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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 15, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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as in different regions in the central election commission. let's contact them. having announced plans to send several guys to odessa, he turned back again. france will never go on the offensive, will never take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. why is macron seeking attention from european leaders? and just like that, the meeting of the french president with the german chancellor will take place today in berlin. our european correspondent will be following her. with him about expectations,
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the place is kept secret, there are no plans, german the company is going to build several weapons factories in ukraine, and also found a new home, thank you, please, okay, how are you? palestinians evacuated from gas are settling into the chechen republic, about this and not only right now on the ntv program today. studio mikhail chebanenko. hello. voting for the presidential election has started in our country. sites opened at 8 a.m. local time for each region. they will be open until 8:00 pm. for the first time, voting will take place on 3 days, including sunday. presidential elections are the most important political event for our country. they are passing for the eighth time. citizens will have to decide who will lead the state in the next 6 years. this time , russians can not only come to the polling stations, but also vote. and in this way
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more than half a million people have already made their choice; in total , over 4.5 million russians have expressed their desire to cast their vote online. a couple of minutes ago, polling stations opened in the southern regions in the west and north-west and in the european part of the country in moscow, our first voters came to the polls correspondent anton talpa, he gets in direct contact with the studio. anton, good morning , well, in the last broadcast we talked and... there were already people, now they are more active, they come to the polling stations, yes, of course, there are more people, people are coming, in my opinion, there are quite a lot of people here , i just checked the data with the chairman of the election commission at this precinct and they told me that now about 100 people have already voted, and these data are still approximate, since there are also paper ballots, as well as... now members
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of the polling station have gone so that those voters who cannot come to the polling station today can vote. by the way, you said at the beginning of the broadcast that more than half a million people voted electronically, and i can even say that here at the polling station electronic voting is popular, in particular, the sound engineer from my film crew has already managed to vote electronically today.
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contribute your voice to make sure that in our everything was fine in the country, so that our children lived wonderfully, better than us, and i think that now russia is a country of opportunity, but let me remind you that early voting began on february 25, polling stations opened abroad on march 1, but here on voting continues at polling station number 510 and literally... a minute ago, representatives
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of the election commission, together with observers, went to the homes of voters, for this they took with them portable ballot boxes, as well as special complexes for mobile phones.
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said that in this area there is no, the chairman of the election commission , everything is organized a little differently, but i, of course, yes, i’m still going to go vote, put a tick on the ballot, but the fact is that today, when they allocated the filming location, they literally
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sent me to the wrong place , one might say, because i live very close to here, and my polling station is literally one and a half kilometers away. if they had sent me to my polling station, of course, i would have already voted, but otherwise i’ll have to send it after work. voting in moscow, where polling stations they have been working for 2 hours already, but kamchatka and chukotka were traditionally the first to start voting in the country, then the rest of the far eastern regions, elections in siberia are in full swing, ntv correspondents in the regions are monitoring the voting of a large country. there are 11 regions in the far east and in many of them. the first day of elections is already close to completion, we are talking primarily about chekotka and kamchatka, the easternmost regions of the country, where there is one hour left before the polls close. in vladivostok , a public election observation center was launched in the morning, on large monitors in real time; images are displayed here from web cameras that are installed at polling stations
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throughout the primorsky territory; there are more than one and a half thousand of them in the region. today , not only public observers from candidates and parties were able to evaluate the work of the center. these days , a delegation of ten foreign electoral experts from... non-resident students were assigned to university sites in advance through government services, and among them there are residents of the krasnoyarsk territory. how voting is taking place in their homeland, my colleague vlada kopylovskaya will tell you. in krasnodar, the presidential elections opened with the performance of the russian anthem, which could be heard by those who came to vote right at 8 a.m.
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in the arkady gaidar library section. the first people to arrive had to wait in line, though. there is no shortage of polling stations, more than 2 thousand of them have opened in our large region, it’s already a holiday, a birthday, a presidential election, so the whole family is together, so this is a holiday for us. naturally, in the year of the family , the family of the year also votes, the kruglovs, laureates of all-russian competitions, holders of the order of parental glory, there are six sons in the family, the older ones have lectures, so they will vote tomorrow, and the younger ones are not yet old enough, but the family always comes in full force, parents they say citizenship begins in childhood. so he also already knows from such a young age that he needs to go to the polls. vivid footage from sites in buryatia, residents of the village of ulintui rode up to perform their civic duty on horseback. while in siberia
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polling stations were opening, the urals were just waking up, but now i’m already thinking, i can ask my colleague olga zenkova. how is your situation? yes, vlada, all 200. 446 polling stations are open in the sverdlovsk region, of course, the main flow of voters here is expected on weekends, but even today, from the very morning , people go to cast their votes. this is early in the morning, this is a holiday for us, because we choose presidents, we choose our future. we choose the future of our children. electronic voting also started at 8 a.m. do more than 300,000 residents of the region wished to have the choice without leaving home. also during presidential elections, a mobile voter mechanism works, which makes it possible to vote anywhere in the country, regardless of the place of registration. if voters have any questions about the voting procedure, they can be asked by the hotline operator. it was launched at a public observation center. volunteers, lawyers and experts from the public chamber of the sverdlovsk region answer calls. we read all the provisions so that we understand.
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the republics of kherson and zaporozhye regions, everyone who did not manage to receive a russian passport will be able to vote using ukrainian documents. there was also early voting in donbass and novorosiya; according to the central election commission, the turnout was very high. residents are also actively heading to the polls this morning. a few minutes ago , the heads of these regions made their choice. and how voting is going on in russia is monitored live at the central election commission, they have launched a special video wall, and it receives it in real time.
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polling stations where, during over 3 days, more than 112 million people in russia and almost 2 million abroad will be able to vote, at polling station 641. everything has already been cleared, preparations are taking place without any violations, everything is clear and stable.
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well, in the central election commission itself, the working day began with the performance of the national anthem, right at these minutes the head of pomfilova is holding video conferences with colleagues from new regions, representatives of the election commission of the zaporozhye region were the first to get in touch, then colleagues from the kherson region will hold conferences with ella pamfilova. lugansk and donetsk of the people's republics, as you rightly said, a president is being elected in new regions for the first time, a very important moment. in addition, today the central election commission is planning to hold an interesting international conference, it is called: electoral sovereignty and international standards, experts will discuss modern challenges to the national electoral process, the fact that the electoral process in russia is at the highest level, of course, will be confirmed within 3 days of voting international observers. for presidential elections in our country will be observed by 156 thousand people, these include social activists,
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representatives of political parties, of course, foreign observers from 106 states, and this is the very moment of the ceremonial launch of the video wall in the central electoral commission, control over the election procedures, it must be said, is carried out by 90,000 cameras, historical presidential campaign.
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sites were opened, including in places of temporary stay, these are hospitals, sanatoriums, by the way, the most such sites were opened there, 1056, why, then come the ships that are right now floating, 957 polling stations were opened there, voting took place in military units, in places of detention of prisoners. in remote areas, at polar stations, at enterprises, 42 sites were opened at railway stations , airports, uh, well, something like that, eh... everything is clear, lyosh, well, i can’t help but ask, you’re an experienced employee with us, it’s not the first time you’ve worked in elections, you see some differences compared to what happened before, well mish, of course, these are the voting dates, this is the first time there’s been a presidential election pass, 3 days are held, such a scheme is used for the first time, and of course, the development of a remote electronic voting system for
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the current presidential elections is already a well-functioning mechanism; 29 regions can already use dec. applications were accepted from the end of january to march 11, in moscow it is even easier to vote remotely, there was no need to write any applications, so that under high loads the system worked like a clock, special algorithms were created when they try to connect to the system at the same time tens of thousands of moscow voters , the so-called electronic queue is turned on, according to media reports, today in the capital this mode has already been turned on, it allows... the system to work stably, without failures, and of course, the dex is protected from cyber attacks, which has also been repeatedly emphasized, well, finally - who will tell a few more numbers about everything that is happening here in the central election commission and at the polling stations, only 1,447 media representatives are accredited here at the cec information center, in total
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there are more than 12,000 journalists working at the polling stations in russia out of almost 2,500 media outlets, i’m crazy about... at the moment, this is the situation. yes, the main thing is that there is enough space for you all. thank you, alexey prokin, he is monitoring the voting progress from the cycle. well , a few minutes ago a video appeared of how the minister of defense, chief of the general staff of russia, sergei shaigu and valery gerasimov, arrived at one of the polling stations in the southern military district. the military, who are now in the northern military district zone, also made a choice; for their convenience, early voting was also carried out. early bulletins filled with fighters in the front-line areas. polling stations were set up right in the dugouts, despite the special conditions, the process took place in full compliance with election legislation. military personnel who are currently stationed at the khmimim airbase in syria and ships of the pacific and black sea fleets, as well as those performing tasks in hard-to-reach territories, for example, in the arctic archipelagos, also voted early. the ministry of defense
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emphasized that these elections are especially important for the military, since the president is supreme commander in chief. in other news: in the zone of a special military operation in the severodonetsk direction , su-25 attack aircraft attacked strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, fired with unguided missiles, all targets were destroyed, the pilots returned to base without losses. in the southern donetsk direction , anti-aircraft gunners from primorye destroyed drones that threatened the advance of the vostok group fighters. the tor m1 missile system operates successfully here. in the rabotina area, this is already the zaporozhye region, military personnel of the dnepr group did not give the nationalists brought their reserves to the line of contact, the enemy’s movements were tracked by reconnaissance copters, and the attack was carried out by artillery. but in the donetsk direction, there kiev lost a tank,
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a mortar crew of a d-20 gun, the targets were eliminated by artillerymen of the southern group using high-precision guns. in europe today, attention is focused on the upcoming meeting of the leaders of france and germany. macron will head to berlin, the main topic of the conversation, which the prime minister of poland will join, will be the issue of support for kiev, as politics writes, the goal negotiations - to resolve differences and send a new signal of unity, but the west does not believe that the leaders really want to reach an agreement. sergei kholoshevsky will monitor the negotiations. contact us directly. sergey, it turns out that there is no agreement among the comrades? yes, misha, well, the so-called weymore triangle, a half-forgotten political union that includes poland, france and germany, is now bursting at the seams and today emmanuel macron and polish prime minister donald tusk will fly here to berlin in order to at least somehow
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try to save him. first, the french president and the german chancellor, olaf scholz, will hold a bilateral meeting. then a pole will join them, in general, the weimar triangle is a political project in poland, with the help of which warsaw wanted to raise its authority on the european political scene. polish prime minister donald tusk flew to france in february and met with macron, but this whole idea was in jeopardy due to the conflict between berlin and paris over the issue of ukraine. in this trio , the poles and the french are for the war to the last ukrainian, and scholz is cautious. it came to personal attacks, macron accused the german chancellor of a lack of courage and ambition, as the western press writes, the purpose of today's negotiations is to resolve differences. a signal of unity, a quarrel between france and germany, as they fear here, should not be beneficial to vladimir putin. on the other hand, scholz is under enormous pressure within
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germany, especially regarding the supply of taurus missiles. the day before, the bundestag voted against the cdu-csu project on missile supplies. here as the bundestagat member spoke about it emotionally. you've all gone crazy. the whole world except the german political bubble. knows that ukraine cannot win this war. taurus wouldn't change a thing about this. the only thing that would change is that germany, thereby in the eyes of russia , would definitely become a belligerent party. it is unknown how long scholz will hold out; today he will be pushed through by emmanuel macron, who has become too militant. and then the pole will join in processing the german. so let's see how today's ends negotiation. misha. yes, sergey, thank you, sergey khalashevsky was in touch from berlin. and before his trip to berlin, macron gave an interview to local television channels. in a conversation, the french president tried to fight off the wave of criticism that hit him after announcing the
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possible dispatch of western troops to the conflict zone. according to the leader, the fifth republic will never take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. and besides, he admitted the obvious, the french defense industry is not ready for a high-intensity conflict. elizabeth gerson listened to macron's statement. the lemon newspaper compares macron to a bird, not a crowing one, but a boiling dove that has turned into a hawk. under this headline, the newspaper reports that on february 21, at a reception at the elysee palace, macron, with a glass of whiskey in his hand, announced that he was going to send several guys to odessa this year. 5 days after this, the president of france gathered the heads of twenty european states. to the question, will the french military be sent to ukraine?
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that macron will call nuclear weapons on their heads
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blow, they are afraid that it will completely destroy the unity of the european union and nato, against the backdrop of negative statements about the possibility of sending troops from germany and a number of other european countries that are more adequate than estonia. the french suspect macron is simply trying to score points for his party. before the elections to the european parliament or to distract farmers, to distract farmers from problems in their garden beds with the coming war. macron also tried to blame all the problems of his domestic politics on moscow, along with heaps of manure in french cities. he stated that the ukrainian counteroffensive was not going as expected, that is, not as he would like. at the same time , he answered the main direct question about the possibility of sending troops as follows. under what specific conditions do soldiers. will the french army fight in ukraine, when will the russian army make a decisive breakthrough at the front, or when will it receive the key to odessa? france will never go on the offensive, will never
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take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. france is a force for peace. in short, the only clear promise regarding sending not troops, but several guys, was said not on camera, but privately, with a glass in hand, almost a month ago. what kind of guys are these, the french are worried, the funny elena guys from the series of macron’s youth, but the president, answering clarifying questions, julit: to go to russia alone, he’s worried even just in words, so today he’s holding another meeting with scholz and tusk, clearly egging him on these guys to your company. macron is even afraid to go to kiev alone after the russian armed forces attacked a high-precision missile strike on a hangar in odessa, not far from zelensky’s motorcade. greek prime minister mitsatakis. the elysee palace took this information very seriously at the time, and macron rescheduled his visit. now he is going to ukraine not alone, with
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the heads of the baltic countries. up to 3 billion euros per year, the company’s management announced this at its annual report. in addition, rain metal boasted of an increase in annual revenue and quote: the special benefit that the conflict in ukraine brought. the kremlin has repeatedly stated that any ammunition and the equipment that the west supplies to kiev will become a legitimate target for russia; pumping the country up with weapons does not help resolve the conflict. now we will take a break for a short advertisement and in a couple of minutes we will talk about
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today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today. our release continues. in the gaza strip, civilians who were queuing for humanitarian aid were again attacked. eyewitnesses said it sounded like tank or artillery fire. as a result, at least 20 people were killed and 155 were injured. the data is provided by the local ministry of health. responsibility for what happened israeli military, the defense army of the jewish state called the messages false and stated that they had begun an investigation. the first such incident occurred in gaza on february 29, when the shooting killed more than 100 people and injured more than 700. meanwhile, refugees from the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, who were accepted by russian regions, are establishing their peaceful lives. a quarter of those who came to
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the chechen republic already for... work, but soon people will have their own housing. now in the republic they are building apartment buildings. fatima dadaeva met with displaced people.
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russia is not a foreign country for gas evacuees, many studied here and have dual citizenship, this is my homeland, so it’s probably easier for me to overcome, i don’t have a language barrier, of course, i don’t know the chechen language, but they promised to teach me , there are many people who want to work among forced migrants, the problem is ignorance of the russian language,
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okay, brother, sister, how are you, and how are you? a cottage community, five apartment buildings are being built in grozny for palestinians refugees, there is a school and a kindergarten nearby, by the end of spring 35 families will move here, which means almost 200 people will finally find non-temporary housing, a real home. fatima dadaeva, tamir khadzhiev, alya kutulov, north caucasus bureau, ntv, grozny. chechen republic. i have everything for this minute. mikhail chabadenko was with you. stay on ntv. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. only in
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i’ll start with these last two points: the rains will stop , the air will begin to warm up in the rostov region, in the crimea, in the ozovo region, the temperature will rise to 8:13 , in the kuban it is still 10-15, and the caucasus will remain as precipitation, only there the daytime temperature will immediately be there. will sink, in the arkhangelsk region, in the koma republic it will be warmer the required eight degrees, precipitation there is mainly in the form of sleet with rain, in the north-west, despite light rains , it is also warm, and not only during the day, but also at night , as much as +5-10, about the same during the day and in the center, a little lower in the volga region, but the rest is completely different, instead of a cloudy sky it’s cloudless and there’s a slight minus at night so that the daytime streams have time to dry out a little, in st. petersburg tomorrow with rain and +8-10, in moscow +7 +8, sun, that was the weather forecast in a country on which the sun never sets, only here, in the largest country world, an online bank could appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients, tinkov.


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