’s impossible to drive here , they’ve covered it with crushed stone, only the surface
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is not reinforced, consider it like a shoulder, only in the middle of the roadway, russian roulette, anna golovko miraculously survived, will she be able to walk in the future, the big question is, well, how... as a contractor, responsible for the section of the road where the accident occurred, so you need to file a claim against each institution, and then file a lawsuit against all three, maybe on a voluntary basis? there is no such
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line in the local budget, payment according to conscience, i am 26 years old, i walk with a plate in my legs, and even then i walk like this, i move for half an hour, if possible, i just got back on my feet recently, i’ll tell you what it is, i was completely mutilated, simply because some contractor of yours has been unable to correct this detection for a long time. are you kidding me, i’ll tell you what it is, how i woke up in the hospital, i’ll tell you what i experienced, they only understand it in writing, fuck everything, that ’s all, a local answer, which means i’ll still have to write a statement of claim. the supreme court has repeatedly indicated that in such situations where an accident occurred due to defects in the road surface, which are not indicated in any way. responsibility lies primarily with the authorities. they are on the driver involved in an accident, since the driver could not see and assume that there is a hole ahead, it is not
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fenced, there are no signs warning about the danger, the hole is not visible under the snow or is flooded, in such cases, all damage from the accident must either be compensated by the local administration or organization responsible for this section of the road, and while that same hole silently looks at the cars rushing past, these people are so amazing. i’m listening to kolya, the russian guards military transport vehicles are sitting down, you see me, and
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you’re waiting for me, no, it’s a pity, where, man, well, berkutnya, we’ve arrived, you’ll get on your knees and repent. you will, we have 100 armed soldiers on the buses, good luck, so what if the russian border guards, let’s say, we know, what, our own, grisha, 10 days until spring, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask: new season, today at 20:20 on ntv.
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countries. for the first time from turkey, the fugitive head of yanukovych’s security. how to manage such wealth and now it dawned on a couple of car enthusiasts, carpenters from the novosibirsk region, look, be surprised
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at something... the only difference is in the scale and materials of the model. no, this is not at all what you... 120, we are in novosibirsk. meet vlad gif or the chief engineer of the project, under his sensitive for 2 months, a dozen craftsmen measured, planed, sawed off and screwed. why gelik? well, because this car really, it’s not only in russia, as i understand it, it’s very recognizable all over the world, that is, well, many of you just
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look at it, you mean something square means gelik, but why wooden? like the rest, fell boards, or rather rivers, planks, and so on, yes, the carpenters will forgive me, 30 squares of first-class plank and 120 m of timber, a bucket of nails wasted, more precisely... 11.00 nails. there were more than 3,000 self-tapping screws, well that’s it big and small all sorts of different ones and golts, and there were more than 200 big ones. we assembled it directly
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on the frame from the uaz, it had to be slightly lengthened and widened. engine, gearbox, transfer case with axles, also from kozlik. the budget is not rubber, so the roots of the siberian drovenvagen are from the ussr, as evidenced by the embossing on the radiator. so, what's in the cabin? alcantara, no, leather, according to the classics, since we have it all made of wood, accordingly, inside we also have wood, well, wow, wood, like yes, we have a seat like this it’s made from a bench, in general, cheap and cheerful, but ergonomic, yes, cool, comfortable, massages your back very well, in the summer it’s generally great, nothing sticks, nothing , well, probably we haven’t gone in the summer yet, well, the floor, what stayed, here it’s all about and the controls are from the uaz, the battery was also installed here so as not to climb too far, the interior is certainly not ice, or rather did not freeze, the headlights and
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grille look very german, the resemblance cannot be taken away, the siberian precision would be the envy of the most meticulous eirichter on the assembly line in sölden fingen, the body of the drovenvagen was protected with oil, well, so that the wood would not absorb water, so that it would. these deformations were reduced less, but we covered it with linseed oil and everything is fine, linseed, not motor oil, no, here, here we have already followed the technology, that is, motor oil is not a transformer of any kind, is it possible, is it possible so that it was not fireproof, it is possible, but motor oil, by the way, will not provide fire resistance, it really looks natural, fresh, the texture, that is, the natural pattern of wood fibers is exciting imagination. by the way, this gelik can open its predatory mouth unexpectedly, at speed,
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of course, there is no hood lock, but there are shock absorbers. you have to accelerate at least 60 kilometers, but he drives, and he drives slowly, he’s for the lucky people, those who have already had everything come true, already all their dreams, sat down slowly, relaxed and drove off, well, i’m here like... where in the forest , then we’ll let him out for a walk, so, well, take it, so, the door closed, no, i didn’t
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close it, i closed it, just a little bit, oh, oh, like a grandmother, in the village, nostalgia, just, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and there are also no belts here, yes, and the car, one might say, is a toy, so, well , there is no key, there is no key either, there are no belts, there are no keys here either, here we have keyless entry, right... so what do we do, we launch everything , here's the button, here, here, no, here it is, oh, yes, but what's the other way, well, well, come on, remember how, yes, this is done, like this, further, further, press the pedal a little, yes, oh, oh, oh, everything, great, little by little forward, the body plays on the bumps, us. and the case throws up, all the delights of a wooden stool until you get bruises felt by the fifth point , as intended, my passenger rejoices at the next kick , or at least pretends to, and the bench in general seems
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cool to me, it’s very comfortable, there’s such a bump that’s so scary that it’s nearby, yes, but it even brings you closer when you roll into each other, sound insulation zero, no multimedia, steering wheel without a power steering, well, there is no speedometer, so here it’s not... already done, everything should be by feel, the stove makes a lot of noise, but through the cracks into the cabin there’s a lot of air blowing in, and i can’t get my hands in this premium class tarantass almost not i feel the temperature outside is -23, even with gloves on my fingers freeze, the steering wheel is not heated enough, and when you turn it intensively, it no longer needs this heating, heating, speedometer, shumka, normal seat and overall comfort, everything is obvious here.
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under the hood, an interesting design solution so that the fuel pipes do not have to be pulled , the crankcase protection, according to the authors, is also superfluous here, but the ground clearance turned out to be huge, the german prototype, by the way, is just short, outwardly the wooden chelentwagen is very similar to its older brother, gelik, however, the guys managed to find one very interesting solution, these are side mirrors, and here they rotate not only 90°, but 180. the dimensions are comparable, but what about the weight? an iron gelendvagen weighs 2.5 tons, how much can a wooden one pull? larch, the heaviest tree, well , dense, you have to weigh it, come here, ot, and so
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, and so, and so, and so, and so and so, stopped so beautifully, i don’t see the numbers, so well, let’s go see the results , how much does it actually weigh for us, oh, that’s absolutely excellent, i think it’s 700, but that’s without anything, without nothing, without anything, well, in the sense of no sound insulation, no handles, well , no power windows, no gas tank, in fact, look how small the weight is, that’s good, it’s very environmentally friendly, it has a good effect on fuel consumption, that is, the lighter the car, the easier it is for the engine to accelerate it, the engine does not consume gasoline, the brake pads, well, let’s say, practically do not wear out, the transmission, the load is small , the load on the engine is also small, the resource has increased, everything has increased, in short, super, well, just an ideal car, it’s a pity, toy, although maybe this is precisely its main
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advantage. drovenvagen, well done, nastya , the tag named it, by the way, this drovenvagen doesn’t remind you of anything, nothing at all, come on, okay, look, but the bathhouse is natural , the bathhouse is a change house, yes, it’s lined with a clapboard, such a modern country version, i don’t know as you, and i was reminded, such entertainers are craftsmen, i ’m talking about the authors. drovenvagen is very encouraging. the men planned it, took it and did it. and so we looked at the results of their efforts and gasped. the world around has become a little cooler, hasn't it? at the megamarket you you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sales. for example, a children's watch plus 2 years of communication as a gift for only 8,800 rubles. this is
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a bamboo fishing rod familiar to many from childhood. called bamboo fiber , a new generation material, is bamboo really good ? are the advertised rags bed linen made from the same fabric as they promise in advertising, how is it light and durable, and this is actively happening now, is this really bamboo fabric and can it do everything? what the advertisement says, share blood, like influences...
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20:00 on ntv. two bighits at a bargain price. only at a tasty point. we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at sofcom bank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. seize the moment. when paying for comprehensive protection and 3 months of communication. smartphone with 50% discount. come for benefits in body 2. maria loves the sun very much, but life. walks among the ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, one of the pros is miramestin, it’s logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, your favorite coffee now has a new name, monarch, the same high quality and roasting of beans, also a pleasure in every cup, monarch, the same favorite taste , aroma, now it will appear. well, what's there?
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the third product household appliances, built-in midea dishwasher for only 14,999 when purchased as a set at mvidio and eldorado. well, what was he asking? he asked: can i work? you’re an olympiad student, you watched the webinar, you were just studying. it needs people with real experience. skillfactory. we teach those who are hired. divide in half. prices on yandex market, discounts up to 50%. when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. issmigen i will quickly treat a cold, monitor the system, increase the power for data transmission, everything systems are in normal mode, rostelecom’s smart monitoring systems solve
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internet problems before they arise for you. rostelecom, technologies of opportunity. oh, meat grinder stradori. yes, for her, ruby ​​meat is large, coarsely minced, creamy. the myasorubskoye historiore is delicious and meat-cutting. did they take an oath in the soviet union? crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia. 10 days until spring. premiere, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football. you can put out fires at work and burn them in the field, dress stylishly in the right colors, you may
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be tired after training, but you will never get tired of football. you may be a blogger, but you're ready to score goals because you have a real t-shirt and a real cup. font - russian football cup. safe and comfortable, fast and environmentally friendly. public transport in our country is changing qualitatively; even staunch supporters of the personal car are forced to recognize its advantages. thanks to the national project, safe and quality roads. more and more electric buses are appearing on the streets of our cities. in kursk , 10 brand new electric buses went on the route, but... e moscow square oncology center, the cabin is equipped with climate control, information panels allow you to track the route, and it is easy for passengers to navigate when transferring. i really like the ride, it’s warm, the seats are comfortable, everything is very nice,
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it’s pleasing to the eye, i don’t want to go out, everything is for people. usb sockets will keep your smartphone charged, and security is ensured by constant video surveillance. in the tula region only in in 2023, according to the national project for safe and high-quality roads, 152 units of new rolling stock entered the line, including low-floor trams, passengers boarding and disembarking are noticeably faster. it is very important for people with limited mobility, as well as for our mothers with strollers. the most modern materials are used inside the cabin; they are wear-resistant and, most importantly, fire-resistant. the unique wheeled trolley ensures a smooth ride. dampens vibration, the cabin has excellent sound insulation. complex the development of urban ground transport is one of the important tasks of the national project for safe and high-quality roads. over the past 4 years , almost 6
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thousand new, comfortable, modern buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses have taken to the streets of russian cities. safe roads for you, and if you still find yourself face to face. with a threat, maintain presence of mind. according to one version, the driver fell asleep at the wheel, but the driver saved himself and his family behind the scenes. lucky, no doubt, but only luck is the reward for composure. on this positive note, let me say goodbye, the first program will air again. aired next sunday at 10:20 on ntv channel. bye bye!
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bamboo! for sleep cleaning, but costs 1,500 rubles. could this be? is it true that bed linen made from this plant is super durable and pleasant, the rags themselves kill germs. regular donation, when it is useful and when it is harmful to health. this is the medicine that a person carries within himself. how to donate blood safely? in the category miracle products, a smart lamp that can be controlled using gestures. oh, it worked, it’s a miracle or not a miracle, but
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robots will also do the dirty work, a cold on the lips can lead to a dangerous brain disease, the color red will help in controlling pests in the fields, this and something else in the hot five amazing discoveries and inventions from around the world. there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i and my team are. we test everything on ourselves. this is a bamboo fishing rod, familiar to many from childhood, light and durable. and these are now actively advertised bed linen rags
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made from so-called bamboo fiber, manufacturers promise both antibacterial and in general, there are many different miracles , how this comes out of it, is bamboo fabric really bamboo and can it do everything that the advertisement says, without bamboo they simply cannot live, as is known from... for them it is the main food, but for to digest it, there are even special bacteria in the intestines, the food is low in calories, so most of the day you have to chew the shoots, and then they fall asleep without any bed, this, of course, is not suitable for people, but they promise us their bamboo happiness, they write about underwear made from such fabric , what it is environmentally friendly, durable, genetic and even antibacterial, and there are options for
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every budget. we bought several samples of different prices, a set for 1,500 rubles in an online store, a sheet for 10,500 in a boutique of a famous greek manufacturer, and for comparison we took ordinary cotton underwear costing about a thousand rubles. is it worth paying 10 times more for bamboo, is it real, is it included in the kit for 1500 along with a textile expert. the sample feels much rougher.


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