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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 21, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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while houses are unsafe in the regions, we are ready to receive children from the belgorod region, as the first guests were greeted in voronezh, to be recalled from underground captivity, the progress of the rescue operation. the pioneer miners of the mine, as well as the unhealing pain of the memory of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the azarich concentration camp, a new series of the migration confrontation between texas and the federal authorities, and the flying ship is picking up speed, the fairy tale film is already in the country's cinemas. this is the program today, in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. belgorod residents who are being subjected to fierce shelling by terrorists of the kiev regime, and is now helping. literally the whole country.
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social facilities are being restored through joint efforts. in border areas, where the situation is most difficult, food and water are being delivered to residents. the victims are taken for treatment to leading federal centers. a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, wounded by a ukrainian shell in belgorod, was brought to moscow. according to doctors, the teenager's condition is moderate. he has a mine explosion wound, his arm and chest are damaged. today at the children's clinical hospital is preparing to perform an operation on him. already. 10 russian regions have offered the belgorod region to host children who are being evacuated due to constant shelling. the first group arrived in the voronezh region, olga chernova heard how the guests were greeted and what the children themselves and their parents said about their experiences. arriving in the voronezh region, the belgorod children first ran for a walk, their mothers are happy that now they are safe and can relax, they say they left belgorod i’ve been under fire for the last 6 days without sleep, i haven’t had any children since january... well, let’s say i was
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scared when everything was banging overhead, after every shelling there were dead and wounded. according to the regional operational headquarters, in the last week alone in the belgorod region , 16 civilians were killed and 98 people were injured. residential buildings, social and energy facilities, schools, and kindergartens were damaged. the rocket hit the central regional hospital. accepted the first 100 people, large families, elderly people, teenagers, they were placed in a social center and sanatoriums, we were received so cordially, the doctors examined us, adults and children , talked to us, discussed everything with us, the conditions are excellent, each family has a separate room and a dining room, pensioner lyubov leonidovna does not yet believe that the horrors are behind her, she can calmly get enough sleep, my nerves are on edge, for 20 days i’ve been out on the streets, they brought me bread, not you at all... yegor
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knows how to act in case of a missile threat, he says he always calms down his mother and younger sisters, the boy is glad that they left belgorod and didn’t suffered during the last shelling first there was a siren, we ran home, it started banging, we were all just panicking, but there should never be panic, because there is still panic.
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if families from belgorod would recover after severe stress. according to the governor of the belgorod region, 9.00 children are planned to be removed from the border areas in the near future. on march 22, the first groups will be sent to penza, tambov and kaluga. belgorod authorities are collecting applications from residents to travel to temporary accommodation centers in other regions. the regional government is ready to help resolve all issues related to the move. i urge you to listen to our argument and agree to leave your homes for a while. we will definitely provide it. security, safety of property. governor glotkov meets daily with affected families and personally monitors the progress of restoration work. due to interruptions in food supplies to the shelled areas, from today in the belgorod region they will begin to issue free food packages to residents of sixteen settlements. entry the entirety of the groyvoronsky urban district is limited. roofs are broken, windows are broken, some houses are completely destroyed, when we can return to our villages and cities, we will promptly. let's begin restoration,
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the evacuated belgorod residents hope that in a couple of weeks the situation will normalize , they will be able to return home, the main thing is that we moved here safe, the main thing is our life, everything else will work out. we will earn money, there will be work, so everything will be fine with us. in some villages, according to the governor, evacuation is complicated by constant shelling. he assured that everything possible is being done to get people to safety. ulga chernova, oleg zolotarev and andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company. to the news from the special operation zone. during the day, fighters from the center group of forces hit 350 targets, destroyed 16 enemy strongholds, two armored personnel carriers, and more than a dozen vehicles. in the south-donetsk direction, progress. our troops receive invaluable support from crews of russian hail installations. ilya usheninin saw the work of the artillerymen. the movements are practiced to the point of automaticity. missiles for rszz grads, or pencils as they are also called, are ready to fire. all that remains is to get the coordinates of the targets. this calculation is now supporting the offensive of our attack aircraft in
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the southern donetsk direction. aimed at target 1022, ready. according to the rocket artillery crew, the main thing in their work is to leave on time. if you leave on time, hail is guaranteed to fall on enemy positions, while the characteristics of the target can change constantly. we support our infantry with our fire, we also conduct counter-battery combat, and we destroy barrel artillery, as well as our opponents ' rocket artillery. all artillerymen and fighters of the legendary donetsk brigade kalmius have been fighting together since the very beginning of svo. the commander of this crew, for example, came here straight from the student’s bench, he says, he didn’t even have other thoughts, his wife and parents.
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in place, the enemy is still constantly looking for their positions. immediately after combat operation , the hail rocket launcher quickly collapses, since enemy drones are on duty in the sky and hides here in the forest plantation, there are already others here disguised calculations. in parallel with the hail , other weapons are also operating here in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. barrel artillery for howitzers 10b. they are corrected by orland drones in the same way that the rszzo is corrected, with the help of aerial reconnaissance and laser illumination, fighters see stationary targets, and spend exactly on each of them. one shell, a gun , a shot, there is a shot, a program, a tank, a mortar crew and an artillery gun, three accurate shots with an adjustable projectile krasnopol, as the soldiers say, after their hits these targets are no longer representative
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danger. sinus, i am an electronics engineer, the target has been hit. it is clear that as our units move deeper, the artillery crews also have to change positions, and now they are again working in conjunction with the assault crews. divisions. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company. donetsk people's republic. in the amur region, at the pioneer mine, rescuers exceeded the 70 m mark while drilling exploration wells. the work does not stop for a minute. two installations are involved at once. however, the situation at the collapsed mine, where 13 miners are trapped, remains complex. this is the assessment given by rescuers. it has not yet been possible to establish contact with the victims, but this is what reconnaissance is doing. in addition, the well will allow, if miners are detected, to supply them with additional air. to visually assess the situation. in addition to the development, cubic meters of earth and stones are removed,
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water is pumped out, and special dams are erected to prevent the groundwater from breaking through again. in total , about 230 people were involved in the search and rescue operation. there are enough people and equipment, authorities said amur region. the migrant takeover of the united states is reaching a new level. bloggers , illegal immigrants, began to publish entire instructions on social networks on how to take possession of housing with minimal effort. they explain, for example, that in new york the law allows the occupation of empty apartments and houses, even if the owners have simply gone to work or to the store, their square meters become a desirable goal for migrants. to kick you out.
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they are all in perfect order. migrants are becoming more and more free, they feel comfortable not only in new york, residents of texas are trying to defend right, not to let illegal immigrants in, but washington does not give up and actually forces them to keep the borders open. our correspondent, alexey veselovsky, clarified who actually lives well in the usa now. texas is not going to give in to the white house and will continue to protect the american border as it sees fit.
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illegal migrants, but as soon as this law came into effect, the appellate court immediately suspended its action pending further proceedings. it would seem that the biden administration can celebrate victory, but the governor of texas insists that the state still has the right to self-defense against illegal immigrants. with this law, texas has the power to arrest those who cross the barbed wire fence on our border, and we will use our power against those who cross our border illegally. the border dispute between texas and the biden administration has been simmering for months. last year, state authorities, faced with an unprecedented flow of migrants, decided to take control of some sections of the border, for example, the crossing in the town eaglepass, through which thousands of illegal immigrants entered america every day. the texas guard closed the approaches to the border with mexico with barbed wire in the rio grande, a river that
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migrants swam across, and installed floating barriers. now vygolpas is really difficult to find illegally, but all these measures were met with hostility by the white house and democrats as inhumane, all of them , like the law on arrests, are being challenged in the courts. the democratic party of texas and all democrats in general are not against strengthening the border, we understand that we need to somehow solve this problem. but it is being sabotaged by former president trump and his supporters in congress. mexican president andrés manuel lópez abrador also opposed the harsh measures. he called the texas law inhumane and said that if texas tries to send illegal immigrants back across the border, then mexico will not accept non-citizens. the country will hold presidential elections in june . abrador does not need scandals with migrants. also an election year, but local democrats blame trump, believing that it is he who benefits from the chaos at the border, which is why it is not possible
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negotiate with the republicans on security. there is, however, another version of what is happening: those around trump believe that by flooding the country with illegal immigrants, predominantly latin american countries, the biden administration is increasing its chances in the upcoming presidential elections. the us president himself recently made it clear that he needs latino votes in the elections like air. this election won't be a referendum on me, it will be an election between me and a guy named trump. and he, he says this about the latin american community. in 2016 he called latinos criminals, drug dealers, rapists. now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. what is he even talking about? and trump really doesn’t go into his pocket for a harsh word against illegal immigrants, but he supports his migration policy. more and more americans, borders need to be closed, our country is dying,
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it’s unclear who is invading our country, where they are all from, millions of people, i can assume that about 15 million crossed our border in a short period of time, think only 15 million, yes that is more than the population of several states, all these people come from bad places, bad places and no checks. against the background of the inaction of the white house, several states at once, following the example of texas, are ready to take their own tough measures against illegal immigrants. the iowa house on tuesday passed a bill that would allow police to detain anyone who is in the state illegally, and if the governor signs it, the law could go into effect as soon as july. a similar document is being considered by oklahoma, studying the texas experience, and georgia.
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the events of eighty years ago. in march 1944, soviet troops liberated ustniki azarić death camp. it functioned for just over a week, but during this short time more than 20 thousand people were killed in the camp. the wehrmacht leadership set itself a monstrous goal: not just to exterminate the prisoners, but to launch a typhus epidemic along with their imprisonment, which was supposed to delay the advancing units of the red army. sergei savin visited the place where the camp was located and talked with several former prisoners. the black figures in the swamp are like shadows of the dead, and the zarichi is special.
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it’s very difficult to understand how it is here several tens of thousands of people were accommodated, despite the fact that this is conditionally, the so-called high bank, there was the only room here, a german barracks strictly for the germans, all the prisoners were there, in a lowland in a swamp, in the water. all.
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camps and do not even pursue the german army, the withdrawal of troops. the german army must leave the camps in neutral territory. the prisoners
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said that if our army had been delayed for 1-2 days, there would have been practically no one to free. the next morning, without seeing the germans on the towers and seeing soviet troops are in the distance, people ran with all their strength. there were tears, and there was joy, and you know. their nerves could not stand it, they rushed to the sides and died. eyewitnesses wrote that the children did not cry, the soldiers cried and deliberately put themselves at risk, more than a thousand soldiers became infected with typhus,
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hundreds died. there were significant losses in the medical corps, but the typhoid epidemic was first stopped and then eliminated. in total , 33,480 people were rescued and released from the azarichevo death camps. in russia, after 2 years , the moratorium on digital checks is lifted giants. business news marina piminova. marina, why did you come to this decision? authorities point out that big companies have begun to offend small ones. starting march 28, the government will lift the moratorium on antimonopoly inspections of it companies. it was valid for 2 years. as the federal antimonopoly service reported, it receives a lot of money. to disruptions from dominant digital companies, both consumers and smes . the ministry of digital development notes that the lifting of the moratorium will only apply to
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several it companies that own their own digital platform, have revenues of more than 2 billion rubles and occupy more than 35% of the market. earlier, the head of the fas , maxim shaskolsky, said that the lifting of the moratorium would allow inspections , including taxi aggregators and marketplaces. he pointed out that there were a lot of complaints. is joining yandex taxi and that dynamic pricing for a trip should be clear to the consumer. following the meeting, the american federal reserve left the key rate at 5.25, 5.5%. such it has remained since july last year. the main question has traditionally been what the federal reserve will say about a future rate cut. and investors had bad suspicions after inflation figures in february turned out to be worse than expected. but fet, having improved his forecast for american growth. the economy this year still pointed to three possible rate cuts in the twenty -fourth year. american exchanges decided that the fed's unchanged position is still
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good news in an environment where inflation is worse. forecasts and indices increased noticeably. the russian one also starts trading in positive territory. alor broker analysts say that investors are gradually starting to buy those shares for which they expect large dividends. the dollar, having not heard any toughness from the fed, began to fall in price. on the russian foreign exchange market, this is reflected in the fact that the dollar rises in price by only 5 kopecks. but the euro is at 72. forbes, after a two-year break, decided to again compile a rating of 100 reliable ones. russia, the magazine explains, at the end of february, beginning of march twenty-two, it was only possible to talk about reliability in the russian banking sector with some convention, the reason for the sanctions, closure, reporting, depositor raids and the collapse of the ruble. but now forbes notes the situation is completely different. banks, unlike previous crises, did not require an injection of money from the state, and ended last year with a maximum net profit of 3,300 billion rubles. in first place in the
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reliability rating. sberbank. forbes calls him the absolute record holder among russian banks in terms of net profit. over the past year, more than one and a half trillion rubles. force adds that in his strategy up to twenty in its sixth year, sbern intends to move to a human-centric business model for the development of its ecosystem and expand the scope of artificial intelligence. in second place in the ranking is vtb, which last year also earned a record amount of more than 430 billion rubles. in third place is rosbank as the owner. in the regions of russia , preparations have begun for the flood; this year , almost everywhere there has been more snow than usual, so the flood will be more abundant in order to avoid congestion on the rivers. sappers blow up the ice, do everything as much as possible carefully, because there were residential buildings around,
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olga zenkova was watching the work of the explosives experts. these works are always loud and spectacular, but military engineers stage ice explosions on rivers not to please the eye; the winter cover is weakened before the spring flood. the peak of the flood traditionally occurs in mid-april, so this is the busiest time for engineers of the central military district. the beloe river in bashkiria has already been freed from winter hacks, and this is footage from the ulyanovsk region, with the rapid rise of water from the threatened three populations at once. point in the village of varna flood is already a seasonal tradition, but if preventive blasting is not carried out, the ice rises, a jam is detected, then water immediately rises, water accumulates, and the residential sector passes through, is in the flood zone, if the nizhny turgazak river comes out of coast, will flood 90 areas, the work of sappers should reduce all risks to zero, everyone who lives nearby shudders from the explosions, but local residents have already come to terms with such shocks, it’s better to let the vase
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will break, fall, than... will flood right up to the roof alexander kolomytsev's house in the coastal zone is one of the first to meet the spring elements, after the flood, which destroyed almost all the property, the family annually prepares for the worst, we raise all things, which is more or less easy, we put it on the roof, it’s heavy, there are walls, sofas, we lift it onto cinder blocks, onto all sorts of devices. before starting demolition work, reconnaissance is carried out, the condition of the banks is assessed, the thickness of the ice is checked, when the residential sector is needed on all sides. put it in the hole so that there is ice cracked and won’t harm the surrounding houses? let’s say the ice here is 70 cm thick, we calculate that we need 2 kg 400 g. if we put in more, then we might end up with blocks getting into our houses. we will have to disarm them to ensure free flow, avoid congestion, it was decided to crush the ice in five places at once
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sections of the river. including in the area of ​​the bridges, to reduce the pressure on the supports, the fire, the ice has moved, the winter cover of the river has turned into fireworks of loose crumbs, so now there should be no problems in this area during ice drift. in an aquatic ecosystem the operation did not cause any harm either; the explosions were carried out in those places where the river was frozen almost to the bottom, and in principle there could be no fish here. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. last preparations at the baikonor cosmodrome. launch of the soyuz 2.1a launch vehicle, which will deliver a new crew to the international space station into orbit. the start is scheduled for 16:21 moscow time. they will be watching not only in russia. the first female astronaut goes on a two-week mission to the stars belarus. marina vasilevskaya is a flight attendant for a belarusian airline. as a sign of admiration for their colleague , the employees covered the plane she was flying to kazakhstan with space-
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themed images. before being sent to the iss, vasilevskaya underwent serious training. i'm ready to fly, i feel good. the backup crew is headed by a van that was delivered to us. in addition to the representative of belarus , ours, oleg novitsky, is going to the iss, this will be his fourth flight, and also the american tracy dyson. the ship's flight will take place along ultra-short scheme and will take a little over 3 hours; docking with the russian berth module is expected to take place already at 19:40. this flight is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of yuri gagarin and the head fairing of the rocket is decorated with a portrait of the first cosmonaut on the planet. today he begins his great journey across russian movie screens. the flying ship, an adventure comedy about love, magic and friendship, created with the participation of the ntv television company, is based on the beloved soviet cartoon. however, in the new film
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, the viewer will find new plot twists and new characters. where will ivan princess zabava fly this time and how the film was greeted by classic connoisseurs vlada kapelovskaya and the reactions of the first viewers. great love. the magic of the test and the inevitable victory of good, the classic ingredients of a favorite fairy tale that will never get boring. the creators of the fantasy film flying ship promised viewers more immersive adventure. today, the first to see it were the residents of kamchatka, then vladivostok. they deliberately got up early to be in time for the first session at 9 am. amazing, i even cried. i really liked polina gagarina in the role of the witch, i really admired her, i really liked the princess, she was so crazy, very much so. cool, very well chosen image , beautiful, princesses, in vladivostok and siberia whole classes come to watch a movie, then during the break they share their emotions, and children, adults, of course, liked the plot, which they kept, stayed with the fairy tale, well , of course, they liked the musicality, it’s
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quite brightly colorful, i liked how they defeated polkan and i liked how with a water cannon, i want to fly, there’s a ball this knitted one was cool, here... spiritual values ​​are conveyed through a russian folk tale, it’s so cool, and this is a great gift for our children on school holidays, i advise the whole family to go, this is also our good old tradition, the whole family should go to movie. the flying ship came to us from 1979, the legendary musical cartoon directed by gary bardin about the princess fun of chimney sweep ivan, evil polkan to the accompaniment of an ensemble from grandmothers the hedgehog and vodyanov's song, and they know it. its not only those who are older, but the volatile ship - this was actually my favorite cartoon when i watched it, and i really wanted to go to the cinema when i just found out that the film was released, there are very funny songs, i especially liked about vodin, he is so funny, in 2024
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the story comes to life with the help of acting, human emotions and grandiose scenery , it took 4 years from concept to implementation, director ilya uchitel took the famous fairy tale as a basis, preserving its musicality, placed it in a magical world , but no one has seen it for a long time, who also sails to the kingdom, and he is already wooing for fun. the main roles are played by ksenia traister and alexander metelkin, who have not yet become familiar to the mass audience, and lovers zabava and ivan. among the stars are leonid yarmolnik, sergei garmash, andrei burkovsky and polina gagarina. in the role of a fairy tale more often, real forests and swamps near moscow, where they spent. unforgettable days, members of the film crew, when i was diving into the water and i had to drown, all this icy water came right inside me, and it was very cold, cold so that right in my temples there was a crackling, ringing sound that at some point i said: wait, give me 3 minutes now
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and a little rest. however, the viewer did not see any minor hardships, only fabulous trials, and wow, what kind of ones, fortunately , in such cases magical helpers or jokes come to the rescue, there are many of them. the dragon egg is real! and there is also a lot of music in the film, like in the original cartoon, only in the hundred-minute flying ship there is even more of it. the musical parts of the main characters are performed by actress anna peresilt and rapper feduk. there are also legendary songs, rewritten in a new way, sometimes even daringly, but you want to sing along with them, and that’s what they’re counting on. by the way, while the film was being filmed , alexandra, who plays ivan, was born. fun, and after filming the participants took away the scenery of the flying ship, everyone wanted to take home a piece of the fairy tale. the filmmakers hope that the audience will take a piece of the magic with them after watching it. vlada kopylovskaya, victor melnik.


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