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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  March 23, 2024 2:05am-2:36am MSK

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conversation with our guests, you take the black myth, which over the past 30 years has been propagated by pseudo-historians and liberal journalism, and season it with a pinch of conspiracy theories, for example, the abundance of jews among the bolsheviks, deutsche mark, the destruction of the church and ready-made dishes. russian writer about anti-russian mythology. that is why the ussr in the mass consciousness will continue to be associated with murderers. we definitely need it. such a picture. zakhar prilepin. russian lessons. today, immediately after my truth on ntv. meet the new product from cipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria. contains zinc. just one capsule per day. ocepol forte. a new level of probiotics. in the separate vk music application everything is included. only now subscription is 0 rub. 3 months,
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then the head of the russian foreign intelligence service appears, this is not macron at all, and sergei naryshkin says: according to data received by the russian foreign intelligence service, the contingent for... sending to ukraine at the initial stage will be about 2,000 people, this unit will become a priority, legitimate target for attacks from the russian armed forces, which means it will suffer the fate of all the french when -or, passing into the territory, coming to the territory of the russian world with a sword, but this is serious, you must agree, yes, sergei vladiminovich, if sergei naryshkin says that they have information, france will transfer 2.0 people, what is this for will it lead? i think this warning from macron is very timely.
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no, let’s not pay attention to macron, let’s pay attention to the head of our intelligence service, this timely warning to macron is, of course, very important that it was sounded right now, but nevertheless, let’s continue our argument with you, if it’s already about macron essentially, i talked about this, i continue to talk about it, i can say in more detail that from my point of view , macron, what is the difference between macron and all the leaders of the euro-atlantic community, this is with one sides. there is no other politician like him, neither biden nor scholz, who really explodes the information space, he finds himself in the center of media attention , on the other hand, i can’t find a bigger loser among the euro-atlantic
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allies, like macron, let’s list it, africa , a kick in the ass, in europe, someone wants him to frantically find at least something, at least where, that macron got, just solid zeros, nothing, nothing at all, not with a minus sign, that’s why macron, of course , is engaged pr, in the end, you know, well, okay, everyone is discussing this photo,
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which means a punching bag, gloves, well , perhaps, is it really a strong man and a politician, anyone, in order to demonstrate his muscularity. will it be like that, so picturesquely, it means making some kind of determined face there to hit this punching bag? no, this is impossible, only men who are weak brag about it, just like some men tell some unworthy stories about their adventures among women, you know, a normal man would never stoop to such baseness, you know, that’s why, that ’s why i’m leading this, yes, this is what i’m leading to, yes indeed. look, i was the most decisive of all, but they didn’t understand me , i was ahead of my time, yes, so to speak, i was
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ready, so to speak, to confront putin, but the problem is that you didn’t support me, you scholz is kind of amorphous, you, so to speak, the baltic states, poland, you all went into the bushes, even america.
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no, wait a minute, wait a minute, what difference does it make to me, he talks about his adventures there with some ladies, whether he photoshopped his hands or not, let’s simulate this situation, right? so, macron decisively introduces 2,000 people there, yes, after a week or two, 20 people remain of them, and maybe 200, if you’re lucky, and, naturally, all of europe, which is watching macron’s experiment and saying: here you see, thank god that we didn’t get into trouble, that we didn’t go after this caricature, is someone really a sweet version.
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will tell russia that it is prohibited from crossing river under fear of a retaliatory strike, this will be immediately identified. now consider the second main hypothesis, assumed in the event of the dispatch of western ground forces. these are troops concentrated on the border with belarus. what's the point of stationing troops there? the interest here is twofold: firstly, to dissuade belarus from extending a helping hand to the russians, otherwise they too will be under the threat of french fire. but first of all this is the defense of kiev, i think that these two options can be mixed, that is, along
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enter french troops around kiev on the dnieper to tell the russians, do not go further, otherwise you risk coming under our fire. you can, of course, say that he’s also somehow different, that he’s crazy there, you risk falling under french fire, you can, but they, you see, they’re already concretely starting to consider all possible options on their airwaves. okay, let's continue, this is not a serious story, look, look, what's the problem here, this show, this show, this show, is made for a french audience that doesn't feel these are the details in which the devil , you can imagine, even here it causes laughter, you can imagine, if let’s say, we show all this when we know, well, somewhere, embed it in our translation into russian language, that’s it for now, that’s it, it’s not serious.
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tolstoy says that there won’t be a single one left, perhaps there won’t be a single one left, because
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it will be a matter of honor, you know, in the context of historical accounts it will already be a matter of honor, you know, that’s how they chased these german leopards, you remember, yes, they even told him that there would be a prize, a bonus, a prize, yes, by the way, macron is the first procore.'
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their embittered sons, there is a place for them in the fields of russia among the coffins that are alien to them, sergei borisovich, which means there is no need to completely reduce macron to a caricature, you started with him , by the way, yes, sergei vladimirovich is simply developing, you said, you can at least one give an example of his success. we are engaged, why is he talking about sending troops, why is our head of intelligence naryshkin indicating that there are 200 already preparing for the first, what is behind this? in fact, the main question here is when macron, he did not experience brain death, unlike nato, yes, he is not going to send troops either to the dnieper or to the border between ukraine, and
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they are not even going to send troops to odessa until the war is over. actions, what is actually in his head from the point of view of practical plans, why are these 200 being prepared, why, because this is a fact, since intelligence says, yes, why, they assume, they are already preparing for the moment when the front may collapse, when might the government collapse kiev, when the turmoil begins, when clashes begin, some incomprehensible armed contingents with others, when the atomism, mokhnovism begins. groups may try to seize three nuclear power plants on the other side, the chernobyl zone and some other objects dangerous due to man-made disasters in order to seize and blackmail when
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such chaos may begin at some point in order to prevent the capture of certain dangerous objects, so that...
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i saw american tomahawks flying, on the roofs, for example, there at heights in the same in baghdad there are anti-aircraft guns that fire at these tommahawks, and i even asked questions to the iraqi military there, i say, why are you doing this, because these missiles fell and fell very often into densely populated areas of the city, and there are a huge number of casualties, why are you you shoot it down, well, we shoot it down, because there’s a missile flying, we have to shoot it down, abbas’s remark, but as an international affairs official, i wouldn’t reduce macron to a caricature either. and listened to his words not because he is a successful politician, but because he is a loser, i agree, but because through his mouth they say forces much greater than france , he is not the leader of the french, he is a protege of the globalists, and i said last time in this studio, he is testing the waters, and since he is sounding the waters, it means there is a plan, what we are hearing about, absolutely right, that’s all , thanks to everyone
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, friends, i can’t, it’s just that time is up, yes , thanks to everyone, of course, macron, i agree with you, your... characteristics, i agree with you that he studied poorly there or in general it’s clear, but this man, you you yourself , as they say, didn’t finish learning about it there, yes, that’s all you say, he doesn’t make the decision himself, i i absolutely agree with abbas here, and if he talks about it, it means someone needs it, we even know who, those who have never had anything to do with it, they are always on the sidelines and they are always in chocolate, and if he says that he will do it, which means they gave him a kick and said that this must be done, then... we will see how the russians behave, and whether this contingent will be able to do something, whether it will really be destroyed, as pyotr tolstoy says, if it will be - that's one story, if it doesn't - this step,
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seriously, i think that they will 100% go for it to retreat, this is all very serious, a very different matter is that our reaction, reaction, i don’t doubt it, it surprises me in general why they still doubt that we will have such a reaction, probably because they really... then there’s nothing about us... it doesn’t work for them, because if elections are held there, they’ll get over it, who knows, as they say, what they will supply to ukraine and what we will do with all this then, so, actually, we can’t wait
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we can, something like this, we just need to push through, liberate new territories, that's all, they are afraid of this most of all, especially since such a result in the elections for the president of russia, this means that you and i have given just a crazy amount of trust, and he can now do, if not everything, then at least a lot. .. that this is exactly how he will act , we’ll meet in a week in this studio, remember that all participants in our program have their own truth, we will always get to the bottom of the truth, take a black myth, which over the past 30 years has been dispersed by pseudo-historians and liberal journalism, and also as if literary component, you season it with a pinch of conspiracy theories, for example, the abundance of jews among the bolsheviks, deutsch marks, the destruction of the church, the order to kill... the tsar, the management of the freemasons, young red bastards in the service of the third reich, and so on, so on, so on, and the dishes are ready. yes, among the reds there were merciless beasts of an indistinct tribe,
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but among the whites there were plenty of the same beasts - separatists, federalists, cocaine addicts and outright scum without a tribe without a homeland. i am for ending the civil war. every era, stage, whatever, every an event of one day can have hundreds of interpretations, nuances, hidden details and implicit indirect reasons, it is possible. sit down 10 historians, the most authoritative and recognized by the scientific community, in a studio to ask them about seemingly any most studied and widely known event or phenomenon, and it will be, well, not 10
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different versions, but two for sure, perhaps four. and there are also clever propaganda tricks with which you can easily manipulate facts. well , for example, i’ll tell you that eva braun and elena zelenskaya were born on the same day, february 6. did you know about this? it would seem, what’s wrong? but it's a coincidence. you never know, but in your head you immediately connect a thread from hitler, eva’s husband to elena’s zelensky husband. the analogy is certainly a good one, but the fact has nothing to do with it, so this is how it works. therefore, the broad masses of the people, who are not inclined to critical thinking and fact-checking, the so-called fact-checking, are much easier to mislead than it sometimes seems: you take a black myth that has been accelerated over the past 30 years pseudohistorians and liberal journalism. and also, as it were, a literary component , you season it with a pinch of conspiracy theories , for example, the abundance of jews among the bolsheviks , deutsch marks, the destruction of the church, the order to kill
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the tsar, the management of the freemasons, young red bastards in the service of the third reich, and so on, so on, so on, and the dishes are ready, and they come out in streams series about brutal soviets with bloodshot eyes from rage, at the same time as films about noble white generals in snow-white dress uniforms against a stunning background. it's not small things, it's not nuances, this is nlp, the twenty-fifth frame, which successfully and effectively falls on invisible and poorly educated soil , takes root there very well and is consolidated, forming a stable, black anti-russian mythology. that is why the ussr in the mass consciousness will continue to be associated with murderers. we definitely need such a picture. i have said more than once and i will repeat again, this game can be played. what i mean? well, let’s give a simple example: recently , seemingly respected people gathered in one studio and began to unanimously prove that lenin was a brother russia, that he hated russians and dreamed
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of destroying the country. in a strange way, at the same time, however, having collected it again, which they did not report, we already talked about lenin, they did not listen to our argument, well, let’s go from the other side, since this side does not hear us, about the february revolution we have already done it, now let's talk about the nobility, honor and dignity of some white generals, since we dealt with the red ones a long time ago, everything with them is already clear to us. quote: unbridled bacchanals, some kind of sadism of the authorities, which were shown by successive one after another, the rulers appointed by rasputin, by the beginning of 1917, led to the fact that in the state there was not a single political party, not a single estate, not a single class on which the tsarist government could rely.
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everyone considered the king an enemy of the people. whose quote is this, do you think one of the bolshevik agitators could so shamelessly slander the russian empire of the early 20th century. i’ll give you a hint, we read a fragment of essays on the russian troubles by anton ivanovich denikin, a general in the tsarist army, one of the leaders of the white movement. after the collapse of the soviet union, this man was portrayed as nothing other than a heroic fighter for russia, a faithful servant to the tsar, a father soldier. and few people remember than the general. awarded with many awards, deserved, of course, including for the russian-japanese war, although lost, and never favored nicholas ii, he worked after the revolution. let's start with the fact that denikin, among others, lost the civil war. after the retreat of the whites , panic ended in the so-called novorossiysk disaster in march 1920, when the white guard units, pressed to the sea , were only partially evacuated to the crimea,
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denikin first tried not to... notice the discontent within the movements, and then, having enlisted the support of his english partners, transferred power to peter wrangel. on april 17, 1920 , denikin resigned. and, while his native country was changing color and content, he left for europe. in london, where denikin arrived, he was treated with respect, yet the idea of ​​​​supporting the white movement by the british in britain at that time no longer inspired anyone. britain also went to war. denikin realized this in the summer. in 1920, as a sign of protest against the course of the british government towards normalizing relations with soviet russia, he moved to belgium, where he began writing essays on the russian troubles, then moved to paris, where he continued his literary work. after the nazis came to power in germany in 1933, part of the white immigration began to collaborate with the nazis. denikin, we’ll give it to him, he never bet on the germans and considered them opponents.
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denikin preferred german intervention. american intervention, in december 1945, general moved to the usa and published there the so-called memorandum on the russian question: an agreement on a deal to surrender the country to russia. denikin proposed hitting the ussr with powerful economic sanctions. quote. refusal to provide the soviet union with any loans, american or british, until absolute guarantees are received for the cessation of all military, political and propaganda activities. aggression, as he imagined it, is incomprehensible. one can hardly expect, however, effective guarantees, since the bolshevik restoration plan the soviet union is known: all russian resources will be directed to guns, airplanes and atomic bombs, in accordance with the new five-year plan recently announced by stalin. not true. what should podenikin have done? start ideological purges in the united states, crush all opinion leaders who sympathize with the reds, or more precisely, the russians. quote.
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immediately take the most effective measures against espionage and subversion on the part of the soviets, their fifth columns, which are demoralizing and disorganizing the life of nations, well , in the sense of the life of americans and europeans. believing in essence, and getting older about it, that the united states and great britain should deal a crushing blow to the soviet union, the general made recommendations for the subsequent occupation of the soviet union. quote. in the event of occupation of russian territory, immediately establish russian self-government at the first opportunity. encourage the creation on russian lands of a temporary central government authority, formed from russian citizens with the possible participation of specially selected emigrants. a provisional military government must be formed exclusively under the auspices of disinterested and benevolent great powers, that is , first a coup d'etat, and then the establishment of a government of the best migrants with the disinterested support of western democracies. some are all white...


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