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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  March 17, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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times more than a toilet seat. this whole zoo can provoke, for example, asthma. it usually starts from the nose, sometimes the eyes join, conjunctivitis, and symptoms of bronchial asthma may appear. but is everything really that scary? pensioner galina anatolyevna and her household never complained of allergies. and the carpet on the wall has been an important element of their comfort for more than 40 years. this was a gift from my parents, when we had our wedding during the olympics in 1980, it was considered a very expensive gift. mass fashion for carpets in the ussr began in the sixties, when the industry put their production on stream. the function was not only decorative. naturally, it’s warm, and maybe somehow, so that...
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the fifth point, but somehow more comfortable and have a good time. for me, this is the most optimal mobile option for carpeting, which i can wash, wash, and take to the dry cleaner without any special effort. the carpet, of course, is really convenient, and the fashion for them never really went away. there are also super expensive options on sale, for example, a piece from new zealand wool, an area of ​​about 5 km, costs about 420.
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in 2013 , the most expensive carpet in the world, made in the 17th century, was sold at an auction in new york. it went under the hammer for almost 34 million dollars, more than 3 billion with our money. there are people who like to make carpets with their own hands. this technique is called tufting and has become especially popular in the last few years. it’s more expensive than cross stitching, when you see the result only after a long time, tufting takes 3 hours and the carpet is ready. videos in the genre of so- called soothing carpet cleaning are also very popular now. many people look at it for a long time, almost meditating. by the way, what is the best way to remove dirt? to turn an almost hopeless specimen into a white and fluffy one, of course, professional cleaning with chemicals is required, but there are folk methods; to test several, we bought an old soviet carpet and... treated it as
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best we could, cats run on carpets at home and leave fur, ours we will entrust the object to larger kittens; in the safari park near moscow, one-year-old cubs, a jaguar, an amur tiger and a lion, were twisted, licked and we played, all for the sake of science, this seemed to us not enough, in the studio: we divided the product into four parts and entrusted our tester lena rubtsova, her childhood also did not pass without a wall carpet, to pollute it with dust and wet soil, simulating the fall of a flower pot. done, now she will try to clean four segments using family methods: grandfather’s with snow, grandmother’s with soda and a broom, mother’s with a vacuum cleaner, and aunt’s, this is dry cleaning. lena from snow procedures, and
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quickly rejected soft remedies and took up bat, yes, the snow really turned black, we’ll see how fresh the carpet became a little later. lena takes the second piece, sprinkles it with soda and sprinkles it with water, it smells terrible. when the carpet is wet and dirty, this smell will clean any wetness. let it dry for 15 minutes and begin cleaning with a damp brush. the result is terrifying. the soda couldn't do anything with the dirt, everything just smeared across the pile. if you have spilled a pot of soil at home and decided to clean it with soda, it’s time to say goodbye to this carpet. well, how will the vacuum cleaner perform? pollution in this area the carpets had time to dry. and we won’t
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harm the device, so far it’s very impressive, look at this difference, i’ve already cleaned the one on the right, i’ve gone through it once, not yet on the left, well, the difference is obvious. my mommies , how much has accumulated here, you can even see the dust separately, the earth separately and the cat fur separately, it’s immediately segmented, and the last method is dry cleaning at home with extraction washing, it will cost 470 rubles per square meter. the detergent enters from one side and is immediately absorbed. this is done specifically so that the carpet does not become too wet. we dried all four pieces and put them together. after dry cleaning, part of the carpet looks noticeably fresher. the vacuum cleaner gave the best results from the home methods. in third place is snow cleaning. there are still stains on the carpet, but after baking soda you just
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want to throw it out. this method is clearly not suitable for such complex contaminants. our feelings were confirmed by laboratory tests. the most abundant harvest. mold bacteria was noticed on a section treated with soda, from a vacuum cleaner and knocking out snow, the results are comparable, found a small amount of microorganisms, and after dry cleaning no new life has formed at all, so if you are not yet ready to entrust the cleaning to professionals, then a vacuum cleaner will ideally be sufficient, unless of course there are no allergy sufferers in your house, for their health it is better to refuse the carpet. it would also be nice to deal with sound insulation, for the sake of which many people keep this on the walls. we conducted a test and it turned out that carpets are much inferior to modern materials, such as sandwich panels, which means it is better, of course , to take care of silence even during the renovation. a
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what about the heat? here, for example, is the apartment where our editor-in-chief, natalya kashentseva, lived as a child. i adored my nursery, beautiful wallpaper, everything was wonderful, but when i went to bed. it was getting very cold, the thing is that the house, it’s made in such a way, like an accordion, or something, this wall right here blows it right from the outside, there was never an idea to create a carpet, because i cut it down at the root, well, there’s wallpaper with bunnies, they are like my friends, maybe a carpet would still protect me from the cold? let's conduct an experiment, first measure wall temperature, the device shows 21°, let's hang a carpet on a natural wool base. half an hour later, we already see 23°. modern methods of thermal insulation are, of course, more effective, but they also need to be applied during construction. a carpet can make a wall warmer, but it also has a lot of disadvantages:
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it catches fire easily, and when hanging, the fire engulfs it in seconds. by the way, our tester lena rubtsova undertook to test how natural artificial wolves behave under the influence of fire. it's freezing rain outside, but synthetics instantly flares up from a gas burner continues to burn, despite the humidity, very, very pungent, stinking smoke, you can clearly see that it is melting and dripping, you can extinguish it with water, blankets, jackets, soil from pots, the main thing is to block the access of oxygen and block the toxic smoke, synthetics turns into... plastic, such plastic figures on the hands and no ashes, because of this plastic we take two or three breaths and people lose consciousness, a very poisonous thing, synthetics burn very well, quickly, but what about a natural carpet? there's no flame for him
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spreads, it doesn’t even burn through, the pile just turns into ash, i would compare this smell to the smell when hair gets into a hair dryer and it turns out unpleasant, it’s safer to be at home with carpets like these, they don’t support combustion. in the meantime, the results of laboratory tests of galina anatolyevna’s natural carpet and our colleague polina’s synthetic carpet arrived. the first sample of dust from an old carpet found 56 dust mites per cubic centimeter, while the second sample synthetic carpet was found to contain 38 mites per cubic centimeter. at normal standing. we can conclude that both carpets meet the standards and are absolutely safe for health. doctors' observations indicate that synthetics accumulate fewer allergens, which is good for children. in natural carpets , house dust mites reproduce more
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actively because they have a breeding ground. the amount of eternal chemicals, phases now blamed for many diseases and volatile organics turned out to be natural synthetic. carpets below the defined threshold, that is, our heroines came across high-quality samples. by the way, scientists from carnell university in the usa, during their checks, discovered that chemical gas emissions. from carpets are negligible and do not pose a threat to humans. in general, the conclusion is probably this: carpets, if no one has smoked near them, do not kill, but can pose a danger to allergy sufferers and asthmatics. they certainly provide warmth and sound insulation, but not much in comparison with modern materials. it is important to take them regularly you can clean them with a vacuum cleaner and keep them away from fire, then they will decorate your home and make it softer and warmer.
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the tail was solved by scientists from the usa. they conducted a comparative genetic analysis of living tailless and tailed primates and discovered the following: approximately 25 million years ago, one of the ancient monkeys, from which humans, gorillas and chimpanzees later descended, had a section added to the dna that blocked the formation of the tail, that is we have genes with information about it, they just don’t work. this anomaly has taken hold evolution, apparently because... it gave more freedom of movement outside the trees. it is interesting that in recent years
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projects have appeared that aim, on the contrary, to return a person’s tail. so japanese engineers created a robotic prosthesis on a belt; they thought it would provide new opportunities, for example, for warehouse workers who are often forced to reach up. if you want to understand technology, our program will help. and if you want to master investing, alphainvest will help you out. in the service you will find training and advice from experts, they will tell you what buy, what to sell and how to make money. get started today and get another one as a gift for every purchase. so, every day. next in our issue: frosty procedures. does cryotherapy help you recover after workouts and become more alert, can it get rid of snoring, and how long do ice packs last ? threads in the miracle products section: a smart pen that saves handwritten text,
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who might find it useful and whether it works well, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet. the most interesting is yet to come. a whole world of juicy berries and fruits we have carefully preserved it for you in dzhemakh maheev. jam makheev is 100% natural! earth, all the big cities, i'm coming to pick you up, millions of foxes will see us, the metropolis, our movements are full of parsi, my car is rushing through the streets, the city is as if there is no one but us, let's go for a ride to the music, radio station, we are closing the distance, as if we were moving, moving to dance, i was burning on the gas so that the lights of the leaders would pass us by. and this is my chance, let's check it out here now
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along the tunnels, and now i'll drive the lada with the new 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission, today it was something completely transcendental, few artists can transform like that. denis art. mask. fifth anniversary season. today at 22:00 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i am ready to support you in the most stressful situations, because i am number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. i am magne b6 and is available on the yandex market. in the separate vk music application everything is included. only now subscription is 0 rubles for 3 months,
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go to the application, listen to an endless music library, popular podcasts about the whole world, thousands of audio books from classics to new releases and your favorite radio stations , subscribe to vk music all inclusive, subscribe for 0 rubles right now home is where the family is, in the bank home rf 16.2 %. the hunt for brands is over, we caught them all last name, last name, brands, free accent, this is the top vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, the top hair dryer, and on our birthday there are discounts of up to 50% , realmi 11 smartphone for only 16.99 in mvidio and eldorado, which is for
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do you have a good car? running, condition, comfort , everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, where the path to the top begins, from a point on the map, from the horizon line, from movement, from delight, from you. jqj7 is for real. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment. ease of sharing, the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, together the appetite, only dad will cut down dad can, dad can eat beastly appetite, sausages dad will help, now it will appear, well, there is a card that earns itself,
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a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. well ? what was he asking? asked: can i work? did you watch the webinar at the olympics? studied so much? do you need people with real experience to enter? skill factory: we teach those who are hired! i help with liver problems, i use forten essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market! the plan is this: i ’ll build a ship, a flying ship, i’ll find gold, we’ll we’ll get married with you and go away in circles, understand? so you understand this? that he wanted to steal you, vanya is a slave, and polkan polkanych is a sovereign, vanya, he did, i love you, such is life then, well, magnitka, you are ready, ready
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to melt the ice, ready to become the best in the khl. ready to take yours? play-off backgroundbet khl championship. only the best remain in the game. this is a miracle of technology. i'm sergey malozyomov. we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? a device that will help you drill the holes are strictly perpendicular to the surface, created by innovators from chicago. this is a nozzle. which fits almost any drill and creates concentric circles with a laser; they shift if the tool is tilted to the side. the color of the rays can be green or red, there are two or three circles. the authors of the new product say that, unlike other methods of direction control, this one is universal and does not block the user’s view. have you
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ever been chilled to -110°? if not, you've lost a lot because... this is how cryotherapy sessions take place, short-term exposure to extreme cold, what does it treat and how much does it cost? just a couple of minutes that you spend in extreme cold will relieve pain, fatigue, and remove excess fat, as they say, in particular, sellers of special capsules filled with liquid nitrogen vapor and there are those who believe them, according to rumors this is...
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lactate, reduce its concentration, among other things, is promised by cryotherapy. alexey became interested in checking. first he will practice
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next to the cold chamber. we also invited representatives of the medical laboratory to alexey immediately took a test for lactic acid. after training, the blood is sent to a centrifuge, and the bio. the result is impressive, and alexey himself liked everything, the lightness is simply phenomenal , the mood has improved to the maximum
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, the body feels great, the sensations are great, the fatigue has never happened, he even decided to enhance the effect by climbing into liquid nitrogen vapor for the second time, although this is not recommended , in total, the biohacker cooled down for about 6.5 minutes without a trace... it didn’t go away, after a couple of days a burn appeared on his ankle in the form bubble with liquid, then chewed it for a week. the american dermatological association has even specifically warned about the risks of such procedures, possibly including frostbite to the extremities. by the way, is it possible to restore the muscles somehow simpler, for example, on the contrary, with the usual warming up. alexey trained actively again. i passed the tests and went to relax in the shower under warm water for 15 minutes. if the cryosauna accelerates, then it
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completely relaxes. according to the laboratory, the lactate concentration then decreased threefold, even more than during cooling. so, as we see, there is a budget alternative to the fashionable procedure. we were interested in checking the promises that concern. at our request, housewife ulyana zlobina underwent a week-long course of cryotherapy, but was still unable to lose weight, although the advertising of some clinics promises as much as minus 100 kilocalories per procedure, this is a deep lie, such heat loss is physically impossible, and most importantly, if you lose over 100 calories per minute, you will die right during the session, alas, you shouldn’t expect magical weight loss, science essentially yes... this is an increase moods. sudden cooling is stressful for the body, and in order to protect itself, it immediately
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releases a lot of internal painkillers into the blood. hence the rolling wave of happiness. but other effects are questionable. the american health authorities have not approved any of the whole-body cooling devices at all. convincing evidence as a result. endure when they removed the nozzle, gave me a massage on these parts, it’s simple, well , the procedure is painful for the wall, but some people are ready to climb, but the doctor tells me that’s all
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they complain, it hurts everyone, but after a couple of years they come back, i say: and you will come back, i no, i think to myself, no, for the sake of, for the sake of such such torment, such suffering in general for a person to return, when i saw the result, really i see it, and now i naturally think, of course it’s cool. there are attempts to treat colds with cold. the procedure costs more than 2,000 rubles. its goal is to remove the sagging palate with liquid nitrogen vapor and shorten the tongue, which vibrates during sleep and creates an unpleasant sound. on examination, the tongue is elongated, when the muscles of the boat are relaxed, it goes down and will still give an additional splash. so what is our task now, right? before freezing things so that there are two or three millimeters left from the base.
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for example, it is often recommended to massage with an ice cube for puffiness under the eyes. we decided on the popular use of cold. online, check if it works with our colleague, ntv news service correspondent, alina repina. she regularly appears on camera and must look her best. i have had swelling all my life, i can’t eat anything on purpose, i can’t drink, no unpickled cucumbers, nothing like that, i can sleep a lot, i lead a healthy
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lifestyle, i have. there is always swelling anyway. before the ice massage, alina had an ultrasound of the area under her eyes. the doctor confirmed that there is swelling of the subcutaneous fat. will the folk method help, which, by the way, turned out to be not so pleasant, you need to take breaks, it’s very painful. it just burns. beauty requires sacrifices, but are they justified in this case? we have decreased the amount of subcutaneous fat fluid under the eyes, on the right we had 1 mm, now it’s 0.5 on the left it was 0.7 now 0.4 0.2, this is very cool, if it really works like that, if this effect lasts, then i ’ll do it at home, later for half an hour the effect still persisted, but after a couple of hours the swelling returned again.
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you can mask the problem with ice for a while, the main thing is not to overexpose it so as not to freeze the sensitive area, but in general it is better to deal with the cause of the swelling under the supervision of a specialist. and this, as we see, applies to everything that promises to cure extreme cold. yes, it can be pleasant, but it mainly benefits those who earn money from it. good morning, this is a miracle of technology and i am sergei molozyomov, right now the third line in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. a micro-electric machine, which, according to the laws of many countries, does not even require a license to drive, was presented at the geneva motor show by a swiss company, mainly known for its scooters. she believes that the future lies with such inexpensive and compact
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vehicles. personal machine capable of accelerating to 45 km/h. in france and italy, even teenagers over 14 years old who only have a license to drive a moped can drive it. this is a miracle of technology. next in our issue. miracle goods. manuscripts do not burn; they are preserved by a smart pen. does it reliably translate what is written into digital format? we tested it by conducting a risky experiment. on a single copy of a literary work, as well as the most amazing discoveries and inventions: the leaders of the weekly news hit parade. friends, i want to share my joy with you. came out of my printing house a new book i've been working on for over a year. it's called my rules of conscious eating, how science helps health and figure. it's practically a detective on a plate,
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dedicated. meat, bread, potatoes, milk, staple foods and drinks, up to the adults. i reveal historical secrets, find traces of food in literature and art, and most importantly, i tell you what science has come to now, what my personal rules for conscious eating consist of. enjoy reading. order online, ask at bookstores stores alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. march 17, russia is at the finish line of the presidential elections. the voice of each of us determines the fate of the country. we will be watching the voting results with
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you live. most! fresh numbers from polling stations and first comments from candidates. we will see how data on each ballot flows into the electoral commission center. we we will show how regions that elect a president for the first time vote. how do those who defend the country on the front line make choices? and, of course, we will discuss what this day means for russia and the world. let's summarize the results of the russian presidential elections. tonight, together on ntv. mask - new season. today at 22:00 on ntv. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months.
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we need people with real skill factory experience , we teach those who are hired! make coughing a thing of the past! elmucin, a cough innovation in the 21st century! seize the moment! upon payment comprehensive protection and 3 months of smart communication! with a 50% discount, come get the benefit in body2. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, she’s recognized, hmm, she loves, she remembers, she appreciates, she’s real. psb is a bank for the present. your favorite coffee now has a new name. monarch. same high quality and roasting of beans. the same pleasure in
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every cup. monarch is the same favorite flavor of aroma. they say that life is like a journey. go there with the jettuk crossover. to your new companions on the path to discoveries and bright impressions, brave design, functional interior and comfort technologies, choose your jettour, special conditions for purchase in march, panic, let’s do without panic, there’s belaina’s internet, let’s go to better motels, with belaina’s smart network you can connect in a variety of situations, again i’m spa for everyone, with such and such internet on your side, that same hairdryer, that same hairdryer, and on our birthday there are discounts of up to 50%, a narrow hair washing machine for only 24.99, home is where
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the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to family, how... to find one, some people just want a beautiful one, for me the main thing is that the bed is of high quality, quality products from ascona last longer and make you sleep better, ascona quality, i’m a fan of it, discounts up to 70% on beds and cribs, stickers 2 are impossible not to notice, only when purchased with a card there is a magnet for every 500 rubles in the receipt. in the separate vk music application everything is included. only now subscription is 0 rub. for 3 months. go to the app and listen to an endless music library and popular podcasts about the whole world, thousands of audiobooks from classics to new releases and your favorite radio stations in a subscription
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to vk music all inclusive, sign up for 0 rubles right now, we take out loans, it’s easy to get them at sofcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we at sofcombank, loans, who know everything. igor lifanov , we can’t leave you for a minute, roman kurtsin, guys, 5 minutes of silence, new season, thank you, rescuer, contact me, that is, don’t contact me, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, i have to be sure in the morning that i’m with you i'll see you in the afternoon, anegin is already at the cinema. well and now it’s time for the miracle of goods, this is a section dedicated to devices and services whose advertising promises real miracles; we find out what’s true and what’s not so true with all
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scientific certainty. manuscripts. “they don’t burn,” one popular bulgakov character assured, but for centuries they actually burned. by the way, in the 20th century. there are a lot of people who are more comfortable writing by hand than typing, and studies say that this is useful, but it is still more practical to share what you have written, store and edit it. in electronic format. the so-called smart pen promises to try on everyone; the text written with it is immediately duplicated in the application and saved, and specifically this model for 2,300 rubles promises.
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let's see how the work goes further , there are cheaper options on sale, for example, this one costs about 11 thousand rubles ; it can only remember 20 pages, but it also promises to convert handwritten texts in different languages ​​into printed form, this function was tested by a faculty student at our request foreign languages ​​msu, batras joel, he is already 4 has been studying chinese for a year. potras
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most often goes to lectures with a laptop, but in chinese classes you can’t do without a pen, because you have to draw hieroglyphs. would a cheaper pen be able to recognize handwritten characters and correctly convert them into printed ones? batraz found this opportunity very attractive, because the electronic text can then be downloaded. well, i wrote down a few hieroglyphs, the program thinks a little, and then it produces the text in printed format. the pen coped with this task adequately, although, as batras says, he didn’t even try very hard when he wrote the hieroglyphs. the battery also performed well; after a week of use, the pen did not run out of charge, but our tester pointed out the shortcomings, as the plastic showed. it’s cheap , and the build quality is weak, the pen
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wobbles and gets in the way when writing, the impression, as you can see, is not unambiguous, is it still worth paying more to buy an expensive option, testers of the miracle technology masha ramasheva and lenya koshelev decided to make a comparison, lenya’s expensive pen turns on automatically, just remove cap, in a cheaper machine, you need to press a button. and connect to the phone , her device didn’t want to for a long time, oh, no, no, no, again to yours, i’m connecting, i won’t let you copy, the application doesn’t see my pen, for some reason, only a reboot helped, with regular paper both pens they refused to work, they write, but do not digitize , they need special marks, the smallest ones: dots and strokes, only this way the optical sensor can
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understand where and what the pen is displaying, you will have to buy special notepads for it, the simplest one costs about 400 rubles, a decent one in around 3,000, but you can also print special sheets from the manufacturer’s website. okay, this can somehow save the situation, because if you take my kit, a notebook for 3.00 rubles and a pen for 23, it turns out that... an ordinary student simply cannot handle such a trip to lectures. it is better not to cover the optical sensor with your finger when writing, otherwise it will not see anything. he is also capricious on wrinkled, stained paper and recognizes what is written very poorly. but on a clean special surface , both pens adequately recognize handwriting text and convert it into printed form. they performed equally well in the drawing test. but how does it influence?
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to lena, the difference seemed insignificant, and the function was useless, but the animator sokolova, on the contrary , liked it, she usually draws on... a pressure sensor in a more expensive version, ksenia praised it. in general, the artist liked the smart tool, but it will not replace a working tablet, there are not enough functions, and you will still have to refine the drawing, which is more like a sketch, in other editors. i would i probably took with me on a trip such a pen, a small notebook, a phone, everything
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went to the beach, sketched palm trees, cool, well , i came home, started working in the tablet, well... how did the built-in memory perform? writer anastasia chernova finished working on her work using an expensive pen, which was not specifically connected to a smartphone, and agreed to risk it. now , almost like gogol, she will manually burn her creation in the oven, trusting the smart device. it’s hard to decide, even anastasia rereads some lines at the end. let's find out if the manuscripts are real. now they don’t burn, a lot of things have been written here, a whole story, a short story, a forest, and also fragments of the novel moscow twilight, if it’s not preserved, it will be a great pity , there is even a cat in the heroes, i love cats, but how can the story of the red one not be preserved cat, one
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after another, the written sheets disappear forever in the fire. but maybe the power of technology is more powerful than the flame, let's connect the pen and check what is saved on the phone, what should appear, for now nothing appears, let’s show up, there’s a long wait and nothing, is it really all gone? we continued to figure it out in our studio, even contacted technical support.
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i don’t have one word, it’s a pity, of course, it still works out, the manuscripts are burning, you probably shouldn’t rely on technology, but this story still had a happy ending, the next day the pen woke up and unloaded everything to the last page, and the text, illustrations, it seems that only 30 handwritten pieces of paper made the device think for a very long time, when that the pro... the driver claims as many as a thousand pages, and anastasia and i, of course , are happy, but just in case, very valuable handwritten notes would still be kept, at least in photographed form, but in general, let smart feathers produce a vao effect, but they are also expensive, and
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none of our heroes found daily useful use for them, we are not ready to give a miracle sticker. next week we will arrange a new series of tests, honestly, because we ourselves are interested. you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news i, sergei malozyomov, put on second place in the hit parade of discoveries and inventions this week. an important step towards the batteries of the future, which are cheap, efficient and environmentally friendly, was taken by scientists from chernogolovka near moscow. they create an alternative to lithium batteries, which are becoming more expensive due to the shortage of lithium on the planet and are poorly disposed of. a replacement could be potassium -sodium ion batteries with organic electrodes, a new promising material for which was just described in one of the authoritative international journals by domestic researchers. they received
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high efficiency from the copolymer and anthraquinone derivatives. the energy intensity of organic cathode materials can be several times higher than the energy intensity. news, what we found most interesting this week, the question of our traditional quiz, we, as usual, prepared something tricky.
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previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved. and now these are in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers. our heroes, the zuevs, are great fellows, they bought the house just a year ago
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, during which time they renovated almost all of it with their own hands, but they themselves are still forced to sleep on different floors, because their bedroom looks like this. i really want our bedroom to turn into a kind of studio apartment, separate from the rest of the house. the bathtub that will appear will be behind ordinary transparent glass. this is my risky decision, for adults only. the dacha answer creates a cozy nest for a married couple. a whole separate an apartment with the most necessary things, a wardrobe, a bathroom, and of course a full-fledged place to relax. yes, the interior as a whole turned out to be airy and romantic, just what margarita and roman lacked. country answer. today at 12:00 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season. tomorrow at 20:00. zero on ntv. hire technologies produce results and they are amazing. use technology and
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have fun, because this is hair technology inspired by life. she will appear now. well, what's there? a card that earns itself. debit card gazprombank with a stable income of up to 35%. everything is included in a separate vkm application. only now subscription is 0 rub. 3 months, go to the app, listen to an endless music library, popular podcasts about the whole world, thousands of audio books from classics to new releases and your favorite radio stations, everything is included in the vk music subscription, sign up for 0 rubles right now, the hunt for brands is over, we caught them everything in surname, surname, brand! free, today we have connections everywhere and always, but for maximum quality we go even further tele-2, for network load, coverage and
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worked every day for a common future. one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war. this order is the brightest symbol of military history, courage, fortitude and love for the homeland, one of the few that remain as an inheritance to the future generation. imperial the mint minted the order of the patriotic war. on the commemorative medal, free for every russian, you pay only 349 rubles for delivery, the medal is covered with pure silver, the highest award is minted on the medal, memorable dates are stamped with the inscription great victory, save the history of the great patriotic war for future generations, call to order a commemorative medal for free phone number or on the website ordenvov.rf. mask - today at 22:00 on ntv. our children always dream of what will make them happy. and every parent wants
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to make these dreams come true. we support them, are proud of them and believe that they will succeed, because their happiness depends on our choice. on march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. and now, which message from the news feed about science and technology most impressed me this week. first place in our hit parade. an international group of scientists has created a universal antidote for the toxins of 384 deadly species of snakes. the researchers managed to find common in the venom of the aspid family, which includes
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cobras, mambas and others. further, against this type of toxins they are... artificial. experiments on mice confirmed its effectiveness. rodents withstood the bites of even the most dangerous snakes. the next goal of scientists is to find an antibody against viper venom, so that the antidote becomes even more universal and suitable for almost any bite. watch next week at the same time. clothes, shoes and furniture growing. together with the child, do they really help to save money, do they harm posture and health? feet? we are preparing for the summer season, should we trust the advertising of a cordless compact saw, an electric hammer and a cordless washer, what these gadgets with loud promises are actually capable of, and also in the category miracle products, a device that helps monitor
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the level of fat in the body, a miracle or not a miracle ? and now on your screens is a weekly quiz question, just test yourself, or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct answer and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, delicious recipes. winners are determined every month among those who gave at least one correct answer. and the more hits, the higher the chances: drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so do not forget to enter your phone number after answering. voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in week.
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hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya zapadentets, our heroes the zuevs are great fellows, they bought the house just a year ago, during which time they renovated almost all of it with their own hands and boldly added to it. light into the common space, they set up nurseries , and they have four children, but for now they themselves are forced to sleep on different floors, because their bedroom looks like this: we will reunite the parents, they will be able to relax either on a large bed or in the bathroom by the window under the branches a real tree, oh, we ’ve never dressed like this on camera before, the names of all the children in this families begin with the letter i: yana, yaroslava,
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yesenia and yaroslav. the message is clearer than clear, bright names, bright personalities, the main rule of our family is that we teach children independence, this makes it easy for us, and it is useful for them, so that adults can continue to function and devote their best years to children, well, we need to live our best years with children years, like this, margarita and roman met in irkutsk, studied at the same university, what a caring one, to moscow. when was your first daughter born? i thought that children always come easily, we really tried and tried to have children, there were none, and it was scary that you were somehow different, i cried every evening, we even went to the hospital, we began to seriously worry that these were health problems, at one point , when it was necessary to undergo a serious examination, we turned out to have a daughter, yana, whom we were just so
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happy about, because she was a super-long-awaited child, and our whole house helped us with yana. paint, i’m also already an experienced painter, you take a brush and you can just like that, and just create, wow, wow, that’s it. zoya at home allocated an apartment with the family of roman’s brother vladimir, volodya’s wife, lyuba, is now ready to rush in to help with the kids at any moment. we are 10 years apart, first we raised my children, three of them, and then their children came, now we are raising them together. together, of course, it’s fun, but in the end the question of buying a separate home became acute. there were too many everyday problems. when our third child was born, i was with a stroller, with a small child in this... stroller, that is, two children in a stroller, another one in my arms from the eleventh floor on the elevator, it was also an adventure to go down, but when the fourth one, we realized that everything was like imprisonment, so the idea of ​​a house was born, because there is freedom here, we bought the house
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quickly, the first one we saw, it stood empty for many years and was inexpensive, the house was dead and we made him fat, fat , the elephants that the zoevs took with them all these years became a symbol of a dream come true, when they gave it to us, i immediately told my wife that there would be a time when we put them on our fireplace, now 10 years have passed, we we came to this house, bought a fireplace, and i said, darling, here’s the clock, elephants stand on our fireplace. margarita is a journalist by training, she found herself in analytics, and she finds a workplace with a laptop anywhere, in the kitchen, in the nursery, on the lawn, wherever you can look after the zuevs, the younger ones, we are almost never separated, we are cool and comfortable together what does pishochka mean? well, this is how it all usually happens, now let's go. roman received a psychological education, was fond of football since childhood and even worked as a coach at a sports school, but
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his family grew, and with it expenses, so now he employee of a large pharmaceutical company. let's take the blue one, like that, yes, well done, that's great, that's how it should be, that's why there's a white sofa, really, it's better to make it yellow, it's not just a sofa, it's a coloring sofa. well, well, at least he doesn’t draw on the wallpaper, really, or is it just the wallpaper, this is the future wallpaper, maybe we don’t know, we should use this in your bedroom , these are the ones i think, yes, listen, can i paint it with my finger too, yes of course , what color, yellow, you’re not afraid of bright colors at all, as i understand it, yes, well, judging by our home, yes, yes, your living room is in such a dark green color, yes, the kitchen, what is that color, wet asphalt, wet asphalt, the children's room in pink and polish. it will be blue, red, yellow, green, well, yes, yes, look at the handsome guy, he just painted his lips, and today he is the happiest person on earth, so artists, we leave you, and we will go with you to the second floor in that room where nothing has been painted yet, finally we
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will have a room, that’s it, let’s go, but this is still such an undeveloped location in general, not at all looks like you guys, a clean hall for your work, this room, this annex, because i look over here, it’s quiet, quiet, this window, well... yes, the whole house turns out to be enlarged, you bought it, this room was already there it was, yes, everything was as there are communications here , electricity, we installed this here this year, and we have this heating, that is , you can bring the battery here, and there is a large horizontal vertical one, it’s good in terms of functions, what do you expect in the bedroom, i want to be able to relax big bed, good mattress, yep , big dressing room because it’s a dream , well, it’s like i’m talking to her already. additional work space , let all the work be in another room, in general it would be great as a master room and there are communications down here, everything if there was a second bathroom here, that is, well, there is a shower room there, a toilet, that is, it was generally functional.


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