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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  March 16, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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wow, dear mom, i’m sleeping here, i immediately say, and we got here, as i said, suddenly there’s a huge tv, so here’s a huge tv, i’m telling you, suddenly there’s a huge sofa, son, well, dad will be watching skiing here racing and football, no, what, what in general, we also have a balcony, i have a french one, it’s in our color, i understand, i understand, okay. so pink and in general mulya
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keep his brand and what’s more, he fits so well, well, i want to go there, please, olya, please, oh, how many shelves, so, this is a camera, a camera refrigerator, there's a freezer here, come in, hurray , i found vasa at home, it was my dream, we now have clean water, yes, we have a purification system, right? and there’s a chopper , a chopper, what a delight, thank you very much, and what a teapot, look, in general, it’s simple, well, now we’re going to bake mosaru, listen, that’s right, here we’ll eat, look out the window, and you can cook, look out the window, it’s so lovely, the tiles on the floor are interesting, the floor is very beautiful,
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i’ve had 5 months of experience just with a cat i tore off all the chairs , you can’t do this anymore, you have anti-mandal chairs, fantastic, so please give me fresh grapefruit, and please give me pasta from carbanala, pasta from carbanala, no from balanese, i remember in our kitchen you drank coffee, yes yes, now you can have a drink.
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now it’s not necessary, because everything will fall down, that is , we now have space for the whole family, all of them have such good solid legs, and several dreams have come true for me, these are floor-to-ceiling windows, and also a light sofa, we love light sofas so much and he's just amazing, i really like him. the fact that the kitchen is so big, now it’s very spacious, i understand that this is my place of relaxation, i’ll relax here, close myself off from everyone, enjoy skiing, it’s very beautiful, but if you go outside, it seems like it’s usually dim apartment, you come here , there’s a lot of light and it’s cozy, but what does artyom say , what i liked, i liked it, the huge tv, of course, and me... how
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they move away by pressing, in my opinion, now this will be the most favorite room, because it the room now evokes such peace of mind, such a tranquility, you want a family viewing, sit on the sofas, watch tv, drink a cup of coffee, a place of attraction, even yes, even this balcony with a french window, it fits in here to such an extent, in general , you like everything, yes, yes? well, great, well, great, this is the best reward for us, and therefore for you, moscow, lubyanka, january 1980, the headquarters of the kgb of the ussr, an encrypted message comes from...
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the third floor of andropovo’s office, exactly here, the main building of the state security committee, it was on this table that day that very encryption with a presentation for state awards lay, only a very narrow circle of initiates knew, in secret correspondence with the stations, comrade sviridov, the personal operational pseudonym of the chairman of the kgb of the ussr yuri andropov. the hero in a special operation was revealed by fighters of the secret zenit detachment. the first to be nominated for the highest awards of the soviet union was colonel grigory ivanovich boyarinov. against his last name in parentheses there was a note “post-death”. the hidden meaning of this the secret message was then understood only
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by a few senior state security officers. for the successful conduct of an operation of unprecedented complexity, teachers and graduates of a top secret unit, encrypted in the acronym kuos, advanced training courses for officers of the kgb, ussr were presented with military awards, including the title of hero of the soviet union. today, for the first time, we have a unique opportunity to reveal all the unknown details of the agate thunder operation, to name the true names of its direct participants to tell about how their real destinies turned out to begin the story. follows the mysterious abbreviation koos. koos first of all needs to understand what it is, units. within the framework of the kgbssr there were many different ones, there was special forces, but it was a special special forces, it was in general a group, a special, special-purpose group that was supposed to be engaged in combat reconnaissance and sabotage work, that is, work including or for work on
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enemy territory in the event of a corresponding threat or in the event of the beginning war work in the deep rear.
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march 19, 1960. i was sent to work by the moscow department of the design bureau, to the second service, to the third department, this is the field department, and there i worked in the field department for about a year and a half, probably, and then i was transferred to the sixth service, this is already security.
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you’ll arrive by plane, you’ll fly to domadedova, you’ll get off, you’ll get to moscow, you’ll get there by train - like the partisan train, you’ll get off on the partisan train, you’ll get on. there will be a fence in moscow, there will be an organization where i should arrive, not at the exit, you reach it on the left side along the way from skip the central television the first information show about the events and people of the week erdogan is trying to persuade ukraine to negotiate peace, and the pope calls on kiev to raise the white flag, when do you see what you are suffering?
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a bus towards balashikh near moscow. so i also arrived, the plane arrived. zhukovsky, the airport, i didn’t accept anything here, until we got back and forth to i, to izmalovsky park, there are no buses, only the twentieth one, and i inquired where he was going, he was going to ivanovsky, well, i got off the bus on the way to ivanovsky , it’s still one in the morning and hello, and i’m alone, the taxi doesn’t stop, i went up to the policeman, he... nom, who was standing on the road, asked to restore the taxi , showed his id, he stopped the taxi, i got there, got out, went in, wrong way i got caught, the union of stupidity, well, the entrance is open, that’s it, i’m coming in, there are vestibules, the lights are on, a woman is sitting, knitting, there are hangers hanging empty, she knocked, she comes up, says, here is a military unit,
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she says, no, a little further, well, i’m walking further, there’s a fence like that, wire, only there’s no wire here ,
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there, yes, but they had never been in the mountains, mountain training, water training , scuba diving, anything, that is, to put it in simple terms, they were preparing in koos for superhumans, yes, yes, superpeople with superpowers, which koos prepared were supposed to form a special reserve in case war, it was assumed that... these groups would operate deep behind enemy lines. the task of creating and training these groups had to be carried out in conditions of the utmost secrecy. advanced training courses for officers. this top-secret direction was supervised by the highest professionals in their field and
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represented a highly complex training system that would make our operatives. there were probably subjects ranging from operational training there, to physical training there, to special training there airborne training, which means fire training, combat with different types of weapons, and hand-to-hand combat, well, many others, during these seven months, it means that the student
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studied in these courses and came out as a semi-finished product or a ready-made one, which means an expert in this. .. special activities, then they returned everything to its place. baloshikha near moscow - 25th kilometer of the gorky highway, here it is, that same fence and the legendary checkpoint at the checkpoint, a secret facility that the security officers called that among themselves, the twenty-fifth kilometer. here, in in the shortest possible time, a superbly equipped training base was equipped for the training of professional saboteurs. during the great patriotic war , a special purpose school was located here. sean, where they trained scouts for subsequent deployment behind enemy lines. it was here that the evil kosmodemyanskaya took a crash course for two weeks. trained by the famous.
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school or today's svr academy, here is its history, it also originates from this object, on the basis of this school, on the basis of this 10 first intelligence school was organized advanced training courses for officers. the courses were operationally subordinate to intelligence; in order to disguise the object , a number of educational units of the higher school of the kgb of the ussr were located on the same territory. they forced freshmen in order to accustom them to military discipline and improve their physical fitness, no one knew, well , people studied, and then
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we came to this base, there were just students, and even if among them there were listeners, among them there were military uniform, in different uniforms, these are representatives of a special cause, as it were representatives of the army counter-insurgency. what impressed me when i entered the territory was the amazingly tidy lighting area, everything was cleared, everything was marked out as if on a ruler,
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the height of these snowdrifts was the same, everywhere, so to speak, a soldier was walking in front, i followed him, i was walking, we approached, there was a large building, wooden, there is a two-story building, he says , this is it, we go inside, there is another fighter there, he says, well, settle down, this fighter has gone to the one where you will live, i... i say, what can you choose? he says, yes, choose, i say who has arrived, there is no one yet, well, i the first one, i say, maybe on the second floor, yes , he takes it, bends down, rolls it up, the mattress , twists it, he threw a pillow there, all the accessories, towels, just not , a duvet cover, blankets, everything, he put it on his shoulder, i go up ahead, he follows me next comes, fighter, here, i’m walking straight, i think i’ll go straight, the straight road is...
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cold, i went down to the second floor, i went down to the first floor, too , it was cold , it was also cold, but there was never hot water there, right there accustomed, so to speak, to a normal state of being. chief the facility was appointed head of kuos, candidate of military sciences, front-line soldier, colonel grigory ivanovich boyarinov, a living legend and indisputable authority for all soldiers of the invisible front, as the head of advanced training courses for officers. was grigory ivanovich boyarina, this man began to fight in the forty-first year, personally knocked out a tank, was awarded, then ran
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a sniper school, was engaged in the most difficult work of identifying and eliminating saboteurs, who were thrown into our territory in large numbers, so he was exactly a specialist in intelligence and counterintelligence activities, that is , he combined, let’s say
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, two main ones... he knew what to demand from us, what he should give, which commander? everything was at such a good working level, he treated his subordinates with great respect and appreciated our workload, and there was always rest, and the boy, everything was like my own father, they thought so, this is a real committee member of the kgb, my own father, that’s how i would called him, he was a professional,
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create studies, classes, field work, so to speak, so we will shoot and blow up everything , so to speak, this whole economy, study objects , various structures, everything as it should be, he considered the first lecture, in it he, in this lecture, he outlined to us the military doctrine in full, so to speak, its beauty and greatness, it became clear to us that in the event of war we would be commanders or deputies
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of defeated groups who must... work behind enemy lines, that’s all, from this, so to speak, he explained, and it became clear that you have to learn by urinating, grigory boyarinov had an iron rule, which he invariably followed he followed and demanded the same from his subordinates, setting the task, he always repeated in what composition they left for the task, in the same composition they returned, if lucky, alive, if not, dead, but everyone must return. for the first time, all the secret heroes of the fatherland must return, alive or dead , openly about how their names and documents were changed, and under false names they were prepared for the secret missions of the homeland, a prearranged signal to start watching, literally in a minute. no one, this means that this unfortunate person, living on a tortured planet, now knows where we are.
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wildberries. give gifts with free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything. and 200 days without interest. five percent gel. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. students of the secret courses called grigory boyarinov dad, but he simply said: dad. today for the first time on your screens is the son of the legendary security officer, veteran of the foreign intelligence service, andrei boyarinov. every day.
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that everyone pays attention to him when we travel in public transport, but he was proud that, well, i’m so good, and we had such a trusting relationship initially, and of course i didn’t know what his main work was related to, over time
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andrei boyarinov found out that his father served as the head of some secret facility in balashikha, well, the head of the facility, the head of the facility, and the fact that there is a coos, in general, well, i saw the abbreviation, because they... later let me into this little nook, which was located behind the duty officer, and where there were audiences, and there were stands, it was written koos, i saw these mythical letters, but i did not understand their content, although the contingent, which was understood as koos, was different from everyone else, because they were officers in field uniform, all officers, that means sportswear, who looked decent for the most part, and of course, compared to the background of the cadets, yes...
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for people who are responsible, selfless and who know their job flawlessly. at the end of the war , experienced front-line soldier grigory is sent to the northwest. he worked as one of the leaders of the headquarters
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of the talinsky border detachment, so apparently he went with the inspection - from one outpost to another outpost together with an accompanying soldier, so somewhere in the middle of the transition they walked on skis, they found footprints that went - well , towards the border of the karish bay, then everything was frozen, there was no water, there was ice covered with snow, they saw traces. and being held as a prisoner, they knew about
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his actions too, it was not he who told me his border biography, later in my life i came across some facts, well , firstly, after his death, there was a certain small archive of his at home, here he kept several documents that were dear to him, among them was an article in a front-line newspaper, and about a raid to the rear divisions. under his command, when in 1969 the question arose of who to appoint as head of the secret and sabotage school, that is , advanced training courses for officers, there was no doubt, of course, about grigory boyarinov. from the first days, he took part in the development of curriculum, in the organization of the educational process, and , of course, he directly taught. teachers, advanced training courses . that means they gave a lot to the listeners in terms of, well, they gave knowledge, they showed
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skills - the actions of a fighter in a special period, so to speak, a special purpose reconnaissance officer, this one, these skills, these skills , they were laid down in the courses, they served well throughout the rest of their lives, i must say that uh... the teachers, it’s not like they lectured their course there finished communicating with the listeners , there was quite close communication, and let’s say, when there were trips, well, for parachute training, that is, first the theoretical part, then they went to one of the airborne divisions, where they directly carried out these jumps, so that means teachers along with cadets , which i call inspiring by personal example too... they did the same thing for
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mountain training, high-altitude training, well, there they climbed to a height of somewhere up to 3-300 m together as part of a group, the teacher and instructor directly controlled the correctness performance of certain tasks by the students, that is, there was such a very test interaction and communication, basically they were suitable there in the father, so they were good, so to speak... we were given a portion of knowledge, in the course of our studies, as if we ourselves imbued with what it means, in addition to the fact that we need to absorb knowledge, we must constantly work on ourselves, be creative in what we see, what we do and improve ourselves, the second second is from the point of view of the educational process, which means , they gave us what is called patriotism, that is, it’s not that they gave us a finished product, they gave us, well...
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in the past, the minister of state security of georgia was put on the international wanted list by american henchmen for loyalty to the oath, everyone knows this, but few who knows what the general georgadze, a graduate of the legendary kuos and in his youth carried out secret missions for his homeland in afghanistan, not everything can be talked about, and not everything can still be voiced today, grigory ivanovich, he went through the entire war , the experience he had, including reconnaissance .
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leave, you never, even you could not imagine that this could happen, yes, he prepared you in such a way that you believed that you were his most beloved, here is a listener, his most beloved officer, at the same time he could ask very sternly , and you understood what this was all about, this
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not because he suddenly got up on the wrong foot, or because someone hissed something in his ear. yes, no, you understood that you were now being called to task. the first set consisted of sixty students, uh, the program was given, respectively, 2 months of theory and then practice, and the time required for preparation was constantly increasing, it was absolutely not such a formal event, that is, people were actually prepared for execution. the most serious dangerous operations, therefore, after a two-month theory course, initially one and a half months began, then three, then 5 months of constant practice, and the leaders, in general of the kgb, also came and gave lectures to botyan, sudoplatov,
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that is, the highest cadres, just as they were actually trained in the thirties by the best people. i also taught for a short time in these on this coos. pavel sudoplatov, a legend. during the war years he headed the fourth directorate, that is, he was in charge.
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precisely from the point of view of the special services in our country, here in these photographs you see the fathers of the special forces of the soviet union, that is , first of all, here is lieutenant general sudoplatov pavel anatolyevich, then etingont, isaakovich and serebryansky yakov isaakovich, i would also know sudoplatov, but i only visited him once, and i just met with him, with pavel anatolyvich, and i was also interested in questions specifically about the penber movement, here and he told me some points about how it should be... maybe something like this could be introduced into this movement, a certain one told me about his experience, this is
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how it worked, when we remember everyone who was related to such units, we we remember pavlad platatov, we remember , i don’t deserve it, by the way, i visited starin oleg grigorievich, who, together with boyarin , formed these courses already in the sixty-ninth year for his reason, he was already a teacher at first. every young officer received secret special courses, as a rule there were three or four people who invited us one by one for an interview, even though they said from the interview
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that yuri vasilyevich is there, here is a document for you, from today you will be, this is how murzi is written in the document , your passport you give it to us, in case there is a need to use it, of course you will come up and we will give it to you there, well... if you never know to receive a parcel or something else, but in general these documents were taken from us and we worked on this with these, the training took place almost until the very end, the door opens, a new guy in civilian clothes comes out, he said hello, i said hello too, he says: well, come in, well, i’ll come in, documents, i give my id, he says again, i gave it passport, everything, port card, supporting standard, notebook there what is there, what is not there, that’s it, he takes everything, puts it in an envelope, then
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he takes it out - an army id, here you will be ostakhov, a different surname, this surname will have the same middle name, and the surname is like this, i say, i have has one person's last name changed or everyone's? the man says, what kind of question is that? i say, if i’m the only one , then well, stay away, i’m going home, i haven’t caught any punitive forces there yet, so that’s it, so to speak , everything was fine with me there, he says, no, everyone has changed their last name, but get acquainted you’ll have a new name, i open my id, my photo , my last name is different, that’s it, that’s it, i think it’s nothing, the guys are working, here’s the name, id, photographs, everything’s already ready in advance, that’s... how then i i found out that this was boris andreevich plishkunov, then my teacher, i
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had a very good relationship with boris andreevich plishkunov, after finishing the courses i was constantly in contact with him and consulted on many issues, so to speak, even on everyday issues, this is not only a specialist, he was tall class, here is a high-class planner , but he was a very good person, you could just approach him, in a purely humane way, to consult, well...
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who was involved in mine business, and was a candidate of sciences in this field, he knew firsthand about on how to destroy an enemy many hundreds of kilometers away, literally with one signal, it was he who carried out the famous sabotage in kharkov, for which he became the personal enemy of adolf hitler, and he destroyed a fairly high-ranking general with the help of... a radio signal, radio mines, a huge high-explosive charge planted in one of the administrative buildings in the center of kharkov, where the headquarters of one of the units of the german army was completely occupied and they really all died, thanks to such exceptionally complex but effective technical training, starinov later
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developed mine traps, which... allowed not only to eliminate enemy saboteurs who were trying to plant bombs on the railway tracks, but they also made it possible to neutralize them, which means interrogate, understand the passwords and - with even greater efficiency, eliminate the saboteur’s networks, that ilya grigorievich, well, this is a famous person, of course, this is the same, and during the war, just like with additional payments, he gave lectures twice, although he did not work there, but he came, gave lectures to us, well , only later, so to speak, when i became the head of the special group of the moscow department, this is a special conversation, so to speak, a special conversation, so i came many times, most to stalin, grigorievich, home, home and discussed a number of issues with him, i requests that
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were very interesting to me as the head of a special group, so... and i was especially interested in the bendery movement, of course, because i was an expert in this matter, he knew all the subtleties, all the subtleties, and that’s what interested me , i was interested in this bendery movement, why, because we won the domestic war in 4 years, and only bendery could be finally defeated.
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with foreign names, young state security officers were taught not only to survive in inhumane conditions, but at the risk of life, to carry out the most difficult tasks in hostile territory deep behind enemy lines, precisely from poos graduates. subsequently , special forces zenit and cascade would be formed, which were soon to write their names in golden letters in the history of the country's special services. i... minutes of silence, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches , there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. loan with cashback from sber - this is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive a 2% return in sber bonuses, thank you. hurry up to get
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business. or maybe he and you will also open an account at vdb. vinaros is the choice of millions for varicose veins, because vinaros is designed to reduce fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs. vinarс contains two components that enhance each other's effects. vienarus can help for one. one tablet in the morning, two component, three actions to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins, vinarus is as simple as 1 2 3. when you want the power of color, you don’t have to save up, buy right away with a free tinkov platinum credit card, have time to get a tinkov platinum credit card with a bright, limited design before the end of march and get free service foreveron march 17 russia is at the finish line of the presidential elections.
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and how do those who defend the country on the front line make a choice? and of course, we will discuss what this day means for russia and the world. let's sum it up russian presidential elections. tomorrow evening together on ntv. at the end of the spring of 1979, students of secret special advanced training courses for officers began to prepare for something very serious. it became clear that this was not a training mission, but a combat mission. well, in may 1979 we have to spend another two, 2 months studying to go to the caucasus. in the mountains, check in on the mountains and then come to take exams, but we passed the exams before the mountains, we just passed the language exams, so we passed one language, may, may holidays
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all these field trainings, everything was carried out comprehensively, we had already collected tickets, bought them and went to the caucasus in june, then they released the brakes, released the brakes, and went beyond. the fence is nowhere. in conditions of complete secrecy , their teachers, including front-line soldier, hero of the great patriotic war, colonel grigory boyarinov, went on a business trip with their cadets. so it was clear that he had tightened up, lost weight, and gained some kind of certain shape, which i generally noted in hindsight. here, in this day, that means i left, yes, and he was so relaxed, homely, that’s when i came, after skiing. for a long time already, i probably left there in the morning, an hour after lunch, an hour at 3:4, that’s it, he was a completely different person, he was already mobilized, yes, there were training camps, he was collecting his things, and in general, outwardly
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completely , i ’ve never seen my father like this, like on december 24, 1979, this man was just going to, well, something unusual, then they give me these very invoices, g66 driver and i... they told me where to go, podmazhaisky went to saidlady ministry of defense and as i remember now , warehouse number seven, a huge brick warehouse, the seven was the size of my... car g-66, here i’m driving up, a woman comes up and gives invoices, she, well, sons, the sandy country is going to jump, i say , that you are a mother, officers , reserve, radiculators, i say , let’s sit down on a chair, that’s it, holding on to both hands so that we don’t sit down on the chair, she smiled again, i took a double set for our team, about 120 s extra sets, shoes, came back and... they dressed us right away, right there
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immediately shoes, they said, put on shoes , where the personnel would operate was kept a guarded secret, the route and destination knew only the head of the boyar courses, and he told me that so, look, i’m leaving tomorrow on a business trip, now i’m getting ready , come on, you’re here, come on , mom, what’s all this, and in the morning the next day... when i went down to see him off, this gas 469 came to the door, and he hugged me and said: these are the last words, here’s it for me during your lifetime there were people who remember so as not to happened, mom is on you, it was there at 6 am on december 25, moscow is the southwest capital, this conversation on december 25 , 1979 took place here, at this one...
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years later, when the secrecy stamp is lifted, journalists will name this special operation kuos is at its zenith. a zenit detachment was created, this detachment mainly consisted of kuos graduates, it was a non-structural unit whose function at that stage, in the summer of 1979, was mainly to guard soviet missions in afghanistan. security of diplomatic missions, it was a legend according to which the secret soviet. special forces were sent
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abroad, so they said, yes, that we were going there, we would participate in protecting the embassy, ​​well, in fact, in general, there was another task, in july 1979 the zenit detachment, staffed by kuos graduates, flies to its first business trip to afghanistan, took off on july 4 from chkalovsky airfield. landed in tashkent, spent the night there, and in the morning by plane on granboysk-40, flew to kabul, on july 5, at about 15 o'clock local time we were already at the kabul airfield when it was necessary to fly to kabul, it turned out that the planes were military, the pilots were military, they did not fly abroad, but to negotiate. from the dispatcher it was not necessary in
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english, so a question arose, the question was decided by grigory boyarinov, the head of the advanced training courses for officers, who personally led the group on the first trip. so he chose two translators, one of them was me, and i was on the yak-40, our other listener was on the an-26. our functions included being a translator for the commander, and the functions of the commander were that in order to get in touch with the control towers, name your board , name the flight direction - name your flight level, well, then follow the instructions of this controller in this area, then go to another zone, contact another, and so on thus , several times during the flight, each graduate of the kos was required to speak one or... two foreign languages, i
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was in the cockpit, next to the commander, everything seemed to be translated, but when they were already approaching kabul, this arose the situation is that i didn’t immediately understand what the dispatcher was saying, the dispatcher who was in kabul, he apparently knew german, but he didn’t know english well, he asked, here is flu gluvel, here is ilu gluvel. this is more in german, fluk, and i expected that he would ask for flight level, this is what he asked several times, i asked several times in... despite the fact that kabul was a rather difficult
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landing zone for, especially for pilots who were there for the first time, there was such a bowl, and the pilots had to go with a certain height, then sharply reduce the height in order to go out to... a place on the balcony, i brought a chair, put a sniper rifle, a machine gun in the corner, put binoculars, they gave me a robe, a cap, here is the doctor, when no one is there, i look at the binoculars , well, we just arrived at the landscape, interesting, where did we end up, first of all , where did we end up, we ended up where, well, women
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, when they walk, uh, and the girls, young, next to them, wave their hand, open their faces, if they’re with a man, they’re walking with a man, then no, there was no waving, there was. and the other task is, this is studying the city, drawing up plans for all kinds of unforeseen situations, in case of need, for example, for the evacuation of embassy personnel, it was necessary to know the routes well, that is, we were expected to participate in such work together with those officers who were there. at the embassy itself, but before this work, we had, of course, to study the city, we knew it poorly, even the embassy staff themselves, as there were no detailed maps,
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knew where, what streets, where what detours could be used, what is the main road there? let’s say, to the airport and back, or to other places, but they didn’t know about other routes, so we did this, freely...
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that means we laid down the formation of the 154th separate reconnaissance detachment on the basis of the 15th special forces brigade of the gru, central asian military district, then this group began to prepare and on december 6 it began to be deployed directly to afghanistan and was placed close to... other facilities on the territory of kabulol that were occupied as part of operation baikal
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other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. delicious, period. baikal 79 and storm 333. code names for a special operation that were parts of a single secret plan called agat grom. intelligence practices. control was called agat grom, in general
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, the ussr kgb operation in afghanistan was called storm 333. almost all of these three names are the same thing, if we take it in terms of the events taking place in kabul, the operation was led by agat grom, head of the illegal intelligence department of the first main directorate of the kgb of the ussr. yuri ivanovich drozdov is a legend of what is called our intelligence, not only illegal, because he is always tied up. this name is with illegal intelligence, naturally, he led for 12 years, probably from seventy -nine to ninety-one, in seventy -nine, somewhere in march, i think , he was appointed to the position of head of illegal intelligence, and since koos belonged just in time for this management intelligence, he also flew to kabul and
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took part in the preparation of the operation. he cannot receive a salary higher than a military man for one simple reason, because if he is told that today you must go to rabachy island and live there, say, 6-7 years, he will leave a moscow apartment or an apartment in kolub, so, then he will say, let's go, but this one won't say a word, this one won't
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say a word, go, and then whoever meets the bullet first.
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we didn’t care about the smell, which was especially important, and then we switched to the first fork, then we found out that the senior poliku alexey konstantinovich is in charge of us all , he decides all the issues, and he began to distribute who is the commander, who is which groups, then here and there, they invited us to a meeting in one of the captains in an atmosphere of guarded secrecy, there was not even electricity it was, we were by candlelight, they were sitting laughing...
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the ministry of internal affairs was in a state of disarray, how, no one explained, and no one, of course, said to take under which, which means that completely, so that this building would be at our disposal, so that there was our security, to our group was assigned one platoon of airborne forces from the fergana division, the commander of this platoon
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was just such a coincidence, also the surname melnik, viktor melnik. a young guy, senior lieutenant. the other group was commanded by valery rozin. it was said that here is your task, object, general headquarters, here’s a couple of days for you, uaz. you can’t go there yet, but the only thing i could do was drive past, look at the area at the building itself, what it looks like, well, i managed to as a former builder, i knew where the number of floors was, where the wall cells were, and so on, where the entrances and exits were, that’s me i managed to grab it, then when the people had already returned to the base, it means that on the school board i drew a floor plan for memory, what and how the entrances were, the only thing that i couldn’t say for sure: how many cabinets of doors there were, well , that was quite enough for people to already we were guided by the fact that there are front exits, there is a back exit to the back yard , there was a barracks in the back yard, i also
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managed to see that, there were soldiers there, well, this is after all the headquarters of the afghan army, so it was impossible for it to exist without military guards, that’s all it was right, and one more the group included grigory osipov. we went on reconnaissance, the general staff went. we went to the palace, hanahalal is called the house, now the government, well, this is the central residence of the mine, where its flag hung, we went there, looked, it’s not clear where he is, he himself will be the chief, then we started preparing, looked at the general staff, what kind of cars with what numbers, they copied the numbers and forged afghan number plates on their cars, they did it themselves in the best possible way, just like with all these... the group that was supposed to destroy the so-called communication well is
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on the square of pashtunestan there was a certain collector in which all the communication lines converged, which firstly led from kabul to the provinces and secondly they connected everything... these government buildings with each other, it turned out, it was just an ordinary well, it was unusual only in its shape, it was a siemens one, somewhat close to a square with sawed-off corners, a cast -iron lid with holes for special grip keys to open, one of the zenit groups, which was led ...
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to appeal to the international community, i directly supervised the mining of the well, in front of the sentry, he was nearby, but we sent a comrade,
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a translator, who distracted him, and in about literally 30 seconds we managed to mine this colony. the start of the operation was planned for december 13, 1979, the signal for the assault was supposed to be the password “ it’s snowing in the mountains.” but on the appointed day the signal never sounded. at the last moment, the operation was suddenly canceled, the operation was planned for december 13, for a number of reasons i could not disclose them, it did not did not happen, and maybe it was for the better, because it was moved, why the password in the mountains was snowing, on day x was never heard, why did our special forces play football for half a day before the assault, and how did they manage to mine the government communications center right on in the eyes of the guards. the participants in those events themselves will tell you in a couple of minutes. stars premiere today at 21:20 on ntv.
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tick ​​thin. and this was a preventive measure. on the evening of december 12, 1979 , the politburo gathers for a closed meeting at brezhnev’s country residence, even the transcript is written by hand. the protocol records the decision, based on article four of the soviet-afghan treaty on friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation, as well as the fifty-first article of the un charter and kabul’s repeated requests for military assistance, the soviet union introduces its own.
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limited military contingent in afghanistan, it was a preventive measure, because in 1980, if we didn’t do anything, we would have had nato and us bases right in our underbelly, we could have lost afghanistan, and therefore the deployment of troops to afghanistan was absolutely justified from the point of view of security strategy , on the one hand, here on this site there was great interest of the ussr, that is, the soviet union, on the other hand there was interest. interests of the united states, and afghanistan was played like a card by the united states. to ensure russia's strategic security, we need hold. what is a salang pass? this is what separates northern afghanistan from southern afghanistan. therefore, when in the seventy-ninth year, only by december, they made the decision to send troops, there were precisely security considerations. even during the period when tarakiy was in power, and his deputy was his faithful
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student, as he said, hafizullah amin, they began to cook on the territory of pakistan, not without the help of the united states. head, what types of sabotage should be used against, against our military? yes, wherever the ussr would gain a foothold, we would try to help them there interfere. in some places in africa it was like a kind of revolving door
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of influence. until the early autumn of 1979, the head of afghanistan was nurmahammad taraki, secretary general of the people's democratic party of afghanistan. the goal of the pdpa was to build a socialist one.
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let's call a spade a spade, they may also say that this has not been proven, but there is much evidence that he was connected with western intelligence services, at a minimum, and he was a representative of this western wing. in the seventy-ninth year nurmuhammad taraki returns to meetings of the un general assembly from new york, returns through moscow, and in moscow the general secretary of the cpsu central committee, leonid brezhnev, meets with him. representatives meet with him. soviet foreign intelligence and taraki are told: dear mr. taraki, amin is striving for power, he harbors the intention of removing you from all posts and occupying all the highest positions in the state. how does taraki react? taraki
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says: dear soviet friends, you understand nothing about the east. east is a delicate matter. amin is my student, he never will say none. this means that taraki , who was much older than him, was strangled with a pillow, this execution was filmed, demonstrated to amin, but at the same time it also ended up in moscow, ended up in the kremlin, but when
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gonetic brezhnev saw it directly, it made a strong impression on him. the situation in afghanistan was heating up every day. the threat of the invasion of the american expeditionary force grew. it is in these conditions. the soviet leadership decides to carry out operation agate-thunder. allow entry into the territory of afghanistan of the americans and their satellites. we were simply ahead of the americans then, i think literally by a few days, because according to the testimony of the participants who were nearby at the time, including the american embassy, ​​it was located next to the works. in the city of kabul, well, probably also for a reason, it was located there, the case of a possible evacuation, they calculated everything, well, the american ambassador who was standing there saw ours landing...
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from his entourage, he did not suspect soviet, so he urgently called people from soviet embassy, ​​two doctors from the soviet embassy came, did a gastric lavage and pumped him out, so he assumed that this was the intrigue of some of his inner circle or not, well, in any case, he assumed that they wanted to poison him, in connection with this, he took precautions and urgently moved to tajbek, tajbek... it was a different residence, in fact, amin began
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a double game, then information was received about his connections with the central administration, then it was confirmed, well, there you go the next zenit detachment, the zenit detachment, which was then headed by another of the teachers semenov pektor fedorovich, here is colonel semenov, this is also a famous teacher who is very well trained. they sat, sat, dozed off, i was sitting on the edge
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, i heard someone kicking a shoe, the poles came up and kicked, but he said, you guys have the nerves to sleep at such moments, lights out, of course we were very happy, lights out, let's go, well in general, the guys left for vila, but no one curtailed the preparation of the operation, it was clear that the order would arrive any day now, 27 it was december. he says that he invited all high-ranking
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officials to actually participate in this celebration, well, we, our intelligence services, our leadership took advantage of this. the leaders of the operation understood that secret surveillance was being conducted over soviet objects in kabul, so it was decided to further lull the enemy’s vigilance. on the morning of the twenty -seventh, young people with short haircuts played football on the sports ground until they were blue in the face, they told me the details of how it happened, they told me in such a way that at first i i play in blue jerseys, then i leave, put on a yellow jersey, then i throw on some kind of busheld for myself, that is, the task was to create the feeling that different teams, different people were playing, this should, according to the intention of those who invented it, be perceived as - a mass sporting event, then
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it came to this very thing, by lunchtime, they chopped it up a little, then it comes to our time, which means... he guessed that the process might be slightly under control, so he transferred it to 3 hours actually earlier, we portrayed the mass character, then polikov says, well, it’s time for you, and the table is set, polikov set the table, that’s it, there are snacks, glasses, vodka, here come on guys, and alexey konstantinovich says:
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where the main communication cables of government agencies in afghanistan converged . it was this explosion that became the signal for all units to begin the assault. how they managed to blow up the communications center, eliminate the security in a matter of minutes, and capture the general staff, the airport, the ministry of internal affairs building, the telegraph office, the television studio and
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the central prison. and how he died the death of the brave commander and legendary teacher who personally led his students into battle. declassified details in a minute. march 17 russia is at the finish line of the presidential elections. the voice of each of us determines the fate of the country. we will watch the voting results with you live. the latest numbers from polling stations and the first comments from the candidates. we will see how data on each ballot flows into the electoral commission center. we will show how regions that elect a president for the first time vote. and how they do it the choice of those who defend the country on the front line? and, of course, we will discuss what this day means for russia and the world. let's summarize the results of the russian presidential elections. tomorrow evening, together on ntv. stars. premiere. today at 21:20 on
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leaving amin without contact with the outside world was one of the key objectives of the operation. this was the task, one of the most important, there was the so-called communication well. which was located in one of the central squares of kabul, which needed to be blown up, and it is very interesting to note that this communication well is a communications well, it was built by the germans, the equipment was german, this is a fact, yes, that’s it it needed to be blown up, it needed to be blown up, a special group was allocated , a diversionary operation was carried out, because patrols were constantly going there, a car allegedly broke down and stopped right at this well and a so-called special... chemical was thrown there grenade, what is it? it is actually tnt, which is wrapped in a corresponding shell, but since it was necessary to destroy the bond,
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it was not necessary for it to be some kind of large , strong steel shell, like shell, it was necessary for it to produce the maximum impact effect, a shock wave, and a special group was allocated , one of those who was supposed to blow up the communication well was kuos graduate grigory osipov, they arrived at the place, steeled the car... they parked it nearby with this object, with this hatch , they began to set up, they took away the sentry, one of our fuses didn’t work, well, boris andreevich tested it before, then he took it, didn’t go, which he didn’t understand, the fuses were so cool and reliable, and didn’t go, in short, they shook, shook, he went, boris andreevich sets it up, everything is ready, he says, i take out a piece of sheet from my pocket and put it under the cords... he says, why, come quickly, i say, don’t rush, don’t tilt it side and so that the fuse doesn’t fall out, that’s good
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, they took it, lowered it, forgot to throw it, closed it down , forgot to throw a gas grenade there, and there , exactly when they opened it, there was water right under the lid, water, well, in short, they lowered it there on the belts , on these on the ropes carefully.
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the telephone wires of the sorvalitus tied them up, they reported that this is how it is, the situation is normal.
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we didn’t know yet either, when they were leaving the facility, the soldiers stood literally like this , every soldier a meter along the fence and their machine guns were pointed towards the road, that is, towards the direction where we were passing, this of course was like a new uh here the whole situation, and for me it was, well, to some extent
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an unexpected joke, i wouldn’t say that i was very scared. there was no time to be afraid, but i began to think carefully, we expected that there would be fire from there, here, here, here he is point blank about what to do, the length of the fence there is somewhere around 100 m, in the middle of a large checkpoint, at the checkpoint there are also about 10-15 guardsmen , such brave ones, well, beautiful guys, strong, healthy, all with machine guns. of course, i already turned on, i have some kind of computer, i don’t know what some kind of computer or what turned on, and what to do, there was no time to change anything, but i began to think so, what if, well, this it was very fast, i’m saying then that if we start to slow down the vehicles, there
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will be a command to fire, they will open. says, but if we drive at the same speed, as if to the checkpoint itself, there were meters to the checkpoint, not far, well, there maybe meters, 30, 50 meters, that is, those who are watching from above, they see what kind of cars are driving -that, yes, and let them think that we are driving by, let them think that i am, period, period, instantly assess the situation and make the right one. decisions that could mislead the enemy were taught to yuri melnik in balashikha during secret advanced training courses for officers. as soon as we are the first the car drew level with the checkpoint, i said to the soldier: brake, stop, but he pressed the brake, of course we were in throttle six, behind us was the urals, behind us was another gas throttle 66, well, we drove another maybe
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10 meters, we all stopped from that moment on . it was already hour x, so they pointed machine guns at us, there were machine guns, what to do, and there was nothing to waste, so i remember that i jumped off immediately, as soon as the car stopped, i jumped off and ran back, we everyone then learned a few phrases in afghani, it was to the osikharoport parlor, to the osihart parlor. the security of the facility, not understanding what was happening , did not open fire on the uninvited guests in confusion, and this made it possible to win a few precious seconds, several times i said these phrases, but we all, we all knew them, the soldiers knew that these phrases exist, this means it is necessary to make grenade launchers, because the first task was, of course, to stun, but then
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the fire command sounded, so i said fire, it concerned the soldiers who were with flies, well, seven grenade launchers, well, of course they fired in one gulp shoot, yuri melnik remembered this volley for the rest of his life, the roar - which usually happens in a building, for a person who knows it, it’s hard to even imagine what kind of roar, well, when let’s say 20, 30, 40 machine guns fire at the same time when... more this is connected to the machine guns that are there on the first floor, but it was continuous shooting and tracers were visible, in general we managed, of course, under this... under this shooting to penetrate to the first floor, there already by that time there there were several people soldiers, several wounded soldiers, we dispersed - along the lobby,
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there was such a large lobby, but this was only the first stage of the assault, yes, we concentrated there, uh , well, the further task, we understood that the first floor was very important, of course, this parade ground was completed, but the main task was the second floor. uh, since alishah sharafuddin, the minister of internal affairs, all the security, they were on the second floor. alishah sharafuddin was amin's closest associate, his right hand. we knew that sharafuddin was such a very aggressive military officer, this there was one who participated, together with amin, when amin got into a shootout at the side, when the guard was alone.


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