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tv   Pyat minut tishini  NTV  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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yes, the sick leave us healthy, well, now i’ll never be completely healthy, so if you, if you would advise me from time to time, well, and you, maryana, i, i really, not a psychologist at all, it doesn’t matter who you work there, the main thing is that essentially you are a psychologist and... and the best, you helped me three times, three times, yes, you saved me from being fired, mm, you helped me make a diagnosis, and well, you can to say, they opened their eyes, really, really, here you are, on the path, and the smell is crazy . what are these, eh, patsies? this is what i have
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i'm not bored at home anymore, i'm now having fun. there's a treat for me too, i promised. well i will wait. vladimirovich, of course i understand that you and your squad can be transferred anywhere at any time, but i, as your attending physician, would highly recommend that you stay. you can’t find a better climate for your lungs, yes, the climate here is suitable, give me some green, oops! well, saidych,
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zoechka thawed out, didn’t thaw out, well, that’s okay, she’ll thaw out today. economically, don't make me a weakling, we'll organize a ring, today they'll say, then boy or girl, yes they should, but boy, how long does it take to be offended. the boys there are stubborn, the girls are a little softer, i have a girl, i know, lidika petrov, we have a prenatal psychologist, yul, and you will, i understand, thank you, but you didn’t have breakfast, but you don’t feel like it, you got food poisoning, probably, but with what? i got poisoned, well, well, well,
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well, why, well, well, but you should consult saidych, run for the ring, son, you think?
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then a truck turned up from the mountain, well, from the road, yes, i don’t know, maybe he’s alive or not? where is prokhorov, is this calving? dbs from speed, earlier they will come to us. did you call the truck crane? called. i'm with you. yul, you were on call yesterday, let ’s rest today. yesterday was not my shift, today is mine. why should i sit here? don’t just sit there, go home, you didn’t feel well this morning. what's not good is that everything is fine with me. those who are not feeling well are fighting off here without me. what kind of people are you welcome, let's go, go. well, the fetus is developing well, but can we see the sex of the child? he turned his back to us, but apparently it was a boy, but why did the son turn his back to parents? he is facing you with his back, and
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facing me, well, if he is facing you, tell him that his dad is the best, yeah, are you sure, yes, yes? yes, exactly, yes, boy , i think he nodded to me, yes, yes, let's go, let 's go, let's go, lyokha, drive them all to hell, oh, here we come, good afternoon, major petrov, captain egorov, how are you? will you lift it? we should first go down there ourselves. yes, i see, yes, you can’t do without extinguishing it. base, base. we urgently need a special extinguishing vehicle. we wait. captain, now the crane will come here and
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a machine with hydraulic tools so that there is space and nothing gets in the way. okay, get ready to descend. i'm here to insure you. and i, you’re our backup here, okay, it’s better to have backup.
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i wish you good health too, igor, did you oversleep? i’ll never oversleep, valery okavich, it’s just that someone took the shower for a whole hour, can you imagine , but there’s a good reason, you’ll sort this out in the warehouse, okay, go ahead, and the person from the soul will come, he drowned, he’ll come, he’ll definitely have to, first to himself it will come from part, and then here, the tanks are intact, the battery itself flew out, how is he? wait, it's him.
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documents are needed, first of all a bolt cutter, i got it, i’m doing what else, hydraulics, when will it be, hydraulics are on the way, i’m doing it, now, greek, rope, pull the rope, okay, let’s go, yes, guys, the mow has come, guys,
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turn around, don’t ok, let's go. hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, sit down, why are you standing there, i thought you ’d never call again, i’m so guilty of you, but stop, what’s your fault, even that... listen, but he really didn’t say anything did such a thing that vana was detained. i
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understand. vanya was framed by his own people, he is now accused of some terrible things, and the most offensive thing is that everyone believed in it, but i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it either. honestly, it is very important for me that at least you believe me. al, he will be released, for sure. some tea, maybe with dessert, okay. can i please have tea and two of the best desserts? yes. come and see me for a project. we won the tender, can you imagine? yes, you are great, i congratulate you. thank you. and you know, the doctor told me that i could work. with pleasure. will sergei allow it? i even i won't ask. thank you. so come on, sanya , come on, janitor
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, make up your mind, just very carefully, i understand, come here, cut it off yourself, uh, suddenly you feel bad, i mean, you'll faint, i told more blood than you, come here, yul, yes, i’m not talking about this, but about what, you can’t even get through with your scythe, fathom, please give me, we arrived promptly, thank you, well, we’re working, we’re working, i see you’re smart enough to get at him, he’s starting to be alive, yes, we always get on the mind, alive, thank god, lucky, dude, spit, captain, it’s not evening yet, and not at all stop working, go do your job. great , guys, great, great, let me help , here you go, oops, come on, then you
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can stay with me at the station, and you help petrov play the screen, yes, there it is, come on, it’s ready, well done, you can capture it, i can’t, only with bandages, you need to... do it, what's so interesting there, citizens, i like watching how a piece of iron is turned over, of course, a very exciting spectacle, but watching a person crash is like a movie , and even better, take part yourself, so if whoever stays here in a minute will climb down, pick up the debris, clean up nature, so to speak, makarinka, come on, come on, let's be faster, faster! so the stabilizer is here, then we will raise
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the podsul, and then this is here, so that the slope is less, yes, that’s right, come on, come on, there it is. the devil is bursting, look, there are logs there, maybe we can put some in there, yes, it will do to stabilize it, let’s hurry up, go get your firewood, man, help yourself, the old man is already baking a second batch, lie down, well done, why didn’t you bring zoya? hiding from us, when she found out that the old man was back, hiding from his pies, he says, i don’t want to get better
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, well, we made up, and then bread, well, sergei, for your son, let him be healthy, even without pies, bye, thank you, guys, thank you, i’ll be raising a guy in my old age, i don’t even i know how... to raise guys, but what do you think, sergei selko raised guys, you, for example, including me, guys, but i made a man out of a greek. oh, hello, intern, i wish you good health, eat khachipuri, the son of a lieutenant colonel will be, here we are celebrating, congratulations, sergei saidovich, thank you, thank you, as they say, between the first the second break is short, hop, this is
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a star show! duel denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkoorom, i ’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, my deceitful nature has bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly and distorted, and before my time sent into the living world, this is how i see luntik.
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20 on ntv. mask - new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. two phosphoglyph components help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you ’re retired, and you registered your pension with vtb, and there’s the rate for pensioners on the funded account vtb account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become, and well, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in
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vtb retirement, together everything will work out, everything, everything. there’s no way without luck, here’s the arc, it brings good luck , pecks, pecks, pecks, take the arc for good luck, sometimes wishes are clear without words, asia roll with shrimp, juicy shrimp, bright taste of nori and spicy asian sauce, new azierl with
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shrimp and a whole asian menu in rostiks restaurants, we are going and we are going, the third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, yes i’m all over again today night. how did you get to the hall? i remember, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what ’s called prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to have one try once than hear 100 times what you think works, what , i don’t think, i know, dark, of course,
8:20 pm
now i know my wife, how and what is there, how to take it, call there, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then again you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s there to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, go ahead. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men orders. it for yourself, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed
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when ordering by phone on the screen, you guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments, call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatric gold. what, yes that's what , what, stop, stand still, well, damn it, you're right there, stop, come on, look at me, it's no longer possible for a person to be poisoned,
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poisoned or anything else, anything else, in any case, you can't strain yourself now , oh, mow, let’s take care of the patient, chop, yeah, it's coming stop, greek, we need a little more , at least 10 centimeters, that's it, we can't do it anymore, it's standing unsteadily, then we need to cut and fatten it up, so we'll climb, i see, well , they're doing well, sir, we need to speed up, well, yeah . okay, guys, i need help, i don’t need it, and make sure that people don’t climb into the abyss, yeah,
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come on, my dear, i’m ready, the greek is ready, let’s cut it, come on, come on, now, yeah, there it is. more, more, just a little more, it’s coming, it’s coming, yul, move away, yes, it’s ready, damn, your legs are pinched, they’re there, pinned under the seat, no apparently, i need to squeeze it out, i’ll do it now , just don’t think about going there, it weighs 15 kilograms, if i talked to my major like that, tomorrow i’d go to the beach as a security guard, just like that, captain greek, you don’t want to go to the beach, i have a good reason, in short, they offer
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to get it through the second door, we’ll open it with an expander, let’s work, bring the station, eat, it’s coming. yeah, you can crawl up like that, you’ll say, yes, it’s going well, it’s fine, it’s fine, come on, i see my leg, now i’ll unclench it, let’s pull , let’s go to the hole, it’s coming, let’s pull! let's i’m holding it, let’s be careful, eat, we’re pulling it out
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, after all, where are you going, i’ll go, i ’ll change something at the remote control, i just wanted to say, i decided to stay for now, and that’s right, well, yes, that’s what i thought, overina and gereev, they but in general it has nothing to do with it. and in general they are in another detachment, i’m also from another detachment, well, yes, i just wanted to say thank you for dissuading me, sleepyhead, don’t make things up, i have nothing to do with it, because i probably offended you, sleepyhead, you haven't you seen fedoma? yes, no, i think i was there in the morning, i don’t know, i didn’t come in, you feel bad, somehow i don’t very much, i’ll find him now, oh! oh, well done
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guys, let’s lower the stretcher, now it’s our way out, van.
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good job, greek, raise the hydraulics quickly, i need to let go of the car, but what a bus, what a bus, what a bus, what a bus, it was coming straight at me. did he lose consciousness? i’m loading, let’s be careful, like this, like this, that’s it, some kind of nonsense? the driver said that a bus was heading towards him, in theory he should have braked himself, the steering wheel turned, there were no traces on the road, no traces, only the braking distance of the ambulance,
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that's it, then, by the way, so... well, you weren’t offended that i talked to vitya, it just seems to me that he’s worried, do you really think that i’m jealous of you, no, of course, who
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am i, what are you? “who is he for me to be jealous of you? intern krushko, you somehow take everything too seriously, right? no, it’s tragic, don’t forget that in our couple the tragic one is me, now it’ll get better in the air why are you holding me, i’m not dying, okay, okay, that’s really bad , but i got poisoned, well, that’s it, sit down, sit down, give me your hand, by the way, yulia is also today, is it because of pie, what are you saying, we all ate the pie, but julia , by the way, didn’t eat it, maybe she has something else, oh no, just not toxicosis, there weren’t enough little greeks here, well, we’ll have a little
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greece, okay , at julia's. that you also picked up taxicosis from zoe, you’re our tremulous dad, okay, sit, now i’ll brew you some chamomile, phew , in short, the truck has already been processed, the cargo has been released, it’s already been released, but what about a truck with the same numbers, well, yes, damn it, i don’t understand that they simply transferred the cargo from hand to hand, no one accompanied him, what do you mean no one, his guard accompanies, so call this guard.
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i was lucky to have a business trip this time, yes, you’re on your own for a long time, but no, what’s up, everyone’s going home tomorrow, just to... have time to take a dip in the sea, but it’s so far from sochi? now no, update and upgrade with a big spring sale at the megamarket, modern interior, update with discounts, children's toys, update with free shipping, new electronics image, there is plenty to choose from, update, update with a big cashback, new spring update and update together with a megamarket, buy a pollaris wi-fi coffee maker for
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don’t shoot, 17 km for... so can you intercept it yourself? no, i won’t pass in this car, ours will pass, well, yours
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will pass, wait, how are we going to take it? there’s no way you’re going to take it, i have weapons, i’ll take them, let’s go, yeah, let ’s go to the base with your employees, okay, now it’s serious, well, we have occupied weapons, we’ll just give them a lift and that’s it, sasha, that’s my business , yul, i just said no, no, that means i’m going, and you’re not, damn , and then the guys said that i got taxis from you, what a joke, i didn’t have toxicosis at all, so now i’ll bring the first aid kit,
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she called me to work , to look at work in the sense of an office or to look at work at work, well, yes, so that i could work with her, but the doctor gave me permission, but what is it, there’s nothing, go to work, zoya, really, yeah,
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100 meters straight, then to the right and then the road will immediately go left, i understand you, i understand! here they are, attention, the police, they stopped immediately, andrey is 0.22, cuddle up, attention, we press to the side of the road, to the side of the road, i said, we press on, now i will find a loophole, i will try to slow down.
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shoot, moves away, moves away, accelerates, yes, what will he do to me, i’ll hit him, hold on, we’ll press on. let me, what are you talking about, this is a stacked weapon, give me the gun here, please, captain, yes, yes,
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no brakes, handbrake. come on, come with me carefully, he’s a guy, they’ve got you firmly, and most importantly, you’re alive, that ’s the main thing, well, brother, you’ve come to your senses, now be patient, be patient, we’ll show you the first
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kindness. you are here, so two of them ran away there, our two are chasing, let's follow them, commander, help, now, now, a second, wait, uh... mom, she lets you play with a knife, i'll tear the bay.
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i'm sorry, i didn't mean to, i'll come now.
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damn, viktor alekseevich, i’ll explain, well, the right decision, well, we’re tired, it’s time to rest. sash, how are you, it hurts, it’s nice, it’s nice that you asked, back up, yes, good, you and i warmed up, unexpectedly.
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the second one where we are leading, greetings, well, you are cool ministry of emergency situations, of course we had to tinker, this one is his, and this is captain yegors, but you don’t care you’ll have to come with us, make it clear, return the belt, otherwise i’m afraid there will be an embarrassment. this one and not my that one.
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vayush, i forgot to tell you, was in the department today, well, at my hedgehog lover’s, he punched him in the face, he met him. there is a general from moscow, and who is smoky , wow, he didn’t come to sochi for long, but you heard something about him, so you told me about his exploits 100 times, perhaps i’ll leave yezhov for him, in general, he said , that it’s high time for me to get promoted, uh-huh, he just doesn’t do much... “here you go, thank you, he also said that there is a place in department of the ministry of emergency situations, yeah, krasnoyarsk
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, well, of course it’s not the krasnodar region, but still a big city, it’s big, the nature is beautiful, you have a job, but if you agree to leave with me and start all over again, i..." i won’t press you, you think about it, there’s nothing to think about, we’ll go , of course, it’s delicious, well, thank you, captain, get better, we have no debt, and there they are, well, are they all alive and well? well, greek, you’re as always, beaten, but not defeated, there it got caught, it seemed to stop the bleeding, well, for
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such a fighter it’s just a scratch, mr. pogodin, please bring it to us, but this, of course, is bad , okay, you’ll tease me, of course , let’s go, do you even have painkillers, now let’s look, the conier will come, let the greek take the wheel , the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts , they strive further to get more, we have something to offer them bcs - the world of investment, where does that come from? it’s not just drugs in the city, everything in this city is ruined, they will take up arms to restore justice, there’s war again,
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well, everything, everything, everything, everything, exactly, everything, they took victor, thank god, and i told you about him. how is sonya? i called her today, she seemed to be happier. but the main thing is that this rubbish doesn’t bother you anymore. go. who are you talking about? about this julia of theirs? yes, this is siru. sit down, will you deal with her? let's see, let's go.
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listen, you are something, well, you don’t look very good, everything is fine, comrade general, you just stood out a little, excuse me for calling you in the evening, but sit down, sit down, to be honest, i’m... glad to see you alive after yesterday, i’m glad, i thought i wouldn’t survive , dragging myself for two centimeters and under bullets, sergei savidovich, this is not the case, rescuers always risk themselves, but when they point a gun at you , you have to leave, you’re not some kind of special forces, boris evgenievich, you saved a man, but if you hadn’t saved a man, then i would have told you
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i slapped such a reprimand for violating an order that at any cost, i’m with you now. just a conversation, by the way, you risked not only your life, but also the life of a junior rank, i mean junior, yes, this is a junior under bullets, like a fish in water, but i know about your fish, well, it would swim on its own, i told you so , don’t babysit young people, but i haven’t really been going anywhere lately, except for a search operation tomorrow, the girl has disappeared, that’s another matter, that’s possible, well, in general, i didn’t call you for that, sit, sit, sit, so here, at we are now visiting a general from moscow, who , perhaps, is not a palikov, no, not a palyak, the fact that his nephew serves in your detachment, i know, general praskurin came to us, wow, the pride
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of the ministry of emergency situations, that’s what i mean. i tell you, he was asking about you, well, as if by chance, but i know about skurino, he likes to drop by at some base without warning, as i understand it, this is... a warning, you understood correctly, therefore, we are in full combat readiness, we are always in full combat readiness, well then, full dress, now go, rest, everyone, sergei saidovich, thank you for i gave you a lift, you are a hero today, you should have been driven in a limousine, if you think that i will come out and let you talk, are you going to put it out with butter? why did you let him go? i didn’t let go, here he is, i woke him up, i think it’s too early. mind you, i released him on a written promise not to leave. we have
8:58 pm
nothing further to do with him. pogodin is ready to confess to all the episodes. what if he's lying? pogodin, chinese, yul, you caught him, the task is completed. is it okay that i did all this in front of mr. greek? nothing. well, yes, you don’t have secrets from each other, if it weren’t for your heroism it would hurt caps, that's it, go, let's go, sasha, get ready for a new task, okay, like you, fine, served a leg. you were offended, i know, but you weren’t offended, yul, i left you, i’m sorry , yul, i wasn’t offended, you hear, they get offended when they expect something and don’t get it in return, and you
8:59 pm
never promised anything, i couldn’t miss the chinese, i’ve been chasing him for half my life, i caught him, well done, now you’ll get a new task, and the old one. will go to the archive with me, in vain, i really, yes, i don’t understand why you don’t take care of yourself, what do you think, i ’m pregnant, i don’t know, and you don’t know, what you don’t care about me, i already understood, it doesn’t matter , but if we have a child, and if we don’t have any child, then take a test, damn it, i ’m not asking for anything else, okay, i’ll take a test, and then what? i'll have to make a choice, right? yes.
9:00 pm
it’s immediately obvious that he missed someone more, and he, don’t be afraid of me anymore, sat here and waited while you rushed around with your vents, well, it wasn’t in vain that you rushed around, yes, come on, i won the tender for the organization of one event, come on, in more detail, a presentation at a technoforum, come on, van, you knew, an, well, i knew, i know, i knew, here, well, i wanted it honestly, without cronyism, so you are already without cronyism, you have the best company, they immediately understood that, oh well...


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