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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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we have no barriers, this day will go down in history as the date of the start of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. more details, nikita korzun. the country's development plan, presented in the message to the federal assembly, has a clear economic basis, which will be implemented first. about the meeting between the president and the government, report by roman sobol. the head of the central election commission spoke about the readiness of the electoral system.
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early voting in the presidential elections and turnout ends in the donetsk people's republic expectedly high, together with members of the election committee , ilya usheninin is monitoring the voting process. the case of the fsb poisoners detained saboteurs who were planning to kill several thousand people with the help of a deadly poison. residents were to be targeted. yulia oblitsova will tell you about the details of the special operation in new regions of russia. tinkov bank is about to merge with rosbank, saying that they already have a lot in common. denis talalaev.
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hello, welcome to the telecom information service. this is the program today, its presenters ilmira ikhendeeva and vladimir chernyshov. tomorrow, throughout russia, in another 144 countries around the world, polling stations will open from march 15 to 17, including citizens, citizens of the country will have to elect a president. for the first time, voting will take place over 3 days, from 8 am to 8 pm local time.
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difficulties, we need to continue to be united and self-confident. we have already proven that we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values, traditions, history and culture, acting according to our conscience. and in truth, by justice, we have our own views on how and what kind of country we should build, what plans we should implement, and today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what we set, to achieve our large-scale goals, so a lot in the coming days depends on each of you, it is necessary to confirm our unity, determination together and... move forward, each of your votes
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is valuable and significant, so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the next 3 days. putin emphasized that participation in elections is an expression of one’s civic position and manifestations of patriotic feelings. early voting has already begun on february 25. according to the central election commission, more than 2 million people have already made their choice, including residents of remote regions, military personnel, who... is now also at the forefront of a special operation. today , an information center has opened in moscow at the central election commission, where you can quickly obtain the latest and most complete information about the elections. according to the head of the central election commission, ela pomfilova , almost 1,500 journalists out of 90 have been accredited to work there. mass media. half are representatives of foreign media. the activities of local territorial election committees will also be as open as possible. and they will be controlled. observers from 106
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states, well, i spoke about impending provocations, such signals are already there, according to the chairman of the center for electoral commission , everything will be done on election days so that every voter... can exercise their right, well, for example, reserve premises have been equipped near the polling stations for voting, and the final preparations for these elections, edmund zhelbunov. until the first day voting, this year the presidential elections will last for the first time 3 days, less than a day remains, and today ella pomfilova spoke about the readiness of the electoral system; in the run-up to the elections, the central election commission is paying a lot of attention to the new format. we made this decision based on requests from our constituents. to our citizens, because they can plan their time to a greater extent, and we , first of all, because it is very convenient , first of all, we work specifically for the voter, this is for us the main judge and examiner. also for the first time presidential elections
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will be held in 89 regions, now in the republics of donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and the elections are taking place in very difficult and dangerous conditions, we thought about it, but it really happened.
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we work in a single system together with similar situation centers throughout the country. the civic chamber of the russian federation has been monitoring, according to the law, and has the right to send independent observers since 2018. the special
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emphasis of both observers and organizers on voting transparency, in particular electronic and data security. for this purpose , today the central election commission distributed special keys for remote voting. methods, it is assembled entirely with glue . it cannot be disassembled using any other rivets, it is not dismountable, it cannot be opened. without breaking this seal, this procedure ensures the anonymity of the vote, and also ensures that no one will be able to find out the election results until all the keys are connected, because the data is encrypted. this time we are going to such a very large number, almost 5 million people, we understand that we will have elections now and
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electronic voting will take place in very difficult conditions, we expect, of course , a large number, a large number of cyber attacks, in general we will keep the peace. this year, online voting using a computer, smartphone or tablet will be available for the first time as part of the presidential elections; out of more than 110 million voters , over 38 million people will have the right to choose the head of state remotely or even without leaving home; in total, people have joined this program 29 regions of russia, while russians who find themselves abroad will be able to vote only in person at embassies or consulates, in order to avoid provocations and... foreign interference in the online procedure, about a million ballots were prepared for voting abroad, they, just like those 112 million ballots, who remained in russia, several levels of protection. each ballot paper is protected by a special sign, a stamp that is manufactured by the gosznak factory.
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stamps have several degrees of protection, microtext, complex patterns of non-repeating in shape, pattern of ornamental elements. observers of precinct commissions need to be prepared for all sorts of provocations, however, such a scenario will not come as a surprise to anyone, everyone knows what to oppose to the plans of saboteurs, the chairman of the election commission centers assured. edmund zhalbonov, svetlana korotanova, alexander aniskov, sergey koreshkov and nikolay saprykin, television company. ntv, moscow. observers are in full readiness for the upcoming elections, all of them
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party, independent and international. candidates for presidents of russia, nikolai khritonov, who is running in the elections from the communist party of the russian federation, met with representatives of the observer group. it was called red control. we have done everything, i repeat once again, a lot of work has been done. today is the final stage, we are checking the staff work. literally checking the staff work throughout the entire country, now we will stay and talk throughout russia, and as they say, good luck, presidential candidate from the new people party vladislav davankov discussed preparations for the elections with members of the cis observer mission, he also spoke about his experience in this work. you know, there are observers from more than 100 countries, 2000 observers, even more than 2000 have been formed.
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you have to earn it, and the right to live and work in russia, this is truly a huge value, it must be treasured, so i want to warn everyone who is in russia, you must respect the people among whom you live, you must respect the great country. the russian presidential elections start tomorrow, this year for the first time they will be held over 3 days, from march 15 to 17.
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four are vying for the post of head of state candidates: vladimir putin, nikolai kharitonov, vladislav davankov and leonets slutsky. for the first time , residents of the lpr, dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions are taking part in the russian presidential elections. well, however, many have already done this in these regions, early voting is especially popular. in the donetsk people's republic, it has been taking place since march 10, with marks in some areas. up to 30% of voters have already put their ballots on the ballot; members of election committees are visiting elderly people at home. ilya usheninin reports from the city of teresa. the most punctual voters came to exit area 15 minutes before opening. after all, this is the first presidential election in which the donetsk people ’s republic is participating and for the first time some local residents, mostly pensioners, are voting early so as not to come to the polling stations on election day itself. for peace, for goodness, for everything good.
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the members of the election committee, mostly teachers from the neighboring school, know, perhaps, every voter in the district, they work quickly, even the secrecy of voting is observed, a check mark is observed for their candidate, the residents of this high-rise building make sure that no one sees everything, as in in a regular polling station, many come to the polls according to the old tradition, as if it were a holiday, well , russia is a powerful power and we are not afraid of anyone.
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that's it, thank you very much, goodbye, please girls, come, life will be wonderful. according to the members of the commission, early voting, although a new format for them, is taking place in a calm and even kind of routine mode. each house, if you count, takes no more than an hour. we don't have any difficulties. our people are voting very actively, everyone was waiting, everyone was warned, people are actively participating. now we are starting early voting, we actually go to polling stations, along the streets, from house to house and vote. and, of course, the presidential election for residents of a small town is a historical and important event, so
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they celebrate their first vote on a grand scale, taking up a kind of baton from the neighboring one. well, as part of early voting , a large-scale action is taking place on the central square of torez, in which local schoolchildren and students take part, they unfurled the russian tricolor, the flag of the donetsk people's republic republics and together they constitute, in fact, the very symbol of the ongoing elections. well, tomorrow the bulk of voters will come to the polling stations in the donetsk people's republic, as throughout russia, while in front-line cities members of the commissions will act according to the situation, probably coming to people in person, so as not to expose them to life hazard.
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breakthrough to the border territory of the russian federation in the spodaryushino area of ​​the belgorod region. as a result of air strikes , artillery fire, up to 195 military personnel, five tanks, four combat armored vehicles, three ur-77 installations and three engineering vehicles and barriers. and in the special operation zone, the russian military hit the enemy with hail in the avdiivka direction , and the artillery of the center group of troops received the coordinates of the place where the ukrainian nationalists had accumulated. he put forward the calculation. to the firing position and, after a sighting shot, delivered an accurate strike with rockets. the shooting was corrected by a reconnaissance drone, and it was determined that the artillerymen had thwarted an attempt to rotate the armed forces personnel. it is important, considering that in the avdievsky direction, ukrainian nationalists are suffering heavy losses. and in the northern direction, the russian military
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created camouflage for the advance of motorized rifles and armored vehicles during the assault on fsu strongholds. aerosol counter units of the rcbz troops created a smoke screen using thermal smoke machines. the camouflage spreads in a thick layer downwind for several kilometers and lasts up to 4 hours. meanwhile, in the vremev direction, russian units are supported by tankers, the same ones who among the trophies are german leopard tanks, which were once considered invulnerable. the technical features of the t-80 tank also help the crew defeat the enemy. mikhail chernov found out which one exactly. the t-80 tank fires with direct fire, shot after shot, when the ukrainian fortifications in the visibility zone turn out to be many times more accurate and many times more dangerous, having fired quickly, you must quickly leave without stopping fire. here, in the area of ​​staromaisky
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and priyutny on the left flank of the temporary bulge, there are intense battles, tankers suddenly sorties distract. area from a distance of just over a kilometer. quietly getting closer is their signature trick, thanks to silent gas turbine engines, the sound can only be heard from the divider, from the rear of the car, when someone is driving towards those cars from the front or from the side, you can’t hear it, approaching only so let’s say 30-25 meters, you start hear the car, how the car hums,
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whistles. this is the whole advantage of the machine. the crew successfully tried the military trick of quietly approaching and hiding for the first time. during the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, now they use it all the time, tankers knocked out both infantry fighting vehicles and german leopard tanks , the enemy is very afraid, this is especially our vehicle, it seems to be made to last, it does not fail, in general it is a downright reliable vehicle, the enemy hunts down annoying sudden tank raiders as best he can , dropping ammunition from drones at night, they copied and started working, dropping shells from the old rpg7. 10 pieces were thrown off, six hit the car, four were nearby, well, all of our armor was used up, as if minor damage was inflicted on the car, while the risky ones tankers shoot in... visibility from ukrainian positions, self-propelled artillery works carefully and from afar. under the cover of the terrain, acacia self-propelled guns
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dismantle ukrainian fortifications from indirect firing positions. the crew is experienced, they have been fighting together for a year and a half. due to the fact that we now have experience, we hit with the second, third projectile, that is, much better. well, i consider the range to be 18 km, many mine gun crews do not reach it, and this allows us to work for more. the infantry moves forward slowly but surely, forcing the enemy to transfer reserves, which means exposing other directions. mikhail chernov, andrey berdzyanov, dmitry pisarev, ntv, special military operation zone. in
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st. petersburg, fsb operatives detained four men who were members of the banned and recognized extremist organization russian volunteer corps. the suspects poisoned humanitarian cargo to be sent to the northern military district zone, a salamah of heavy metals, and a food shipment. was intended not only for russian fighters, but also for civilians, including residents recently liberated ovdeevka. well, according to experts, there was so much poison in the products that up to a thousand people could end up on hospital coke or even die. in addition, the detainees are suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. details of this story are from yulia oblitsova. these personnel are specially recruited saboteurs. filmed for their handlers from ukrainian intelligence, as proof of a completed task, monstrous and vile, in an improvised laboratory organized in an ordinary garage in st. petersburg, accomplices mix
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a highly toxic chemical into food products , then carefully pack everything into cardboard boxes. according to the guru’s plan, the poisoned food and medicines were to be sent under the guise of humanitarian aid to the northern military district zone, so over the phone the curators give clear instructions to their wards, we love porridge now, you still have sugar. yes, yes, i make sugar and semolina, great, the scale should be industrial, just so you understand, 1 g already causes the body to not work, yeah, you just mixed about four, this amount of poison could be enough to poison several thousand people, the ukrainian neo-nazis were going to stage a terrorist attack against the backdrop of the success of the russian army at the front, the liberation of avdiivka, the attack on the chasyars, the destruction of... american air defense systems. this is not the first time that the kiev authorities have resorted to terrorist methods, trying to strike from the rear. this one, as i understand it, will be suitable for military personnel, right? well, not
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only pregnant women, afghans too. oh, i understand, that is, like, well, civilian, civilian, sort of. in general, our target audience is those comrades who are there, as many people as possible, that is. more people, uh, warmer and more interesting. the fact that humanitarian aid would have been distributed not only among the military, but also among the civilian population, did not worry any of the organizers of the terrorist attack; according to ntv military correspondent ilya ushenin, who is now in the donbass, the consequences of this sabotage would have been catastrophic, the poisoned products could easy to get to the table, including children old people. a very large amount of humanitarian aid is going here to the donbass, here we are, for example, on the eve of the withdrawal, where the temporary accommodation center for evacuees from avdievka is located, there is a lot there...
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everyone will experience acute toxic poisoning, and accordingly they will lose combat effectiveness if we take the civilian population consuming these products, then this is a more terrible picture, because a pregnant woman will accumulate heavy metal salts in her body, and it will have a toxic effect on almost all systems, this can lead to disruption of fetal development, teratogenicity, loss of the fetus, and the death of the mother herself, the toxin is used in industry to carry out the plan and acquire poison, saboteurs...
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military personnel, this was an assignment from the russian volunteer corps rdk, chemical poisonous substance, which contained 20 kg. it is already known that ukrainian curators initially checked recruited adherents of right-wing views for a long time, asking them to perform simple tasks, for example, photograph objects military or fuel and energy infrastructure for subsequent drone attacks, conducted reconnaissance activities of oil refineries. and
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the railway depot , the drone production plant and its owner, at the humanitarian aid point for hispaniola, and then the special executive assistants were given a more responsible task, essentially committing mass murder, they calmly discussed the possible number of victims and future preferences over the phone, i hope , by the way, for this type of topic for the whole thing, you just said about the medal, it’s like your type... or something or from zelensky, so for you to receive a medal from zelensky, we need to sentence 50 people, and for us to sentence 50 people, we need to do a very, very, very much kash, and not so long ago, ukrainian intelligence was already planning mass murders using military poison; in a cache, which showed that a recruited resident of the kherson region found an analogue of a chemical warfare agent widely used by the armies of nato countries, they
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were going to mix taxin. to food in urban areas canteens in melitopol, these plans were also thwarted. criminal cases were opened against the saboteurs detained in st. petersburg. it is known that they were also preparing a series of terrorist attacks using improvised explosive devices. the victims were supposed to be hispaniola volunteers and a number of its leaders. fsb officers are identifying everyone involved in a large-scale crime that was prevented. yulia oblitsova, alena kryukova and konstantin torup, ntv television company. now a short advertisement. without which the development of the country is unthinkable. vladimir putin launched another project, read more, nikita korzun. tinkov bank is about to merge with rosbank, saying that they already have a lot in common. denis talolaev.
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at tenkov insurance, we make life easier by sending pokask for repairs in just one hour. car insurance with cashback up to 30% for tinkov clients. apply for a helmet in the app. tinkov. for different you. one cosmetics magnet. antiperspirants. up to 32%, price, what you need, goal, well, where are you, missed a goal again, frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramping in the groin can be symptoms prostatitis, familiar, it’s time to solve the problem, not avoid it, vitoprost helps relieve inflammation, the cause of symptoms, improves blood microcirculation in the prostate helps reduce recurrent cases, vitoprost because it works, now it will appear, well , what about a card that earns itself,
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debit card. from prombank with a stable income of up to 35%. previously, the temperature in the workshop was the same as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, but now it’s comfortable. don’t get sick and the productivity has improved, but these are now where, in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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at bikfest, a cheeseburger costs 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. in insurance, we make life easier. we issue policies and accept accident claims online. and we pay damages according to osaga in just one day. car insurance with cashback up to 30% for tenkov clients on the osaga form in the application. tenkov. a love story that conquered the world. evgenia.
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rossbank - real opportunities. mask: new season, sunday at 22:00! we selected ripe and juicy ones especially for you, only in five. global village is ripe for your table. pyaterochka helps out. find out your credit score on the compare website or
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app. it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. get on the plus plane. service of apartment solutions from transaction to finishing. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. vladimir putin today launched the construction of two global facilities that will change the lives of millions of russians. speech we are talking about a high-speed railway and a new power unit of the leningrad nuclear power plant. both projects. iconic with huge development potential, but most importantly, they are built using domestic technologies. nikita korzin learned all the details of this large-scale construction project. from moscow to st. petersburg in 2 hours 15 minutes, you don’t
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need to dream about this anymore. the construction of a high-speed highway that will connect the two capitals began today in a solemn atmosphere. vladimir putin gave the go-ahead for the launch of the route. it will pass through the territory of the federal subjects in which about 30 people live. even when we worked in st. petersburg, we dreamed that we would build such a road, but actually , not only we, our leaders dreamed then, anatonovich sobchak, and alekseysevich beshakov, so we actually put together
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a financial scheme now, in your opinion , we remember this, we said, the largest and most expensive pit in st. petersburg on the site of the moscow train station, now under... construction. it is clearly worth taking a closer look at both the industrial and civil highway maps that will pass along territories of moscow, st. petersburg, leningrad, novgorod, tver and moscow regions. the mayor of moscow contacted the president from the new station in zelenograd and said that the new railway
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diameters of the capital were built taking into account the emergence of a high-speed line. serious groundwork has already been made, this makes it possible to start the project itself almost from today. vssm, construction of the vssm, here in zelenograd the station where we are now is a modern complex, it is, in fact, part of the hsr station, which will come and... here is the first stop in moscow, here it will be in zelenograd. construction, the head of russian railways reported to the president, involves a number of unique solutions, such as a bridge across the moscow canal. the central span will be 130 m. it is assembled on the shore, and installation will be carried out from a specially mounted floating support. there is also clarity with the high-speed train. the draft version has already been finalized and the train has been approved; it is an eight-car train that will move at a speed of 400 km/h. another super important one for the development of the economy and industry
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, the event in which vladimir putin took part today was the ceremony of pouring the first concrete at the base of the nuclear island of power unit number 7 of the leningrad nuclear power plant. its launch will improve the energy security of the entire northwestern region of russia. they will provide consumers with more environmentally friendly, clean electricity for years to come. the general director of the state corporation rosatom joined the conversation with the head of state, being in a landmark place for russian science. exactly at the leningrad nuclear power plant in 1973 , the first high-power reactor rbmk-100 was launched, which began to provide the country with electricity. in fact, the replacement of soviet power units dictated the construction of two new ones. the strength and durability of the reactor building depends on the quality of the foundation concreting. we ask for your permission to pour the first concrete of the seventh las power unit. of course i allow it. launch of the seventh power unit in the leningrad region.
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the president set an ambitious goal for the russian economy to reach to fourth place in the world, overtaking japan. this is quite realistic if russia maintains an average gdp growth rate of at least 2% annually, and for this several development paths are proposed. this is an increase in labor productivity, something that was discussed a lot in the message. in conditions of personnel shortages, this is critically important. in addition, only through a high level of labor productivity is it possible to ensure sustainable growth in real wages in the economy, and therefore consumer demand for russian goods and services. next step - further digitalization of the economy, attracting private investment. there is already growth, business is feeling the changes in the economy. but entrepreneurs need guarantees to protect
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their investments. the state plans to increase the share of non-resource imports and encourages small-medium enterprises to more actively enter foreign markets. the government promises to help with holding exhibitions where it will be possible to show off the product and promote its promotion on international marketplaces. how many new enterprises were created last year? there are 1,200 small ones, in my opinion. about one and a half, about one and a half million, somewhere around this one and a half thousand approximately, somewhere in this regard it was unique, we plan to maintain this trend today and... for, but it can only be supported through new tools that we we are now developing it, yes, it really was unique, because we replaced what was previously produced by foreign participants in the economic activity market, we replaced, in my opinion, very worthy, we even
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improved the quality in many areas and the timing supplies to the market, just did a good job, huh? deputy prime minister gollikova reported on national projects dedicated to social problems, healthcare, and support for families with children. by 2030, the average life expectancy in the country should reach 78 years. taking into account the additional budgetary allocations you have identified, by the end of 2030 , more than 4,000 healthcare facilities will be created, including more than 100 emergency rooms in... in interdistrict centers with a population of more than 300,000 people, 450 modular antenatal clinics will be built, more than 10,000 facilities have been renovated and equipped, including 1,500 children's hospitals and perinatal centers, and from
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march 1, doctors in small towns will receive a significant increase in their salaries of up to 50,000 rubles. teachers from the outback will have their payments doubled for... class management. one of the most difficult challenges that russia has faced is ensuring technological sovereignty; it is necessary to create its own machine tools, microelectronic components, build domestic aircraft and ships, develop nuclear energy and petrochemicals. formation full cycle of production of chemical products, for this purpose, by 2030 , about 150 new enterprises will be created, medium and small... building new enterprises in siberia and the far east, of course, not to the detriment of the environment, perhaps it will be more expensive
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than building plant in the european part of the country or in the urals, but the economic effect in the future will be higher, new jobs for...
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would bring concrete results, we are one of the fastest growing regions of the country, for the twenty-third year, we have a gross regional product exceeded 2,300 billion rubles. and industrial growth was good over the past year, and even in 2 months of this year we see 13.5% industrial growth, we are fifth in the country in oil and gas production, third in coal, second in gold and steel for the first time, well, we are not in diamonds ... nikolaev reported that the birth rate is increasing, the population of the republic has exceeded a million people, every fifth family has many children and regional authorities are helping them, for example,
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republican payments have been added to federal maternity capital. actively going relocation of people from emergency housing to new apartments, large social facilities are being built. last year 57 were put into operation, this year another 76 are in line, now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. tinkov bank is about to merge with rosbank, denis talalaev says that they already have a lot in common. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with bonuses. thank you, rbt stores have touching discounts to make comfort
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accessible. after winter i want the power of color, with free tinkov platinum credit card in order to open the season on time, so as not to save, buy right away. stenkov platinum. hurry up to get a credit card. with a bright limited design until the end of march, get free service forever. tenkov. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations for active joints. this is the ecology of the city. this is a contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer,
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the throwing engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest. and get superke. damn every month, and rent for free cash at any atm, not just profitable, alpha profitable! meet spring with wiildberries, pleasure without compromise, a healthy replacement for the usual sweets for children and adults! delicious bars and chocolate without sugar and palm oil from snack fabric with discounts on wildberries! alen, shopping again? gifting! on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, where are you going, i’m picking up my brother, there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger,
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already at the cinema, you can endlessly wait for profitable ones conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank, at 16% per annum, rosbank is a real opportunity. oh, who washed everything so well and didn’t budge? liran dishwasher for 41,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions; it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in sberbank online applications. deposit is the best interest. with prime more profitable. this is the program today. we continue
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our release. major mergers are being prepared in the russian banking market; tenkov and rosbank are merging. further business news, denis talolaev is with us. denis, what is the meaning of such an alliance? both banks are controlled by vladimir potanin, both are already under sanctions, why not merge? today , an event was announced on the russian banking market that stands out even in modern times, when companies are constantly selling something, changing owners, or moving. tenkov-bank may merge into one group with rosbank. in the language of the press release, which quotes the words of the chairman of the board of directors of the tenkov group, alexey malinovsky, it sounds like this: the board of directors of tks holding, the parent structure of tenkov, plans to invite shareholders to consider the integration of rosbank into the tks group. rossbank ranks eleventh in russia in terms of assets, tinkov is twelfth, and both banks are under
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us and eu sanctions, both belong to vladimir potanin. in april twenty-second year, he first bought rosbank from the french group ceneral, and then tinkov bank from the family trust of oleg tenkov, whom the ministry of justice recognized as a foreign agent in february of this year. and there was much more talk about this second deal. that he was forced to sell the bank for pennies, vladimir potanin replied that several hundred million dollars are not pennies. there was also talk that tikov bank, having changed its owner, would soon change its name. and this would seem to be a convenient reason to merge with rosbank. but in senkov already stated that after the merger, both banks will retain their licenses and brands. vladimir putin canceled some provisions of his decree from july last year and thus withdrew. russian assets of the french company danone are out of the control of the federal property management agency, and the statehood of the russian danone occurred a few months after
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the french company announced plans to transfer control of its business in russia. danone has 13 factories here. after they came under the control of the federal property management agency, the minister became the ceo of danone russia agriculture of chechnya, yakub zakriev. perhaps the current decision to withdraw danovno’s russian assets from the subdivision of the federal property management agency is due to the fact that the authorities have finally agreed on a deal to sell these assets. 3 weeks ago, the financial times wrote that danone could sell its russian business to vamin tatarstan. rossimushchestvo was cancelled, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today that this was due to expediency, and the kremlin would not give any other comments.
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investors on the russian stock market continued to take profits today after a lot. the rise in producer prices in the us in february turned out to be higher than expected, and this further reduces the chances of an early reduction in the key rate. in the evening, the dollar began to noticeably rise in price against the euro, this can be seen from their exchange rates against the ruble, the dollar at the end of the auction was 91.72, the euro was 99.80. megafon announced that since the beginning of the year it has prevented approximately 300,000 fraudulent calls involving the substitution of regional and virtual numbers. operators by connecting them to the state system. mobile operator clarifies that it has connected 25 small operators to cloud call verification. number spoofing banks are still popular among scammers. the problem of number spoofing should be solved by the state system, to which all operators are required to connect by march of this year, but not every operator is comfortable
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installing expensive equipment, maintaining it... to provide such an opportunity. megafon avoids these inconveniences by using a cloud connection, and the megafon company says that attackers are looking for more and more ways to contact the victim, for example, use calls through instant messengers with substitution for foreign numbers. russian dealers may soon end the period of discounts on foreign cars, aka chinese cars. all because stocks in warehouses began to decrease, the newspaper kommersant pod writes about this. the demand for cars began to decline, in order to get rid of the cars already received and not spend money on maintaining inventories, importers and dealers began to give discounts, now, as market participants say, distributors heard the pain of dealers and stopped shipping cars, and the chinese new year also helped,
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because of it, supplies from china also decreased. discounts on cars may also disappear because from april 1, dealers expect an increase in prices for cars coming through parallel imports, because new rules for importing from the territory of the ias will come into effect. everything about economics? the discounts haven't ended yet, maybe we'll take them? vladimirich, have you dreamed of a new car? good offer, thanks, but no. public transport works great in moscow and is faster than the traffic jams, tricky. thank you, denis, denis lalaev with economic review. the south of kamchatka was hit by a powerful cyclone today; in some settlements, roofs were torn off, traffic lights were knocked down, poles and garbage containers were even flying through the streets. all this was accompanied by a strong snowstorm. in the capital of the petropavlovsky peninsula, kamchatsky, classes in schools and the university were canceled. flights were delayed at the local airport; several planes were unable to land on the snow-covered airfield. they were sent to alternate airfields. well, now is the time for
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our weather forecast. weather studio irina polikova. irin, should we expect more surprises from the weather? well, such extreme hurricanes are not forecast yet, but excellent weather constancy is predicted in the middle zone. and meteorological spring is a week ahead of schedule. the night frost is very slight, the sun from morning to evening and during the day is pleasant in all respects - 3-6 degrees celsius. and not without reason, we are looking forward to the continuation. the weather situation until the end of the week is extremely stable. with the exception of the extreme south and north-west, all other regions are comfortable. rely under the copal of high atmospheric pressure, so the forecast for the middle zone is simple without precipitation in the daytime up to +7, only on the volga it is cooler by 2-3°. but the northwest and north with the cyclone and northern europe. there is snow in the north, rain in the northwest, and also warm nights with long, positive temperatures during the day, even the clouds are getting higher. in the south, possible rain from the ozovo region to the stavropol region in the caucasus is still almost without precipitation
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and avalanche danger is standard for spring. about capitals by... after a pause, cleanse your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them on ovisol, only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric, and cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. even in warm weather, an ordinary runny nose can turn into sinusitis. treat a runny nose correctly, take orrvis rina tablets from the valar company. orvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. orvis rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. if you have a runny nose or sinusitis, avoid sinusitis and take urvis rina. urvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. urvis rina. don't let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing it. number one for liver cleansing. there is a chance of rain in st. petersburg,
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tomorrow + 7, on saturday even up to 10 degrees. in moscow it’s more modest, but again no precipitation, at night it’s still down to 4 degrees below zero, during the day + 7, bright sun and beyond, in general, it’s a gift week, maslenitsa, well, i won’t talk about that today. these are the main news for this hour right now in the continuation of the historical drama 10 days until spring, and we, elmira fengeyeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
7:59 pm
yes, put the report on the air in 20 minutes , no, do it yourself, yes, definitely put it out, excuse me, but you work on radio, almost on television, is that the main thing? yeah, i have a big request to you, i’m listening to you,
8:00 pm
please tell everyone, a second, yes, i’m writing it down, i’m russian, i’m not hungry, and i don’t smoke.


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