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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 20, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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to keep up with demand, i act proactively and take out a loan for business development. manage the cost of your loan, reduce commission by 11%. beyond. he learned with horror that his niece had left her six children alone in a cold house. lover for two days, in the andrey savelyev studio. andrey, hello, just a question about the children, is everything okay? now everything is really fine with them, why? because they are now in a boarding school. how old are they? 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, tell me what happened? it was evening, about six or seven o’clock, my sister called and said, she says, i’m calling before my daughter, i can’t. get through, called her
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daughter, she was in the house with the children , i called, said, asked, mom is at home, she says, mom is not there, and where is she, well, she left with her ex , and the girl was scared, well, yes, i told her calmed down, said, i say, everything is calm , don’t worry, i say, you have something to eat now, she says, well, there’s a little there, well, it seems to be enough for now, well, i say, okay, dress warmly, that’s if it’s cold at home, says... well, it’s cold, now we’ll invent something, and you asked if it’s cold at home, because there’s stove heating, stove heating, and the girl said that it’s cold at home, but that’s not the point, she never heats the stove drowned, she did it herself, and i told her , don’t take matches or anything else, don’t do anything, please, well, that is, the children were with a minimum of food in an unheated house, yes, how long at that time their mother had been gone since them, well, for two days, why
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didn’t your sister go to her daughter’s house and call you, firstly, she was in the net, and if from the net to besushka, the bus runs there twice, and what is the distance from krasnodar to bestushka, about 127 km, and if where i was, an even greater distance, so if i went, i would have only arrived the next day, well, let's figure it out, andrey, when did you find out that the children were at home alone, what measures did you... take, immediately called the police, it turns out that after your call the children ended up in the orphanage, yes you do you think you did everything right, you know, i wanted her just a little bit, so that she would change through this situation, well, that is, you wanted to reason with her so that she would bear responsibility for the children and realize this responsibility, by the way, when your niece returned home at all, the next day, the next day after the children were taken away, yes, i from... said: nadya , i am
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forced to take this measure, why? because children, well, they are cold, don’t make excuses, you did everything right, you should talk about it with pride, you saved their lives. by the way, what was the temperature outside, andrei? well, it was five degrees below zero, but taking into account the lack of heating in the house indeed, especially for children. and someone was in contact with the children, that is , the police came to them; there was not a single adult in the house, i’m just imagining, but it was a feeling. i called my granddaughter myself, she had the phone number, i explained to her, now the police will come, they will just come, don’t be afraid of anything, they will come in, don’t be afraid either, they are representatives of the authorities, that is, they will try to sort this situation out, before, my niece left the children alone, well, if only to go to the store there, but so that the children were left alone, this is the first time this has happened, yes, yes, this is the first time, to this ex... she often
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left, she brought him home , i was still with her then, what am i, why did you come here for him, her husband is also here, and you also came here, why, that is, she brought him when she had a husband, well, i say, why did you come here, here is the husband who made all these children for you, but here the situation is like this, well, it played out, that is, it turns out, andrey, your niece had a legal spouse, an illegitimate one, he is a cohabitant and cohabitant from him. all these children, yes, all these children are from him, but to her roommate she explained her father children, that she brought a certain man with him, she did not explain in any way, the relationship was strained, he chased her, she was bruised all the time, she and the children’s father were at the stage of separation, yes, that’s why she, apparently, at that time i brought him, andrey, and you didn’t tell your niece then, personal life is, of course, wonderful, wonderful, but you need to...
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for them i try to get a job, okay, i saw it, nadjazh , hello, hello, you’re making such a claim now spoke out against their uncle, but is it really it’s not you who abandoned the children, it’s my fault, i’m to blame before, i’m to blame, i’m to blame for everything before
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my children, but this happened, i lost consciousness, they hit me on the head, let’s ... already threatened, i went there to sort it out, to him, on foot 7 km, at night, what was driving you at that moment, i just want to understand, they insulted you so much, hurt you, that you wanted to stand up for your honor, why you went without being afraid of threats, anger
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moved you, yes, you came there, what happened next, we communicated, at first, everything was ok, then his fear started to shout at me, i’m the one there... i won’t give it to you, i say, i’m not taking it, let him return my things, equipment, everything else and we’ll go our separate ways, so he says, i won’t give it back , here is an important point, you went to pick up your things , including, yes, so that he would return it all to me, because there is no chainsaw to cut firewood, so that the house would be warm, he took everything, as i understand it, that the tension arose when his new girlfriend intervened, yes, we started fighting with her, then he put his hand on me he extended it, hit me on the jaw, and she hit me on the head, i already lost consciousness with a stick. she hit me, with a stick, hit me with a stick, i fell on my head, lost consciousness, i was with people, yes, i had two days, i was lying with people, which people, well , where, who picked me up, she hit you with a stick on the street or in the house, on the street, that is, they beat you, did not call an ambulance, left, and
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you remained lying unconscious until some people picked you up, yes, yes, that same evening a car was driving past them, lying on the road , they told you this, don’t you remember this? they, yes, i don’t remember, they told me why they didn’t call an ambulance, you’re probably unconscious, covered in blood, i didn’t seem to have a lot of blood, but i lost consciousness, he says it’s just that they were confused, maybe he’ll wake up , you will wake up, two days without consciousness is a coma, if strangers took either a living or an inanimate person to their home, well , it is unclear how they kept him there like that and did not contact any medical service or ambulance , no doctor home, they called, hope, what injuries did you have? he me i hit him in the jaw, here’s a celestial one, i still can’t even do it, well, it’s as if my head was broken, and you ended up turning to doctors? no, there was confusion, so, two days later you woke up in the house
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of strangers, yes, i woke up, they tell me, you remember where you live, i say, i remember, i didn’t go home right away, i went to my friend’s, i the phone died, i came, charged it and... and the voicemails came from my daughter, sunday was the twenty-first, what was the girl trying to tell you? mother, grandmother she called me and said: grandfather is calling for city guardianship, let’s listen. the message that was sent to you by your daughter, mother, drive faster, i called my grandfather, called the guardianship authorities, my grandmother told me, to come to us, my grandmother said, the police are coming to us, it seems that the guardianship authorities, hope, when did you receive this message, how did you react? , i wrote to her, i say, daughter, please forgive me, i’m mom, me, this is what i wrote, that it happened, i’m sorry mom, i’m very, i’m sorry that it happened, but at that moment when you listened to this message, your children had already
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been taken away by the guardianship authorities when you left home, didn’t you understand that the situation could turn out like this, i thought i’d be back at this time, but it turned out that like this, that is before they woke up, you planned to return, ilona, ​​you understand this position of hope, i really feel sorry for hope, but how much, how much? i have regret, i have a feeling of deep regret, you are an immature mother, you are a person
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who does not deserve your children, what a you are a mother, you are the person who left your children to die, in fact, to die, the house is unheated, food, a ten-year-old girl with this phone, take the children and give them to the orphanage, to be honest, this whole story, i understand, go, someone- then he’s dying, the children there need medicine, something else, go because someone... called you, you’re threatening, i ’ll go now, if this is true, this is just stupidity, then there ’s no other word for it here, listen, we have a mother in front of us, yes such a situation happened, but this is an extraordinary situation, we heard that it was not previously, the mother had never left her children, it’s true, yes, we heard, now she repents, she understood this cruel lesson, from my point of view, this is a lesson that should not have been done.
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she didn’t apply anywhere , you know, this whole story, it’s something that she justifies herself, this is what we heard, how the daughter asks for help, to change the goosebumps, this is beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, therefore yes, i agree with alexey that she really is irresponsible, that half of this is invented to please herself justify, but we also understand that, after all, the children will be better off with their own mother, and god forbid that this story, yes, if she... is not convicted and she does not receive imprisonment, then god forbid, so that this story
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would be a lesson for her for life. ekaterina, well , look, on the other hand, the mother, well, if we assume, thought that she would return in a few hours, because she really did not understand that it could all turn out like this. i admit that she did not understand that things could turn out this way, i admit that in the consciousness of a person from an infantile position in the position of a victim, who is subject to any emotion, any provocation and is guided by it...
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no, but in all these 6 years he has not recovered? ksenia, but in this case the father has no rights to the children; in fact, he is nobody. naturally, in this case the father avoids fulfilling his parental responsibilities. father, naturally, he can declare them, but he still has not done so. he is not involved in any way in the upbringing
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of these children or in their material support, but she also did not submit the elements, this is her right, she must exercise this right. you had enough money, enough, and you lived in your own house, and now i bought it for my mother’s house in 2018, with my mother’s capital, that is, you consider yourself a good mother, you have a house, the children are well-fed, clothed, happy, yes, the case that we are discussing, it was the only one when you stumbled, the only such chance
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, it happened, mine, i realize my mistake, i am guilty before them, you, as i understand it, are offended by your uncle for doing this police, custody, do you think he did wrong? no, because my brother is dear, he lives nearby, half an hour away, he has a car at his side, he didn’t even call him, didn’t tell him, didn’t inform him, i called him, but he was unavailable, and they called for a long time, he didn’t call him , didn’t call, no, hope , why do you say that you didn’t call, you know, he said it himself, there weren’t a single missed call, when you first appeared in our studio, you expressed: andrey’s complaint is not only because he did this with your children, but because he did this to you, but how did he did this to you and your mother, your mother had a problem with housing, we have something like this, my mother went to work here in moscow, she was gone for a long time, it was very difficult for her at that moment, i was 17 years old, she left for a long time,
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well, then i come and say: uncle, i don’t know what to do, my mother is gone, i have children in my arms. i was kind of all at a loss, he said, let’s give us another chance now, let’s wait for her, but my mother didn’t show up, nothing appeared, and then the guardianship authorities came and took us away, and i was in the shelter, the guardianship authorities were called by my uncle, yes, that is, when living mother, you are your brothers and sisters , you grew up in a foster family, and how did you live in this family, they treated me very badly, i ran away from them, you tried to contact your mother, but i came running, i... walked her , talked to her, she said: nadya, why are you running away? i say: mom, it hurts , i say, it’s very hard for me without you, i want you to come back and pick us up, she says: nadya, i don’t have a place to live, i can’t do anything, then she started to come as a cop, she started to turn me against all of us, then yours the foster mother did not allow her to communicate with her family,
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no, did the mother of many children really beat her children, what will her neighbors tell about the family of hope? let's continue in a couple of minutes, the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family, princess nuri tea is the magic of warmth. transfer debts from credit cards to your home and conveniently repay them in installments over 24 months, the masks are surprising, you are always some kind of surprise in the box, the jury is surprised, but what? it happened, and the audience enjoyed it, every girl, every woman, every grandmother felt special and thanks to your performance, mask, what an amazing program today, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv,
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we will decide, only on the record. my management has a grudge against you. you need to get rid of the external stimulus. well, if the madness starts from one side or the other, it can arrive. there was no clear-out command, so we continue to fight. well, pritorian, premiere, some kind of stupid thing, today at 22:10 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, a woman went to her lover, leaving six children who spent two days alone in a cold house. andrey, it turns out that you have contacted the guardianship authorities more than once with your niece, yes, this is already some kind of habit, yes, it is repeated, yes, i see, it is repeated, because. i wanted to make it clear to my sister that it would be much better for the children, because you seem to be running away from them, and why
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didn’t you, like a brother, just take your niece to you, your grandchildren nephews, while their mothers were away, i myself wanted to sort out my life, but i had to do everything all this time, i helped my sisters, my children, my nephews, everyone, now i also continue...
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there i saw everything in a much more objective picture, so for me in this situation , no matter how cruel it may sound, it is obvious that this family, which is repeated among them, must be divided, i categorically disagree, i do not agree that anyone has the right to teach a mother to love taking care of her children , in this case the repetition of the situation says only that a person in need of help cannot receive it. not from one of his loved ones, what did the uncle do, who promptly reported the problem in the family of our heroine, he acted very wisely, plus he took care of their interests and his own, that is, he ensured his comfort in living in this large family, well done, ekaterina, what do you think, of course, a real family drama has unfolded over several generations, and women giving birth to a large number of children, without really counting on their capabilities,
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place... some responsibility on their relatives, but they can’t put up with this, yes, my uncle couldn’t put up with it, he said, he couldn’t help them anymore and somehow decided their fate differently, he did what he considered necessary at that moment, a question to my mother, why is she now blaming her uncle for not calling his brother who lives next door, why didn’t she call her brother at night and ask him to help her get there in the car, pick up the chainsaw , deal with this man who is threatening, that’s all - after all, he is a man, he lives nearby, he could...
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inside her, in fact, no share, no guilt, no there is no remorse for everything that was done, because even these words, let my uncle help, but he is a builder, and he owes me, who owes you besides yourself, you owe it to your children, it’s not your uncle who owes it to you, it’s you your children owe your mother's love , responsibility and your duty to raise them and make them worthy members of this society, i will support my colleague, because children are not responsible for the happiness of adults, adults are responsible for the happiness of children, an adult should build this if a mother gave birth to six children, did this consciously, then she must be responsible for their condition, for their home, for their warmth, for their comfort, for the love that she gives, she is only responsible for this, and not her uncle. ksenia, but on the other hand, who will help the mother, here are six children, it’s hard, well, naturally, that’s why i’m saying that it’s normal to ask for help from loved ones, naturally, a person is raising six children, she
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obviously needs help. andrey, now your niece is offended by you, but tell me, your sister is also offended by you, she is offended in any way, your my sister was shocked to learn that you had deprived her of her grandchildren. in the studio margarita kudryashova. hello, studio, hello, margarit. how did you find out that your grandchildren were home alone? i often called my daughter, the eldest , then i... started calling, the phone was turned off, i called my granddaughter, i asked the eldest, where is mom, she left, she will come soon, she told you not to say anything, i tell you what to do, i’m far away , i say, i can’t come, i call my brother, i say, please come, he says, i won’t go, you need to go, the answer was, you go, that 's what they said, you need to come, no, i told her, firstly, well, this situation
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has developed, well, let's go, how long should i travel all the time, she says, well, if i can’t figure out what to do, i say, okay, then let’s do it differently, i said that... i’ll call the police now, and since it’s you who won’t go there, and i have a long way to go, and this is us we just won’t have time now before we warned her, margarit, how they reacted, it was difficult, hard for me , i say, i also suffered the same trauma, i say, maybe it will work out somehow, i say, well, how would i, so exactly, when you suffered exactly the same trauma, your brother tells you, i will do the same in relation to your grandchildren, you tried to dissuade him, well, i tried, it’s possible how... to call something right away, but you were in exactly the same situation, but was there really no way to rush to where your grandchildren were? well , i’m far away, firstly i was, i have an 8-hour
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drive, far away, my son goes to school, my brother was nearby, it’s a 2-hour drive, there’s a difference, elon, how this is your grandmother’s position; in general, the position of all our guests surprises me, you know, in fact, grandmother too. i really could have gotten ready to go, again, here’s andrey , i look, i don’t understand, either he’s a hero, or he ’s a saboteur, that is, at first i think, but he saved, now i see, he feels like a hero, but he saved does he still call the teacher, call the teacher, call the neighbors, call, well, this is such an extreme measure, grandma, of course, too, i think that she could get ready to go, look, indifference, 8:00 i won't go for 2 hours. go yourself. i watch my grandmother talk about it. and you very clearly emphasized that you yourself were in a similar situation. if you, in the situation you were in, suffered such harm that you would remember for the rest of your life. and you would like this situation
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not to be repeated with your grandchildren; no 8 hours would be an obstacle for you. but you essentially chose, if you didn’t say so, then you gave your tacit consent to exactly this way of protecting the interests of the child. i think she agreed that the choice to apply to the guardianship authorities in their situation was the best and that our guardianship authorities would not harm the children, because she herself had similar experiences, well , that is, in fact, it was a collective decision, a collective decision, i am sure of this, hope, and you are visiting your children? i want to go, well, my renovation is going on, i’m sort of getting a job, i’m going through a medical examination, i’m wondering about... your daughter doesn’t understand what ’s stopping you from visiting them, and in general, that she doesn’t want to visit us, and why, if she would wanted to pick it up, she would have come to visit first, and then done everything else
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, saved her, how are you, how is it, hope, my daughter doesn’t understand why you didn’t come, you also explained this to her about the repairs, yes, i explained, she’s happy , that in the same voice drive the repairs begin, she knows everything there. alexey, how can you comment on what the girl says in this message? you know, this voice message made me happy, a thin, ringing, joyful, happy voice, compared with the message that we heard before, frightened, gloomy, a voice that demands help, now it is cheerful, will visit, will not visit, they assimilate, but still hope, this expression that some kind of repair is preventing you from visiting your children, tells me that the motives your behavior, they are not based on love, on the instinct of motherhood , these motives are purely pragmatic, this is your future life in your house, on the allowance that you receive from these children, and
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of course, so that andrey will come and do the repairs for you, here i have exactly that feeling. anastasia, do you believe that the renovation could be an obstacle to meeting the children, but i’m shocked, i understand, i expected to hear anything, i don’t know, i’m busy. i collect all the documents, there is something else, i come to my senses, i don’t know, this is really beyond the bounds, just to say this about your children, when you hear this voice of your child, who is indignant, where is my mother, why is she doesn’t come to visit me, and my mother is like, damn, well, i actually have a renovation here according to the timing, this is about renovation, we visited the house with hope that see with your own eyes. peeling walls, chaotically arranged furniture, dust everywhere, rolls of wallpaper and buckets of putty. thirty-two-year-old nadezhda kudryashova has been living in such an environment for the last month; the woman assures that she turned her house into
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a construction site for a reason, all for her six children. i want to turn my house into an ideal one so that my children will like it. yesterday i whitewashed the ceiling myself. i climbed, i took it myself, i kind of like to do this, i made the slopes myself, you see, i putty on the windows myself. these slopes do. the second room is already at the final stage. the white ceiling, beautiful beige wallpaper with ornaments is pleasing to the eye. all that remains is to get rid of the old furniture - the owner says to buy new ones, replace the blankets on the windows with blackout curtains and transfer the new things already purchased. my girlfriend keeps my things, what i am currently renovating, what i bought for the children, it’s all there now. bed sheets. new pillows, blankets,
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new blankets, well, little things, i haven’t bought everything yet, but i’ll probably buy everything over time. work continues in the bathroom, back in the year a mother of many children bought a new washing machine, now the plumbing is next, there will be a new toilet again, well, it will change, so i bought a new faucet to give the children a new one for bathing. because the renovation is going on, i want to do something new for them. the kitchen, according to hope, is also in for changes. once the repairs are completed, she will clean the stove and refrigerator, which she will refill with the children's favorite foods. this refrigerator, it was always full, food for the children was stored here. the freezer was also full, there was always everything as i would like dumplings and dumplings and everything else, but they loved sausages most of all in this part. this
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is the most important thing, is a mother of many children not guilty, she just crossed the path of her neighbor, women’s revenge or real care for children, we’ll come back right after a short advertisement, someone saves people, someone burns them, lieutenant colonel, and you’re not stupid, of course i'm crazy, i'm the one giving bribes to everyone, hello, ministry of emergency situations, get me out, please, please, 2:47 accept the challenge, we'll land there, that's it kid, hold on, i'm coming, we'll disperse perimeter, converge towards the center, 5 minutes of silence , new season, that’s it, now definitely go home, today at 20:00 on ntv, mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. new! order
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dorokhov, let me go, release against philip kirkorova, i really say hello. and i take a taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts , nature bent me alive, i was given beauty and height, ugly and distorted, and before the deadline i sent him into the living world, that’s how i see luntik, it’s a housing problem, yeah, a million-dollar secret, all my ex-women started on... amin, where are you going, i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, because today someone will leave, the stars, today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip erkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face, saturday at 21:20 on ntv, for
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borderline, it was beyond the borderline that a mother of many children had six children taken away at the call of her uncle, yulia. how do you like the conditions in which the six children lived? so i’m sitting and thinking about this very thing, i would really like to see the medical reports on the state of health of the children, because when they were taken away, i think they were examined, but what do you think will be in these reports? well, from allergic reactions to anything i saw in this house, to chronic conditions, especially in the older girl has some kind of obstructive bronchitis. it’s possible or foci of chronic infections such as adenoids, tansilitis , something like that, but the conditions for children are sakhtan , let’s say, hope, when you plan to finish the repairs, take the children, i was given six months for a restriction, i have to do it all for six months , you want to pick up your children, yes, your neighbor assures you that you
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absolutely cannot return them, in the studio svetlana ryzman, hello! hello, svetlana, why are you so categorically opposed to hope? well because i don't think she copes with the role of a mother, sloppy, unkempt, she will run up there and tell some of her problems, she could be with a full face, there with bruises on her face, she will sit there, talk, then remember that she has children, she will run away if you just say a word to her , if you make some remark, she could call you names there. insult her, throw some object at her, and what condition her children were in, they were fed, clothed, shod, well, dressed, as i understand it, she probably didn’t buy them things herself personally, they gave them pdn, and they gave her things , her children they gave me about food, i don’t know, i was once driving near a field there, i was driving to
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a driver’s field, and the kids sometimes, well , you’re driving slowly, the road is bad, the kids sometimes ran out onto the road, rushed, as if to the car , they could have hit the car with a couple... with their hands, i stopped to make a remark in hopes that they might get hit by the car, she went crazy, one kid came up to the car with a bowl, with a plate, well, maybe i don’t know, he wanted to eat, he was very my face was badly damaged, there were really bad bruises, hope said, that it was a child who fell on the playground, it ’s not true, she beat them, it’s not true, i personally saw it, no, it didn’t happen, she hit her child on the head with a stool.
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fall and fight, especially when there are six of them, in this case it is difficult to argue that it was hope that caused injuries to your child, but children still need supervision, especially when the youngest, as i understand it, is generally only 4 years old, svetlana, well, if you you know a lot why you didn’t contact the guardianship authorities, the thing is that it was i who turned to the guardianship authorities for the first time in the summer last year, when she was not at home, she went for a motorcycle ride with a man, i think, well, maybe she... went to the store, i’ll wait half an hour, she’s not at home for half an hour, i decided to go see the children, the children were sitting on the windowsill, i i came in, i
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asked the eldest child, the girl: where is mom? the children know very well what to say, her mother just went outside, her mother will come now , her mother went to work, this is what hope taught them, do you think, i think so, and did you call the child welfare authorities after that? yes, i called the guardianship authorities, and they came.
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the door is locked , they are not allowed in, they cannot go there, they cannot, but as for consent, if they see the reaction that today’s history, we see that recording is very important, recording violations of the law is not prohibited, this very important because what did our witness do? she was concerned about the interests of the child, this is the civic duty of every citizen, not just a right, but also a duty, a duty, of course, svetlana, how did you find out that the children of hope are home alone again? i personally found out from social networks when they had already put it up video that a mother left her children in our hut for four days alone at home. hope, what do you say, this is all nonsense, i won’t say that this is all, the date she left, she told me.
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plant a crop here so that the grass does not grow , and he planted it, then he began to scold her, saying that you have a lot of children, you don’t plant
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a garden, there is no conflict between you, and you never take revenge. there is no dirt, absolutely, i care about how she treats her children, believe me, aunt, you are also a grandmother, a mother, you would like it if your daughter was raised like this your children, well, by the way, by the way , what do you know about how nadezhda treats her children and how you feel about the fact that nadezhda was not at home for two days, and the children were sitting alone, i have only known nadya for 2 years, i have known her since on the good side, i saw how the children greeted her, how they kissed her, how she kissed them. i filmed how she gave them all these gifts, i was surprised, such a young mother, six children, she never swore or screamed, i didn’t hear that, a good friendly family, i want to say with a good side, but what happened to her, now i don’t justify her, faith, hope could raise her hand against the children, i never saw and she never screamed at them in front of me personally, she should return the children
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in your opinion, yes, it’s worth it, because i watch so many programs, and how many children are taken away, the children are still looking for their mothers, she told me, aunt, i give you my word that i will improve and that i will raise my children, and i told her i believe. alexey, can you give practical advice on where a woman can turn for help in a difficult situation? life situation, so that the same situation as nadezhda’s does not happen again? of course , it is necessary to turn to your inner circle, closer to your family, closer to your relatives, secondly, there is no one.
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my message to all women is very simple and understandable, women, dear, beloved , please understand that your health, the health of your children is not only your, so to speak, responsibility, but first of all it is generally a state interest, so you are worth not only to protect your private maternal interest, but you are also soldiers of our society, our state, and in general this is such a priority, this is an absolute priority. our society , therefore, any actions that will be aimed at protecting children will be welcomed and should be carried out by you, we have a federal law on free legal assistance, this time, free legal assistance is provided by any lawyer on the territory of any subject of the russian federation for certain categories of cases, but including, if she is poor, if she is a woman with many children, she
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can contact a lawyer and receive free legal assistance. exactly what is the procedure for applying and don’t forget such a good legal method, if you don’t know what to do, write a simple letter to any administration, the police, the prosecutor’s office, with one simple question, i have this situation, explain what i need to do in any case, according to the law, this appeal will reach exactly the body that will stand... to protect your interest, if you don’t know what to ask, write and explain to me what rights i have and how can you help me, help will be provided to you, what awaits the children of their mother, who now cannot forgive herself for leaving overnight to deal with the new passion of her ex, we will find out together in a few minutes, the mother of five children is sure that
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and maximum sexual energy. get tank atali premium right now for free, find out how by calling: 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. 5 minutes of silence, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. small house, russian stove, half a tree in an apartment dedicated to the release of the film the flying ship on ntv. it must have fallen in love with the tsar's daughter. the creators of this film. alexey uchitel, ilya uchitel, nadezhda vasilyeva, maxim dunoevsky. but i don’t want to, i don’t want to because of convenience. there were rumors. that the director, he’s your son , didn’t let you on the set, well, these rumors are a little exaggerated, my life is a tin, it’s its canvas, i added my words
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to this song, it’s disgusting because this is my insert, ugh, what disgusting too, i’m jealous true for those who come to the cinema, ntv apartment building at marguy. but now not only have your children been taken away, but the police are interested in you, you know what kind of responsibility you may face, you don’t know, then you will be interested to see the official comments of the investigative committee, the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia in the krasnodar region is investigating a criminal case against a resident of the pavlovsky district, who is suspected of putting her young children in danger, as well as improper performance of parental responsibilities. according to the investigation: woman
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she left her young children at home unattended for more than a day; she herself was staying with her former partner in another district of the krasnodar territory. currently, the children are removed from the family. during interrogation, the woman admitted guilt and spoke about the circumstances of the incident. currently, the investigator is carrying out a full range of investigative actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crimes committed, the home has been inspected, the suspect has been interrogated, and a forensic medical examination has been ordered. leaving you in danger is. that article, which provides for liability for leaving in danger , if it is possible to prevent this, the second article is, of course , liability for improper maintenance, because the maintenance of children is the responsibility of the parent, in case these cases go to court, in the event of a guilty verdict, the punishment will be small, well , it should be noted that even the very fact of initiating a criminal case will now be used by the authorities... guardianship as one of
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the grounds for deprivation of parental rights. ksenia, nadezhda has a chance to get her children back, and what does she need to do for this? as i understand it, hope ’s parental rights are limited for six months, but really, she needs to bring her living conditions back to normal, and prove that she can provide a financial base for the children, that is, get a job, the period is enough for this, of course, she can finish it in six months. repair, find a job, i’m ready to help nadezhda, return her children, explain where to go, and so on, she will have the opportunity to show herself at her best on the other hand, the chance will improve, but this particular period of time will show us whether she needs to return the children or not, inna, you can take control of this situation so that the children do not suffer, because the interests of the children...
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go to this shelter in order to see them, give them oranges, gifts , something else, but maintain communication with the children, broadcast your motherly love there now so that your children trust you, so that after those 6 months of separation, they want to you come back to compare their life now and the one that was before, they said: no, mom and i will be better, hope, will you fight for your children? yes, yes, i will fight, i want to tell the children that i will... come to them, i will come and i will
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constantly visit them, i don’t forget them, i worry about them.


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