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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 11, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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it wasn’t him, but a student who hit him, but then it was too late, i’m not going to apologize , having decided that the best defense for the attack, vladimir minosyan wrote a complaint against the coaches of school teams to the district department of education, allegedly it was all their fault, the victims even had to make excuses before the members of a specially created commission, however, the matter did not go further, but such a draw did not suit the victims, as a result, the rivalry between the athletes went far beyond the playing field and moved into the courtrooms, minosyanov found guilty of beating. imposing a fine of 5.00 rubles and 60 hours of correctional labor. daria vezova and aksana gonchurenko and dmitry salnikov, mtv television company. that 's all for now, goodbye, good luck to you.
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what will happen to the violent president and his plans? the american academy of lies, ukrainian propaganda was awarded an oscar for a film about a maternity hospital in mariupol, how to punish hollywood for distributing fake news. this is the first oscar in the history of ukraine, the first. get ready, deputies decided to take on childless russians, who are promised increased payments, who will receive mortgage rate reduction? get married, get married, have children , this needs to be done faster, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we work live. broadcast
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, today my colleagues decided to shake me up a little, the fact is that for several years now, i don’t remember now, i completely stopped being interested in the oscars, and in general i was somehow a little disappointed in modern cinema, it turns out so they reported through our scenario is that tonight was just the oscar ceremony, if it weren’t for my colleagues, i wouldn’t have known about it, and you and i, dear friends, wouldn’t have learned about the first oscar in the history... of ukrainian cinematography, we just noted this in the announcement, which means that the ukrainians received an oscar in the nomination for best documentary film for their work related to mariupol, in my opinion, now i’ll say, it’s called 20 days in mariupol, well, it’s about how they allegedly bombed there maternity hospital, you know this story because it already happened has been refuted several times, including, by the way, by western journalists, well , apparently.
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i just want to remind you that yesterday was the anniversary of the attack on the maternity hospital in mariupol. that moment became a symbol of invasion, russia's invasion of ukraine a symbol of the war crimes they committed there. well, the british journalists from tabloid sun have finally caught up with the truth of life. their reporter was going to film such a beautiful story about how the british challenger tank, transferred from london, conquers, that means beautifully, in an area somewhere in ukraine, battlefield. but treacherously, this very tank.
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got stuck in the mud right during the demonstration run and the reporter had to admit that yes, spring thaw and tank challenger are, of course, incompatible things.
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well, the president of the united states joe biden was embarrassed again, saying in an interview with msnbc that it was a mistake to get involved in the conflict in ukraine, but he really later... the palace announced his intention to visit kiev in the coming days. the agenda of this visit has not been disclosed, but earlier macron and the terrorist zelensky held telephone conversations. the eliseev palace says that these negotiations were lengthy. zelensky, in particular, thanked for the new initiatives
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and statements in support of ukraine. well, here, apparently, we are referring to the french proposal to send some european or nato troops to ukraine. and so, andrei vladimirovich, we move smoothly to this topic.
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meath called macron's idea an inventive move that would upset russia's script. the chief french diplomat and macron's ally, mithier sejournet, was the most excited. it’s not russia’s place to tell us what we should do. help ukrainians in the coming months and years, it should not set red lines. kiev is not currently asking for french troops to be sent to ukraine, but we, of course, are not ruling out anything in the coming months. news of the creation of a military coalition was greeted with alarm in germany. stated that he is against sending even instructors to ukraine, who, quote, will become a target for russia. the new york times directly called macron a provocateur. macron is a provocateur. he believes that restrictions on
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the western military response play into putin's hands. and worries that scholz does not understand the importance of defending europe in the confrontation with russia. while scholz. fears direct confrontation. macron's actions caused heated discussions in france itself. the president was reminded that it was he who had shouted loudest about diplomacy before the start of the special operation. he came to negotiations with putin , called him annoyingly, and now he is dragging europe into a military conflict, and ponato’s partners persistently asked him not to do this. france and poland cannot speak on behalf of the alliance, who from the very beginning did not formally and voluntarily intervene in the conflict. sending troops to kiev means a step towards unilateral escalation, which will erase the path to diplomacy. there are also those who consider macron’s napoleonic plans a bluff, with help.
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president, paris's statement about its readiness to send military personnel to ukraine is a dangerous line that could lead to undesirable consequences. according to peskov, russia has long had information that people directly related to nato are on the territory of ukraine, this is it was just said quite recently. so, maksimevich, i hope that you ruined my vacation for me, because instead of calming my nervous system, i tried to figure it all out and distracted myself, let’s say, from more pleasant ones.
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those who were expected, well , a much tougher line towards russia, renounced, look how carefully the americans, the british speak out, in general, even the poles, so we found one quote, but there are quotes from other polish military men who say no, polish army on the territory in general excluded, that is, makrul opposed himself to old europe and the old west in the person of the united states, macron himself, which is the most important and dangerous.
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explanation, first explanation, macron , unlike all the others, i emphasize, all the other western leaders, can afford to do what he wants, he has a debel chord, he does not have next elections, and he does not depend on any partners coalition, this is how he behaves, challenging public opinion, and let me remind you,
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putin is like a pigeon, here a good policeman with whom you can
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deal, but he lets you know, if not me, then you will deal with these, macron now plays approximately the same role in the collective west, and at the same time there are balanced people like biden, like scholz who absolutely don’t need it, and don’t need it, but inside it doesn’t really look like a person is doing what he wants, it turns out that he still does what he’s told, it turns out that macron had to be conditional there. scholz warn the british, listen, i'm here for a little while this is the same thing, but you, but don’t pay attention, you are absolutely right, you heard the phrase “there are those who believe that macron” on the air? it means he’s going to scare russia , i’ve been talking about this for a long time, and maxim began with the fact that it’s an amazing situation, and by and large his test is the end of his own , with his own conclusions, because really, what happened to macron, he’s not crazy, the argument is that there is nothing left for him there from the point of view of the presidential ambitions are all a demobilization chord, it is not entirely
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accepted, because macron probably wants to stay in the system, take some other position in this system and continue to play this role. it is absolutely not necessary to be a president for this, there are many supranational structures, the same nato or something else, where he could occupy a decent position and he is counting on it, politicians do not simply give up power and are looking for different opportunities for themselves, so this may be one of macron’s motivations, why he he behaves this way, there is a party of war, why does he hesitate so much then, then he would be consistent, if he has outlined a goal there, but the answer to why other countries did not support this is because macron is deliberately playing. the role of this scarecrow , the scarecrow of russia is that very uncertainty, pay attention to how many different messages there are, then these will be troops for mine clearance, then there is a version that if russia goes to odessa, to kiev, then he will already send in and so further and so on, the point is to show russia that we have there are your own hawks, so stubborn, who can get a certain share of authority,
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insist, send troops and even greater escalation if you take step 1, 2, 3 and don’t go. naturally, no country seriously wants this, and macron doesn’t want this, he plays a role, the question is why he plays a role, one of the motivations is that he wants to continue to preserve himself from the point of view of the system, the second motivation is what - something in the folder on him, it was not just that the anb listened and monitored the representatives.
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well, there are probably a lot of daddies about him, yes for everyone there they have daddies, no, well, they have the whole government now in daddy, but it may not be about daddy, it may be about daddy, motivation here can be good antonich, i understand, i’m just asking andrei vladimovich, please, if you have a question, i’m just mine remark that this, in my opinion , still somehow undermines this western unity against russia, well, it shouldn’t vomit at some point, it will be revealed anyway , i continue yours. i understand everything was a bluff, andrei vladimirovich, andrei vladimirovich is so treats us with contempt now, doesn’t even want to answer our stupid question, it’s no shame, because macron will come to kiev in the near future, there is a deliberate agreement not to announce the date, and the main purpose of his visit is precisely to discuss the mechanism and location of those parts that can
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be deployed, and which parts are whose, french or these french ones, it means...
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well, i know a little, i won’t say everything, everything is going completely differently from how it is described in the media, well, that’s understandable when french according to your data, troops will be deployed, well, from my point of view, as far as i know,
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we are talking about the month of may, i wait, well, wait, well, this is a dispute, let’s say may 31, the last day of may, if french troops are not deployed, let's define it, let's define the concept of french troops.
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his generals are preparing to act. as part of a large exercise , infantry, armored vehicles, artillery and electronic warfare engineers from all over the country were brought to a training ground of 120 km, which is larger than the area of ​​paris. as the policy writes, previously the french military they heroically fought only against militants in africa and afghanistan, and new exercises are needed to prepare for a battle with a country with firepower comparable to france. the world has revealed its true essence. he is unpredictable and dangerous. and not everyone is ready to be an ally, we are preparing to be on the alert, to react quickly, the french training center is the only place where you can see what war is. over the weekend it became
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known that france is trying to clear out its weapons from warehouses in african countries, where it has been sending ammunition for many years, by the summer paris launches production of drones and military equipment in ukraine.
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gegor valeevich, is this information campaign part of a bluff, or is it preparing society that the french will begin to die over a period of time? no, well, of course, this is part of a bluff, which involves idiots who sincerely believe that a war between two nuclear powers will not be nuclear, well, let’s keep silent, here’s the thing , firstly, regarding this dispute , yes, well, it’s meaningless, which was just now, because the french were already there troops in the status of vacationers, then, as you guessed, on may 31, who is it?
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macron has every reason to be , to put it mildly, dissatisfied with russia’s behavior, this is africa, this is the refusal of his peacekeeping initiatives, he was offended, he was offended, please understand, this is a small man in every sense, who has big ambitions in every sense , and kisu was offended, that’s why it behaves this way, it probably has some moral rights from its point of view, i say again, there’s no need for daddies, we offered, now you have the opportunity give putin a kick, here he is... when kisa gets offended like that, he expects that one of the others, no less offended than him, will pick up this idea, he will no longer seem like he’s bluffing some kind of cockerel, but who -that?
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they have no options, they have two terrible options: either surrender or send troops, they are looking for any third, an attempt to deceive russia, force it to agree to a temporary compromise, yes, this is unlikely, but nevertheless an alternative to the two, now to prove a political bluff quite difficult, but it seems to me that a military bluff is easier to prove, as far as the french really are, we had a phrase here, i’ve already forgotten now in my story, in my opinion, yes, that the french
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used to fight only there. which they still want to receive , as they say, either compensation if they lose, or something else, so at first macron took the negotiating position of the country, when it turned out that they would definitely lose these lands, macron went to great lengths. the second military argument is that among all nato countries, france is the only country that has a nuclear arsenal more or less are efficient, so that’s why macron goes to abank, if he doesn’t mind.
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they have a diverse aviation, they have a fleet, this is what it is, you know, now due to the fact that in europe, in europe, a certain policy was consistently pursued to level out the power of military europe for the sake of power the united states of america, france did not escape this, they have the same understaffing in the armed forces, they have the same problems with working
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equipment, and so on, despite... one of only three countries on the planet that capable of carrying out a large-scale operation far from its own territory, this is naturally the united states of russia, but also france, but this war is a land war, in a land war it is leveled out, firstly, what you asked about the french fleet, so what about charles dole, where he will enter, he will not even be allowed into the black sea, but there is only aviation without
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ground forces. you understand correctly that there should not be a cap of legislation, separately france, the french army, of course, of course not a risk, but if this, excuse me, is an escalation all together, then this is a big problem, just part part french. how will all this end, if the french units are led in, how dangerous is this and how the history of that very nuclear conflict is approaching, because there is a lot of talk, we hear, and from zelensky, what is coming, now the french will help us, it’s just not i want ilf and petrov.
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you are judged by millions of foxes of the metropolis , our movements are full of paris, my car rushes through the streets of the city as if there was no one but us, they drove me for a ride to the music radio stations, we shorten the distance as if we
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are moving, we are signing up for a dance, i step on the gas so that the lights fly past us, this is my chance, let's check it out in action here now, according to the routes . with the new 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission, i listen to kolya on the neighboring guards, russian military transports are landing, do you see me? and you're waiting for me, no?
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wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy. call to order a battery century chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. mask - new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place. where everything becomes clear, we continue this part, let's start with footage from florida, where former us president donald trump received the hungarian prime minister, viktor orban. why is this important to us, why do we pay attention to it? because one of the main topics of this meeting was the settlement in ukraine. this meeting took place at the trump residence mara laga, and although details very little is known about the results; judging by statements on the sidelines, one of the main topics was trump’s strategy for resolving the conflict in ukraine. according to orban , trump made it clear to him that if he wins
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the elections, he will cut off kiev from funding , after which europe will not be able to pull ukraine alone and the conflict will end. he was the first president in a long time under which not a single war started. we know from his presidency that he is a man of peace and he does not hide his opinions, even now. he clearly said his goal was to create peace in the russian-ukrainian war.
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kiev won’t raise anything else, he also called...
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it’s actually happening, and zelensky was here in istanbul, they discussed the peace formula, this notorious one with the president of turkey, let’s see how it happened, it’s very strange, well, at the same time again, let’s return briefly to the meeting between trump and orban. last friday, terrorist president zelensky brought his peace formula to istanbul.
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recep erdogan proposed turkey as a platform for peace negotiations, as already was in march 2022. but this time zelensky categorically refused the offer: we do not see representatives of russia at this summit, we do not see how it is possible to invite people who block everything, destroy and kill. erdogan, according to the local press, once again emphasized that a peace summit is possible only with the participation of russia, but at the same time expressed support for the territorial integrity of ukraine. in general, the press conference of the two leaders was quite strange, the ukrainian translator was not...
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in a possible deal that could republicans are circulating key provisions to freeze the military conflict, according to them, russia can retain crimea annexed in 2014, as well as part of the territories occupied after the start of a full-scale invasion, maybe they got lost, read it, found an error that didn’t exist, right, vasilyevich , the fact that ukraine earned money, the fact that it earned money, that’s just clear, that’s all the rest. what did you want us to do? first of all, i’m grateful to the audience and grateful for the greetings, look, in ukraine this society still lives this dilemma zrada peremoga, peremoga, victory was yesterday and today everyone is celebrating winning an oscar, and everyone, oh well, everyone
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is celebrating, everyone is saying how great we are, what we are, so we showed, here we did, here’s the oscar, we won , finally , the first, the first, the first, the first oscar, we received, here... here is the zrada - this is of course the pope, because well, zelensky didn’t just send him, you should have heard the chorus of messages, starting from the ardent neo-nazi yarosh, who generally called, said that we don’t need this pope and in general, we must create a patriarchy, that is , we must build our own church in ukraine, independent of the vatican, can you imagine, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, whom the pope appointed, right? all these people, the collective rulers of ukraine , they simply don’t see or hear that they are burying ukraine, they
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are collectively burying ukraine, first of all zelensky, well andrey, if, if you saw the photographer, you saw the meeting erdogan and zelensky, did you see with what face erdogan met zelensky, how he saw him off, well, well, he couldn’t stand it, he just, you know, in protocol he did this, this, and as for the dad’s proposal.
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excuse me, and erdogan hit zelensky through his face, through translation, demonstratively bad, these are also diplomatic signals, zelensky in response was rude to publicly refute.
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cannot stop funding ukraine, because the budget will be approved under biden, but how will it be approved this time , yes, well, a new one will be approved in september budget for and biden will approve it and trump is in a position that in september, andrei leach, you assured me that the financial year begins in march, i told you then that it does not begin, now you say, a year of assistance to ukraine, it is a lot financial years, well , it was given, it was given in any case, it won’t happen, yes.
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i would like to draw attention to what seems to me to be a fundamental shift that is somehow not being paid attention to, only you are moving the foundation faster, we have a minute timer, it seems to me that this is orban’s visit and meeting with trump, and then the next day he gave a lecture, or rather the day before, he gave a lecture to washington, this is actually a very humiliating story for biden, for his entire administration, because previously only american diplomats generally allowed themselves to do this in third countries meet with representatives of the opposition, which naturally caused anger. the current authorities of these countries have a natural objection, but what is happening? orbán, head of state, ally, yes, yes, he is so
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special, but he is still the head, nato member state. nato ally, and he is meeting not just with some competitor, but with a competitor who is clearly expressing his disrespect for biden in direct defiance, and this is also happening in the united states, imagine this 10-20 years ago, this indicates that , that in fact, under biden , the united states is losing a lot even in this, this is a rather humiliating story,
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, give life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, in our hands, choose your future and the future of the whole country, together, we are strong, we vote for russia , this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear and we continue, i must note one thing with such satisfaction, we had some kind of discussion on a similar topic, and then i said something like that to one of the state deputies.
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this is currency, that’s what a mercantile person you are, they love you, they respect you in general, for your civic position, you fool, it’s just a handbag, i don’t have any others, greetings from perm to you, perm turned out to be a wonderful city, this is my first time there he was, oh, so big, vanya, stop looking at the handbag already, go to your workplace and you can look there, they said greetings to everyone, which means yusin and sedorchik. and khashchenko and sytin, who was named the most spectacular expert, when he comes to our program , next time, i will definitely tell him this, so, let’s continue now, i said that the deputies have somehow
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restructured their work and now they have time to change legislation related to the activities of foreign agents and changing the demographic situation, van, as i understand it, about foreign agents, including some urgent news, let’s actually. let's start with the latest news: president putin signed a law banning foreign agents place advertisements for both individuals and legal entities on their information resources , this decree has been officially published, it is noteworthy that both advertisers and those who distribute this advertising will bear responsibility for violations if suddenly such violations occur, but now let’s move to the state duma everything is on the foreign agency topic, they advocated the introduction of new restrictions, now it is proposed not to disseminate it. the publication obtained his appeal addressed to the chairman of the central bank ilvira nabiulina,
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the parliamentarian notes that from 2022 bank deposits of companies and foreign agents are not subject to insurance, since then the number of people, individuals and foreign agents has more than doubled, their deposits are still insured by the state, fedorov proposes to fix this, today in the lower house.. there will be a discussion of another measure of influence on agents - this is a ban on paying royalties, as stated by andrei alshevskikh, a member of the state duma committee on security, a new measure could come into effect very soon, this month, according to alshevskikh, the bill is at a high stage of development, next week it could already be put to a vote, according to the deputy: the new measure will deprive foreign agents of hundreds of millions of rubles, because it is primarily aimed at media people.
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in order to re-register any of your property and not do it through third parties, through powers of attorney from notaries, and so on. lugovoi promised to submit the initiative to the state duma in april, immediately after the parliament.
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performed, then several appeared at once initiatives, we have collected them today and would like to bring them up for discussion. last week , a bill to increase maternity capital was introduced to the state duma. for the first child they offer to pay 757. rubles instead of 630, and for the second one million instead of 800 thousand. deputies are confident that the draft law will be approved, and the changes will take effect as early as february next year. the mechanism that... stimulated the birth of children, and it justified itself, this program has been extended several times, funds from capital are indexed annually, positive reviews are heard regularly. the state duma committee for the protection of motherhood and childhood suggested thinking about social housing for young families, but on a first-come, first-served basis. in the meantime, the government intends to extend the family mortgage, fixing it at a rate of 6%. separately, the ministry of finance is working on a reduced rate of 5% for those with two children and
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4% for those with three or more children. which of you is going to get married, get married, have children, this needs to be done quickly, the rate is 6%, it is guaranteed, so we hope that you will also contribute to the development of our country through improving living conditions. they also want to add money to pregnant women. the government is already considering a proposal to issue a special cash certificate to pregnant women who register early. as planned. its cost will be calculated in each region separately, based on the prices of goods needed by pregnant women and the cost of living. another initiative concerns additional support for mothers who, for some reason, have congenital serious illnesses child or, for example, rape, it is necessary to have an abortion. deputies propose to take these women under the care of the state even during pregnancy. we give these women a chance to carry their pregnancy to term and give birth, they will be guaranteed. medical, legal,
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psychological, medication, social support. at the same time, at any moment the woman will be able to say that she has changed her mind about leaving the child. they also want to support young fathers and students. deputy yana lantratova proposed transferring ex-paid education to budget if there is an addition to the family. she sent an appeal to the minister of science and higher education, valery folkov. considering that on average a year of study at a university costs 185 rubles. in her opinion this is. will help save the family budget. for young families receiving education, it is more difficult to provide for their children due to the high employment rate of training and the difficulty of finding employment while receiving education. so, i said that there are several initiatives, here we have collected those that are in one way or another related to providing some kind of financial assistance, with money. ivan ivanovich, in the pre-interview you said that no cash payments will increase childbearing, childbearing, how to put it correctly?
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we need to help the elderly , you know, older people, let ’s say the cynical truth, they have probably already made their contribution to life, to the life of the state, yes, and the state needs new citizens, that ’s why they are now singling out these new ones there were more citizens, it’s logical, guys, here’s some money so you don’t have to worry everyday problems, be fruitful, multiply, well, don’t forget to worry about your grandfather after some time, when he becomes very old, well... the quantity on this two
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groups, they are very close in size, so why is it money it’s impossible because there’s simply not enough money, that is, just a little money can be solved, but a little more is needed , especially since in our country families who have a decent income, they themselves are happy to have three, four or five children, well, that’s right, here you and your problems not here, so we need to have more families with wealth, more families, there is not enough, there are so few. so, yes, you can, i would like to object, because if we are talking only about the wealth of families, then we have quite rich countries, developed countries, then there would be the most.
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money, we need to make sure that the money , you know, where the state can offer something, the money should be, well, virtual in the sense that why should we give money for a mortgage to cover the mortgage, when we can just end up to give this apartment as a gift, well, as it used to be,
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this is how i once received it, this concerns, this concerns, we are now saying that we already do not have enough funds for this, which is not true. we found out, we found out from vladimir vladimirovich putin’s message to the federal assembly that we have so much money that we cannot use it, even those megaprojects that are named there are trillions of rubles, you understand, then look, here i am, here i am coming back to the fact that i regularly meet from very patriotic people, when words are spoken about money, apartments, cars, everything that is materially connected, what happens, what it is, children become a financial cult.
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i didn’t feel it with the help of material support , but you need to understand that i’m kind of a solo mother, as they say, and despite the fact that the child’s father participates and helps, still all this burden falls on me, education, care, decision-making, responsibility, work, at one time i had a wonderful dialogue with your colleague roman babayanov on this, as it were, on this topic, he said: well, what difficult, sit at home with the child or dialect, where are you now, working in the studio, and where i am, working in the studio, says who will be with the child, that is, i don’t seem to have this second shoulder, as they say. so it’s very funny for me to listen when men talk about what a woman needs in order for her to give birth more, because after all, you and i are against nature , no matter how much money we pour in,
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and i don’t want a child to sit sleepyheads, so it means you yourself don’t understand that you want, and then say, she can afford to build a career and not worry about where the child is at this moment, the mother will not allow herself this, because it is so inherent in nature, after all, do not take it, but look more closely at how much the monetary factor is may become a turning point, playing here or may not become playing a main role here or only an additional role in general , as far as it goes... i will say that without the money factor in the modern world, of course, it is impossible,
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especially since the soviet experience is just yes, it showed that there was not a money factor, there there was an apartment, but here’s the program that was there, we didn’t buy an apartment then, yes , but now you pay a mortgage for them, then they gave it to you for free, it’s absolutely the same, essentially a form of money, they just kind of gave it to you in installments on social rent, now you are buying in exactly the same way.
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we need an atmosphere of love for children, and we need to create an atmosphere of confidence for mothers that the child will go to kindergarten, go to school, he will develop, but purely without money, can i agree, maternity capital has been accepted, a mortgage has appeared some kind of thing in the second half of 2000, we had a surge in the birth rate, it was 1.9 million, the maximum level for the post-soviet period, what? they played the money, they played, the question is that now many programs have been announced, yes, including
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a progressive tax scale with a deduction for children, in the unfriendly usa it works very well, 3,600, families with a low income of 3,600 dollars, they have a deduction for a child , yes, you just need to do an audit of everything that exists, and after reassembling these national projects, yes, you just need to. but it is necessary for the child to appear as a gift , as a gift, for the state to give
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an apartment as a gift to the family, as it was in the old days, in the old days the whole world gathered, and they built a house for a young family, and this was not a deal, it was something more than that, maybe it was some kind of covenant, a covenant of the ancestors, yes, which is that you must fulfill this duty, on the other hand, this is exactly such a command-distribution system of relations, when impersonal, it also kills desire. how do you imagine that the family, the new family, receives the state provides the apartment for free, but where
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will the state get the money for this, i suggested it, it will find the money there, it will find the money.
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there were many factors besides money, we also did not have maternal capital, but we had our own tasks, a woman wants to work, develop as a person, the state should provide her with this opportunity, i said several times, if and if she develops as a woman personality, build a career and at the same time she has a lot of children, so she won’t want to give birth then, why do i need these problems, we now, i can tell you, we are now conducting such an experiment, look at the women.
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all grandmothers were mobilized, because it is impossible for a working woman who wants to develop, to place her child in the circles, someone has to lead her hands and feet, children's kitchens have disappeared as a class, that is, basic questions, what to feed, how to treat, how to teach, the state , this is a complex,
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i heard it for the first time today, that ’s what i understand the proposal, but again, the material side of what elena nikolaevna was offering now, well, after a pause, probably yes, please raise your hand, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the enemy, who are the enemies here? what, father, you have a golden eagle, that means it’s him , our ksyukha, on behalf of all your asses, please stop, zaksyukh, zayo sme, i’m good, who are you, muscovite, i’m a doctor, now i’m also
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people call sociologists as the most important thing in that they need to find money, they don’t remember about an apartment, not about food, but how to teach a child so that it doesn’t cause excruciating pain later, and where can they find the money for this? family expenses for children were calculated at the ran institute of people's problems, it turned out that for a child under 7 years old, on average... it will be from 15 to 2000 rubles. this amount is comparable to the subsistence minimum. expense items for preschoolers are approximately the same. food, clothing, hygiene items, toys. true, the study contains a caveat that the costs do not include the starting newborn package with stroller, crib and changing table. after reading everything that i bought, i ended up with a total of 157 and a few thousand rubles. therefore, judge for yourself whether it is an expensive pleasure or not to prepare for birth. of course, when you prepare, you want the best for yourself, i thought that we spent a lot more, but when i did the math, i was even surprised, and of course, it’s very nice. but as soon as the child goes to school,
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expenses begin to rise rapidly. according to the data in the central educational center, gather first-graders in the past in the summer it cost 45 rubles. older children cost their parents 25,000. next, monthly expenses for food and travel, another 2,500. for metropolitan parents, these expenses can reach 10 thousand rubles per year. but still, the main headache is additional education, in moscow children's sections and tutors cost from 10 to 25 thousand per month, it all depends on the requests for academic performance, in the regions the numbers are lower. but in proportion to salaries, children’s clubs eat up approximately the same part of the family budget, but education at school is free, but donate money for curtains, for a gift for the teacher, hand over your briefcase to collect by september 1, so this is generally a separate expense item, when the unified state exam and unified state exam begin to loom on the horizon, oh yes, tutors, courses, extracurricular activities at school, studying becomes almost the main thing an expense item for the family budget, however, even significant investments in tutors do not guarantee a free place at the institute;
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according to the vedomosti newspaper, last year the cost of studying at universities increased by 12%, and the main moscow universities will cost parents almost half a million rubles per academic year; in the regions, the average cost of an academic year at a university is slightly less than 200,000 rubles. oleg yurovich, do i understand correctly that we need to look here, maybe not even in the direction of housing, in whatever different form you offer it here, in the direction of ensuring that parents are sure that there will be money for it from somewhere? so that the child grows up the way they want. educated, got the education he wants, went there, and so on. this is some of the things that sociology says this is the main fear, not square meters. housing is the basis , that is, we create conditions for children to be born, we need to provide normal housing, and then, of course, the question of education arises, and this is the problem that they talked about, which is easy and simple, just like that, here it won’t be possible to solve it, because... teachers
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are now in very harsh conditions, small salaries, high workload, huge reporting, that is, a step to the right, a step to the left, an attempt at chaos, this kind of training is not really for teachers, you can do everything - after all how can a representative of the legislative branch of government address the question, so let ’s gradually, first the child is born, after that he will not immediately enter the university, first he must go through all the... these are the circles of hell that elena nikolaevna spoke about, so first nurseries, well, in my opinion, we don’t have nurseries at all now, well, it’s just that they do n’t exist, they accept kindergarten there if you can enroll, in my opinion, there you can do it from two to three years old, before, nurseries were generally for little ones , which means he was born in an apartment, which corresponds to the conditions you say, well, i’m painting an ideal picture now, then it means he eats well,
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because there is a children’s kitchen. he is healthy, because the children's clinic works as necessary for the child and his parents, which means that then he goes to the nursery, then to school, all this is available there at school, out-of-school education, which then takes up his free time child, as again it was there in my pioneer childhood, and there we will gradually get to cartloads, that is, you understand that here it’s like you have to redo your entire life. and here school education is important, because why are tutors needed, no, if you start doing only education, but don’t build a kindergarten, it will still be, of course, yes, that’s why it’s needed, there’s money for that , here’s for all this, as you understand the situation in general, to create it all at once, of course not, it doesn’t even cost as much money as it requires huge resources and human resources, i see, often
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i'm leaving now. everywhere in the country in the region, i see a huge number of residential complexes that are being built, these multi-story ones, these ones, yes, i don’t know how many thousands of people live there, but i have a doubt that in each of these, how can this be a microdistrict, yes , in general, in theory, there must be a school there, there must be a kindergarten , there must be a clinic there, probably, this is where questions begin to arise for me, and this is so, and why, that is, if such a quantity of housing is being built that then... bought yes, filling it with people, but why can’t we then reduce one house in this project for residents, and build something infrastructural, we just - in the project it’s all there, as a rule, that is, in the project there is both a school and a kindergarten , and infrastructure facilities, that is, what attracts the developer, look at what a cool residential complex we have, everything is there, and then the apartments are rented out, everything else is either rented out much later. there years
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later, or is somehow forgotten, and this is a huge problem, we introduced a bill on the fact that the developer is responsible for his infrastructure obligations, that if a kindergarten is promised, then it should be, according to your information, according to our information, the situation is really exactly the same, that is, the main thing is to build quickly, sell quickly, well, sell everything on the first this mo-something. will somehow sort out this situation, this is exactly what may be, by and large, it’s not worth the money, the rigidity of control, as far as i know, is a mandatory law that obliges to build.
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but she is needed one way or another, she won’t, the question, again, a young family , the mortgage issue has been resolved, where are they, where do they get all this money, at least there is a state for this, you know, only the state, well, first - the state, second, for this there is a business, yes , that’s why we say all the time that the problem of kindergartens in many regions, who solved it, solved the business, another question, the business that was opened by children. nursery, if there is one, please, the price is crazy, that is, it’s that kind of money, it’s just that you have to understand that it’s from 30 to 50, well , look, i understand there, if it’s some kind of city-forming enterprise, i don’t know there, there’s some kind of conventional one where i was, such as cherepovets, yes,
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severstal, they do everything there, including the palace of culture that i, in general, probably , i haven’t seen it anywhere, and a children’s camp, but they have it, they have it, perhaps, they are big, yes, but business can be different. yes , yes, small businesses definitely won’t be able to handle this, yes, you and i understand what the state should do, it should give benefits, let’s say we are solving the problem of demography, it says, if you open a kindergarten, preferential prices, there we give you, you don’t pay taxes, something else, it’s always to subsidize taxes then take money, okay, okay, okay, not in that sense, listen, well, it’s kind of closed anyway circle, but not a closed one, the solution is one state. so anton, i’m a little surprised, yes, like all the grown-up, mature parents here, they are frightened by such prospects, and where the child will study, in which school, in which school, well, you all remember, but
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is anyone really thinking about this? something, we then listen, we then in general, this is it a challenge, this is an interest in how you will raise him, what you will do so that your child grows up to be able, so to speak, to realize himself, so i... agree that a mother needs to live the first 3 years, when she is on maternity leave, she needs to provide for herself, here she needs money, yes, secondly, we say, apartments, we need to build infrastructure, there are schools, kindergartens with these problems, well-known understandable developers are saving money, and why do we want to increase the birth rate in human settlements, we have so many small towns , we recently conducted a study there, one of factors, it’s better, it’s easier to live there, because the environment is better there, there’s no such mad thing there.
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a tractor, a damaged gate and a gas pipe that miraculously did not explode, he pulled up with a bucket and began shoveling snow with me, he scooped you into the tractor bucket, people ran out and began to break out the windows, a neighbor's conflict resulted in a father with many children being detained on
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the second one will be born faster and the third one will be born faster, remember, you should not be afraid to meet old age, and so that young people have fewer doubts and fears about early marriage, the deputy prime minister promised that a new school subject, family science, will help overcome them, the course will become optional, schoolchildren will not receive grades for it; in 40 regions of russia, the subject is still combined with social studies as part of the school curriculum, but in the future plans to focus on medicine,
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in explanatory work? well, firstly, golikova herself does not have children, i don’t know why, it’s her right, but when it seems that there are sufficient reasons not to have them, this probably needs to be taken into account. the second point that bothers me very much is the substitution of concepts: i don’t want to think about my old age when i give birth to a child in the opposite direction, i don’t want to shift onto my child the responsibility for how i will live in
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, well, old age . as for the regions, in which there is no money, there is a wonderful format, this is a concession, when a business gives on credit. regions, on favorable terms , the same money, according to the same structure , gasification is taking place in the far east , schools, universities and kindergartens are being built there , it is not yet very popular, unfortunately, this is a concession program in our country, but nevertheless, it is gaining popularity, as for small houses, cities, large houses in small towns, i, i already told you once on one of there is a house where i live, i went there to live with my child, i had to leave from there back to moscow, because... the kindergarten is located only in the neighboring village, it’s impossible to get there, there is no public transport, a nanny is needed to get there it costs me some cosmic money, and it was much easier for me to move to moscow, where i can pay for rent and a normal kindergarten. ordering groceries, thank god, exists, but it happens quite rarely from the neighboring region, not even from my tula region,
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where i live, when you begin to understand that social isolation, despite the fact that i work remotely, and i may not have to go anywhere to the office, this does not exclude... that i still want to communicate with people, there is almost no one in the village, because everyone has gone to work in moscow, nannies, support, help , food, training, courses, then a school for the child, this simply is not there, the question is, do you want to do all this in the regions, i have there are square meters there, i say, i can give birth to three more, but unfortunately, not only i need money for this to happen, i need infrastructure, and most often also some kind of loyal attitude, normal sidewalks.
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says that an apartment, a mortgage, and so on, in fact, this is all, well, the interests are primarily of builders, of course, and not of young families, because those same little houses are being rented out for young families, of course, all this needs to be turned around in interests, what a gift is that, and i continue to say this because?
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we still need to be able to come, that is, we have been raising women for 30 years, even more including the soviet period in one direction, and to
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return, now we will ask you the final question, we will try to answer it, 10 days until spring, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv.
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you seriously don’t believe it, and thirdly, the birth of a child should not turn into a financial and everyday disaster, this fear must be removed, where it turns, the state must rush to the rescue, so igor vladimirov, the entire state machine must work to solve the demographic problem comprehensively, it is impossible for one an official said one thing, and another said another, because it is beneficial in the interests of some business, in a comprehensive manner, and not like
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mrs. golikova says one thing, and the obvious minister of health will support reproductive specialists. you need to somehow be able to negotiate a conflict of interests , it’s necessary to sort of like lesya, well, i don’t believe, in fact , neither the ideological nor any financial orientation of this problem will convince me, but the social one, in which the mother who i need help, psychological support in particular in particular, this is personally what stops me , that is, not creating an infrastructure for the very shell that makes this child, that is, for the mother as an individual, this is what needs to be thought about, takerge valentinovich, demography is about values ​​and culture, therefore, the efforts of the state , in the efforts of the state, words should not diverge from deeds, and for this it is necessary that the resources allocated, they are not in the form of a transaction, in the form of a different one, in a new form of relationship as a gift, and must be close to family must
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to be communities that surround the family with care, money, of course, over the next 10 years we need to fill this process with money, this will help, but give money only to young families or invest money in money and not only mothers, in fact now we are talking it's about paternal capital. narrowing down to a mother for 3 years is terrible, because after 3 years she faces a catastrophe, so elenakovna, and you know, demography is generally our common problem and our common challenge, and there are many solutions, but the state has its own solutions, this is money, this is infrastructure, 2/3 of business, 75% of small businesses in the country are family
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companies, where a woman works, a man works, they earn their living. children are starting to look at me with such a squint, as state duma deputy gusev recently looked at me , in my opinion, why don’t you have children, after all, this is propaganda, it should be in some pleasant and beautiful direction. and it’s an anecdote, as it were, from a calendar, but indirectly
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relates to this topic today, in general, a man with a distorted face breaks out of a gift shop, the seller says: i can help you, he says: yes, i urgently need a gift for march 8th, he says, as i understand it, you urgently need a very expensive gift for march 8th, and why do you think so? because today is the eleventh, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. in brussels , the swedish flag was raised in front of nato headquarters. rampant anarchy. haiti is under almost complete control of the gang formation, the prime minister cannot return to the country. exactly 10 years ago the declaration of independence of crimea was adopted and sevastopol, in fact, it was this document that launched the mechanism for the reunification of crimea


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