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tv   Utro  NTV  March 21, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we listen to the chronicle of the emergency and arrange a personal search of the car in first gear. on the ntv program there is an emergency incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the conflict between neighbors in a suburban area in kursk in its development transformed into animal hatred. men have long since become personal, but at some point this was not enough. this pameranian spitz is pupi and the girl can't tell. the owner is in such pain, she doesn’t even whine, she silently looks at the owner, the owner looks at her, in these shots only pupi recovered from the shock of anesthesia after an emergency operation on her back, there was a wound from a bullet on her back, the decorative dog remained permanently disabled, the owner of the animal roman zalyubovsky is sure of all this, the result of many years of neighborly feuds, as if a black cat ran between them, someone fired several bullets at the animals, until they were walking in a fenced area, all roman’s suspicions fell on the owner of the neighboring plot, and, as he believes, not unfounded. they said, this is
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what you did to the dog? he said: i was drunk, maybe i had a squirrel if i if i knew this would happen, i wouldn't have shot. the neighbor was shooting, here he has a high blind area, here he stood, look at the distance, here the distance is, well, meters, but 6-7 meters, this is the one the breeder is talking about, dmitry shlyakhta, his neighbor in the area, a local entrepreneur, owner of a chain of construction stores, your position is simple, just voice it, well, so that there isn’t just one position, it’s just yours, i ’ll explain it to you again.
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did his feet, they didn’t find him in the man’s house, the ballistic examination failed, but i don’t intend to give up for lyubovsky , i turned to the prosecutor’s office, they started an investigation, the desire to give bail arises as soon as some boor , even if only as a joke, tries to rummage through someone’s pockets, and even if your things are shaken up by a gloomy police officer, representative of the law, you can’t shake the bad feeling that your personal... boundaries have been violated. personal search procedures are especially humiliating if you are a law-abiding citizen and do not have anything prohibited on you. but one pretty girl couldn’t even imagine what a shame she will have to endure during a seemingly unremarkable taxi ride. you don't know what we are. traffic police inspector, why
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not a dream job, look at the beauties that drive taxis, there’s no time for the driver, the passenger, the fire, well, where is it prohibited here, and one more thing, a small nuance, you don’t need to show me anything, take it, you move it, well, inspector, you haven’t forgotten what you were looking for, then you forget, the officer goes lower, and another moment... i have a hole in the elastic band of my pants inside. there are probably a lot of interesting things in shorts, not in your own, of course, the contents of others are much more tempting. there was a story in tatarstan, a whole shift at the traffic police post.
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the girl in this video is a passenger, but what can the traffic police inspector and passengers do? according to article 27.7 of the code, the inspector has the right to conduct a personal search of any individual, that is, the driver, the passenger, and the pedestrian. the purpose of the inspection is to detect instruments or objects of committing an administrative offense or crime. however , i regard such actions of a traffic police officer as a humiliation of the honor and dignity of an individual. the inspector touches the girl, conducts a search on... the street, which does not exclude the fact that
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some intimate parts of the girl’s body could have been seen by strangers. theoretically , the victim could accuse a police officer of sexual harassment, since there was personal, close contact, she could... sexually harassed. according to preliminary information, this hero perceives this as exactly the action of the sensational video and has already been fired from the authorities. so, a traffic police officer has the right to conduct a personal search in relation to any citizen, be it either a driver, a passenger or a pedestrian. but there are three important rules you need to know. first, a protocol on personal search and inspection of things must be drawn up. if you are detained or taken to the department, then in the protocols on administrative detention and delivery, a note about the personal search is made. secondly, a personal search must be carried out by a person of the same sex as the person being searched in the presence of witnesses of the same
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sex. in general, everything is like in a bathhouse. men's department, women's department. personal search without witnesses only in case of suspicion of presence of weapons. or to find him, the inspector’s colleagues, partner, members of other crews, and so on cannot be witnesses. and third, video recording of a personal search is prohibited; things can, as they say, be shaken up on camera, but without witnesses. and finally, the most interesting thing is whether it is possible to refuse a personal search. will not work. you will be disciplined for disobeying a lawful request of employees.
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in trouble, we save a person, he dies there, watch today's episodes, calm down, i saved you from a bullet, i'm tired prove that i didn’t commit any crime, can’t you see that i ’m being framed, hello, yes, i’m listening, a bear overtook a guy in the forest, we’re wasting time, take your equipment, a gun with a weapon, that’s it, end of communication, hold on, hold on. suit, i'm getting close. 5 minutes of silence, sea and mountains, mom, run! premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya, i
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will tell you about the weather for today. in the far east, two northern cyclones will unite into one, but they will be concentrated in chukotka, where the weather is the worst in the country. cold, snowy, windy. and at yoga. she is trying to timidly declare herself, but so far she is doing poorly, from khabarovsk to blagoveshchensk it is barely above zero. in yakutia, march’s successes are more noticeable; tomorrow there will be the first thaw in the capital of the republic, but immediately followed by a collapse of cold snowfall. this cold will come from the country of siberia, where it has conquered almost the entire territory, from krasnoyarsk to tomsk, there is already snow and frost today, only the western half and the urals are in no hurry to part with the warmth. it's +6 sunny in yekaterinburg. it's frosty in the north of european territory. remained only in the northeast, and the rest of the regions are adjusting to warming, but in the north-west it will be accompanied by rains, because the atlantic cyclone is responding to the warming, in kaliningrad they will begin today, here it is +7, in velikiye luki almost +10 and just cloudy. and in the center it’s sunny again,
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but in the morning it’s freezing, it’s too early to think about changing tires, and during the day from yaroslavl to voronezh it’s +6, on the banks of the volga it’s even colder, in kazan +4, in saratov +2. in the south to the end. the weather will be rainy and cool this week. in simferopol only +8, in sochi 13 strong wind. in st. petersburg today it rains +6. in moscow it’s also +6, but no precipitation. foggy in the morning. be careful on the roads. see below. morning is the best. let's listen to auto stories from the main road. we study old spices together with sergei malozemov. let's get acquainted with the world of show business. family drama: ex-spouses cannot share an old mercedes. the bailiffs took the car from the husband for alimony debts, but the car disappeared from the paid parking lot. her
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husband took her, they can’t punish him for this or don’t want to? i understood the love triangle. alexander lushin, they’ll invite you to visit, then he’ll come in. the ship of love of the st. petersburg family broke the sharifs of their common life. then the classics, court, divorce, child support. naturally, he did not pay for the items; a very large amount of items had accumulated. i turned to the bailiffs, the bailiffs took this mercedes car from him, and handed the car over to me. a registration ban was placed on the car while veronica removed the arrests, she left the car in a guarded parking lot, and the ex-husband decided that since the car was registered in his name, he should keep it maybe he wants it wherever he wants. i found out that he stole my car, he somehow found it. and with his friends, it turns out, he organized the theft of a car, and he took it. the evacuation of a car from
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a guarded parking lot went like in a real action movie. a suv pulls into the parking lot, followed by a minibus. look, the mercedes is being hooked onto a cable and being pulled towards the exit. at this moment, of course, by accident, the minibus breaks down under the open barrier, blocking the watchman’s view. when the mercedes is taken out, the minibus starts and drives off. i have your documents, which... the bailiffs handed me over, but a large debt was written off in some respects, i don’t have a car, the guest will come in then, wait, do you hear what you’re doing? alexander was not happy to communicate with his ex, we got a little bit of this, this is qualification, let off steam, alexander told his version, greetings to ntv viewers, a car. was confiscated on the basis that veronika nikolaevna said that i did not pay child support. out of 250 thousand, i was able to confirm
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only 92. but without knowing the rest, the purchase of products, she said that this did not happen. he has documents for the car, registration with the traffic police in his name. he openly declares even to the police that the old mercedes is his property. on what basis did you then take this car? based on the registration, it belongs to me. so there is already a decree on the transfer, but i don’t care about this decree, it’s like, well , in response to our official request, the police said that the investigation should be carried out by enforcement agencies, they officially sent to the bailiffs, material on this piece transferred to right bank department of bailiffs, the bailiffs believe that they fulfilled the law, seized the property and handed it over to the claimant, and with this their... powers have expired. the title to the movable property is transferred to the claimant from the moment
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the transfer acceptance certificate is signed. she wrote a statement, we issued a corresponding resolution, that is, it was about the transfer of the unsold property of the claimant. that's it, that's it for us. gladki, i got the car another way. i went, got it, took it. now he is with me, awaiting a decision on the court's appeal. bailiffs they transferred the car to their ex-wife legally, but alexander is also appealing their actions according to the law. the car was transferred according to the deed to the claimant, and formally, on the one hand, from that moment the claimant is the owner, however, the bailiff’s decision on the transfer is being appealed, so it has not yet entered into force, and it is too early to say that ownership has transferred from the previous owner . neither the police nor the bailiffs can understand who the owner of the mercedes is, this will be clear after all the trials, but veronica, for now, is left... without a car without alimony in
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in our section, questions from viewers , absolutely everyone wins, we get interesting topics from you, do you learn new things? galina lavrova from blagoveshchensk asks whether it is possible to get poisoned by old spices, do they spoil over time, thanks for the interesting question, we answer that spices have an unfavorable effect on us. both high temperature and humidity, what happens to spices? they lose their aromatics, their appearance deteriorates, their cohesion may change, that is, they crumble worse, lumps form, and even develop mold, but if you store spices correctly, then there will be no mold in them even after 4 years, these are the results of laboratory analysis; salmonella is also found in market spices... fortunately, unlike the study of malaysian scientists, they did not find it. in general,
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this is quite understandable. spices contain natural preservatives, tannins, glycosides and terpenes that inhibit the growth of microorganisms. this reduces the risk of poisoning. but over time, the seasonings, of course, get worse. the shelf life of spices is often determined by the fact that they are ground or whole. whole spices last longer with us because of the surface area in contact with air. with the environment, with moisture, we have significantly less. sticks, cinnamon, pepper and peas , grains, coriander, do not lose their aromatic properties for a long time and can be safely stored nearby. 5 years, now the powders lose their culinary qualities after 2-3 years, fizzle out, on the internet they suggest finding unusual uses for old spices, for example, with the help of turmeric and saffron , enthusiasts dye fabrics and yarn, and hot pepper is supposedly able to repel insects with vegetable garden we decided to test this advice with
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amateur entomologist konstantin golub. you have experience working with insects... trust all the advice from the internet, and you can wake up old spices a little by warming them up slightly in a frying pan or in the microwave, but most importantly, nutritionists in general advise using spices more actively, because they allow you to reduce the amount of harmful salt in your diet and make healthy things tasty. today
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, the flying ship, a romantic fairy tale based on a russian folk tale and the famous soviet cartoon with music by maxim dunoevsky, how the authors promise to surprise the audience, who played the main roles , performed the musical parts and what new characters appeared in the full-length version, this is today's show business news. from today, viewers can go on a magical journey on a flying ship. a family fairy tale about love and dreams was released, work on which continued. of the year. the film is based on one of the most beloved soviet cartoons, created by harry barden in 1979. the songs sung there based on the poems of yuri entin and the music of maxim donoevsky immediately went to the people. who doesn’t remember the jokes of the cheerful hedgehog grandmothers or the suffering of vodyanoy about life as a tin. all these hits will also be in the full-length film, as well as other popular
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songs that were released in a new arrangement in the style of the film. one of them is sung by polina gagarina, who played in the flying one. ship the witch lady jane. this is a new character created specifically for the feature-length film adaptation. the film was shot by ilya uchitel. before that, he released two full-length films, including including the sports melodrama streltsov. but this was the first time i worked on such a large-scale project. his father alexey, a teacher, acted as the producer of the film. the filmmakers, although inspired by the cartoon, came up with their own magical world. the film will feature new storylines and a different aesthetic. for the filming, they sewed a collection of incredible costumes, dresses with crenalines, wigs, fancy headdresses that looked like museum exhibits, and the decorations of the palace and other locations were erected in the masfilm pavilions, where even without special effects, the atmosphere of a fairy tale reigned, and after using graphics , the effect of complete immersion was obtained. here we are talking about one of the most
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amazing cartoons beloved by all generations, which ilyusha decided to do. expand, remember, make it with modern technologies, amazing, absolutely, that is, really, even for those who understand cinema, what happens on the screen is some kind of fairy tale, incredible possibilities and miracles. leonid yarmolnik plays the tsar in the film, to whom boyarin polkan performed by fyodor dobronravov, offers a lucrative deal, to marry the princess to his son, the rich heir of paul, and the fun does not want it out of calculation, but wants... out of love, she falls in love with the sailors ivan, simple and honest and charming, with the help of the inhabitants in the magical forest, he decides to build a flying ship so that he and his beloved can go with him towards his dream. the musical part for the main characters was performed by feduk and anna peresilt, alexander metelkin and ksenia traister played vanya and zabava. the actors are young and not yet
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famous like their co-stars, but the filmmakers hope that these two will become stars. it was thanks to the flying ship that the feelings were strange, contradictory, on the one hand there was such a huge nostalgia and desire to take part in something that, well, constitutes its own cultural narrative, on the other hand, it’s scary, because you always have to re-shoot something legendary and familiar to people - it’s exciting, but of course the desire outweighed all fears. by the way. the performer of the role of ivan alexander mityolkin gave birth during filming he and his wife decided to call their daughter fun, so for them the flying ship is now in the full sense of a family movie, such is the show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, smiled
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, that means she recognized her, smiled, that means it’s real, they’ll find out, hmm , they love, they remember, they truly appreciate psb - a bank for the present, pride in full carriages, golden carriages blowing in the air, young people, tearing apart the clouds in a shred, did not forget to send from afar from home, mother and not the last anyone. and i'm running across the sky, you see someone's footprints, it could be you, it could maybe it’s me, maybe they’re waiting for us
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, maybe they’re singing to us, i found a scythe on the ground, there’s a war going on, arseny timid, alexander nosik, hot spot from monday at 22:10 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. buy permanent cream paint palet at a good price in magnit stores. it is important for us to be visible at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements, and we need someone who is fully involved. feels the power to help, the soups are at stake and we accept the challenge. gezher t2, a hero by nature. if your kitchen has rice
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national, then it doesn’t matter whether you have a high kitchen or on the ground floor. the main thing is japanese sushi, uzbek pilaf, italian resotto or your favorite porridge? now it’s not someone’s national pride, but yours personally. national rice is ours. i love experiments, and hair is responsible for the results. use technology and have fun, because this is khair. technology inspired by life. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream color, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine dyed hair, sjos, hair like after a salon. magnet. 99. magnit - the price is what you need, home is where the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation - 16.2%
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per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. they say that life is like a journey, so take it with the jettour crossover, your new companion on the path to discovery and vivid impressions. bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not darken your impression. many housewives choose 3+1 gloss gel; it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. it doesn’t bite, there’s no luck in the old farmstead. here's the arc. brings good luck. pecks, pecks, pecks. take an arc for good luck. today we are testing our birthday, you made a wish, of course you made it, good, discounts, how much you made,
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up to 50%, emvideo and eldorado, chief expert in technology, hair lacks vitality, gliscur - exceptional hydration, fills hair with strength hyaluron and extract seaweed. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration. magnet - the price is what you need, bawaiian chocolate from 69-9. it is important for us to stand out so that we can be noticed at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements. to win it, we need someone who is fully involved, who is ready. to devote ourselves entirely to the cause, who feels the strength, the strength to help, destinies are at stake, and we accept the challenge,
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jatur t2. a hero by nature, this is a show of stars, duel, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go , against philip kirkorov, so i ’m actually a singer, and i’m a taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, deforming me, and to time i was sent into the world.
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door closers do not slam doors, plus lighting and a wide tabletop. furniture lasts a long time, and jackets and shoes will finally fit here , of course, you want to live like in the advertising brochure, but one look at the price tag, the wardrobe, the usual, like, 76 mowers, fir-trees, etc. furniture department
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sounds more and more often, but here... what exactly they don’t want to hear from clients here is, let’s take this kitchen, how much does it cost? 180,000, yes, we made it for 80, let's go, let's go, prices have skyrocketed and this is not the limit, and therefore it is better to listen to his advice, kirill assures, because he is a professional carpenter and foreman who knows exactly what is not worth saving on, and where is triple cheating out of thin air? and this is exactly about beds, wardrobes, cabinets from such stores, but all this is supposedly easy to get three times cheaper. to begin with, lays out shelves kirill, you need drawings, but to make such, you don’t need to be an engineer , just an ordinary tape measure, measure the walls of the kitchen in the apartment, put it on a piece of paper by hand and hand it over to the manager of any furniture company, you can contact the company directly in
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the salon as .. where they make your kitchen right there , agree with the designer that the cost of everything will be 5 dashes 10,000 rubles. and in many stores such projects are done for free, the smart program immediately conveniently describes how many fasteners from the fittings will be needed and separately describes each body part. then on the internet you need to find a place where chipboard is cut, there are such in any average city, choose the style and color of the facades, handles and present the drawing. we are now in the production workshop, this is where we handed over our project to the manager, there are stacks of already sawed parts, at the exit you get a ready-made kitchen, but only in disassembled form, you will only have to assemble it at home, such frankness helps to save a lot , made kirill a star on the internet and the main anti-hero for sellers furniture. furniture makers can immediately be seen in the comments that they write angry
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comments, i don’t know why, but even... savings have a reasonable edge, kirill warns, when reducing the price, it is important not to cheapen the quality of chipboard, the slabs from which all cabinet furniture is made, because they are incurable eye, they cost very differently without markups, because some are safe, while others are terribly toxic and poison the owners. marina has already lost track of how much she and her daughter spent on doctors, finding out the cause of the first serious problem.
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how far the toxic traffickers have gone furniture in the indignant face of vladimir zhirinovsky, obviously without words, something irreparable could have happened even to his especially important person in the state, because it turned out that furniture was made from slabs emitting formaldehyde even in the highest duma offices, formaldehyde... that means at seven times higher than the norm , and the sterol is twice as high, it’s deadly, chipboard, they are smeared with this solution, it’s for the morgue so that the corpses don’t rot there, the state of health
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worsens, irritability, but he ’s not new to the state duma, he breathed it a quarter of a century, vladimir zhirinovsky gave this interview 5 years ago, then, on his instructions, all the tables in the office were replaced. chairs and even the floor covering , but the irritability has not disappeared , the party leader complains, everything in the house is poisoned everywhere, here are my openings, you see, without paint, then i go to another office , i walk along the corridor, there are panels hanging everywhere, buildings need to be demolished, slabs made from glue that is cheaper and easier to produce are sold under the e2 marking, and tables made from such materials with cabinets... are highly contaminated with carcinogens, so by law they can only be used to make furniture for outdoor cafes, verandas or summer cottages. sellers are often prohibited from showing such securities to clients under pain of dismissal
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, so some of them remain silent. i am alone, i am alone, you can see, others are unconscious. still won’t be provided, i don’t work here or something, you don’t work here, but we were just filming, the rest are imitating incompetence, as if they themselves are here for the furniture. what certificates? in principle , however, experts constantly encounter forgeries of such documents ; some furniture manufacturers, it turns out, buy a tiny test batch of the most expensive and safe boards at a chipboard factory, receive certificates for them, which are then applied to sofas and chests of drawers, already made from toxic panels, the effect - then, if it does appear, then prove its cause, but you never know what poisons your health, you need to place a closet, bed or cabinet in
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a sealed chamber and measure the discharge for a couple of days, correspondent andrey terebentsev managed to do this with these cabinets from an italian furniture store from a very... famous russian factory. in order to measure the toxicity of a nightstand, you must literally cut off its oxygen. to do this, we will wrap the product in this kind of plastic film and, most importantly, we will seal the whole thing with tape. there you go. now the substances that the furniture releases into the air will not fly away or disperse anywhere. we’ll take measurements in exactly 24 hours, time has passed, will the device detect anything, what parts indicate dangerous furniture even in store, how to update an old kitchen, spending
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a minimum of effort and money, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it, marina belik: lawyer. today we will talk about what annoying advertising is, where should we complain about endless advertising calls to our phone. let's look at the law, what does it say? we have a federal law on advertising, article 18. this article states that the distribution of advertising over telecommunication networks, including telephone. in the absence of the subscriber's prior consent we do not allow you to receive advertising messages, that is, in order to receive advertising messages, you must give written consent to this. in this case, advertising is considered distributed without the prior consent of the subscriber, unless the distributor of the advertising proves that such consent was obtained from you. also , the advertising distributor is obliged to immediately stop distributing advertising to
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the subscriber if he receives from him a written request to stop such calls. also, our federal law on advertising prohibits automatic dialing and automated advertising. what should we do in this case, where should we complain about advertising calls? well, the first thing you should do is contact your carrier. very often, concluding an agreement with a telecom operator for a telephone number. we check the box indicating that we agree to receive advertising calls, if you have given such consent, then you have the right to demand in writing from the telecom operator to cancel such consent, and if, after canceling such consent, telecom operator advertising calls, yet your address continues to arrive and does not help, even ad blockers, which are usually now installed on all telecom operators, the only thing you can do is contact the federal antimonopoly service. go to the website, there is
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a special form for filing a complaint about such calls. in this complaint, you must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic or name of a legal entity if advertising calls are received to your organization. you must also indicate the name of the distributor advertising, but if you don’t know, you must indicate the number from which you were called for advertising purposes. you must also provide facts that indicate a violation of the advertising law. this is, in particular, the method , date and time of advertising distribution, and you must also indicate what you want to demand that the federal antimonopoly service do in relation to the advertising distributor; you must also attach a copy of your contract with the telecom operator to the complaint, as well as details of your telephone calls , which will show that indeed, at such and such a time, on such and such a date , telephone calls from advertisements were received at your phone number. keep in mind that in 2024, in the second reading
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, the state duma will consider a federal law on toughening penalties for distributors of advertising without the consent of the subscriber; fines will be increased to a million rubles. as soon as this bill is adopted, we will definitely tell you about it, if you still have questions, send them to our email address; remember that you have the right to know your rights. hello, this is a dacha answer and i’m oksana kozyreva. our today's heroes, natalya and sergei, spend together almost 24 hours a day. they have a common business, a house, children, but the spouses are sorely lacking either time or space to be together in a romantic setting.
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natalya and sergei timokhin’s every day begins with these words; they have been feeding breakfast and lunch to employees of one of the capital’s business centers for 10 years. you won't find either sushi or pizza on the menu, but there are porridges, pancakes and, of course, pies. for preparation and quality sergey answers the dishes, under the supervision of natalia accounting. they studied at the same culinary school, but with a difference of 8 years. my first. get married, then had to get married, well , after our remodeling, the couple will be able to go on vacation at least every day, we will turn their bedroom into a luxurious luxury room for two, the dacha answer is starting to remodel the bedroom with a bathroom and a dressing room for the timokhin spouses, we will let them into the premises more light, we will install attic windows, one window was installed in the dressing room.
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walls to finishing, on the floor we unroll the polyethylene foam backing with a layer of vapor barrier and lay a durable laminate on it. oh, listen, somehow very early, 5:00 in the morning , by the way, our heroes wake up every day at exactly this time to get ready for work, and now they will be able to do this in comfort, without interfering with the sleep of their household, for the sake of this for a good purpose, we equipped a separate bathroom for them, that is, our heroes are like this... they will get out of bed right in their slippers , relaxed, without leaving the bedroom, they will immediately
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go to the bathroom. installing glass in bedroom, the color was applied from the back, so the coating will not rub off. the partition between the bedroom and the wardrobe is made of clear glass. now let's move on to the light. we install tube-shaped rotating spots above the bed. we add similar ones to the busbar, there will be 18 of them. and these are compact nightlights, also rotating, the massive headboard of the bed is upholstered with microvilvet, we attach a welded frame to it. made of a metal profile, we lay a base, on it an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness with an independent spring block, and roller blinds from dense polyester will protect the bedroom from the sun and prying eyes, the curtain will become an airy frame for the window, we put comfortable poufs on the floor,
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boxes, towels, covers for clothes and a nice bonnet in the closet. wow, amazing, look at the tv , my god, a coffee machine, you wanted it, in general , our dream, seryozha has a coffee machine in the bedroom, look, i never thought that we could have a skylight in the roof, look, oh, and what is this, really, it’s
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probably a wine cabinet, but who better than a child understands, one, two, three... a bed is in general, of course, the queen of the bedroom, how i like her color, she suits me right, look, you dressed up on purpose, like feelings, but still peeked, no, there was no opportunity and, frankly speaking, no desire, because since we already let's go participate in your project, we really wanted a surprise, to really experience the emotions that we, and in general, experience for all viewers. i recommend now that you don’t even finish watching our program, run faster to the computer, fill out the application, for the first, tenth time, you will definitely be as lucky as we are, dreams come true, dreams come true, not only on new year’s eve, if we were to walk through any city in my
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native italy now, we would see pizza at every step, pizza here, pizza there, and here on deriberka, of course... at every step there is gorgeous, fresh seafood, look at this beauty, the concept of this restaurant is simple, from the sea straight to the table, hedgehogs immediately bring back memories from my childhood, where i grew up, santa marinela , big sea a town in italy, we caught hedgehogs with our hands, it was like a trick, since childhood we were so used to it, and then we caught them right on the beach, fresh, you open a little lemon, that’s it, mom, these yoshiki
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are very fresh. very tasty, and the mushrooms, mm , almost like butter, tender , melting in the mouth and even slightly sweet, well, where would we be without crab, and this must be done, and with sound, so that we can hear that crunch, oh! exactly with my hands, no forks are needed here, like this, this is the only box stick that i
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i perceive it to be her. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, she recognizes her, hmm, she loves, she remembers. psb is truly appreciated - the bank continues to cast for the real ntv.
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5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avito, choose the brand of your car right away, immediately find new summer tires, tires will be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by brand avtovito, rabeprozol - the northern star, pleasure from life without heartburn, appetite anywhere, only dad tame, dad can, dad mozzies, dad can, home is where the family is, in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2%
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per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. meet spring with wiildberries, discover the world of sports with our collection of products for an active lifestyle. confident style and unsurpassed quality. buy with discounts. on wildberries artneo - just one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine. this is the kind of ship i built. flying ship. what a life, i love you. i love experiments, and hair is responsible for the results. use technology and have fun, because this is khair. technology inspired by life, viruses recede when telaron northern star appears, telelar -
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northern star, stay healthy, start construction with a quick search for a master, by filters, ratings and reviews, air services, who else to build with, 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, such confidence and strength. she wants to see you brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men's accessories from leamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive cross hermes, jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular three-dimensional design, three crosses in one, a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armor weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock and reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift
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for a real man. the price of the set is 2,499 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders a kit will receive gift hermes bracelet. leamax. shopping with a plus. meeting point. today at 14:00 on ntv. the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who boldly open it. they are not afraid of turbulence at the start. accurately calculate the trajectory. and, relying on the support of experts, they strive further to get more. we are happy to work with such investors, because we are the same, we have something to offer them. who needs it most? bks. the world of investments. good morning, evgenia
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neronskaya is in the studio and i will tell you about the weather for today. in the far east there are two northern the cyclone will merge into one, but they will focus on chukotka. it has the worst weather in the country. cold, snowy, windy. and at yoga , spring is trying to timidly declare itself, but so far it’s not working out well. from khabarovsk to blagovechensk it is barely above zero. in yakutia near marta. the successes are more noticeable, tomorrow there will be the first thaw in the capital of the republic, but immediately followed by a collapse of cold snowfall. this cold will come from the country of siberia, where it has conquered almost the entire territory, from krasnoyarsk to tomsk, there is already snow and frost today, only the western half and the urals are in no hurry to part with the warmth. it's +6 sunny in yekaterinburg. in the north of european territory, frosts remain only in the northeast, while other areas are adjusting to warming. but in the northwest it will be accompanied. after all , the atlantic cyclone is responsible for the heat, in kaliningrad they will begin today, here it’s +7, in velikiye luki it’s almost +10 and just
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cloudy, in the center it’s sunny again, but it’s freezing in the mornings. it’s too early to think about changing tires and during the day from yaroslavl to voronezh +6, on the banks of the volga it’s even colder, in kazan +4, in saratov +2. in the south, until the end of the week the weather will be rainy and cool, in simferopol only +8, in sochi - 13 strong wind. in st. petersburg today it rains +6, in moscow also +6, but no precipitation. foggy in the morning. be careful on the roads. we wish you the best morning. next in the program. let's talk about health with your doctor, prepare a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, discover the miracle of a new product with sergei malozyomov. one day we'll go on a movie trip on a flying ship. the drug gripferon is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. doctors are sounding the alarm.
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the number of patients with inflammatory bowel disease is increasing worldwide. the main one is kalit. why do they simply exist? what types are there? why are ischemic and microscopic colitis not diagnosed in russia, but the non-existent spastic colitis is diagnosed? we are talking about this with a gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences, and the head of the clinic.
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it may be infectious, most often colitis, if we do not understand what kind of inflammation it is, but in the end we must come to an understanding of what this inflammation is connected with and whether it exists, but what we see in life, in life we ​​see that anything is called kalit, there is something bothering you in the stomach, there are some kind of disorders... then the swelling was done.
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and usually the disease that often undeservedly brought the patient to this colonoscopy, maybe it shouldn’t have been done, most often it is irritable bowel syndrome, well , less often some other diseases, sometimes they did a biopsy, this is more interesting and there is some kind of abstract description on the biopsy , here we are we often say that we don’t like abstractions when it comes to things. conclusions of our auxiliary medical services and it says signs of chronic yes, what are signs of chronic colitis, you write to me there how many leukocytes of what type of these leukocytes the ratio of intestinal cells to inflammatory cells then i will understand whether there is
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inflammation or not like this? this is how i see it, i’m an artist, again, it doesn’t tell me anything, most likely there is no disease there, with this conclusion, on the contrary, these are the real ones there are serious diseases that really are colitis, well, we are more or less able to diagnose ulcerative colitis, yes, it has characteristic changes during endoscopy.
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we lose diagnoses, the same microscopic ulcer is not uncommon, people there do not have any intracavitary visualization, it is very clear to me where to take a biopsy when you don’t see anything. but - when a patient comes to the doctor, especially over 45 years old, who has watery diarrhea, he definitely needs to do a biopsy, even if the intestine is unchanged, so i have to write from unchanged areas of multiple biopsies, from different parts of the intestine, this is the only way we can detect microscopic colitis, but why does he call it that? because only a microscope can be seen, these same inflammatory cells are there, and we can help these patients, they are very grateful when you prescribe the right medicine, well
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, usually these are glucocorticoids - amyloidosis - well, although this is a relatively rare story, but if it happens, it is very rarely diagnosed - firstly, because they do not take a biopsy. there mucus is also often unchanged and is not stained for amyloid, yes, although there is nothing complicated about it, just paint it with a hint, but now we can type and even learned how to treat it, if 20 years ago it was a death sentence, now it can be treated perfectly, that’s all an equally serious disease , but it can be treated, controlled, it needs to be diagnosed in time, ischemic colitis , you read any foreign textbook, there are a huge number of descriptions of cases, and often we see in extracts, very rarely, and if the person
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is elderly, then pain arises through for some time after eating, the pain is quite severe, first of all you should think about ischemic colitis, ischemic colitis is due to vascular atherosclerosis, it occurs separately. it’s just that chronic colitis does not exist, that every colitis should be, if there is a suspicion, it should be well characterized by colonoscopy and biopsy, if necessary , computed tomography, and in general this is a complex
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diagnosis that needs to be understood by a very highly professional, qualified gastroenterologist, yes, in the majority cases, any unpleasant sensations in the stomach, this is irritable bowel syndrome, you need to learn how to diagnose it, which... is very simple, by the way, thank you very much, alexey dmitrievich, i would like to wish everyone health and good morning. the drug gripferon is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. for our salad, i will take cucumbers, i have cherry tomatoes, you can take absolutely any tomatoes, and of course fresh ones, because they are not canned or dried. neither pickled or salted ones are not suitable here, because we are talking about a fresh salad, full of vitamins, all sorts of useful microelements , fiber, in such plump, pretty
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circles, you see, well, the cucumber with its aroma reminds you that spring is very, very close, by the way, about those who remembers that spring is coming. this should be a daily part of your diet; by the way, i use this wonderful mix for the base of our salad. so, my tomatoes are sweet, cherry, if you have doubts about tomatoes, well, anyway now is the season that tomatoes, in principle , can be questionable, although delicious tomatoes are also now grown in greenhouses, and wonderful baku tomatoes are brought to us to eat, but still pay attention to how thick their peel is, maybe you will need to scald it with water and remove the peel, for dressing i will take avocado. yes, add the pulp, avocado, add it to the blender, add lemon juice, about
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a tablespoon, mustard, my mustard is so tender, delicate with grains, a heaped teaspoon, just like that. a little salt, a little pepper, a tablespoon i... apple cider vinegar and olive oil, three or four tablespoons , whisk everything, now i add it here to the salad, look, i have olives here, like this, they are pitted, these are kalamata olives, they are like this ... the most, you know,
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they usually come in their own juice, and not in oil, they have such a very intense taste, well , somewhere around here i have about eight of them, i probably divided them in half, added avocado mayonnaise, just like that salad mix, it holds such a heavy dressing well, well, because it really does look like mayonnaise, and the avocado is very well absorbed into the leaves, but the leaves remain crispy and ringing, and don’t become so lethargic and dull. the only thing that seems to me that can be added here, how can this joy, both gastronomic and health, be improved is a few nuts, i have dried pine nuts, they will go very well here, so bon appetit! on the air: a miracle of technology, a program in which
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i, sergey malozyomov and my team, everything testing it on ourselves. our tester dasha kortamysheva takes a shower at work, not because the hot water was turned off at her home. she is getting ready to test another gadget in a photo studio where they often take beautiful photos. shots under streams of water, just imagine how much effort you have to spend before each shoot to get rid of splash stains, maybe this robot washer for 30,000 rubles will simplify the task. share price. its superpower, as the manufacturer claims, is its ability to cope with dirt on windows of any thickness, held using a vacuum pump, he is ready to fearlessly conquer relief tiles, mosaics and rough surfaces.
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glass, travels along a programmed route and, as written on the website, sprays detergent in the form of a mist, it is included in the kit or distilled water, you will have to buy it in addition, the set includes three microfiber cloths that can be washed in a machine, controlled from a remote control, phone or a button on the body, come on, i'm insuring, i'm starting to wash the windows, oops, it seems that he felt that there was an edge, and really, the robot... is quite smart, hey, there are videos on the internet with funny moments when older models did not understand where the edge was, but nothing like that happened with our device, did it manage to rub the glass with a shine, fathers, if you compare it with the wall that the robot did not touch at all, of course, the result is cool, but taking into account the divorces... i think
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it’s more like a four-minus, or maybe a three-plus. for objectivity, of course, we will carry out several more checks in other conditions. in the country house of lawyer oksana vasilyeva, there are high windows that cannot be easily washed. we need to take some kind of ladder and climb up to wash, so you have to invite a specially trained woman who can quickly climb and clean everything well.
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the robot passed this test with dignity and actually survived for 20 minutes. another obstacle to the operation of the gadget, as they say online, can be wind. in our. in the studio, we used a fan to simulate a weak air flow; outside in this weather, only leaves and tree branches swayed. let's. oh, everything flew away somewhere, to the neighbors, apparently, despite the fact that the wind was really not very strong strong, in autumn it can be stronger than the wind. it turns out that in order to wash the windows, you have to wait for absolutely calm weather, very interesting, and most importantly, for what?
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are there any contaminants that the washer can deal with 100%? let's see if the relief tiles, as indicated on the website, are in the bathroom of dilyara soberova from moscow. the room has walls with a three-dimensional pattern. our wall is dirty, let's see how the robot copes. no problems, the robot rolls around without noticing the unevenness, however, it was confused by the toilet paper holder, it had to restart in another place to keep watch. washing is completed.
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according to the instructions, the device can work in a horizontal position and on a frameless surface. he cannot be controlled, but continues to dance. even when controlled from the remote control, the robot does not always understand what is required of it. but it copes with frosted glass on doors with a mirrored cabinet. in general, according to dilyara, the robot is too slow. in 45 minutes she could have polished the glass by hand just as well. however, there are those who... speed ​​is not so important, our viewer from baku, jangir alizadeh, is quite pleased with the purchase. at the panoramic glass hotel where he works, a previous-generation powerhouse regularly cleans the windows. cleaning used to take a lot of time, but once a few years ago we tried an automatic cleaning device and decided that
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it made sense to use it, so we don't deny that someone somewhere could benefit from such a device, although in general... already our program has been out for 10 years and we regularly test new generations of washers, but we see that it’s mainly the advertising ones that change formulations, not the technologies themselves. in general, to be honest, robotic window cleaners can only maintain cleanliness; they cannot cope with heavy dirt, and the corners will have to be wiped manually. advice, if you want, despite all this, to try the robot in action, you can rent it and try it on for your specific conditions.
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it’s no secret that this film is for family viewing from the family duo of father and son, director ilya uchitel and producer alexey uchitel, march to the blackboard, answer for what they have done, class teacher mikhail ivanovich lomov will ask sternly: when you say the word teacher, another reality immediately arises, about the verbs about tere and about the rain in the yard. did you study hard at school? the period there, elementary grade, i was an excellent student, up to
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the eighth grade, five, four, from eighth to tenth grade, i already began to study a lot about cinema, photography, and went to classes. to the palace of pioneers and seemed to be choosing what i needed, but i had c grades there in these unified state examinations, i think i would not have done the best today, well, in physical education i had an a, i loved sports and did singing also five, my favorite history subject was physical education, when i had bad grades, of course my mom and dad were there, they all laughed at... that means they got five in physical education, or is that idiot still singing, if there in terms of singing, well, something like that, you punished your son for...
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a walk, giselle's mania, space as a premonition, the edge, matilda has already entered the history of russian cinema, he calls all his films children. his own son ilya, a teacher throughout the country, made himself known relatively recently. his debut comedy "big lights" villages" was released in 2016. it was followed by the sports drama streltsy, and today ilya alekseevich is a strong specialist who can be entrusted with any budget. i remember it was his debut film, i arrived - something like a big top, another hour for
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car, i arrived in trouble, i saw such a look, uh, that i realized that i was definitely superfluous here, and after a couple of hours i left, we almost always do not have the same opinions about what is good and what is bad, but somehow so we continue this work, although it is not easy for everyone. the scythe finds a stone, yes finds it all the time, especially when editing begins, because there are usually no problems with the actors there, we have the same opinion, that’s when editing begins, and the editing director and i edit, edit, then we show some stages, and a terrible scandal is already beginning there, no concessions, son, please do it, there is no such thing, of course, we still speak professional language, then it doesn’t matter, dad, son,
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we don’t speak, because again we need to continue to work further, in fact the montage should somehow lead to a general consensus. who gives in more often in arguments? well, it's definitely me, 100%. i think that the son, for now, but the point is not that he is compliant to the point of some kind of falls , no, he just hears, this is the most important thing, you know, not to give in stupidly, again, so i said, but you do it, but in order to...
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and it’s already hard for me to cope with him, in general, to be honest, a cyborg, as long as he can work, i don’t understand why this is necessary, who needs it, but he forces everyone around him to do the same, so there's nowhere to go, it's like his brain works, what a fire he has in his eyes in a good way when it comes to work, it’s this quality that i don’t really want to lose, it’s waiting for you, go for a walk,
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vasya, i’m not vasya, who is vanya, the flying ship is a joint work producer and director-teachers, the project is striking in its scale, judging by the trailer, for filming the filmmakers occupied five pavilions of the mosfilm film studio, where all the fabulous interiors were built life-size, funny, we were going to start filming the location block in the summer of the twenty-first years, but the set that we built on the seashore was washed away when some floods began in sochi, so we had to replay the start of filming from the vodyanoy swamp, this was practically the first filming, so i went somewhere in the forest, the real swamp, i arrived, darkness, cold. it all looked somehow, some people were running, something was glowing, this is the magic of the cinema, because
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when these gel balls came over the swamp, hanging, it... changes the wig, puts on another costume, another one takes the place grandma says so our own phrases, we filmed a dialogue between five five grandmothers, it was not the easiest task, it was all with plastic makeup, which greatly limits the shooting time,
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because it takes another 3 hours to do it, plus all these things that directors hate, lunch, a break, repositioning the camera, the makeup is starting to run, it’s also very hot, all this with these stunt gimbals, in general, it was a dubious pleasure, but there, too , they found some space for jokes, otherwise it would have been very difficult . teacher ilya has his last preparations before going out film on wide screens. the director says that he has already seen his movie 500 times from start to finish. so big and expensive. every detail is important, but how long did you look for actors to play the leading role? well , to be honest, for quite a long time, especially we tormented sasha metulkina , he went to auditions for almost, what, 10 months, all the time, together with sasha, we invented some new behavioral traits of this ivan, so he had to do the same
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to run the scene even with the same partners many times, but i hope that he... very much he was offended by me, forgive me, princess , yes, do you mind if i help ivan, please? one of the main roles in the flying ship, the good witch lady jane, was played by polina gagarina, let me remind you that gagarina has a higher education in acting. i remember how i called gagarin’s line for the first time, we had just presented this project at the cinema fund, and without hope, i asked. her to come to this pitching, given her, so to speak, busyness and everything else, she didn’t doubt it for a second, she said, yes, when, in the first version of the script there was the character of polina, but at the same time he didn’t sing anything, it seems strange to me if you ’re making a musical film with polina gagarina, so that she doesn’t sing something in this film,
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i can tell you with absolute confidence, she did it very well in my opinion , everyone still asks, she probably sings 10 songs, unfortunately, only one. so you understand that he wanted to steal you. it wasn't the world dad wanted to show. what did ilya the teacher learn while working on the film? the main lesson is that you need to constantly conduct some kind of diplomacy with everything, if something goes wrong, ah... something goes wrong there all the time, so it’s not possible to destroy everyone at once, you want to somehow keep people in a fighting spirit. did you have to give a kick? well, to be honest, i’m not a big expert in kicking, uh, in a rude form, but somehow i ’m always trying to translate this, first into some kind of silent channel, then into some kind of humorous channel, while we’re trying
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to do without tyrony, to be honest with you i admit, i... i don’t even hide some pride, because this is a huge project, and in order to build it, so to speak, not only the producer, but it still needs to be actually filmed, so in this sense he is great, jump to me, what a life, the flying ship takes off in all cinemas in russia today, march 21. let's go to the cinema, i'm sergei mayurov, see you on ntv tomorrow. happily. the best for today, beyond. moving to a private house turned into a conflict with neighbors for a family from vladimir. i don’t have water in the house right now, we’re melting the snow,
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and my husband started running this log for my child. now you are sitting there blatantly lying. 16:45 on ntv. hmm, she smiled, so she recognized it. she smiled, it means she was real. will they find out? hmm,
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love, remember. truly appreciated. hold on, hold on, tyum, i'm already close. 5 minutes of silence, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv.
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5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. the viruses retreat when teloron northstar appears. north star. stay healthy. magnet - price, what you need, what do you want to do? when will you get enough sleep? go to sports, do the countdown, finish the repairs. with wellson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night so you can enter the new day full of
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strength and energy. jerak has been cooking for 37 years broth base using fermentation technology that lasts more than 100 days. therefore, my choice is dushrak, and my chan ramen and my own recipes. they say that life is like a journey, go there with the jettuk crossover, your new companion on the path to discovery and vivid impressions, bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies, choose your jettour, special conditions for purchase in march, detralex presents when i've been running all day, the heaviness in my legs, the pain... they can catch up with me. ditralex helps millions happy women control varicose veins. ditrolex acts on the cause of the symptoms of laricosis at any stage. detrolex is tested
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by experts. the choice of millions. when the history of the developers is on the surface, have the apartments been checked in the rosreestr? all you have to do is choose. transparent choice on aviton real estate. doesn't bite. in the old farmstead there is no luck. here's the arc. brings good luck. pecks, pecks, pecks, take a bow for good luck, home is where the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. rabeprozole - the northern star, enjoyment of life without heartburn. magnet, price is what you need, bawaiian chocolate from 69-99. if you have a runny nose or sinusitis, avoid sinusitis and take urvis rina. urvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. urves rina. don't
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let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. even in warm weather, a common runny nose can turn into sinusitis. treat your runny nose correctly, take orvis riina tablets from evalar. orvis riina even treats a persistent runny nose. orvis rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. so, good morning, in evgeniy's studio. i'll tell you about the weather for today: yakutia is set for warming, it will be stormy, but short-lived, after the thaw it will get colder again, in the south of the continent there are almost no changes, everything is also just above zero, but... there is no precipitation. in siberia, islands of heat, near lake baikal and closer to the urals. the rest of the territory was filled with cold arctic air. the most severe frosts are in taimyr, where it is almost 25. in the south, in krasnoyarsk, novosibirsk, it is about -5. in the north of european territory, under the influence of the cyclone, it will become a little warmer, but precipitation will begin. on the kul peninsula and kareli wet snow, rain on the baltic coast. and in the middle zone, under the wing of the anticyclone , it is sunny without precipitation and from +9 in smolensk to
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+4 in tula. in the south it is rainy and windy, here the sunny spring has taken a break. in st. petersburg today it is +6 and raining, in moscow it is also +6 without precipitation, the sun will last until saturday, but then it will rain again. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harm. for the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain.
8:00 am
while it is not safe at home, several regions are ready to receive children from the belgorod region, just as the first guests were greeted in voronezh, at the end of people’s lives, the progress of the operation to rescue miners who found themselves in captivity. this is the program today in dmitry's studio violent, hello! belgorod residents who are subjected to brutal


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