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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the second day of voting in the cycle speaks of high voter turnout, former vice president of the united states. spoke out against donald trump. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack on the trans-siberian railway. and 10 years ago , a referendum was held in crimea on the status of the peninsula. hello, you are watching news on ntv. in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, the latest data from the center of the electoral commission for the country as a whole, turnout exceeded 45%. this does not take into account the 4 million voters who voted remotely. according to the central election commission, the number of voters this year is: 112.309
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thousand people, taking into account the residents of four new constituent entities of russia. our correspondent inna osipova has the latest data on the voting process. the electoral commission center notes a high turnout in precinct commissions, they say that voters continue to actively come to the polling stations, and entire families vote. the level of elections, firstly, is primarily influenced by the federal level; everyone understands what and how is happening here. secondly, this is awareness, that is, television and radio. we had such an informa-week event called, that is, we inspectors, our commission members went door to door, that is , they told everyone, they gave everyone booklets that told them on what days to vote. for the first time , a remote electronic voting mechanism is operating in presidential elections; it is taking place in twenty regions and is especially popular in moscow, where more than 2.5 million people have already voted online, however, there are also many voters who prefer to vote.
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as they say in the old fashioned way at polling stations, we issue quite a lot of ballots, according to at the end of the day, we transfer the ballots from the stationary voting box into safe packages and put them away for storage in the safe . as a result, yesterday we decided that we would make two safe packages, that is, we would not, as it were, all in one, which indicates a fairly high turnout popularity of the paper ballot. the head of the election committee center also decided not to change tradition and voted today at the polling station, she...
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this is the choice that russian citizens have regarding voting systems: electronic or paper. to summarize everything that has already been said, that what seemed most interesting to me was the freedom of choice that citizens of the russian federation face in terms of the electoral process. international observers work in more than 50 regions of russia and especially note the transparency of voting. here in the central election commission there is a video wall working around the clock, which receives images from all polling stations, including from mobile voting points that have opened in such border regions as...
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the pskov region has organized voting on buses, everything is needed here, from ballot boxes to cctv cameras and a buffet. in ivangorod, on the border with estonia , a polling station was opened not far from the t-34 tank, which was dismantled in narmi. people deliberately cross the border to vote, and this despite threats from the estonian authorities. we weren’t afraid, because we are citizens of russia, and how else, we must face our own.
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artists from moscow, who came to support local residents, also voted in the dpr today. violinist peter lunstrom and singer alexander sklyar gave an impromptu concert at a temporary accommodation center for refugees, in one of the basements, which serves as a shelter during shelling, a chess tournament was held, with grandmaster sergei koryakin playing with those who wished. many members of the government have already cast their votes, including the head of the cabinet of ministers, who chose the remote format. it's convenient with just one click. i would like to thank everyone who has already marked their electronic or paper ballot for participating in such a significant event for the country. and reach out to those who haven’t made a decision yet. asking you to vote. colleagues in the cabinet
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followed suit and also voted without leaving their workplace. thank you, you have successfully voted. in the commission of the public chamber, which. is monitoring the election process, they promised that they would try to identify every ballot that was spoiled as a result of provocation. the day before , several episodes were recorded when attackers managed to pour ink or paint into ballot boxes. the public chamber notes that law enforcement agencies will give a legal assessment of such actions, but work to restore every vote already cast will certainly be carried out. such work will be carried out and we actually will.
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and the conservative values ​​on which our government was based 4 years ago, and now, more than ever, we must vote for no one, but for what? last year, michael penze himself nominated himself for the presidential election, but quickly realized that his chances were negligible and
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abandoned his claims to the presidency. flowers are being brought to the satire theater today. the day before it became known about the death of alexander shirvinta, charismatic, sophisticated. skeptic, perhaps this is exactly the image that comes to mind when talking about this artist. he had an amazing sense of humor and the same amazing and captivating self-irony. at the same time, shirvint’s impromptu and jokes were based on quite serious and deep observations of life and people. the farewell ceremony for the people's artist will be held at the satire theater on monday, march 18. the ministry of defense published video footage. destruction of the ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that tried to break into the border village of kazinka, belgorod region, from the country of sumy. the footage shows drones striking the intruders, who first wanted to take refuge in a private sector and then tried to escape through the fields.
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the enemy’s armored vehicles were also disabled, as the ministry of defense specified, and up to 30 ukrainian saboteurs were destroyed. and in the northeastern direction there are calculations. at dawn, our polite people wish the enemy good morning in their own way, 220 caliber thermoboric shells were sent, this the sun is hot in the northern direction. the main task of the tos is to work along the front line in order to simplify the task for our assault groups as much as possible. without such heavy installations, there is, well, roughly speaking, no way here, because in the regions.
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maybe, in order to protect the crews as much as possible, the commander of the unit, call sign barin , prohibited travel without anti-drone guns, except for constant strikes on fortified support structures, then sybarina recently made several smoke screens for... the opening of our attack aircraft, for such tasks they were here not so long ago so-called aerosol units have been deployed; their arsenal also includes volumetric smoke installations based on trucks. the cloud turns out to be quite thick, in which the enemy can only notice our fighters with the help of thermal cameras and sights. often such smoke installations are used to camouflage firing positions, important objects and more. large groups of armored vehicles are passing. they ask them to disguise themselves so that they can pass unnoticed and unnoticed. these artificial clouds are absolutely safe in composition for
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soldiers of the environment in the northern direction often hide our attacks, one of the results of which was the day before the road of life, the main supply line of the enemy in belogorovka, was cut. ilya lyadvin igorichkin and dmitry pisarev, ntv, donbass. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack on the trans-siberian railway in the sverdlovsk region. he was preparing it. a citizen of russia, an agent of military intelligence of ukraine, he was recruited by the special services in lvov, underwent sabotage training and was sent to the urals to carry out terrorist attacks, in particular, blowing up railway trains with cargo traveling to the nwo zone, the detainee was taken into custody, and a criminal case was initiated. today marks exactly 10 years since the residents of crimea and sevastopol voted in a referendum for the reunification of the regions with russia within a decade.
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the rights of all citizens, without exception, are respected; having clear prospects for further development, crimeans can look to the future with confident optimism. in finland you can no longer drive cars with russian license plates. this ban came into effect today. for violation of transport rules funds may be seized, a duty imposed, or taken outside the european union. the new rules do not apply to students, work...
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in lithuania and estonia, and a month ago a similar ban began this week , earlier it was introduced in latvia. viewers' help is needed. from moscow, a nine-year-old girl has cerebral palsy, because of this the child has problems with the musculoskeletal system, now she is engaged in a rehabilitation program and goes to school, according to doctors, her condition can improve thanks to our support. how can alexey evleev help with this? you and i put it like this and cling to each one, it would seem that it would be easier to put on a skirt, but for nine-year-old vika this is a real test, like hundreds of other ordinary ones. everyday tasks that we do automatically without even thinking. vika was born an ordinary child, but
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after falling from a great height, doctors eventually made a disappointing diagnosis - cerebral palsy. the parents were told that not only would he not walk, he would not stand on his feet. look how i can do it. in order to literally put the girl on her feet, the parents moved from the kaluga region to moscow and contacted charitable service of mercy primarfamarinsko. monastery, for the fourth year now they have been studying in this unique center, where children are taught independent life. the difference between this rehabilitation center and others is that children do not come here for a short course of treatment, but study here for several years, and a unique rehabilitation program has been developed here. to become like everyone else is the main desire of little patients; they achieve amazing results. vika may have been 9 years old, but she started studying in first grade. after lessons, bombards mom with questions, when are we going to go to the rehabilitation center? i pick her
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up at 2:00 in the afternoon, she’s like this for classes, i say: no, we have a day off today, she gets up like this on saturday morning for classes, i say: no , today is a day off, i say, no, she ’s running to classes, so the pen straighten, let's go , push, one, come on, come on, push, push, push, two, smart girl, but absolutely all the employees of the rehabilitation center and its little patients, their parents, dream of appearing here in...
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cerebral palsy, or even finding funds for several sets of magic gloves so that the wonderful specialists of the morphomarine monastery have the opportunity to work with children of all ages. alexey ivliev, anastasia altukhova, stepan lesakovich, gennady lesitsky, eduard smirnov, ntv television company, medical center of the marthamarinsky monastery, moscow. well done, come on, the little television company ntv continues to monitor the progress of the presidential elections, the information broadcast will continue with the central television program at 19:00, and that’s all for me, thank you for being with us and see you soon, it will appear now, so what?
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