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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 23, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zavoisty studio. a difficult morning, a monstrous tragedy and one common pain for all. terrorist attack on crocus cityholi. scientific criminals shoot people in cold blood at point-blank range, and then set fire to the concert hall, at least 60 dead, children among the victims, more than 120 wounded, doctors are fighting for their lives, this is what the burnt-out building looks like now, hundreds of rescuers and emergency services worked at the scene all night investigators. as we see, dozens of emergency vehicles are still there. the area is still cordoned off. our correspondent, evgeny golovanov, worked at the scene of the tragedy all night, chronology of the event. in his report, the footage
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filmed by eyewitnesses inside is very difficult to watch; for poetic reasons, we will not show everything. these shots were taken by eyewitnesses of the crocus cityhole terrorist attacks, unknown people in camouflage uniforms, about five people, having entered the building, first shoot the guards at the entrance, then burst into the concert hall, where thousands of spectators gathered, fans of the group had a picnic, the terrorists threw several explosions.
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hid in the utility rooms and basements, others tried to escape on the roof, managed to escape to the utility rooms through the exit signs, and the guard let us into the boiler room, where water or fire tanks are kept, there were about 50 people in the smoke around 25-30 minutes, we saved ourselves with hydrants who worked there, wet our clothes, and applied them to our faces. well, we ran out somewhere through the basements of the tunnels there there are some as official ones, as i understand it, most of them went there, we came out somewhere on that side, at the end, behind this stack , somewhere a large number of people began to move here, and the shooting was still happening , it happened faster, mom, mom, faster, come on, come on after some time i will burst into flames in the crocus. fire. by this time
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, all operational services had already been brought to the site. dozens of ambulances, fire crews and special forces from amon and cathedral. the wounded victims were taken out from the air ambulance. cars had difficulty getting through the traffic jams that formed on the mkad. in total , more than 100 people were hospitalized in hospitals in moscow and the region. among them are children. many are in serious condition with gunshot wounds, cuts from glass and carbon monoxide poisoning. now they are in hospital.
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closer to two o'clock in the morning , the ministry of emergency situations managed to bring down the open burning of the roof and the upper floor of the crocus city hall, they announced that the fire had been localized, the total area of ​​which was more than 13,000 km2, however, firefighting aircraft continue to work , dropping tons of water on the fire, but there is still heavy smoke inside, which is why the fighters are forced to gather... forced to leave
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the building, sappers of the russian guard, together with dog handlers , simultaneously examined the parking lot near the building, the terrorists could have left a car bomb here , but no explosive devices were found, now , unfortunately, we must say that the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist attack is increasing, at the moment we can already talk about more than 60 dead, but most likely this is not the final figure: the analysis of the rubble in the burned-out city-hall continues,
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there may still be bodies of the dead under them, there is no information yet about the fate of the attackers themselves. evgeny golovanov, kirill gnetnev, ramis zubyarov and alexey labachev, ntv. you can get all the necessary information about the condition of the victims by calling the hotline; a complete list of everyone who is in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region is published on the official website of the ministry of health of the moscow region. these are the people who were hospitalized directly from the scene of the tragedy in crocus hall. some eyewitnesses, as doctors suggest, left the concert complex on their own. perhaps they will ask for help a little later; representatives of the federal authorities have already visited the victims in clinics near moscow; they checked on the spot how assistance was being provided to the wounded. muscovites and residents of the region did not
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stand aside from the tragedy, they responded to... requests from doctors to replenish blood supplies for transfusion at the donation points this morning the queues in just the first hour of work, the centers received more than 600 donars, there are no words at all, the condition is still just terrible, that’s why i came in the morning, because if blood is needed, then i do what i can right away, well, we always we donate, honorary donors, can we donate more often, have you decided to go donate blood for the first time? to help the victim of this terrorist attack, that’s why i don’t know, i considered it my duty to help at least somehow, i really feel sorry for the people, and even well, at least some feasible help, maybe it will be done on my part. for reception
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there are four points in moscow, in the centers gavrilovo on shabolovskaya, on begovaya in tsaritsina. in the moscow region, blood is accepted in podolsk, orekhova, zueva. chelkovo and voskresensk. the shooting in krokos was immediately reported to vladimir putin. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, the head of state constantly receives information about the measures being taken, and has already given her all the necessary instructions. pull yourself together, maintain composure and show heroism. many managed to survive this monstrous tragedy, thanks to complete strangers . someone tried to neutralize the shooter, someone hid and protected other people from bullets, someone simply calmed them down to prevent chaos. panic, nahit babaev collected only a few examples of such feats, those that were reported by eyewitnesses, but of course, yesterday there were many more of them. friday evening, a concert of a popular rock band, the kroku hall of the city hall is filled, the official venue seats 6,200 spectators, at first many do not even understand
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what is happening, they keep it amazing calmness. we are at a concert in crocas city, there is some kind of shooting going on, a lot of people are running, everyone is yelling, someone is shooting. chaos begins when the attackers open fire and set the chair on fire, wait for the hall, the hall is on fire, wait for us, they have set us on fire, there is panic in the hall, people are taking cover from shots behind the chairs, dozens of people are running across the stage, there are emergency exits there, according to the victims, one of a young man helps to neutralize the terrorists, he jumps on the criminal, takes away his machine gun, knocks him down and hits him with the butt of his gun, the people make it in time. run out of the hall and hide; what happened to this visitor is unknown. eight people, one child, we hid in the communications and the wires fell out, tied us up, got into a large room, the guy went down first, a fireman found him, somehow there was already a lot of smoke, with
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the help of the firefighters we partially went down on the wires, partially the firemen set up the ladder and we brought down the women's children one by one, despite the panic, people... are trying to help each other, here is a young man covering a girl with himself, i saved two families with small children because my wife forgot about it. an automatic notification about the need to leave the hall turns on, i was sitting in the hall from above, where the balconies were, then we heard shots, at first we didn’t understand what happened, then i personally saw how the terrorists came in, started shooting everyone, threw molotovs, in the end, everything waited, efim i was lucky with my wife, they had not yet managed to enter the hall, they lingered at the souvenir shop, we were very very lucky, yes, well, we were literally just about to go, go to the hall, got it there.
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to escape, the investigators have to wait every minute restore the chronology of events in crocus cityhole, find out the identities of the attackers and answer the question of who is behind this terrorist attack. nakhit babaev, susanna prutchikova and andrey bogrov, ntv. condolences are now coming from all over the world, our foreign ministry is reporting
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dozens of telegrams from foreign governments, regardless of the controversy, people are united in common grief. interpol offered assistance in the investigation of the terrorist attack; in the united states, as usual, they did not wait for the results; they had already named those responsible. alexey prokin, more details. spontaneous memorials to memory and victims tragedies at crocus cityhall last night appeared in dozens of cities around the world and even. the baltic authorities, imbued with russophobia, did not prevent the residents of tallinn from bringing flowers to the embassy of our country, and, as the russian foreign ministry noted, sharing the pain with the people of russia at this difficult moment, the monstrous terrorist attack has already been condemned by hundreds of states. from the first minutes of the tragedy at crocus city hall, it was obvious that there could be no concert hall employees anywhere indifferent to the brutal reprisal against the audience. but the course that the officials chose us officials were discouraged after the first statements. from washington, calling the terrorist attack horrific, the white house representative first began to justify the kiev regime and
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his own embassy. john kirby said that he was ready to remove speculation about the connection between the events and ukraine; when asked whether the states knew about the attack in advance, kirby said that the state department should be asked. we currently do not know to what extent the us embassy warnings and the attack were related. in connection with the tragedy, mr. kirby mentioned the political situation in russia.
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on march 7, the american embassy called on its citizens not to visit shopping centers, then the british and someone else did the same, which means that their intelligence services intercepted certain negotiations, received information, and knew that something would happen. the kiev proteges of the united states, as soon as there were reports about the first ... victims of terrorists , as usual, tried to make a victory out of the tragedy on the internet, but very soon the rhetoric there changed, the ukrainian media began to report that the security agencies began to deny their involvement, and the western media they put forward a version that the islamic state, a terrorist group banned in russia, is behind everything. all night long , respected publications published fake news and speculation. on the front page of the guardian, for example, there was a headline: the banned islamic state took over. but responsibility for the fact that militants in uniform opened fire. washington post journalists wrote about the same thing. the headlines were
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like a carbon copy, until telegram channels started publishing false stories, the source of which is difficult to trace, that the terrorist attack was not carried out may be natives of one of the russian republics, this is already a well-known signature of the ukrainian special services of their information centers. even the american media workers themselves did not believe the headline of the american newspapers. here is the journalist's reaction. the white house of simon ateba, the world media failed to draw the world community into political games. the reaction of slovakia, for example, is unequivocal; head of the meade called the terrorist attack inhumane and shocking. reaction from all countries of central europe and the balkans, apparently gritting their teeth, spoke out even the leaders of lithuania and poland, a message came from the lithuanian foreign ministry, quote: let's not lose focus, in warsaw, through the mouth of the head of the polish foreign ministry, they condemned terrorism in all forms, but still the politicized statements could be counted on one hand, the president of the people's republic of china expressed condolences, they also made
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leaders of all central asian countries. a vile , cowardly terrorist attack to the guardians. people around the world continue to bring flowers to russian diplomatic missions. alexey prokin, alexey veselovsky, alexander gusev, ntv television company. mass events are being canceled in the regions, and the whole country is mourning those killed in the terrible terrorist attack. on the media screens of moscow, only candles, the word we mourn and the date - march 22. performances and concerts have been cancelled, museums and cinemas are closed. there will be no events at the russia exhibition at vdnkh for 2 days. from classes today. a number of the largest universities and many schools refused, a memorial appeared at the stela vladivostok - the city of military glory, there were flowers and lamps, in crimea on the main square of simferopol, a spontaneous memorial, residents brought flowers, an inscription was laid out with candles moscow we are grieving, this is a shot from the zaporozhye region, people are carrying candles and flowers to the memorial complex of the brotherly cemetery in melitopol. throughout the country today
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, road safety measures have also been strengthened and additional controls are being carried out. in connection with the tragedy in crocus city. there have been changes in the program of our tv channel, entertainment programs have been cancelled, we express our condolences to the families of the victims, we wish the injured the strength for a speedy recovery, all the latest information will be in the next news releases on ntv, as well as right now on our website and mobile applications, take care of yourself! magnet - the price is what you need, dad can have sausages , 119, the day went wrong, everything is annoying, i have no strength to start the day, i am a prospect, and i am the fairy
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