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tv   10 dnei do vesni  NTV  March 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:11pm MSK

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no one is answering the phone, you came to us with an ultimatum, did you take the oath in the soviet union? well, i accepted it, so what?
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so, son, we came to ask.
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most likely they will begin to attack immediately. don’t panic, your main task is to keep in line, it’s clear, sorry, dasha, sorry , you’d better stand aside, or better yet go home, i can’t, son, my mother-in-law is not on this train, so i’m thinking about how she won’t get killed , how many will begin, just like how old she is, so the anniversary. the flogger is going, tomorrow
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he’ll exchange the second hundred, we won’t let your mother-in-law be offended, but you’d better stand aside, just stand aside , well, yes, like a sin, they wanted to kill the night under guard, lord, who’s still the same, brisk, damn right-handed, attention, passengers, ambulance, number 2
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lord, what is this, yeroida, yeroida ilinichna, i’m here because you ’re greeting me like this. and is this all with you? lord,
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glory, god, welcome, and it turns out that you are truly dear? there was only one train, one was small, but it was full, there were tons of people, they were all lads, some with sticks, some with guns, and then they all got off near melitopol, why are you standing there? come on, take your suitcase, come on, let me help, what are you doing, come on, come on, sales ul, sales, what have you forgotten? kolya, it's all over, it's all over, this is all, this is all, all is well.
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styopa, styopa, take it easy, control yourself, better explain what kind of crap is going on, where the promised people are, why the hell am i making faces, or don’t you know that they are looking for me here with lanterns, stupa, information has come that they will be met, here let's get off, we have to wait, wait.
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well, we drove off, found a car, but it was nearby, behind the market, and we drove, so what, yes nothing, they don’t want to accept sentences, what are we going to do? our task is to just stand here, block the unit, don’t fall for provocations, don’t use weapons. maybe we can stand at the gate? in fact,
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we need to gather the officers and immediately issue them weapons. don't get too excited, i signed this without any orders. i won’t, well then get an order, give an order, and do at least something, not this, not that, everything is not the same, we need to raise the military, not all of them are ready to go under the russians, not all of them, the info is reliable, yeah, so we’ll find out everything about it now. command composition, who, where, when and with whom served before? let's do it, let's do it. great.
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good afternoon, greetings, what kind of posts do you have here? and where are the traffic cops? do you have the right to stop cars? we have, can we see the documents? please thanks. from kherson, yes from kherson, to kryn, that my relatives live here, and this is also
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a relative, but no, that’s true, the guys asked for a ride. floor, quickly came out, came out, hands, head on the floor, hands, leonid markovich, don’t scare me, how many authorities have we already survived, and we’ll survive the russian one, i decided to change my shoes in the air, i’m ready to lick the russians’ heels, yes, my business is small, i’m not a revolutionary, i’m a journalist, whatever they say to cover, we’ll cover , so cover how the heroic units of the armed forces of ukraine do not surrender. and they desperately resist , and they resist, we all resist, until
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we eat you, and what’s there, you know, i hope you understand what will happen to you, your people , if these pieces of paper end up in the fsb.
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before our eyes, another military unit was surrendered without a fight. it is quite obvious that the ukrainian the military is not going to fight, and representatives of the self-defense and russian special services behave politely and do not enter into conflict. as you can see, no one shoots, no one arrests anyone. so the rat is running away, what are we going to film? where are the heroic defenders? okay, now i’m taking pictures of the texture, then say a few words, we’ll leave from here.
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i remind you that each of you swore an oath of allegiance to ukraine, and there can only be one oath for life. and now, when the enemy is at the gate, and he’s right. thoughts at our gates, any vacillation, and especially switching sides enemy will be regarded as desertion and treason, and this is subject to a military tribunal. yes , they screwed up, new faces of ukrainian
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television, where is the material, what was there to talk about, what to comment on, about how our defenders lowered their flag themselves? so, you take the camera and quickly feodosia, and what’s there? and there are real defenders, there is a formidable fortress. why are we sitting? let's! let's go, let's go, vadima, remember who you are going to fight with, with me, with my brothers, don't, you can't support at least not shame, why did you come here at all, or did they ask, no, i myself, just tell me, what are you trying to achieve, blood? here in crimea, on our land, but precisely on ours, they came here,
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why did they come with weapons, who should have come, the right sector, well, it’s not evening yet, they will come and slaughter only for speaking the wrong language , don't go too far, okay. that's it, natasha, go home!
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with the ministry of internal affairs, thank god, they decided everything, otherwise there would have been nowhere to put these handsome men, you found a place, well, in general, yes, like a son, they operated on him, the condition is consistently serious, it’s clear, yes, i i didn’t thank you at all, you saved my life, thank you. what else did you want to say? samovorona is now blocking military units , yes, i heard about feodosia, it’s not easy there, yes, they were more than stubborn, i heard that you have a relative serving there, vadim, the deputy commander, maybe you’ll talk to him, we have a lot of blood here there’s no point,
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any spark can flare up, you know, i’ll try the task, i understand, well, okay, yeah. genergy fsint motor oil represents the source of my victories in the way you prepare for the race, keeping yourself and your car at their peak. genergy fsink motor oil is intelligently formulated with targeted additives to protect your vehicle. genergy keep your engine in shape. this is a new and already your favorite show “stars”. yes!
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we will not just make money with him, we will win an oscar with him. thanks bro! from the heart, we blacks should be together, understand? stars with azamat musagaliev. what the hell don't you give a fuck, you naughty guy? prohar, what the hell? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? chair? she does the splits. all the time, her first in i’ll bury you in a triangular coffin. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence. new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. you can
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farms. do you often have to go to the toilet? cystitis always goes in the wrong direction. tell cystitis cyston. natural components against cestitis, cestitis, i say, ceston, central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, when i got to the hall, i didn’t i remember, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, i don’t understand how you can do this, i started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s called prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once. than hearing 100 times what you think works? what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take it,
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counterfeits and overpayments. call to order at free manufacturer line and get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up, try prostatric gold. premiere tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. on march 17, russia is in the home stretch of the presidential election. the voice of each of us determines the fate of the country. we will watch the voting results with you live. the latest numbers from polling stations and the first comments from the candidates. we'll see data about each ballot flow into the center electoral commission we will show how regions that elect a president for the first time vote. and how do those who defend the country on the front line make a choice? and, of course, we will discuss what this day means for russia and the world. let's sum up the results of the russian presidential elections on sunday
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evening, together on ntv. it's just for passengers to ride here. i came for my brother. call sign passenger, already at the cinema. colonel pilipenko, i’m listening, let’s talk, well, let’s talk, wait, lyokha andreev, uh-huh, so i served with him, for a short time, back during the union, and you, the second chechen. where is he now? yes, everything is fine, it works. well, fine, if it's good. and here?
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how will it be? it’s okay, everything will be fine, you hand over the part, we, for our part, guarantee complete safety. anyone who wants to stay in crimea and serve for the good of russia is welcome. anyone who wants to return to the territory of ukraine is welcome. we eat food, we smoke water, we bake. you just don’t make any sudden movements. we don’t want blood, neither do we, but there will be no surrender, we’ll turn towards the unit’s territory and open fire, i swore an oath to the soviet union. and then ukraine, if i will take the oath for the third time, how will they treat me? tigeran buri,
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storm at the reception, do not negotiate, are ready to resist. got it, preparedness is number one. i understood readiness number one.
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we are working on the third and fourth windows, the passage to the armory, there is a window, drive them away from the window with rocket launchers so as not to catch anyone, they wanted crimea, now i’ll give you the crimea, bitch.
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the weapons room is under fire, amurdegiran, the barracks room is blocked, we are working.
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face down, stop resisting, face to the floor, hands behind your back, control, there is control, inspection finished, control, next, inspection
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finished, control, next, inspection finished, control, inspection finished, control, now, now, now, now, now, help pack, guys, help. don’t take it off, look, it’s a contribution! well, what are you planning
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to film, but dmitry sanovich, the idiot understands you. well, where are you going, i’m taking him to you , let’s not do anything on our own, so that everything is according to the law, you’re taking him to the local police, let them register him, in the sense of the local police, then he will be released from there from the station in 4 hours, i’ll personally head him then i’ll unscrew it and bury the body somewhere, i ’ll do that, all lights out,
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breaking news from feodosia, as eyewitnesses report, a russian flag has been raised over another military unit in ukraine. operational footage from the scene.
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no, what are you guys talking about, i'm sorry, wait, but you really have something to say, time, time, so quickly elbows off the table, oh, uncle kolya, no. i probably have to say something important, call for something, i’m honestly not strong, i only know that everyone has the right to speak their native language, tatar, ukrainian, my language is russian, because
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i am a russian person who gives, and to refuse this is like abandoning my family, my father, my grandfather, who defended and liberated sevastopol. you know, for the last week i have been living with the feeling that the peace and freedom of crimea depends on me personally, well, on me personally, every friend, colleague, and every crimean i meet lives with this feeling. crimea is a part of us, it is our home, our land, where we... were born, where our children were born and raised, and since this is our home, we decide how to live in this house, and we cannot allow people to be killed in our house just because they want to be
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themselves, i promise you that the maidan will not happen again here, no matter what provocations they prepare for us, so they say, the russians have come, and the russians are here.. .were and will be, well, because here you and i are, we are russians, when i was there on the maidan, most of the people i met, they, they were russians too, just for some reason they forgot about it, and we we don't want to forget.
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let me introduce you to the hero of my novel. evgeniy, i'm glad to see you. tatiana. anegin, already at the cinema. update and renew yourself with a big spring sale at the megamarket, buy an aquaphor filter jug ​​for only 500 rubles. in short, the main thing for us is that the mountains , the sea, let's go to the beach, hey, gentlemen, rescuers, are you on duty at all, or where, what beach, the sea, where are you going, it's dangerous, you have a non-maryan depression, you won't get lost, mountains, well, yes , cool idea. just lower it down one gorge, our fate is like this, forward and fire,
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let’s go, the ministry of emergency situations is working, why do you know how to work filipok? all that was left was copper pipes get through, they can do anything, children are not afraid of anyone, heard, heard, the long-awaited continuation of their favorite series, captain, no one but us, 5 minutes of silence, new season. good work from monday at 20:00 on ntv. pritorian, premieres from monday at 22:10 on ntv. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. presenting possibilities, all methods
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season, sunday at 22:00 on ntv . so, petya is fluffy, the tick is thin, katenka and vanik are colored, there are different pancakes, doctor bakers alone, doctor bakers, prepare love.
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i need to go to the base. to what base? have you seen yourself?
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take him away, well, let’s let the boys go, khrishchenko, are you a smart guy or a bad one, and what happens immediately? that’s bad, they didn’t do anything , they’ll do this, they were going to shoot at people, yes, i’m listening, when, who, striker, bring your
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striker, we’ll accept it. well, in the morning they will bring another one to these, leonid markovich, grishchenko, is there any news?
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vazi arrived, alive
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, why are we standing, let's go, you 're looking at... now, like when, well, like the day when seryoga and i signed up for berkut, they gave us a uniform, a brand new one, and you go, you still have there was a dress, a skirt with a slit, don’t you remember, well, it had buttons, i’m telling you, but seryogo and i signed up for berku, what are you saying? she came up, touched the chevron and said, well, well, let’s go, i
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haven’t gone far, but i wouldn’t let you go far, and don’t let go, i won’t let you go, answer, i’m not going anywhere now anyway. take it, take it, yes, alsanovich, what? i understand, i will, what happened? kohl, what happened?
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ran away, good afternoon, what’s sour, this is the first time you’re going to film a rally, stay away from the crowd, don’t get into trouble, although what am i teaching you, you survived on the maidan, or zhilina led you by the hand, but what? like on the maidan everything could be for a ukrainian rally under russian machine guns, you know, yes i understand, well done, work hard, but you have a lot of your own here that you decided to fly at them, something doesn’t seem right here anyway? first for the russians, that’s why we’re losing the crimea on all fronts, and
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that’s brazza, i’ll gnaw on the russians with my teeth, i won’t water mine, on the maidan, who was shot at, asked, the axis is also asked here, only... i’m a sister on the maidan died, you want to say that it was me, some kind of poishost of that, but well, yours is from here, huh?
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i had such a beast in my hands, i left, that’s it ok, you did everything right, i’m more interested in the arrows, there are 5 hours before the rally, we just won’t have time to figure them out, but i ’m sure that the striker is somehow connected with this story, we’ll find him, we’ll find the shooters, and where we’ll look this striker? what about grisha? i’m still unconscious, it’s a pity, then we’ll continue to work, it’s the 21st century, but there’s no tomograph in the city hospital, what will you
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see on the x-ray here? still, you saved him, andrei grigorievich, despite our field conditions, i would not rush to conclusions, third it’s only been a day since the operation, complications, fluid leaks, infection cannot be ruled out, we cannot fully predict the neurological outcome, and it’s hard to say where the location is. yes, the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, and strive further to get more. and we have something to offer them. bks, the world of investments. don’t twitch the coder, i understand, the boss, where did he get such manners from, what he did, he threw out of the car the wrong person whom others would have liked. yesterday i also managed to make a nose
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the austrian envoy to defeat. i already want it. without me, the russian guard, honestly, i covered you from the brain to the bones, and not an office cat, but a typical garbage cat, here in st. petersburg, i can defend you, i’m sorry, i can’t, but hide vyborg for the time being, there is such an opportunity, the watering captain, yours has arrived orders, once we meet, i want to believe, we’ll work together, place a brutal cop with an alpha male, he walked into the office, i immediately wanted to know where he even came from, what’s the difference, you still have to take him down anyway, that’s cool you start, andrey. while there will be problems with a capital letter, if the wheelbarrow was burned, it means that the yunesovskys could not have done without, who is this and what is it i do not collect tribute from all over, big business, medium business, but if the field captain gets in the way, then excuse me,
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pritorian, premiere from monday. 22:10 on ntv. stars. premiere. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. five percent gelnak akas in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. lorathricin can soften even severe pain helps treat a sore throat. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. when you want color power, you can. save up, buy immediately with a free tenkov platinum credit card. hurry up to get a tenkov platinum credit card with a bright, limited design before the end of march. and get free service forever. tinkov. one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops. nowadays prices for flowers are such that it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone. for example, honor x8 b with a benefit of 7.0 rubles. only in a megaphone. open on services, first deposit with
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calcium when... the consequences of its deficiency. calcium detrinic for healthy hair, nails and teeth. strengthened forte formula for long-lasting activity. calcium for bone formation during childhood growth. calcium d3 nekomet, when you need calcium, there is an answer. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can ask for time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank, at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. neighbor, igor lifanov, i can’t leave you for a minute. 5 minutes of silence, new season, thank you, rescuer, contact me, or don’t contact me, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. so, petya is plump, the tick is thin,
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katenka and vadik are colored, pancakes come in different varieties. dr. bakers alone, dr. bakers, cooking. boy! get up, get up, sonya,
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andrei grigorievich, zhilin is there, consciousness is coming, hemodynamics have been stabilized, yes, all day. stable, we remove the sedation, let him wake up, then extubate, please , but the friendship train never arrived, although we were ready to welcome them cordially, the separatists were afraid that the heroes of the maidan would come here to them from ukraine to protect the integrity of their country, and that what the separatists did was they gathered all these so-called peaceful people onto the platform of the railway station. but these people turned out to be not peaceful citizens, but inveterate scumbags, ready to kill, dash, grisha woke up, i’m telling you, he’s not in kiev
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there were nazis and there were no friendship trains, he is completely oriented in his mind, but i want to warn you, he underwent a complex operation, was in sedation for a long time, so peace is very important to him, andryukh, well, himself... grishka, you saved me, can to say, he caught my bullet. hero, grin, just on this, before nothing is over, you understand, brisk, he is a wolf,
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an animal, a sack, wait, and he will continue to cut and kill, but help us find him. well, maybe you remembered something, the address, the street, what the house looks like, drink, drink, give me some water, kolya, i asked, andryukh , i left here, come on, that's it, that's it, breathe, calmly, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, if why am i doing this now, and he just came into you, you’re interrogating him, you’re a father element,
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after all, dasha, well, at least don’t start, huh? i don’t know anything, they pulled the bag over my head and they brought it in a very short time , they brought it, okay, where they brought it, i don’t know, it’s like a cage. yes, a bastard, but what exactly, a school, a boarding house, a factory, what? maybe a boarding house, maybe a factory, or a sick leave for school, it’s clear, kolya, like grishka, is not i came here, i came, and congratulations, well , we talked, we talked, it’s clear, but this one keeps walking in circles, or he really doesn’t know anything.
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i don’t know, moms, so we’ll look for a boarding house, rest, comrades, hello. maybe we should talk?
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great, come on in, meet my wife, natalya, my colleague in iraq, stepan, boyka. natalya, think about some kind of snack there, but here there are not many abandoned places, we worked them all out during training in the summer, further outside the city there are only sanatoriums by the sea, firstly it’s far away, and secondly, it’s by the sea surely everything was alive. there are few abandoned places,
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it seems to me that they are either here or here, are there any loyal people with an army combat background? you can collect it, oh, vadim, can i have you for a minute.
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yes, natar, what, talk louder, it’s hard to hear you, what? what? boyka showed up. hello, seryoga, boyka showed up, listen to me carefully, pack your outfit and go to natasha’s house, you know where my sister lives, don’t do anything without me, come on! well, who did you call, who did you let into the house, he was the one who shot grishka, great, here you go, thank you,
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there was no movement, it’s quiet so far, i’ll go first. come on, kolya, he's gone, gone, long gone, mish, lights out! are you safe, is everything okay? yes, well, don’t interrupt yourself, it’s all over, so, vadim, where might your servant be, do you have a guess? i didn’t know, kolya, i actually
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saw him for the first time, what did he want? came, why? clearly, he called you under his bandar banners. yeah, i agree, you had time, no, i’d like to believe, there’s nothing left before the rally, we’re moving out, the ultas are already getting ready, the rest of the press will soon catch up.
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dash, hi, i'll wait in the car, well, hi, not like that now, sorry.


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